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Reporter Katherine Herridge are standing by. But we believe with brian ennes. Reporter i am in front of the clinton home. They own essentially the cul de sac. Not only their home, but the home to the left. That is also really for their security. Secret service is posted there a lot. Theres also an eight foot fence around the home. This is what we know about this suspicious package with the potential explosive device. It was stopped at an off site facility in westchester. That means the package never made it near the home. A screen training technician essentially stopped it using really routine screening procedures. We also know as well that ultimately that cuomo said they stopped here at the house about 4 30 a. M. To make sure the clintons were okay. President bill clinton, Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state is in florida campaigning for donna shalala. This is what she had to say just a couple hours ago about the device. It is a troubling time, isnt it . And its a time of deep divisions. And we have to do everything we can to bring our country together. We also have to elect candidates who will try to do the same. Reporter now, her daughter Chelsea Clinton also tweeted this. Every day i am grateful to women and men of the United States secret service. Thank you. We also now know the nypd, dana, has positioned Police Officers in and around the clinton offices in manhattan, harlem and broadway as a precaution to protect against any potential threat. This, again, dana, just to give people an idea. We are 15 minutes from where i was reporting on your show yesterday in front of the george soros home in bedford, new york. George soros is a megabillionaire and donor to the democratic party, lives just 15 minutes away. From what we can understand the investigation is concentrating on potential Surveillance Video at that property to see whether the suspicious package sent to that home was hand delivered or mailed in the mail. So we are looking at both of those investigations here in upstate new york. Dana . Dana thank you, brian. While we await the president of the United States, he will be in the east wing of the white house any moment, well go now to catherine herridge. Several devices found in new york, washington, florida. Catherine, what do you have as the latest . Reporter dana, as you mentioned, weve got multiple suspect devices recovered across multiple jurisdictions. I just want to draw your attention to the photo of the device that was recovered at cnn. I want to draw your attention to a couple of telltale signs of what Law Enforcement always says to Pay Attention to on these suspect packages. The excessive postage. Also, the excessive packaging as well. You can just kind of see that. Yellow tape. Then also what i would describe as almost a very simplistic, almost excessive address on that package. Its addressed to the former cia director john brennan. He is an endless contributor for nbc, not cnn. But the package was recovered. As we learned earlier today, it was not just containing explosives, but also a white powder. Theyre trying to determine whether that is something serious like anthrax. Lets listen. Responding officers identified a device that appeared to be a live explosive device. The bomb squad responded, secured the device and removed it for investigation. Additionally there was an envelope containing white powder that was discovered as part of that original packaging. Were in the middle of investigating that right now. Reporter it made headlines, officials confirming that there were similarities between the device that was recovered in chappaqua, new york, as well as the device sent to former president barack obama at his residence here in washington, d. C. As youve emphasized, these devices were intercepted by the secret Service Screening of mail. Thats routine. So it never reached the residence in question. What we know about the individuals who were targeted, they were targeted by the same person or persons is that they are high profile democrats. But we dont know anything more about whether there was any kind of political motivation. But at the News Conference earlier today, they talked about terrorism, which is an act of violence to promote political. And they also talked about the tense environment leading up to the midterms. Lets listen. This is a political year. Its a political season. We are weeks from an election. Thats obviously in the air. Thats an obvious factor. Keeping the debate and the dialogue civil is very, very important. And for elected leaders who in many ways set the tone, it is especially important. Reporter just in closing, Governor Cuomo also confirmed literally in realtime during that News Conference that a suspicious package had also been received at his office and it was being investigated. He added that he anticipated that there could be more devices in the days or weeks ahead. In other words, that he was concerned this may just be the first wave of something bigger, dana. Dana thank you, catherine herridge, that report from washington, d. C. Were going to pause for one moment. Were going to wait a moment. The president of the United States is about to speak. He is there to sign the support for patients and communities act, the bill to address the Opioid Epidemic. But he is going to address this latest breaking news on these suspicious packages that are now popping up in washington, d. C. , new york and florida. This is fox News Coverage of President Trumps remarks. Im dana perino in new york. The president set to speak about combatting the Opioid Epidemic, but is going to address suspicious package incident targeting cnn and democratic politicians. This is a story that broke earlier this morning. Of course, new york being one of the places. I am joined by former new York City Police commissioner ray kelly. He is joining us by phone. Commissioner kelly, this is something the nypd prepares for. What do you think about the response so far . I think the response has been fine. Youre absolutely right, the nypd does prepare for this. The best Police