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Ms. Radnofsky, you didnt write story. Your colleague say theres a planned vote on healthcare. Especially on the senate side next week. Could you give a sense of the white houses role and what they happen if it does happen . The texte time line, is expected this week. Cbo score early next week and a thursday. Y a vote on the white house said is it is it has the 50 votes. Theyll have a firmer sense by end of the week. Confident things are direction. The right host sarah clif kliff of that confidence. Ony want to take a gamble this voting. Guest we seen the house a vote back ins march. They are getting ready. Paul ryan saying there will be a a dramatic move. They realized, they didnt have the votes and didnt want to put a bill only to fail. I think we will it is still see an whether we could similar scenario play out in the senate. Things feel very unknown because we havent seen the bill passed. Things from the senators. We talk to about the various suggestions they have to proposals. Once we get the bill pass, which on friday, weing will get a better sight what issues senators have votes. There are 50 host i know probably suggest that all these issues have been resolved. Case. T know if thats the is that the case as far as major issues. Sticking points. Guest theyre working through key issues of medicaid has been issue for the republican senators. There are a number of republican senators who represent states in medicaidpate expansion and their quite worried about the effects it would have on constituents. We went through details on washington journal that medicaid deal does seem to be shaping up. They are getting closer to the finish line. Ims the key area that watching. One thing we havent heard is the tax credits that people get market. Ndividual there hasnt been much out. Mation coming if you remember last week, donald trump called the house bill a mean bill. The senate has down with. Omething more generous host thank you for bringing up president trump. He makes statements like that, does this complicate the process as far as the have to do to get a final bill done . Make life House Republicans easier. The white house has to push to them across the finish line. Apparently the president did to some it could make easier,ate republican supporters are worried about this. The Senate Republicans position a bad bill better. That would make life who want to portray the bill bad more complicated. It could help Senate Republicans. Important thing here, Senate Leadership just like house leadership, at some point needs out there in order people to coalesce around it. You cant really count the votes until theres a bill. You reallyve a bill, want to move quicklied as a possible if youre in leadership and trying to get something line. The finish you really just want to move quickly and get people to come fast. Er around this thing host our two guests joining us for the next hour or so to talk only the Senate Status as far as healthcare but the future of Healthcare System in the united states. Want to ask them , heress about this where breaking it down. If you see insurance through the give usle care act, call at 2027488000 if if you from your employer uninsured 1 if youre uninsured, 2027488002. You can send us thoughts on this topic on twitter if you want. Do that. Louise radnofsky is the white house okay uninsured to move ons happens . Ardless what they like to see a win. Guest were heard conflicting signals. That was an approach that the white house flirted with over the house bill when it failed. They were done. They were walking away. Seems to have happened is that they got a sense a win was possible. Thats what brought them back to the table. Dont know how long theyre willing to stick with the senate. First tryknow if the will succeed. If the first try fails its unclear. Host on the senate side, were coming up on the july 4th break. Recess. At august Senate Republicans are they okay work . On if this doesnt if thats the case, you can add who are the close people to watch in this debate . Great questiona about Mitch Mcconnell. Deliver onted to this win. Who you ilobbyist talked to Mitch Mcconnell need to show them a body. Up for ono put it vote and move on. Next week will be quite instructive on which place it lands it. Thats the house experience, ryan gave press conference after that bill failed. Then two months later, they passed a bill. I take everything with a grain termst at this point in of how strong the compliment is repeal. Mmitment is to you have two moderate senators this deal. Ortant to senator Lisa Murkowski from alaska, Susan Collins from maine. They are quite concerned about the medicaid cuts in the bill. Morere pushing for generous medicaid funding. On the other side of the caucus, more conservative senators like mike lee, rand for more cruz pushing aggressive cuts. You can lose one side of the spectrum. Its a difficult balancing act trying to get partyne in the republican to coalesce