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Dos, november 25th on d, w. Ah berlin, march, 2 10173 hooded men walked down a train station platform on their way to a spectacular nighttime high their target. A giant gold coin and quote they entered directly via a window started dressed in 20192 men break into a historic collection of royal jewelry and steel, a priceless horde of centuries, old artifacts and bite. And in both cases, we have to assume that the perpetrators were interested solely in the material value being the task of retrieving stolen. Our treasures can involve paying a substantial ransom. The im to drill valuables and well the money and they want the money. We want to valuable is a little risk big reward. Museums are being repeatedly targeted by thieves who lack of conscience with us do solving and all feel ashamed. I dont, i dont even apologize. Dresden, in eastern germany, in the heart of the cities Historic Center lies look as it inch. Los for almost 4 centuries, it symbolized the power and wealth of saxon royalty. Stephanie called a half, is a journalist, specializing an art crime and is familiar with the precious artifacts stored here in one of europes most renowned collections. This is to say no such law. Saddam and his palace was a residence for electors and kings, including augustus the strong. And it also hows the treasury by emotion i saw it was a place of both political and cultural activity, hot and andy with an incredibly valuable collection of items. Today the palace is a museum, its treasures now belonging to the public rather than a prince. Its one of germanys most popular art collections, attracting around 700000. 00 visitors every year. In november, 2019, it hit the headlines when the famous green vault was the scene of the biggest artist in germanys history of unimed, his offense, the handy tater. Evidently the thieves removed 3 of these diamond shaped metal bars in advance, but from 4, using a hydraulic cutter all exceeds and temporarily put them back in place. Always, always with them. This was a day or 2 before the actual theft. 40 my confusion, the bars had been me attached and using the just glue hard huckman to so it was easy to remove them on the night itself. Host name couldnt the palace, including the green vault is open to the public while scouting the area beforehand. The burglars ident fide a weak spot, the windows on the ground floor when they returned in the early hours of november 25th 2019. All they had to do was remove the previously detached metal grill and break open the window behind it. Once inside, the thieves had free reign of the green vault at its priceless contents. She didnt finish the dish to right by the window with the thieves, broken by 1000 loans and i got loans and outside as the grill that they cut apart session border, giving them direct access to the Treasury Chamber door since that you liked and you shut its believed that 2 thieves entered the green vault through the window. The treasures there have been on display ever since august as the strong opened his collection to visitors in 1724. The steps you will, this is the hall of treasures archive, which again shows the diverse range of items collected by the monarch spec. Done. We spoke of. The thieves werent entrusted in nautilus goblets or ostrich eggs, which guns hauled. He quickly passed through this room on their way to the jewelry room stetson. The thieves came prepared, they knew exactly which route to take, making their way through the coat of arms room. Before arriving at their destination, the jewellery roamed working against the clock. They broke through the display case with an axe. Ah, housed in the jewelry room are sets of jewels matching stones commissioned by augustus the strong. Now missing quite a few pieces. Ah. It isnt. Mclean was in the viet woods. The Police Display cases contain priceless pearls and jewelry belonging to saxon monna. This is on the tuck, which they collected both for their own prestige and as an investment. Because this is what the thieves were after him and hutton thus is thus united arguably is in the following safety protocol. Security guards called police, but did not intervene in minutes. The thieves smashed through the display case and grub 22 items. The burglars disappeared into the night and with them, priceless pieces of history ah, group, visualize godless of their value, gold or diamonds. They can never be recreated and you wont have the same ora of the same pieces that augustus the strong, might have held in his hand in hand captive ah, belt buckles, swords, roaches and buttons dawned by kings and adorned by figures throughout history. Their worth far greater than their material value. Ah. B, Marianna Ackerman is the director of dresden state art collections. Her job involves 2 distinct responsibilities, both protecting the collection and presenting it to the public and actually state. The ultimate question is, how far do we go in terms of security, if he at all, how many more millions do we need to invest good enough met with . And of course, these are issues that concern our colleagues everywhere in the time, not just in germany, including in, in, in, was