By this homeland security secretary Kiersten Nielsen says the u.s. Border Patrol will do more thorough medical screenings for migrants after 2 Guatemalan children died this month in government custody after visiting some facilities along the border Nielsen says the system is quote clearly overwhelmed while a jetway collapse this evening of b.w.i. Marshall Airport in Baltimore correspondent Bill Michael says yes there were injuries b.w. Why Airport officials say at least 6 people were injured and have been transported to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries the cause of the jetway failure remains under investigation the jet way is an enclosed walkway that connects the terminal with the airplane Portland Oregon hotel has fired 2 employees it says mistreated a black guest video taken by Jermaine Massey shows a security guard telling him the police were coming to remove him from the Doubletree Portland for making a cell phone call in the lobby while Massey was a paid guest at the hotel and says security racially profiled him as he returned a call to his mother I never painted. On Radio 7 i.t.k. A.b.c. News live on the local At 8 o 2 I'm Steve coming a prison inmate who is believed to have carjacked another vehicle to escape from San Quentin who was arrested in central California today 21 year old fellow Mendoza was reported missing during a headcount at about 930 Wednesday evening and was believed to have commandeered a vehicle not far from the prison to aid in his escape the c.h.p. Has maximum in Foresman period is under way throughout California as New Year's Eve draws close all available Highway Patrol officers are on duty looking for impaired drivers speeders distracted motorists and those violating seatbelt regulations highway patrol officer Miguel Guerrero says a lot of the driving patterns that you'll see the problem person is distracted are similar to that of someone who talks in the period started Friday at 6 o 1 pm and runs until Tuesday at 1150. 9 pm check the sports in college basketball Liberty University 50 to u.c.l.a. 73 to 58 if you see so cal weather mostly for tonight with lows in the forty's blank casters 35 degrees Burbank a downtown have 52 I'm Steve coming now a look at Kay a.b.c. Traffic. West l.a. This is on the 10 eastbound connector to the 45 northbound we have a crash the crucible locking back in after you drive a stop and go from Sentinel up in City Terrace this is on the 10 westbound bad when the Sterns a little fender bender the left lane there watch for delays from Fremont in Sherman Oaks this is all the connector to the 45 northbound crash blocking that transition road watch for delays for what many hours and this is all the ballot at a little better better of the little legs there you drive stop and go from tipping get hit again Brian Van stark Radio 70 k.p.c. . In the New Year at the biggest party in town green in Boston Dina 10 to 6 December 29th and 30th 10 to 4 December 31st join us for 3 jam packed food a chef. And family find the blanket stop on Saturday the 29 the free concert for until it was so much more join us in the heart of dozen Dina I love just 60 summer 29th and 30th 10 to 4 December 31st live in Pasadena dot com live on green Pasadena dot com. 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Welcome back is Ben Shapiro show so Judge Brett Kavanaugh looked like he was in serious trouble after the testimony given by Christine Blasi forward and then things turned on a dime it looks like recognize probably end up on the Supreme Court by early next week which is as it should be because yesterday Christine Blasi for gave testimony about what allegedly happened to her 36 years ago at a party not a single witness she has named has verified her story from the party Brett Kavanaugh denied it entirely and have nose extraordinarily fiery in his denunciation of how the committee had handled its business which is perfectly appropriate remember these accusations 1st came about July 30th Senator Dianne Feinstein of California saw them she did nothing should report them to the f.b.i. Shouldn't start an investigation she didn't do anything have not a question nothing instead she just sat on the stuff for weeks and weeks and weeks and at the very last minute launched the allegation in an attempt to push this entire sham hearing beyond the election that's all the Democrats want here when Democrats say that they want an f.b.i. Hearing they want an f.b.i. Investigation what they really mean is they want a months long f.b.i. Investigation that pushes them beyond the Senate election in the desperate hope that Republicans will lose the majority in the Senate and then Democrats will hold open until 2021 when they hope President Trump is defeated by Kemal Harris or Elizabeth Warren that was their big plan here it didn't happen yesterday and it mostly didn't happen because Brett Kavanaugh fought back he fought back by really coming out strong and we'll get to the media response to all this Democratic response which is just egregious and disgusting but we begin with Brett Kavanaugh is actual comments yesterday Brett Kavanaugh started by saying that his life has been destroyed by the committee has been destroyed by allegations that a scintilla or iota of corroborative evidence was predictable and as I predicted my family and my name have been totally home and we've destroyed. Whitefish use and false additional accusations. 