around the same bill. Host remind us the way this will be voted upon. Votes will be needed to passed . Bill guest they need 50 votes to move it through the senate. Using a process called reconciliation. Anything that do relates to the budget only needs 50 votes. Get 60 vote the to majority. The only have 52 members in chamber and dont expect any democrats to vote for it. Theyre going that route. They only need 50 votes because if they do have a tie, the vice with the can come in tie breaking vote. Fully know how the debate going to unfold. Some timeike theres frame which senators can offer speeches. And floor we dont know how long that will be. Democrats, minority leader chuck schumer, he welloned Mitch Mcconnell have two hours to debate there. He said there will be sufficient time. The parameters of the debate arent clear now. Host Louise Radnofsky do we see a direct hand by the president or the Vice President talking and visiting them and who maybeg those still iffy on whether they can support this . Now. not what we see now is the white house, this is a strategy they set in early may, using Insurance Market woes in a drive home ates to message to senators that they have no choice to vote for a order toe bill fast in prop up those markets. Of thoseesday is one major federal filing deadlines information to come in from a number of states. Number of red states in particular. States that donald trump won. That is expected to be one of the turning points this week in discussion. That said, the white house was willing to get involved right at folks across the line. Thats certainly that could depending on where its at. The senators come down in some ways. All 52 senators from the republican side are the ones you watch. Theyll understand that. Have some calls. York, hesfrom new insured under the aca. Ahead. Caller good morning. The future of healthcare, has to of obamacareepeal because for us selfemployed literally have been thrown under the bus. We used to have Health Insurance we knew our doctors. Three, we family of have 11,000 deductible. Go to 600 a month and we medicaid clinic. Doctors do look at their screens. You dont see doctors there anymore. Practitioners. Its the worse case their nightmare for selfemployed people. We got rate premium, 13. 75 . Have a mammogram, 650 in advance. We have lost our Health Insurance. All we have is bills and we get dumped on the back of medicaid line. Hear the democrats talking about preserving Democrats Use threw self selfemployed people underthe b. Republican e oh whatever republicans do for selfemployed people it will be better. Our family lost our Health Insurance. 20,000 before we have coverage. Its medicaid. Its atrocious. We have to work to replace this. Sharing yourou for story. Guests, im sure this is not you heard this argument. Guest youll hear the president talk about victims of obamacare story lines similar to. Where people talk about higher deductibles. Her Narrower Networks with the clinics hes talking about. Seeing changes to their individual Health Insurance. The folks whos had insurance before the Affordable Care act came into effect. They were essentially benefiting the preaca system which andthier people paid less higher risk people paid more and arent able to get insurance. Scaleshe new system, the tilt more in favor of people who claims. Her medical but conversely, those people can be deemed winners, featured by administration, you have people who feel like they new system. Er the theres a trade off and american decided. Ecessarily guest i agree what that. When i talked to a lot of democrats, they talk about what will fix with the Affordable Care act, they think they would have identify some of problems that william was identifying. We need to provide more generous financial support. We need to spend more money to make a little more affordable areindividuals who enrolled. That is not the approach republicans want to take. Think one question i raised around this, how someone like treated under the American Healthcare act. The bill that the house passed. A big the Congressional Budget Office expects cause deductibles to rise. Its providing less generous support. These are questions and ton fromons i hear a obamacare enrollees. It is not clear to me that the passed thebill that house would solve these problems. Caller in is a maryland. Dave who gets insurance from his employer. David from maryland . Caller. On to another jan from massachusetts on our line for others. Hello. Caller good morning. I wanted to say that i remember were doing theey year. G this paul ryan told the president they had the vote. All day. Ing cspan the forum and i see paul ryan come in saying he had aetna. Ith the ceo of in virginia its crazy. On obamacare, everybody was worried about pork in bills. Only one who got pork was Mitch Mcconnell. He asked to have program on the ohio river. The complete funding of that. Now i dont understand. The whole reason to get a job is to get Health Insurance come with it. Term, short