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I saidid, its vevery interese, people donont really y stop atat Stop Lighghts That Mumu and hehe goes, nono, no, no. The ststop light i is justst a suggeststion. Theres nowhere on earth quite like tuscany. The e land is ididyllic, the Art T Is Divinee and d the food i is out of this s world. [tuccici] oh my gogod. It just t melts in y your mou. [laughs] im m stanley tutucci, im fascscinated by my ititalian heriritage. So, im Traveleling Acrosssy To Disiscover How W the food, in eacach of this s countrys twenenty regionsns, is as ununique as t the people e and their r p. The creatitions of famamous tuss arare known ththe world ovo. Michchelangelo, i think ifif e to come baback today, hed bee to w walk aroundnd florence. It hasasnt changeged. But itss the handsds of t the ordinarary people. [chef] we e fold it lilike th. That Hahave Crafteded the e Incrediblele Food here. Itss like a chchristmas in your r mouth, yeaeah. This is s a place bubuilt on human i ingenuity, mindbboggling ririches and an insnsane amountnt of b. I i really donont know hohw ththey eat thihis much brere. Itits delicioious but so o. All great t love affaiairs starart somewherere. And for meme. My love e of italy s started riright here, in florencn, when i w was just 1212 years o. Thats d delicious. You have t to taste ththat. Lilike this tatartlet filllleh rice p pudding, i i mean, com. Therees always Someththing Wondererful toto discover r in florenc. The cityty is the cacapital of tuscacany. 500 yeyears ago, it was t the playgroround of some e of the ricichest families o on earth. In the couountryside, ththey used ththeir land to culultivate the Fifinest Produduce and catae and in the c city they b bankrod the incrcredible explosioion of art, scscience and d architectue known as thehe renaissananc. I love that just about everywhere you turn thereres someththing incrededio see. Ththe chance t to Actuallyy Liveve among thehese treasuru, Eveven Just Fofor a year, lured a a young family from suburban new york to florence nearly 50 years ago. It seems that no matter where you are, you can alalways see that duouomo. My family. Y. Meetet joan and d stan tucci. [statan] i have e a photograh of t this, do yoyou remember . Back i in 1972 we e moved Hee Becaususe My Dad W was a Hihigh School L Art Teacher Takingng A year ofoff to f follow his s dream. [ststan] oh my y lord. [tucci] t thats unbebelievab. [ststan] all ththat foreshohor. [tucci] i i know. [ststan] how inincredible i is . Thats s incrediblele. My dadad came to s study Figue Drdrawing and d sculpture e h. [tucci] lolook at it, when u really l look and you sesee that pererspecti, i c cant see t that far. Its ststaggering. It hurts s my neck. Does itit . Yeah. Lay dowown. [l[laughs] at nearly y 400 feet, ththe duomo Isis Still Thehe tt structurure in florerence. It took 1616 years to o buil, and to h hurry thingngs alon, the genius architect, brunelleschi, came up with a way to slash lunch breaks. The workmen, when they were b building thth, guguys had to o come downn and mamake their l lunch, they wouldld lose all l this t. So he e found out t what Ththey Were Cocooking and He Putut Ovens Upup there and he w would just t cook up t, mamake their l lunch up thth. That doesesnt sound. D. Rea . Suppoposedly. Money was tight on our year abroad, so our family lived in slightly less grandeur than this. This is a lot t cleaner ththn it u used to be. E. Itss very cleaean. J. Just north h of the city cecenter, in t this buildidi. Not t the whole e thing, you undersrstand. [tucci] soso our apartrtment s those Fofour Windowsws . Onone, two, ththree, four . . That w was us oon the end d there, rigig . Yyeah. [joan] i it was nicece. [tucci]i] youd nevever trave. [jojoan] no. My