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Very separate from these types of cases, unfortunately. Have got to say i can like the analogy that you go where the birds are defined the body. It doesnt seem like thats what they did. They are not going where the birds are flying. They are going somewhere else. Where are the birds flying . What is the profile of a terrorist . Is a french person or where should they be looking . You know, what we do know is that the our french people who get involved in terrorism. A guy who was a social misfit traveled overseas, came back and was the socalled dirty bomber. What we have seen yet our people within the united states, said want to commit terrorism and become terrorists because they need an al qaeda operative. What the Government Police is the profile of a terrorist is a young man, you know, 1635, unmarried. Youre okay. [laughter] but the reason i criticized the first analogy is that it requires them to believe that the threat exists what they see the birds flying. They see the birds flying over the muslim communities. Its not the best analogy they use because words fly over dead bodies, they are vultures and they feed off the dead bodies but that doesnt mean, it doesnt fit the same way. For the fbi give david to map a community and as a were going to target iranians in los angeles, or wherever, requires them to believe they have intelligence or in some cases may be its a predisposition to believe that there is terrorism from these communities. Its hard to know. What we do know is that was trained to inside the fbi that was used up until two years ago. For example, some the train material described the prophet muhammed as a cult leader, raising money for terrorism. So that i think raises questions about the internal ideas about islam in the fbi, and whether theres a belief that even when they can show that there are terrorist communities, muslims come from muslim countries or thats what they draw the line and thats why the bird analogy i dont think necessarily works but that is the fbis defense and using domain management, to use the data to target specific communities. Im going to use the moderate privilege as something that is maybe on our minds. Having just seen president obamas second inauguration come and that is what has the Obama Administration been on all of this . A lot of the cases you mentioned are pretty 2008. Right. So terrorism sting operations are programs that develop under george w. Bush and theyre basically continued unabated under president obama. One of the extraordinary things is that if you look at the 2008 sorry, 2012 president ial election, one of the areas obama was strong as i was national security. The glass jaw of democratic candidates. He was strong on a. And what weve seen is a doubling down almost on this policy. Eric holder came december to go for a meeting, and he was questioned specifically about the sting operation and he insisted that these are legitimate Law Enforcement tool for finding terrorists. What weve also seen under obama, and i think there is hesitancy by the press director critical of this, has been an increase of surveillance. The amount of worthless wiretaps. The amount of worthless electronic surveillance that were seeing. The fbi when a Police Someone might post terrorist threat has 72 hours, go to your email, go through trash, go to any kind of digital remnant you might leave behind looking for evidence that you may be involved in terrorism. Weve seen an explosion of that. Google reports every year the amount of government request. What weve seen is a real Strong Standby obama and defending the sanctions. Weve seen a steady increase in the types of cases. And also if you look at, when were doing the initial mother jones investigation there was about a year of data since then and the percentage of informants better who provide the means and in some cases the idea is even higher than what we saw before. These are people, the most recent one is this case in new york involving a guy who wanted of him the federal reserve. The fbi provided all other means. Were seeing more and more of that under obama. This is kind to becoming the policy obama has stuck and defend. I find hard to believe anything will change over the next four years. Although there continues to be debate on things like the privacy aspect of this, certainly general petraeus was surprised to find his email account i think of sussex ordinary thing. Electronic surveillance, this is the power that took on the cia director. If it takes down the cia director by ending his dirty laundry, it has the potential to affect so many people. While on the topic, and this partly comes to mind because mother jones has had some real interesting experiences that undercover recordings as mitt romney while recalls, theres a lot of undercover recordings going on any kind of cases you describe. And i just wonder if mechanically, do these informants where why are all the time, some of the time . How does that get decided . This is an important aspect. Because they are so missed trusted, the fbi is supposed record everything to do. So that i adored about the in form an integral understand and not have much credibility. But they rarely do that. The First Encounter between an informant as a terrorism think target, the most critical. The most critical in proving predisposition. They are rarely recorded. There was a case in newburg that he mentioned, for months went by fbi informant didnt record any of the conversation. But kind of even more, some of that is even more concerning in that theres a really high degree more high chance that the fbi will experience what they determine a recorder malfunctioned the it always seems out on a very important been. So for example, in the case involving a man in baltimore who realize he was in a sting operation and cold at the informant said i dont whats going on . Is this a sting operation . And the informant says no, come on over. The guy comes over and, of course, this is an important meeting. The fbi somehow expenses a recorder malfunctioned but what we know is the guy can comes back and the plot and calls in the next day and says hey, im ready to move forward. I want to do it. We see that consistently. I criticize in the book because heres a sophisticated Law Enforcement agency that could have some really good equipment. They are not buying stuff at best buy, and theyre having a high degree of recorder malfunctioned which to me is very suspicious that in these meetings that seems so important, theres