Except the freedom to make this choice. The freedom for women to get the medical care that they need. Republicans out the cover south dakota governor and jamie smith and jayz tracey clint participate in the south the covenant south dakota governor debate. Watch tuesday at 8 p. M. Eastern on cspan. Also on our free mobile app. We welcome craig few gate back. Mr. Few gate, can you explain what the federal Emergency Management role is before, during and after an event . Thats a lot of questions and i hear a lot of callers talking about evacuation decisionmaking. They have Evacuation Program that is working with the u. S. Army corps of engineers. To help develop and working with state and local governments, evacuation management and they provide decisions Decision Support tools. Fema has what they call hurricane liaison team. Work reach out and work with, help and communicate. Often the meteorologists are part of that briefing. Finally, it is really about where the storm is threatening. We know that hurricanes have uncertainty. Dont focus on the skinny black line. Once again, what the data is showing us. When you have a storm, slight changes in the updated forecast can mean tremendous differences. The persistence on evacuation from storm surge. Theres a lot of work that goes in before the storm. During the storm, it is very simple. Do you think we will get to a place where we will know when the storm starts from the coast of africa, pretty much well where it will end . Guest goes back to committee it goes back to computer modeling. I have been in the business long enough where originally, they only gave a three day forecast in the 50s and 60s, there was little lead time. When you look at loss of life, the biggest killer was storm surge. That number has gone down with forecast warnings. Hurricane katrina hit and the numbers went up. Hurricane ian, the numbers went up. How do you communicate uncertainty that you are at risk, even if the skinny like line is a coming to you and the tendency to focus on where we will think it makes landfall. He ian was a huge storm and i dont think people were saying this but u. S. Storm surge down in the florida keys while away from the center well away from the center and that is what the challenge was the Hurricane Center talked about. We will have impacts well away from the central circulation. That is a shower area and the water can get high and the water is unless you go through it, it is hard to explain. I wonder how may people think about devastation and say that was when. Most of the damage of the coast was water damage. Host that is your sense as you may have seen more recent numbers. 80 people dead. It is expected to rise. That storm surge was a killer, mostly . Guest it was part of that. One other thing is after the hurricane, it is dangerous and the way they count five tallies fatalities, they look at what was caused by the hurricane and indirect deaths that was caused by falls and carbon dioxide. You look at how did people lose their lives . What was that so we can understand that . There are questions and this is the perfect opportunity to point out that in congress, they have a bill. This is something i have advocated for. We have a National Transportation safety board goes under for plane crashes. They will find out what happened and what people thought but trying to get down to what decisions were made . Why did that crash occurred . Our air traffic is so much safer compared to where it was in the 70s and 60s. That is something, congress has a bill right now to ask if we should look at these things and try to get the answers of why these things happened. Why did it happen . How can we change that so the next disaster, we are not repeating this and improve systems . Host why cant fema do that . Do they have their hands full . Guest you have to plan the perspective i have been part of the after action parts in fema and it is a National Natural tendency issue to get further away from the disaster. You are not getting to the uncomfortable answers and i think we need someone independent you dont want to be in a position to be critical of everything. Having an independent agency that does not work for fema or homeland concert security. Like that National Transportation board, they dont work for the faa. The opinions are based on what they found and what they recommend and that is an dependence independence. We are talking to craig seagate. Our program ends at 10 00. If you are in the time zones, it is eastern time zones, washington journal continues. 202 7488001 202 7488000. If you have been impacted by Hurricane Ian, it is 202 7488002. Guest i get asked this question, why do we have to wait for a disaster to find how bad it will be . Machine learning is used to have a better understanding on how disasters impact. How does it affect the infrastructure . We look at the function versus the building and go, earthquakes and high winds, how are they impacted and as we saw florida with the extreme rainfall, one of the things we looked at is how do you forecast the impact of extreme rainfall that goes beyond the Flood Insurance rate reps rates maps. Places that have never flood it will flood and can we identify that and look at hospitals and other infrastructure. Host you mentioned the Flood Insurance program. That program has a Borrowing Authority of a 30 billion limits but it is a rope and that is often in program that is often in the red. Why is that and explain how that program works. Guest it was created by the federal government in the 60s when the commercial industry got out of flood coverage. Congress acted to protect mortgages and created the Flood Insurance program. One of the challenges has always been it is very difficult as a government based Insurance Program to act like an Insurance Program. Historically, that has been a conflict of if you start raising prices, it causes either people to drop insurance our congress is concerned if they are making it unaffordable. Fema has been implementing risk 2. 