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Underworld, former wine, phyllis, idaho. Unfortunately, they no longer used as such today. When there are sellers under the whole of tantara, because at the end of the 20th century, it was a huge wine Trading Center. People said it was the 2nd largest wine Trading Center in europe after bordeaux in france, line india. And in the year 1898 alone, some 18000000 leases of wine made their way from here out into the big, wide world i to read the 1st thing all visitors notice above ground is the bridge gate on the muzzle at the beginning of the 19th century there was enough wealth here to commission the well known berlin art nouveau, architect, bruno moving, he not only designed the bridge gate, but also in number of villas. Partly will architecture characterizes tom kaba to this state, a great place to start my journey along them was ill. Ah, today i want to find out why the moselle is one of the most beautiful river escapes in germany. So im off for right along a part of the mozilla psychopath from cobb kaba to call him. But thats not all. Ill also be finding out why moselle. Wines are so special for one thing, wind growing on the mozilla dates back to roman times. But there are also other attractions in the area like the met evil else castle and a viewer from argentina will also show us around her hometown setting that a fail. Ah ah, the nice thing about a bike path that runs along a river is that its fairly flat at east as long as it is close to the water. The moselle velli also offers a lot of beautiful panoramas. But for those, you have to paddle a little harder but its worth taking the detour uphill. Here, for example, are the ruins of cleveland book castle built in the 14th century. It was repeatedly attacked, destroyed and rebuilt, until it was finally blown up in the 18th century. From here, i can get a fantastic view over the missouri valley. There are many famous castles, the germany vot book if theyre india or nauseous, launched island bavaria. Well then, just as outstanding in the literal sense is else castle, not far from here. And we will show you what makes this castle special. And what the corona, virus Restrictions Mean for visitors and owners. Ah. Its castle towers over the side valley of the missouri. L. One of the few castles thats never been destroyed, its been in the hands of the else family, foreclosed to 900. Yes. Count aids is proud that his causal can normally cover most of its upkeep by well coming tourists. Though this year revenue has dropped due to the corona crisis. The suits douglas, even more painful to knew that 900 years of history is at stake. Esteem, but lets put it this way. Bob. Over time, one learns to fan going sell off and come up with a 1000 ways to milder such a situation. Be my baby, i miss argues he brought my son come due to social distancing and hygiene regulations. Theyve moved the ticket booth outside. Visitors can only remain in the castle for 2 hours, and no more than 120 guests can visit at any given time gore not taking groups at the moment because wed have to allow large numbers in sight at once. We can only do tours for 6 to 8 people was a time, most of our mac through m. O. People have been touring the castle since it we open to visitors in june, but not as many are coming as before. The corona virus crisis, the number of young people, however, is on the rise, because its causal is considered one of the most instagram of both places in germany. Hasnt come since now, but id estimate that between 1520000 foot 2 teams have been here. Scoggins, they stay the night here or show up at 6 in the morning. One, sometimes 21 my shots. I was a real basle to get a photo else. Castle left. Ive been tough to because there are no longo, hoards of photographers, but some are still coming. They provide the castle which relies primarily an entrance fees with them. Well can publicity, though both visitors ant guides enjoy touring the causal in small groups. Mcdonalds. If you really notice the difference. Yeah. Normally we have 35 people in a group. Today we have 8 tops thats nicer for the visitors. They can move around more freely. They see better, but it still feels unusual. Its causal can survive for a year with feel visitors, but should the restrictions last longer, it may have to close its gate. Count aids intends to delay that for as long as possible. Ah, by king along the mozilla, i can definitely recommend that most of the time you can ride along the water away from cars and streets through Natural Landscapes or small wine growing villages such as prudent ervish, which has 800 inhabitants. A lot of half timbered houses and as a special attraction, an old ferry house from 1621. 