Transcripts For CNNW The Lead With Jake Tapper 20141212 21:00:00

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of an at-risk high school. three victims so far. the suspect or suspects still at large. the school there is on lockdown. we'll hand it over to jake tapper with more of this coverage. jake? welcome to "the lead." i'm jake tapper. you're looking at live pictures from kptv in portland, oregon. we're beginning today with breaking news in our national lead. you're looking right now at live pictures, as i said, about a school shooting in north portland at rosemary anderson high school, where at least three victims have been shot, three people shot according to the fire department. it is unknown if the people shot are dead or alive. portland police say the suspects have fled. they would not say if they were still believed to be armed or if
they clashed with police. nearby jefferson high school and portland community college in lockdown, we're told. media have been told to set up at north killingsworth street and kirby avenue. that's the staging area. we'll update more on that story as soon as we know more. but to recap, there has been a school shooting in north portland, oregon, at rosemary anderson high school. as of right now, we know of at least three individuals who were shot. and we are waiting for more information as we learn it. we'll bring to it you as soon as we get it. now let's turn to our money lead. a not-so-happy friday for wall street. stocks tanking today. the dow tumbling 110 points this morning before sliding further and ending the day down about 300 points. cnn money correspondent alison kosik is live at the new york stock exchange. alison, another day, another day of bad news.
why do the markets keep falling? >> reporter: it's all about oil, jake. plunging oil prices taking a toll on investors today yet again. oil falling almost 4%, settling below 58 a barrel. the international energy agency saying global demand for oil is going to fall next year as supply is growing. what's rattling wall street is the question of what's really behind this drop in oil prices? the concern is because economies in europe and asia are slowing down. and you look at the plunge in oil over the past six months. it's happened really fast making investors very nervous. if you drive, you love the lower gas prices. in oklahoma city, you can fill up for $1.89 a gallon. that's just one city across the country that's enjoying these lower gas prices. it's like a tax cut putting an
extra $100 a month into your pocket. and that extra money is going towards spending because retail sales numbers for november came in better than expected. but wall street sees the extra spending as a plus but today it's about worries that lower demand for oil is a symptom of slower growth for the rest of the world. jake? >> alison kosik in new york, thanks. our national lead right now is that monster storm slamming the west coast. the weather responsible for two deaths, both in portland, oregon, a young boy killed when a tree fell on the car in which he was traveling. another tree fell on the tent of a homeless man, killing him. the same system that washed this house into the ocean in washington state is still lashing the west coast. in california, some people ended up trapped inside their own homes. mud slides and houses crushed by big boulders. paul vercammen is live in that neighborhood in camarillo
springs. it's a mess there and amazing that anyone survived. >> reporter: it's astonishing. these houses absolutely swallowed up by all these rocks, tons and tons of rock that is came down over the hill. you see utility workers trying to make sure everything is turned off in terms of the power and the gas. and down the street, we have ten houses around this part of camarillo springs that have been red-tagged. that means they're uninhabitable. they're swallowed up and surrounded by rocks. a harrowing story out of this house here. when the rocks came and surrounded the house, a couple was pinned inside along with their caregiver. and the fire department had to come in and pull them out. we talked to their son and he was so glad to hear that the caregiver and his 86-year-old parents survived this. when you think about what you
see over there, these rocks and your parents at the age of 86 going through this, what does that say about them? >> that's pretty darn amazing. i heard about the rocks but until i looked at the sides of the houses and heard from some of the cameramen that went to the back and saw how expentensi the damage was, it catches you by surprise. >> reporter: why did this happen? because there was a major fire that roared through here about a year and a half ago. it stripped the vegetation from these hills. and then overnight, the weather service telling us in just three hours, they got an inch and a half to two inches of rain in an already saturated hillside. that's what the mud but mostly rock, as you can see, came roaring down here and engulfed these houses, jake. >> paul vercammen in camarillo springs, california, thank you so much. another amazing situation, the rescue of two people clinging to trees in the swollen los angeles
river. at one point, the rushing water swept a rescuer downstream. luckily everyone survived. the threat of these intense waters bringing more mud slides is the biggest fear in california right now. areas once scorched by wildfires have nothing to hold back the debris. let's bring in mark gillalducci from berkeley, california. what is the main concern right now? how are you getting people out of harm's way from the potential mud slides? >> the most important factor right now is the ongoing consistent rain. at times, the rain is going to be very heavy. we've identified those areas that could potentially be impacted by mud flows. we know where the burn scars are from this past summer. we have done mandatory evacuations in all of those areas where they potentially