term, disability, life insurance. Is all normal since 1974. I dont know whats going on. Am very happy that im military grad. I got to live on an army base in never had to worry about food, clothing, education, security. I get back to the states age of 12. You people are nuts. The same thing everyday. Thanks. N guest i think the process has been a little challenging and interesting to watch. Theres a lot of concern talk toart of people i about Health Insurance industry. How involved are they. W. Of the things thats interesting to watch, the Health Insurance industry has been in this debate. You think back to 1994 which is before i was covering healthcare, i looked back at that, you saw aggressive attempt Healthcare Industry to hillarycare. You havent seen industry playing much of a role. They kind of seem a little bit on the sidelines at this point. Surprisingen little to me as a reporter so see that. Saying it reporting was in iowa, Health Insurance, in iowa. Eyll stay at this. House look this is one of Donald Trumps campaign. Ing the ultimate collapse of the current of obamacare. Ate we areumber of seeing in some of the same states and different states this time around, similar increases being proposed by carriers. A bit of back and forth debate. Where democrats blame republicans for the rate year. Ses this are y [indiscernible] the republicans sabotaged it. Republicans imply they didnt. Reate the laws of economics there is a little bit of a political calculation going on parties. Both do republicans as last party to touch Health Policy, get blamed problems arised as result of American Healthcare anybodyany problem that has in Health Policy at all. Of gripes withs their insurance coverage. Its natural they attributed those to Affordable Care act. Equally natural they attribute to Affordable Care act. Host Previous Administration newif the current action announcements that were seeing. Guest i think both are true. Before the true Trump Administration. The obamacare marketplace is struggling a little bit. Were seeing carriers leave the marks. They werent making money. Kept seeing increase in counties with only Health Insurance available. Is not the competition democrats imagined when they act. D the Affordable Care how it is certainly this was designed, the markets were not functioning as democrats would have liked. Lot ofe seeing a monopoly markets with high rates. Ce theres actions taken by the Trump Administration that has exacerbated these problems. Administration has been very ambiguous about whether they will continue paying subsidies. Were just going to raise our rates a lot in order to make lose money. T the blue cross plan in North Carolina for example, which is the only carrier left in that market, they said they would have raised rates 8 . They dont know about the subsidy funds theyre asking for 22 rate increase. Certainly true there were challenges Health Markets faced before the Trump Administration. Of the if you read the insurance filings, something i doing, you of time see that a lot of Insurance Companies are attributing big hikes with the uncertainty of white house and congress created. Referenced, well see ambiguity about the decision on that . Guest the other aspect, theres ambiguity, this is a matter of litigation. Didnt create the legal uncertainty over the payments in so far they didnt draft the bill that created what was appropriations. House republicans did file the lawsuit but then created that. Back and forth here. You can see how complicated this get. Guest right now, we dont know the white house has not paying these funds. They have paid them a little bit lawsuitseeping the alive. Get aats tried to permanent appropriations for them under the spending bill year. As cut earlier this they walked away from that and other goals. Radnofsky and sarah kliff. Next caller linda from dallas, texas. Pleased with healthcare that i have. Healthcare th united healthcare. Im 67 years old. I get tot healthcare, choice. E clinic of my its really good for me and theres a lot of seniors that go there. Im hoping this new healthcare that. Oesnt change my doctor we get referrals if we become sick. Like to say that, im hoping nothing changes to the hospitalhospitals that takes cae my income residents in district. They go to parkland. Has county hospital its a takes care of them under their special insurance. Hoping nothing changes there. Thank you. Host shes satisfied with her healthcare. How does that change depending on what happens . Guest she sound like shes in plan. Re advantage that is somewhat largely untouched. Rulesconciliation restrict House Republicans able theo in terms of repealing Affordable Care act. Shes also raised questions about the future programs in her that do rely on federal money. Bye of which is affected legislation that washington is debating now. Thinkg question that i will remain regardless what beyond,next week or which is, there are around 25ly 25 Million People in the united insurancehout health who rely