The berlin based Aid Organization counters treats people who have been injured or wounded in the war with socalled Islamic State the others that. They havent seen a doctor in three years imagine that and now that its empty need some kind of medical care it seems office all. Day work where others fear to tread right behind the front lines in villages that have just been liberated from i. A. S. Air bill is the capital of the autonomy region of kurdistan in Northern Iraq the local head. Quarters of condos is in the district of on comma where a rented house serves as both office and accommodation. Final preparations for a mission are underway this rise was a sea of i know what can go wrong i know it can happen to the team which is one of the reasons why we have to work so closely with the military. This. Is the wrong expression its more like treating the violence with respect in a negative sense its immense. Divides so humans are divided. Shave bellman is responsible for the mission in iraq the former event manager has been in Northern Iraq for months she coordinates carter says work in the war zone has. Its roots i do for you when you have a baby or to sit down together get organized and start adding the. Ornaments down and fronts it out of. The t. As high sig is a surgeon in berlin hes taken two weeks leave for this mission the team aims to set up right behind the front line in a couple of days. Sometimes hiking all the diagnostic equipment into a single box that everythings in the same place thats a great includes devices for measuring blood glucose and Blood Pressure or an opinion side and an ultrasound device. Condos is international the current crew is made up of two doctors a paramedic and a nurse. A. Canadian heather doll has often worked in crisis. They wanted to come and work in iraq because i have been working so far once a year going to haiti and doing medical clinics there and a few years ago there was a big tide in the film. Pms and i went as a relief worker with a nurse friend of mine and im the only grey here here but everybody else is very young twentys i guess but im a grandmother and here to help as much as i can. Cutters was founded less than three years ago crews of volunteers change regularly they need a range of permits to operate in the war zone. Office manager priya pottery takes care of that side of things and i guess the risk is always that things change that quickly so today or tomorrow morning when we leave they can say to us the perimeter is fine its safe to go ahead but by the time we get there Something Better change they might have retreated from i might have moved. So i think the uncertainty of the situation is always the biggest danger but we do our best to try and sort of be informed and be mobile and be organized so that we can move back and forth as the situation changes. The missions are agreed in coordination with the World Health Organization face bollman also has to coordinate with the iraqi army for security reasons. The destination for qantas this time is the region of how we just outside the kurdish autonomy is region. To specializes in treating seriously wounded victims of war to get to the war zone the crew needs passengers and special permits for both the kurdish and the iraqi territories. Is about lets say you bring it straight points from will definitely have to pass a lot of checkpoints and we have permits for all of them theyre all in our list items even but the problem is the things can change overnight. And double ill tell you theres always some issues the most but it does and that can cause us to laze the system. Fifth super. Filming is strictly prohibited at the checkpoints. The convoy leaves an appeal heading toward the. From there it heads south toward how we are at the time of filming most of the area around the city was held by the i. A. S. Twelve hours later in the early evening the crew reaches the war zone the iraqi army only reconquered the villages in the area just a few days previously. The cutters crew is put up in a house requisition by the army the iraqi Army Medical Corps has already set up a makeshift Field Hospital next door. To it its he quipped with the bare minimum to treat the wounded this is where the cut to screw will work. Thats the fundamentals thought this surgery has five beds its going to. We basically use it to stabilize patients enough for them to make the journey to the merest hospital. Area was the scene of fierce fighting just a few days earlier i asked fighters had taken up positions on the roof of the building now iraqi Army Vehicles are advancing. A special u. S. Army unit is also operating within sight of the katters team officially they are there in an advisory capacity but their Armored Vehicles suggest otherwise exactly how many u. S. Soldiers are involved in the fight against i. A. S. Is kept secret. The responsible medical officer from the iraqi army is major one. Ahmed hassan he decides where carters can and cant go then i division all must now finish all the missions alive to the. Ok finish finished the bottle years until now i think they can watch this. Nor have any information on your machine in your machine i think in the few next days beginning a new mission but you know no information on this mission. The offensive made faster progress than expected but without major casualties already attention is turning to how to help the civilian population in the liberated villages. Condos is based in berlin it was founded by sebastian you know mom a qualified psychologist