Back at you with more social media marketing tips and tricks in the future. Free money sounds like an oxymoron but it's no good Windows $2000.00 in free money just like Sherry hi and Sherry 9 years 100000 dollars 3 luxury and listen for the National keyword weekdays 880-511-0524 extension 05 texted among 5 a one line for your shot to the great green money j d c in Los Angeles Orange County was 62 Los Angeles us just a. Bright. K b c news live a local. K b c news live on local 11 I'm right here one person is recovering today after being stabbed in a random attack on a metro bus in North Hollywood officials say the attack happened around 2 30 in the morning near Sherman away and Fulton Ave officials say the victim was stabbed multiple times with a 3 to 4 inch pocket knife and taken to Holy Cross medical center for surgery pastors on the bus help detain the suspect so police could take me to Cassidy a Los Angeles office of disgraced congresswoman Katie Hill is being evacuated the evacuation started after an on below by address the hill was discovered with an unknown powder inside l.a. County Fire crews conducted 2 tests on the powder which are both came back negative more tests are being done at the Palmdale office building 2 people have complained of irritation Hill recently resigned from Congress after nude pictures of the freshman Democrat with a campaign staffer were leaked to the press Kevin Tripp k b c news a Colorado man facing federal charges after police say he planned an attack on a synagogue in a. According to court documents 27 year old Richard Holzer. Met with undercover agents on Nov 1st to discuss using pipe bombs to attack Temple Emanuel that same day f.b.i. Agents also say during an earlier meeting hall so told them he paid someone to put arsenic in the water pipes of the synagogue in October $20000.00 and a 3rd sweep of homeless encampment in the poll the basin is underway Los Angeles city councilman Nuri Martinez says it's illegal the camp down there that's currently the law and it's a quote we just need to do our jobs here for said to brush fires have broken out near homeless encampment in the basin in recent months the large Recreation Area in the San Fernando Valley is owned by the federal government the city leases much of the land for park space the 1st to homeless cleanups netted over $391.00 tons of trash and waste and California is one of the worst states for maternal and infant health care Dr a whole group tough from the annual March of Dimes report card study says California gets a b. This year for the Fort Erie that wrote there are more babies being born in the United States to school approximately every 12 hours nationwide a woman dies due to complications resulting from pregnancy and $22000.00 babies die each year the rate of pre-term person California slightly increased from last year putting more children at risk for early death or lifelong complication k b c sports only n.b.a. Teams are off and on they tell the Rams sign linebacker Dakota Allen the practice squad and the Chargers prep for Thursday night football against the Raiders that sports of the new home of the u.s.c. Trojans So Cal weather tonight to the local Mari. Currently 56 and down and to chat with him tonight in long piers have a 90 k.b. C.n.a. She now at 95.5 and have a cheek to indelible the to nab c can take a d.c. With you wherever you go I'm right Piers k b c News Dallas checking. Things wrong in the you can see temple traffic right now into Luca lake on the 134. Ventura Freeway West. There's a wreck blocking 2 right lanes causing a little bit of a slowdown from past 7 you also in the City of Industry on the 6 o 5 northbound a valley or 2 right lanes taking away and lot for a stalled car in moderate Park Long freeways $710.00 northbound connector the less than 10 somebodies broken down in the left lane of that connector it slowed down the drive for memo to full of cars and a couple of other disabled vehicles to watch for in Simi Valley one found at Sycamore a break downs got the left lane plugged in the city of Orange north that Sand Canyon disabled vehicles taking out the right lane seeing a little bit of slowing of the northbound one on one freeway through downtown northbound from Alameda street to just past the 110 there's a little bit of a slowdown I'm City Burkey am 790 k. A.b.c. It's the most wonderful time of the year at the coffee. 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To read i Radio very much and I regularly talk about everything from politics to social issues and news of the day whether you're a blade or just starting your day. From ball pilot flying j. Studio this is rude I radioed. All across America and around the world 86690 right I wrote I ready I'll show dot com will be streamed live I'm Gary Mack America these are are like this our Freightliner run smart helping you run more efficiently as freight miners number one goal really interesting yesterday Real Clear Politics came out with just a touch of battleground states. You know year from the election. And we're probably going to see a lot more of this. Now and we had wondered this because. We had said that you know really the elections. There were polls that were actually done on for the popular vote but there really wasn't a focus on those real battleground states like Michigan Pennsylvania and Wisconsin Well how we've got state polls in all the battleground states I mean there's by looks like 30 different polls a world now 