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Sea. Its waters connect people over many cultures. Seen it almost rock and to far abdul karim drift along with exploring modern lifestyles and mediterranean. Where it has a history left, its traces reading people hearing their dreams a mediterranean journey intended those sorts august 14th on d. W. Ah lini me re villi is atkins, chief heat officer, her assignment to protect the great capital from an invisible but ever present threat. Global warming, the mediterranean metropolis hosts the hottest summers in europe, and in just a few decades, athens could become partially uninhabitable. Illini may reveal is on a mission to future proof their city against the extreme climate. But its a race against time its scorching in the greek capital. Its high summer in athens, summer temperatures of around 40 degrees celsius are becoming commonplace. A test of endurance for tourists and athenians alight at sweltering temperatures. Like these aline, me really always has her water bottle handy. She is more than familiar with the heat and the dangers it presents. In part, thanks to her occupation. Her position as athens chief heat officer is a 1st of its kind in a european city. She meets up with an employee of the athens waterworks for a tour of the parts of the city. You dont see from the surface, down into the historical underworld of athens. This is where he, gent aqueduct, runs to this day. It an underground tunnel, almost 20 kilometers long. Built by the Roman Emperor adrian, illini, mary valley, once water to flow here again soon in order to help cool down the great capital. The victim engineers have already drawn up their plans. Then they are planning to create 20 specific points where the, where they tap into the water into the green new parks. The idea is to create a green bout running straight through the city. The environmentalists proposals also inspired athens waterworks to modernize now the Athens Water Company is actually implementing works that we use sewage treated water ah, for non portable uses in this holy culture change air fits also these project with her 100 aqueduct that is not portable, gray water is mildly polluted, domestic waste water, which is ideal for watering green spaces for aline. Me really . The aqueduct project has been a great success. But the, anyway, is forward through the capitals. Heavy Traffic Congestion is one of athens biggest problems contributing to the fact that its temperatures are often up to 10 Degrees Higher than outside the city. Extreme heat waves in greece are almost always accompanied by forest fires, which are increasingly becoming a threat to the capital. In mid july, there was a fire on the northern outskirts of athens. Dozens of houses were destroyed in the blaze. Illini, me revealing knows that time is of the essence. The anthropologist has already dealt with the dramatic consequences of global warming. As chairwoman of the greek green party, and as deputy met of athens. But they decided i didnt wanna be in part the bodily fix any more and see these cities are great, i believe in figure very much. And i think that thats where theyre most of the problems are and most of the solutions are so low solutions and concept saline me really comes up with i rarely found in the quiet tranquillity of her office. Instead, she meets with scientists, engineers and activists in air condition, cafes around the city. And that too is part of the problem she admits. And we dont have a lot of barks and, and green spaces. And, and we have a lot of old people. We have a lot of surfaces that tend to feed up. We have a lot of cars that produce even more heat and air conditioning and produces even more seat. So its actually a pretty deadly makes in athens, the elderly are particularly affected by the hot summers, and i often struggle with circulatory problems. But aline made a really believes that athens decline can still be halted. For example, through the creation of more parks, which have a cooling effect. One also improving the quality of life in an otherwise hectic city. The 61 year old believes green space is our key to halting the decline. She is particularly proud of this small park. A landscape garden of friend laid it out inspired by japanese gardens. We have to choose glance that i both have a lot of leaves and thick canopy, which are usually the deciduous trees, the trees that, that loser their leaves in the winter. But also can, can do not need the enormous amounts of water and can survive in difficult conditions. It also become a large tree that will be saved from the center of the area and surrounding it. These trees are also terry uncle, good k 3 that will also kind of create all around the path. The bacteria oftentimes comparatively few and small parks and there is virtually no room for new parks downtown. But the heat commissioner has an idea about that too. We have to fake cars out and make the ro, vertical bar, right. But every day, thousands of cars pushed their way through the congested streets of athens bellini. Miti villi is often in the middle of the bustle herself. Athens has pledged to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions by 40 percent by 2030, but it is questionable whether the goal can still be achieved. Survey show that rising temperatures are indeed seen as a problem by most athenians. But not all perceive them as life threatening. Oh my god, not gonna make it. I got dizzy of feel like im