Transcripts For FBC MONEY With Melissa Francis 20150325

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ah. just when you thought that it couldn't get any worse, federal workers and retirees owe the government more than $3.5 billion in unpaid taxes. that is just from last year. that is according to the dedicated number crunchers over at irs. let's bring in today's panel. fox business's david asman. along with brad blakeman, former senior staff member under president george w. bush. we also have james freeman from the "wall street journal." what kills me about this story is not necessarily the fact that you have federal workers who didn't pay their taxes because people out there also not paying their taxes. it is how inefficient the government is that all they would have to do is garnish their paycheck. like you have the money that they owe you. and instead you give it to them and don't give it back to you. am i being too hard on government, mr. blakeman? >> you are not being too hard. it is mind-boggling. melissa: so easy for them to get money. they're the ones paying these workers. >> no question. to even think somebody would do that to work for the government, and think they could do that when the ordinary citizen could not is absolutely unconscionable. >> when the irs is part of the problem. they're the ones that told us about it, but irs workers are among those who are not paying. by the way enter ted cruz and his tax reform program. he comes out, after he announces, it was yesterday he announced right? he announced yesterday. came out and biggest point of his platform is tax reform, something that prevents whether you work for government or whether you're a big corporate guy who has his cut away that nobody else get average guy pays taxes. average guy is one that needs a break. melissa: amazing to me. the irs is reporting, doing a special investigation into the fact their own workers are not paying them. james freeman. just -- wow. go ahead. >> to be kind you could say not even they can figure out the tax code. this would be argument for flat tax that cruz is making but i think you're a little too kind to the government. melissa: really? never. >> not to mention the latest gao report, $125 billion a year in improper payments. so they're sending it to the wrong person. sending it to someone who isn't qualifying for program. melissa: david do you -- >> liberty tax service, founder around ceo, john hewitt will be joining us exclusively at 4:00 p.m. we'll get him to talk a little bit about this. we will give hints how best not to be overcharged as we enter tax season. >> i hate getting overcharged. anytime i'm paying taxes i'm being overcharged. that is rough day for the markets followingdown beat economic data but there is some green on the board because mac and cheese and ketchup are getting together at least. heinz and kraft merging to form the world's fifth largest food and beverage company. that marriage will bring brands like oscar meyer, velveeta, bagel bites all nutritious and delicious under the same roof. james freeman. what do you think of this deal? good stuff good iconic brands. >> they are but get a lot of grief. obviously it is good for kraft shareholders, they have been excited but part of the reasons these companies have not been able to grow, they have been laggards in the market, there has been a campaign against traditional foods saying they're unhealthy, can't be part of a good diet. i'm in your camp. there is nothing wrong with these brands. melissa: i love me some kraft mac and cheese. >> it can be part of a good diet. doesn't mean you have it at every meal. this is sad. obviously a lot of people will get fired when the deal happens. melissa: yeah. >> not purely because of the market. it is really part because of effective campaign often fact-free because of these foods. >> let as not lose sight of the stock, at that when the market is down 200 points kraft's stock is up 34%. this with is one of these why didn't days? melissa: mac and cheese is natural color. when you make it fans sir, doesn't work the same. less than a month to go, nearly time for the apple watch, however the tech giant is cutting production in half, you due to display problems. this is according to udn mobile. but have no fear. apple employees will be ready to give you fashion advice as you've been choosing between the different versions. that is being reported by 9:00 to 5:00 mac i feel like brad blakeman will get the apple watch. will you get the $10,000 one? >> it ain't happening tell you why. don't they do focus groups when they put out products? the iphone to make my wristwatch work when i have the iphone in my pocket and iphone does everything the wrist does? it is really insane. your investment is nine hundred bucks. melissa: you're injecting logic into this. when it comes to apple it is no logic. my kids want every apple product ever made doesn't matter if it duplicates. james freeman what think. >> the idea not reaching into your pocket to get the phone. melissa: thank goodness. that is taxing motion. >> if this is true bolsters comment my colleague has been saying this is play to get people in the store to buy of the iphone. if that is the play, you don't need that many watches. >> you can't sell apple short. again when you go to the apple store, see all those genius devices none of them have watches on. none of them have watches. i think apple tv will work. i don't think apple watch won't. melissa: nearly half of americans are living paycheck to paycheck. whopping 40% of u.s. households save nothing zip, zero, nada out of current income according to a analyst at deutsche bank. brad blakeman does this make sense to you? >> no, it does not. melissa: do you believe it? >> i do believe it and i believe america is suffering from the fact that we're not savers. we're spenders. we're living paycheck to paycheck. we're seeing homeownership go down. we're seeing incomes go down. people are not being