30 different polls but. You see 123455 different polls that were done in different battleground states on you know Trump versus a variety of different Democrat candidates now remember the differences Trump has been vetted nobody else has been not even by not for president not in present day and for example in Florida. This is New York Times Sienna Biden plus 2 Yeah. That's against Trump Trump against Warren Trump plus for Trump against Bernie Sanders Trump plus one Wisconsin these are all New York Times c.n.n. Poll. Wisconsin Biden 46 Trump 44. War Trump 47 Warren 45. I think going to look here I think in almost every single battleground state in the New York Times in a poll let me make sure I'm correct here Ok that one's Emerson but still he beats her in Nevada every single one trump beats Warne and him. That's really interesting. Michigan. Listen look I can't go I can't have to compare apples to apples in Michigan Biden 45 trump 44 which means Remember nobody is over 50 percent right so how close Trump is . This is New York Times c.n.n. Poll in Michigan Trump 45 Warren 40. Well and you go through you know when looking at the the different battleground states Trump has Trump is really holding his own on on the states that went for him because look nobody's over 50 and you don't have a specific candidate yet everything is hypothetical which means they haven't gone through the wringer. Of being vetted not just by the conservative media but they haven't been vetted in every day being out there asking you know what you know what they would do. And oh and have and they haven't been vetted by Brad goals television campaign which is coming up. That's the campaign manager for Donald Trump which is going to vet them big time so trump holding his own in those battleground states you know and there's a number of different polls here and. One here the Emerson poem Michigan. Biden over Trump by 12 but then the New York Times c.n.n. Poll he's up by one you know so what's correct on that but if you look at across the board trump holding his own and in many of the polls winning especially New York Times c.n.n. Poll except for Biden that's a dead heat is actually beating the other major candidates Yeah it will be interesting to see how it comes together next summer for Democrats. Is is Hillary and how does that change things. I don't you know thinking about it during the day on Monday I I really don't I know the Democrats would love to see this rematch many of them but I think there's some of them that that say you know what we we don't want that again because all the negative stuff the baggage that comes along with Hillary better a warrant or even a Biden and I say even a Biden because Biden just can't seem to pull things together on the campaign trail there the problem is is the only promise that they give people the only thing they deliver is that they would be the person to defeat Trump and they would and the Trump presidency how how much how many Americans what percentage of voters actual voters likely voters really care about that because when you factor in the middle people are looking to hear something from a candidate that is about. The society in general not this group that group and what the government will do to you and of course the over top over the top promises that she's made and others have made on the left with things they can't deliver trillions and trillions of dollars in spending that will never happen well what I wonder is you know you're just looking at these battleground states this is in the absolute height of the impeachment. Impeachment rhetoric. And this is after again as we've talked about 2 and a half years of Trump in Russia collusion and Trump right now is that his loudest and he's had his loudest right you know right now and he's holding his own completely. You know you think of all the news that may be coming out in the next year we know what could they come out with with Trump and let's say if I'm on the phone taking a bribe Sure send me a 1000000 bucks which of course he wouldn't do that because he doesn't need the 1000000 bucks you know if you can about this you know how much of. What one of Trump's businesses collapse always got to do is go into speeches in a Remus they're right. He can hold he'll be the 1st president to hold rallies when he's no longer in office. He'll be the 1st ex-president to actually go out and rally his base. And pay money for it. You never know maybe he'll run for president of Russia. And I thought he already was president you know that's right that's. Right. But when when you think about this and again I would love to see the internal polls you know that the parties are actually doing aren't I'd love to see the internal polls that Republicans are doing and just generally looking at this and knowing that again it's a year out from this really holding his own. In those in those battleground states so. Again the no specific candidate yet no focus on that specific candidate 247 as for Trump like unlike any other president I'm sorry because just media is different now and because it's Trump and they hatred towards him think about the negative news for him even to be within the ballpark shows that there's a significant portion of Americans that stand right behind him and I think the important thing is here it is so close and you see Trump especially over like Warren if Warren is the one that they wish to be a candidate right now she's polling the weakest. Of all