in the field. Osh lentil, the break in that the green vault and the loss of important historical artifacts weighs heavily on ackerman. The icon of lucas was confident that it will be returned to us. The common sort of hearts of it, at least in one of the sas cases suggest it might take quite a while. But, but the main thing is to keep on hoping hoffman. We health get 4300 diamonds were stolen in dresden haste. A high profile case involving 3 prosecutors and 40 special investigators tammond on the baltic sea. Here private investigator use of flesh is taking an unconventional approach to getting the treasures back. Negotiating directly with the thieves the and, and we had the valuables and we had the money and they want the money, we want the valuables. Shortly after the robbery, he posted this video online offering a reward of over 1000000 euros for the return of the dressed in jewels. Ill shoot you. She says a skate offered her. This money is exclusively for returning the jewels intact. Touch with you with a guaranteed payout guarantee that is kate hospitals built. Eventually the reward grew to 5000000 euros, provided by an anonymous art collector bishop, his own a. This is someone who appreciates art, its a hobby of their osi and they want to see these valuables back where they belong in the museum in dresden. As was he, im not the listing. The private investigator says his job was to find the jewels. Not the thieves doing business with criminals is usually frowned upon, offering 5000000 euros to buy back stolen goods. Could be seen by some as unethical. Dom was baton bozeman, hulu. They did what you dont do a burglary property damage. They still valuable things going on because there were more than 3. Its a gang theft funding. Thats all it is. I mean, theres no life sentence or anything like that. So i think thats morally defensible. Come on radish for antoine. Less than a year after the heist, his plan seemed to be working. Says he was contacted by the thieves, looking to return the jewels. If you regard them to me, the hanovers are pretty much sorted. It is life. Youve been kindly but got a bill, i cant say, but given the negotiations on my own experiences, if things are looking on as long as isnt see a positive for week in november 2020 bash was confident. The dresden jewels would soon return a ransom for stolen our treasures in the form of a table stalked with cash with a new concept for stephanie called a half to the sweat unapproved. Frankly, that as i took him after a private sector, bit like this is rare, unsurprising phenomena visits to victor under. Normally the thieves will contact the aggrieved party about an offer. In fact, not on the board, but some one going public, literally putting money on the table is pretty unusual from tish, made it or to buy ones. And thats because of the unique nature of the saxon Royal Treasury article. Hes a 6th from shots, shots, us to some cold, a half has spent years writing about art crime. Germany alone sees an average of for work stolen every day. One factor, he says, is that art is becoming increasingly expensive and lucrative as it needs all figured, it would have excavation unquenchable. Theres never been so much money in the art markets. As gallery owners, an auction houses will tell you, arkansas and kind of since may when banks offer 0 interest, and you already have enough villas, and yachts and pricey watches in having a bank see or a vanguard of grad richter on the wall, becomes a starter symbol and gather he started hunting and thats something people with enough money are willing to pay a lot of money for it, right. See as if hell the fellows took him eager are investors can be found at events like art basil. The fair brings together the worlds of art and finance. With wheeling and dealing conducted over champagne and oysters. Per bother of of a heavy this is your typical basil crowd. The are tier ranges from classical, modern to contemporary boss of data trucks, young and old collectors not through the human. The eyes is on the vin of them let is the truth of us and was here the week long art basil fare features paintings, sculptures and photos, from around 270 galleries among them. This work by influential american artist, John Michelle vasquez. Perfect movie on this is priced at 40000000. 00. There have been vasquez that cost a lot more money than this. Some larger in size. So, but for this 140000000 is set in stone for price. Oh, new york born John Michelle desk. Yeah. Was the 1st black artist to break into the otherwise white dominated western art market. Prices for his works have risen dramatically since he died at just 27 in 1988. This isnt climate was for mark. This is a smaller work that went for the asking price of 3000000. 