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He praised it today. The President Senate voted to repeal and replace the obamacare disaster. We are one step closer to liberating our citizens from this obamacare nightmare. And delivering Great Health Care for the American People. We will do that too. I am back in the center of the america heartland, far away from the washington swamp, to spend time with thousands of true americans patriots. And the president had a stern warning to fellow republicans. Every republican running for office promised to repeal and replace this disastrous law. Now they must keep their promise. The senate is working not only to repeal obamacare but to deliver Great Health Care for the American People. Any senator who votes against repeal and replace is telling america that they are fine with the obamacare nightmare. I predict they will have a lot of problems. That was the president today. Feeling his roots. Back with his supporters. Feeling optimistic about the future. Welcome on the personal tonight. Excited to be with everyone. Especially jesse waters. What did you think today this terms of the president s remarks and where we are now . He was in his element. I mean, he was feeding off that crowd. I think he was reframing his debate that the republicans failed to frame this as obamacare is failing. There are good parts of obamacare the republicans dont want to admit. A lot more people were covered. But how do you play for that . President obama didnt lay that out and lied about you can keep your plan and your doctor. The republicans, we dont know what they would wind up with. It will be amended dozens of time. To frame it as we are in trouble with obamacare, premiums are escalating, lets move this forward, was smart on his part. Feeding off that crowd, he would get the applause and start and Wander Around like a Prize Fighter and reveling. Yes. Remember when the house passed. It was a big celebration and a song and dance. They made a mistake. When the house passed the bill, it was the first round in the prizefight. He was dancing in the end zone in the rose gardner. We have been waiting for President Trump to push Obamacare Repeal and replace. He finally comes out swinging. We could have used that in june and yell. Its late july, and he comes out swinging. He is putting pressure on senators. Thats what you need to do. He said it. Its dating. Obamacare is in a death spiral. Everybody believes it and knows it. We know the thing is failing. Juan knows it. I am in shock. They talked about it in virginia. There are people lining up for health care and they dont have any health care. Premiums are sky rocketing. Juan, the bill is a disaster. No one likes it. Everybody wants to replace it, but these little daffy senators want the medicare money. Thats the truth. Medicaid. Yes, the medicaid money. [laughing] the same thing. Different cos cousins. I dont know if they will get the medicaid money, but health care is failing. Kimberly help him out. The president campaigning in different states to get support. Out there back with his base. The speech might have been different if the motion to proceed failed. But senator john mccain gave a talk that everyone liked. There are some questions about the merits of the proposals Going Forward and senator Mitch Mcconnell also delivered. There was teamwork here. And even dean heller from nevada voted with the majority. When the president called all of the senators to the white house for lunch. He said if you cant vote to have a conversation about this, this is a big problem. They realized they would number deep problem. Its time to have this debate. There has been enough time talking around the edges. They will go forward and have lots of amendments and see what they come up with. Right. They had the ingredients. Lets make jam, shall we . Dana perino predicted they would get the votes to go forward and have the conversation to get this done. They have been complaining about obamacare and the fact they wanted to do something about it. Now is the time. Yes. Debate what . We dont know what you are buying lock, stock and barrel, like an empty vessel and saying lets have this debate. They know what the ingredients are. Do the republicans know what is in the bill they will debate . No. John mccain today said he would never vote for any of the bills that are on the floor right now. You have people like rob out of ohio, dean heller out of nevada. Paul and from west virginia. What is their point . They will never vote for any of the bills that are currently there. That was their point. This is really an empty act. You dont think they will vote for it if its amended in a way they support . No. The dynamic is evident. If you amend it to appeal to the uconn huski conservatives, you will lose the moderates. Thats a more important reason for President Trump to keep doing what he is doing. For what . You said he is good at what he does and getting support out there. [overlapping talking]. The republicans on capital one are saying he doesnt know anything about health care. But we could use him out there using his twitter account. He is out there. Even in the speech today [overlapping talking] they liked him helping them get reelected. How many of those republicans won by larger margins than