pararents, you u know, mom and popop, said, why are y you going . . You knknow. Yourur parents, who cameme from italaly . Who came f from italyy it was s florence, not colob. Dididnt want y you to go t to. Bubut it workeked out. It w was fun. I Thinknk Everybodydy ended p getting g a great dedeal out of. I cameme for sculplpture, cecertainly jojoan, with a all the fooood, cooking. It chananged everytything. Iit changed d everythingn. Iit changed d everythingg for meme, certainlnly. Whilile my fatheher wawas studyingng art, My Mom Wasas Studying G Somethig Justst as beautitiful, ththe local cucuisine. Onone of thesese because its so o big . Nono, a littlele more. Little morore. It d didnt knowow how to cok whenen we got mamarried. Didnt eveven know how to boioil water. While shshe was herere, my mother r was also i inspiry the E Spirit Of F the Renaisie Anand Set Out T to Discovevr Ththe Art of i italian cooook. When we e lived in f florence when eveveryone was s in scho, i woululd learn toto make different t recipes. I i loved. Mymy mother sosoon found t Ty Thatat Unlocks S so much of italilian cookingng. A simple C Combinationon of carrots, c celery, andnd oni. Fried up t together, its c called the e soffrit. [joan] looooking good,d, what do o you think,k, stan . [tucci] ] yeah, itss good. [joan]n] throw thehe tomato i . Its the b base of couountls italian didishes, includuding todayys offerin. A tucci Fafamily Favororite cd salslsa maria rorosa. [tucucci] now, p put some water inin it. [joaoan] put somome water in it, y yeah. Its a d Delicious Vegetablble sauce and wewe named it t after a beloveved neighboror here in n florence, in the Finine Traditioion of Tususcan Home C cooking, its cheapap, nutritioious and d full of totomato. [tucccci] i make e it quite o. [joan] dodo you . Yeahah. [tucucci] of couourse, yeah. The kikids love itit. But heheres the t thing, every titime my mothther coms to visitit, which isis too oft. Alrigight. Aalright, ananyway. I always g go, can Yoyou Showow Me How Toto make thisi, but minene still doeoesnt turnt the e way hers t turns out. I dont geget it. I t think thatts it, stan. I t think we didid it. [j[joan] we didid it. We did itit. Nicice. [tucci] ththere we go. O. [joaoan] its ninice to haveve. I love it,t, its fun. N. Thatss my hobby. Y. But i donnt have anynyone to c cook for ananymore. I i miss my grgrandchildrer. Ohoh dont, dodont. Bubut you coululd move to o en. If this s series doeoes well. Iif this sereries does w w. Wwhich serieies . The onone were shshooting right now. W. I got nenews for ya. A. [lauaughs] the timeme we shareded in Floe Chchanged evererything foro. Ffinally, yoyoure here. Yes. After a a year spentnt in the home of Ththe Renaissasance, we r returned toto america as a famamily rebornrn. Its s so delicatete, thisis sauce toooo, isnt it . You smsmell the swsweetness of the c carrot and d the butt. Our r eyes had b been opend to somome of the Greatetest Treasurures on earh and d some pretttty good fooo. Itits so goodod. For me, it was thehe stat of a lifelelong love a affair with itataly. Cheheers. Ccheers. Thanank you, thank you. U. To florenence. Tthank you, cheers. Theres a family whose name hangs over this region like thehe hot tuscacan su. Ththeir astoninishing wealh made Thehem One Of T the most Powerfrful Familieies on Eararth Baback in the e 1500s. They practically bankrolled the renaissance, payingng for Artisists Anand Scientisists like michelangelo and galileo to remakake the worlrld. [tucci] how many days a week are you here . They are the medici. I. So comome in. And iim going toto meet one of t them. Yoyou are in a a place ththat the Flolorentines C Cl the casinono de medicici. And ththis is a Plplace Creatd as a a Scientifific Laboratoy the medicici wanted alall the Bright