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Remembers the centuries of our neighborhood where on earth ukrainians lived in the majority, or as it was then called, the ruthenians of the ukrainians. I am talking about the work of eastern countries. He played a big role in rethinking our historical memory and the works of the film according to sienkovych. And the poles contributed to the fact that the common life of these two peoples on the same territory turned out to be impossible, he said that it was still impossible, and thats why i feel this way because of the historical issues that everyone has in relation to their closest neighbors sympathy for ones neighbor is something, thank you very much for helping our compatriots. Can you share with our viewers who those people are, what kind of families they are and how they got to you. Oh, you know it then. It was so massive. Someone asked someone called me someone asked i remember one person with paralyzed legs, but he was driving ukrainians who were fleeing the war from the border and immediately rushed to help. Society is a society that is oriented towards profit. Meanwhile, giving and that it brings even more joy than having. This is already a good proof of progress, and it makes me very happy. In the czech republic, in the past, we often heard from representatives of other countries that ukrainians and russians are born of the people. Ukrainians should be similar, that there is no ukrainian language, that you speak many languages, in particular, russian, so you can distinguish some languages ​​by ear, in your opinion, ukrainians are really so similar to russians, why are we not one nation with them, it is very common heard this question in russia, it was until recently , and i always answered that what distinguishes ukrainians from russians is the platform , the ability to point, which zaporizhia sich always had, which was somehow destroyed by catherines friend, and so on. Independence, the spirit of resistance, which was also directed against the poles, was the spirit of the people who ive always loved freedom , im content with my preferences. Well, i knew such a very gloomy saying in russian. Does a slave need freedom . Well, it turns out that the one who has an arab soul, the soul of a slave, will not fight for freedom. And who is the mother of a soul that has already tasted freedom will always be there for her. Ukraine is that part of europe where the desire for freedom is very strong and it probably distinguishes the ukrainians from the russians the most. The end of the war, will you play in taiwan, will we win this battle, or will we preserve our freedom . I think that from the Historical Perspective , there is no doubt. History says that today empires are no longer needed due to the technological revolution and the development of informatics, the territories that are taking place have ceased to play the role they once played, empires are an anachronism, for some reason they are not needed at all. Therefore , this is a kind of attempt to preserve the empire , which is doomed to defeat, but how long will it last, how much longer victims, it will cost pain, patience, but i cannot predict this , considering the fact that no one knows how long it can last, the world will remain with ukraine in this struggle, the world is selfish and also has its own small, small interests the world is only ready to get rid of something when it is scared, but it is also a question of what will win in people , what will win in people of that wellfed society , sometimes even fear directs people to good , they are called, then they are ready to sacrifice and thats right in fact, all small sacrifices are material, you dont need to give something so that the war ends with such a peace that we can call fair, mr. Barzok , to ukraine and the ukrainians, and we are very grateful to you for that, but we also notice that from the war and that number of ukrainian refugees has its own problems and challenges. In the end, each person has his own problems and challenges. Do you have problems . Do you feel that support is decreasing . I hope not, but she really naturally succumbs to a certain fatigue. This is also such a human trait. It started, but i am a brother. I was glad that tatuma is coming slowly, not so quickly, because after all, it has been going on for a very long time and poland is a victim of a lot , it is a position of not helping, it is not dominant. And selfishness, and i dont want to point the finger, but these are very suspicious forces that often draw their inspiration from polish national interests. Elections. Can anything change in helping ukraine after them as an Election Campaign . Well, i am not enthusiastic about our political situation in poland, i believe that it could be much better, but i am convinced that if the democratic opposition wins, the attitude towards ukraine will remain at the same level of solidarity at which it is, and now, therefore, i believe that there will be no significant changes here , the state is significant from me in ukraine, what do we need to change when we finish this war, well, lets go to the area for ukraine to join the Democratic Free countries then there is a whole list of problems related to the power of the oligarchs, related to such ingrained corruption, which dates back to the times of tsarist russia, but also glory to ukraine, which was very easily influenced when, after a phone call, it