trump. They fear trump . No. I think he embarrassed himself in front of the boy scouts yesterday politicizing the jamboree. There is total devastation in europe. Murder in chicago. The Founding Fathers would protect industries. What industries were under . Chicago run by a democratic mayor. Does donald trump want to send in the national guard. Thats another show. Today we saw the emotional return of senator john mccain to the senate floor following his brain cancer Diagnose Voteing to move forward with the Health Care Debate and mccain reminded us why he is called t the maverick. Stop listening to the loud mouths on the internet. To hell with them. They dont want anything done for the public good. Our incapacity is their livelihood. Amazing to see him there. When we are complaining about nonsense and this nan with a diagnosis has the courage and guts to come forward and be there when it count when the rest want to go on recess. God bless him for what hes done for this country. And a tremendous amount of strength to do that after surgery last week. Remarkable. I will disagree with something he said. He said ignore the Bombastic Radio Talk Show hosts out in the country. I would talk to them more. Not listen but talk to them more. The president should do an hours worth of talk radio every day. You dont have to do National Talk radio. Local talk radio in the pick10 radio. He would probably enjoy it. Its a way to get to the constituents. They will respond. Thats a fantastic idea and one i had not thought about. It would resonate. The courage of john mccain to step up and enter this debate and say lets move forward. Why not a single democratic senator voted yes on the motion to proceed . Why not at least have this debate . Democrats said this is a great law, obamacare, pushing back about the premium increases and people losing their plans. Schumer said we want to fix what is broken in obamacare but not a singe one voted to have the debate. What you are talking about is its based on the house bill which we know, even president trump said is a which you can not amend. The Senate Bill Goes Forward and it doesnt have the support of enough republicans as it stands. Forget about their support. They had 8 years. Now let the republicans have a shot. They have a shot but they have not come up with a better bill than obamacare. [overlapping talking] it cant get any worse than obamacare. Is this is what mccain was talking about. Ignore these loud mouths. Are you talking about jesse . [laughing]. Mccain said that. I think the other thing in terms of the president s speech tonight, it was similar to points we heard him give for the last several months. He is in his element, but he wants to go from we will do this, to we have done this. Trying to get this bill over the finish line. The biggest applause tonight was him talking about the middleclass tax cut. That tells you what people want. The way for the president to win ultimately even larger than health care, a progrowth economy, jobs, tax reform. Those things will resonate and permeate not only state lines, but party lines. Everybody will be able to applaud that. He did an interview with the Wall Street Journal today to bring the Corporate Tax rate down to 15 . He probably cant bring it down that far, but if he brings it down 22 it will bring back plants in youngstown and more money for the trump democrats who flipped and voted republican last time. He has to deliver for those voters. Hes done a lot of executive actions. The democrats abandoned him. He gave the Working Men And Women across the Country Shelter when they were put out by the democrats who were not listening to them. That was part of your party. Let me respond saying empty rhetoric doesnt help people who need jobs. The policy will. Lets celebrate carrier. Oh, carrier just sent their jobs to mexico. Does anybody say that empty rhetoric was just hot air and he didnt help the workers of america . President obama said he was for the middleclass for 8 years and they got hammered. Oh, yeah. Like the stock market and rising wages. [overlapping talking] please. President trump comes into office. Not only is the stock market rising but middleclass wages are rising. If he can get middleclass wages to rise, he will win all of the states he won and pick off the hillary states like wisconsin and michigan. You will be out of luck he only needs to win one more state than he carried in the last election, juan. Forget about it. Right. Look at this enthusiasm. You could ace your s. A. T. S. Oh, wow whew i love it. Jesse, [laughing] can i get a michigan . All right. Ed, tell me what you think. How does the president galvanize and move forward on this . There were some rough spots here. It seems that things are being able to coalesces. He is putting wins up. Its not just about empty rhetoric. He has to build support for these programs. Gets his hands dirty on the details and go to the American People to build pressure on the republicans on capital one. They had it easy for a long time. They voted to repeal obamacare knowing that president obama would veto. Now it means business. Dana is right about the talk Radio Stations. Followup with talk radio in dayton and columbus and west virginia. West virginia, donald trump won by 30 or 40 points. How is the republican senator