00 and the 1st day had to go to the vet. So marks are subject to aggressive competition bubner. The vision does so on. Some collectors know a piece like this will be on show and basil. Theyre determined to turn up right when the fair opens. By that the here there just a 2nd. Its on the wall. Its on sale. What was on the 1st come . First serve 1st come 1st serve. And those commercial forces seem to know know bounce in 2019 global art market sales topped 57000000000 euros. There are a range of factors behind the continuous growth and investment. Low interest rates, a real estate slump, and the risky nature of the stock market with govern as woman annoying to go during the initial boom. In the 19 ninetys, it was primarily japanese buyers, slapping off everything at galleries and auctions. Applause, a complexity more, but they all sold after the real estate bubble burst back home of the law. And after a brief flow, prices shot up again with the emergence of new bar markets. Cliff america, to come after the fall of communism. You had a lot of very rich russians in the yeltsin era, discovering the arch market, which for the opening up of china also generates a lot of extremely well funded collectors that had and that new boom never really entered before dawn. A boon that does not only attract legitimate collectors and investors as elsewhere where theres money to be made. Theres criminal activity on a li ebbing house works for the Worlds Largest private database of looted art and antiques. Her job is to track down and recover works that have been stolen. Economists, i cant provide specific figures here, but there must be 2 to 5000 bucks on show here 5, and the chances of their being nothing here deserving a closer look. Cross are extremely slim. Manion cooking wasnt there, theyre giving ebbing house is an art historian, specializing in the origin of artworks and other cultural assets. A large number of stolen works do end up back on the arc market. Probably monday the of messen veins and some im at not fair. We often encounter classic theft where most exhibitors genuinely believe they have it didnt work until we say sorry, but this was stolen 10 or 15 years ago or nothing. And yeah, my story, vaughn. And that happens with both old paintings niles and works from the 19 sixtys or eightys. My thought is ebbing house and her colleagues that art loss register, scour all the major fears for stolen merchandise and make regular catches any paintings, sculptures and photos up for sale at such events. First, have to have their origin and history verified option and him at my office. Ive had cases of people screaming at me for half an hour because we found some things with us. It can be awkward but ultimately the fat organizers say they dont want anything that shouldnt be on sale here for legal or ethical reasons. And exhibitors have to comply on demands present mrs. Towers by letting them out. Every year, art last register solves around 200. 00 cases of stolen art. Are thieves often face a major problem . While their hall is extremely valuable . It is often and sellable. So why do criminals continue to target museums and galleries . Dear . Im foster gone to for this country. Fortunately, the immediate reason is utterly been now and at the same time shocking. So just because they can do us deeper coming along, criminals can tell how per the security is at public collections. Got it from his unknown because it hurts him to feel tater msf and a lot of the mon, you think later about what to do with their hall, and then wonder how theyre going to be able to get rid of it. So they have to approach the owner to monday, run some background on whats called a arch, nothing enough, lose a good and thats exactly what happened at an internationally renowned frankfurt gallery in 1994. The churn const holler enjoys frequent collaborations with the likes of the Pompidou Center and new yorks museum of modern art. At the time it was featuring to works by english painter, William Turner shade, and darkness, and light and colors ah tater. That leaves locked themselves inside him dominates the shin, had decided not to have surveillance cameras for financial reasons that are believing it could ensure security using other options. With the building deserted, they overpowered the guards and tied them up. Professor, after removing the arch from the wall, they fled via a side exit in the direct and of the cathedral who stood before driving off in a van that im inclined to once after eventually being able to free themselves. The guards triggered the alarm and then you had as always, Police Investigators at the crime scene. Wondering who could be responsible for the vacant excavations on news of the theft was met with shot in germany, britain and across the International Art seen as images of the empty walls were published. Frankfurt police launched a criminal investigation over in london. The disappearance of the to turners left, the british art world stunned. Theyd been on loan from the cities, tate gallery, one of the worlds major collections of modern and british art. At the time, sandy nairn was the tates director of programs the 29th of july, 1994. That is sunday says always in my mind and it was nicholas serratos, director of tates. And he said, we have this terrible news from frankfurt. And i realized i was only just awake. It was very early in the morning. I couldnt. It was very hard to take in what he was saying. But he explained that the news had come, that these 2 paintings had been stolen from the shan kristela. 