and paramedic. In a workshop beneath a rail track boxes are welded spare parts prepared and vehicles refit it some of the staff have known each other for years they used to organize Music Festivals now they want to save lives you know money is no stranger to International Aid work. Was a good for you i never really liked the way the missions were set up all the working out was fair in the Aid Organizations i spent more than ten years old and eyes in festivals with people who were enthusiastic and fun to work with and then one day we had the idea of trying to translate this excellent cooperation into an aid context to this. Politics with its own code. Because carters doesnt get any government funding all its staff are volunteers they want to save people from war and injustice in the world. Instance mentionable i think its important to help these people sort of happy to spend my time here. I know because i have no medical or Technical Training and so i do what i can to make my contribution my justice your tongue im entitled to my supply. Theres been a long talk to me from my way environ voluntary internship that i can identify with have values of condos a humane value of. Things we should be able to take for granted that everybody can live in freedom and equality. You know personally takes part of the missions he has to raise money otherwise could not exist. So i live in photoshop for some of us its a full time job with no regular pagel the motivation comes from somewhere else i wish the projects were paid for by third parties so that we would not have to rely one hundred percent on donations to it because its a daily struggle that really takes it out of you. And i hope it continues to produce to us that nobody gets hurt and that we can carry out more projects just female which we have to do for good. Twice a week you know man works as a bouncer in a popular berlin nightclub its the only way he can earn a regular wage and keep his National Health insurance. Will know that it is a just cause when you found an organization like this you dont have enough money to start with because you have to choose between spending donations on yourself putting them into projects and finding other sources of income that i can earn money at night and when i say i have to go away from us to take part in a mission i accommodate that and then with that its you know just enough and im grateful. To so also for some of the building. You know man lives his life between the nightclub and the war zone. Its day three after the volunteers arrival in her wheelchair. Its time to get to work the surgeon much is up at the crack of dawn getting ready for the crews mission in a village that was liberated just a couple of days ago. Yet for the fight. Today were going to Little Village where the people probably havent seen a doctor in three is. This in our best with the yes until very recently it was a lie. Territory thats now been liberated. You. Will see how the civilian population is doing and try to help where they can no many a focus on trauma patients but in this case they are natural the patients with this advise part of. The of the people need is primary medical ok i did my bit its. The convoy now including three iraqi Army Ambulances head south making a big detour to steer clear of territory still held by i. A. N. S. Dr heather dahl is expecting to encounter a range of every day illnesses. Probably ceasing to hydration children and adults and then well see chronic medical conditions maybe some. Im going to do a small minor surgery procedure on a patient you know thank you so we drive all the medications that care for primary care as well as our emergency packs for if we have to treat anybody from the front line so. When the war broke out many doctors fled. And theres simply no medicine left here. Now its up to congress to help although thats not what it was set up for according to the volunteers this is kind of all of them we can offer a Long Term Care here and thats for the iraqi state to do of all right so what we can do here is just a drop in the ocean were not in a position to organize anything long term it was all of this event going to. This streets are badly damaged from the fighting. One of the iraqi ambulances runs into trouble one of its bumpers has come loose the other. Shopping is always risky there are improvised explosive devices almost everywhere. On the way into the village the volunteers encountered huge convoys of fighters including the notorious shia militias who are accused of committing war crimes its best to avoid them but the volunteers are not scared. Sometimes only mad and im sure some people to the thai still feel quite safe enough sanity cant come we havent had to put on a flak jackets and there havent been any Critical Situations everythings been conned so far and that. Takes the convoy around two hours to cover seventy kilometers finally it arrives in the village of. The army has selected what it deems a safe house. That. We always have to be on the lookout for booby traps everywhere because. I was along about as long as we stick to the various means no have been used this before us ok if on board in the order of the gun. As the signs are clear. The cutters team has to hit the ground running because its not clear how long the army will stay here. The crew turns a former living room into a surgery. Because. This is a virus is still what. Maginnis is doing is organizing things by class of medications so that we can access it quickly and hopefully be able to get