could result in mud flows. that's given us the ability to get folks out of harm's way and get the area closed off to potentially other people who may be impacted by that. >> up north, flooding was the big problem. you have crews racing to reopen roads and get power restored. we're heading into the weekend where more people could be leaving their homes. how long do you see this clean-up process lasting? >> well, given the fact that it is still raining and we'll be between two storms. another storm will be coming behind this one in the next day or so. the crews have been out. they were out before the storm hit and being prepared to respond. and they worked all through the storm to keep the drains open and keep the highways clear. but we anticipate it will take a few weeks to be able to get through the clean-up process throughout the state. >> you had as of now, knock on
wood, no deaths reported in california. we've heard of two in oregon. you say preplanning is responsible for a lot of that, right? >> well, absolutely. we had really the great opportunity of seeing the storm coming towards us, which gave us the ability to do a lot of outreach to the citizens of california and to our public safety agencies, to our emergency managers throughout the state of california. to get the word out about winterizing your home, what to do when it started to rain hard, how to drive through water. and all of those were great messages that we were able to put forth. and i think it really did play out well for us. we are blessed. at this point we have nod had any reports of fatalities. >> mark, thank you so much. turning to our world lead, anarchy in the skies today. heathrow airport in london had
to divert flight after flight when its computers failed, saddling one of the world's busiest hubs. an hour ago, a spokesman told cnn they have ruled out a cyberattack. and they say it was a hiccup in their state-of-the-art computers. cnn aviation correspondent rene marsh joins us now. even if it wasn't a cyberattack, this does expose just how easily our way of managing airplanes in this computerized world can easily implode. >> you're absolutely right. it truly is a vulnerable that makes a lot of people uncomfortable. if you're flying through london, one thing is certain today, you can expect delays for hours to come. about 100 flights in and out of heathrow, a major international hub, canceled. and even more delays. and then there's the ripple effect. it's all because of this computer failure, a real-life demonstration of just how a
downed computer system can cripple air travel for thousand and thousands of travelers. this is what traffic in the skies over london looks like on a normal day. this is what it looks like today after a major disruption from what officials call a computer failure at a british control center. >> we'll obviously work to make sure it never happens again. it's a complex system. failures do occur and we plan for those failures and have a plan in place for those failures. >> reporter: london heathrow airport, one of the busiest airports in the world, at a standstill today. no flights going in or out. >> we've been waiting on the plane for an hour. >> reporter: the airspace closed after the system that helps coordinate flights in the crowded airspace went down. many planes, diverted. an hour and 20 minutes later, the problem at the air traffic control center was fixed. but the damage had been done. the ripple effect felt at
airports across the uk. heathrow saying the flight disruptions could continue to saturday. delays also in paris. u.s. carriers also experiencing some delays. the question now, what caused the system failure? british officials have ruled out a hack and aviation security analysts agree. >> there's been a lot of attempts. but there have not been any through the firewall to take control of any kind of control in any way. so unless this is a first time, i don't think that's what happened here. >> reporter: there are back-up systems, but as we saw in chicago this september, when wires were cut and a fire ignited inside an faa facility disrupting thousands of flights for days, those redundancies, may not be enough to prevent disrupted travel on a major scale. the majority of problems we are seeing are with international carriers like british airways and some of the other british
carriers. we know the u.s. carriers, some of them, experiencing just a handful of delays. what you really want to do is make sure you call your carrier if you're headed in that direction to make sure you won't be impacted. >> more evidence of the vulnerability in this new computer age of what can happen because of a glitch. >> exactly. one glitch and so many people, their flight plans disrupted. >> rene marsh, thank you so much. let's go back to the breaking news out of portland, oregon. we are looking right now at some live pictures from kptv of rosemary anderson high school where there's been a school shooting. let's go over what we know so far. at least three victims, all students, have been shot. police say the students were transported from the scene, they were conscious and breathing when they left the scene and they've been taken to nearby emmanuel medical center, we're told. portland, oregon, police say the suspect or suspects have fled. police would not say if the
individuals, the suspects, were still armed or if they clashed with police. we're also told nearby jefferson high school and portland community college in portland, oregon, are on lockdown. rosemary anderson high school is an alternative high school that opened in 1983. it has just under 200 students. let's go now to rich tyler on the phone with the portland fire department. rich, are you there? are you still looking for the shooter? >> yes. portland police is looking for the shooter. we as a fire department provided the emergency medical services to the students that were transported. >> what can you tell us about the students? three students, all wounded. what kinds of wounds were they, how serious? >> i do not know the extent of the wounds. all i know is they were all three shot and transported to emmanuel hospital. >> we're just learning about this. can you tell us what time it happened? >> approximately 30 minutes ago.