3 years later, 2 members of the yugoslav mafia were convicted for the shirt breakin each sentenced to several years in jail. The paintings themselves, however, remained at large. The works in question are beloved in britain, their english creator, joseph mallard, William Turner, is considered his countrys foremost painter of the romantic era. His style of depicting the elements of fire, water, and light, is still today considered revolutionary. It is quite difficult to say how important j m w turner is to the idea of british painting. He is the kind of way of thinking of british painting becoming something. Im in the were artists before turner, but really he changes the whole of british art. And he, at the end of his life, he himself decided to make a collection of particular paintings to give to the nation near and, and his colleagues from the tate did. All they could detract down the 2 works. He made repeated trips to germany to talk to authorities while also Holding Press Conferences on the paintings possible whereabouts. 5 years after the theft, an attorney who had contacts within the frankfurt criminal community, reached out. But he said, i have important information. I have information from people who know where the paintings all. So of course we were very suspicious was you know, how do you have information . What is this information wed had many, many false leads. I mean, one of the things that emerged was a sense that criminality leads to more criminality. Ah, the tate gallery resorted to negotiating with the criminals. It took until the year, 2002 and a half 1000000 euros for the deal to proceed near and flew to frankfurt and took art expert roy perry with him. Yet to know that it was the painting. I mean, what if it had been a copy for if it had been a fake, had been brought back. And so it was crucial that i could say to roy perry, you must examine his 1st. And he had the right records here, the right photographs. But he looked at it and we were waiting. And then he said, he said its like missing an old friend. And he knew that was the turner. Oh, in total, the teeth spent around 4000000. 00 euros to recover the paintings. But the strategy of doing business with criminals would prove problematic. Vince and crew from to me that when a knocked snapping job like this works, we dont actually get caught and collect a lot of money via a middleman. Then of course, thats an incentive for, of the thieves to do a to tater. So it was not, it was a story in the media, not just in germany, but world wide front of that is to do when the pictures resurfaced as the bid of the door. The tate was pretty opened about having paid money. Although there was never any mention of a ransom because they just said it was for information leading to the recovery. Advisor did some more award than a ransom ayana balloon or in terms of museums, security. Every successful case is a disaster disease, not the unheard unseat for the tate gallery. It was a total success food because they cut their paintings back approved the ambulatory london, the british capital, and the center of the countrys art world. Accounting for around 15 percent of global turnover. The british art market is ranked 3rd after china and the u. S. London is also the headquarters for emily ebbing house and the art last register. The database for stolen antiques and works of art in its quest to find missing art and return it to its Rightful Owners. The Company Works with art dealers Insurance Firms and international Police Investigators faster and vast. The sunset sun sat. This is a work weve had here for years that has still to be returned to its owner. Anything im from us within move the van and deep style. It was a theft we worked with the dutch police on ham diesel zagging m d t t. As i to come at, they took care of the pup tray to side who stole it while were involved in the objects himself and who it needs to go back to. That takes a look. The painting was stolen in the netherlands years ago. It too, has been documented in the art loss register, a record of missing art from all around the world. More than 30 years in the making including works that were plunder during war and the colonial era. We hadnt yet st on the phase, even as a database now has around 700000. 00 items that were looking for on practically a daily basis. And we get new items every day. As of right now, during the covered pandemic, theres not so much arent being stolen, but clocks and jewelry. Yes, we currently add between 5. 50 objects a day, objected. So a moment. The stolen jewels from the green vault and dresden are also registered in the database with each individual element accompanied by a photo and a detailed description, the precious items have yet to resurface. Although ebbing house is confident, it will happen some day and feed as i can come. Some objects hit the market incredibly quickly, which means been taken across the border or to via germany or switzerland and being immediately sort of coughed order or they stay put for a really long time and dont appear on the market until maybe 30 years later, marked art. Lovers around the world, hope the items stolen from the dresden royal palace will eventually turn up perhaps with the help of the art loss register. But years after the heist, the joules are still