there not the big cheerleader . Trump needs to call limbaugh . No, local talk radio. I would do that. I would flood those markets. Dont wait for them to take. It put the pressure right on those constituents. And the support. I would call into the local Radio Station in nevada and praise dean heller. Its one thing to manage out of fear and another thing to manage leading and praising. You know the reality is in fact on the president s direction, there is a threat against heller. They had to back that up. I am struck by the fact that nobody at this table said, they should have a Better Health care plan that helps to cover more americans. Thats what they are trying to do. They have not done it they dont have a bill. They just started. [overlapping talking] premiums sky rocketed under obamacare. [overlapping talking]. The companies are making money under obamacare. Thats how broken it is. So far the prescription for success will be get infrastructure dirt under your nails, right . Smile and dial. Sprinkle a little sugar on it in the local radio. More show coming up. President trumps criticism of Jeff Sessions intensifies. Does he flan to fire the Attorney General . Lan to fire the Attorney General . Plan to fire the Attorney General . You totanobodys hurt, new car. But there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do . Drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, well replace the full value of your car. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. President Trump Ramping Up Public criticism of Attorney General Jeff Sessions in a string of tweets accusing him of taking a weak position investigating Hillary Clinton and explained it during a Press Conference at the white house this afternoon. I am disappointed in the Attorney General. He should not have recused himself almost immediately after he took office. If he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me prior to taking office. I would have simply picked somebody else. I want the Attorney General to be much tougher on the leaks super intelligence agency. I am very disappointed from the Attorney General. We will see what happens. Time will tell. A bizarre couple of days on this issue. Jesse is looking at me intently and wants to take this first. Take it away, jesse waters. Donald trump is a private sector guy. If this was the Trump Organization he expects the inhouse counsel to defend him. He thinks my Attorney General should defender me. He will be my protector. Trump feels exposed. Sessions exposed him by recusing himself. I get it. Its not the private sector. He should not think like this, but in the private sector thats how a ceo react to somebody who did that. On Talk Radio People are saying, if he dumps Jeff Sessions, i wont like. That i wont like that a lot. Jeff sessions was in on trump from the get go. Jeff sessions was in on trump from the jump. If he dumps him it doesnt look good. Especially if he brings in Rudy Giuliani. I understand what trumps thinking is because he feels exposed but people feel that he needs to stick with Jeff Sessions. I dont understand the goal. The president tweeted yesterday that his Attorney General was beleaguered. He was beleaguered because of the of the undermining him. Today he said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, sessions different like him as much as the crowd size in alabama. Jeff sessions run by 95 of the valley. Maybe he cant do a rally like President Trump. What is the goal . You know what this is . This is the president being transparent. Telling you i am having a hard time with this. I am frustrated. I am feeling disappointed. Yes, jeff was with me from the begin and he appreciated that. I think the frustration comes from the mueller investigation. Instead of us wondering what the president thinks about it, its all Playing Out In Real Time here. I think its a problem for the president. If he were to fire Jeff Sessions or if Jeff Sessions were to resign. I dont think the president wants to fire him. It feels like he wants to hu milliate him. It could be poor for the president when the democrats supported getting rid of comey and we saw the fallout from that. Its distracting when you need to focus on other things like immigration and tax reform, and health care. Its going to grow instead of providing clarity. The president is mad at Jeff Sessions for not knowing he should recuse himself before he took office so he would not have been appointed. Shouldnt he be mad at the people that didnt tell him what happened after the firing of comey. I would be mad at those people who got that wrong. Right. They told the president the democrats will love you firing comey. It didnt work. What Kimberly Guilfoyle is saying is it looked terrible for the president to beat up on his own person. Loyalty is a two way street. This ties into our last segment talking about what kind of wins does this president have . Jeff sessions has been quietly and not quietly racking up wins. He is cracking down on illegal immigrants. And Sanctuary Cities. He announced last week a major crackdown on health care fraud. The money we want to squeeze out. The president feels exposed because Jeff Sessions recused himself from the russian things and feels there is disloyalty. Maybe the president should not have gone on lester