0. We tried to move to basing the rest by the home and pricing it the risk at the home and pricing it accordingly. We turned back to the treasury the taxpayers to make up the difference. Congress has periodically forgiven debt. Dont think of Flood Insurance is as insurances as commercial. Host from florida, this is connie. Good morning. Caller thank you for taking my call. I went to speak with someone who has worked for fema i wanted to speak with someone who works for fema. Worked for fema. I was in in florida and land in florida inland in florida. I am between tampa and florida orlando and i was surprised to see in a wooded area behind my home, there is a human use humongous flood zone. There is no river back there. It must be a lowlying land. I did not see any explanation. There are all sorts of areas in in land florida and how frequently are these maps updated and why are there no other designations than the one gear year left flood our governor said the flooding that took place is the once in a 500 year period. I have a feeling that i am in the zone. Guest we call those maps Flood Insurance rate maps and the zone is based on areas and it doesnt have to be on a river or lake. It is lowlying areas that exceeds the risk for 1 based on Historical Data and the reason the zone a is so important, that is where it triggers. There were carter meant the requirements there is a requirement to purchase Flood Insurance and it is optional for people outside of that. We talk about the flood maps and we dont identify it is a rates insurance map. If you are not in zone a, the insurance doesnt cost as much but it doesnt mean you dont have a flood risk so there was an article a month ago that talked about 5000 year flood events. Working backwards is going to challenge and the, schrader of Prime Minister administrator up of fema we are finding out in florida and we will see this in other states. Probably less than 20 of people that had flood damage have Flood Insurance. The fema system will not make them whole. We ran into this in better rouche 2016. Saw this you saw this in Hurricane Harvey where the flood is getting so bad and exceeding the 1 risk that just because it is not a mandatory purchase requirement, is probably a good idea to purchase what insurance outside of flood in because if you do flood, your homeowners policy covers it. Be Insurance Risk is much lower. Host it is time to do away of these terms like a 500 year flood . Do people understand what these terms need mean . Guest no. The terminology, we are trying to convey uncertainty and getting people to understand the probability of something happening but we are talking about the terms of insurance. Instead of being upfront and saying, generally, when you live in these areas, when you get extreme rainfall events which are not always going to be hurricanes. Rising water, the average home, the water is 25,000 plus damages. Financially, we have put a lot of people that are at extreme risk low on these maps, saying i dont live near the flood, it doesnt mean that and we have to be clear about flood risk and that is changing. What i have heard, it doesnt get that bad, i dont need Flood Insurance and i go back after the hurricane and they say i dont think it would i didnt think it would bps be this bad. Fema does not supply funding to people that have full coverage from their insurance. They provide coverage to people that dont have insurance and they primarily assist people who dont have insurance and dont have the means to get a loan from the ball Small Business administration so when you talk about the billions of dollars they go out the door for fema, it is often going to people that have a loss that was not covered by insurance. Flood is when of the Fastest Growing risks one of the Fastest Growing risks. Host it is is it time to think rethink where we built we built the building r ebuild . Guest and other places, it is looking at how you engineer but the thing i know is building the back it back the way it was will just result in the next disaster. From some damage from superstorm sandy, some communities said we will take the properties on the front of this and we will buy those out and turned them into parts and a buffer area and built behind the areas but we will elevate and increase the Building Codes. At means it is looking at how do you take advantage of natural, defensive spaces and deconstruction that allow storms to go in and come out. Host atlanta georgia. This is calvin. Kelvin. Caller my question is what does a person that dont have resources to be able to just up and move and maybe dont have a car and maybe you are elderly, what does a person like that do to try to get out of the way . Guest where tornadoes, with tornadoes, you wont have much time and when you look at fatalities at and various types of natural hazards, the portion of the loss of life is elderly people. What we can do about that is probably more than i have time to talk about but talking about hurricanes, this goes back to local programs and what we saw after hurricane andrew, doing better planning for institutions like Nursing Homes and hospitals, making sure the shelters are survivable and people have ways to get there and when we talk about evacuation, people dont have money and gas is expensive and dont have a car. That is why we open up and they look work closely with organizations. They have shelters so people have somewhere to go and they provide various forms of transportation, including sending ambulances out for people that are medical depended or needs need some wheelchairs or other needs. These are things that counties and cities work on. The challenge is getting people to understand if you dont