such a high chance that the meeting wil wone recorded. And its something theyre wrestling with in portland right now where the first meeting between mohammed mohammed, the target of a sting operation, and to undercover agents was not recorded and the fbis excuse, well, we ran out of batteries. Which again i think is very suspicious. Question here and a question back here. You havent had a chance yet. I think with nixon he had his secretary to have an automatic thing under because they named a part of the freedom of information area after her. [inaudible] how does the Muslim Community rack to some of the work youve done on this topic . Do they reach out to you . The mother jones article was published and introduce. The responsibility great. Here in new york, i have a talk next month. Ive been heartened by the emails ive gotten there think this is important work, that the real benefit putting after the fact that this is a community that has been targeted by fbi agents a very aggressive way. And so in general i received a great amount of support. In reporting the store, too, this is a difficult story to report because uranium, a nonmuslim going into a Muslim Community asking questions and the first thing they might think is that guy is probably a former. Fortunately that wasnt the case in most of these cases. I think thats been very helpful. The case in portland youre talking a. If he tells about his biography, eliminate what your doctor. This guy was kind of a myth that he lived in oregon and what we know, when the fbi partly initial were not quite sure, but he kind of looked to lies. He espouse a very conservative form of islam and at the same time as kind of a party or. He would go to parties and drink, and he was 19 . He was 19. Theres a situation where he was partying at oregon state university, and he went home with a girl and they had sex and the girl later accused him of date rape because she couldnt member anything to the Oregon State Police initially investigated that, and were not sure when the fbi came into the fbi showed up at oregon state at the state Police Department as hes is being questioned on the state rate. And he is adamant. I didnt rape anyone. He signed to perform this is yes, you can search my hard drive. They were accusing him of having researched date rape drug. He consigned over the form to give them access and it turns out later that the test on the accuser came back that she didnt have any date rape drugs in her system. But what Mohammed Mohammad didnt know was as part of that they turn over to the fbi his entire hard drive. Suddenly Mohammed Mohammad got an email from a socalled terrorist the city still interested in joining the brothers . There was indication hed emailed potential tears in pakistan and Mohammad Mohammad said yes, im interested in moving forward in this plot. They said why dont you come meet us at thi the hotel import . He agrees to do the. That was the First Encounter, which the fbi was supposed to record and didnt, and they ran out of batteries. During that meeting according to the fbi they said to mohammed, what would you like to do . Find a plot for us to get involved and. And mohammad goes away and comes back two days later and he says, he tells the fbi agents about this is the Street Lighting sermon in portland, and thousands of are there. The fbi can say that our children are, you want to kill children . He says i dont care, something about it there enemies of islam they should die. I dont care if children and innocent people are blown apart. That was a big part. The problem is mohammad on his own had nothing. He did not build a bomb. The fbi agents been provided everything. They rented a storage unit. They give them a list of things he needed to buy. One was a battery. The other was a switch to another was a cell phone, all of which were components to build this remotely detonated bomb, and the fbi then builds the bomb for him and they built it to seems authentic that it smelled like gasoline. So they put the bomb in the back of a truck, back of a fan, and mohammad had plotted out a parking spot near pioneer square, which is people in portland tell me is incredibly hard to get a parking spot during the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony but lo and behold that Parking Spaces of able as mohammad pulls up in the van and they park the car and he walked away and mohammad dials up on a cell phone to detonate the bomb and it doesnt authentic isis do it again. He dials again and the fbi agents rush in and arresting. This was portrayed in the media as a dangerous plot that headfoil. Later we find a mohammad did not build a bomb and the fbi build it for them. Hit have any specific connections to terrorism. He was 19 at the time, the baby for the most part. And at the same time, as i mentioned earlier, in the middle of that operation he was about to be evicted and the fbi gave him 3000 to pay his rent so that we become a part of the issue. Then later to come out that theres an enough from fbi agent talk about how mohammad like to smoke pot, hes kind of a misfit. The email said something he is it was an example of the fbi and not looking so much for someone who really was dangerous but someone they could draw into their sting operation. And right now theyre putting on a very vigorous entrapment defense to of all the cases, this is the one that stands the best chance of actually winning on an entrapment defense but even then the message is probably a difficult road to defend. [inaudible] the questioner wants to know right. Its hard enough exactly, in the Mohammed Mohammad case there wasnt an informant involved but for the most part, most of the actors were undercover agents. But there are financial incentives for informants in particular, that you know, even to some degree a chance, right, like your performance is based on your caseload and gives you bring in and that dictates when you get a promotion, whether you get a raise. You could make the argument to our financial incentives involved in all these cases, to some degree. [inaudible] yes, youre right. Jamaica and our financial incentives for some of the targets in these cases and thats true. For example, the case in newburgh better mentioned earlier. The informant had offered 250,000 to them to move forward in a plot. In the liberty city seven case in particular, which was the seven men in miami, they were expecting a Money Transfer of 50,000 from what they believed was al qaeda. The evidence in the case

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