10 days away it's been a harmful to me and my family to the Supreme Court of the country. Ok so he is exactly right about all of that and this hearing was turned into a farce as he made clear he said this you guys replaced advice and consent which would be all about the political views of my judicial philosophy and you replace that with search and destroy and attempt to destroy my life destroy my family and recognize exactly right about this the reason this resonated with so many conservatives is for their really a couple reasons one the need to movement has been militarised into an allegation is made we destroy your life not prove an allegation not multiple allegations not credibility of an allegation none of that an allegation is made we destroy your life a mildly credible allegation is made your life is over and there are a lot of people conservatives and non-conservatives who are looking around and saying that could happen to literally anyone I was talking to a female friend last night somebody is what a pretty rough life actually and she was talking to me about the fact that such accusations could be leveraged against anyone literally anyone I'm as I've said before the cleanest person in American public life when it comes to matters sexual but at one point I went over to this woman's house with her husband for dinner she said you know what I could say theoretically is that my husband left the room from an a try to make a move on me anybody can say anything about anyone at any time no I'm not saying that Christine Blasi for the accuser in this case is completely making up the story I don't think that she's completely making up the story I do think that it's quite possible that her memory is wrong but regardless you need some sort of corroborative evidence and in just a few minutes I've been discussed why it's so necessary to have corroborative evidence for these sorts of allegations that's reasonable one why so many people are uncomfortable with what's happening here Reason number 2 why so many people are uncomfortable with everything that is happening here is because for years and years and years Republicans have been ripped as racist sexist bigot homophobes they've been ripped as everything that is wrong with society everything that is wrong with the world and. Brett Kavanaugh seems like and his record shows him to be a fundamentally decent person there is not a hint not a not the mildest reference to any sort of serious misbehavior over the course of his life until 2 minutes before he was supposed to be confirmed for the Supreme Court and a lot of concerns when somebody has to stand up in the face of this somebody has to say no to this sort of character assassination and break Cavanaugh did that yesterday and it resonated with people it also resonated because having a wasn't just angry and righteously indignant Brett Kavanaugh demonstrated a fundamental decency even in the midst of his anger so here is some of his anger talking about replacing advice and consent with search and destroy this confirmation process has become a national disgrace. The Constitution gives the Senate an important role in the confirmation process but you for placed concern with short should destroy and of course he's exactly right about that the moment that really made this happen for a cabinet that really save his nomination I don't even think was him coming out so strongly against the committee which was perfectly appropriate it was when he talked about his own family and talk about his daughter because this was the moment when I think a lot of people looked at and they said it's not the anger is not fake the her and the pain and the and the rage that he must feel are enormous and yet this is a guy who has the decency to talk about with his daughter what was going on and his daughter has decency to pray for the woman who's accusing her father in his view wrongly and falsely of attempting to rape her 36 years ago I intend no ill will Dr for in her family the other night actually and my daughter was assert their prayers and little lies all 10 years old. Should I actually we should pray for the woman. A lot of wisdom from a 10 year old. All of this really did save Brett Kavanaugh nomination now what happened next is that Lindsey Graham came into the room and to understand how monumental this was you have to understand who Lindsey Graham is the senator from South Carolina is not exactly known for being a firebrand that is putting it mildly Lindsey Graham is about as milk toast a human being as it is possible to find of planet Earth it's one of the reasons why the Republican base has never been fond of Lindsey Graham I've always thought of Lindsey Graham as the very soft spoken gentleman from South Carolina who sort of wanted to go along to get along with the other side of the aisle Evo did in favor of the nominations of Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court he voted in favor of the nomination of Justice Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court this is a guy who has a reputation for bipartisan work well he came into the hearing room the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing room yesterday and he launched into what is going to be seen as one of the great all time senate speeches really I mean this is one that people are going to remember for quite a while he launched into Democrats and he said they have destroyed the entire process here and it is disgusting what they have done to this man which you want to do is just Roy this guy's life whole thing seat open and hope you win it 2020 you said that not me you've got nothing to apologize for this is to most an ethical shame. Since I've been in politics for you don't cut our God I hope you never get it I hope the American people can see through this sham that you knew about it and you can help it you had no intention of protecting daughter for 9 she's as much of a victim as you are. And this was a moment I mean it certainly was a moment because the fact is that this was mob justice being brought to bear against Brett Kavanaugh and Lindsey Graham stood up and said no there has to be some sort of process or there has to be some sort of corroborative evidence President Trump tweeted yesterday and this was clearly I think written by staff it was a good tweet as a judge have now showed America exactly why nominate him his testimony was powerful honest and riveting Democrat search and destroy strategy is to scrape still in this process has been a total sham an effort to delay obstruct and resist the Senate must vote he's exactly right about all this now how will the Senate vote in the end how will that help the Senate vote when it comes down to it there are some rumors today that Joe . Donnelly Joe Donnelly from from Indiana who is a Democrat is going to vote against it the rumors yesterday that Donald was going to vote the same way as Lisa Murkowski of Alaska Susan Collins of