Department by far in the country. Thats exactly whats going on now. Catherine herridge said similarities have appeared and theyre going to continue to follow that. Theyll look at the signature. Bomb makers often times have ticks. If they made multiple bombs, there are certain things you can see that may tip off who the individual is. I know that the atf has extensive files in this regard. Since two of the people who received these devices are secret service protectees, the secret service also has a very detailed file of people who may have threatened either one of these individuals in the past. It does appear to be very rudimentary. The fact that the device apparently was delivered to george soros home, that certainly opens up a door as far as video cameras are concerned, trailing someone or tracking someone along a route. Those sorts of things are being actively examined now. And the white powder, im assuming that white powder has already been discounted as a threat, otherwise they would have not handled the bomb as quickly as they did. Dana based on your experience, sir, do you have any instinct as to whether this would have been an individual working alone or perhaps a group of individuals working together . Its very hard to say at this juncture. Most of these incidents, these type of incidents in a general way are driven by individuals, individuals on their own. Theyre motivated by something, media, maybe political views, whatever. But generally speaking, individual. I would doubt this is a group, but you cant rule out anything at this time. Everything has to remain on the table. Dana we are less than two weeks until the Midterm Elections. Everyone is on high alert. People very much paying attention to this Midterm Election. Is this just a natural time for Law Enforcement to be on alert and to be coordinating across all the different departments . Theres a lot of different entities here and organization. The fbi, atf you mentioned. Obviously the local Police Department. How important is that coordination . Its very important. I think the coordination now is better than its ever been. In the past, theres been some concerns about coordination. I think the communication is excellent now. Everybody understands that were all in it together. The entity for these investigations generally is a joint Terrorism Task force. This clearly looks like domestic terrorism. Inside that entity, you know, you have all of the agencies represented. And then, of course, you have them outside of new york city so there will be coordination in washington. I dont think there will be any concerns about agencies communicating with each other. Particularly in the next two weeks, as you say, the runup to the midterm. Dana commissioner kelly, thank you for being here. Were looking at the east wing of the white house, president donald j. Trump about to sign the opioid bill. One of the rare bipartisan acts ever passed in congress lately. 981 it passed in the United States senate to address that epidemic. We have john roberts there at the white house for us. John . Reporter good afternoon to you, dana. We expect the president is going to make remarks about what has been going on at cnn and at the mail sorting facility, screening facility for the white house and up in Westchester County and in florida. We just got confirmation from a source, the u. S. Capitol police are investigating a suspicious package addressed to Congress Woman Maxine Waters. If you look at all the people who are involved here, there is a pattern, that these are all people who have been very outspoken about republicans, about President Trump. So there certainly could be a political aspect to all of this. We have not heard from the president today, other than to send out a quick tweet saying that he agreed with everything that the Vice President mike pence said in a tweet earlier in scranton, pennsylvania. The Vice President did address the on going situation. This is what he said. Listen. These cowardly acts are despicable and have no place in american society. I want to assure you we deployed the full resources of the fbi, the United States secret service and theyre working very crowsly with Law Enforcement officials. We will continue to monitor these investigations and those responsible will be brought to justice. Reporter and the press secretary, Sarah Huckabee sanders also putting out a statement as well as the first lady. This is from the first ladys spokeswoman who wrote, quote, mrs. Trump con determines all forms of threats and violence and thanks Law Enforcement for their heroic efforts. We condemn the Violent Attacks recently made against president obama, president clinton, secretary clinton. These acts are despicable. Anyone responsible will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. I can tell you that the secret service, the fbi, the atf, all involved in a vigorous fashion in trying to find some clues for the devices that have been turned over to them and running down leads as to who might be responsible. As you well know, dana, the secret service keeps a long list of people who are potential threats against president s, present and past. They may be able to connect the dots on this fairly quickly. Lets hope so. Dana take me behind the scenes. Sarah Huckabee Sanders saying the president was getting regular updates. I would assume that would be from atf, perhaps homeland securitied adviser. Who would be briefing the president . Reporter it would be the secretary of Homeland Security, kirstjen nielsen. The secret Service Falls under her jurisdiction. Possibly also getting updates from the department of justice as well because the fbi falls under their jurisdiction. Of course, chief of staff john kelly will be in the president s office every few minutes giving him updates. You can bet theres no shortage of information thats flowing to the president in all of this at the moment. Dana what else do you think you might hear from the president at the top here . Hes there to sign this important bill about the Opioid Epidemic and across the country. An achievement and Campaign Promise held. But this is a day when