responsible but government doesn't lead by being responsible. >> and the fed. >> absolutely. melissa: wages, i understand that, i also wonder if you're in this situation what do you think is going to happen? you will get a raise down the road? >> true. if we go into recession a lot of people will lose their jobs. if you have no savings for rainy day, you will be in big trouble. the fed is being most irresponsible not giving any savers any opportunity or incentive to save with 0% interest. >> they have missed a great era in the equity markets, certainly last few years. looking forward you can't say you shouldn't be that confident that social security and medicare will take care of all of your needs in old age. tragedy in the making. melissa: amazon firing back at faa the online retailer blasting the agency for being too slow to approve commercial drone regulations. it says the delivery drone the faa just okayed is already obsolete. that is exactly what is wrong with government regulating technology. is that they are so slow and so behind it, by the time they get done testing something it is already on to the next. brad how do you solve that problem? >> you solve it making sure the government, and i think, congress probably has a lead on this because as presidents come and go congress stays with their standing committees. they should be on top technology. the internet -- >> brad, they will never be on top. regulators, regulators and politicians will always trail technology. what surprises me that amazon is not more upset about regulation of the internet because they make their live lie hood on the internet. if the internet is regulated as they plan, things will be very slow on that thing. >> no question about it. melissa: james freeman, this one's for you. >> okay. melissa: donald trump might be making a play for the white house but first the mogul is introducing us to "empire." his second -- not to be outdone. we decided to make our own scent here on fox business. our is inspired by charlie gasparino. he is out today. but the scent we think would -- >> no, oh, please. look at that. melissa: it smells like confrontation. >> you made up a wonderful graphic like that and son of a gun never showed up? what is up with that? melissa: not here to get mad with us about the lines my producers put on the face. which i objected to, charlie, if you're watching somewhere. james freeman, what do you think, empire, putting dispute a side has bold notes of peppermint and hints of juicy apple. are you going to wear that? sounds delicious. >> strangely alluring. melissa: it is. >> but i have -- >> you're worrying me, james. >> i a feeling understated elegance of donald trump is not exactly what people are looking for. melissa: you don't know if you want to smell what "the donald" thinks you should smell like might be overpowering like "the donald" himself is what you're saying. i don't know, pep every mint juicy apple, sounds delicious. >> i think it stinks and not very presidential. melissa: he is out to make a buck. only running for president to sell what he selling on the side. >> he knows the brand. melissa: i love it. it is wonderful. >> that word trump sells products. i bet it will sell it here. melissa: it will. >> this is comment how much better the republican field is this year. where he was sort of in the mix last time. >> he is still in the mix. >> yeah? melissa: thanks, guys. i want to bring your attention back to the markets. the dow is currently down. take a look at that. >> ouch. melissa: down better than 200 points. we'll check out oil. we're 20 minutes from the close. crude is up more than 3 1/2%. 3.8% on the day. big spike in crude oil there. a critical find a new clue into the germanwings crash. investigators recover an audio recording from the plane's black box. we'll bring you all the latest developments. ford, keeping you on the right side of the radar gun. the car that could make speeding tickets a thing of the past. smart slow money coming up. ♪ the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do. s. melissa: new details emerging right now in the deadly plane crash in the french alps. the state department now confirming that three americans were among the 150 killed in the germanwings disaster. a virginia man claiming two of them are his wife. a u.s. contractor, and their grown daughter. meanwhile a promising sign as investigators recover an audio recording containing sound and voices from one of the severely-damaged black boxes. back at the crash site the leaders of germany, france and spain arrived by helicopter to thank workers as they begin a long process of locating debris and bodies. while on its way from barcelona to dusseldorf, an a320 began the unusual descent just who minutes into the flight, falling for eight minutes before crashing into the french alps. the reason for the crash right now is is unclear because the pilots did not send a distress signal and the weather was favorable. a full investigation could take months. i'm joined by mike boyd, aviation security expert. thanks so much for joining us. some of the details that have emerged today, french officials have said that they are ruling out a loss of cabin pressure. we don't know how they would know that at this point but that is a statement they made earlier today. they said that, they heard from the pilots at 10:30. the at 10:31 they notice ad descent in that minute and there was no response. given those new details what do you think happened? >> it is very clear something happened in the cockpit to take out the pilots. it is very clear. i hear all this stuff about come computers and all rest of it. this is not a situation of like, hall in space odyssey. these computers can not be overridden to a large degree. something obvious took the pilots out at 10:30 and 10:31. melissa: what could that be? type thing, even though the french government is saying no, do you think that is what happened or seems unlikely to you as