Mininds in eurorope to come here and to create new things and d to experimiment with s sc, with thehe arts, with food,d, with spicices. So it was s like you s say a ththink tank. A ththink tank. Or a tastste tank. Exactlyly. Expert a art restorerer, daniniela murphyhy, is s sneaking meme in for an aududience with t the most popowerful medici o of them allll. Where i is he . Hes righght, right t there. Ohoh my. Meet c cosimo primimo de med. He l led the famamily at Thr Dizzzzying Heighght in the 1 1500s. Inin this fresesco, undergoingng restoratition, hehes become e so powerfufl hehes being c crowned grand dukeke of tuscanany by thehe pope himsmself he marriries an extrtremely wealthy wowoman, the Spspanish Prinincess eleanor dede toledo. Not onlyly does she e bring a lot of m money but shshe brings a a lot of Thtw Spices Frorom the new w worl. The chchocolates, the coffe, everythihing that isis the cuis. Thats w when the totomato arri . Thatats when itit arrives more or r less in ththat era t. Which h Completelyly Alterered italian. N. Completelyly. Complpletely. Cuisinine memedici moneyey cultivatetes city, Anand The Artsts and the e ideas Thatat Grew E in t the Renaissssance Changeged how we a all see the woworld. Bubut this famamily also c cd the way y things tasaste. Itit may seem m a long way Fromom Michelangngelo to the grereatest tbobone sk youveve ever eateten, but the memedici had a handnd in that t too. Secret. Fabibio picchi m may look like hes s fallen outut of a renaissasance paintiting, bubut hes actctually a renowneded chef, a a born and b bred florenent, and a mamaster of memeat. Back i in the 150000s most peoplple wouldntt even get closose to cututs of meat t this go. Tuscanys s Famous Chihianina Cattle N needed lotsts of lan, thatat was hugelely expensive toto run. Of c course, Thehe Medici Dit need to woworry about t tha. But why . 500 yearars later, t thankfuly you u dont needed to be a grand duduke to Enjojoy Ststeaks this s big, and fafabio wants s to cook fe tuscanys s signature e dis, the mamagnificentt biststecca alla a fiorentina. Good. Anand in case e lunch isnnt lg wortrthy enoughh of, like, ten n men, Fabio Pipicks Out a littttle appetizizer, yet anotheher cut of m mea. Wewe head backck to the dei fafabio owns. Thank you. U. Oh, look k at th, look at t the flowerers. He h hurries us s past any f d that hasnnt had a pupulse. And we head up to his Hideaway Onon the roof,f, where e he does hihis cooki. Oh my y god. Come e on. Werre startingng with the chiaianina beef,f, the medicici family favoririte. The cattlele has Grazezed Ththe Tuscan F Fields for r 2,000 yearars. Theyre e of such hihigh qualit, ththat were e eating it r r. Oh my gogod. Thatss the best t sushi ive ever r had. [laughghs] and now,w, the main n even. So what t hes doingng now hehe says, thihis is, the e se [fabioio] the famimily secre. Besisides excessssive amouounts of salalt. Soso the littltle sort of f ws Ofof Olive Braranch like t this in thehe fire. So y youre getttting, yoyoure gettiting the flavavor of Thosose Olive E branches. It giveses it a veryry distininctive tastste. Duduring the r renaissancec, the e medici litit Fires Arord Ththe City On N Feast Dayss and Handnded Out Roaoast beef to the c common peopople. Most of f the time t thoug, they k kept this a amazing meat foror themselveves. Thisis one actuaually cocomes from t the same ara wherere the medidici fafamily origiginated. Jejesus. This is s like no ststeak ive ever r eaten. Its b both crisp p and delie and Ththe Smoke Cacarries the tastste of the l land. Damn it it jusust melts inin your mou. Itss what Makekes Ththe regionalal Cooking O Oy About T so much Momore Ththan just a a tasty meala. Bubut the palalate is the e on that connenects italy. Y. Ill drdrink to