Right. The problematic rollout is the president s signature achievement causing a sharp drop in the president s job approval, a new poll by the Kaiser Family foundation showing obacare approval dropping to 33 . Arly half of democrats now disapprovin in the all time low for the presents approval rating, 39 according to the gallup poll. More fuel for the critics chief White House Correspondent ed henry at the white house tonight with our report. Ensuring that president obama and his fellow democrats wl not have to defend a potentially messy 2016 Health Care Enrollment on the eve of the midterm elections, the Administration Today unilateral declared signups will start on november 16 of next year, 11 days after the midterm election. Insteaof the originally planned october 15 date. They immediately cried foul, meaning that no one will know about it premiums go through the roof until after the elction. This is to use any necessary tools to keep the program afoat jay carney scoffed at that charge. E are doing this because it makes sense for insurers to have as clear and information as they need before next year. And so the administration also revealed annther smaller delay and for those who are covered on january 1, it has been pushed from december 152 december 23. Meanwhile, new questions about whether the president can keep anothee promise that he made to sell the lot. If you like your plan, and you like your doctor, you wont have to do a thing. You can keep your plan and you can keep your doctor. Doctors cease being cut before the Affordable Care act and acceleration of that now is sparking fears in the white house as a promise that is not so ironclad. That was true before the aca and after the aca because they build upon this private insurance system. Und the Health Care Law that continues. That raises questions as to why he made this promise. As the owner of private practice, i am a Small Business man. And my patien are extremely ancient, they are worried and will i be paid enough by the entrance to stay in practice. Most of it is due tothe end of the month deadline to get that fixed. So what about that website . The obama administrations update on improvements today to health care dog. The site will be able to handle 50,000 users at one tim by the end of the month, not is up from 25,000. System will not work perfectly, but it will operate smoothly for the vast majority of users. The white house to find the vst majority of about 80 of users. Fallout over yesterdays use of the Nuclear Option in the senate. Focus tonight on pesident obams floundering agenda. Including executive nominations with a simple majority likely to give the president s administrative priorities some measure of protection if the court and providing Additional Support over the ne three years. Mike emanuel has this report. By changing the rules with a simple majority the dc ircuit court was loaded with people on the bench over aspects of obamacare. Other republicans say that this is a sign the white house believes that the democrats are going to lose the Senate Majority in 14 and they want to have as many of president obamas confirmed nominees now. It shows the sign of desperation on the part of t white house and this administration. The president s polling is at an alltime low. People think that he is incompetent. Reporter democrats contained about the filibusters a of chuck hagel during his confirmation of being secretary of defense. This includes the National Labor Relations Board and the consum financial protection bureau. Following the rollout of obamacare, this could be used to have the nominees confirmed if the president decides health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius should go. Jay carney pushed back at the white house. Obviously there are a lot of positions that any president can sell. Fill. The fact of the matter is thht the president s team when it comes to the Affordable Care act is fixing the problems that exist with the wsite. Three democrats voted with the republicans to oppose changing the rules. If it could be changed on judges or other nominees. This president is going to be using this to change the rules and a consideration of legislation. Reporter 33o the 55 senators had never served it with their party in the minority. Jeff merkley was elected i 2008 in pushfor the Nuclear Option. I think this is a terrific book for the u. S. Senate. We have had a former paralysis that has inflicted this institution and has done a great disservice to the American People. Reporter one foer senator predicts that this will make the atmosphere worse. The senate was desgned to force people to Work Together and come up with consensus. Democrats and republicans and a lot of that has fallen away and its very polarizing. This decisioo that was made here yesterday for to make it even more so. Reporter more critical swings to the right and depending on who is in power will make sennte election even more critical for next yeas midterm. Lori thank you, mike emanuel. A record day on wall street again. The s p 500 closed at 1800. The dow jones gned 65 points. The s p is up nine points. Nasdaq closing 22 poi higher. The dow jones and s p 500 posting gains for the seventh straight week. Indexes are plus 1 of the week. We are were coming right ba, so stay with us. President obama still playing politics with health care. Congressman Scott Garrett in hiding the obamacare sicker and then from the dc exchange, confirming that they had successfully enrolled. Obamacares website failure and according to the wall street journal, insurance pointing the advertising options until january when they hope technical problems will be solved. Our first guest says that his office has been inundated wih obamacare Horror Stories and he continues