missing. The hope is they havent been broken apart and sold off piece by piece. Dresden police, along with private interested parties, set up a special commission to find the jewels. If a gun i took good site, this might as i know, madison from past experience. Sometimes the state investigators are successful, sometimes to private parties. What matters for me is that they communicate with each other, not when it does limit and that they need to work as one instead of giving the perpetrators the feeling that they can just settle financially with the private side in that. So need not worry about committing a crime model. If my kindergarten della does, he has trough talking, bigot, stressed, in september of 2021. The display case in the green vault has long been repaired, but the loss is still keenly felt. There are gaping holes in the exhibit where the jewels once were. Blue private investigator, joseph rash had offered 5000000 euros to buy back the stolen jewels. Before long, he received an anonymous phone call from someone claiming to have them as 2001. Hm. Book the 1st meeting was in hamburg, go from the old v, i wont say how and on the slides of other in the 2nd one was here and badge for towel where i was approached in the car parkway of impact thats always grown low. So began the most difficult part, negotiating the handover. Evidently, yoseph crash was himself being watched by the criminals. The man told him to come to another location a few hours later in a remote wooded area. To help me keep rock the frequent you cant say can i see . So my d no way the civic is wrong. I deliberately parked my car in a way that im sure they can see im on my own hospital. So get back as he does equal melina. I took my jacket off the show, i didnt have a phone or a wire good either. You have to be completely open than to give off when the meeting, which took place in 2020 focused on how the exchange. What happened this asked up front for proof that they actually had the jewels and im shoes out. Harvey shown them to the conversation, ended up lasting, less than a half an hour. And then he showed it to me with us like attacked. The man had a photo of one of the pieces with a current edition of a well known magazine of to tight shift is st front of the magazine. You could see his hand or holding these jewels or does it was one photo the get the ta again into he was showing that he had the jewels in the on the date was from august 2020. In august 2000 sponsor, the private investigator was satisfied that the middleman did indeed have access to the green vall, jules, the man would return them and collect 5000000 euros flesh, then had to wait to be contacted again by the criminals. With details on the exchange, but events then took a different turn. November 2020 a year on from the dresden heist berlin. Police carried out one of the biggest series of coordinated raids in the countrys history. The operation involved over 1600 Police Officers searching 18 properties and arresting a number of suspects members of a notorious crime family. But while the authorities celebrated the arrests, there was still no sign of the jewels themselves. The man who had been contacting joseph flesh went silent, and a gush decided to change his strategy and turn up the pressure. The 5000000 euro ransom was now up for grabs for any one. Providing information, leading to the jewels, live from balloon and cons a heater cuz he and the 5000000 could be collected by any person who had a solid tip off one that led to a successful outcome. Didnt image present in was grouped or the summer foot ah, but there was no response either from the thieves or any one with insider knowledge. The priceless dresden jewelry was still missing. The Buddha Museum in berlin. Part of a group of galleries known as museum island, a World Heritage site. It houses a diverse collection of sculptures, metals, and coins de syntron via ignore. It really is a phenomenal collection and nutrition by the idea for displaying everything. One place came from phil him from boda, who was one of the 1st directors of the Berlin Museum scar this command because the kaiser and the state museums had a long history of collecting coin seen that includes a lot of precious items made of gold as well with your most quotes, in 2010, the boat museums, welcome to very special edition to its collection. A big maple leaf, the largest coin in the world, weighing in at 100 kilos of pure gold worth, more than 4000000 euros on loan from a private owner in dusseldorf. The huge coin quickly became a major visitor. Attraction. The spouse from a prestige item for the bowden museum, his was unrivalled with just 7 of them. And the entire world had been far too expensive for a Public Museum to actually buy he lives so they must have been delighted to get it as a loan. God, so the big may believe spent 7 years on display at the boat, a museum, its sheer size and financial value gave the coin an e. Resistible appeal. And not just for art lovers. Of some boys at 3 a. M. 3 young men came up the stairs at the half ish remarked station just over there with and im with no trains running at that time of nights on foot. There was no risk of dropping down