medications for each of these examining beds. Within minutes of the cruise arrival people start coming in droves. One man brings his injured son saying he fell from a tree there is no telling how true that is. A full blown by the bomb will be felt just kill somebody while. The boy is suffering from pain. In in his legs and back. The doctors instructions are translated by tiger occurred from the air below area. Mathias high sick examines the boy but without an x. Ray machine cant make a diagnosis his main complaint of pain seems to be in his there essex mind here its possible because he landed on his feet and have a contraction fractured. Vertebrae at that level for theres nothing one minute that is very well first. Of all the doctors also suspect concussion all they can give them is pain killers and medical advice tiger can you explain that with the head injury takes a while for the brain to get better. Because all the false candy do you feel dizzy that i feel your body go five trouble trouble or still. Get it right off of it if youre trouble with memory. As the day progresses more and more people arrive this old woman cant walk another collapses right in front of the doctors an elderly man complains of heart problems its hard to make a diagnosis as us thats without fully a selfie has problems with his heart especially when stressed that suggests a cardiac insufficiency which is hard to treat long term in this situation it could be stress but its probably a chronic illness its hard to establish that in a brief conversation this is to say that this young man has an infected abscess behind his ear known as an at the roma he needs to have it lanced otherwise he could get blood poisoning. Yes and its also why he had infected after almost a high dizzier that we had to open up to this this is in principle thats something we can do here and it would require an operating theatre in germany either we just need local sterilization but we cant tell how well the wounds will be treated after. Its fantasy normally we would remove the capsule we didnt do it in this case because it would have caused heavy bleeding there is also the risk that it will come back and this is just awesome to see what its. Like. Oh yeah this is. This fourteen year old boy can hardly walk his means are deformed theres little the doctors here can do i believe really needs to see around to tell him just what i especially if i do still have that it is what it is very worried that it looks good it would be a very it is a well this was especially as a laborer all the while failing because. Its after five hours lines of patients still arent getting any shorter the doctors and medics work without a break until theyre at their limits. Or if it gets really gets to this close we work as fast as possible because theres a long line and we dont have that much time its like a Conveyor Belt but we do try to take time for every patient thats. The condos mission in iraq began in mosul where you know man and his staff set up a mobile First Aid Center right behind the front lines on behalf of the World Health Organization. They turned a former car garage into an emergency room. While the iraqi Army Advanced on i asked positions in the old town civilians arrived around the clock many of them had shrapnel or gunshot wounds. Sebastien unum and spent several weeks here with his team trying to treat the many casualties do. You. Prefer to believe that over a fair bit of good thats up. In international jargon and emergency room like this is known as the t. S. P. His piece of almost it was asian. And a t. S. P. Is a trauma stabilization point that means its not a hospital where we can perform surgery but were right behind the front lines and we keep following along with the first port of call for wounded civilians all combatants regardless of what signed they belong to or. Where they just saved lives we want to stabilize the patient said if they can be transported to a proper hospital because law is no guilt as what his plan. And the surgeon stuff on ya is looking after an injured boy. And his need for the actual we dont know where theyre from the look its often like that here that civilians are brought in from somewhere and any old vehicle rather than an ambulance thats very good id leave it there and a quick look at this guy tells me that hes reasonably stable and his life is not in acute danger as mr ford could fit. The boy his upper body covered with inadequately treated and burns arrived with another injured boy critical. If its right that were in if a mortar round landed near him a couple of days ago and he sustained these wounds it will be. Ok. Sure. He will take off the bandages say it. Was fifteen year old our boss was at home when the shells hit the doctors want to know where his parents are. Get it all ok and then they were separate from that that doesnt on our own. How i. Know by them but then thought of on the job not that they all did ok. The second boy has a bullet wound in the face but hes alive so i go well. I think its him and a lot of. The doctors dont know him. The boys have any family left the unit will make light of them here are accompanied or their parents are dead according to the boy so as for us that means we dont just treat their wounds we have to inform the un that we have unaccompanied minors here. Because the un has a special protocol for this situation. Which you know by doing for the global war. The boys will probably end up in a un refugee camp for the time being. Hello to set up a t. S. P. In the