a country wants to hear from the president of the United States on this breaking news to find out what hes learning about it, how he feels about it. This is an important speech for the president. Reporter it is. If we take the Vice President as any kind of model and he was at a Campaign Event in scranton, pennsylvania. His remarks at the top lasted about a minute, then he went on to other things. Well probably hear the president make remarks similar, maybe a little longer length about the situation, saying that its got some good investigators on it and indeed they do. He may even reach out an thank the secret service, who did tremendous job in screening the mail that was going to both president clinton, secretary clinton and to former president obama in discovering this suspicious package and what was inside of it. I can tell you here, we are protected by thor e er isecret every day. Were awfully glad to have the secret service watching over this place. Dana great point, john, very much so. John, were gonna stay in touch with you at the white house, but at the moment, while we wait for the president to come out and address this crowd gathered, while hes going to sign the support for Patients Community act. I want to bring in joey jones, a retired bomb technician. What do you know from just looking at what you saw. We dont have a lot of information. We dont know if its one person or more. You have seen a photograph of the device that was sent to cnn. Your thoughts about that . Absolutely. Let me preface that by saying in the world of bombmaking, nothing is ever as it seems. Im only guessing here. When you look at this, you can see its relatively small, very small. Components that are visible, a clock or some sort of time device. That could be used to set a time and set the bomb off. Or to allow time for the bomb to be armed or unarmed for a certain amount of time, meaning the bomb maker wants to get it in the mail before it could potentially go off. So some of the things just look lging at it there. This is something that would function similar to a grenade as opposed to what we would think of as a bomb. Its relatively small. Looks like some of the components that would be necessary are possibly within the pipe which means less rooms for explosives. At first look without a lot to compare it to, it does look like a bomb that could be designed to function. It does look like some sort of time device, meaning dana joe, if i could ask you to pause. Maybe well bring you back after the president of the United States makes some remarks. He is entering the east room of the white house. He is going to take a few moments at the top of his speech to address the suspicious package being reported on today. Gathered in the room, people from all walks of life that are concerned about this Opioid Epidemic. We are less than two weeks away from the Midterm Elections. Theres the first lady, melania trump. Shes going to take the stand and say a few remarks. Lets listen in as she introduces the president of the United States. Good afternoon. Please sit down. Before i begin, i want to take a moment to talk about todays news and attempted attacks on president clinton, president obama, their families, public officials, individuals and organizations. We cannot tolerate those cowardly attacks and i strongly condemn all who choose violence. Im grateful to the secret service as well as the local and federal Law Enforcement for all they do on a daily basis to keep us safe and encourage people across the country to choose kindness over hatred. I want to welcome you all to the white house to reflect on the progress this administration has made in tackling the Opioid Crisis and, more importantly, to look ahead at the work still to be done. We are here to talk about the continued actions we are taking to combat the Opioid Epidemic, which my husband will talk about in a few minutes. I must say im proud of our president and the work being done in the white house and across so many agencies to help those affected by drug abuse and addiction. Just last week i visited Thomas Jefferson University Hospital to learn about their maternal addiction treatment, education and Research Program called matter. This Program Supports families and babies born with neo anyway tall absence syndrome, providing mothers with the tools they need to help become successful parents. My campaign the best is committed to helping children with the many issues they face as they grow up. And, sadly, drug abuse is one of those issues. The best will continue to shine a light on successful programs like matter to demonstrate positive results for children. Over the past year, i have traveled both nationally and internationally learning about many of the programs offered through private organizations, schools and hospitals which are meant to help children and families as they deal with drug addiction. What i constantly hear is the need for support at all levels. Law enforcement needs our support, and the resources necessary to stop criminals from putting drugs on the streets. Families need resources to get treatment and followup care for loved ones. Those who are addicted need the support, resources and guidance to know they are fighting a disease and should not be ashamed. Young mothers need the support necessary to not only beat their addictions, but have the tools needed to become successful parents. Babies born addicted need resources for treatment, but also need followup care for years to come. I was honored to be part of a round table comprised of several experts at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital that was convened to help with the design and implementation of a new initiative with the department of health and Human Services is working on to measure the longterm Health Outcomes and needs of infants. As nation we must come together to fight this epidemic by providing as many resources as on this, this will remain a priority. Fighting opioid abuse goes across all party lines. Thank you all for being here and being part of the fight to end this epidemic. It is now my honor to introduce the president of