Maine and Manchin of West Virginia but none of that is clear at this time so it is it is just not clear at this time what is clear is that the Democratic outrage over all of this is just in saying it is just in saying Joe Filippovich who is a feminist. She wrote a book called The feminist pursuit of happiness she literally wrote a tweet this morning that has divorced your Republican husbands divorce your republican husband this is where the Democrats are going their actual implication here is that if you want corroborative evidence it's because you hate women you don't care about the accounts of women and you're fine watching a rapist enter the Supreme Court No one is fine watching right the center of the Supreme Court but we must have corroborative evidence for allegations we can't just say that an allegation on its own is enough to destroy a man particularly when he gives credible evidence on the other side it's not that this woman is not that Christine Bleakley Ford has evidence and then he has evidence that she has no evidence and then he has evidence shows no evidence every witness she says was at the party denies that it ever happened denies remembering says we don't remember this ever happening the best friend Leland Kaiser came forward and said that she doesn't even know Brett Kavanaugh and when asked about this Christine Blasi Ford basically impeached her own best friend say as witness basically said my own best friend doesn't know what she's talking about as a health problem. This is pretty amazing stuff and we're just going to ignore all that I also want to talk in just a 2nd about why corroborative evidence is necessary and why the Democratic line that you must believe all women is basically a load of tripe We're going talk about that in just one second but 1st I need to take a moment to remind you there's a whole other world to this radio show over at Daily Wired dot com Never miss an opportunity to listen to the bench of Heroes show well don't let it happen again head over to daily Wired dot com You can listen to every past episode if you become a subscriber you get access to the whole show as video your life will be vastly enrich by the ability to see every detail on the show from relevant news clips and photos to this astonishingly handsome face mean look at this thing not only do you get my show you'll also be able to hear from noteworthy voices like Andrew Klavan and Matt Walsh you also get Michael moles if that's a thing you're into you're some sort of sadomasochistic pervert the entire daily wear team has his finger on the poles of the conservative movement we'll keep you educated and informed on most newsworthy stories of the day don't wait any longer head over to daily Wired dot com become a subscriber for just $99.00 a month or $99.00 a year and while you're at it pick up another subscription or 2 to give your friends and family this holiday season be sure also to check out The Daily Wire store on Amazon stock up on official daily wear hoodies t. Shirts ugly holiday sweaters and more you get 90 percent of your holiday shopping done by going to daily wear dot com today that's daily Wired dot com So the left is basically saying that if you don't believe all women this means that you are a bad person. They don't believe all women no one should believe all women because women are not inherently more credible than men they are not and victims by the way are not always remembering things properly so even if Christine Bleakley Ford is telling the truth we need corroborative evidence because there's just no way to tell there is no way to tell she made some statements yesterday about the way the brain chemistry works the way the memory works that are just flat out wrong and it's actually important to note these things because this is why we need corroborative evidence this is why we need some sort of detail we need something that we can latch onto because witness testimony or victim testimony alone is not enough it just isn't why because the data don't back that Alan Dershowitz pointed this out yesterday said there is no empirical evidence supporting the gender based political view that women who claim to have been sexually assaulted in a legit acquaintance rape situations tell the entire truth more often than men who are accused and deny the accusation one report from the u.s. National Research Council explains eyewitnesses are notoriously unreliable quote unknown to the individual memories are forgotten reconstructed updated and distorted Elizabeth Loftus who's a psychologist at University of Washington says memories are quote more easily modified for instance when the passage of time allows the original memory to fade as 36 years later false memories are quote constructed by combining actual memories with the content of suggestions received from others in a small scale study the last perform fully 25 percent of respondents remembered false events constructed for them what about the notion that for was promoting that intelligible impressions are left when you experience a trauma research doesn't back that idea according to a well cited paper in Nature findings from basic psychological research and neuroscience studies indicate memory is a reconstructive process that is susceptible to distortion Furthermore the commonly held belief among the general public that an eye witness is confidence in the accuracy or thought of his or her memory is a strong indicator in the actual accuracy of the memory is a myth it's just not true it's not true that because you believe that you're remembering something accurately you are actually believing something you're remembering something accurately. Again maybe Ford is remembering this accurately I don't know but you don't know either and to simply say that Christine bless you for his memory is enough to impeach and get rid of and destroy the life of Judge Kavanaugh requires you to throw out due process entirely Coming up it was obvious from the outset Democrats were never at any point interested in the truth of the veracity of the allegations against Kavanaugh all of this was about politicking it was all about hackery it was all about pushing this yawn the election and it was obviously about grandstanding how do we know have a listen mulatto from Charmed was there why because Diane Feinstein invited to talk all about it is the venture Carol show. Are you one of those people who thinks it's Ok to drive stone I mean what's the worst that can happen during the driving below the speed limit it's no big deal right. The truth it's your reaction times. Down you not only put yourself but everyone around. 