Transcripts For DW The Bundesliga - Your Team Your League Your Show. 20181202 22:15:00

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a visit. to link to news from africa and the world tour link to exceptional stories and discussion among us as easy our website debited comes to africa join us on facebook g.w. africa. welcome to the bone this new guy here on a match think that scene is almost in the history books and it's giving us three here at the table to discuss a mechanic line and this is what's coming. sunday so three of the league's top five teams are not. involved but faced off the red bulls of light sega locked horns with black fox folks. time when talking about manic monday because fans wish it was sunday because that's. fun day not just another manic monday. monday game
destroying traditional football. and who better to take us through the match days topic than my all star panel to my left we have former professional football and that of a ground michelle michelle welcome to the so there were two cracking games on sunday which one were you looking forward to the most definitely leipsic because. european game from them. something very interesting thing that is not interesting to play for the european games and that's why i was very happy to see a game like this on sunday so it was all about the buddhist league of course. we've got all the movie of course here at the table he's you know sports and extraordinary my right hand man only if you agree with almost the quote looking forward to seeing frank that you know they've really been pulling up trees recently but of course. the big clash of the day and that's of course is the exactly what
we're talking about sunday coverage both lives they had to make changes ahead of this clash for it was the first time that i wasn't in the starting line up since joining the joining the club last season leipsic on the other hand we're glad to see some key players were tiny let's see how they fed. back from injuries just in time for this match the midfield trio of come. and much else obvious that played a part in leipzig early starts in the second minute one two with team and the germany international marked in front of the goal. for the hosts both teams were on the attack creating a chance after a good half hour but no problem for leipsic keeper paid to go. out today. at the other end posed just like threat in the box but. prevented him from hitting that charges. in first half injury time leipsic won the ball and
we're off to the races use a pulse and weed through the gladbach defense and the nimble was there to finish the job. in every game he scored this season he's gone on to add his second. leipzig more defensive after the race charge a lot but kept pushing but lacked imagination to organize with a chance with just over an hour ago. towards the end of sportsmanlike. going down to biloxi who kept his seventh clean sheet of the season he was tying his shoe for him i remain unbeaten at home failed to score a goal for the first time since april. frank host involved in sunday's late game the home side knew a win would see them jump to second in the table while both were looking through distance and selves from those languishing near the relegation zone the
breakthrough came in the thirty first minute. to have both the lead was double that's how they made way through the second half. pulling home from close range. crisis strike that was frank. look at yo bitch but it was too little too late and very much a missed opportunity for the eagles. so things are heating up in the bundesliga at the moment we've seen three of the top five teams play today michelle of the teams we've seen today which ones can actually compete with dortmund definitely the course is high speed football and i like it very much the course if you see. and poles and how they're on the pitch how dare move how to run especially running running and kumble he was running i don't know maybe fourteen fifteen kilometers away as. unbelievable what they did on sunday do you think that they are
such a force that i think life so you definitely don't have to reckon with a little bit but frankly i don't see anyone much in dortmund for consistency in the late this year especially after the games we have today i would like to give a bit of a shout out to frank. if you remember they had a really atrocious start of the season they got hammered in the super cup they went out of the day of people they won one of the first five games in the league and they have just completely turned it around the fact that this is such a shock this is defeat voles but i think shows just how much they've improved since those first few games. scoring against the he's been sensational so best in l.a. as well as a support has been very very good and i don't think they can win the league but i think they deserve a lot of respect but the elephant always in the room is dortmund. i mean this man never starts again why is that happening well this is clearly a firm believer in the knights in that if it broke don't fix it and it's clearly working very well at the moment of impact what katha come off the bench rather than
starting games he's actually tied a record now for the number of goals scored off the bench over the course the whole season running a much they say we see him a tweet from dortmund official account of the joke a joke or is the term they use in germany for super sub and certainly that's true that the list that of the clubs that he's come off the bench to score against. as long as he keep scoring goals off the bench i don't see any reason to change it it's working really well having a royce and jane sunshine kind of tire opposition defenses out with their pace and the trickery and that gives a player like many opportunities with his movement and it's nice to go fit if it ain't broke don't fix it michelle you're your football man would you stop would you keep him on the bench. before right now are keeping on the bench because his fitness is not on the highest level of the moment this is what. many times to to us but i think for the second part of the of the season this will be a very. very interesting situation for him to
a packer he has to understand also german football is so odd for me myself i hope that he's coming next year in the second part of the season for the beginning but i'm looking also forward tool for mario because i wish all the best for him that he's maybe tried to make the same. he's trying to do the same what he is doing right at the moment so let's see. good well that we're getting close to that tough a point in the season that's why we need to look at the table and of course dortmund are at the very top with a very healthy lead of a glove and leipsic and look at that by making for the massive nine points off the pace but down the bottom things are wrapped up yes and that's you know why that's because on monday there's a monday night game for the first time this season between leverkusen he see their twelfth and number in sixteenth now this is not something i want to talk to you about. only this one day games why has the d.f.l.