thahat. Yeaeah. Chcheers. Therere comes a time in any sw about tuscany where the e host headsds ot toto the spectctacular hils anand tells yoyou how the Mediteterranean Susun has blessesed the tuscscan vivineyards fofor 3000 yeaea. They may e even have a thoughghtful sip of a a world famamous tuscanan e like chiananti classicico. But im nonot going toto do th. Im Going G On A Goodd Old Fashshioned bar r crawl. And whwhen i say old fafashio, i meanan, like, ththe renaissa. Im going to meet a friend of mine, elisabetta, who isis a renaissssance schol. Shees incredibibly boring, but wewell make i it throug. My g god, i cannt believee you cacame. Hi. I. How a are you . How a are you . Good toto see you. Nice to o see you totoo. This littltle bar has s jut reintroducuced a 50500yearoldld tradition. In 155559, our oldld frien, Ththe Grand Duduke cosimoo primimo de medicici, Decrcreed That W Wealthy Florentitines could d sell the w wine they produduced onon their Couountry Estats Didirect from m little Winis Cut T Into The W walls ofof their citity Palacess Insteaead of Throuough Taves and ininn keepers. S. So, you u would walklk by, ad you would d buy, not b by the g, but yoyoud buy byby the bott. Youdd buy a flalask. Yyou buy a f flask. They had a a little wowooden d, there e was a bellll. Sosometimes ththey would a ao placace things l like a Flasaskp Lilike an advevertisement t to, hey guyuys, we sellll wine. Because e i rememberer living e whenen i was a k kid. Id see e these thinings, i Alwaways Thoughtht they were for, you know, wherere youd puput a Lilittle Statutue or sometet. Yeaeah, like a a tabernacle. Yeah,h, exactly. Llets orderer some winen. Okk llets orderer some winen. Howow do you. D do i pull t . Rring ooh, its a a bell. Will somemeone come . . Well,l, theyre a awfully sl. Ohoh, hi. Thatats wonderfrf. Hi, how are yoyou . Here yoyou go. Ooh, thank y you so muchc. Ththank you, thank yoyou so much,h, thank y. Thats gooood. Thats gogood. I a always thouought wine, the taste e is betterr when it t comes throrough a win. Yeah. Yoyou get anotother wine . . Yyeah, oh yeyeah. Yyeah. It s seems to bebe empty. Oh, hi. How are yoyou . Can i get. T. Fifive hundreded years agog, everyoyone was encncouraged to drirink at l least a lititer of winene. Not for ththe winemakekers profit butut for healtlth rea. Comome on. Lets sitit. So tell l Me Everyththing Elelse you knonow. And Sosome People E needed te Momore Healthyhy than otheh. If y you were Prpregnant Yoyou could hahave one at t any. You couldld have one e at any . Yeaeah. If you u were pregngnant. Yyeah. Becacause it wasas considerer. Mymy mother didid that tooo. No, shshe didnt. Rreally . Yyeah. Like a a nourishmement. So, itits sort ofof the oppose ofof today . Yeaeah, of todaday. Okakay. Come onon. Letets go, comome on. This c could be a a Disappointny Short Winene crawl as b bar babae i is currently ththe only Functitioning Winene Window in flolorence. Even if f there are e still 130 or s so defunct t ones aroundnd the city. Y. These Lilittle Wine E windows dont exisist Anywherere Outstside of tususcany, Another Exexample of renaiaissance genenius. Thehere are toooo many of t. Yyeah. And d then, compmpletely by y c, we come e across anonother. But the e sign wouldld be from . That s sign. Thehe Little Dodoors of parar. Pparadise, y yeah. Hi, hi, there e you are aga. Hi, how w are you . Thanank you so m much. To end of f the evenining We Heaead Out for r tuscanys favovorite nighthtcap. Ththe local dedessert winene,n santo, thehe holy winene. Its calleled Vin Santnto Becae when y you drink i it, a halo. A halalo comes . A halo isis on your h head. Anywyway. Known n in italy a as cantucc, inin your vin n santo. Oh, anangle, is ththat what it meansns . Yeahah. The reresult is a a sweet, cry and heady y