approved verdict, as we need steps of labor to change the mentality, to love will and justice enough to say that we will suffer the loss of victims, but we will change our way of thinking and put an end to that terrible bribery and put an end to that terrible words and the protection of our people in power, and we will fairly play out the public goods that belong to everyone, they will divide well, there should be a huge reform of thinking, and i hope that it will happen for the sake of better higher values ​​than those that exist now, namely the corruption of embroidery and the bad judicial system and not honest competition that inhibits the development of the country. This will all have to be changed. Competition is expensive, just as we had to change it in poland, because every country can become worse and therefore it must be constantly updated. Russia, but also for ukraine to become better, thank you very much for communication for agreeing to the interview. And finally, i would like to ask if you have plans to make another joint polishukrainian film. I would really like to , but this is not the war time to shoot a movie but i returned with great pleasure to such neighborly cooperation. I have very good memories from previous times , so i am open to offers of strength. I am already a very old person. I am 84 years old, but as long as i have the strength, i still want to do something. If there was something, it would be nice i will do it with the ukrainians. Przysztof zanusi was our guest on the espresso tv channel today. Thank you for staying with us. Listen to your fm galicia italyukraine on megogo at the legendary sansiro stadium. 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Thats all eight, yes, how are our the defenders of the sky repelled the largest air attack since the Second World War and what exactly will f16 fighter jets help ukraine f16 will help us keep away russian terrorists unique special operation tit lets run and take evacuation along the perimeter became how military intelligence managed to lure a russian pilot to our side together with a helicopter no one wants wars когда украина победиt эtо лиш вопрос времени documentary film downed russian pilots watch today at 22 00 not with the press vasyl stus is always relevant for everyone his Ahtem Seytablaev the one who called you the one who chose you forever, the age before him from a young age you confessed to him the lord himself brik yelyzaveta zharikova compete exhausted life exhausted compete the past babich vorotyan and hand over and let Yaryna Chornoguz through the mirrors aimed at me exactly mine and not your goal youre really here, youre really here, youre not here, youre not here , where are you . Where are you . Where are you . The Big Broadcast of vasyl zima, viewers of the espresso tv channel will be the first to learn the name of the 2023 vasyl stus award winner, it will be broadcast from the press on thursday, september 14 at 7 15 p. M. Watch this Weeks Program judicial control with tatyana shustrova, which of the unscrupulous judges was assigned to the newly created koas, the new Court Receives of old judges and why these appointments do not correspond to the reform changed the decision to the opposite that i absolutely well, you see judicial control as unacceptable, i am tetyana shustrova at the end of last year as part of the judicial reform in in ukraine, the most corrupt District Administrative Court of kyiv was finally liquidated, the kyiv city District Administrative Court was created instead, and in accordance with the requirements of international partners, the competition for the positions of judges in the new judicial body should be conducted as transparently as possible, with the involvement of renewed as part of the reform of the Supreme Council of justice, the Higher Qualification Commission of judges and of the new Public Integrity council, and this is only theoretical, because judges with opaque fortunes continue to get there at the moment. With a scandalous reputation, why is this happening and can it be stopped . See todays edition and from the beginning to the news, the Specialized Anticorruption Prosecutors Office referred to the court the case of the judge of the pechersk district of the court of kyiv, tetyana illieva, she is suspected of abuse of power and official forgery, according to the investigation, illiva illegally removed the seizure of funds andriy mykhainiv, the former vicepresident of the state bread of ukraine company, who is accused of helping exprime minister Pavlo Lazarenko to legalize the property of a criminal the origin of the judge Tetyana Ilyeva canceled the arrest as an investigating judge, although the case had already been heard on the merits and the request to lift the arrest had to be considered by the panel of judges after the arrest was canceled. On the same day , almost €111,000 and 9. 