the United States. [ applause ] i want to thank you very much, melania. I know how hard youve worked on this. That is just one of many languages that you know. Just amazing the way you can do it. Thank you very much, darling. Appreciate it. Also, i want to thank mrs. Pence for being here. You have been just so terrific working alongside. Thank you very much. Really appreciate it. Id like to begin todays remarks by beginning an update on the suspicious packages mailed to high level government officials. The safety of the American People is my highest and authority priority. Itch just concluded a briefing with the fbi, department of justice, department of Homeland Security and secret service. As we speak the packages are being inspected and a major federal investigation is under way. The full weigh of our government is being conducted to bring those responsible for these despicable acts to justice. We will spare no expenses. I want to say at these times we have to unify and send one very clear and strong message that acts of Political Violence of any kind have no place in the United States of america. [ applause ] thats a very bipartisan statement. We both agree on that. This egregious conduct is abhorrent to everything we hold dear and secret as americans. My administration will provide updates as they become available. I just want to thank everybody for their understanding. We are extremely angry, upset, unhappy about what we witnessed this morning. We will get to the bottom of it. We are gathered together today to address americas drug and Opioid Crisis and a crisis it is. Which now claims 70,000 lives a year. One year ago i addressed the nation in this very room and declared the Opioid Crisis a National Public health emergency. Thats a legal statement. Thats a legal term. Today we are here to update the American People on the historic action we have taken and to sign dana thats President Trump in the east room of the white house. He is there to sign a bill on the Opioid Epidemic. But first he did address the suspicious packages and devices that were discovered this morning. He said there is a major federal investigation under way. That the full weight of the law will be brought to bear on the individual or individuals who are responsible. He said that these devices being sent is abhorrent to our ideals as a country. He all said this. Very plain language. We are angry, upset and unhappy and that we will get to the bottom of it. He said that the white house will be providing updates as they have them. He asked for everyones understanding that they are on top of it and that they will provide us information as they have it, as will fox news. Please stayed tune to fox news station. Im dana perino in new york. Lets bring in john roberts, Chris Stirewalt and joey jones. Theyre all here with me. Lets start with john roberts. President giving short but pretty impactful statement there at the top of his speech. Reporter the surprise was the fact that the first lady came out before him and weighed in on it as well. She had sented out a statement via her spokeswoman earlier today. Very powerful to have the first lady open up the event with her own very public condemnation of it. You heard the president say the full weight of federal resources will be brought to bear to find out who is behind this, what the president called egregious acts. The secret service, alcohol, tobacco and firearms are pairing with local and state police to try to get to the bottom of this. Your explosive expert can talk about this more in depth, im sure. Fact that all of these packages do seem to have been sent to a recipient with the return address of the office of Debbie Wassermanschultz in sunrise florida. Definitely shows a pattern that may be easy for investigators to put together. Secret service has a long list of people that they suspect of being a potential threat against either the current president or former president. The first place theyll go is to that list in coordination with the fbi and the atf you cant treat it that way. You have to treat it as a threat. Evacuate it and go about this. Even if its an inactive bomb, its an act of terror. Looks like a very simple device. There are certain components. Certain pieces you cant just buy. You would have to utilize chemistry in your own home to figure out. Those are things that are included, then you know the level of training this person has is heightened and is a little bit scarier. If those parts and pieces arent included, if it isnt a functional bomb, you can go in a different direction. What youre looking for is what a Forensic Crime Lab would look for. Looks like theres electrical boxes wherever its sold, who manufactured it, were they available. More obvious, fingerprints left on tape, things like that. You can see the person sign the label, so they are aware a handwriting analysis. They are aware of this. You just dont know how much of it theyre aware of. Before they moved these bombs, they had to inspect them and deem them safe to move. Trying to keep as much of it intact as possible. You can pull these data points and try to back track the bomb to where it came from. In doing so, much like the package shipment last year, youll capture a photo of someone, receipt of someone and thats usually how these things are figured out. Dana joey, thank you. Chris stirewalt, i want to ask you about the fact that we are in this heightened period, right before the Midterm Elections. You had the president saying he is angry, upset and unhappy. Will get to the bottomist. Abhorrent to whatever we hold dear. Very definition of terrorism is to advance your political ideals through intimidation or violence such as this. Your thoughts . It was especially important that the president take such a hard line, given the fact that the punitive targets of this, what appear to be the targets are his political enemies and people hes frequently denouncing. So it is important that he, as the head of the executive branch, that includes our federal Law Enforcement services, make it clear that this is unacceptable and theyre going to get to the bottom of this. Thats