on Community Fund and charity programs. The republican bill passes and the cbo score is correct, it ofl raise the number uninsured. Wasnt clear under the therdable care act even uninsured rate would go down. You might have a bigger issue that everybody will be talking now. Five years from host you see the score pop up a couple of different times. Party anymore as far as the score is concerned . As far as what debate goes on on capitol hill . The republican side, do they consider it anymore . Do. T i think they it will be interesting the journal reported this morning, the cbo score is expected on tuesday of next week. It will be interesting to see where that number is and how talk aboutblicans it. I can foresee a future where the cbo score on the house bill said that 23 million americans will coverage. Senate getting score saying 15 million will lose coverage. Bad bill and we made this better. Thats still a significant number of people losing Health Insurance. Thats about the population of pennsylvania or so to put it in perspective. I think it will factor into the debate. On the certainly seen house side that they voted did itthe cbo score, to in the debate. On the senate the rules are different. To use this reconciliation process, need to show that this bill save the government money. They need that cbo score before voting. They can turn to different agency, look that score is fine. Seems like theyre going to wait for the cbo score. Host lets get to maryland, is insured under the aca, chris youre next. Caller i live in baltimore, maryland. About five years ago, i had a death in the family and i lost job. Which caused me to lose my house everything. To lose if it were not for the Affordable Care act, i would be dead. I thank president obama and everyone who voted for it for that. I can tell you that the republicans, if i cant get on time and the republicans pass this new how they can and call it care, i dont know. It it passes, i will die. Its that simple. Guest there are a lot of people worried at this point. Pointed out who gained coverage. Bills with high medical who benefited under Affordable Care act. I think one the things that democrats trying to do this week is really rally those people, get these stories out there. Make the case that this is helping a lot of people. I think weve heard on this show, two Different Stores were hearing. Like chris really law. Ited from this people gain coverage. This is why this is such a struggle for republicans. Are lots of people like chris. You typically dont see congress programs. Ck benefit its very unusual to take something away that is already gone out to people. Think that is is one of the things that makes this a challenging political issue for republicans. Guest very powerful political argument. Argument. Ust a little healthcare, republicans and democrats is personal. To individual policy in particular makes people feel vulnerable. Argument weine of can expect to hear. Its not typical for congress to programs. Benefit what republicans are doing could described not too much rolling back the aca provisions but changing it. Probably toents keep it in the new system to keep paying insurance premiums. Republicans switching away to incentivize people to maintain to a system where youre credited if you keep it. Haves drop it, you would new system. Er the continuous coverage is important thing for people who are worried about the status of their individual insurance under the new system. If that new system comes to past. Out by thes an ad democratic senator campaign republicanit targets dean heller. I want to show you the approach its taking. On it. Ur comments heres the ad. Host thats a look at the economic decisions that some have to make. Tactics used those in political arguments on this debate. One thatthink it is really took the research what we know about Health Insurance. Seen, the things weve theres been a big debate around Affordable Care act about how much Health Insurance matter. Do people get healthier when they have Health Insurance. Its difficult to prove that connection. We know is that Health Insurance provides financial security. Was really landmark study in oregon of the medicaid peopleon where some randomly were enrolled, they werent able to show physical effects. They found amount of stress, amount of Credit Card Debt and allruptcy debt, that stalled when people gained Health Insurance. That is a key part of this debate. Of the care, which is quite expensive in the united states. At it pointy clear that fewer People Health medicale means more bankruptcies. Guest certainly emotional security too. Thats what the dscc in this ad after. Where theyre targeting these ads. The democratic strategy to save aca, potentially goes republicans. Ist there are a lot of those senators for them to target. Widen their net. Thats where well see the most pressure over the next ten days. If youre in support of the aca you got call to go after dean heller. Kim. Lets hear from shes in georgia. Gets insurance