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People. And not backing off. Prosecutors try to prevent indicted former trump chairman Paul Manafort from arguing the politics played a role in the decision to charge him. Will the judge deal manafort another set back . And prior review. The National Inquirer let President Trumps long time attorney and fixer Michael Cohen review articles about mr. Trump before they were published. Did the president himself take stories to the tabloid. Im wolf blitzer and youre in the situation room. The chaos unleashed by President Trump shifting immigration policy has hundreds of Migrant Children unaccounted for tonight. The administration said 500 families separated at border have been reunited but no known plan for returning hundreds more children scattered across the country who were taken from parents before the president reversed his policy. Well talk about it with senator ben cardin of the Foreign Relations committee and our specialists and analysts are standing by. First straight to our chief White House Correspondent jim acosta. And the president is talking about immigration yet again today. Reporter he was. But down playing the separation of children from parents pointing to relatives with Family Members killed by undocumented migrants but the white house has yet to say what happened to the children taken from families at the border, raising the question where is the plan . So far the silence from the administration is deafening. President trump appeared to make light of children separated from their parents at the border. Turning his attention to families who say relatives were killed by undocumented immigrants. Calling them permanently separated. These are the american citizens permanently separated from their loved ones. The word permanently being the word you have to think about it. Permanently. Reporter the president took a swipe at undocumented immigrants, suggesting they commit more crime than native born americans despite studies that show that is not true. The answer is it is not true. It is like they are better people than what we have, our citizens. It is not true. Reporter the mayor of el paso, a border city, begs to differ. El paso is the safest city in the United States. We have no issues on the criminal side. Reporter two days after the president seemed to reverse course and announce he was halting the practice of separating Migrant Children from parents. Going to have a lot of happy people. The White House Briefing room sat empty for the second straight day and no officials to explain how the children will be reunited with their families. Reporter but there were plenty of reminds the issue isnt going away. Protesters played audio of those outside of the home the Homeland Security secretary. People need to hear this. [ crying ] reporter as the democratic congressman ted lew up on capitol hill. And some of the children were returned to mothers, lawmakers visiting the detention facilities talked about the kids still locked up in cages, the administration is hiding from the public. What we saw was a lot of kids in cages. We werent allowed to talk to them. But the real issue here is these kids are removed from their parents. So they are bewildered and scared. Reporter Jeff Sessions trying to cover up his own comments calling christian broadcasting that the administration didnt intend to split up migrant families. It hasnt been good and the American People dont like the idea that were separating families. We never really intended to do that. Reporter even though he wanted that last month. If you are smuggling a child, then we will prosecute you. And that child may be separated from you as required by law. Reporter over on fox news, one host said the kids coming over the border just arent american enough. Like it or not, these arent our kids. Show them compassion. But it is not like hes doing this to the people of idaho or or texas. Reporter no surprise the president is now abandoning efforts to pass Immigration Reform tweeting republicans should stop wasting time on immigration until after the elections and after he tweeted this week change the laws. Get it done. Theyre also wanting to go through congress and we will be going through congress and working on a much more comprehensive bill. Reporter now still the question remains whether the administration really has a plan to return all of the children to their families as one top gop congressional aid put it to me today, im not sure what the plan is. As for the white house, the press secretary Sarah Sanders we should not have had only one briefing this week on monday. We could show you the video from that. That is the one that featured the Homeland Security secretary four days ago. Wolf, the Briefing Room as it has been all day today and all day yesterday is empty this evening. There it is right now. You could soo reporters in there doing their job but no briefing yesterday or today. No officials, no answers, no answers to where the plan is to return the kids to their parents. Wolf. Jim acosta at the white house. Thank you. And the president s policy reversal appears to have stopped family separations at the board. At least for now. It could take weeks to sort out the mess the former policy created. Lets go to Paulo Sandoval in texas near the u. S. Mexican border. So what is the situation there . Reporter wolf, here in the south texas city we heard from federal officials as they walked step by step over about how the families are apprehended. Only eight miles south of where we are here. And we heard from officials it is clear there is still plenty of confusion on how the family reunification is supposed to happen. Reporter tonight confusion and questions about the Trump Administrations zerotolerance policy. How and when will parents and children separated at the border be reunited . Today was the first day that we went in and among the people being criminally prosecuted for the misdemeanor of illegal entry, there were no parents. Reporter