00 across the river. There are grapevines, as far as the i can see them as l. Y, and had a pretty good reputation for a long time. Unfortunately, its suffered in the 2nd half of the 20th century because of mass production methods. Well, in the meantime, however, the wind is once again a flagship production year, especially the recently back in his day, you hun, well have come from gay to praise the exquisite moselle wine. While fin arise could to husky related how he slowly drank his way down there with him to day fitness from the mozilla. Once again producing rolled renowned premium lines like mark was morally touch. His vieno take is deliberately bare so nothing distracts from the winds. He took either his fathers wine estate in the 19 eighties and made it one of the regions largest. But his interest is quality, not quantity. Wine con is says, the world over appreciate his vintages. At auctions, his reasonings ragged, any fetch record prices. Many people dont realize that 80 to a 100 years ago are weaseling wines were the most expensive wines in the world are by far, hardly seen in the 1920s, a reasoning cost twice or 3 times as much as the most expensive board do are burgundy or shannon, im so r e m, and that other highly successful wineries focus to bring the muscle back where it was 100 years ago. So brilliant. Would you offer wounded jamar . Ah, the most el valley has more steep sloped vineyards than anywhere else in the world. Each location is different and boasts its own individual flavors. But 90 percent of the vineyards year are devoted to one Great Variety. Recently. To get the most intense flavors, the grapes are harvested as late as possible. The regions slate soils make moselle riesling unique. See how things sizes here, but it produces very fine, larry, many rich raising wines with spicy notice to get an order. Whats great about this leave is that it, whether all is releasing or minerals into the soil. Ah, the fear of the vintners on the moselle have also turned to tourism as an additional source of revenue. At the long in schluter wine is state near trio. Guests can stay overnight and these vintner cottages. Still, marcus logans primary business will always remain making good wines. He also plans read varieties like spade book honda, but racing is, is number one wide. Mark was long and is typical of the new generation of vintners on the moselle, a generation competing to make and market the best wines this image this morning is the image of muzzle riesling, has greatly improved in recent years, all positive and vida there to wonder even young people consider drinking wrestling from the muzzle very trendy on amazon, so going, bristling, makes delicious sparkling wine as well riddled or turned by hand. Of course. Ah, the river and the wind. Somehow they belong together, especially in this section of the muscle near begin. Its where youll find the cumberland, which is probably the most famous been yet in germany because if its steep slope i have an appointment with winemaker. Martin hasta manase. And how did you become a winemaker . Yeah, we bought one vega in a roundabout way. There wasnt a free call. I trained as an Industrial Sales wrap nag, a mac, but quickly realized that i wasnt meant to sit around in an office all day. Michelle, thats who and she didnt dorky. So then i decided to become a ventnor, knocked him down my tongue, i bought ones front and my parents had operated a winery and i could see that it afforded a lot more opportunities for me. Im was in a thought though, so i trained to be a wine grower here on the mazel this to and politan. And later i studied a knology in boston. Burton burger went on, spent on an invite. I bid on as wind bo titian ukiah botton, written back and find spec, any regrets . No, no me, with scenery like this off. Definitely not to finish that route. Okay, but its strenuous as my look how were standing in, its super steep exodine athletes to do the work. Oh no, i small the lot. I know that the people from around here are used to working on steep slope. So thats not a problem for them. When does fall to neutron room for the most important thing is to have good food where it is done and it helps if youre not too afraid of heights finish online. What, why is the wind from the muscle so special . How does it differ from other winds under the vine . Yeah, kata dashed isnt bored. Its the soil and she fell log because we had these steep shale slopes down the slate found at these elevations warms the vineyard slightly. My advice vamp due to its dark color and if the slate stores he talked of album and which is emitted to the grapevines, little by little, not one, not oper. Give it on your neighbor. That means its always a little warmer, up here on the ill. Then in the flatter areas it printed