the candidates and so you get worn in there and we just think optically she's not a good candidate right. And but you get in there and you look at where the polls are right now you're really talking about maybe this election is based on what just maybe 5 percent of independents that group in there that have not made a decision yet Yeah right you know where where they decide. To go because I think in every one of the New York. Anybody not in the New York Times c.n.n. Poll I don't think in any of the battleground states anybody reaches 50. And it's good to know nobody reaches 50 which means you're talking in depending on who you're dealing with are you know what what candidate you're dealing with running against Trump there you're talking anywhere from 8 you know 8 to 10 points of undecided that's a big deal and you have to look at it also what the Independent. Reacts to is it more likely that they react to the identity politics of the left or what the president is the very basics of what the president's trying to get on border security better economy it's it's likely that many of them especially in those Midwest states are not going to react to what's going on with a laugh because you add to it the activist behavior by them. Everything that went on with Russian collusion is likely going to come back to bite them to some extent even before we talk about indictments coming down from bar. If if if that is true I mean if the if the reaction is what I think it will be I we talked about this during the Capitol hearings you know you had camel Harris on that committee and you know you can say well wait a minute she may think that her consider constituents in her state love what she's doing but you know the Claire McCaskill. While she would be followers supporters looked at that and said no that kind of behavior is unacceptable in other words the Martie itself is tainted by the behavior of a number of them and I don't know if you can say majority of them but they have adopted this kind of behavior certainly and they condone it all the candidates condone it. So now you look at the Independent are they going to react to that in a positive way likely know whether we're really getting the response when we talk about polls of polls are completely inaccurate some are but there were polls that were dead on so we don't go into those discussions anymore because people are it's the same thing polls are not true I don't believe any of them fine that's cool but there were polls or 2 or 3 polls that were dead on for the popular vote sure and as you get closer and you start polling you know we've we've studied polls for years and we know and we talk about the outlier polls that exist out there but to get into the discussion again that polls are inaccurate because I've never been polled well odds are you'll never be polled because most polls you know to become statistically you know relevant plus or minus probably 2 or 3 percentage of you know 2 or 3 percent either way normally poll roughly you know about in the 2000 people there are a lot larger sample polls but to get into that discussion people wish to do that all the time when we do that we really don't get into those discussions because some polls aren't accurate right and some polls have a history of being extremely accurate and every single presidential election because we've gone through it every time it's happened there are polls that are dead on and there were a few polls that were done on and pick the popular vote but not the Electoral College vote because that's not where they were polling and that's why we started looking at some of these polls of the states because we wonder whether the pollsters will start taking a serious look and saying Ok we need to focus in on the electoral vote now and not just to the popular vote but extrapolate it out to be a better poll to get people to buy us in order and extrapolate it out to also the Electoral College and these particular states that you know that are our huge battleground states and focus more on that right so. And the you know the precincts and counties within those states. Because you looked right natural areas and they tend to be different as specially certain precincts and so you take a sensually what you're looking at what the pollsters would be looking at and it's a very tedious process I'm sure of looking at those precincts as if you were counting and doing the polls there as if you were counting votes or waiting on votes were to come in on election night and that's you know it's almost impossible to do with precision but you can do that with a greater emphasis on that local level especially at the precinct level to give you an idea of maybe how those electoral votes may go problem though for the pollsters across a lot of money to do yes that's that is a lot a lot of legwork so but we every time we talk polls we get that is so we just we love people no we really don't get into those discussions bright as it's been going on since I've been discussing polls for 30 years are all wrong they're not all wrong now than then. 86698 right I tips from j.j. 