from her employer. Caller ken. My insurance through my employee. Ended up we are struggling times. Our family benefits thousand dollars. We end up every year, were looking at trying to figure out how you do that. Looking at a lot of the other to the insurance, ceos and theyre making millions of dollars. I never heard anyone speak about and how they deal with how they get these bonuses and money and you look at the effect and whats happen with insurance. And nothing about the companies itself. How that affects the money that going out. We went to the marketplace. Job helped us to get a there. Im a teacher. That money howt that affects you as an top,idual, you look at the its like, how can you even how can ceo live with themselves making. Money theyre host thank you. Guest Affordable Care act provisions that restrict how much profit essentially Insurance Companies could make on individual policies. Set ratio ofhave a premiums to pay out. Of that is little uncertain now under the new system. Certainly when you look at the rate increases that weve seen they cant really be pay. Buted to ceo since then, really its more to with Insurance Companies have been saying in the rate filings. The proportion of sick people enrolling in relative to Health People enrolling. New twist for 2017 going into 2018. Uncertainty they have around Trump Administration actions. Guest one thing this brings up, w. Of the things the affordable touch which is healthcare prices. One parent took his little girl to the emergency room. Nail down. They put a bandaid on it. 600. S a bill for thats uniquely american story. Most other country have some kind of regulation on prices where the government is involved. Stuff cost. We dont have that in the united states. This is not something that the democrats wanted to or felt like pursue in the Affordable Care act. They did not really Touch Healthcare prices in that bill. Means that we still have very high when we go to the thanr, we dont go more people in other countries. We pay a lot more each time we go to the doctor. That is a real stress on lot of tryingmonth the budgets to figure out how to make the prices work. Is next from washington d. C. Caller glad to be on. Have a question. Why r [indiscernible] trying to cut we away from this and that, why not those funds and help subsidize the people who are aca. G problems the at the end of the day, i look at have to have you insurance. If i drive off the lot and get insurance. To have penalized. L get you should be able to if you yout have a car insurance, 2500. T fined up host to this idea of fixing it. Been democratic statement. What have democrats offered as what to fix . Guest you seen a little bit of this here and there. Surprised me, we havent seen democrats say this is our plan. This is what we would do. When i talked from the senate office, they feel like is to act. D the Affordable Care their job is to talk into how bad the republican bill. Going to pass. I think debate that as political i seen some questioning, democrats, why yourt you suggesting fixes. President obama was someone was about willing to talk this. He wrote an article in the American Medical Association outlined what seem like at the time, kind of a memo to hillary clinton, here are the things you can strengthen the Affordable Care act if youre elected president. This included things like public option into marketplaces that had no competition, providing more subsidies to make the premiums affordable. President obama left it in his last year in office. It is not something you see democrats talk a lot about. One other thing that has been interesting, you do discussion of, you do see Senate Republicans talking about stabilizing the Insurance Market term. Short they see these problems happening for 2018. We have a number of counties now where no Insurance Companies want to sell obamacare coverage next year. Senator ron johnson from wisconsin was giving an interview stressing how short termhe stabilization will be. Guest whatever the republicans do pass would take effect. Theres also a surge to the of ideas thats been discussed. Those are what the Insurance Industry wants. Theyre not what the last president proposed in his journal article. They would have been difficult democrats to accept. Have felt force to go them. With fast a restriction that is consumers. H its a requirement thats popular with Insurance Companies with consumers probably essential to bring down premiums. Host democrats spent seven hours on the floor of the senate talking about their issues with passage or current debate over the ahca. Republicaner on that plan for healthcare. We want to get his thoughts on to and get your reactions that. Heres senator schumer from yesterday. Only two weeks away from the july 4th recess and my friends on the other side say were healthcarete on a bill before the break. Democrats have still not seen bill. The Republican Health and Human Services secretary hasnt seen the bill. American people have not seen the bill