onto the trucks close by to lunch dog. And from there, it was just a couple minutes walk to the boat, a museum. This is footage from the train station security cameras, which shows 3 men walking down the platform. Clearly intent on keeping their faces hidden, residential force and from there they went across to railway bridge, right in between the boat, a museum, and the pergola museum with us param, williams in by not after putting up a letter at the light and they were able to enter via a window that had no alarm, no security, and wasnt covered by a camera hoisted buffer. I thought im starting. The key to entry was the remains of a bridge that used to connect the 2 museums a protrusion. The thieves made the most of with a letter the window had no security alarm, and behind it, a staff room. The thieves made their way about a 100 meters through the building before reaching their goal. The biggest gold coin on the planet. To buy telephony switzer to the display case wasnt hard to break open. Instead they threw everything at the window, thinking it had all be melted down. Anyway, it was enough. They then took the same way back via that bridge to this park and then made their get away in a car of all sorts of wood. Im altogether from a classic heist. But how could petty thieves seized the biggest and most valuable coin on the planet . His shirts larger than indoor chosen is not v sherman museums have then, as now a pretty pathetic security set up with quinn over whether its the boat museum or the green vault and dresden shots taken the investment in deterrent measures as shockingly low on business of texas. There was another case with the museum island, where someones sprayed oil and exhibits, and refreshments were just a handful of commerce for the food sa, hardly state of the art, but the stuff in the state of the art move security failures that have one particular man shaking his head, boris foxman, the 75 year old dusseldorf art collector is the Rightful Owner of the now famous gold coin. With insides on, its something you grow to love and is part of the family for can do for me, proud possession them. And what thought this mother, though, if her walburn hug childrens a part of my heart is missing as me say, that a major item in my collection, better than mine, his own footman is the son of an art and an stealer. He developed a special relationship to art at an early age. To day, he possesses a collection that hes reluctant to show on camera for security reasons. Foxman bought the coin for around 3 and a half 1000000 euros back in 2010. Not long after he was contacted by the boda museum, the curators were preparing an exhibition called gold giants, and hope to have his me belief as the highlight. The sharpness longer. You believe that i didnt hesitate long. I thought yes, id love for people to be able to see the coin. This is such a rare object needs to be on display for the public mozilla than the psych rather. His emotional pain is accompanied by financial loss. A berlin court rule that security lapses meant his insurance only had to pay half the official value missing since 2017. The coin is something he doesnt expect to ever see again. But the school . No, i dont think so. Its unlikely that over to find more in there, only in my dreams are on t v and fortunately that ah Berlin Police have dedicated a division of the force to art theft, headed by renee a launch. His office could be mistaken for a gallery except all the works on display. Here are forgeries. A laws also worked on the stolen gold coin case dna found at the crime lead investigators to a berlin based crime family. Wilmonson. You helped us mum . Does i vincent from you, we 1st had to take a close look at this family to work up the internal connections who are the big figures and what the dna told us is what a d. D, an ashburn for was a ha, indian colon the should, that was the basis for our enquiries. And then we had a whole range of jobs. It stakeouts mid surveillance in preparing raids above a home and blighted ions. Its a forum in february 2020, a berlin Court Sentenced cousins vis um and act met remo to 4 and a half years in jail. The 2 men refused to comment on the whereabouts of the coin, which was likely melted down. Its not just steves trying to cash in on the booming art market. The Evidence Room at Berlin Police headquarters is brimming with seized forgeries, including the work of master forger. Wolfgang bell touchy a launch has learned how to spot a fake them when this fish flings with one of the few hold it up to the light. You can see a point where the cameras is really fin due to rubbing off is in which is very a typical for the artist in could law. That of guns under luncheon, he worked on completely different materials and the rubbed away canvas always tells us that someone wants us to think its an old canvas, f up there shall. And i to line bundled with such a launch is one of the worlds leading art detectives and has come to understand why art is now such hot property, quincy, south and into santas. Art is an interesting medium that you can make a lot of money. Westcan quince looked olsh, but art also attract speculators, which is why there are so many