holt and said he fire comey for cause and not the memo. That was not a smart move. Jeff sessions could have not recused himself and we would not have this problem. But then it would not be right. He did have contact with russia. Thats not illegal. Its not just me. You have Rudy Giuliani as well as others in the senate saying, that was the appropriate thing to do. John cronin from texas said that was the right thing to do for Jeff Sessions. He behaved appropriately. This is not about the president s feelings. I dont think he has bad feelings about the Attorney General. He wants somebody who will fire robert mueller. He wants somebody who has his back. And something that will investigate the unmasking. [overlapping talking]. These are political ploys. Dont Pay Attention to this. My hand is back here talking about leaks. Heres the problem. The president is going like this. Wakes up in the morning, hes what president obama had. Heres what i have. What is going on here . Thats part of it. The point is if you looked in the past, the Attorney General has really been an arm of the president. [overlapping talking] he wants someone who will guard the wall. This is not his personal lawyer. I understand. [overlapping talking] he wants the Attorney General to fire Robert Muller but says today, you should go after Hillary Clinton. Why arent they investigating dirty, Nasty Hillary . We keep hearing that Jeff Sessions is not talking directly to the president. The president wont take his call. Their staff is talking to each other. He wont resign. An opportunity for the president. His critics say he is emoting on twitter. He is mad about the recusal. Call Jeff Sessions tomorrow. Lets Work Together. I think thats what will happen. They have to sit down facetoface and talk. Stop fighting it out over twitter. Focus on the things in this lane. Dont slow it down. You are in the hov lane, keep going. Dont merge right. He cant fire robert mueller. Thats the problem. Thats why they are stuck. Thats why you get in a situation hang on. You get mark levin and saying dont do this. Sometimes i think they will makeup. Its plausible that he would not like it that all of these people are telling him what he cant do and he will continue to do that very thing. Other people need to go. Oh who . I want to read your mind. You might pass out and expire. [laughing] who do you think has to go . I think that this health care hasnt happened. A lot of promises made from the president. I would be frustrated with that. You have the house and the senate. What is the excuse . We have to go. You should not beat up on fellow republicans the way the president is right now. Oh my god. Juan williams says dont beat up on republicans. Up next President Trump takes trump at the media. A bit more from the president s rally earlier today. [cheers and applause] he is a young man. He is going back home to mommy. Oh, is he in trouble. He is in trouble [cheers and applause] i will bet his mommy voted for us, right . [cheering] its just a burst pipe, i could fix it. laugh no. With claim rateguard your rates wont go up just because of a claim. I totally couldve no switching to allstate is worth it. We carry flowers that signifyn why we want to end the disease. 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Go your own way get your first prescription free at anoro. Com. America great again rally in youngstown, ohio. He took jabs at one of his favorite subjects, the mainstream media. Am here this evening to cut through the fake news filter and to speak straight to the American People. This has been a difficult week for the media because i forced them to travel with us all around the country and spend time with tens of thousands of proud americans who believe in defending our values, our culture, our borders, our civilization, and our Great American way of life what a dishonest group of people. I will tell you. The funny thing is you would think they would want to see our country be great again. You would think so, but they dont. Some day they will explain it to me why. Thats the scaramucci effect. Back out on the campaign trail. My washington sources told me this would happen. [laughing] he is back fighting against the mainstream media. Effective tactic . Yes, this is where he shines. People love. It they tune in. The numbers are great. This is quinte quintessential t. They remember Candidate Trump and embrace President Trump. Its best with his message. Its more effective than going on twitter. He is able to reach through the screen and connect. You feel likeulg are right there embracing and taking in and soaking up the moment. I like when he does this. Dana said when he speaks and is not on prompter, its very authentic and people are sitting there listening and waiting for the next moment. One of the reasons trump beat hillary was because he was oughtentic. Authentic. He is back out there on the campaign trail. It resonates. Yes, but 1, when he goes after the media, i feel like its how he is going after sessions. Apparently Jeff Sessions is blowing it off and ignoring it. I think the media is too. Trump does like Jeff Sessions. They will probably makeup at some point. He likes the media. He did an interview today with the fake media. He likes to have them around. This is a lot of bluster and