decided to get rid of them from twenty twenty one with yes right i mean it comes down to the much going fans basically they have to pay for these monday night games from day one they hated him since the beginning and we have protests every time there's been a monday game in the bundesliga since the start of last season have been protests again this weekend with fans as thanks silent throughout the first place to start if you get a bundle you in the first half of games we had protests all through last season as well as i say we had a toilet paper being thrown on the pitch and mights to stop a game to disrupt the guy we're going to see some pictures here i think these are my fans throwing toilet paper onto the page just to show the d.f.l. precisely how strongly they feel about this issue we also had tennis balls being thrown on to the pitch in frankfurt say for the same and look it's understandable that they hate these monday night games because when you think about it if you have to get across the country to an away game on a monday night you've got work again the next day it doesn't give you time and it's so much expense as well to do you do like to go gets
a games on mondays and you know all about them and you can even play it in one of it when you're playing during a career does it affect players on the pitch when the fans are there and monday night any different than a saturday afternoon. it's prime time saturday so you know how it is it's comfortable if you play games on monday night and no it's not like it's not the same it's not football is how a whole whole you like it but for me it's very difficult for for the for the parents if you come into the stadium with little kids and also for the supporters who are coming with this team from fall so it's a long distance to go back and they have to work on thursday on tuesday and it's very difficult and that's why i. happy to day cut this off and next year we have only saw this on them friday games where you know anyone who doesn't like monday games one person is definitely a fan of money games don't want coaching staff here's what he had to say after team
b. five that on saturday. owns it is a shame for us because they give us a lot when they're there and they're loud. we like that and we need it. but i understand it because when it comes to money games i would ban them completely. it's ridiculous ridiculous. ridiculous says he doesn't like and the fans don't live in only what's wrong with the monday game what's wrong with it i mean we said with the with the fans having to travel across the country i think the question is what's good about it and then the only people i think you gain from it is t.v. viewers you know you have more kick of times over the course of a weekend and that means that more games can be televised and through that of course the fans the fans who live abroad maybe they get more chance to watch the bundesliga but it's this constant battle that we have in modern football you know the prioritize those fans abroad and finding new supports is spreading the brands as they would probably start the d.f.l. . prioritize the going fans who are the life blood of german football made it what
it is michel very very briefly what you think is german football actually need the monday games in order to become step competitive in europe no they don't need it because it's like all other games you have strictly your days and this is what people like so and if you have this monday game so you see so many people. don't like more football as. a moment and that's why i think we don't need this money keep it on saturday sunday and friday and then we're happy with this or will be complete completing this discussion when there are more monday games before i let you go let me remind you about a goal of the month competition be sure system it's your vote via email right to the bundesliga at dot com you can also watch those goals again on social media where you can also vote for them these are the addresses on your street on your screen you can win a bonus to get of your choice now i'd like to thank my two friends here at the
table thank you for joining us for the show and of course all of a meeting them from anybody else here in berlin and when it's a good thing thank you and goodbye. i'm incredibly weak and i want to find out what turns this maybe evil town world heritage status is it's in the famous just picture every chance to be looking at what else you can experience here in the run up to christmas. next deal to. enter the conflict zone confronting the
powerful. this week in a special edition comes a zone is coming to you from the bottom in policy for my guest is the veteran the syrian chief negotiator saeb erekat. defused dream of an independent state ever came true what would it look like conflicts of. sixty minutes. with him had a big gun and it goes on as well i and i know if i had known that the boat would be small i never would have gone on a trip but you know i would not support myself and my parents or my attention to the part of the game with the hope to give a little bit. on some of the other one it would be to give them i had serious

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