5 thousand dollars were withdrawn from the bank account of the exhibitor volodymyr pyatkovskyi, who is accused of bribery, is trying to escape into honorable retirement, despite the rather serious charges, the judge has not yet been dismissed or even removed from Office Administration of justice, although the complaint against him has been pending in the vrp for more than six months or more at a time when the bribery case is being considered by the Anticorruption Court , volodymyr piatkovsky believes that he deserves an honorable retirement with severance pay and a lifetime allowance from the state at the expense of taxpayers in the amount of 70 to 100 of the judges salary , lets remind volodymyr piatkovskyi is accused of demanding a bribe of one thousand two hundred dollars for this, he allegedly promised to save a citizen from responsibility for driving while in a state of of alcohol intoxication during the pretrial investigation, vaxo took a preventive measure of bail of more than uah 700,000, however , the judge continued to administer justice. Parole and probation for 3 years, colic is also prohibited from working in court for two years , we remind the judge that he was exposed for demanding 1,100 in bribes according to investigation materials when he promised to close the administrative case against a citizen who drove a car under the influence of alcohol, the judge received money through the lawyer of the suspect , the head of the Economic Court of the kyiv region pavlo gorbasenko, whose complaints are not considered by the vrp due to the lack of service of disciplinary inspectors , again scandalized due to an unjust decision on july 25 satisfied the application for securing the claim of the former head of the bilotserk thermal power station, vadym bohdan, who decided to appeal the decision 20 months later by his resolution of the meeting of shareholders of the company, judge gorbasenko suspended the effect of all decisions of the meeting, and in particular those that did not apply to bohdan, the shareholders emphasize that gorbasenkos resolution has signs of raiding, because the decisions of the meeting were made on 19 issues, in addition , the economic procedural code of ukraine does not provide for such a means of securing a claim as suspension actions of decisions of shareholders meetings , so it appears that judge gorbasenko used his powers to interfere in the Economic Activities of the newly elected Supervisory Board thermal power plant so that it could not work and appoint the head of the company because gorbasenko also forbade making changes to the register based on the decision of the judge of the commercial court of the kyiv region pavlo gorbasenko to take measures to ensure by prohibiting the state registrar to notaries the ministry of justice of ukraine and other bodies or persons performing functions in the field of state registration carry out registration actions regarding jsc bilotserkivska teploelektrotsentral, namely to make changes to the information about the head of the legal entity about other persons who may to take actions on behalf of a legal entity, having received a claim after taking such security already on august 8, gorbasenko decided to mention the law and left bohdans claim motionless, demanding written explanations from him as to which rights of the claimant were violated in the part of the claimed claim, taking into account that at the extraordinary meeting there was a decision was made on 19 issues, although judge gorbasenko had to ask bohdan about this before issuing a decree on support , so the previous decisions of the judge remain in force, and the pensioners are now violated thanks to according to gorbasenkos decision, the plaintiff bohdan is suing the defendant atb this is the chp, which bohdan himself will represent in court or hire a lawyer, who you probably know. The fact that such a lawsuit was issued by the judge gorbasenko boasted about securing the lawsuit without taking into account the interests of the shareholders and without their involvement demonstrates that the judge will consider the case without of their participation, the shareholders are convinced that everything is being done in order to continue to embezzle the company, accumulate its debts, and remove the shareholders and their legally elected Company Bodies from managing it activity to prevent shareholders from putting things in order and bringing the guilty to justice due to such court decisions, no Jointstock Company in ukraine can now feel safe and the rights of shareholders to be protected , let us remind you that the courts regarding atb this chp have been ongoing since 2021, and this is not the first questionable decision of a judge gorbasenko in this case, previously the Public Integrity council and journalists drew attention to the judges property, which cannot be explained by official income, as well as his possible fictitious divorce with the alleged purpose of hiding wealth at the end of the previous the most scandalous and corrupt court in the country, the District Administrative Court of kyiv, was finally liquidated. It is known for numerous scandals and highprofile decisions, in particular, it was there that lawsuits were filed regarding the reinstatement of yanukovych, and some ukrainian judges could be involved in the kremlins scenario for the return of the former president. Currently, the judicial mafia is desperate struggles with liquidation and blocks reform, however , in accordance with the law , the kyiv city District Administrative Court has already been established and is functioning to replace the oazku and mistakes the past are not taken into account, and the jurisdiction of the new court completely repeats the boundless power of the corrupt oasco, while so much power is concentrated in one court, there is a risk that someone will again try to maximally influence aa and even those courts if they go through all the crucibles of isa and then try to influence them and so on and more , despite