to push for the full repeal of the heal care law. Congressmen, welcome to you. What is the status of new jersey and the Affordable Care act . You have to remember that more and more letters have gone out already and a thoan people are going to be notified, but they just wont have a policy that they want to keep. And then he said if you like it, you want to keep it. And the Vice President said that and nancy elosi said that and that was actually one of the Core Principles of obamacare. Do youan keep your policy. Going on the insurance exchange, that is the law now, my staff us go on theras well, members of staff that went on, it took over four hours and multip attempts to get honor. Lori theres a time factor and i imagine theyre putting it off. Let me ask you a about the woman until after the midterm. That is so transparent as political. Its clearly because they dont want the backfire on t demrats positions are in jeopardy. Yes, so much they have done is political. There are so many actions that they take. The administration had to know with regard to that as well at Insurance Companies could not comply with that and the issue you are talking about as well is done purely forpolitical purposes. It sells more the American Public on fixing the problem again and it also sells well for the democrats in november 2014. Lori i dont know how well it is selling. We have this tracking poll. 33 . Only 33 f americans right now have a favorable listening and that is a record low of obamacare. So what do you think about e senate . You think the republicans will have a majority there . Yes. The whole process, the vast majority of americans obamacare was not affecting him, but now it is affecting them and their families and their kids and college kids will soon learn when they go back to college and in the spring, saying that they have tohave health care on campus and they can have their same policies anymore so all of this means that its a good thing to try to repeal it. Do you think that you will have success repealing it this time around . That totally backfired with the senate. Honestly the strategy can be part of the budget and this thing was about to imlode. System definitely is a disaster, we just didnt know how much it would be a disasr and having no not, we probably would have put off the effort this week or two down the road. Lori what is new jersey doing . Ten states have denied this fix and what the thing do you thi is the best solution for your state . They really dont have any real latitude. In relity, the state Insurance Commissioners are prety smart and i understand that insurance companiedo not have flexibility and that is to turn on a dime after cancellation notices have gone out and they need a large pool in order to hae an insurance policy that is shrinking automatically. Lori this is the death sral that they talk about. We need more younger pple or the higher costs for all americans. Okay, talking up his Nuclear Option, is this a deflection technique on the part of the democrats . In a way, b its also the white house is not following a law, theyre not folwing the rules and hes not going to follow the rules anymore either. So it allows him to oversee the subcommittee on these entities and we know that hes very in favor of reducing mortgage principles and helping people in these underwater mortgages and this includes this bill going forward. So it is going to be a problem. Right now we have a good guy that is warning the program and he has done an exemplary job of trying to make sure that the taxpayer is not put on the hook again. Some of the ideas will do just the opposite with the taxpayer on the hook and by rewriting assorted peoplesortgages go down, it puts more cuts on their so theres pros and cons. Its also unfair to the American Public at the same time. Lori thank you so much for addressing some of these pressing issues and its so nice to see you. Have a wonderful holiday. All right, up next, hamid karzai telling presidt obama that he has to wait in the white house is not so happy aboutxipl lori the navy suspended eight growing bribery scandal. Winner Glenn Francis allegedly bribed about navy contact info and ship movement. In reporting yesterday that te 85yearold korean war veteran was detained last month. He was on a nineday tourist trip to the reclusive nation. And john kerry headed to geneva to join negotiations on Irans Nuclear programs. Negotiators have been working sincee once they to find languae acceptable and there has been a Sticking Point over the right to enrich uanium. Hamid karzai today dismissing a longterm Security Agreement before the end of the year. Joining us is a retired united stes air force general. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you for having me. Please begin with the issue in afghanistan. The question of the Security Agreement. Clearly thousands of merican lives have been lost and billions of dollars of aid and we are negotiating over this agreement. It seems absurd anyway. Do you agree . Absolutely. The game is over. They are signing the agreement for the 30th of december only say sorry, we are out of there. We had a failed strategy for 12 years with the hearts and minds of counter insurgency. We dont win hearts and minds it is so offensive to womeand minorities and christians and jews. And we are not going to create a jeffersonian democracy. Andpakistan createdhe taliban and they are funding the taliban terminate this. We have been fighting the war over there. And the president s letter, he said that they will not accept raids on homes except under extraordinary circutances. Have kept him in office. He is on his own airplane and shipping out with probably 5 billion that hehas raged off there. And they say if you dont do it, then more out