important to do in a moment like this, when you know we are seconds away from this issue being politicized. That was important for the president to do. Dana did see that earlier. John roberts, if i can go back to you. Up here in new york, when there was a press conference with the Police Commissioner, the mayor of new york and the governor of new york, the mayor and governor both taking a moment, basically trying to say that the rhetoric around politics right now is too highened. Its too strong. I think they were trying to send a message to the president of the United States that said if some of these people have been receiving these that have received these suspicious packages, that if it is true, if Maxine Waters has received one at the u. S. Capitol as you reported earlier, theres heightened rhetoric on all sides. The president said this is abhorrent to everything we hold dear. Do you expect to hear more of that thing from the white house today . Reporter well, im not sure if were going to hear a whole lot of that tonight at the political rally. The president will have to adjust his language in a way where the political rhetoric is toned down to a degree. Hes going to have to reference this tonight and hell have to talk again about unifying the country, bringing us together. Its 13 days from one of the most important Midterm Election contests that i can ever remember. And, you know, the political rhetoric is pretty hot right now. I dont know if its necessarily white hot, but its definitely hot. Look what happened a year ago when somebody came in and shot up the congressional baseball team. What we saw today is nothing new. Its been going on for a long time. We just dont know who the perpetrator is in this particular case. The fact that there were multiple targets in different cities at the same time is a different aspect to this. Dont forget during that republican practice, there were multiple targets. They all happened to be in the same place at the same time. Dana Steve Scalise, majority whip, hes from louisiana and suffered a lot. He has a book that will come out november 13th. The timing is interesting, him to be out there talking about what it was like to be the target of Political Violence. Joey joan, let me ask you about the online aspect for investigators. What might they be looking at in terms of social media posts, things that could give them a clue as to who was responsible . Absolutely. Once they start to take some components off the bomb, there are certain types of bombs made certain ways. There are certain key words and phrases. Timer devices. As well as certain components. Im trying not to speak too liberally. Basically what it takes to set that explosion off. Thats the hardest part of the bomb and usually one of the more key components to try to track down because there arent that many of them out there. If it is a functional device, there are going to be one or two key components that create a trail and a very specific trail that can be followed. Dana what else should people be looking for . If you see something, say something. Keeping very alert. Obviously, the mail room operators. Theyre on the front lines as well. Any advice there . The number one way that we mitigate these types of threats, you cant legislate out of them. You cant regulate out of them. Theyre already illegal. You try to deter and defeat. Usually defeat is your deterrent. They know theyll eventually get caught. What it comes down to, people who are in charge of security. People that are supposed to check bags, to do their job the way they are trained to and not just go through the motion. Especially these places that are susceptible. Make sure those people are properly trained. Guy who walks through a mail detector with metal legs, most of the time they wave a wand and tell me to go on. They really didnt do their job at all. In places that we do have inspection points, do that correctly. That seems to be whats happened here, at least with the packages addressed to former president s. Thats how we deter and detect. Dana one last question for Chris Stirewalt. Talk to me about the secret service. They have good leads, all sorts of possibilities here. They are an institution that can run an investigation. Thats the full weight of the american Justice System can be brought to bear. They always get their man. Thats the puzzling thing about Something Like this. You would have to be quite foolish or crazy to think that you wouldnt be found out for the reasons you were talking about a second ago. And simply this. It is the pride of a highly valued institution that is on the line. Nobody gets to mess with these former president s. Secret Service Takes it seriously and will catch who ever did this, whether it was meant to just scare or whether it was meant to harm. They will get to the bottom of it because thats what they do. Dana thank you all. We continue with team fox coverage. David lee miller is outside cnn headquarters. First phil keating live in sunrise, florida. Phil . Reporter hi, dana. Sunrise Police Departments pio out here recently saying, look, the bomb squad with Broward County Sheriffs Department as well as in conjunction with the fbi who is the lead Investigative Agency inside Congress Woman Debbie Wassermanschultz Office Building here. They are inside where the suspicious package was located by an Office Employee of the Congress Woman who thought it looked suspicious this morning right around 10 30 a. M. Called 911. Broward county Sheriff Office responded. The bomb team came out. Inside they remain. We were forewarned by the Sunrise Police that they are in the process of rendering that device safe which arrived here via the u. S. Postal service. Could not say whether we might be hearing an explosion. But cautioning the media. Her bomb text. Saw the bomb truck go through 2 back of the building. As for this office part which we are in here, far side of western Broward County, multiple Office Buildings have all been evacuated. Theyve been evacuated since about 10 45, 11 00 a. M. Today. My colleague at cnn who i speak with all the time on the campaign trail, he took a photo