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Some European Countries have been calling for c o two emissions to be cut in half by twenty thirty that was a step too far for germany its delegation proposed a more modest thirty percent after thirteen hours of negotiations they reached a compromise a thirty five percent reduction in c o two emissions by twenty thirty. Meeting those targets will be an especially big challenge for makers of big diesel guzzling vehicles and that would include many german Automotive Companies so the issue is viewed as a tradeoff between jobs and the Environment German environment minister spend your shows have found herself under pressure from the government to fight against tough emissions targets. That make i really hoping they would have done more the German Automobile industry is furious they say the target of reducing Carbon Dioxide emissions by thirty five percent is totally unrealistic unfulfillable according to the v. A. Automotive Industry Association they say manufacturers have already exhausted all available fuel saving technology now jobs and the industry are in danger. Responding to the news german chancellor Angela Merkel adopted a conciliatory tone. Kind of n. E. P. Its good that theres an agreement because if there hadnt been one the european Auto Industry wouldnt have had any certainty i had of the European Election and that wouldnt have sent a good signal so its a justifiable result. Doesnt cut it in the negotiations some countries like ireland for example suggested reducing c o two emissions by half and easy demand if a country has no domestic Auto Industry but even countries like france and italy with important automobile sectors lobbied for significant reductions there automakers concentrate more on smaller vehicles which emit lower levels of Carbon Dioxide the stricter the targets the greater the pressure on manufacturers to sell more cars with zero emissions such as purely electric vehicles. At the i. M. F. And world banks annual meeting policymakers underscored that a trade war between america and china was going to make everyone poorer this year it took place in indonesia where people are reeling after last months devastating Earthquake Protesters demanded their Government Focus on helping victims instead of hosting a summit for the Business Elite their message didnt go entirely unheard on a visit to one of the most badly affected areas i. M. F. Chief Christine Legarde promised to supply funds so that today. Too. Soon after it was back to the usual order of business with the release of the i. M. F. Slated to report on the outlook for Global Growth the speck between the worlds top two economies drawing consequences the International Monetary fund has cut its Global Growth forecast for this year and the next. Notwithstanding the present the man momentum in the us we have downgraded its Twenty Nine Hundred growth forecast owing to the recently enacted tariffs on a wide range of imports from china and chinas retaliation. Chinas expected Twenty Nine Thousand growth is also marked down another factor worrying economists is the rise in global debt. In the last decade average national borrowings have risen from around a third of economic output to more than half thats an especially big concern for emerging economies many of which have seen money leave as a result of a rise in interest rates. With economic titans at loggerheads and developing countries under pressure the threats to Global Growth appear very real. This years Nobel Prize For Economics has been awarded to two researchers for their work on Climate Change and innovation us economists William Nordhaus and paul romer received the award for integrating innovation and climate with economic growth. Along with the prize the two researchers will receive nine million swedish kronor or one million u. S. Dollars. Google has appealed the e use biggest ever and the trust fine of Five Billion Dollars imposed for what the e. U. Said was the us Tech Giants Illegal Abuse of its Market Domination in Mobile Device Operating Systems the Company Refutes the charges though the case could take years to settle that event was overshadowed by the companys admission that it had kept a data breach under wraps it said Five Hundred Thousand private users data had been wrongly shared on its google plus social Media Network which it has since shut down. German carmaker b. M. W. Has announced a plan to take control of its china Joint Venture the first foreign automaker to take advantage of beijings new Ownership Rules for the sector be. Will acquire a further twenty five percent stake in the venture with brilliance China Automotive for three point Six Billion Euro the company said that would bring its stake to seventy five percent by twenty twenty two foreign automakers have long been restricted in holding no more than fifty percent stake in their china operations. Brazil has voted right wing populist j ableson r o now really missed the majority in the first round last weekend but no matter who wins the Runoff Election at the end of october that person will have to solve the countrys massive economic problems many average citizens are suffering. For thirty five years korea worked at the Stock Market Exchange in Rio De Janiero but when he suddenly lost his job he needed a new source of income now he works as it were driver to feed his family and keep his children in school. I think becoming unemployed is a very bad moment for a worker i was about to retire and i felt very scared. For many jobs as brazilians the app offers a solution there are over half a million drivers here brazil is the companys second largest market the Olympic Games in the world cup took place of the back of a financial boom but it quickly ept away leaving hundreds of thousands of people turning to the informal sector. In the many smart people you see dr silly swedes outside universities were going through a very difficult period. I think its a tough time people are unemployed. Its bad. Luck. Some analysts say the increasing dependency on the state these the government unable to do much more than cover running costs. The social homework we didnt do and they could not make whole board you know Life Expectancy grew with. So for security before. But productivity in brazil didnt grow so we had a detachment between economics and social social did relatively well but they didnt go. To social advancement. Brazils next president will face rising debts and a Budget Deficit of around seven percent of the countrys gross domestic product. The new administration will have to take quick measures to control spending if it wants to avoid falling into a new slump. The Worlds Largest fish market resumed operations at a new location in tokyo on thursday after final options last week at the historic tsukiji fish markets one of the japanese capitals tourist attractions. The opening of the gleaming new motors were found in saw oil and groundwater at the former Industrial Site tokyo spent thirty four Million Dollars to Dig Hundreds Of Wells to pump out groundwater in july tokyos governor declared decide safe but some traders remain skeptical eighty percent of vendors oppose the move to the new site some say its too far away and difficult to get to traffic jams prevented some Delivery Trucks from arriving on time. I dont know lets see what happens but there are some customers who said theyre not coming any longer because its too far away. For some to keiji veterans the move has deprived the market of its soul that you cant get market which had operated for eighty three years and attracted Tens Of Thousands of visitors each year but city officials said the old markets were dilapidated and unsanitary the old city g. Site is to be demolished later today to provide temporary parking for the twenty twenty tokyo lympics. A river of plastic bottles chokes this Drainage System in your own day cameroon when it rains that means the entire neighborhood is flooded they smell a somebody a boney and his crew dont work for the Sanitation Department they are volunteers from a local ngo called my diva and nature for them this is a gold mine of valuable raw materials. One day when i was walking back from university it started raining heavily i ran for shelter to wait it out and thats when i saw a huge plastic bottles clogging a bridge i was shocked i thought surely something can be done with all these bottles who will clean them up i saw it as a challenge. To challenge this man who studied engineering eventually devised a way to convert the bottles into something practical and useful after being cleaned and checked for quality the bottles become the basic Building Blocks for constructing what the organization calls eco boats. Close to a thousand bottles are needed for a six metre canoe shaped vessel it takes about three days to make one additional materials needed are purchased with money earned from boat sales. Theres also we do have a Cash Flow Problem at times and we sometimes dont have enough money to build the boats we just cant construct enough for all the fishermen in need though there were nearly one thousand fishermen here in the area and if we dont get the money together we simply cant do it. Ismail and his team hope their initiative will have a far reaching impact on the environment so far they have made around thirty Eco Boats Fishing boats in cameroon i typically made of wood which makes them expensive to repair another reason eco boats are such an attractive alternative and not just for fishermen and that was your Business Week in review. Climate change. Waste. Pollution. Isnt it time for good news eco africa people and projects that are changing our firemen for the better its up to us to make a difference lets inspire others. To what the environment magazine. D w. Im not going to think that well i guess sometimes i am but i said nothing that. I think stephen for gemma culture. Stereotypes classics any of thinks hes a country that i dont. Think they can ascribe down to me its all that. I might join me sunday duppy. Post. Spahn going to start its not just hide your identity. Bangladesh what is the true face of the country

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