of here. And we should be. Hey just had a loya jirga in the American People have been given 12 years and all you have to do is go to walter reed, and you say why are we here . Heartwrenchingghanistan. Touching stories. I would also like to ask you out the situation that we learned about todaythat john kerry is going to discuss negotiations on a deal with iran. And do you think its the right one . First of all, it would be satisfied with anything, even if it is a bad deal they have been having secret negotiations in those negotiations have been producing an agreement with the french and israelis and others were not aware of. And john kerry is kd of a show dog out there and there is a lot of kabuki going on. And if they come out with an agreement over the next three or four days, i can assure you that its not a good agreement. The saudis and the jordanians and the egtians and israelis are going to be very dissatisfied wh us. And i thk its going to force them, the israelis to take action and strike the Nuclear Sites in iran. And it will deter them as we did during the cold war. Thats a nonstarter. How do you think the secret negotiations are going. Well, i finally got a corroborating source today. I knew that they were going on and she has been working on the side and because of her iranian background, she has been trying to do this because this administration has said, okaay, w cant stop them from Going Nuclear with what they are doing and lets cut a deal. Because the iranians deeply want these sanctions as well. General, thank you for your time and your insight. Lashing out over an internal email in attracting women of combat. The comments written by a female colonel reflect the stereotype that attractive women are not competent enough to serve in military roles. Stay with us, we are coming right back. Coming up next committee ateam. A filibuster plan and will be successful or not . Lori raising the death toll to more than 5200 people killed. More than 20,000 were also injured in a powerful storm that ravaged the country two weeks ago. Just over 1600 people are still missing. This Surveillance Video showing the devastating power of one of the 14 deadly tornadoes that hit illinois over the weekend. The one you see here at a 4mile path of destruction through diamond, illinois instantaneously destroying a home. Fortately no one was reportedly living at that alma the time. All right. A lot of news to go over. Lets bring in the ateam. National review columnist and former Chuck Schumer aid christopher hon. Welcome to all of you. I want to begin with the announcement that the administration would delay the start of the 2015 obamacare rollment until after the 2014 midterm election. To you first, i ts not blatant politics . Defends this move and dont tell me it is just to give them more time. I heard that now flatly. I think it is a little bit from column a and a little bit from column b. So i think there is some politicsn this, but i also think that they need more time given how badly this rollout is gone. We dont want to hav this problem now we are facing a midtermlection. Hard enough time dealing witht to be less delay a little bit and also get it right next year. It will increase the problem, the glare of the total ilosion of obamacare. You are assuming that there will be a total employees is still. Lori assuming, it happened in. Glory, if there is a total employers in this Time Next Year there will have lost me on and which will be very bad. All right. So way and. What do you think of the move . Smart are stupid . Definitely politics. Ill the also think it is a pretty paltry. Lori paltry. I think if i were a democrat would not be happy about it because that means is next rollout wont go over well either. Out and republicans use this. It seems like they are stepping back. Although they said we will tattoo obamare on their foreheads. They did say that. Really dont think theres any way of runninground it. You can delayed if you want. Whenever you do it will be bad for the democrats demand there is no way around it. You are assuming it will be and that amass a year from now. Lori chris, showing 32 percent of americans from a 33 have a favorable view of obamacare. He said that about the website. The speaker of the house trying to sign up. Taking almost four hours. The fundamentals of this program are not coming together. It is jt later in the show we will talk to a couple of guys who basically in their basement figured out a way to put together a website to run in second the best website to develop. I dont want to hear anything about those guys. Lori widen the government contract those people . I left government six years ago and if i were still working there would have said, a cousin. He has a website that is doing pretty well. Everyone knows someone who put up a website that works. Clearly a lot of complicated stuff, dealing with multiple layers of government and state jurisdictions an other things. But i hope to god it sticks by december 1st, and if it is not were going to have to delay the enrollment penaltiesven further. I am hopeful that by december 1st that will be fixed and will move on. Lori all of this. Boy, i did want to know tt it was actually billions of dollars. For 500 million. All the different contractors really adds up. If the government cannot even be trusted to carry at the implementation of a website maybe it has no business messing in the most complicated. Meddling in the economy. And if it cannot even put through a website competently i dont think has any business doing that. In the example of a state or obamacare see to be working. People are getting log on and actually not experiencing a gap in the coverage, said the policys canceled and a half to swch over. Effective . No. Kentucky, they