A number of turkish soldiers are increasingly killed along with the concerns over the civilian plight but they could be a growing opposition to this operation and that is seen as one of the reasons why theyre going to crack down on any forces of dissent i think Seven Hundred arrests of people putting postings on social media opposing this operation that crackdown is expected to continue. The jury weve also been Hearing Reports of Turkish Guards at the border with syria indiscriminately shooting at people trying to flee across the border into turkey has denied this can you tell us any more about this story. But its very difficult to verify these reports of being very quick to say that this is propaganda this is out of the question they get their super bowl the forces do behave in a humane way following International Law but it has to be said that International Human Rights Groups last year did publish a report making similar allegations against the Turkish Border Security Forces and undoubtedly this will add to mounting pressure internationally on turkey particularly over the plight of the civilians the hundreds of thousands of civilians trapped in africa and they will be concerns of these people will be allowed safe passage out of out of syria into turkey and that pressure is likely to continue to mount as concerns over the fate of the people in africa grows. Thank you very much. Al qaeda linked militants have claimed responsibility for killing a russian pilots after shooting down his plane the fighter jass came down over in Northwestern Syria its the last remaining rebel province in the war torn country russia is the syrian governments main are like the islamists said they were standing two ferocious russian bombing raids in the area moscows retaliation was swift launching new attacks against rebel targets that a Monitoring Group save left at least fifteen people dead at. The pillar of smoke marks the place where the Russian War Plane came down its pilot was able to parachute to the ground but not to safety Russias Defense Ministry says he died in a fight with militants its not clear whether the rebels tried to capture him who. The plane came down in a Village South of the city of. Rebels and locals quickly gathered around the wreckage to celebrate their victory. A reporter well known in the arab world was also there. I mean a lot knew i had to the residents here call this kind of war plane the machine gun. Because of the heavy guns it carries. It attacks roads and cuts them off the homes the death official cars from moving. A sensation. The vast Rain Forest Canopy conceals an ancient world. Researchers have once again delved into the Jungle Kingdom of the mayans this time equipped with twenty First Century technology and what their Aerial Mapping has revealed is breathtaking. Huge structures that will likely teach us new lessons about the mayan civilization. Whats wonderful about this octomom Lidar Initiative is the scale of it its Twenty One Hundred square kilometers so were seeing these patterns not just in individual myositis but over these bassed region so must just a perspective that we havent really had before and so the jungle is actually preserving but totality of this ancient civilization. The Technology Uses lasers that allow researchers to effectively peer through the Overgrowth Structure right

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