delight. Maybe too o heady. Ananything thahat ends in n t, i i like. [laughs] thahats the enend of that t e. Thats s so funny. Cantucucci, right. T. Youre probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. But what if we told you its possible that comcast Business Mobile can save you up to 75 a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers . Did we peak your interest . You can get two unlimited lines for just 30 each a month. There are no Term Contracts or line activation fees. And you can bring your own device. Oh, and all on the most reliable 5g Mobile Network nationwide. Wireless that works for you. Its not just possible, its happening. Tutuscany may y be renownend for Incrededible Meatt and fifine wines, bubut this fooood of the r rh is only hahalf the stotory. The e other Brananch Ofof Tuscan Cocooking grew o out of biting poverty and huhumble ingreredients. Soso, Where Dodo You Wannana Go . Hihistorian leleonardo Romomi Isis Taking meme to Florenes Central Mamarket toto Show Me T The Ingredids of what Ththe Italiansns Cal cucinana povera, poor foo. So, you wawanna show m me some s whwhich are a a staple of florentntine cookining. So you hahave differerent typ. For d different d dishes. Ththe best arere zolfini. Thesese type of f beans are e d but t you dont t need to pupn ththe water bebefore cookiki. Oh rereally . And they y taste so. You donnt have too soak t them beforerehand . No, thatss the diffeferenc. It meaeans the Flolorentines Eat The E beans. The bebean eaters. S. Yeah, Bebecause We A Are Usig so many y differentt oh no,o, now yourre going o mix themem all up. [l[laughs] the cookoking is reaeally, vevery poor, s simple cookok. Ththats true. E. I i read that t during Ththe Renaissasance the e wealthier r people wowould have m meat. Whereas ththe poorer p people basically y just had b beans, someme kind of s soup and some breread and thahat was i. I have t to say, we e use whwhat we haveve. Itit says Somemething Abouot the e characterr of the tususcany peoplple. Wewe have tuscscan bread without t salt. I know, i i remember when i wasas a kid and we camame here and d we tasted d the brbread and i i was like, this s is terriblble, this Ise Woworst Thingg ive evever had in m my life we n never got u used to it. Seeieing these b basic ingrers here in Ththe City Mararket isis one thingng, but the ononly way to o truly Understatand Tuscan N poor is to get t out of thehe city and go deeeep into thehe endly beauautiful coununtryside. Isnt that kind of amazing when you look around, is t that, i meaean, you u really donont see a Contememporary Buiuilding for miles. S. Lolook at thatat. Toto a small v village called pononte burianono, wherere ive beeeen invited to a a wheat thrhreshing fese. Do i i know Whatat Threshing Of The W wheat is . Arare You Kidddding . I grewew up threshshing whea. Nonow, if memomory serves, threshshing is whehere the gs of wheat a are shaken n loose so they cacan be ground dowown to make e flo. [t[tucci] oh t thats the e s, ththats the s steam engini. [r[renato] yeaeah, yeah, y y. Renato v viscovo, a a local tea, Ororganizes Ththis event. Tonight ththeres a huhuge ft for ththe villagerers. Theyre e coming togogether to give ththanks for the e good timeses in t this Regionon Ththat was Oncnce Ravagedd by f famines and Whwhere Farmerers were treated d as Indentutured Sers by theheir oppressssive araristocraticic landowner, until Rerelatively R recent. This i is a world d away frfrom the huguge steaks ad finene wines of f florence. The peopople here Cocook Whwhat they grgrow and d after the e toil Of Harveststing and millining the wheaeat, whwhat theyrere left with is b bread. Lolots and lotots of breada. So here e the dough h is risig and Yoyou Cook It T in that ov. Like it wawas done manany years. Over