old town of mosul where the iraqi army met resistance from the remaining pockets of is. Fighters many of the civilians brought here had been used as human shields anyone who tried to escape was shot. But if you really need to pull yourself up in oxford yesterday we had two people whod been shot trying to escape and their words were so bad that they died in what most of the civilians are just of the limits of their human insurance theyve been besieged for months some of them of the families of violence fighters wives children who havent had anything proper to eat for weeks but their day hydrated its forty five degrees in the shade here during the day theyre wearing head jobs theyre dressed in black in that heat and theyre totally hydrated and i have circulation problems difficult as before but im going to see if. I cut those has been working in mosul for nearly two months to good effect theyve saved many lives. And thats also years but i also believe theres a time to get to a hospital that got it so theres no downs without the forty s. Piece here and the us and three other organizations hundreds more would have died if these had this awful lot to hold them again. Guns have been silent in mosul for months now but ninety percent of the city is in ruins. The w. H. O. As latest. Mission for cutters is behind the front line up. In contrast to mosul there are no badly wounded people in the rural region of how we judge. Them so condors turned its attention to the villagers who receive little or no care otherwise. The crew has a few toys for the children who are brought here. These children havent seen a doctor for more than three years time and again they had to flee the fighting with their parents many have been traumatized by the ongoing violence and constant fear. That here at the edges is that cars are actually honest i have the impression that the children are confused understandably so i think it will take a while for them to realize whats going on. Where. The next challenge is now for example probably didnt really know what to do with the toys and thats perfectly normal in a second sounds as at least the parents were happy with. The. Surface. For security reasons there are always soldiers in the surgery to one or the hygiene in the village is problematic this man has a skin rash and is itching all over. Does he have sold to wash oh so to wash with the old all because theyre all that decision to give him that a particular where he has paid it so beaching is because of the water it id give. It to get something but he needs so its. A good border of paper although this is about all this money that there are a lot of well if you dont do that i cant do it with your son needs food water. And suddenly a young man is brought in needing urgent help. To secure a shelter fact. He has a gaping head wound and has already lost a lot of blood listen to the service and help. Allegedly he jumped in a river were not told why he wont say anything himself its not an excon just use one syringe for it and then give it back to you yet just as it is already set out the circumstances of the young mans injuries remain unclear what we do know is that he was brought in by iraqi soldiers it would not be the first time that iraqi troops have maltreated a civilian. Oil fall of any team fall guy doesnt fall the iraqi army and you know maybe this date because he stole his day and one of the they may be because hes a thought. That is nobody knows who will take over when conduce leads the troops are being withdrawn and the crew has to go with them or theyd have no protection. It was that you could leaving in five minutes after that the army will be gone if you have to stay with this is the end of. The volunteers worked for almost six hours here without a break theres no telling how many patients they treated altogether. They kept at it like that so that if you have struck me but some might say i have no idea how many patients we treat it could have easily been one hundred and i thought of it to help pay. For it why dont the cost we work for hours with no break barely any food or water lots of patients. The volunteers came expecting to treat trauma patients that the people treated today really need long term medical care theres no hope of that without a local doctor. As you saw it is of the head trauma is exciting very. Black blood and cuts and things like that are saying and it is a Trauma Service catastrophic service so this was difficult i think for the guys that were here to. They because they came expecting to do trauma work and its primary care that weve been doing its not very sexy it is very necessary for the General Health of the population so. I dont blame them their own they all gravitated to the you know the sexy thing but the thing is were here seeing the press and people because we have to see. Some of. This mission is scheduled to continue for about two weeks then the w. H. O. Will decide where Congress Goes next but theres no shortage of places that need to get. The fast pace of life in the digital. Shift as the lowdown on the web showing new developments and providing useful information the way to use phone lines and interviews with makers and users. Should next on digital. News alice. Schmidt see in the billions of. Us. All to shake up todays kind of side by. People who put big dreams on the big screen. Movie magazines on the dummy you. Prefer. Share living in the digital age this time with popular internet memes. Pats on phones. 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