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Welcome back does the Ben Shapiro show Democrats pretending they are outraged outraged about the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh are lying to you they're not outraged about the allegations they're outraged that their little stall tactic has failed there are only about 35 seats in the audience apparently and yet right behind right Kavanagh there was actress Alyssa Milano from Charm why was she there because Diane Feinstein invited her the same woman who quote unquote did not leak Christine Blasi Ford's testimony at her letter to the media the same woman who held that letter for 6 weeks without actually asking any serious questions about it invited a famous actress to sit in at the hearing specifically for publicity purposes no this wasn't political at all wasn't partisan hackery at all speaking of partisan hackery Sheldon Whitehouse making a complete ass of himself in the Democrat senator from Rhode Island he starts asking Judge Brett Kavanaugh yesterday about his yearbook because this is what we need to know we need to know whether there is evidence from a year book that Judge Brett Kavanaugh was a serial rapist back when he was in high school what is Sheldon Whitehouse evidence that Judge Brett Kavanaugh in his your book use the word Boof which means to fart Apparently this is what has become of the world's greatest deliberative body Sheldon Whitehouse making a complete fool of himself one is better what are you what have you I don't know if it's 50 How do you pronounce. The 1st a for sure it's we were 60. Ok. And so when. Your friend Mark judge said the same put the same thing as your book page back to you he had the same meaning it was structural and I don't know what he did but that's my recollection we want to talk about flatulence 16 on your book page. I'm game Ok and then he just continued this line of questioning making a complete idiot of himself but didn't stop there Dianne Feinstein yesterday was put on the defensive by Calvin I was one of the great moments I've seen in American political life Feinstein who's been slandering Kavanaugh basically from the bench I mean the legal sense but she's been saying things about Cavanagh that are unbased with vindictive force she had to confront have not and have not basically shredded her because there is one point here at which Cavanagh was asked specifically about the Julie sweat allegations 5 and she was asked about he was asked about the allegations brought forth by Michael Evan Oddie that he was a gang rapist and here's how it went for Dianne Feinstein and what you're saying if if I understand it is that the allegations by Dr Ford 'd Mr Ramirez and this but it's when Nick. Are are wrong. That it is in fact a cli what I'm saying in fact of. This what next 3 years of joke that is a force. Would you like to say more about it no. Good for Brett Kavanaugh to find stunning came out today and she said I've never seen a nominee for any position behave in that manner judge have not used as much political rhetoric as my Republican colleagues because you are all political hacks who tried to destroy his life that's why find some other way ended up dumping her own witness under the bus dumping Ford under the bus and she was asked yesterday about how did all of these letters end up in the possession of the of the f.b.i. In the media and I can find says it wasn't me it wasn't me so who was it if it wasn't Feinstein there are only 2 other parties that had it and as you have California Representative Eric Racine blazing for herself but Ford has said that she didn't leak this to the media so here's Feinstein dumping Ford under the bus. I don't believe my staff want me I have not asked that question directly but I do not believe you know that what I mean how in the world that get in the hands of the of the press the answer is no the staff if you were everywhere is going to have you ask your staff or other my dept is on the Judiciary Committee and they are pardon me as well as a general remind me I've asked her before about it well so that's true well somebody leaked it if it wasn't you well it was I'm telling you it was not I did not I mean I was asked to keep it confidential Ok so he says that she was it wasn't it that it was it wasn't her which means that was somebody on board seems there she is dumping her own witness under the bus as a politically motivated actor who wanted to get this stuff in the media amazing amazing stuff coming up the Democratic rhetoric is continuing to escalate Kamaal a Harris the rest of the Senate Democrats say we need not be i investigation I'll give you the real reason they need not be I'm best Edition plus other Democrats are saying that after watching Brett Kavanaugh Yesterday they can see why he might be a rapist really this is their angle is the bench hero. Seedings up daytimes the top civilian workers of the federal government may not see a pay raise anytime soon on Friday President Trump signed that executive order canceling any pay raises for non military workers the move comes after trying proposed a pay freeze of his budget last February and also promised to do so in a letter to Congress in August federal employees may still get a raise of Congress passes and the president signs it Facebook is apologizing after banning evangelist Franklin Graham from its website for 24 hours last week the Charlotte Observer reports the company claimed it was a mistake the band Graham over a 26000. And for temporarily removing that post. One person in its content review team decided the post violated Facebook's policy that bans dehumanizing language the post in question was about Bruce Springsteen North Carolina concert over that state's effort to limit bathroom choice for transgender people. Are mostly for. Continuing coverage of. Talk radio. 