have shown to okay, it has done well with young enrollees. Federally i dont think it is working and no one will argue that it is. Like you said earlier. Every unemployed actor in l. A. Has a working website. Obama has three years to make a working website. The idea that it will be working a year from now is ridiculous theory like hes dead. On the website, it will cost twice as much steven fix it. Lori a quick last word. I think that one year from now we will be talking about the website but how americans now can get hlth insurance that is affordable and covers them for real, unlike these garbage plans that theyre losing right now. I am excited. Lori t loses of grandeur, but love you anyway. Thank you. Youtube can join the discussio all you have to do, loudobbs. Com. Up next, new york citys Michael Bloomberg tries to ban one more thing before leaving office in january. That does industrial average, another record high today. S p here to tell us that there is still time to buy and next. Life an everyday miracle of survival today the future of all life on earth hangs in the balance what happens next depends on us well you done done me and you bet i felt it i tried to be chill but youre so hot that i melted i fell rit through the cracks now im trying to get back before the cool done run out ill be giving it my bestest and nothings going to stop me but divine intervention i reckon its again my turn to win some or learn some but i wont hesitate no more, no more it cannot wait, im yours open up your mind and see like me open up your planand damn youre free youllind that the skys and yours so please dont, please dont, please don t theres no need to complicate cause our time is short this oh, this oh, this is our fate im yours lori a california town enacting the strictest smoking ban in the country. Residents, the community about 57 57,000 cannot smoke in their homes. Even if they share walls with others. Now, new york city mayor Michael Bloomberg has already backed n on smoking, tried to ban soda. Now he is going after styrofoam. Thats right. Launching a proposed ban on styrofoam products before leaving office in january. New York City Council Sanitation Committee is granting his wish holding a meeting of the bill on monday. In new York Police Department pushing its own crackdown on santa gone, the annual new york tradition or hundreds of chris criminals engaged in at prechristmas of crawl. Now urging borrowers to ban rowdy santos who tend to add more naughty and nice. And the u. S. Postal service under fire for what critics are calling its war on christmas. At issue, this advertisement for holiday fans. Gingerbread house, and a qantas stamp, but no christmas stamp. The Postal Service said they do so christmas stamps, they just are not on that particular ad. Well, markets on a tear. If youave been living under rocky must know this. Another ecdsetting day on wall street. Closing above 1800 for the first time in history. The dow on as long as we to be winning streak since january january 2011. My next guest this as well a correction is due markets will most likely power higher with the snb going as high as 1900 and more. Chief equit strategist. I love that you are putting an exact target on the s p. We he some rules here. First off, that is our chief technician target for about 12 months from now. Still is about a high singledigit price depreciation from where we are right now. And, yes, history says that a rrection is due and in my opinion it might be delayed but never repealed, we are probably going to maintain some of this positive momentum at least into the early part of next year. It i of great and wonderful if he had been in the mket immobile and if you have not . Where you find value right i think you can certainly find value if you go from what we call highquality stocks, companies that have been s p quality ranking of ato may plus because they have shn an above average. Lori and measurement metric. It is, a stock measurement, not a bond measurement. Basically what it says is have consistently have they raised their earnings in dividends in each of the last ten yrs. Anything above a minus is above average. So focus on quality, but then also te a look at valuations. Lori back to the Broader Market youre looking for a correction. Consolidation is healthy. Everyone agrees. Whato you do first of all, how much of a correction now you looking for and how ris do you give when it does happen . Declines of 10 percent are morebout every 18 months. It has been 25 months since we had the last one. Lori a deeper correction . The longer we go, yes. History implies but does not guarantee the long rego without it build greater the likelihood that we then fall into a new bear market. What i like to remind investors is that on average it has taken the s p 500 only four months to get back to breakeven after a decline of ten to 20 . So dont start freaking out because by the time you start to readjust your entire portfolio the market will probably already be beginning its way back to breakeven. A fair statement to say everyone is so quick to say it is not the bubble, there will not be a violent crash. I mean, you never know, no one has a crystal ball. What is the best protection, cash, bonds . Interest rates and been ing up. First of five would disagree that it is a bubble. 