well that they lost cabin pressure? >> they lost something in the cockpit. melissa: in the cockpit, pardon me. >> whether windshield, cracked windshield. it could have been some kind after fire in the cockpit that had toxic fumes or something like that. but it is very very clear the pilots were not in control of this airplane from roughly 10:31 on. so something took the pilots cognition out. that is it. whether it was, i don't know how the french can rule out loss of cabin pressure. they might know, i don't know. maybe they heard something on the cockpit voice recorder. melissa: so when we do hear what was on the cockpit voice recorder, if it is just silent, that doesn't necessarily help that much because it could be, you know, some are already saying is it pilot sabotage? you look back to that malaysian flight. there were some thoughts maybe a pilot in that case did it intentionally for whatever reason. if they're just silent, they could be in there and could be malicious. isn't it still a possibility if we just don't hear anything on the voice recorder? >> you will hear something because they call it a cockpit voice recorder. it is really a cockpit noise recorder. so any kind of background noises, wind noise that sort of thing, that would be recorded there as well. movement noise. there will be something there, probably. not just voices it records. melissa: what are the other possibles? you said a shattered windshield.ething in there that could explode and immediately render them unconscious? >> something did apparently. we don't know what that was but it could be some part of the airplane that might have caught fire behind the control panel. something like that. so the issue is we know this something happened in the cockpit to cause that airplane not to be guided anymore by the hand man. that is where we're at right now what took them out. melissa: mike boyd, thank you for your insight. >> thank you. melissa: radioshack's fire-sale sparking outrage among customers. why your personal data may be on the auction block. plus he doesn't always ride in the carpool lane but when he does it will cost him. this is definitely the most interesting commute ever! do you ever have too much money? 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melissa: you know when i step hard on the gas and slam my horn in order to get around somebody irritating me in front of me, the car needs to react in order for me to do that properly. james freeman, this does not work for me at all. >> this doesn't seem like consumer driven innovation, no. who wants it. >> i would hope if you needed to accelerate avoid a crash. melissa: or cut someone off which i'm usually doing. >> only application i could see is kids. but you know if they're able to override it, you probably got to teach them not to drive recklessly. melissa: the kids are ail little smarter about technology than us older people. >> if happens at split second to push another button for override. melissa: ford we don't like it. thanks, guys. from speeding cars to more relaxing way to travel, the rv industry getting a boost from lower gas prices and retired baby boomers looking to hit the open road. our very own road warrior jeff flock is rolling along in indiana. jeff. you're driving on tv. that is not dangerous. >> i'll tell you, i can go as fast as i want to in this thing. shake bob up with the camera. oh, almost fell down. actually in one of the most popular rvs out there. they call this an ruv right john? >> they call it a ruv. >> this is thor industries. look at numbers, melissa. sales of rvs this year are through the roof so far. january, february, big-time. take me inside of this one. that is one of your most popular ones. that is the vegas, right? that one right there. now what is this one over here. >> this one is called the outlaw. this is the ultimate tailgating machine right here. >> show me why. you come inside of these things, melissa, how much does this cost? >> this is about 160, $170,000. >> this is more space than a condo in new york city. and here's the cool thing about it. you come in here, look at this. 10-foot sealings in the bedroom for one thing. and then you go out your bathroom here. let me through here. and we got, we got a porch. we've got a, what do you -- what is this? >> outside kitchen, big-screen tv. everything you need to go to your favorite tailgating event. >> before we get away bob hurry up melissa runs out of time here. this one here not only have a big wide screen tv it also has a fireplace in the rv. these things are getting out of control. >> jeff, that is amazing! i am blown away! i was ready to make fun of you at the beginning of this segment. i never do stuff like that but i am blown away by this all i need is my big mac yoga pants i'm right there. learned so much in this block of television. jeff flock, thank you so much. amazing. i'm going right there. i can't wait. getting a little too comfortable with the white house. google frequent visits. will raise a few eyebrows out there. you won't believe how long this has been going on. what could be a must-have for parents everywhere. how folks can now diagnose an ear infection by plugging this little device into their smartphones. "piles of money," mcdonald's, rvs we have all kinds of stuff on this show! we'll be right back. ♪ when the moment's spontaneous, why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision or any symptoms of an allergic reaction stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. if you take multiple medications, a dry mouth can be a common side effect. that's why there's biotene. it comes in oral rinse spray or gel so there's moisturizing relief for everyone. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. 