>> just about 30 minutes ago you got the call and you went there. and do you have any idea how serious the wounds are? we heard one report that somebody was shot in the back. are they considered to be life-threatening injuries? do you have any idea? >> at this point, we're treating all of them as life-threatening injuries. the physicians there at emmanuel hospital will do an excellent job of taking care of them to the best of their ability. portland police is on scene, not only investigating the shooting here but also out looking for the shooter. >> it's about 1:15 portland time. you're saying it happened about half an hour ago, so about 12:45. were the students outside the school or inside the school? do you know? >> they were inside the school. >> and what other details can you tell us? is the shooter or shooters thought to be students? is it more than one shooter? >> we don't know that at this time. >> and what kind of capability
do you have there at the scene right now? how many fire trucks are there? how many police cars are there? >> i don't know exactly how many. we pulled a full multi-patient incident for the fire department. and the police bureau brought everybody in, including their task force to help assist. >> what message do you have for the parents who are learning about this right now? i would imagine if it only happened about half an hour ago, is there a staging area for parents to meet up with their students? are the students inside the school in lockdown? >> yes. the students inside the school are in lockdown. we're asking all parents who are coming to pick up their students to come to north kirby and north killingsworth court. there we have police officers who will help reunify the parents with the students. >> we're told by the portland police this is not an active shooter situation.
police are beginning to investigate the incident. translate that for us. that means that the shooter is not inside the school itself or thought to be near the school but he or she is still at large, i believe, correct? >> correct. but no longer actively shooting anyone. they have left the scene and are no longer here at the school. >> we're told that nearby jefferson high school and portland community college are also in lockdown. are there any other businesses or schools that are in lockdown? is that just because they're close by? >> correct. yeah, that's standard protocol to lock those down. keep those students safe as we -- as the portland police looks for the shooter or shooters. >> what can you tell us about rosemary anderson high school? we're told it's an alternative high school, has fewer than 200 students. >> that's about the extent of what i know. it's a high school that started
here a few years back and has a small student population. >> this is an area of north portland, is that right? >> that's correct. >> what can you tell us about north portland? is this an area that has a lot of shootings in the neighborhood? is it an area that is high crime or is this -- obviously school shootings are horrific whenever they happen. but is this unusual for there to be a shooting in this neighborhood? >> it's unusual to have a shooting at a school anywhere. >> unfortunately it's becoming more and more usual these days, it seems. lieutenant tyler, i do appreciate your time. hopefully we can come back to you and get more information about this school shooting. we're all thinking about the three students who were wounded in this attack. thank you so much, lieutenant rich tyler. >> no problem. in our world lead, he is one of the few people connected to
the cia torture scandal who is in prison right now. the operative who claims to have blown the whistle on the whole program. what does he think about the shocking details in the new senate torture report? we'll go to that prison interview next. ♪ [ male announcer ] this man has an accomplished research and analytical group at his disposal. ♪ but even more impressive is how he puts it to work for his clients. ♪ morning. morning. thanks for meeting so early. oh, it's not a big deal at all. come on in. [ male announcer ] it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. ♪ and our big idaho potato truck is still missing.