the department of health and Human Services said there are 2458 children under 13 in their care with nearly 500 five years and younger. And President Trump signed an executive order allowing families who have crossed the border illegally to be detained together but the zerotolerance policy has been curtailed. Customs and Border Protection told the field offices to suspend referrals for prosecution for parents who cross the border illegally with children. In a statement, Border Patrol said around 500 children have been reunited with parents. Friday morning an emotional reunion for a mother from fr guatemala and her 7yearold son who arrived at Baltimore Washington International airport on a flight from phoenix, six days after she sued the Trump Administration for violating her rights when she took him from her at a Holding Facility in midmay. Many parents are in shelters and foster homes nationwide. This makes the process of reunification chaotic. These children are scared when they arrive at our doors. And i can tell you that my staff are doing everything in their power to make a horrible situation less scary. Reporter an hhs spokesperson said the children are sent to locations around the country for a mariyiy for reasons includ space and demographics of the children and proximity to potential sponsors. And hhs does not have a publicly accessible data base to track children. Reporter and at this Border Patrol station, immigrations and Customs Enforcement addressed the records that the children are stag behind in the United States as their parents are deported and i. C. E. Is saying it is up to the parent to decide if they want to especially those parents in the process of deportation, to be sent back with children or if the children stay behind in the care of a Family Member, perhaps. That certainly would place a parent in a very difficult position here, wolf. These parents having to do decide do they fight deportation prolonging the separation or repatriated with their child south of the border. Thank you very much. Lets get more on all of this. Democratic senator ben cardin of maryland is joining us. A key member of the Foreign Relations committee. So senator, what do you know about how this this reunification process right now is actually working . Wolf, we know very little. Because the administration has not made the facts available. But we do know the president created this crisis by this just cruel policy of calling a parent who is trying to protect the life of his child a criminal at a border, creating an unaccompanied children who are taken away from their parents. We dont know how many are still being separated and where they are and where their parents are. That information has not been made available. And we need to get that information and get the reunification as quickly as possible and stop this rule policy. So what is the president s executive order that he signed a couple of days ago really do . It does it does one thing. It said when they come to the border, theyll be kept together, the parent and the child for up to 20 days. But there they are still treated as criminal and it is likely the child will be taken away from the parent and create an unaccompanied child here in america. That is not what should be done. The parent should not be treated as a criminal. The prosecutor should have discretion as to whether this case warrants criminal prosecution or not. But certainly children should be kept with parents. Unless there is a reason. Do you think kor Congress Needs to pass stand alone legislation focused on that would address these children and ensure that they are, in fact, reunited with their parents and it doesnt happen again . This policy has to end now. And the president of the United States can end it now. It doesnt have to wait for congressional action. So were calling upon the president to end this policy and let children be able to stay with their parents. That is what america is about. That is our values. Should Congress Make sure this never happens again and pay some or for protection, im absolutely for that but end the practice now while the president s actions and yes, Congress Needs to work together. There is a group of bipartisan members who were trying to figure out how we could look at a narrow bill. But dont let that be the excuse for the president delaying the reunification of children with their parents. The Trump Administration, senator, said that the socalled zerotolerance policy is still in effect. That policy as you know aims to criminally prosecute everyone caught crossing the border illegally. But customs and Border Protection emails obtained by cnn show that Border Patrol right now isnt referring parents caught with a child for criminal prosecution. What do you take away from that . I take away that there is massive confusion right now as to what the policy is. And what the facts are on the ground, we need to have transparency. We need to know where people are being held or children are being held, what is happening when they are at the border. What is the policy of this country . This is the United States. We need to have an understanding and we need to be compassionate with people that are at risk. If a parent is seeking asylum, then there needs to be a process in which in which that plea is heard in a fair manner, not but intimidation and taking your child away from you. What about legislation . Can you guys in the senate and house of representatives get yo your act together and pass legislation presumably the president might be ready to sign . Well, i doubt that the president is ready to sign any legislation because he normally says, look, if you want to do this, then i want my border wall or changes in immigration that make it punitive on people. The president changes the rules all of the time. I think korgs needs to be prepared to act and there are bipartisan discussions taking place but the president created this crisis and he could end it with a stroke of a pen. Lets have american policies at