's k-12 for thinking. both are golf be charged with desertion. you will remember that enemy. more. passing a bill that would keep official business. a full house go. all right. getting cozy with the ad ministration within matters most. but obama white house has met with google 200 dirty times. google executives flooded the white house in 2012. here to discuss it, our own rich rob and brad. >> fairly exhaustive. everyone from larry page to the top lobbyist. they are looking out late 2012. staff recommended that charges be brought against google. what you got from here basically is the suggestion that google has done such a effective job. they do a lot of things. a lot of companies lobbied. melissa: nonetheless they were at the white house an awful lot more then anyone else. their employees have been to the white house a total of 20 times. brad you actually scheduled appointments for george w. bush. what did they think they were getting out of these meetings? >> and american companies would be visiting the president or his staff almost every day when you take out holidays and weekends. it certainly has a perception of things that may have been overreached. certainly, the perception is there that they do. if they are having this many things that the white house how many meetings i think having at agencies. melissa: eric schmidt did an incredible job. google donors were very high on this list. they were the sixth largest source of cash for the president in 2008. what do you think google thought they were getting out of meeting with the president? >> they were very concerned and rightfully so. putting themselves between content creators and content consumers. clearly, their scale and size, they were very concerned that a combination of concerned people was. they visited the government 10 times more then any other companies. they had seven of their folks interspersed. they bracketed the government. google was funding. google was staffing. melissa: totally separate. independent agency. making all of these decisions on their own. it is a totally separate thing. do you buy that? >> no. nobody agreed on the recommendation. it kind of looks like they ought to do something. it looks like the decision was political. remember all of these folks have careers in government. melissa: okay. we will leave it there. thank you. let's go to nicole petallides on the floor of the new york stock exchange. nicole: lumber liquidators is up over 11% rate now. the program shows that they thought there was cancer-causing formaldehyde in the flooring. it is the same way that lumber liquidators. it. a buy rating and a fair value. things will be okay. melissa: thank you so much. dropping the label. if you thought your commute to work was pat of imagine this. find out what happened to this bus. more "money info coming up. ♪ hey, girl. is it crazy that your soccer trophy is talking to you right now? it kinda is. it's as crazy as you not rolling over your old 401k. cue the horns... just harness the confidence it took you to win me and call td ameritrade's rollover consultants. they'll help with the hassle by guiding you through the whole process step by step. and they'll even call your old provider. it's easy. even she could do it. whatever, janet. for all the confidence you need td ameritrade. you got this. ♪ melissa: i am suffering this with your fox business brief. stocks still in selloff mode. president obama's budget taking a beating in the senate. a 98-one vote. shut down. sting spending and raising taxes. shares following after the company failed to follow its report on time. another food recall. analyst area scare involving a spin which supplier. that is the latest from the fox business network. giving you the power to prosper. ♪ in new york state, we're reinventing how we do business so businesses can reinvent the world. from pharmaceuticals to 3d prototyping, biotech to clean energy. whether your business is moving, expanding or just getting started... only new york offers you zero taxes for 10 years with startup ny business incubators that partner companies with universities, and venture capital funding for high growth industries. see how new york can grow your business and create jobs. visit melissa: selling your information to the highest bidder. putting patents. now we are learning the names it e-mails and phone numbers of billions of customers. this is an interest in stories. it would make sense to sell it. at the same time, there are judges in two states that are furious about this and say that it is not legal. >> yes. you are going to have some challenges. people probably should not worry all that much about it. melissa: these people turned over their name and number and e-mail they were told that it was not the sold. it was just for radioshack and if was not going anywhere. >> some of this information and updating sold under some conditions. it is really a pain in the neck. it is very expensive. as a result of his somebody may offers you something you want to five. melissa: it is only so we can track of your foreign keys. we will not give it to anyone else. that is just a straight up lie. that is not okay. at&t is in there as well. >> right. you have the allegation from the texas ang. that is fine. they can do legal briefs. melissa: i put your number up on the screen right now. you are fine with that? >> most of this data is publicly available. you look at the irs going after people because of their political views. we live in an open society. melissa: thank you for flying with me. be sure to watch strange inheritance tonight at 9:00 p.m. jamie boots with a montana cowboy who discovered ancient fossils at his ranch that could be worth millions. one of the best episodes ever. be sure to check out my new show unpacked. we get up off of derek you did not leave the first time around. do not miss any of it. it is a lot of fun. the campaign to and the label plus size. i am joined by now five diana. a fox news reporter. normally when you see a movement like this, it is from the pc police and that is annoying. in this case, it may be good for business. >> it comes down to the negative connotations. it has caused a lot of the attention of not only the