Dream five of palins four million inhabitants. Number ten is a film in which palin and. The star is. Nine hundred thirty one balinese Dancing On The Edge of the volcano. The city is a place of freedom and loose morals this is the ballin of cabaret the musical picks up because an English Writer arrives in the city and meets irrepressible dont sorry. I thought we both. Have a strange mystical feeling about. Balinese cosmopolitan it attracts people who are happy that here they can just be themselves but the storm clouds are gathering few
the theme here is Crime And Punishment the law and justice. The great clearly wound in berlin in one nine hundred Sixty One Hollywood director was back in town to make a political fuss about the divided Frontier City Of Burning and cold war comedy cocacola wants to use berlin as a staging post to counter the eastern territories behind the iron curtain that made all of those youre going to have are close enough to. Any means are justified when it comes to getting the russians on board. But while the film is being shorts communist east germany erected the berlin wall the cold war had taken a serious turn spell in tragedy for many the clash of ideologies was no longer
a laughing matter. The right film at the wrong time and in the wrong place decades later it was rediscovered and became a cult hit. More than half a century after one to another hollywood director and another cold war drama in berlin when i shot the scenes weve built a lot of the war weve built you know probably a good Three Hundred yards of the war. I looked at the wall and i just said did this really happen and American Lawyer is in the divided city to negotiate an agent swap with the soviet union and east germany communists the lesson is a place of heightened political tensions the drama is based on a true story divided berlin had more than its fair share of spines the bridge was the Gateway To The West the film perfectly captures the menacing atmosphere of the time. Two is victoria. The movie which is just one single shot taking us through the night. So we want to show you if you want to. Love. The burning guys meet a spanish girl in a club what starts out as an adventure soon becomes a nightmare after a bank robbery theyre On The Run Berlin is wild and chaotic picture is a mesmerizing hypnotic tour de force. Few directors have succeeded in creating a story that is timeless and universal despite it being set at a very specific moment in history the inventors is one of them he created a movie monument to the divided. And ensured that the city would forever be associated with angels our number one pearl in movie and
a location that has changed beyond recognition. Director of inventors at Potsdamer Platz revisiting one of the main locations for his legendary burning opus wings of desire. There are angels in the city watching over the people below listening to the thought. The west of the city closed in behind the wall frozen in low intensity conflict a bizarre standoff that had already lasted decades. And. We shot in the winter of One Thousand Nine Hundred Six at that time the war was as impermeable as it ever would be but angels could walk right through it. The angels see into the homes and hearts of trouble didnt have a chance they hear the endless streams of the thoughts. On the. Wings of desire is the Ultimate Berlin Film In which all the shadows of the past meets up infused with the citys ultimate love of life. Rest assured cinematic journey will continue there are many more stories waiting to be told and. So there you have it our personal choice the bird in movies perhaps you disagree drop us a line with your comments and visit our website for more about berlin on film and
so on next time been. Good. Amount. Of expressive and Provocative African Nights Identity Culture and political statements to. Some of the stories. Most crowd gathers. In our special ops twenty one african. Next. One tough enough
a bullet in space and the whole list the scientists say. Sputnik one was the First Official satellite to put. On the twenty fourth Nine Hundred Fifty Seven and the say the its not sputnik the shock and the west which had control itself from the space race to cut the sputnik shot in forty five minutes. Ago just couldnt get this song out of his head. The college just began searching for the source of this captivating sound. Rain forest in central africa. To find their culture the state. Only a promise to his son to leave the jungle and return to the concrete and glass