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welcome back to "the lead." we continue to follow breaking news in our national lead. you're looking at pictures of rosemary anderson high school in north portland, oregon. police say there's been a school shooting. let's go over what we know so far. there are at least three victims, all students. they have been shot. police say they were shot -- we just heard from portland fire department which said that the students were shot inside the school. police say the three were transported from the scene, conscious and breathing and taken to nearby emmanuel medical center. portland police say it is not an active shooter situation, meaning the shooter is not on the scene or inside the school. but the suspect or suspects have fled, according to police. police will not say if the
individuals or individual was still armed or if that person clashed with police. rosemary anderson high school has been -- it's a place where there are under 200 students. it's an alternative school. it has been declared safe. police have nearby jefferson high school and portland community college in lockdown because they are close by. that is standard operating procedure, we're told, from a member of portland, oregon's emergency management services. let's go to cnn justice reporter, evan perez, who has new details about this school shooting. evan, what can you tell us? >> as often happens in these situations, there's a lot of conflicting information early on in this case, as well. the police are indicating that they believe the shooting actually happened outside of the school. i know you just said, i think
the fire department said they transported three people from the scene. and they believe that the shooting -- they were shot inside the school. we'll have to wait a little while for these details to be clarified by the police. we know that the suspect -- the person who was believed to carry out the shooting has fled the scene and the police are now preparing to provide a little more detail on who they're looking for. we know that they have now alerted the federal authorities who are now heading to the scene. i've talked to people who say the atf is heading to the scene and i expect that the fbi is as well because as they -- that tends to happen in these cases. the feds come in to try to provide any assistance that the local police may need, including trying to figure out where the gun might have come from from the suspect, the suspect used in this shooting. right now, we know that there were three victims and we know that the suspect is no longer there.
so we expect that the police are going to provide an update in a little while. there's not a lot more that we know from how this went down. it's one of those situations where it always triggers a lot of response from federal and local authorities. the feds come in typically to try to do gun trace, to try to see if they can help, perhaps get some of the background on who the shooter was, if there was any information in their computers or in any of their background that indicated why this might have happened. again, it's still very early. and we don't know exactly what precipitated, what caused this shooting, whether or not there was a disagreement or whether it was something that was premeditated. >> that's right. always a good reminder that information coming in so soon after an incident like this can often be conflicting.
we're tole the incident happened roughly 12:45 portland time, 3:45 eastern time. all three students were wounded but were conscious and breathing. the fire department spokesman said they were treating the injuries as if they were life-threatening, not that they are. but they are treating them with urgency. evan perez, thank you for that. we're going to come back to you as you learn more information. i have on the phone now, parker bouldin, who lives in the neighbor. parker, you were on the scene just after the shooting, i'm told. tell us what you saw. >> well, i heard a siren. i was in the apartment complex right on the corner. and i heard a siren. then i heard a couple more. they all seemed to be coming our direction. so i walked outside and there was a very small gathering of people just a few cops at the time that i got there. and they were starting to take the victims out on stretchers.
>> and you were in your apartment building when you were watching this? >> no. i was on the street right outside of the school that it happened at. >> and can you tell us anything in terms of the urgency with which these students were being taken onto the ambulance and rushed off? i just ask because it might say something about the seriousness of the wounds. >> it was very quickly. they were out of the school, they were on stretchers. they actually came by where i was standing next to a couple of people who knew the victim. and he was responsive, talking back to them. he seemed sort of -- i don't know, he wasn't going in and out of consciousness but he was not very in clear mind, you know. he was definitely in a bad situation. and they were quickly put on and taken to emmanuel hospital right
around the corner. >> that's what we were told. did you see all three shooting victims or one of them. >> i did. i saw all three of them. >> were they three males, do you know? two males -- >> they were -- from what i could -- i saw two males. i didn't see the other victim very clearly. i saw two males who had bandages, around the midsection. >> you describe one of the victims as having been talking, which is great news. what about the other two? were they speaking at all, could you tell? >> the other one that i saw clearly, his eyes were open. he was definitely alert. he wasn't talking to anybody. nobody was really shouting at him like the other victim. and he was alert but i just saw it for a short amount of time. >> is there anything you can
tell us about anything anyone may have said about why this happened or anything about the shooter or shooters? >> i didn't hear anything about the shooter or the shooters. it is sort of the conversation on the scene that there's a lot of gang activity in that area, specifically in that school because it's an alternative school. this stuff doesn't happen all the time, but that there's definitely murmurs of gang violence. >> what do you mean by it's an alternative school? we've heard that description of rosemary anderson high school. what do you mean by that? >> just from what i overheard, i didn't know much about the school. i don't want to say it because it might sound offensive. it was an alternative school for people who maybe have some troubles or difficulties with their upbringing. >> fair enough. we're told also that jefferson
high school and portland community college which are nearby are also in lockdown, rosemary anderson high school no longer in lockdown, although it was at one point. how far away are jefferson high school and portland community college? >> jefferson high school is right behind -- kirby is the street that that school is on. and jefferson high school is right behind that. and then in the other direction, northeast is p.c.c. and it's just a block away. both of them are about a block away. >> parker boulden, appreciate your sharing with us what you saw just minutes after this shooting took place. thank you so much. appreciate it. on the phone right now, we have andrew theen, a reporter with "the oregonian," which is the daily newspaper in the city of portland. thank you for joining us. what can you tell us?