normal average woman but also the plus sized models. the label is kind of arthur cherry. it does not affect any of them and it does not damage their self-esteem. melissa: the women that we are showing our stunning. you could call them anything and i think they would be fine with it because they know that they are smoking hot. other people are using terms like kirby. >> i spoke with a modeling agent who says a lot of the agencies are getting rid of the term to begin with. they will go with curved or none of that. it comes down to trying to realize that the average woman is not a size two. she is a size 10. we have been talking about this for years. melissa: speaking out about the german wings crash. the takeoff delay before the flight crash was due to airport congestion. that has no relationship to the crash. a flight from barcelona tomorrow warning for relatives and friends of the victims. no one wants to host the olympics. that is for sure. boston resident lashing back. we have an alternative. it does come with a price. you can never have too much money or too much chocolate bunnies. ♪ ♪ approaching medicare eligibility? 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>> we have a lot coming up. something that you and i both have in common. my previous life, i was a flight attendant for southwest airlines. what about going inside the cockpit? that is what we're going to do in the next hour. what could have been half inning in the cockpit. what was going on with those pilots. why did they not communicate with ground control. what was happening. we will talk a little bit about facebook. they're going to be expanding the messenger platform. why facebook wants to take it off of some of the applications that they are putting on your phone. melissa: look forward to it. thank you so much. the obama administration is trying to impose stricter regulations on power plants. supreme court justices signaling that they are divided on the issue. residents of massachusetts now. offered the opportunity to vote on whether or not they want the games. most people are against it. the l and how child in the final phase. she claims that: failed. so long to ear infections. the game changing device that could make waiting at the doctor's office obsolete. at the end of the day it is all about money and really cool technologies. ♪ opportunities aren't always obvious. sometimes they just drop in. cme group can help you navigate risks and capture opportunities. we enable you to reach global markets and drive forward with broader possibilities. cme group: how the world advances. ♪ melissa: this is the top. you might want to think twice before biting the head off this chocolate bunny. hand carved from gourmet chocolate. it weighs 11 pounds. but this delicious beauty doesn't come cheap. it will set you back $49,000. the sweet treat has 1.7 karat diamonds for eyes. if you're in that food coma, no longer do you need to leave home for the doctor. say goodbye to the precious hours lost in the waiting room. your ear infection can be diagnosed at home. pop a device on your smartphone and snap a picture. joining us now is eric douglas. he's the ceo of selsko. >> so it works by using the phone, which is a great camera on its own to turn it into a medical device. the family can take an image and send it off to a remote doctor who can make the diagnosis and save you the trouble of the visit. >> it's $79. you get a device scope that snaps on to the case of your iphone 5 or 6. who are the doctors on the other end? >> it depends. we have doctors in california. we have our own network of doctors that we're working with where families can connect directly to those doctors. we're also expanding around the country, working directly through doctor's offices. many doctors are handing the device out to their patients so they can connect with them and get a diagnosis. >> what is your success rate here? have you been testing this? >> we have. yeah. it's gone through extensive testing. it's been a long process. starting with critical evaluation at emory. working with 1000 doctors who are using themself at the clinic. now that we have them in the home proving out that the ability to do the remote diagnosis and to get high quality care from home, we're finding that parents are very successful in collecting the data, recording a video and sending it to the doctor. about 75% are able to get a diagnosis based on the data. about 95% satisfaction. >> do you have plans to expand -- i don't know what else you would do with a scope like that. an ear infection is very specific. other applications, other things down the road? >> there are. ear infections are a great place to start. everyone has experienced it with young kids. but our broader vision is to do smarter vision for health. taking that and expanding it to a derm scope. we can take the tools and make accessible to users at home. >> thank you so much. very cool stuff. (?) we appreciate it. we want to take another look at the markets right now. we're off session lows. but we're still down, better than 200 points. we think we know what's driving the trade. heartthrob zane is leaving one direction. teenage girls are crying everywhere. look at that. leaving. oh, no. yeah i don't know. that's all we have for now. "countdown" with cheryl casone starts right now. >> he's leaving the band, oh, my god melissa francis. thank you very much. (?) melissa, thank you very much. following breaking news this hour. on the german plane crash in the french alps. french investigators are analyzing the voice recorders. just within the last hour by the way, the usa department also confirming that a third american was on board that flight. we can now add kraft cheese to warren buffett's eclectic appellate. what about his taste for doing business with 3g capital. who is 3g. we'll take a closer look at a company -- mark zuckerberg opens up his messenger app to the masses

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