our border and not this cruel, harsh policies that the president has created. Do you believe that the Trump Administration will succeed in their legal efforts right now to detain families together, the children and the parents, for longer than 20 days . Well, the 20day restriction is for a different reason. It is for a truly unaccompanied child making sure that they are in a proper placement within 20 days. What the president is doing is using that for children that he has created being unaccompanied because hes taken their parent and charged them criminally when they shouldnt have been charged. That is what what this created this crisis. The courts allow the children to stay with parents longer, im sure they will in a nonrestrictive setting. There is no reason why someone should be held in a prisontype facility when there is no risk of them they could be tracked through an ankle brace, other ways of dealing with this. But they shouldnt be locked up unless there is a reason for it. This morning the president accused your party of of using what he called phony stories of sadness and grief to your favor and in the upcoming midterm elections. Let me read to you what he tweeted. We must maintain a strong southern border. We cannot allow our country to be overrun by Illegal Migrants as the democrats tell their phony stories of sadness and grief hoping it will help them in the elections. Obama and others have the same pictures and did nothing about it. What is your response, senator, to that . Wolf, this is not a matter of politics. This is by a child being taken from his or her parents. This is cruel. This scars the child for life. There is no justification. The president is using in for to deter people from coming to the border, using children as pawns. There should be no place for this in america, allowing children to be taken from their parents unnecessarily. And that is wrong and the president should acknowledge that. Senator ben cardin, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you, wolf. Up next, new developments in the showdown between House Republicans and the Justice Department, will lawmakers get the russia related documents theyre demanding . Plus details of another possible legal set bark for the indicted Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort. With expedias addon advantage, booking a flight unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. Addon advantage. Only when you book with expedia. Eyes like gritty. E. Dry. Or watery . It could be dry eye. Xiidra is the only eye drop approved for both the signs and symptoms. Of dry eye. One drop in each eye, twice a day. Dont use if you are allergic to xiidra. Common side effects include eye irritation. Discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye. And unusual taste sensation. Dont touch container tip to your eye or any surface. After using xiidra, wait 15 minutes before reinserting contacts. 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The top lawmakers threatening contempt charges. Lets go to our correspondent manu raju with the latest from capitol hill. Where does the showdown stand right now . Reporter right now lawmakers are telling us that theyre not fully satisfied yet with the response from the Justice Department over a wide range of records that were requested by republicans as part of two subpoenas that had been issued by the House Intelligence Committee devin nunes and the house judiciary chairman bob good landa and related to the clinton and russia investigation and surveillance documents involving Trump Associates and carter page. They asked the Justice Department to turn over records by a deadline by this friday and in a closed door meeting devin nunes and trey gowdy met with paul ryan to discuss this issue about whether or not the Justice Department complied by this friday deadline but three republican sources briefed on the matter tell us that the Justice Department has provided some documents but not all of the republican documents. Now the big question is whether Rod Rosenstein will be held in context of congress which is what the republican lawmakers have been warning for weeks. Unclear whether republicans will take those steps but something solely on the table and unclear if the justice document will provide more documents and the democrats worry this is all a pretext to give the president some cover to fire Rod Rosenstein who is head of the mueller investigation. Manu, on another subject, what happened in a federal court today with the case against the former trump Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort . Reporter well prosecutors in that case, the bob mueller team are asking a judge to bar manafort for alleging the charges against him are politically motivated. They want to make sure that he cannot argue in court that manafort is saying cant say the charges were tied to his role in the Trump Campaign and that they are not within muellers mandate. That is a key part of Paul Manaforts defense going forward. But, wolf, you remember the judge in that Paul Manafort case is the same one who last month raised concerns that the prosecutors may not be trying to to convict him on bank fraud as was alleged in that case, but instead maybe looking for to go after the president , possibly impeach the president , possibly prosecute the president and that is giving the defense given the trump people some cover to push back and argue this is politically motivated but the mueller team wants to make the case that is not the case and the judge they want to make it clear that manafort could not make that argument in the court case going forward, wolf. Manu, thank you very much. Manu raju up on the capitol hill. Coming up, cnn gets exclusive access inside of a shelter for unaccompanied immigrant minors. And how President Trump long time fixer covered his client with one of the worlds biggest tabloids. You might take something for your heart. Or joints. But do you take something for your brain. 