Transcripts For DW DW News Asia 20221104

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are trying always to understand this new culture. so you are not a visitor now the guests you want to become a citizen. in phil migrants, your platform for reliable information. you're watching d. w. news, asia coming up today, a political march on pakistan's capital has turned violence with former prime minister in wrong hon. shot and injured will have the latest and will also explain what this march has been all about. and dead lead drugs, the case of dangerous cough syrup, manufactured in india scars the countries reputation as a top pharmaceuticals producer. ah, ah, i melissa chan, thanks for joining us. pakistan's, former prime minister in one con, is in the hospital recovering from minor surgery after what his aids are calling in assassination attempt. the suspected gunman was arrested immediately and please say he was acting alone. con was shot while leading a day's long march from the city of was era, bad to the capital is alma by it's to demand a snap elections. con was removed from office in a no confidence vote. earlier this year, a warning our report contains some graphic images. ah, there's a party atmosphere is emron. cons convoy rolls into town. ah, good then out of nowhere, a series of gunshots fill the air. and pakistan's, former prime minister, goes down. his quickly carried away and taken to a place of safety. clearly in pain, he separate a gunshot wound, scans later revealing bullet fragments in his leg. and he's not the only one injured of the iran con is safe. i'm being told that one friend has died. some others are seriously injured. why a little while lay to the 70 year old appears again outside waving to supporters. before being moved into a car and driven to hospital for treatments. lou, this was the 7th day of an anti government protest. march led by the former cricket at time politician. he's demanding new snap elections after being ousted as prime minister in a conference vote in april. speaking earlier this week, he insisted the rallies would be peaceful. i don't see any vitamin because the 26 years was never been, doesn't violent reward is vulgar to supreme court. we're not gonna any laws of the law. and con has been accused of creating a political crisis in pakistan, a divided country, which is no stranger to political violence. and this attack only seems to have found the flames with his supporters taking to the streets in anger. and he, believing this was an assassination at times for more we have t w's been as java. joining us in the studio of 1st off, i kind of want to back up here. what is this march cons been on? is it kind of a revolution to take that power or something? yes, melissa em, non hon saved that his gun been aimed to bring that evolution and back of fun. and it all started this year when he was ousted through a no confidence what he faith, that the military establishment conspired with his political open and under the influence of the us. and so he believed that his removal was illegitimate. and since then, he has demanded, ah, he has been demanding an early election because he believes that he has the political momentum. he has a blick support and through this them on which i think is his last big assault on the state. he is demanding an early election. he believes that right now if an election is announced, he has that power and support of from the public to which he can become a bach offense. next leader, next prime minister. this is such a populist play. now, how are people responding to this assassination attempt? what are you hearing? people are shocked. they're also sympathizing with him, but they're also very ready charge. and his dad is a bit, an assassination attempt to think compared to the assassination of fox and former prime minister, being as the poto, which was a get with how to get us traffic development buckets on. and the country was in gulf and thought death for diaz and we've seen after this attempted a bit into print, attempted to fascination has been calls for countrywide. put best buy in on hans political party, which means that there is a possibility of violence or one condition. why and of quality convention in pleasing in the country. and do you think that's what's going to happen next to what will the impact of this incident b? i think m ron hahn is not going to back down. he has made the state which he calls an illegitimate, an important government and also the military establishment. i think he's not going to back down. he has made these really big enemies. and it seems like when he feels better and he discovers he is going to join the march. and he's going to lead the market at the capital where he's going to protest demand for an early election. and it seems if that and so far, the government is also nurturing any flexibility. which means with a film it. and in this kind of situation and with so many people coming to the capital did is going to be really a did this, there's a high chance that there could be violence, confrontation, and a political chaos in the country. i mean, this sounds like a serious crisis and how would you rate this in terms of recent political history the last few decades? what's happening right now? so m long han and his senior members of his political party directly accusing the prime minister of the country. the indeed a minister of the country, and they have also named a high senior, a security official of belonging to pakistan's intelligence agency. these are serious acquisitions. so they are saying that they are behind this attack and are all doors, the government, and also the military has condemned this attack. but it seems like their rhetoric, or did anger towards him is not going to, it's not mailing down. and which means that the tension is going to rise right now they're such about stalemate, but i don't know