on gifts and that helps the wrestling most of all to ripen. Well, reasoning is because riesling is a Great Variety that ripens relatively late, but in vine ball. So here of the recently matures nicely without acquiring too high and alcohol content wonder should to and due to the shale soil, it has a great morality. Didnt she for bowden . Can i eat one of yod constable . You can, but it wont take very good non ish. Then were still too far from harvest time or so it wont be much of a tree mostly. And youll notice that the grapes are still pretty hard that, but if you want to try, go ahead to be in motion is conserved gannon torn or, or because like, like i said, bristling ripens later. Lets so sour as being hosted i a because theyre still a lot of acid and not much sugar and unlock, we have other varieties that mature somewhat sooner and already taste great. Ika. Theyd have been better for a taste dont be offended, but yeah, just spit it out. Ah, and he tagged along to this facade, thoughts in germany. Yes, the world d. W. Travel greenly where it had been with out of the vignette and into the ino taker. Martin also shows me his wine shop, where you can taste the fruits of his labor as a wine maker. Ah, martine, what have you got for me . God will grocery shop for dish lucas and ive selected a wine for you. Leasing a wrestling of course, from the vineyard. We just visited him. Also good reasons and give it a trying done yesterday in my visit with pleasure on done so to your health and void that delicious. One of our wonderful, glad you like it asked max, maybe you noticed the morality i was talking about up my yeah, well, im not much of a wine connoisseur can. If i could say that the wine is somewhere between sweet and sour, what should i be tasting . What is unique about this wine o clock . Tiffany vine. Im in. Okay, i dont know. Generally it has a slightly peachy aroma. As is the case with many reasonings, were not going to cover the nice really characteristic thing about our recent grown on the steep slopes. Is it slight morality oddish, which makes it taste a bit salty, isnt . And this is, if you let the wind dance around a bit on your palate, but he develops this characteristic quality and a certain lightness. When does a on on a give it even though its quite mature, its a bit lighter hot and doesnt have such a high alcohol content. Obliged, honest to ballade, thats what makes the muzzle and its shale soils. So special keyboards and amazon by this machine, if upward there are most of your guests swank connoisseurs or do they tend to be more like ne vinegar on, on how movie does this work . Is kenneth Point Commission job. Its really quite mixed was a, he bookish being here on the muzzle and we have a lot of guests who come for the wine and know a lot about it. Me asking my order to we estimate it was intern 0 me to invite but we also have a lot who are less familiar with it or this might be the 1st time theyve got to know it more intensively. Yeah, yours probably could, but in recent years, eyes weve noticed that a younger crowd is coming to the mosul. Shes their stock people between the ages of 25 and 35. Like to come here to cycle eyes hike, mit of or do a climbing to her through the cow manya rod. So far we have another to gain order on her toward washed in latasha dyke twisting kind once a month wouldnt yard yum. Theyve discovered the old cliche of the muzzle as a place where you taste wine with an old ventnor and a stuffy little room. No longer applies in such london vine will be attending us as contrition to sing. We caught up with the times, followed wine, and have great winds and Great Outdoor activities on offer go porter activities, causing that movie made. Stay that way. Not he just cares. Ah, i love Long Distance travel, and thats exactly whats almost impossible because of the pandemic will. Anyway, we would like to show you some really Beautiful Spots on this earth before the crisis. Our of your oculus from argentina invited us and in our meet the local flood. Shes going to show you her hometown of santa fe. Ah. Oh, letha ye. Hi. Im alice from san raphael in argentina to day. Im going to show you my home town and its fantastic surroundings. Come on and you me then i think that he get that in the yes i his direct train station from 19 o. 3. From here you used to be able to travel to born as iris, almost 1000 kilometers away, better, but the station close to 1993 and now it houses a Little Museum federally and out front. The 1st locomotive to arrive here in san rafael. You amplified, ah, if something, eliza is the city center the Plaza Sun Martine winter, in on my right, you can see the city hall, iraqi, a lap laughter. Eli he shook his head, but the real attraction is the beautiful