entertainment. I came to the conclusion he doesnt really many it. I think their is something missing and some scaramucci the Director Of Communications can do to think these are more effective. At the top of the speech, have news to drive the next day. They are not doing anything. This speech i heard so many times. Its the same thing over and over again. Its effective in those crowds. To drive the story the next day, you have to put something at the top that every reporter sitting there maybe thats the only part you listen to. I know you reporter times. Oh you reporter times. We did a lot of time together back in the day. We did. You know what i mean. You are looking for something right at the top. We heard this beat up the media stuff. It cuts through. You are right. The people want to hear it. Its authentic. Harness that energy and going around the filter with meat about tax cuts, for example. Newt gingrich said he has to get tax cuts by thanksgiving. You will see people going into the Christmas Season spending money and the stock market will rise as it already it. Thats the best revenge for this president. [overlapping talking] its not too soon. They should do that right now. They are working very aggressivey on the tax reform. They know thats a winning narrative. Pave the road right now with their best mess anger. The reality is they are spending time not on tax reform but on trying to recesuscitate health care. You want to say this is like a circus. Its entertaining. He says horrible things about the immigrants and the blacks in chicago and horrible things about he never said anything about blacks in chicago. Talking about ongoing murders. Hes upset about the loss of life. How is that negative . I got a different message. His concern is they are out of control in a democratic city and its black. I find it off putting. Off putting to care about blacks in chicago . No, believe me, he is not caring. I think thats an outrageous statement. [overlapping talking]. The president doesnt care that blacks are getting killed. Thats why he offered help . No, if you allow me to speak. He is speaking to an allwhite audience. These immigrants are slicing and dicing 15yearold girls. Thats the message coming people. He cares that people are dying on the streets of chicago and wants to save american lives, the Justice Department Breaking News tonight about Sanctuary Cities. Thats cool. Looking fabulous in my Little Black Dress . Thats cool. Getting the body you want without surgery, needles, or downtime . Thats coolsculpting. Coolsculpting is the only fdacleared noninvasive treatment that targets and freezes away stubborn fat cells. Visit coolsculpting. Com today and register for a chance to win a free treatment. With my moderate to severe crohns disease,. I kept looking for ways to manage my symptoms. I thought i was doing okay. Then it hit me. Managing was all i was doing. 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They wont give some cities grant money unless they give federal immigration authorities access to jaylen johnson. They want alerts when someone facing immigration is released from local custody. President trump addressed this at the rally. We will build the wall. Dont even think about it. [cheers and applause] i watched the media as they say, well, he just had some fun during the campaign on the wall. That wasnt fun, folks. We are building that wall, and wallace do work. We will have great people come into our country. We are not going to put ourselves through the problems that we have had for so many years. American cities should be sanctuaries for lawabiding americans. For people that look up to the law. For people that respect the law. Not for criminals and gang members that we want the hell out of our country [cheers and applause] this is a critical moment. You have the Sanctuary Cities under direct attack in terms of grant money. The president still talking about the wall. Will this change anything . Is this just static . Well [laughing] Law Enforcement is split. You have some Law Enforcement, chiefs of police saying this not a good idea. We need to have Sanctuary Cities that allow us to gather the intelligence to protect people. They are not loud enough. This message is swamping democrats. From a political perspective, i think its extremely difficult for democrats as it continues for them to oppose this policy. That Sanctuary Cities is a smart thing for the president to talk about. He can talk about the wall simultaneously, but this is important. We saw the Justice Department and the Attorney General Jeff Sessions is driving this poll. The fox poll asked how likely do you think the president will build a wall . 