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Been known to be a a b c And it's obvious from their behavior I've never seen a spectacle quite like what we are seeing today we've seen protesters inhabit the halls of the Senate we saw a protester screaming at Jeff Flake Jeff Flake is one of most moderate members of the United States Senate he said that he's going to vote for Brett Kavanaugh specifically because there's no corroborative evidence to Brett Kavanaugh out he was confronted in elevators and told that he hates women doesn't care about women doesn't care for me get raped absolutely a lie absolutely a sham really disgusting and you can see the Democratic rhetoric escalating now you can see it happened yesterday when the Democrats turned out had nothing it turns out they had no actual facts to back the allegations made by Christie they had no specific questions that they asked Brett Kavanaugh none of that instead they just kept begging Cavanagh over and over to call for an f.b.i. Investigation into himself real reason that he won't do that is because he understands as does everyone else the only reason Democrats are calling for an f.b.i. Investigation is because it will take minimum a couple of months which brings us beyond the election which is all the Democrats want they just want this pushed off beyond the election so that there can be a a new Senate that is impaneled at which point Cavanagh doesn't get approved even if he's innocent and then they just hold the seat open until after Trump is president that is their entire goal here as Lindsey Graham said but he was calling Harris and Dick Durbin pretending that it was really all just about why won't ask for an f.b.i. Investigation is why this is so stupid Here's what Enough be an investigation does they ask a bunch of witnesses a bunch of questions those are sworn right under 3 o 2 you know who else can do that members of the Senate they can get people to testify and they don't need majority help. Harris can ask for the testimony of Mark judge now in fact they were lying yesterday Democrats said Republicans haven't talked to Mark Judge lies Republicans did talk to Mark Judge Democrats boycotted the actual hearing with Mark Judge not a hearing but the actual interview with Mark just because they didn't want to lend credibility to the actual interview with Mark Judge this is all political game. Of the most disgusting magnitude has come all the Harris wants to run for president 2020 she walked out of the Judiciary Committee vote this morning and she held hands with Mazie Hirono because women unites here was Harris yesterday pressing on the f.b.i. Investigation point the f.b.i. Would gather witness statements you have heard if they did they don't not I don't want to debate with you how they do their business I'm just asking are you willing to ask the White House to conduct such an investigation because the witness testimonies before you no witness who was there supports that I was there Ok I'm going to take that as a known we can move on take that is no that you're not going to call for an f.b.i. Investigation he doesn't have the power to initiate an f.b.i. Investigation the Senate has investigative powers the Senate Judiciary Committee has the power to investigate That's why Ward was there yesterday under oath this whole thing is ridiculous it got even more ridiculous so because it didn't stop there Brett Kavanaugh responded angrily when he was accused of rape. That's bad you can't respond angrily when he is accused of rape instead he's supposed to respond with a completely placid demeanor at which point Democrats call him robotic in a fake that's how this is supposed to work and Brett Kavanaugh gets angry it's because he's guilty and if he doesn't get angry it's also because he's guilty Ted Lieu essentially tweeted that out yesterday our extra bill congressperson from here in California he tweeted out if Brett Kavanaugh can be this is a grand national t.v. Match what he's like when he gets in the brigade So in other words I accuse you of rape you get angry that means you're probably an angry drunk that probably means 36 years ago you raped a girl that's the chain of logic there that is the chain of logic being used by sitting Congress person and it wasn't just have lived this ridiculous disgrace Brian Schatz the senator from Hawaii he tweeted out it's hard to imagine this person being objective and fair on the Supreme Court is it Del he spent years on the d.c. Circuit Court of Appeals is it possible you might be pissed if I accused you of rape is it possible you might not appear objective and fair if I accused you of rape and you came back at me and said You're a bleep. Well but you're not being objective and fair to me right because you just accused me of rape it's probably that it wasn't just those that Senator Jeff Merkley is $26.00 Jeff Merkley tweeted something similar out of Brett Kavanaugh showed himself today to be a partisan hack in a robe utterly lacking the temperament to be a justice of the Supreme Court and his repeated refusal to request an f.b.i. Investigation speaks volumes a partisan hack in a row then you'd have something in his actual record to support that if you cared to look but instead you're just going to call a partisan hack after it I mean this is this is gaslighting at its finest This is when you have a younger sibling and you take your younger siblings hand and you hit your younger sibling in the face you go stuffing yourself stuffing yourself stuffing yourself this is exactly what Democrats are doing here Democrats are saying you are a gang rapist you are a you are a an alleged rapist of a 15 year old girl 36 years ago at an unnamed party of an unnamed location and a name date that's you and then if you get mad that your shows your partisan hat if you say that you're only there I'm only doing that for partisan purposes Well that shows that you sir are the real partisan you want people going nuts because you're gaslighting them which is deliberately designed to make people go nuts that's what gaslighting