of the package that arrived at the offices of cnn addressed to john brennan, former Obama Administration cia director. You can see on the upper left portion of the box, the return address is Debbie Wassermanschultz Congressional Office here in florida. Some reports suggest another package was sent to someone else like eric holder, the attorney general under obama. That was to a wrong address. Return to sender and thats what actually arrived here this morning. Dana . Dana as a coincidence, Hillary Clinton happens to be there in south florida this morning . Reporter pure coincidence. Shes in town rallying support and fundraising for Congress Woman hopeful donna shalala, former hhs secretary under the bill Clinton Administration back in the 90s. She was there. Congress woman Debbie Wassermanschultz was also supposed to be down there for this luncheon to raise money. Hillary clinton said she was terrified and troubled by all of this happening today. Dana all right. Thank you very much, phil. Appreciate it. Now for the latest in new york, we go to David Lee Miller near the offices of cnn. David lee . Reporter dana, its been more than 2 1 2 hours now since the Time Warner Center was evacuated because of the discovery of this presumed pipe bomb in the mail room being sent to cnn. Situation at this hour has changed significantly. Take a look over my shoulder and you can see off in the distance that shoppers are reentering at least a portion of the building. We are told that a good portion of the Time Warner Center still remains shut down as this investigation continues. Regarding this investigation, few moments ago we heard my colleague mention they now have released a photo of the actual package that was sent to cnn. We can take a look at it now. As he mentioned, the package is addressed to the former cia director john brennan, who did work on air for cnn. We can also tell you new york citys Police Commissioner said in a News Conference that in addition to this package, a white substance, a white powder, was also discovered. They are now on the scene to try and determine exactly what that was. As for the package containing the presumed pipe bomb, it has been removed from the scene. It was taken to a new York City Police facility in the bronx. From there it is going to be taken to an fbi lab for further examination. Also note worthy today, new york citys mayor, bill deblasio said there is no specific threat in the city but in an abundance of caution, they are going to beef up Police Presence at a number of locations, including media facilities and transit hubs. It was also said the device found here at the Time Warner Center being sent to cnn was similar to the other devices that were sent to george soros, the clintons, as well as president obama. We also heard today from new yorks governor andrew cuomo. He called the perpetrator a thug, attempting to spread fear. He said his office had received a similar type of package. Now it appears that, dana, was a hoax. It was a look alike package. The Governors Office was not sent one of these pipe bombs. But throughout the city there is a great deal of vigilance in light of what happened earlier today. Dana David Lee Miller, thank you. Pat rosnit is a retired nypd detective. Tell me what it would be like behind the scenes now. You have an investigation that is under way. President saying the fbi, department of justice, u. S. Secret service, department of home land security, nypd, washington, d. C. Police department. Got folks in sunrise, florida. How does it work that you try to track down the most leads that you can and narrow it down so you can stop this individual or group. So, a couple things. First thing to understand, dana, all the various agencies will align themselves in a common goal, which will be the identification of the individual or individuals responsible here. Theyll do all the traditional investigative steps but be cognizant of the fact that this is an unusually complex matter. Not that theres multiple crime scenes in multiple states, but theres two separate inquiries here. Theres the white powder and the ied explosive device. Theres two separate inquiries that will be driven by and administered by two separate skill sets. Youll have bomb squad detectives working hand in hand with Counter Terrorism officials, then youll have another set of investigators and chemists who will be investigating what precisely that powder was and trying to determine the origin of the power. At the same time theyll be trying to untangle the rubics cube that are the bombs. All the bombs tell a story, dana. The point is to cross pollinate and connect those dots until the story is told and its factually verified and validated. Thats when the leg irons go on. And they will. Because under this city, we dont go for this. Its not going to happen. You saw that with john miller before. This is a city thats standing tall and strong. We havent seen a well coordinated multiple attack like this since the 70s and early 80s. We dont want to see it starting again. This is really terrifying on the one hand, and very enlightening to the fact that rhetoric has consequences. There is consequence. Its an emboldening and empowering mechanism to bad people. And that is a fact. Dana let me ask you one thing. You mentioned the 70s and 80s. One thing detectives have now that they didnt is social media and Online Activity. What sort of clues are detectives gonna look for there . Exactly. Thank god for that, cause social media and the linear advances in investigative technologies and techniques certainly weights on our side. Its in the favor of the guys with the white hats. Social media provides bread crumbs. It provides threads we can pull at and keep pulling at until it unravels. It provides clues. The clues lead to other clues. Generally, im very happy to state, bad guys are not that intelligent. They just arent. They beat their chest. They talk to other people. They tell people. They leave clues. They leave a trail. They leave a vapor. We track them down and we put them in cuffs. Thats what gets done every day by the nypd, fbi and these other great agencies. It