what will happen. hopefully maybe a date is some negotiation or some understanding some flexibility shawn from both side or which can meadow down the situation. leadership, you've talked about this before, but um, can you tell me a little bit about the kind of disinformation misinformation that's going on given this incident, i can totally imagine people imagining that this person who tried to kill him. it's part of some kind of plot or it's a conspiracy theory. online. you've talked about this before to can you give me a sense of what kind of situation we have online? so the political propaganda from all sides is really in dense and high. and when this a suspect was taken into custody, it's ready. strange that immediately a read the off him was released in which his thing that no one is behind me. it was i did a single handedly and i only wanted to assassinate him. don han because i believed that he was misleading the nation and whistling through the country. so these are very suspicious acts and local government. they have suspended oil. the police officers that how come to speak was released and, and on internet, on social media we see a really bad fight going on between all parties involved, finished other. thank you so much for joining us. ah, india has one of the largest pharmaceutical industries in the world, producing drugs for many global south countries. but quality control and safety are in issue. the death recently of almost 70 children in the west african country of gambia is one such scandal. the kids experienced kidney failure and investigators eventually tracked it down to the indian made cough syrup. the w h o also stepped in and discovered they contained high levels of toxins. gambia ended up launching an urgent door to door campaign to remove all suspect medicines. and it wasn't the 1st tragedy blamed on indian drug companies in 2019 at children began falling seriously ill. and in his jama region, 11 people died before the cause was identified. and again, the source was contaminated cough. syrup, the victims, parents are demanding accountability from india's farm industry as d w's a deal bought an sharika mod report. 2 years ago, this small village in the him on the region of jermel, was distraught with the live and children had died there. deathly 2 or 3 did cough syrup for this firmly news of a similar tragedy in the gambia has brought back dark memories of their own loss. the bends had june, their son a officer, bought from a local chemist. elated discolored. it contained toxic chemicals. shaka mar yeah, a local teacher is still fighting hot justice for his son. he says he has lost faith in the system. how many but joke, i know that the culprits responsible for our children's deaths are still free once a week was like there was no action taken against them. not over there. we've all been crying for a long time. this is family village. there are many other families who are also grieving for their children. if the government had taken timely action, they could have avoided this tragedy. a sudden he with us, of what dick gates. india's for my industry has been healed for bringing affordable drugs for the masses. but it's been rocked by the death of 70 ambien children linked to cough syrup, produced by indian drug company made and far more with the incident has once again raise questions about the quality of drugs produced by ear. a feel kilometers away from delhi. this research laboratory collect sent analyzes samples for form of companies, one each runjun. how does the testing lab? he says, wallet beach export drugs or white dhl for the safety of consumers. it would definitely testing little, improved our situation and even regulators and there are 20 must have to recheck regarding the authenticity of the product. nuclear possibly jar has long been concerned about the dangers of sub standard drugs. his company far more secure, now checks the safety and authenticity of pharmaceuticals. and the situation is alarming. he says lex regulations in india us while main display ho, hasn't that big huge rise in substandard and falsified medicines. incident such as the one that happened in the gambia, and even if you a be talk about incidence domestically like german, could he have a doll potential do these question marks that can cause reputation or damage if not properly addressed in a puddle? i'm john steven. man, back in july, i shook commodities, meeting with other families who lost children due to toxic off suited to let you dear, children's death certificates. they discussed the future course of action in their struggle for justice. just the wifi body of him out of the company that killed our children is still operational. it should be immediately shut down and those responsible should be punished even late the scandal, gambia just another set back for indiana. that is 42000000000 noodle, drug making industries one that could start nisha. it's repetition as the pharmacy of the world. you know, that's all for this friday. be sure to check out our website that it'll be dot com or slash asia, and on twitter, where at e. w. news. i. melissa chan. thanks for watching and have a good weekend. i'm key to africans the retailing because my experience is parked on a cannot. this'll key, the multi talented justice clearly shows you what african art is all about. come alone for the ride. every bags. next auntie w. we've got some hot tips for your bucket list ah magic corner hotspot for food and some great cultural memorials to boot w travel. we go for today's episode of africa megs a we visit the vibrant and ever evolving. brent making center inter hannah's big we know as artist prove, studio studio was established in 1991 as a pioneer in community center leading south africa into a vision for future collaboration and artistic expression. today a 30 is on our.

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