is gaslighting is where you tell some somebody something not true and then when they respond to the untruth you blame them for responding to the untruth that's going on here. Honest to God Democrats to pretty low sometimes but to protect abortion which is what this is really about this is as low as I've ever seen anyone stoop anyone Kristen Gillibrand comes forward who as you will recall said that if Brett Kavanaugh doesn't call for an f.b.i. Investigation of himself that means he's guilty she came forward and she says she was offended how Cavanagh spoke to center so she proclaims that he's basically a rapist and then she comes forward and says she's offended by his response. Honest to god if I didn't read have you yesterday out of common birds flying I mean I would just slipped off the entire out of walked in there and flip them off I would have dropped $80000.00 a I would have I would have been so much more colorful than Brett Kavanaugh was yesterday the fact that Brett Kavanaugh was contained as he was shock it's a shock if a person Joe Brown says no one should treat senators this way and hide behind that Senator title after slandering him an amazing stuff the way he talked to was so not arrogant in how he spoke to senators and dismissive I was I was really offended by how he behaved at the hearing oh no we're not offended by Kirsten Gillibrand not offended by Dianne Feinstein hiding a story of rape her 6 weeks so that she could get away with pushing Brett Kavanaugh off the court just absurd just absurd. The most absurd of course from ex Senator Barbara Boxer who used to be officially the stupidest woman in the United States Senate is she now she's no longer in the United States Senate she's been replaced by Kemal Harrison's in a running gun battle for stupidest woman in the United States Senate who may not in fact the stupidest person in the United States Senate Sheldon Whitehouse is definitely up for that honor but it has Barbara Boxer who used to be the stupidest woman in the United States Senate she says that Brett Kavanaugh you could actually see him attacking a woman because he was sitting there getting angry that people were accusing him of attacking a woman only. We see a man transformed from a choir boy who up to now has sent after hours of printed Committee he lived this very perfect life to send his anger is triggered and what we saw today is someone who you could now see attacking a woman if it's a very frightening. Yes and that was clearly what happened there if I Q's you read and you get mad then clearly you're a perfect kind of person who'd attack a woman I mean this is legitimately a witch hunt kind of thing this is legitimately a if you we throw you in the river and you sink that means you are innocent and if you float that means you're guilty and we burn you at the stake that's what this is if he gets mad it's because he's guilty if you doesn't get mad it's because he's insincere What's even worse than the Democrats you can expect to do all this sort of nonsense are the members of the media I mean the media coverage of this was just egregious they are so partisan they are so open in their partisanship It is truly an astonishing astonishing thing to watch and the mask is off and you wonder why I hope Republican turnout is amazing in 6 weeks I hope Republican turnout is just an ending I hope you bring all your friends to vote because these folks cannot have power these folks cannot be given power if these folks have power they will use it to run you and your rights off the ground that is what they are doing here they were willing to destroy a man's life and family based on an unverifiable allegation. What do you think they're willing to do to you for political gain what do you think they're willing to do to your rights for political gain the most cynical partisan disgusting happy I've ever seen in my entire life it's just a visible and the media complicit in it every step of the way because the media have demonstrated that they are in fact Democratic outlets I'm a guy who's criticize President Trump for saying that the media are fake news but this week the prove that they were partisan hacks in objective news journalist sheep's clothing they showed it over and over again all slain in just a 2nd but 1st let's talk about how you can make your experience with this show more enriching deeper more emotionally profound all you have to do is go over to daily Wired dot com If you missed the show yesterday well you can catch up by going over to daily Wired dot com and becoming a subscriber you can listen to every single past episode if you become a subscriber yet the whole show is video too so you can see the news clips and the photos and you can see the faces that I'm making whenever Nancy Pelosi talks not only do you get my show you also be able to hear from Andrew Klavan and that Walsh and if you have the desire you can also hear from Michael Knowles I don't know why you'd want to but I guess you could if that was a thing head over to daily Wired dot com become a subscriber for just 99 a month or 99 bucks a year and while you're at it pick up another subscription to give your friends and family this holiday season left it in your family they particularly enjoy this as a gift so make sure you get a leftist a subscription to Daily Wire dot com When you get that annual subscription by the way and you know that a leftist here is hot or cold tumbler it is magnificent much sought after Often imitated never duplicated go check it out daily Wired dot com Right now become a subscriber join thousands of fans and supporting the largest consumer of podcast in America. I'm a show you some of the media treatments of all of this now we're going to start with some of the quote unquote objective media and then we'll get to the nonobjective media because they're not objective media are Democrat hacks are basically Democrat hacks and I want to just a point of view and let's start with the folks who are supposed to be objective so we begin with John King of c.n.n. So John king of c.n.n. Yesterday he comes out he says Brett Kavanaugh went full Trump which is the worst thing you can say about anyone on c.n.n. He