fraud cases. Im in the get up on my son, but for most perpetrators theres also the special attraction, the challenge of stealing a world famous work of art with high security as bus i live. It can fly thoughts who steal in or thats an incentive lights, or some d dunns or she totten begin. In most cases, its about stealing the object and then turning it into money gets ah amsterdam. Not only the dutch capital, but also one of europes leading cultural centers. A city famed for its rich, artistic heritage. People flocked to visit the galleries here most because they want to see the art but others because they want to steal it. Ah, of i still sounding and all feel ashamed. I dont, i dont even apologize. Everybody was. Busy oh, was with him, a neighborhood stole they stole car radios, vice that it burglaries and that is nobody him and i was it i what are you doing . Ill tape durham talks, frankly, about his previous life. As an art thief, he gained notoriety after successfully breaking into the cities. Ben, go museum. In 2002. I was walking past a museum and i looked at a ride in as a hey, was said on the roof and thats why i did it. It was the opportunity a window on the roof. The seasoned burglar had identified a weak spot. He then returned with an accomplice at night and left with 2 works. I Vincent Van Gogh the daring break in was Headline News in the netherlands. Its something you have to understand. You have to be in. Its a cultural or something. I know this is what i dont have the feeling durham initially kept the stolen van goes hidden, the paintings were worth several 1000000 euros, but were on sellable on the legal art market. Once Media Coverage of the theft had died down, he found a buyer, an Italian Mafia boss. I said to my friend of that, im, are you go find somebody and any found italian guy, you know . And he bought it does whatever. In 2016, the Italian Police raided a cocaine trafficking plan of the naples based come more a mafia. While searching the properties they discovered a hidden bunker. And inside it, the 2 missing van goes. Ah, 14 years after the break in the pieces were returned to their home, the Van Gogh Museum in amsterdam, senior manager, maria fella culp had feared theyd never see the works again. That was wonderful news in the, in the summer. I september. I 2016. Soda was phone call, the director, their phone to painter for they found a Painting Center in in italy. S was the rumor, but it was actually true. The story of the stolen paintings had a happy ending, but its very much the exception. Some works of art disappear for far longer on the black market, some forever. Although in many cases, the thieves are apprehended in 2004 october durham was himself eventually convicted and spent 3 years in jail. But his time behind bars does not seem to have reformed him level born teacher. If a boy soccer player, if both policeman, if born of us, im a born burger born tease. I dont know. I dont understand. If theyre asking, how does it come . My father asked me, why do you still, sir . No, i just do it. But how come i cannot explain . If i make money, what im supposed to be, but a supposed to be doing . So by lectures doing books, i would not steal over again. But if im start to get hungry, little risk, big reward, a combination that makes art theft on increasingly lucrative prospect for criminals, and will continue to do so fears journalists, stephanie called a half, and go to mr. 15th to him in a Gerhard Richter for 50000000 or a leonardo for 300, will always make the headlines, declare and will continue to do so then, and that continues to give criminals a reason to think about getting a share of these incredibly high prices. The unsuccessful steam, so the only answer is to improve security. And so for bitten, having cameras flashing on and off instead of being hidden would put, thieves off, protect the state of montana up darma. Since it was you seems need to get this some serious thoughts and urgently need to invest in the right technology in dust, mustang to invest here. And that means everywhere. Public museums around the world deserve better protection to prevent them from falling prey to criminals. And seeing their treasures disappear, non good shape or they are our bodies, Wastewater Treatment system, the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract, their tasks filtering and disposing like waste and talk. So what can we do to assist these organs . Ah, in good shape with d, w. O you sick, cant be destroyed. You can try, but its impossible. With she performed for her life in auschwitz. He was the nazis favorite, condemned to musicians who lived beneath the burner of the swastika. A film about the sounds of power and inspiring story about survival. Thanks to music. Fetch the cello playoff. Well, i was the only one im super lucky. User under the swastika starts november 19th on d. W. O. S d w. News alive from berlin. Climate oaks in egypt, and overtime, as negotiates, has tried to break a deadlock. The main issue he will pay for damages from climate to sa says and how much also coming up ukrainians can from the dock and cold aftermath of a week

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