will be no different here. Dana pat rosnan, thank you. More on the investigation with rick levanthal. Good to have you back from florida. This is a big news story. It is. I would echo what pat said. All this individual needs to do is leave behind a sliver of a clue. A piece of fingerprint, a piece of dna. There are signatures on the devices. If one person made them all, they can tell that. The investigation will take the lead on this. Theyre working with the nypd, atf and secret service. All those resources together will no doubt come up with an individual who made these devices. There are unexploded ordinance found every day. We dont usually report on them. But the nypd is investigating this constantly. But today because of the high profile individuals that received them and the fact that these might have been able to blow up, generating a lot of attention. Dana what else should we be paying attention to . Obviously, we cant figure it out. We dont have a lot of information yet. We do have some clues. Is there something you know based on your experience in reporting that you would Pay Attention to that we should know about . The nypd sent out a heightened awareness alert to members of thor e er ior ie ero service. In that memo, this heightened awareness, not just to look for stuff, but also to look for things like this. Telltale signs on suspicious package. This went to mail rooms across the city of new york today. Asking people to look for protruding wires, excessive or missing stamps, strange odors, stains, misspellings, poorly typed or nameless things on that package. You see from we have a picture of the package. You can see there are things on there that someone probably hit on. Dana joey jones was talking about that. Just from this photograph, you can tell a few of those things. Excessive postage, for example. Maybe the strange shape of the package perhaps . Absolutely. Theyll be able to tell where this was mailed from. If they were all mailed from the same place, it indicates it was probably the same person. There may well be Surveillance Footage that theyre reviewing and interviewing the people working at the time that this package, these packages were mailed. So those are all clues that theyre investigating no doubt right now and probably are three steps ahead of this guy. Dana all right. Rick levanthal, thank you. Sure. Dana east coast is not the only region suspicious packages were discovered. Authorities in california investigating packages in san diego and fresno. Jonathan hunt . Reporter this is a clear example of just how nervous todays events on the east coast have made people everywhere across the country. To san diego first where around 8 15 a. M. Local time a passer by noticed several boxes placed on a table outside a building that contains an office of senator camela harris, a president ial possible candidate in 2020. The building also has the San Diego Union tribune and other businesses. Reporters with the paper said they were told to evacuate immediately. One of them posted a picture of the boxes via her twitter account, having evacuated the building, police then closed off several blocks around the area and moved in to xray those packages, which appeared to be priority mailboxes. Ultimately nothing suspicious was found. There was a shoe in one box, two childrens books an empty bag of chips and a hat among the items dropped off according to Security Camera footage that police examined by an unidentified individual around 1 45 a. M. Pacific time. Out of an abundance of caution, we take these measures. Better safe than sorry. Keep all the citizens safe. Reporter now, at around the same time the san diego scare was unfolding, dana, a suspicious package was reported outside cbs and nbc affiliates in fresno in central california. That, too, was ultimately deemed to be a false alarm. But clearly, dana, these are nervous time force politicians, for Media Outlets and many others. The prevailing feeling echoed that of San Diego Police lieutenant you just heard, better safe than sorry. Dana . Dana thank you. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo earlier today calling the incident an act of terror. The first terrorist attack in new york city was 1993, 25 years ago. Was the bombing of the world trade center. So in some ways this is nothing new. We are new york. We are an international icon. To some were an international target. Terrorism only works if you let it work. What they are trying to do is scare us and destablize us. And we will not allow that to happen. Dana im joined by the cohost of fox and friends. On your radio program, this story broke early today. We were watching as we hear about something going on at cnn. Were watching as we hear about something at Hillary Clintons place. Were watching and hearing at the same time doing the show and we find out about barack obama being targeted. Now looks like Maxine Waters. What do they have in common . All prominent democrats. All figuring big time in 2016 and 2018. Maxine waters inindividualsable in 2016. Debbie wassermanschultz. What i find interesting, three of the packages arrived at their location as return addresses. Put it in an unreachable address and they return to the people you really want to reach. Its great news. They did not explode. So the question is are you just being targeted to scare and to get attention and how do link all these packages together. Joey jones is the expert. It seems theyre going out of their way to make it seem similar. Dana indeed. Also joey jones also saying you can tell a lot, you can get so much information from an unexploded device. You can find fingerprints. You can figure out maybe perhaps where the items were purchased and also where it was sent from. President of the United States saying that the full weight of the federal government, all the resources are being brought to bear on this, fbi, department of justice, u. S. Secret Service Department of Homeland Security coordinating with all of these local governments and the Police Department. You know. You were in the white house at the time. Trying to figure out are we getting our postal workers in danger because of anthrax. Thats what it reminds me of. What about the people who open up mail for a network executive. Here anthrax was a big deal because they were targeting different New York Post people. Dana what year was that . Back in 2001 . 