and im sure many seenlican senators havent the bill either. The white house spokesman couldnt even say if the seen the bill. This is a bill that would likely reorder 1 6 of the american economy, have life and death for millions of americans. Its being discussed in secret hearings, nottee debate, no amendments, no input minority. This is the most glaring from normal legislative procedure that i have ever seen. Majority leader used to sing the praises of order. Wax poetic about the wisdom of committee process. Criticized democrats vehemently for passly affordable democraticth only votes. Thats after we accepted dozens of republican amendments during the robust hearing process. Now that the shoes is on the foot, republicans are in charge, all those concerns and disappeared. Ve no committee process, no hearings, nothing. Quite the opposite what they years ago. Five why am i republican friends of aing in this farce legislative process . Why are republicans willing to in such hypocrisy. Contradicting all the things they said about good procedure the senate. What are they afraid of . Much from that statement truth compared to rhetoric . Sarah kliff . Guest i covered the First Healthcare debate. There were a lot more Committee Hearings. There were a lot more meetings. Ofemember watching a lot cspan and watching these endless hearings. The Senate Finance committee for example, held eight day mark up on the healthcare bill. Its the longest in the Committee Hearing history. It is true, republican the raised concern that we were shut the process. There was a point they couldnt get republicans on board. Partisan process. Had so manyable you more hearings. The Affordable Care act in the house and senate side. What is compare that happening with republicans. Now much more closed process. It is become quite clear that republicans plan to have zero hearings on their healthcare bill. I think minority leader schumer of this is part about hypocrisy. Criticized the democrats for the same thing. Its also really hard for the obamacare,rely on who feel like theyre very much in the dark now. They dont what to do. They dont know how to mobilize. Bill withs a secretive process, it does end up with a lot of people getting in that process. Host Louise Radnofsky, you the president talked about mean aspect. He talked about the process as going on . Nness whats guest republicans will say, they campaigned seven years what they trying to do now. It shouldnt come as a surprise to anybody necessarily. Also theyve made this point they trying to rally their own members. Thecannot run on repealing Affordable Care act for three straight elections and still toect people are not going expect you to do. You see the president put a lot emphasis on the need to keep promises. This is republicans seeking to keep. This idea that while there havent been hearings, there has standing and open commitment on the partys part part to repealing the act. Dable care they didnt want to have a bruising fight in public. A strategic move. People can debate the philosophical merits. Guest this is whats happening. Radnofsky, with washington journal. Talking about the future of u. S. Healthcare. Desoto, texas. Caller im so pleased to hear this topic. Thank cspan for putting it on. Heres the problem i have not reference atnel all. The first caller this morning was talking about the amount of money he paid through medicaid. My understanding, my understanding is that there were selections that people put up to decide on which to signthey would like under. Under the gold, silver and bronze. I do not believe that included the business people. Like some would explanation on that and the other thing is, to be shut out of the republican, not allowing thisepresentative of country, which is the senate, and the senate from our state country,all over the not to allow them to see this bill, a day before it is to be passed. I think that is just absolutely unspeakable. You. Guest sometimes i do feel like 2011, you in 2010, hear a lot of same messages again. I think its true that both sides feel the same way. Theyre making the same publicly. We have show us the bill. We had read the bill back in the days. You also have the same high that people around have around healthcare. Guest to the question about the of plan, youre marketplaces. There are Different Levels of Health Insurance. You have platinum which is top provides the most comprehensive coverage usually highest premiums. Gold, slightly less good coverage and then you scale down bronze. R and just to clarify that, those are the four different options. Have low income americans, they qualify for the medicaid program. You have to earn less than 133 and 15,000ty line for individual. If youre above that threshold, making aoosing and decision how much a premium you coverage and how comprehensive you want coverage to be. Guest one the ways insurance premiums isive down to narrow the network of providers and other that folks can visit. We heard from william from new his new york of providers was same network of his privater insurance. Which the federal government and the states were paying the claims for. Thats the environment he wasnt on low income clinic. Seeingre we still enrollment increase because of debates . Rent guest were outside of the opendable care act Enrollment Period which runs through the fall. It will be a little shorter next year. One of the things we saw, we got data a few weeks ago how many now. Igned up 10. 