we know just some very basic preliminary information. anything you could tell us would be great. >> sure. i think you probably know as much as we do at this point, jake. when my colleague and i arrived on scene about 12:35 or so, 20 minutes after the shooting, i spoke with a neighbor, tamara king, who lives on the other side of north albina to the west of the school. she reported hearing five shots in rapid succession and saw kids running in the street, including some kids diving under a car near north killingsworth court and albina, which is right next to this storefront school. she was one of the folks who called 911 and that's as much as i can tell you from witnesses that i've spoken to. i was just listening to the police spokesman as he gave updates to the media here.
>> your information is that the shooting took place at about 12:15 portland time on the west coast -- >> a little before that, yeah. >> what can you tell us about rosemary anderson high school? the previous caller, guest, witness -- not a witness to the shooting but witness to after the shooting was saying that people on the street were talking about how there is gang activity in this area. is that accurate? >> well, that's something that tamara king, the neighbor i spoke to, mentioned as well, that she wasn't surprised that this happened in the neighborhood. she's lived here since 2007. i want to say last summer, there was a shooting on albina as well, north of here a little bit at a bus stop. and police are saying that initial reports are -- they
believe the shooter was gang affiliated. they stressed they can't say that for the victims. so we're just kind of waiting until we know a little bit more about who these two young boys and one girl who were injured in the shooting. but that's really all i can say at this point. >> i think it's a misperception among people when they hear about gang shootings. they think the victims of gang shootings are fellow members and that's absolutely not the case. many times the victims of gang shootings are completely innocent people in the wrong place at the wrong time or individuals who were certainly doing nothing to merit a shooting. the police said that the three individuals were shot and then when they left the school, all were conscious and breathing. the fire department spokesman with whom we spoke said they were treating their injuries as if they were life-threatening
but that didn't necessarily mean that's what they were. what's your understanding? >> the police spokesman, sergeant pete simpson, said they were all conscious and breathing. anytime you have a gunshot vick and you can say that, that's a good thing. i was listening to the witness say this area is close to portland community college and jefferson high school. it's also relatively close to legacy emmanuel hospital, which is a trauma hospital. so that's a good thing in terms of proximity. but beyond that, i can't really say because we don't really know. >> andrew theen, hold on one second. i want to bring in evan perez, our justice correspondent, who has some new information. evan, what can you tell us? >> we just got an update from the portland police. they clarify that the shooting occurred outside of the school, that the three victims, the three shooting victims, actually
went to the school after they were shot. they say -- they've not identified the victims but they say they were two males and one female and that they ran to the high school after the shooting. the shooter fled the scene. so now we have a manhunt looking for this shooter to try to figure out what happened here, jake. so the latest from the police is that the shooting occurred outside of the school nearby and that the two males and one female who were shot ran to the school after they were shot, jake. >> that would explain why the fire department thought that the shooting might have been inside the school. >> right, and why they were transported from there. >> right. andrew theen, what can you tell us about north portland, the area in which this school is and if you know anything more about rosemary anderson high school, we're told is an alternative school of fewer than 200 students. what can you tell us about that? >> well, i can't tell you too
much about the school itself. i wasn't familiar with the school. i'm familiar with the area. it's inner north portland. it's a gentrifying part of town, i guess you could say. as many larger urban areas of the u.s. like i said, portland community college is right here. they have one of their branches, jefferson high school, one of the portland public schools, is within spitting distance. it's an active area of town. there's coffeeshops, there are restaurants. people are out and about trying to see what's going on. it's close to interstate 5. >> andrew, i would think that -- it's not an active shooter situation because the shooter's not there.
but there is somebody on the loose, at least one individual who shot three young people, three teenagers, two boys and a girl. how big is the police presence when it comes to the manhunt? did sergeant pete simpson of the portland police department shed any light on how intense this search is right now? >> he didn't. and i can't really speak to that. i'm not aware of any other details as far as a manhunt. but i can tell you that people are -- do not look concerned for their safety in the immediate area where i am. people are going about their day. >> if the shooting, just to recap for individuals who may just be tuning in right now. shortly before 12:15 portland, oregon, time, there's 3:15 east coast time, there was a shooting at a school -- at rosemary
anderson high school outside the school. three individuals, two boys and a girl, were shot. they were wounded. they left the scene, according to portland police, conscious and breathing, we're told anecdotally from some witnesses that at least one of them was still talking and the police told andrew theen with the portland "oregonian" that anytime after a shooting you have people talking, that is obviously a good sign. those individuals were rushed to the hospital, nearby emmanuel medical center, which has a trauma unit, which is very, very close. we are monitoring the situation. there is not an active shooting situation because the shooter is no longer inside or outside the school. but the individual or individuals are still wanted and on the loose. portland police are trying to find out who he or she or they are. we're going to take a very quick break.