in ththe kitchensns, someme of the 20200 villagers are hardrd at work prepararing the fefeast, and d here too, bread plays a a starring r role in p pretty muchch everythi. [tuccici] what arere they maki . [t[tucci] oh, the gandere. Oh my gogod. [renanato] good . . Its dedelicious bubut its so. I go o out back anand discor woodffired Ovensns Fullll of roastiting ganders. These e male geesese were one of t the few Fararm Animalss that peasasants were a allod to keep p for themseselves and not hahave to sharare wh their landndlords. They w were saved d for special ococcasions like weddidings and fefestiv. The smelell is increredibl. Come o on. You knknow . Reallyly, its Lie A Chchristmas Inin your mout. Yeyeah, wow. Well, youure great c cooks. Overer the centuturies, the food o of the workrking pe herere in the Tutuscan Countne developed d into its o own cuis. Itits not as s showy as the f food in flolorence but its o one that is jusust as gloririous as Thehe Landscapepe from which itit comes. [laughs]s] my nightht at the Whwheat Threshing G Festival Hahas remindeded me of thehe, Insatiabable Obsessision Tuscany Hahas with breread. Its a lovove that Hasas Echod Througugh the ageses and d there are e recipes for evevery stage e of a loaff. The Bebest Ones Hohowever are saveved for the e advanced y, whenen bread is s old and st. Thatats when Tutuscan Cooks Get T really crereati. [tucci] anand here we e are. Yyeah. Yyeah, its s very excitit. Im havingng lunch at the cininghiale biaianc, onone of My Fafavorite Resests in flolorence. So nicice to see y you. Realally nice toto see you. And iim joined a again byby local fooood expert, profofessor leononardo romanan, and my fririend the arart resto, danielella murphy. Y. Hi, stanlnley. [tutucci] uhohoh. [[leonardo] ] oh, hi. [tucci]i] hi. Ththis Place S Specializesesn poor fooood anand their Rerecipes Arare so heavevenly. Im sure i its where e old brd would d choose to o come and d. Marco mamaselli is the resestaurants s owner thisis is the riribolita. Babasically, T The Main Iningres are breaead and the e black cab. Anand then, Wewe Have The Tomatoto and breadad sou, papappa al pomomodoro. The e base is ololive oil and garlrlic, Tuscscan Bread A and tomato. It souounds very s simple. Notot so simplele to prepar. [tutucci] not s simple to m. [marco] ] to make gogood. But, in mymy opinion, the qun of Thehe Tuscan Didishes is thehe panzanelllla. I was hopiping that wawas min. Alsoso, a very s simple anand poor d dish. Tuscscan Bread S Soaked in v vr and onion n and tomatoto. [mamarco] enjoyoy. [tutucci] thanknk you. [d[daniella] t this panzanana isis very goodod. [tucucci] and ththis pappa al pomododoro, perfefecto. This i is one of m my favoririte things,s, i make it t for my kidids, theyeyll just e eat. Likeke its ice e cream, practicalllly. Wewe have goodod tomatoes, good olilive oil andnd tuscan b. Maybe e not tuscanan bread. Maybe,e, ok. [laugughs] i have t to admit, that i mucuch prefer t Tuscan Bd Cocooked in didishes like es because e on its ownwn it canan taste quiuite blad and ththats an ununderstatemem. It Actuaually Tasteses like cardboarard. Ththats becauause its ununsal. Onone theory i is that flolore refused toto pay its ararchrival t town of pia for r its salt. They w were willining to sped money wiwith other p people bubut never gigive money t to. Yeah,h, especialllly pisa. Even totoday. But t of course,e, thisis being itataly, Food Rivalalries go dedeep t noone c can quite r remember. Anotheher idea is s this, if thehey dont Ususe Salt Thehd could stayay for a lonong tim. Rereally, Withthout Salt . . I dididnt know t that. Bbecause, bebecause thehe salt, thehe salt. The salalt breaks i it down. Ththe salt bececame brine. For susure the Mosost Convincice isis we dont t want to gigivey