2 million. Saw about 12 Million People only 10. 2 million paid their premium and enrolled. Some time in southeastern kentucky an area of country that has seen big drop in insurance rate. Is just one this person but it seems like elsewhere. Appening she saw open enrollment go much slower. Theres so much uncertainty. Open enrollment was right after happened. On massachusetts, someone who gets employer insurance. Hello. Caller good morning. Im a nurse. Years. My point, i have an experience i discuss also. I just think that my pay always fromfrom the government or the deficit. The cream of the crop is going middle man and isnt that unethical. We have all this profit in its unethical and i like to hear the democrats talk about that. The republicans will do anything about it. Was crippled was i by a pinch nerve. Couldnt sleep about a month it lasted. They diagnosed it about week and a half. Horrendous. Not the best insurance. Raised thosecare copays. Anyway, got me back on my feet. Glad to be back at work. Is chronicwork patients. Nd chronic those are my points. Guest we have heard a little about singlecrats payer. Really pretty much the same thel that weve heard over last few years. Holdsfordable care act unfavorably for years after passage. Werert because there democrat who also when asked about the Affordable Care act, really wanted single payer. They say i have unfavorable view it. Also heardy republicans talk about single payer. It as boogy man. If you dont get together and repeal the Affordable Care act, democrats are planning single payer. We reported senator mcconnell privately with den raised greg wald it last week. Byheard single payer talk the politics were never really that favorable towards it during administration. I think its a fairly safe assumption that policy is not republicann a administration. Guest i gray with louise, it doesnt seem like its on the d. C. On here in what ive been interested to follow, lot of states are possibility of some kind of state level increased Public Health you can find all our washington journal segments online in our video library, go to cspan. Org and click on the series tab and click washington ournal to finish. The house gaveling in about 15 minutes earlier than they announced. In the senate the hill reports majority leader Mitch Mcconnell says there will be a discussion draft of Health Care Legislation to be unveiled thursday. Also under way today, the special election in georgias sixth Congressional District under way. The Atlanta Journal constitution is reporting a 4949 split between the candidates in the most recent polling. Republican karen handel and democrat jon ossoff. Just 2 of voters undecided in the race and a record setting 50 million being spent on the race in georgias sixth district. Its being seen as a try run for how democrats might fare in other districts. Read more in the Atlanta Journal constitution. Also today, a special election in South Carolina to fill the seat thats now being held by that was being held by director white house budget director mick mulvaney, the South Carolina fifth district. Republican ralph norman facing democrat archie parnell. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] the house expected to gavel in any moment now, considering legislation dealing with Homeland Security issues and also the u. S. Foster care system. And in the senate today, confirming brock long as fema administrator and working on Deputy Defense secretary patrick shan hans nomination and some shanahans nomination. Mitch mcconnell says they could see a discussion draft of the Health Care Law by thursday. Reporters will get a chance to see it then as well, adressing concerns from democrats that the g. O. P. Has been keeping the bill secret. He says the legislation will move to the floor next week as soon as they get a cost estimate and analysis if the Congressional Budget Office on the Health Care Reform legislation. Look for that over on cspan2. And also today the special election in georgias sixth Congressional District is under way and the Atlanta Journal constitution reporting on the record setting 50 million spent on the campaign. Republican karen handel facing democrat jon ossoff. The polls there close at 7 00 p. M. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the chair will postpone further proceedings today on motions to suspend the rules on which a recorded vote or the yeas and nays are ordered or on which the vote incurs objection under clause 6 of rule 20

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