have the resources, the way to the storm is threatening to find out how you get transportation. Try to find out where you can get an ambulance or a Wheelchair Accessible vehicle and in counties, they are opening up shelters, and they are more pet friendly. It used to be, they tell you to leave your pets behind. A lot of places are pet friendly and the images i was pleased to see are the searchandrescue operations, they are taking pets. Host officials face questions over the late Evacuation Order in lee county. This is lynn on twitter who asked, do you think they gave week lee county enough advance warning and she says no. She says the administrations have blood on their hands. Guest i have been doing this for a long time and i am not in the Emergency Center listening to the conversation and seeing the data. It is hard for me to tell and that is why i think Something Like a National Disaster safety board can look at what happened. We want to go back to the decisionmaking. Making decision and ordering a evacuation is not risk free and when we move evacuations in frail populations, we have loss of life. You also have to look at and moving people, particularly in southwest florida. Those counties are dependent on i 75 going north and south and going into the miami area and i4 fourthquarter. There is an not a lot of big transportation. There is a lot of moving pieces and there are a lot of questions and i am not in the position to provide answers and observing from the outside, i am not there and i could not tell you where what they are doing and bring a National Disaster safety board is a way to find out what was the decisionmaking. Host jeff is in arizona. Caller cspan keeps putting me in douglas. That is not where i am. You are talking about the followup investigation and i like the idea. One of the things we should consider is that we have an infinite command structure. We have some things we can use for forensic analysis. We are not taking advantage of that. Machine intelligence, i like your [indiscernible] considering i know something about that and i have to point out that the racist trading data we use in the country is a considerable drawback. There is nothing more races in the country and the way we construct the kinds of facilities that are particularly damaged and they flood and living in the [no audio] talking about the role of evacuation and fire, making that evacuation decision is not easy. People lose their lives. My hats off to come up following up on that my hats off to, falling off following up on that guest we use this command to manage the there is a lot of information that they are collecting. There will be an opportunity to look at the data and the recorded information. These are things we will see happening afterwards. High point to challenge this i want to challenge the question. People go, what happens . That is the easy question. Why does it happen . How can we provide information and support tools to get to better decisions based upon what we are learning . If we say, here is what happened but dont change anything, we will repeat this. Host a question from somebody in maryland asking is there a webpage that lists documents that fema and Insurance Companies will need and where should the documents be stored since in disaster, they might get blown away. Guest if you go to fema they will tell you about the documentation and they accept various forms of documentation to ensure people get help about screening out people that dont have a drivers license and other things. One of the best tools is if you have a camera, take pictures. If you have a phone, take pictures. The able to record information. If you look at evacuation writings, one of the things they tell you is put all your documents, including your insurance stuff, on backs and take them with you. When youre in a hurry, you may not be able to find that stuff and dont waste time looking for it if you have to get out but fema has information and particularly for the fema assistance under the individual household programs, they are looking at the uninsured losses so if you dont have insurance, that is where fema will be working. If you do, go file your claim to see if things that are not covered that are eligible for fema systems and we will look at the process. Host to braden in florida south of tampa. This is bill. Caller my question is not really a question and i am wondering if, for every foot, of surge, a standard could be developed that each foot has a certain power, meeting push meeting push forward meaning push forward and develop standards for building coastal housing. It is somebody concept pressure coming to blow off and take a house down. I know you have to guess that the search will happen surge will happen but if you have a scale that says, 120 feet and each foot is x number of pounds and you better have your anchors on your house this deep or whatever. I wonder if that could be possible to develop. Host thanks. Guest this is a great point and there was a theme that i remember when senator scott was governor of florida and it was a tale of three houses. There was three houses in the florida keys and one house was destroyed in the 70s and was built in the 70s of 80s. One was Still Standing but had damage. The homes after built after 2004 were standing. They were elevated. They had pylons so the storm would go through the home under the pilings and not do damage and things like elevating the airconditioning units of higher so they are not wiped out and that is something we do know and will we go back and rebuild, you will see those types of elevations and that engineering. We know it performs better and that will be the key requirements. You will have to build for the newer codes. The question will be, as floridas Building Commission looks at the impacts, both there be any additional elevation requirements based on their findings . The florida Building Code takes in account the increasing storm surge. To a certain point, that his wife once we get out of the storm surge area and get to the elder construction. Newer construction looks like bruce and other things that have failed at high rates. Who are dealing with flooding and that you are dealing look flooding and that is why we look at buildings and areas that may not be at the high risk of flooding insurance but still has flood risk and in florida, we dont have basements. We need to look at see if there are changes. Host we are with craig fugate. If you want to talk about Hurricane Ian and hurricane recovery and response efforts, it is 202 7488001 for mountain and specific specific zones. 