7 67 no. You can see all of the drugs being catapulted across. Thats very dangerous. The wall will be built. It will be beautiful. Its going to be big. If trump didnt build the wall, it would be such a big problem for his base, for the presidency. If this doesnt get built and it will be built soon. If it gets slowed down by paul ryan, there will be hell to pay. You remember the funding last session, they didnt give it money. If they dont give it money in september it will be a huge problem. He will want to fire ryan. Without building the wall or beleaguered Jeff Sessions moving forward, the number of Border Crossings has decreased. Its a success for this administration. Down 70 . Yes. Thats a big deal. There you go, juan. Thats trump winning again. I get so tired of the winning [overlapping talking] take a nap, juan. I should. I will lay on your shoulder. He needs a 5hour energy drink. The fact you have people in the Republican Congress not giving the money and saying we dont care. He talks about the wall. The crowd gets fired up. They love the wall. The president is 100 intent on building the wall and seeing it through. Thats a fact. When you see that coupled with the rest of his policies with immigration and making sure we have National Security as a priority, border security, you see what is happening in the courtrooms across the country. The crackdowns on Sanctuary Cities as a prosecutor was long overdo. Ice is falling too. People are doing their job. They are following the law. They know the president is behind them. And the ags office as well. We are seeing this big hit on ms13 and criminal trafficking. They are deporting people who have made a misdemeanor for a broken headlight. False, false this is so wrong and so damaging to our values as americans. [overlapping talking] focus on the real point. [overlapping talking] seriously, he gets a Health Care Bill and gets the tax cuts. Then the lawmakers will see momentum. If he gets tax cuts, the president will get money for the wall. Until he Breaking News breaks this log jam, he is not getting the mony. He hasnt been efficient on health care. Hang on. Pass the bill in the house. Thats a success, right . No. Thats a bill [overlapping talking] as opposed to the bill failing, it passed. The motion to proceed. You scoffed at that. I didnt scoff at that. [overlapping talking] you wont acknowledge the fact he got it through in the house. [overlapping talking] i think lets likely. He calls it a bad bill and then has a party in the rose gardner and you want to call it i called it a mistake. He said you are wrong. He moved the ball forward. Now the u. S. Senates will debate this despite everyone saying it was dead. Putting humptydumpty back together again. The republicans are fragmented to go to arizona and talk to the people who have 120 increase in premiums. Talk to john mccain. Did he not come back to have this vote. Read the tea leaves . My prediction is this will get done. People have to get it done or they are beat it. They will beat it because they will suffer at the polls if americans lose medical coverage in order to get President Trump a victory he can crow about. Not the same. Constituents support the president. Y taking care of business. Awesome notebook check. But who takes care of them . Office depot office max. This week, these Composition Books are just 25 cents each. Taking care of business but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. The name to remember. [2. Youre in the match app. Now tap on the new missed connections feature. It says ive crossed paths with kate six times this week. That is a lot of times. Shes cute too yea how did i miss her . You didnt. Match picked it up for you. Check out new missed connections on match. Start for free today this is a fox news alert. President trump arrived at joint base andrews. Our final thoughts on this busy news night. Me first. You are ready to roll. Wow i am just proud that waters did not steal anything from me. Previous programs, he hasnt come up with original thoughts so he turns to me. How dare you. Thats the truth. I am happy to be here. A lively discussion. I think juan took some hits. You think . Juan is used to. That he has bite marks on his body. He likes it. This was a good day for the president. The emotions that everyone thought was dead around july 4th, they are moving forward. The president and the first lady at joint base andrews. Waveing to everybody as he returns to d. C. After his make America Great again rally in youngstown, ohio. President obama never held on to the railing. This is much more safe. They are both holding the railing and walking slowly. Make america safe again. A final thought. Go to foxnews. Com, Breaking News about a former it staffer from schultzs office who has questionable things going on with Computer Equipment that was destroyed and arrested. She doesnt want to turn it over. This is my final thought. [laughing]. Arrested at the airport at dulles and charged with bank fraud. More tomorrow. Thats a huge story that needs to be covered. Tremendous National Security implications. They are down playing this story. Be specific about how they destroyed the hard drives. They got their home depot on. We should ask ed who asked Hillary Clinton about wiping . Wipe the server. She did with a cloth. Did some staffers use hammers . There you go. My final thought. Beleaguered. For all of the rose colored glasses. What a wonderful day, it seems to me at some point you have to deal with the idea that President Trump has been unable to solidify a republican vote behind a Health Care Plan and obamacare looks safer than ever. All right. We will see about that one. All right. Its a big night here on the fox news channel. Hannity is next followed by a Special Report with bret baier at 11 p. M. Eastern. We will see you back here tomorrow. Good night from new york city

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