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In anything legs 5060 Thank you. Visit your bay area and to the judge today for the infinity of winter sales of that because the lottery. I it's Jamie progress is employee of the month 2 months in a row leave a message that hi Jamie it's me Jamie I just had a new idea for our song about the name your price tool so when it's like tell us what you want to hear. By watching you say well be fun garbage options at the job but then we do all the finger snaps while choir goes people come in actually favors coming back out yes no maybe Anyways here practice tonight I got new lyrics for the rapper. Casualty Insurance Company and affiliates pricing coverage limited by state law. Right. So even the b.c. . Try radio we hear is our county and I'm very McNamara 8690 right so to those people that say polls are always inaccurate understand that both campaigns do their own internal polls and believed them. Right yes well they do a lot of work in order to gauge you know where they need to do more work right you know that was the case with the r. And c. In 2016 they actually adopted a lot of the d.n.c. Policies on on the door to door stuff the you know the footwork that is required to get people motivated to get them to the polls but they do internal polls and the pollsters do their internal polls for them yes. So and what we'll see where you know I guess where we heart it's so weird to think in today's world a year from now where will we be you know I've been While it in March of this year Nancy Pelosi known ph now we're moving forward with impeachment. On nothing based on nothing and so I think that there's so much that can change an impact you know the political scene that it's impossible to know because . For some reason I just don't see Joe Biden being the guy I don't see him being the nominee I could be wrong but I I believe it's going to end up being warned if if Hillary doesn't get in I think it's going to be him it's I think it will be Elizabeth Warren she's a weak candidate she does not look like a leader she doesn't talk and present like a leader. It's just you just don't see the same I don't see the same motivation or or energy behind a war in campaign. By the rank and file that you would have you know maybe with the with a Hillary with Hillary it's all about the machine it's about the establishment Democrat it's about the older Democrat I don't think it's going to be about necessarily the younger Democrat but it will be about those that are older and believe that you know again she's better than Trump I think many of them would hold their nose for Hillary let me ask you this of somebody because I again I'm asking you to predict the future which we just aren't there but I did mention this yesterday of Hillary got in with the squad respond and could Hillary make the squad not relevant anymore well you know that is. What I talked about that on and off the air briefly yesterday I think we may be seeing the separation of that because look at Rahm Emanuel coming out you know saying look we can't continue this kind of behavior. And he's not the only one it's the older established Democrat. That and I wouldn't even categorize them as establishment per se but they really are I guess now if you look at $21000.00 and beyond they are I said after 2016 the Democrats are going to have to move towards the middle and they did the exact opposite right Will they have success will they have success can they get there without the swap. 70. 7. 70. K.t. News Live and Local at. K b c News Live Local at $1130.00 on Friday here's a 3rd sweep of homeless encampment the support of the basins underway Los Angeles City Councilwoman Mary Martinez says it's illegal to camp down there that's currently the law and it's a simple quote We just need to do our jobs here for said to brush fires have broken out near homeless encampment in the basement of recent months in the Los Angeles office of disgraced congresswoman Katie Hills being evacuated after an envelope with powder inside was discovered l.a. County Fire crews conducted 2 tests in the pattern which both came back negative and members of Temple Emmanuel in Colorado are stunned following the arrest of a man accused of plotting an attack on their synagogue a spokesperson says $35.00 families attend meetings have the Senate guy can she doesn't know if you're holes or after visited So Cal weather tonight $55.00 is a low tomorrow a high of $83.00 currently $56.00 in Downey $35.00 in Monrovia and $57.00 Tory son Ryan Piers can be seen in either my name's not dollars Ario and I'm from Selma I'm also going to go for a Democratic Party and I'm here to tell you to say no it's big tobacco and vote no on prophecy I paid for it I know on cd as have cancer says Big Tobacco a coalition of doctors parents and community groups protecting us from can't read tobacco products and addiction sponsored by not profit health organizations committee teachers I think Michael are pulling back financial disclosures as I think stop work. Retirement should be one of the best times of your life and it can be as long as you're not worried about money join us at a complimentary retirement planners of America seminar and we'll show you how to protect and maximize your retirement savings so your money lasts as long as you do next seminar a Saturday Nov 16th at the Courtyard by Marriott Sherman Oaks at retirement planners of America we want your money to last as long as you do learn more at r.p. Away dot com. 