I was hoping for a standing ovation. And ive had the pleasure, the honor, and the privilege to you in theall of department as the acting secretary for a couple of weeks. Actually, two weeks, three days. But whos you counting . When i came to the department or its predecessor just a few years ago, i was attracted to public service. I swore to of how the constitution, which is at the core of our government and the heart of our mission at the department. While education is not mentioned specifically in the constitution, it is at the heart of the opportunity the constitution provides for our nation. Each day when you walk into lbj or pcp or ucp, sorry for all the acronyms, or the regional offices, they are all guided by education to promote student achievement and prepare for Global Competitiveness by fostering Educational Excellence and ensuring equal access. En many of us were asked to take on acting roles during a transition, we vowed to help make this a smooth and successful transition. Again demonstrate the peaceful and effective continuity of our government. And i think with the help of the new members of our team, the beachhead team, the landing team, and all the people that have been brought to the government new to the department, we have done a really good job of transition. Ud of what all the people on the stage have done, and all of you out in the audience, for watching streaming. It has truly been a team effort, and we were proud to deliver on that promise. Oft night i had the honor attending the swearingin of secretary devos, and i was inspired once again by the words of the oath of office, and the commitment i saw in our new secretary. Now, ive been through a number of transitions. I wont say how many. And what ive learned is each is different, some are easier than others, some are simpler. But all of them we have made ultimately work well. And all the people in the imrtment and the new team, hopeful that this transition will be one of the most successful ones weve had. At the department when we do transition, to build on past successes, continue to work for students. We look at new ways of doing things, new thinking. We take a step back and see whether there is a better way to do it from a different perspective. And sometimes we even change course. Noble, innovative, thoughtful, creative, and open to new ideas. We listen well, and we always keep students in mind. And that has been the spirit i have seen this transition. Mission is equity and opportunity, no students rights are less important than another students rights. All are equal and all should receive a quality education. See in theay i people i meet coming to work, the meetings i attended, the Conference Calls im on, and all the work we do, that commitment flows through all of our work. And im proud to be part of that work. Listening is at the heart of a smooth transition, listening to the views, the recommendations of staff who have had years of experience, and people who are new to the government as well. The mix of experience, new ideas, and innovation is at the heart of education. Our work is not easy, but its necessary. Some days its hard and challenging, but we stay true to our mission and we succeed. And as we continue to fulfill our mission, there may be changes in how we get to where we need to go for students. There may even be mistakes and bumps along the road, and we will be nimble to identify those and correct them, and always do our best work. From the lens of an acting secretary, which ive had the privilege to do for the last two know better than ever that our success is tied to the hard work of each and every one of the people that work at the department. Our leadership, through every individual that works here. I learned that there were so many things that go on the really rely on the teamwork of and every office should be able to see themselves in that work. I wake up every day excited to you. To work with all of i always knew the education place tot was the best work. Butto put a plug in, but now, i really know why. Because working as acting secretary for just that brief time, i saw the work, i saw the people, i saw the commitment, and i also saw the people we students,ther, the parents, families, school administrators. The new innovation, the ways that work well, and the ways to improve the keep us dedicated towards a higher calling. Heres to the work ahead. Our mission and goals remain steadfast and fixed on helping individuals help themselves through education. We may get there in different ways. I look forward to an exciting future. All of you here and in the two other buildings and in the region know that we can never abandon our constitutional pledge or desire to serve all of our students and help them succeed. I havea personal note, the privilege of going on a tour of our two buildings outside of d. C. Again, sorry for the acronyms. Walking with the secretary, and meeting all of the employees in those buildings. It was an incredible thing. I felt like i should be taking field trips like that all the time. And, i walked around with the biggest smile i possibly could. It reminded me, the last time i had a smile like that, it was from one of my daughters weightings. Two families are coming together to merge as one. I was so proud of them, and today i was so proud of the two families coming together to form a better family. We are family, we worked together well, and i know with secretary devos, its going to be a great family together. Meare one team, and it gives great pleasure and privilege to introduce the new secretary. Thank you. [applause] good afternoon. Thank you for your welcome. Ive been eager to get here and meet everyone. We had a great tour this morning of the other two buildings can i look forward to doing the same here this afternoon. I am guessing you already know, but my name is betsy, and i am here with you, alongside you, to serve our nation students. We here at the department of education are fortunate to join an incredible array of parents, teachers, educators, and School Leaders to serve all american students. It is such a pleasure to finally be here, and i am really pleased that my husband could join today. He has been an amazing partner for 38 years, and in the past weeks has been unfaltering in his support and encouragement. Im so grateful for him and my family. [applause] sec. Devos this is a humbling and exciting opportunity to serve. Let me start simply by saying thank you to each of you, those in the department and those