202 7488000 for eastern zones and if you have been impacted by Hurricane Ian, it is 202 7488002. Caller i watched constantly to see if i had to evacuate and i knew i didnt. The spaghetti box, to a point but if you watch it closely, you know it is gone you know the woman who says ron desantis should be sued for not doing an evacuation. Get out of florida if you dont like it because he did a great job and that was a terrible statement right now to do at this time. You can do the preciseness of where this is coming. I think you for taking my call thank you for taking my call. Host any thoughts . Guest when you are dealing with these i worked in florida for hurricanes. There is a lot of opinions about what has happened and when you have been impacted, i wont try to say that that is not what happened. It is important to listen to people and hear what they are saying and try to understand what is driving this. How did they see it . This is something we learned after hurricanes is to go back in and do surveys and based on the information and how you are hearing it, what did you do . Look for the things that help people make those informed choices. Those are the things that have been a challenge and Officials Say they tell people to evacuate and get the best information. It is the question of given what they heard and who it was coming from, what did they make the decision and how do you support better decisionmaking . Host what were the 2004 hurricanes you were down there working in peace sponsor efforts and these response efforts . Guest we had hurricane charley that ripped through orlando and out through volusia county. Hurricane francis, which was eight slowmoving on the southeastern coast and hurricane ivan that hit the panhandle and took down di i 10 bridge across pensacola bay took down the pensacola bridge i 10 bridge pensacola bay. There was a hurricane that crossed the state and did more damage. Host to florida, this is laura. Caller good morning. I moved to florida in 2004 and that year, we got it with three or four major hurricanes and we got it with francis and it ripped our car door off and we are in Central Florida but never had flooding we have now and my home is not considered in a flood zone in my whole yard was flooded and and my whole yard was flooded and i am wondering i have to have Flood Insurance and i did not get to see what happened with everyone house because else because my power was out for 16 hours. This is in Central Florida so if i am everywhere if i was anywhere near water, i would be out of the state as soon as i could. Host mr. Fugate. Guest we have to do a better job explaining to people what these maps are and what they are not and why Flood Insurance is so important and she points out, the reality. There is no point in florida where you cannot have Hurricane Force winds. And this is what we are seeing, the increase of extreme rainfall particularly in the in land areas. We talk about the freshwater flooding and we saw this back in harvey and other storms and Hurricane Ian. This is from the National Weather service perspective, they saw the form storm was not moving fast and it would be a lot of rain and historic rainfall along its path. It was really about getting people to safety and effectuating after the fact because of flooding is coming up and we are seeing the impacts. The water has to work its way through rivers to get out to the atlantic or gulf of mexico and you have flooding ongoing in the state. Host this is kathy in wisconsin. Caller i am wondering how much fema oversees a couple years ago, i had a Family Member that was in lake charles, louisiana and lost everything. They evacuated and came back that night and rain coming in an Insurance Company you have to get a roof tarp and there are people going around as builders and locals and they are price gouging but does fema oversee any of that in the rebuilding process and control where our money is going . Guest its a twopart question. It is a local and State Government that deal with scammers and some Insurance Companies go out and put tarps up on either their insured properties are helping people out there dont have insurance. Fema has another program. It is called Operation Blue reef and a contract to the core engineers to bring in contractors to fund the tarps on the roof from wind damage to protect content and the board washer we can keep out, the better chance of recovery. When it comes to enforcement of scams, that is state and local government and when it comes to roofing operations, that is something fema will task to be core of engineers and that will bring in more resources to get roofs covers covert covered. They focus on those homeowners. Host we will have to end it there. Craig fugate, we appreciate your time. But chief you can find himond the state budget. This is 45 minutes. Hello, im dennis anderson. I am Illinois Associated press media editor. Today is friday, september 30. We are about to begin a unique interview between Governor Pritzker and darren bailey. Representing all regions of illinois

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