went full Trump or alternatively Brett Kavanaugh was legitimately defending himself against charges that he believes are false against him but if you're angry at any point then you're Trump Ian and if you're not angry it's because you're not authentic authentic emotion my favorite mean this week today was was naggy Habermann over at the New York Times Maggie Haberman the New York Times tweeted something out like if you had ever seen a Democrat get angry and upset and yelling and crying and being mean with senators if you've ever seen a Democratic woman like that they would have been run out of town on a rail really I remember someone in Hillary Clinton who went in front of the Senate committee on Benghazi and and and said that she did didn't really matter right what difference does it make how things went down in Benghazi what difference does it make why the protests happen in the 1st place yelling at senators being as militant and nasty as humanly possible and the Democrats cheer her still she persisted it's just nonsense but here is John King doing the same routine Brett Kavanaugh is obviously just like Donald Trump the implication being of course that he's just as guilty as Donald Trump a matter sexual Brett Kavanaugh went for Trump today and it was that appeal to them or does it repulse them and if because they don't like Trump they don't the read of those 4 key senators they are repulsed not only by this president by how he conducts himself by his history so Cavanaugh's embrace of trying to help him. Just it just insane John Bresnahan of Politico a supposedly objective journalist over political He tweeted out this indignant angry attitude is not good for Kavanaugh really isn't it and then we have the Washington Brian Stelter write it supposedly objective journalist on c.n.n. He quotes a piece from The Washington Post today in America this was men against women right against left a cascade of recrimination explosions of anger Al Gore's of tears and sobs wasn't done against women or that the narrative the media wants to portray my producer said turns out she is a woman Ok my producer said he was miffed yesterday I mean angry yesterday over the treatment of Brett Kavanaugh And honestly I've rarely seen so many Republican women angry at the treatment of anyone we have a lot of women who work in this office a lot of women who work in this office they were glued to the screen and they were indignant at the way Brett Kavanaugh was treated yesterday because it turns out a lot of these women have husbands have sons a lot of them are looking at the way men are being treated by the militant feminists and the and the radical members of the me too movement and they're saying I can't live in a country like this I want people protected Yes I like men and I want men protected to they're still American citizens even if they have penises it turns out there are a lot of women who still believe in due process and the rights of the accused there's a lot of women don't like to watch partisan hackery substituted for any sort of knowledge it's just it's an amazing thing the Washington Post had this headline Kavanaugh sexual assault here and turns partisan as Republican senators lashed out at treatment of Supreme Court nominee was a partisan before that it wasn't partisan when Dianne Feinstein held up an actual accusation of alleged rape back in 1982 for 6 weeks for her own purposes now it's partisan Only now it got partisan you know this is the famous Republicans parents mean that you see from the media all the time every time Democrats do something bad and Republicans respond it's Republicans parents and n.b.c. News tweeted this this was their headline conservative media dedicate blanket coverage to 40 here it was that even a headline. 30000000 people watched the hearing yesterday everyone dedicated blanket coverage before hearing I for example was watching some of the coverage on m s n b c a it turns out everyone dedicated like a cover to the for hearing these are the objective news media coming up President Trump has stated that the left is now engaged in a sort of mob in anger and he's clearly right about this wait till you hear this one is the bench here I sure. 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Welcome back to the Ben Shapiro show so President Trump has stated that the left is now engaged in a sort of mob anger and he's clearly right about this Hillary Clinton just came out and said you cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for so all the civility on the right member we're told that the right was super dangerous in 26 and then it turns out the left supports. Yeah well they're doing the same thing with regard to from doing normal things in the White House he introduced Brett Kavanaugh and did what I think is correct he apologized to Brett Kavanaugh for what right have not just had to go through for the owner for a simple partisan political reasons or as president from getting it correct on behalf of the nation I want to apologize. To Brett and the entire Kavanaugh family for the terrible pain and suffering you have been forced to endure our country a man or a war must always be presumed innocent unless and doing to prove him guilty as a President Trump is correct about all that stuff it turns out that independents didn't like how cabinet was handled by Democrats either by 28 point margin independents were not particularly fond of how Democrats handled all of that but that's not going to stop the Democrats from doubling down here's an m s n b c legal panelist yesterday talking about how Brett Kavanaugh is going to issue in a 1000 year Reich just like the Nazis here it is on Amazon b.c. If this rain that they now have control over all 3 branches of government we're going to see if this rain last for 30 days or 2 years for yourselves and you like because that is how that is what these people have set themselves up for as a 1000 year Reich now because Brett Kavanaugh isn't just a gang rapist he's also a Nazi That's exciting news that we found out about and my favorite part of this particular segment by the way was no Rotman with my friends and I was on m s n b c write for Commentary magazine