going to throw up there for mccarthy. I just put my feet in cold water than normal to get back on the main me though, that usually hit the spot in the volume at the volume a story on it or is it governor in athens is getting increasingly unbearable in the summer. And if its not like we have rivers to lay by and almost all of the country side around the city is already burned, it will get worse. The city just as he made for technically, the hot temperatures are an issue for this man. Not only because he likes to run long distances. August e manuel is an actor and one of the most famous climate activists in greece to promote climate protection. The athenian ran 2500 kilometers from here to the World Climate conference in glasgow, scotland last year. A heat officer lie coline made a really is not a bad idea. He thinks. But the measures are too little and probably too late. Hang about up. Well, you dont get me wrong up or it would be great to have a new park in my neighbourhood with a fountain i can cool off in on hot days. Funny, you know, younger was all well and good. But to be honest, it seems to me like giving a cancer patient and aspirin, the median is, and im getting a bad, i get the impression that we have already surrendered me during the list. Your home up of iffy or the weve accepted the Climate Crisis and now were trying to somehow subtle into its debbie or not. The board was pretty tragic. Broken up was having the stores of the door in it. There you go. Of the criticisms illini made a really receives only motivate her more after all, the climate issue is increasingly a matter of life and death. Studies have shown that every additional degree about 31. 00 degrees celsius increases the mortality rate by 5 percent. Merely really wants to make this an issue. But that is no easy feat in greece. She says. Here we had the heat wave that was at the highest temperatures that have ever been reached in athens. It was almost 45. 00 degrees in the centre athens. And am a. It lasted for about 3 weeks, 3 and a half weeks. So not none of the greek newspapers reported the deaths that were related to these heat waves. But me really pushes on. Her next appointment is with the Greek Red Cross to day australian red cross colleagues have been invited to grace to give a talk. In some parts of australia to day temperatures can reach around 50 degrees celsius. They explain how the emergency surfaces, their help particularly vulnerable groups during extreme heat waves for the heat officer speaking to those at risk is highly important. Preparing people to be able to help her people before they get really sick so that we can tell them what to do. And if they start having symptoms, somebodys there that can answer a phone or can be next to them to help them. So they dont end up in the hospital, but in the basement of the red cross building, the helpers pack their backpacks and prepare for action. We have we have ha, ha mobiles, station we have the bicycle groups. So the volunteers of red crush are everywhere. Giving 1st aid to peoples that they, they have been are under the sun for too many time or air. We also have services at home. Where are the department of health of red cross . Has our data for people that they are alone at the house. And they need help. One of the mobile Response Teams is stationed at the acropolis, the ancient landmark of the city there called infrequently to provide 1st day to tourists who q for admission to the monument in a sweltering midday sun. Its very high, im very tired and i need to sit at life. Tourism is an incredibly important part of athens economy. And if the summers keep getting hotter, visitors might think twice about coming. Climate protection is vital for the survival of the city. This is especially true for the poorest residence in a city who suffer, particularly from climate change, says the chief heat officer. Thats part of why we really have to focus on adaptation in resilience building in cities. Because not everybody has the mind me to have a plan b when it gets really, really hot even to be, you know, not everybody has the money to just go somewhere thats cooler. Lini moody really wants to ensure that athens is still habitable in 30 years. She isnt ready to give up on her beloved hometown just yet. But at the same time, she understands the young athenians flying the nest to live elsewhere. My daughter is currently studying in norway. And to tell you the truth, i, im kind of happy. Its studying in norway. Im because i think its going to get its gone. Im afraid im worried that its going to get really hard in the south to to, to be especially in the summer months. When do you think it would be time to declare the malibu now . Ah, the ancient city of athens, i survived many a crisis with countless walls and occupations. Over and near 4000 year lifespan. And with the lini, maryville is help. It could survive the Climate Crisis to we love europe. We diversity and anything unusual. No mountain is too high and no road is too long. In search of the extraordinary we are the specialists of lifestyle, europe, bureau max. Next on d, w. Ah. And lets be honest. Summer break just doesnt really me much does it without the bundis league . Ah ah. Well, dont worry. It will start up again soon. And as legal football, action. Goals all in on kick off starts august 9th here on t w. Ali. Ah ah ah, ah ah, there is more than meets the eye when viewing this

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