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Nope get internet on our gigspeed network and add voice and tv for 34. 90 more per month. Call or go on line today. Tonight more uncertainty for the migrant families separated at the u. S. Mexico border and new questions about President Trumps zerotolerance policy for entering the country illegally. Our experts are here with analysis on all of todays top stories. Samantha, a lot of federal agencies are involved in this effort to reunify to unite the kids with their parents, customs and Border Protection and health and Human Services and Just Department and the u. S. Military is getting involved. Why is it so difficult for the federal government to take the kids, almost 500 of whom are five or younger, and get them together with their moms and dads. It should happen within a day or two . It should. But this is what happens when you wing it on on policy. The administration didnt do their homework. Weve seen this on the travel ban and on tariffs ab nnd now w the children and there is a decision that haste is what they were out there. There is an ironclad rule on policy making, do your homework. Identify your objective. Identify the resources that you need and the assets to mobilize. Now these Government Agencies are playing catchup while the children suffer. And they were clearly not prepared. St is this the result of overloaded bureaucracy. I hate to be particular for details but various branches are there to coordinate and lay out a plan and strategy at front end so you are not doing this kind of cleanup. The president said he wants to show compassion but tweeted this earlier in the day, gloria. We must tain tain a strong southern border and not allow our country to be overrun by Illegal Immigrants as the democrats tell their foeb phony stories and obama had the same pictures and did nothing about it. He heart the heartbreaking stories are phony. It is ridiculous. First of all, it is a lie. Theyre not phony. And anybody who sees any of these pictures can can testify to that. And the reason hes doing it, honestly, is a political reason. I think hes made a calculated decision here and the calculated decision is that he wants to motivate his base and his base is with him on immigration, like nothing else, he doesnt want to have to explain a vote on dreamers that say his his support for dreamers, so hes back doing to the hardline president telling congress, never mind, dont do anything because he doesnt want to have to sign anything that hell have trouble explaining to his base. And this is clearly a political ploy here, blaming the democrats, saying it is all phony. But by the way, his daughter doesnt think it is phony. And so i think it is just clearly political from him and im not im not surprised. Jeffrey toobin, we dont know and this is hard to believe but we dont know whether or not the president s socalled zerotolerance policy is actually still in effect. There is a lot of confusion going on. Shouldnt the federal government be able to clarify all of these details with precision and a sensitive moment like this. In the best of circumstances, issues relating to the border are among the most complicated and multijurisdictional in the entire american government. You have the military involved, you have the department of Homeland Security involved and the Justice Department and the local police involved. So even if you had a meticulously planned operation, it would be complicated to implement. Here there was a chaotic plan even when they started taking these kids away from their parents, now to try to undo a disaster, it is always harder to cure a disaster than to cause one. So the situation seems to me deeply dysfunctional and with no no solution anywhere in sight. Were talking months here, not days. It is pretty heartbreaking when you think of the little kids and almost 500 of them either five or younger, still separated from moms and dads. Joey jackson, the president has ridiculed the notion of hiring more judges to adequately deal with the asylum claims at the u. S. Mexico border. He tweeted once again today, and you have to build a wall and hire a lot more Border Agents, how much of this crisis from your legal perspective comes down to a lack of federal resources in the judicial system in processing these people. Zero. Let me be clear about that. Money is always relevant and important. It has no role here whatsoever. Let me get this straight. This is not at all a money problem. It is a political and humanitarian problem. So we have what are the estimates, 70 billion to build a border wall. Plenty of money for that. 25 billion and put it in a bill and get some compromise on immigration, plenty of money for that but you dont have 200,000 to hire what do they cost an immigration judge because they try to mete out justice and they would have to adjudicate claims and if they are adjudicating asylum claims and they would left one of the brown people infest the boards of the border and over run the country and it has nothing to do with resources and having the political will and being humane enough and solving the problem. Look at the tweet itself. Hes talking about Building Structures and walls. Having Border Agents on the wall. This plays very well politically, but from any other point of view, it is a shame. What country is this any way . Well it is go ahead. On the point of whether this plays well politically, i think you are right when you talk about the base. Weve had interviews with people on cnn saying i agree with the president on this. But in key zrik key districts, the suburban republican women, this does not play well with those voters and i think he could suffer as a result. Jeffrey. Well i just think it is worth noting that that notorious leftring radical ted cruz proposed adding judges as part of his solution. And even that the president rejected. So he is really out on his own here and as gloria said, hes hoping the base both approves of this story and thus turns out in suv numbe in sufficient numbers in the