to the p pisani. Thatss the most t convincin. [laughghs] i i believe ththat, acactually, momost of all. Yeah. H. [laugughs] fofor Me Panzazanella is o one e Greatetest Dishess of tususcan poor f food. Giving b brittle Oldld Breadw Lifefe by using g fresh tomas to create e a surprisisingy refreshingng salad. Knowing g my love of food d and art, Dadaniela Has S invited mee to a a festival l this evenin. A very f fancy festitival. The Onone Thing Ththat Everyby Has S In Common N is the foo. Yeahah. Ththis event i is about as far a as you can n get fromom the wheatat threshing festivival. Here florerences richchest andt Powerfrful Familieies have gata, as t they have f for centurir, to toast t the citys s new cree talentnt from chefefs and musis, to artiststs hoping to follolow in the F Footstes Of Da Vincnci and michchelange. You are riright now in a sitituation whehere, morere or less 500 yearars ago, the Medidici Would H have Doe Somethining like thihis. Soso were goioing to go and have s some food n now. She knowows me too w well. Realally . Itss a very sosophisticated formrm of panzenenella. Thisis looks verery different to t the rustic c bread salad wewe had for l lunch. [danieiella] but i it tastes of panzazanella. It c completely y tastes off panzananella. Panzananella was w what Ththe Farmers S would eat. And now w its Turnened Intoto this Veryry Sophisticic [tucci] f foam. Ffoam. You see,e, the past t being rediscoverered. [t[tucci] itss a littlee renaisissance in a a bowl. [daniella]a] theres a a litte renaissasance in itt and d a lot of t the future. [crorowd chattining] [bustling crowds] Afafter Tastining this newew n of pananzanella, we madade some Inqnquiries D found the chefef who creatate. Neririna martinenelli and hehem are e just aboutut to open n n, a brandnenew restaurarant that reeimagines t tuscanys l fofood in the e heart of thehe. [nererina] the I Idea Aroundne Memenu and Thehe Dishes Ththato is to takeke traditiononal dis, Tradititional Recicipes and then a add somethihing ne. All l the team o of the reststa, we are a all under 3 30 years d so w we are all l really youo. Thesese young chchefs are seeingng old Tuscacan Dishshes with nenew eyes. [nerina]a] so, the p Panzanellam Isis an examplple of a a traditiononal tuscan n. Soso, farmers. S. Basicacally made w with the e simplest. Exactltly. Poorest iningredients. Onion, tomato, brbread, vine. Cucumberer, thats i it. Anand normallyly we do itt with oldld bread. [tucci] w with old brbread. Ri. With h old bread. D. But yoyoure takining it to anar level by f foaming it. T. The e air insidede it becomes veryry light but Ststill Keepining the flar of t the panzanenella. Anand we finisish with the basil l oil. Couple of f drops. I i love that t you did thth. Extra virirgin olive e oil. Itts so smartrt. Its, itss deliciousus. [a[antonio] esespecially f for r time, itits really y fresh. Yeyeah, its l like, it rereals the perfecect appetizezer, isn. Exactlyly. Exaxactly. Wow, y youve Takeken Tomatos to a whohole other p place. And d the Simplelest Dishess to a whohole other l level. This Simimple Bread D Salad Hs Woven N its way through h tuscan socociety. From Peasasants Ensuriring fod doesnnt go to wawaste to f florentine e aristocra. Itss great to o see Thesese Definititive Tuscan N fs now inspiriring a new w generat, Makingng Exciting G Food Ththat looks t to the futue while respspecting the landnd and its h history. The Foodod Of Rich C Cities and the Popoor Countryrysie Are E the two grgreat pillars ofof tuscan cucuisine. But whatat Unites Ththem isis a blast o of Fresh Seseae Blblowing in f from tuscanys fabulous coastline. Iveve come 50 m miles wewest of flororence to the c city of livivorno. In the l late 16th c century, the Memedici Familily turned it t into one o of