across the country who worked to make education better. Let me specifically note and thank phil rosenfelt. While we met just a short time ago, i know he has done an outstanding job as acting secretary. He was gracious enough to join me, and i am grateful for his steady leadership these past two weeks, and that of the entire department of Education Transition team, who are on stage here. Lets thank all of them. [applause] sec. Devos the work of the department during this transition is a testament to phils selfless leadership and longstanding commitment to the departments mission. Thank you and thank you again, transition team. Americans have tremendous respect for all of those within and outside these walls who worked to make more opportunity available through better education. So, lets turn now to recent headlines. There is no need to pull any punches. For me personally, this confirmation process and the drama it engendered has been a bit of a bear. [laughter] [applause] sec. Devos in all seriousness, for many the events of the last few weeks have likely raised more questions and spawned more confusion than they have brought light and clarity. So for starters, please know i am a door open type of person who listens. Im here to serve with you. Im committed to working with everyone and anyone, from every corner of the country, from every walk of life, from every background. And with those who supported my nomination and those who did not to protect, strengthen and create new worldclass Education Opportunities for americas students. Lets acknowledge we have just come through one of the most bruising, divisive elections in modern times. And that is ok. We the people are resilient. Often the morning and evening news cycles what unite our nation. The rhetoric and the words and get hot and heated, and the animosity often seems unending. That is ok, too. People are passionate and goodbye deeply held views. We are a pluralistic culture and we must celebrate our differences. But all of us here can help bring unity by personally committing to being more open to and patient towards views different than our own. A key to our nations future is resident in the dna of the department of education. It is who we serve, the rising generation. Every child in america is born with an curiosity, and each is eight sometimes students gather in classrooms. Sometimes in hallowed lecture halls. Sometimes in their home classrooms. Or sometimes in nature itself. Some are nontraditional students. Some seem traditional, but each holds a special and amazing promise. Together we have a noble and mission to serve. There is no greater achievement in the world them positively changing the life of a child by bending or breaking the cycle through education. This is why education is a lifelong pursuit. I know this is a passion we share. From students who may be struggling, to hardworking teachers who feel stifled, special needs students and families to whom we owe our full support, and leaders and administrators seeking evidencebased solutions. The department has a complex population to champion. Even though im a grandmother, since this is my first day i know im the newbie and i have a lot to learn. I pledge to listen and learn from you, and from stakeholders around our country. I hope to earn your trust and confidence as we Work Together. I firmly believe we can genuinely unite around a commitment to the rising generation. Lets make this deal. I will challenge all on how and why we have done things a certain way, but i will listen to each of you on your ideas for how we can do better for students. You are professionals whom i respect. In building strong teams, embracing diversity and inclusion are key elements for success. Diversity may be viewed as cliche, but i believe getting to know, working with, befriending, and including people who are different from ourselves is enriching and expanding. And if we model it ourselves, how much easier will it be to encourage students to do the same . In addition to modeling inclusion and a love of lifelong learning, the Department Also has a unique role in protecting students. We believe students deserve learning environments that foster innovation and curiosity, and are also free from harm. Im committed to work with you to make this case. [applause] sec. Devos the obstacles between our nations students and their pursuit of excellence can all be overcome. They are human problems. All too often adult issues can complicate and get in the way of a focus upon those we serve. The good news is we can all Work Together to find solutions and make them happen. I am reminded of the ancient council, to act justly, love kindness and proceed with humility. No matter your outlook, i am betting we can all agree that acting justly, being compassionate, and moving forward humbly on behalf of the future of our nation, americas students, is a good place to start. So i ask every educator, every parent, everyone involved in educating our nations students, and all of us here, let us set aside any preconceived notions and lets recognize that while we may have disagreements, we can and must come together, find common ground, and put the needs of students first. And when we do disagree, let set an example by being sincere and honest, passionate but civil, while never losing sight of our shared mission. To everyone on this team my challenge to you is simple, think big, be bold, and act to serve students. I will promise you this together we will find new ways in which we can positively transform education. It is day one for me, but it is simply the next day in this departments history to pursue its mission. I am ready to work with you. Lets get started. Thank you. [applause] [laughter] phil thank you, everybody. We are off to a great start. Thanks. [applause] [crowd noise] this and it is back in session monday monday will debate Steve Mnuchin as treasury secretary. A vote is set for 7 00 p. M. Eastern. After that, the vote to confirm david scholl can as veteran affairs secretary. Tuesday at 11 00 a. M. , the senate is expected to vote on Linda Mcmahon as Small Business administrator. Watch it live on cspan 2. Thursday, the confirmation hearing for any cluster, president trumps labor secretary nominee. The Senate Labor Committee hearing being and attendant clock a. M. Eastern. We will have live coverage on cspan 3. You can also watch at cspan. Org , or listen live on the free radio app. On thursday, president don

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