cathedral on my left. Yet of it that look, it was built in 1952. Ah me. My home town has around 120000 residents. Yeah. And when the weather is nice, youll find many of them here at the plaza fancier and its neighboring parking. Most everyone here drinks the famous marty tea made from the dried and ground leaves of the yearbook marty plant. Its an argentine tradition our now were leaving this city just a 20 minute drive from san rafael. Youll find one of the reasons highlights this huge maze in ah, a loading bought of his, his labyrinth was created to honor argentinian writer. Hon. Hillarys board has from some 8000 bucks with plans and you, you can really get lost as it covers close to to hector there. Ah. But we made it. Okay, okay, lets move on. I sort of amplifier that looks around 30 kilometers south of san rafael. Youll find the valet graham day damn. It saves 2 functions. First, the hydro electric plant produces powered through the city here and im and 2nd, it funnels the us well, really into a reservoir creating a wonderful lake. But i select the yeah, highlight in here, you can also add fish and soak up some son. Oh, go kayaking. At the lower he did, the peasant placed a paddle around her. I hope to see you soon in san raphael. Along them was ill. The psychopath runs on both banks of the river on route. You can always find fairies to take you to the other side. I still have a few kilometers to go before ill reach my destination. Cochran. Visible in the distance is ca hm. Castle. It looks old, but only dates from the 19th century. Cochran has just 5000 inhabitants, but its a much visited city. Many Missouri River cruises set off from here. And you can also find a specialty that is typical of the region. The missouri peach, which is used for cakes and tarts, for example. As the good week, i know what a peach is, but what makes them ozell peach. So specialist right away, you can see the colors differently closet and its also a bit smaller than your average ph. When the, the peach trees are planted on land is no longer used to grew wine come by, the great vines are removed and replaced with trees. Quite well, she said the minerals and the soil got both these the peaches in both sweet and savory dishes and flunk we need talk from bay with sun. Is both sweet unsavoury. And you can also make mice jam. Lama la h. Comfort with vanilla is also nice. At the m, the cure 2 should have fruit has much to offer booth at the um, what, how does the muscle peach differ in taste from a normal ph dislike . Yes, yes, the 1st of all, its not sweet to suffer. Its more savory with a bitter note. The calvin, when you hold the fresh fruit in your hand, its my dish gray ferry. And when raw has this little taste or water mix of husker. Im not here for fun, but for scientific reasons, i would like to test the test, the van, the school cut you to slice off and you can try it. My problem. Ok, thank you. Be a bit that looks for to fine. I can hardly wait and was ill peach cake. Just the right thing after my bite to her. As you know, you can send us your trail videos and we show him here on chicken. This weeks be made is from christina demitria. She was traveling by boat in northern greece and her destination was mount athos, with its monastery buildings. This part of the unesco world heritage. Ah ah, ive got one last tip for you in cook him, take the cable car up to the pin or back from there you have to hike a little further over the rock to the pin a coil. This cross was put here in memory of a shepherd who wanted to save one of his animals from falling and died in the process. From this spot, you have the whole pen in front of you. I have to admit its a cliche but as with many cliches, there is some truth to it. The marvell region is a region 4 kind of service. So here you can enjoy with your eyes, but also with your pell it. There is diversified nature. You can discover perfectly by bike plus this delicious white anthem is l peach. So i got to say, i could stay a little longer. I mean, its obvious. Take a look at this perfect view overcome. And well see you next time. Ah, ah ah ah ah, ah, with with pure energy and emotion. He has his finger on the world called me to the artist, choreographer. Im the sheriff in the kitchen with d w rem. Its all about mobility. We travel through china without the driver. Take a deep hole into the history of the electric car. How to get the most out of charged batteries. And take a new truck, or if been red, been 60 minutes on the w. O. Ah. Listen carefully. Dont know how with to the a girl. Ah, feel the magic discover the world around you subscribe to d w documentary on youtube. Ah, diversity for me that the heart of what can time for dances

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