election. And i am one of the people who predicted Hillary Clinton would win last time so you i dont know what will happen in the midterms but it is quite clear this is a basedriven strategy by the president. Samantha, the president likes to frame this whole debate as one of security and border security. You have to deal with crime. These immigrants coming in illegally ab mu illegal and much less likely to commit crime but the figures dont back that up. As could you see, criminal conviction rates in texas in 2015, native born, a lot higher rate than undocumented immigrants or all immigrants, legal immigrants. What the president is alleging is not necessarily true. It is a lie. The numbers the numbers dont lie. And at fact is Illegal Immigrants are less likely to conduct a Violent Crime than National Born americans. But the president did today was tragedy shifting. He wanted to divert attention away from the suffering at the border and manipulated that the parents suffered when their children were killed by Illegal Immigrants and try to shift the baseline. But the point is if the president cares about saving American Children, lets look at the leading causes of death among American Children. Like gun violence or mass shootings. Instead hes taking a political issue and illegal immigration to twist facts to fit his narrative. And there are new developments involving the president s longtime personal lawyer and fixer, Michael Cohen. We have details on that. Well be right back. If yor crohns symptoms are holding you back, and your Current Treatment hasnt worked well enough, it may be time for a change. Ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both symptom relief and remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. Entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. Pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. This condition has not been reported with entyvio. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections or have flulike symptoms or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio. If your uc or crohns treatment isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. Entyvio. Relief and remission within reach. Get back to the panel and jeffrey toobin, i want your reaction to the story in the washington post. Youve done reporting on this yourself, that during the president ial campaign, the National Inquirer supposedly would routinely send their reports before publication to Donald Trumps longtime personal lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen for approval and review. Based on the reporter youve done on the National Enquirer, what is your reaction . Well i read a profile of david pecker, the chief executive of the National Enquirer and he openly told me that he used the National Enquirer to help donald trump get elected and if you look at the coverage all through 2015 and 2016, it was relentlessly favorable toward donald trump and very hostile to Hillary Clinton earlier ted cruz and his republican rivals. I did not learn that there was this actual showing of stories in advance but as far as i could tell, there was no need. Because the pieces were so favorable that why would they need to bother. Donald trump had a long history with the nationalen choir the National Enquirer. He was the source and a subject. This is consist ebts with tent treatment. I dont understand what the criminal behavior is the government is looking into. This is shabby journalism. I dont know about crimes committed. I dont quite understand whery there are subpoenas being issued but well see. Inkind campaign contributions. I think im not sure. I think it would be campaign contribution. It does seem like a bit of a stretch. That seems like a legal stretch to me. But as with so much of the investigations, i suspect there is much we dont know about what is going on. I think youre absolutely right. Joey, what do you think . Because if you dont report inkind campaign contributions, this is illegal. You have to publicly report that kind of stuff. That is without question. Tnd wouldnt be the first time that prosecutors stretched in terms of attempting to build a case but it speaks to a more significant issue and that is the role that Michael Cohen had and the relationship he had with the president. This is a person who is vetting stories and however favorable, maybe they werent favorable enough to be reported. And so it speaks to just the relationship he with the president and that is significant because what the elephant in the room. Will he flip and tell us all . Could we put enough pressure on him to do so and there is no question hes valuable to prosecutors and then the final point of the matter obviously in assessing it is when you look at donald trump and you look at Michael Cohen, and to the extent that he actually does flip and he does tell all, what that would mean to the president and what it would mean in terms of any president ial criminality. And i think it is important in that regard. Cnn has the new poll on American Public opinion attitudes involving the russia investigation. Let me put it up on the screen. Approval of how Robert Mueller is handling the russia probe. Right now 41 approve of the way hes handling it. In may it was 44 . In march it was 48 . That number clearly declining. It did. And the president s ongoing attack on the investigation cant help. But the truth is, wolf, unlike the president , i dont think that mueller is overly concerned with what the public Approval Rating are. And hes doing the job and even if the numbers dip hes not obsessing over them like the president does on a daily basis and hes just going to work and putins approval or disapproval i should say has remained constant which is amazing when you think about it because hes involved in so much malign activity and hes not stopping and americans dont seem to be changing opinions. And gloria, very quickly, we asked should the president be impeached, 51 say they dont feel that way. And 42 four out of ten say he should be