20. It has been so quick. Not even a grind up. Only a thousand points. The question is what determines a bubble. If youre looking for pe ratios of valuations, we are actually trading at discounts to trailing in projected earnings. From that perspective i would say if someone is sorry that we are trading too far above a moving average, you might see a bit of digestion to get back to the moving average. But when you realize also that there are very few alternatives out there, there is still an awful lot of cash, an awful lot of investors not believe in this bull market, and that is wha could end up driving it hired. Lori we have not mentioned the fed which is the uppet master. Coming in to defeat bernanke as chief. Had you think she will manage . That will determine a lot of peoples forecast for markets. The market is breathing a sigh ofelief and she is likely to be confirmed as the next chairman mainly because theyre is a continuity of Monetary Policy and of communication. What let also remember that she is not the be all and all. She was one of those have instituted the 2 threshold that said about which we have to be concerned and probably need to start raising rates to maintain what inflationary thresholds are. Obviously the investors are pretty pleased that she might be the one. It. Lori will the dow stay above 16,000 . Good that could end up to below, but it will close above 16,000, and so will the s p. Lori always great to charity. Thank you so much. Up next, the government has three years to get the website built and operational. As you know, it failed. Pro rumors, we were talking about them earlier, they succeeded in building their own fully operational version in just a matter of days. They will join us next. This is the moment i knew. His future had no boundaries. There are some moments only the forest can inspire. Find yours at discovertheforest. Org. Lori the holiday war officially kicking off. The midnight launch of the microsoft system. Hitting short store shelves. More than 1 Million Units in the first 24 hours. Please dont. Above 10,000 feet. It would be up to the airlines to decide whether not to allow cell phone u. Theyre likely to run into a lot of objections from their customers. Object. In the meantime, targeting miscarriages life after a deer he shot came back to life. Viral video of the incident shows the hunter walking toward the animal. He realizes it is still breathing. The aninimals eyes open and it jumped to his feet and takes off there you go. Goodbye. Since being posted o you to the video that more than 700,000 use. All right. The obamacare website showing signs of life crippled by technical glitches. It has cost taxpayers more than 600 million. According to the Government Accountability office. Our next guest spent three days, thats it, three days and about 300 to create a website where people cannot successfully get quotes and compare Different Health care plans to the fedal exchange. Lets hear about this. When i joined by the cofounders of the Health Sherpa dot com. Let me begin with you. You met with the department of health and Human Services. You able to give th any helpful tips . It was not really about as giving tips. A lot of it was about just talking about some of the things common ground. Mainly we talked about how we can give more accurate data. That we can present accurat estimates. Also, we talked about how we c potentially become sellers of insurance oselves. Lori you sound very modest. It seems as if it was too easy. Youay seem too easy. You were able to give the government advice. How are you able to do this for 300 in no time at all. You know, we started with a very small subset of the total problem and started from there. We come as a result, are able to build a lot of the smaller versions very quickly and then build up to something that i larger overtime by incorporating more data sources, incorporating new state and just covering more in the u. S. Restarted small and built up. Lori all right. So before the obamacare rollout or i should say basically Health Care Unable to consistently handle 500 users at once. 2,000 users over thhee days. That was before the rollout. How many users can your site and . Well, we have seen it go up a 2,000 to 3,000 people at once. That sd, we are now doing a complex of jobs. What we are doing is showing the browsing in the plan, and we have are detected our website in a way that makes it so that they can handle a large concurrent users for the specific function. Lori did you to weigh in. What does where do we go from here . Getting government contracts. What is e best way . This is pretty exciting. We want to basically be the one place to y go to find your healthinsurance. So that means adding every state in the union, making it possible to sort of see all of the plans and actually just a couple of hours ago we launched in android nap. Tens of millions of americans can go buy their Health Insurance to their smart fund. Lori we should stress that basically right now for research purposes, correct . Almost 600,000. How did you create this . Or you inspired . Was it because of all of the negative press and all the troubles in the glitch is . Actually, it primarily came from our own desire. We run our own businesses and purchasing our insurance. We were looking for exchange finds it took us a long time to deal. So that was the genesis of it. We furthermore realized that probably a time of americans, going through the ec same situation. Lori congratulations. Thank you for sharing your story. Well, that does it for us. Pleasure to sit in. Be sure to check out each and every day. Have a wonderful eng and a fantastic weekend. Oh blue time time out. I touched it. I touched the ball bore it went out, coach. Come on, alex, the ref did not call that you gotta be kidding me, alex its the championship game talk to him, coach. I touched, its their ball. Dont foul them when they inbound. Team on three. one, two, three. Nice going, alex. Sorry coach. Alex good call. Next. Gerri hello, everybody. Im gerri willis. Tonight on the willis report consumer relief or blatant ion to know. Watching out for you tonight on the willis report

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