when we come back, we'll have more news about this shooting at rosemary anderson high school in portland, oregon. don't settle for 4g lte coverage that's smaller or less reliable when only one network is america's largest and most reliable 4g lte network: verizon. with xlte, our 4g lte bandwidth has doubled in over 400 cities. and now, save without settling. get 2 lines with 10gb of data for just $110...
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welcome back to "the lead." we're continuing to follow breaking news in our national lead. a shooter or shooters are on the loose after wounding three students outside rosemary anderson high school in north portland, oregon. let's go back and reset what we know so far. there are at least three victims, all of them students, teenagers. they have been shot. a witness tells us he saw two males and a female being loaded into ambulances. police say the victims were transported from the scene. they were conscious and breathing, at least one of them speaking, according to a witness with whom we spoke. they were taken to nearby emmanuel medical center which does have a trauma unit. the fire department told us they are treating these injuries as if they are life-threatening, although that doesn't necessarily mean that they are life-threatening. the hospital isn't indicating
what condition the students are in. as i said, the fire department saying they are being treated as if the injuries are life-threatening. police telling us that rosemary anderson high school is no longer an active shooter situation, meaning the shooter isn't on the premises or nearby. but we are told the portland police department is engaging in a manhunt or menhunt for the shooter. that's under way. we're told this began shortly after 12:15 or so, portland, oregon, time. there's 3:15 east coast time, obviously. and that it began outside the school, although after they were shot, the students went inside the school. pamela brown is in new york with more information. pamela, what can you tell us? >> reporter: we're learning at this hour as we speak that atf agents are en route to the scene right now.
what they're going to be doing is running ballistics, try to recover the weapon that was used in this shooting and then trace that weapon, find out where it came from. so atf agents are en route. we typically know in these situations, that fbi agents are usually deployed as well to help with the local authorities. as we still try to learn exactly who is behind this shooting and all of the details, what we can tell you is that the fbi did a recent active shooter study because there have been so many of these types of incidents, especially in the past few years. what we learned from that study, jake, is that all but six of the 160 shootings involved male shooters and only two of those, only two of the 160 involved more than one shooter. so oftentimes in these situations, we see a male acting alone, someone who is disillusioned in some way. once they figure out who is
behind this -- like you point out earlier, it could be more than one person but more than likely it is just one person. they're going to look at indicators, locker room through their social media and try to figure out what's behind this. three victims taken to the hospital right now and this is a very serious situation. of course, caused a lot of panic among the parents there when initially it was reported there was a school shooting, a shooting on the premises. that was the initial understanding. we learn now that this happened just off the school campus. >> it happened about an hour and a half ago outside rosemary anderson high school, two boys and a girl, teenagers shot, wounded, taken from the scene -- we're going to go right now, pamela, stay with us. i want to go to evan perez, our justice correspondent, who has a little bit more information about the shooting. evan, what are you being told? >> this is partly -- adding a little bit more context to what pamela was saying as well. this feels a little different
from a lot of these other shootings that we've seen in schools, again, this one happened outside of it. for that reason, i'm being told by authorities that it just seems perhaps a little bit different. typically in most of these shootings that we've seen, by the time the police get there, the shooter has already shot himself or the situation is over. in this case, this person tried to get away or has gotten away. so in some ways, thfls -- seems like according to the authorities looking at this, it's more of a criminal situation. it's very early in the process, very early in this case to know exactly happened, especially since they're still looking for the suspect. but it does feel like it's a little bit different. as pamela pointed out, looking at all the history of all these shootings, you typically see a certain pattern. and this one just falls out of that pattern.