and he started trying to explain why Roe v Wade was not settled law and he was then accused of mansplaining on m s n b c Because this is how far we've come as a country he's not interested in overturning Roe v state laws will make it overturned as he has a centrist philosophy and conservatives were very very interested under the worker and you and her family does not have that and they don't serve it of course to tell you that area here you're headed right towards me and when you don't don't say I'm trying to explain something to a woman when it has to do with reproductive health care I'm going to do that because we're not planning that either and so no I think we have got a good idea here Ok don't use the word explain when you're talking about reproductive issues but what if you just got it wrong lady like what you're just wrong what if you don't know what Roe v Wade does what if you understand conservative judicial philosophy is mansplaining now. In the words of my colleague Andrew Klavan I'll be happy to stop mansplaining when you start woman understanding is that it's so silly it's so silly but don't worry the media have really got their stuff together they're not they're not out of their minds in any way so for example when the president of the United States says that the left has decided to engage in a form of my Bach Recy Jim Acosta and find you somebody who loves you like Jim Acosta loves Jim Acosta Jim Acosta over on c.n.n. He says Well President Trump knows about mobs encourages mobs you know it is Talk of mob rule and so on I mean Brooke if you have you been to a trump rally I mean that you know you do hear rhetoric at those rallies that would conjure up images of a mob to go back to the 2016 campaign when the president said as a candidate that he would like to punch protesters in the face and so on and so perhaps the president knows what mob rule and mob tactics look like because he encourages them himself Ok Well so do Democrats because it turns out that people like Amala Harris who is a front runner for the Democratic nomination in 2020 he is now urging Democrats clearly to use anger to take back power. This last week and in all that we have experienced in terms of our frustration and our anger and our sadness let's use this week to give us all that extra energy that we know we have to remember that the bottom line is that they may have the power right now but we need to take it. So anger and rage these are going to the currency with which Democrats attempts to by the next election go find out if they're successful or not in pretty short order I think I think we'll find out pretty quickly here coming up Rudy Giuliani joined the Trump legal team earlier this year what did that mean for companies to involve the sort of generals will tell you this is the case that there are so. Ok. Los Angeles. Cumulus station more trying to shut down tweets election pending I'm Evan handing President dropped will greet the new year in Washington rather than his Mar a Lago resort correspondent Sarah Westwood reports he's firing sharp tweets at Democrats blaming them for the deaths of 2 Guatemalan children who are in u.s. Custody this is certainly new territory for President Trump who's alone here at the White House who has been feeling about Democrats refusal to provide any money for his border while he's been trying to blame them for everything from the deaths of those 2 migrant children to the partial government shutdown that he once said he'd be proud to own Homeland Security Secretary Kerry is visiting border officials and correspondent Nick Valencia reports Nielsen says the system is clearly overwhelmed what we've seen with our own eyes is caution release is still very alive migrants being dropped off in groups sometimes as much as 15 to 20 at a time which includes children the unannounced mass release of migrants in El Paso is straining local charities where shelters have been taking in 22022500 people a week a woman from Texas has been killed by a tree knocked down by high winds in Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee a park spokesman says the 42 year old mother of 3 was hiking with her husband and children on Thursday when the tree fell the family's 6 year old son was airlifted to a hospital with Mom life threatening injuries including a broken leg which required surgery and superficial head injuries doctors told the family label Djawadi took most of the impact and saved her son's life funeral services are scheduled Wednesday in Dallas Bill Michaels Britain's trade minister Liam Fox says there is a 5050 chance that Bracks may be stopped if Parliament rejects the government's divorce deal with the European Union next month with 3 months left until the u.k. Is due to leave. The e.u. Prime minister Teresa Mayes is floundering. A b c News Live and Local at 9 o 2 Jeffries an escaped inmate from San Quentin State Prison who might have been headed toward Southern California was captured near California's central coast today 21 year old inmate was convicted last year in an l.a. County carjacking case he broke out of the maximum security prison Wednesday and on Friday officials said blade believed he was headed toward the Los Angeles area malware a virus prevented the l.a. Times from delivering many of the Saturday newspapers time says the problem affected all the papers of its former parent company including papers in San Diego the f.b.i. Would neither confirm nor deny that they were investigating the attack 790 k. A.b.c. Sports. And v.a. Clippers hosted the 1st college hoops u.c.l.a. Loss to Liberty $7358.00 in the n.h.l. The Kings lost the biggest goal tonight at Staples for the ducks right now are hosting the hours on a coyote. The weather clear and cold too breezy through tomorrow overnight lows the thirty's in the forty's daytime highs only around 60 right now a Christie wanted Van Eyes 53 in Santa Ana 51 in downtown l.a. . To check out. Traffic. In act in this is on the 14th northbound right before Soledad Canyon we have to see crews take it up the corporal in the left lane drive a stop and go from Santiago in North Hollywood this.

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