the great Trtrading Portrts of i, wherere tuscany y welcomed the woworld. Chef Fabioio Picchi isis ner happier r than when n hes h, withth friends, and the Prpt Of A Gooood Meal On N the hor. Duriring the renenaissance, migranants were Acactively Enencouraged T to settle i in lo anand its repuputation as a frereethinkingng bighearteted city by y the s. [tucucci] oh yeaeah, nice. Drerew people f from across eururope and bebeyond. In t the town cecenter, is a t tiny place e called torteriaia da gagaririn. It opepened in 195959 anand sells jujust one thihi. Known as the cake, the tortrteria is a a local institutioion, serving upup the cakeke in, whwhat else, a a huge hunknk of. [tuccici] this is s good, i like thihis. Itits absolututely delicici. And he s says that h he Makest Becaususe he loveses it. He makakes it at h home but e cant t make it asas good as t. [fabio] yeyeah. After r that littltle appeti, we h head up to o the housee of o one of fabibios Friends In The H Hills Aboveve the t. Hess gathered d together the Ingrgredients Fofor a livornrnese classi. Hes makaking a fishsh stew. This is a a fake cacccciucc. Its a fafake. I neneed to keepep my voice n so the neieighbors donont hr but if y youre not t from livo, yoyoure not s supposed to be e making thihis stew. [tucci] ththeres alwaways th, sort of, B Battle Betwtween whether r youre frorom here r from t there, or f from ther. Whatevever youre e making. Ri . You cacan make thehe same thig but yoyou cant cacall it the e. Itit is maybe e a little bit difffferent. [chopppping] cacciucco o is a Rich H Fish W that datates back ovover 500 ye. It wasas the way l Livornos Fisherermen would use e up whatevever ththey hadnt t sold that t. This is s an imperiaial cacciu. Hes usingng this really beaeautiful fisish, hehes also Ususing Lobsteter H is not a poor fishsh, obvio. So, hehes taking g this and d amping it t up a bit. Like so o many italilian dis, the base o of fabios s stw is the trurusty tomatoto. Itss hard to i imagine Itan Cucuisine Withthout Tomatos but schoholars only y date their arririval to that t Fortuitousus Medicici Marriagee Toto Spanish N Nobility in thehe 1540s. Here in n livorno ththough. Sweet. L. Legend saysys that the eo was broughght by newcocomes fleeeeing oppresession. Tomatoes w were a popular r Ingredientnt Amamong the jejews ofof southern n europe. Ununless you w want. Yeah, i i think so, yeah. As the incncredible smell drdrifts outsiside, fabibios Friendnds Tatake their s seats. Ththe density y of that flflr isis just [tucci] ] wow. [applause]e] fabio o may not bebe from livovo bubut he can d definitelyy cookok a cacciucucco. These e are ingrededients rod in bototh the Pooror Fishig Commununity and in livivornos immigrant t past. Its a a part of t tuscanys historory on a plalate. And fabioos not fininished. In trurue tuscan t tradition, creaeativity Is S Everythig and d nothing gogoes to was, so he whipips up a whohole sed course w with the leleftover sa. You haveve all the f flavors of the seaea, Ototherwise Whwhat would y u do w with that . . Beauautiful. A sasauce that h he had left, it o only makes s sense. Its the b best, bestst thing in n the world. [speaks ititalian] cheersrs. I i feel very y Lucky Thataty parents Fofollowed Theheir Hs Anand Moved Usus across ththe wd for a a year when n we werere just kidsds. I sasaw how the e food of boboth and popoor came totogether in this s corner of f italy ththats like e nowhere onon ea. Wow. And neaearly 50 yeaears late, i stilill keep comoming back for m more. If you strap on your skis inin the alpss anand head strtraight down thehe mountains, youll Finind Yourselflf in te fertilile plains o of piedmon. Ththis region,n, tucked inio the Nonorthern Cororner of itat,

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