repeating exclusively this and the Unlimited Power of corruption, the new Court Receives old judges. Administrative court judge volodymyr donets of oasco and judge of the kharkiv District Administrative Court olena zaichko why these appointments do not correspond to the reform volodymyr donets worked in the District Administrative Court of kyiv from 2009 until its liquidation and there is every reason to believe that he is a link in the system organized by the head of oasco pavel vovko circular bail in july 2020 after the vovka tapes were released, which exposed blatant schemes of bribery, abuse and the creation of a criminal organization with the aim of the seizure of power, judge donets did not react in any way. He did not speak on this matter, he remained silent regarding the statement from the ooasco team, which tried to refute the facts found by the Law Enforcement officers and emphasized the alleged interference in the courts activities and pressure on the judicial system, such an appeal was signed as a judge of the District Administrative Court which gives us reason to believe that in fact judge donetsk supported such an appeal, he did not oppose it. In 2019, volodymyr donetsk canceled the negative conclusion of the Public Council integrity towards judge svitlana hrabovets, then he did not take into account that grd cannot be a defendant in the case at all, and the conclusions of the council are not subject to appeal, also judge donets is known for his decision to cancel the order of the ministry of culture to enter a Historical Building in the center of kyiv into the register of monuments in us aa hmm as a monument of aa culture, an estate for a mansion on the observatory, and there was actually an appeal against the decision of the iminkult to exclude the indicated mansion from the cultural monuments and after several of Court Proceedings in various courts with his decision, in fact, donetsk went to a business meeting and he actually admitted that this mansion is not a cultural monument, and finally, judge volodymyr donets is one of the judges of the oaz region who at the beginning of the fullscale invasion of russia decided 20 decisions in favor of officials who came under the influence of the law on the purification of power, so during the war, judges obliged ukraine to pay the illustrated officials almost uah 10 million from the state budget, except for volodymyr donets above as the Qualification Commission of judges decided to second another employee of themis to the kyiv District Administrative Court with an equally ambiguous biography, this is the judge of the kharkiv District Administrative Court, olena zaichko, among her career achievements, making dubious decisions, making decisions during training that directly contradicts the law and is also opaque declaration of property, for example, in 2020 , olena zaichko made a decision to build 13 hectares of forest, despite the seizure of this plot according to another court decision, permission to build the builder received operative slice, which is included in the zone of influence of the Kharkiv Deputy ihor arikha, it is interesting that immediately after this decision, the minor children of this hare got ownership of an apartment from the kharkiv city hall with an area of ​​more than 100 m², also olena zaechko likes expensive cars, in 2021 she bought a lexus for almost 2 million hryvnias, however, it is not known where such money comes from in the court. If the declaration for 2020 is to be believed, zayechko did not have the required amount for the expensive car, our colleagues from sledstvo. Info received records of phone conversations, presumably of judge olena zaychko in a conversation dated august 13, 2020, a woman with a voice similar to a hare discusses with a colleague the possibility of spoiling the disc with case materials. Also, the ways of changing the avowed judges decision to the opposite word were found out and a whole material was released about how she goes to a fortune teller there and does other things strange things, but the most interesting thing is that she destroyed the disc with the audio recording of the Court Session and in the way of correcting the typo, er, there is such a scheme , the judge changed the decision to the opposite that i absolutely well, it is simply unacceptable and should be karno, including a criminal trial with such a ground, olena zayechko last year even tried to become a member of the Supreme Council of justice, fortunately , the Verkhovna Rada did not accept her candidacy, and according to the Higher Qualification Commission, volodymyr donets and olena zayechko, with their huge trail of questionable decisions, can become representatives of the new of the judicial system and implement reforms, we have objective doubts and will carefully monitor the further decisions of these servants of themis. For today, thats all you watched judicial control, im tetyana shustrova if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. See you in exactly a week. I wish you all the best. Greetings to everyone who works with the press. The news editor is ready to tell you about the most important events at the moment. The russian attack killed two foreign volunteers, a spanish citizen and a canadian , reported to the organization of the Relief Company , four Team Members Went from sloviansk in the direction of bakhmut, their car

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