>> we're told, by the way, if there are any parents of students at rosemary anderson high school, locatil police are saying the staging for parent reunification for the students, the school is no longer in lockdown. the parent reunification area is being held at killingsworth court and kirby, near the jefferson high school football field, jefferson high school, along with portland community college, we're told, were still in lockdown, which is standard operating procedure, police protocol, after a school shooting situation. pamela brown, in a situation like this, obviously the federal government trying to do whatever it can to help. but as evan noted, usually in these situations, the school shooter, at least in the ones that we've covered in the last couple of years, the school shooter has been shot by police or has taken his own life. in this situation, we have a manhunt under way. i imagine that it's something
that federal law enforcement could be helping with as well. >> absolutely. like we mentioned earlier, atf agents are on their way to help out. we presume the fbi is on its way to help out and provide the assistance. but i want to point out what i think is key here. they're saying this is not an active shooter situation and that the perimeter is secure. so i think that does provide us some clues that it appears that at least that area where the school is is secure. and if there's a gunman on the loose, then i would be surprised if they would say this is not an active shooter situation. so, again, we're still trying to learn more details, whether this shooter or shooters are even still alive. as we've seen in so many other school shootings, just the one recently in washington state, we've seen that the gunman dies from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. and that really is -- there's a pattern to these school shootings.
unfortunately they happen far too often. and a lot of times it's a male acting alone. again, we're waiting to learn more details on this. but that's what studies have shown, as i pointed out earlier, the fbi study. all but six of 160 incidents over the past several years involved male shooters and only two involved more than one shooter. just to put it in perspective as we await more details on the specifics of this particular shooting, jake. >> in fact, we are waiting for the portland police to give an update on the information about the suspect in this school shooting in north portland, oregon. evan perez, you have new information? >> we know that the fbi has now arrived at the scene. they're still calling this a local investigation as they typically do. obviously they want to give the local police a chance to figure out what exactly happened here before they get involved, if there's anything that needs to be done from a federal
standpoint. we know they say they're still looking for a shooter and they haven't provided any update as to who they're looking for or what that suspect description is. but the fbi is there to provide any assistance. atf is already there, as we mentioned already. typically, they're just there to lend assistance to the local authorities as they are trying to figure out exactly what happened here. again, this happened outside of the school. so it's a little different from some of the other shootings that we've seen, which typically have been inside. you typically don't see a suspect try to make a getaway as the police have reported here. >> evan perez and pamela brown, stick around. when we come back, we'll have more information about this school shooting in portland, oregon. ♪ [ male announcer ] you wouldn't ignore signs of damage in your home. are you sure you're not ignoring them in your body? even if you're treating your crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis,
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a shooter, we believe, possibly shoote shooters, on the loose after shooting and wounding three students outside rosemary anderson high school. this is what we know. at least three victims, all students, teenagers, have been shot, we are told. it was roughly at 12:15 or just shortly before then portland time, just before 3:15 east coast time. we are told two males and a female are the victims, they were loaded into ambulances and police say the victims were transported immediately from the scene conscious and breathing to nearby emmanuel medical center. we're told from a witness who we spoke with earlier that at least one of those students was talking, which is always a good sign. we're told the hospital has received all three patients by now and they're treating them. the hospital at this point is not indicating what condition any of these three students are
in. lieutenant rich tyler from the portland fire department told us earlier in this hour that the injuries are being treated as if they're life-threatening, though it doesn't necessarily mean they are. police tell us that rosemary anderson is no longer an active shooter situation. that means the suspect or the suspects are no longer suspected to be on the premises or nearby. there is a manhunt for the shooter under way, we are told. let's go straight to portland police spokesman, sergeant pete simpson. sergeant simpson, thank you for joining us. first of all, can you tell us, is it one suspect or more? and what should people in the area be looking for? >> well, preliminary information is one suspect. there may have been others with him when they fled the scene. we have investigative resources focusing exclusively on that piece right now as we continue this investigation.
we're obviously very early on. what we do know at this time and want to reassure people this is not an active shooter situation or an active shooting season. this is now a static environment, it's safe. and we are beginning the investigative phase. >> is there any indication that the police have gotten into a shootout with the suspect? is there any indication the suspect might have taken his own life? >> no. no officers were involved in any kind of shooting or shootout. we responded after the fact, after the report of the shooting, very quickly. no indications about the shooter taking his own life or anything like that. it appears that the shooter -- >> how are the three victims, sir? >> well, right now, all three are at legacy emmanuel medical center. all three are receiving emergency treatment for gunshot wounds. they all were conscious and talking at the scene, which is always a good sign. certainly with gunshot wounds, they can be unpredictable once

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