2001, 2002. This was very much in the eye of the storm. I think this is a situation where the systems are working. Their message is being sent. The Steve Scalise where he almost bled out on second base, the news for that is, its horrible, it happened, but there was a beginning and there was an end. The question is, how soon do we get to the end of this . Because were going to speculate, i sadly think the person who did this gets additional time in the sun. Were kind of giving them exactly what they want. I just dont know if we have an alternative. Dana i have been watching all the other stations covering it. The shocking news, of course, is that these individuals were targeted. But i do think people should have confidence in the u. S. Secret service leading this investigation, coordination of the federal government, sophistication of the nypd and other Police Departments around the country to be able to Work Together to try to figure this out. I was struck that the mayor quickly said this is an act of terror. Remember that was a big hurdle to climb. When do we say this is terror . Dana if youre trying to advance your own political views through terror or violence or intimidati intimidation, that is the very definition of terrorism. Thank you for joining us. Now joining us with some insight on what investigators are dealing with is bernard saeuper, special agent in charge with the atf. Tell me about the atfs role here. It would seem to me it might be the Organization Entity that has the most information about where to start tracking down these leads. Atf is really well suited to work with all these various agencies and expertise to bring the explosive, criminal bombing expertise to the investigation. Like some of the other commentators said, theres so much potential evidence here. Even if you had a device that did detonate, theres still a lot of remaining evidence here. Theres solid tape, confidence, they will get information very quickly as the investigators coordinate on the case. Dana so, who has the lead there . On atf, is it just the physical device that you are investigating or is it possibly social media post ors Online Activity that would provide more clues or does that come from somewhere else . Its comprehensive. All these things have to be coordinated. You dont want to duplicate ef forts. You want to share information. I guarantee the investigative leaders are coordinating on putting this into components, working in multidisciplinary teams, on all aspects of it. The social media, cellular phone traffic, the device itself, the physical evidence that yields from this. Any preceding information and whats being collected at the various scene. Dana have you seen the photograph of the device sent to cnn . Joey jones was on. He was a retired marine bomb technician. Obviously, he cant examine it. Hes just looking at this photograph. He thought it might look a little rudimentary. I wonneder what you thought about that . Destructive devices are not complicated. They can be made with very simple materials. He made a very good point. The initiator is probably the more difficult component, but that can also be made. Pipe bombs, improvised explosive devices are not complex. Complexity is that in the United States, most devices that detonate are detonated during the process of making the device. If you dont do step a, b and c, and you do step a and c its a selfcritiquing event. Most detonations are for people attempting to make these devices. Dana if it gets into the post office, youll know more about what youre doing. Tell me more about what you might be able to tell from looking at a device like that once atf and other investigators have a chance to look at it. Would you be able to track down where the components were purchaseed . Quite possibly. Theres a lot of other information with the Technology Expo nen shali increasing both on how we collect human dna evidence thats remnants left on device components. Theres other libraries of information that would be yielded from this. Dana what about the fact of the targets, what will investigators be thinking about . From our perspective, we can see there seems to be a link. High profile democrats. They have been outspoken. One thing i thought was interesting, john brennan, tpofrpler cia director for president obama, used to be with cnn. He is no longer. He is an msnbc contributor. Little clues like that, are all of those things important here . Ill give you the last word. Theyre very important. However, the investigators and their leadership are going to focus on what the physical evidence presents and what the evidence drives towards theory. The rest of the information apparently what is the motive is only for theory building, but the evidence has to support it. Dana all right. Thank you so much for joining us on this breaking news day. Ly tell you that the president of the United States came out and said that he was angry, upset, unhappy, and that they will get to the bottom of it. He said the white house will provide information as they have it. He asked for people to be understanding and patient because its so important that the investigators have a chance to do what they need to do. They are in charge. We will continue to report on it from here at fox news. Thank you for joining us. Up next, shep smith. Shepard continuing coverage from the fox news deck. Mailbox and attempted attacks on five prominent democrats in politics and a former cia director. Less than two weeks from the Midterm Elections. Investigators say the devices were similar envelopes, at least one with a suspicious powder also inside. Among the destinations, the homes of former president s clinton and obama. President trump calling the attacks cowardly and urging americans to not let acts like those divide them. We will spare no resources or

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