impeached. Well we clearly have a very divided country here. But if you delve into the numbers a little bit deeper, youll see that it is completely divided along party lines. Less than 10 of republicans think that he should be impeached. But more than 70 of democrats think that he should be impeached. So this is where we are as a country right now. A lot of interesting numbers. Stick around. Coming up, cnn has an exclusive look inside of the facility housing unaccompanied imMigrant Children. Plus as the federal government scrambles to react to the president s executive order, families are left to wonder how long the reunification process will take. Prepare for your demise, mr. Billingsley do your worst, doctor. I will. But first, a little presentation. Hijacking earths Geothermal Energy supply. Phase 1. Choosing the right drill bit. As long as evil villains reveal their plans, you can count on geico saving folks money. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. New tonight, an exclusive look inside a shelter for unaccompanied immigrant minors. Brian todd is joining us. I understand some of the children were separated from their parents as a result of the president s policy. What are you learning . What are you seeing . Reporter some of them were, wolf. Some of them arrived here traumatized physically and emotionally. We came from inside the facility where Staff Members worked themselves almost to excautihau in trying to turn around the fortunes of the children. A clean, modest and comfortable room for three immigrant boys who have had a harrowing journey. 46 boys live in this 18 bedroom house. Many have to be taught some of the most basic life skills. We do it all. Wash clothes. Reporter this is part of a 200plus acre campus operated by youth for tomorrow. Its in virginia, 30 miles outside washington. It was founded by a former Washington Redskins coach joe gibbs in 1986 and one of its primary roles is to house unaccompanied immigrant minors. Its sheltering children separated from their parents at the border because of President Trumps zero tolerance policy. They have been physically beaten. Many of the girls have been sex traffics, sexually exploited. Reporter cnn got access. Due to federal law, we were not allowed to film children or even to talk to them off camera. Officials here say that if images of the children are shown to the public, they could be targeted by gangs or human traffickers. Most of the more than 100 imMigrant Children here are between 10 and 17 years old. All of them are unaccompanied. There are also some infants who are housed here with their mothers. Some were born here. If two girls two teen girls came, they will share a room. When mommy and me comes, we give them a room for the two of them. Reporter cnn has reported in recent days on abuse and neglect and poor conditions in detention facilities faced by many imMigrant Children. Officials at this group home want to show another side of that story. A place that takes pride in caring for the most vulnerable and traumatized of the recent immigrants. Virginia senator kim cane was coming out of the facility as we entered. This is a high quality program. These are for domestic and imMigrant Children. Reporter there are ten spacious houses on the complex. They have a library. A soccer field and a gym. The imMigrant Children are housed and schooled here. But are kept separate from American Children. The American Children here are troubled, many have criminal backgrounds and behavioral problems. The work here for Staff Members is challenging, tough and emotionally exhausting, all channelled toward one goal. Our goal with every immigrant child who comes here is to reunite them with family in america. We are parents until they are reunited with someone in the family. Reporter in recent days, some advocates for imMigrant Children and some political leaders have said its going to be extremely difficult to reunite separated children with their families. Some have said the kids will never be reunited. Officials say they have a 99 pr success rate in reuniting imMigrant Children with a Family Member in the United States. Brian, in talking to the Staff Members there, i understand you have learned that many of them have had to act almost as police detectives. Whats that all about . Reporter thats right. Its really an incredible story. Some of the case workers we have talked to several here in interviewing the chirp whldr when they get here, information how they got here, who they encountered on their way to the United States. Officials say they have uncovered Human Trafficking rings and reported those to authorities. They have acted like detectives. Reporter brian todd, thank you very much. Coming up, how does the Trump Administration intend to reunite hundreds of migrant families it separated at the border . Tonight, the white house is silent. electronic dance music janice, mom told me you bought a house. Okay. [ buttons clicking ] [ camera shutter clicks ] so, now that you have a house, you can use homequote explorer. Quiet. Im blasting my quads. Janice, look. Im in a meeting. Janice, look. [ chuckles ] look, look. Im looking. Its easy. You just answer some simple questions online, and you get Coverage Options to choose from. Youre ruining my workout. Cycling is my passion. Yobut prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. The name to remember. Woman it felt great not having hepatitis c. Its like a load off my shoulders. I was just excited for it to be over. 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Prosecutors try to prevent the former trump Campaign Chairman from playing politics in the courtroom. There are new developments tonight in the russia investigation. Inquiring minds. The National Enquirer let fixer Michael Cohen review stories involving mr. Trump in advance. Were getting a new window into the rather cozy relationship between the tabloid and the president. We want to welcome our viewers in the

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