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And he is Eric I'm Gary 8690 right I welcome and good morning this hour for Freightliner run smart helping you run more efficiently as freight miners number one goal go to chamber on Smart dot com a community of tens of thousands of drivers and industry pros sharing great information the team on smart pros are blogging from the road every single week and sometimes daily they're putting out some really great blogs and videos you need to check it out team run Smart dot com from Freightliner and join in by the way if you can you know add something to a please do team run Smart dot com. The this is really an interesting story the Salt Lake Tribune newspaper is now a nonprofit. And unprecedented transformation for a us legacy daily newspaper that is intended to bolster its financial prospects during a troubling time for journalism nationwide the i.r.s. Approved the shift in a letter dated October 29th deeming the tribute of 5 a one c. Public charity that means supporters can start making tax deductible down donations now the move from a profit model was spurred by Tribune owner Paul Huntsman who when agreeing to turn you toss largest newspaper into a nonprofit is giving up his sole ownership the current business model for local newspapers is broken and beyond repair said Huntsman who serves as the Tribune publisher we needed to find a way to sustain this vital community institution well beyond my ownership and nonprofit status will help us do that this is truly excellent news for all you talk to residents and for local news organizations across the country I guess my question would be it is in Utah if the Tribune ran editorials that were based on a a more conservative agenda better ork was president would he take away their nonprofit status like he would like to do with church like he would have done with churches. Just throwing that out the 1st thing that came to my mind. The Tribune will seek donations large and small coupling them with revenue from advertising and subscriptions and a separate foundation the Utah journalism foundation is creating an endowment to fund independent journalism in Utah with the Tribune being a big beneficiary those in the journalism industry have kept a close eye on the Tribune's efforts seen as a potential path forward for other struggling news outlets this is an important decision that recognizes local news as a public good something that strengthens the community said Alberto. The president of a John s. And James l. Knight Foundation a nationwide leader in journalism philanthropy a model pioneered by the Salt Lake Tribune gives community leaders another way to build a sustainable future for local news so citizens can get the trusted information they need to engage constructively in our democracy other newspapers in the United States such as the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Tampa Bay Times draw support from non-profits and newspapers including The New York Times and The Seattle Times benefits from Foundation but no other legacy newspaper has made the full switch to a nonprofit status Huntsman who bought the newspaper in 2016 will transfer his ownership of the Tribune to a public board of directors. Huntsman is the chairman of the board and has promised a strict fire wall between its members and the newsroom a move to protect the Tribune journalistic independence he has also promised to reject contributions from people who want to direct or influence news coverage you are doing that already. Well wasn't that the whole point to begin with. We'll still have editorial cartoonist Pad Begley will still have sports analysis and will still have then all the hard hitting investigative reporting from Buna readers have come to expect and rely on from the Tribune the integrity of our reporting of the values of our news organization won't change but we will engage with the community. In new ways and ask for their support some journalism observers wondered if the i.r.s. Would require the Tribune to jettison sports coverage or restaurant reviews to become a nonprofit arguing that those stories might not fit under the educational mission spelled out in tax law that did not happen. Successor the Tribune's application without limitation that means the Tribune will continue to provide coverage on politics the arts religion environment sports opinion and more the Tribune however will stop any endorsements of political candidates going forward as required by the law governing non-profits but the editorial board which is separate from the news staff will continue to opine on the big issues of the day the change has no bearing on columnist or the cartoonist what if something is viewed remembered today would bigotry is today if you don't say and if you don't say a man is a is a man can be a woman. That's that's that's bigotry remember we're better remember we're better Rick wanted to go he wanted to take away the nonprofit status from religions if their dogma did not agree or their dogma discriminated in any way but the left view discriminatory. Well you know that that's. It's interesting to hear the why they would do something like this and can survive if they don't will they survive even even with it I don't I just don't know that they will the the question is is there a demand for their product are people willing to pay people are willing to pay what it costs to make the newspaper profitable right so if you look at the nonprofit status does that gain them enough I guess that would be something does this mean the here's does this mean they can I guess you can still do subscriptions can't you or I can't you know I guess you can or are you making a donation to the foundation while all cash did donations will be tax deductible the ruby no immediate changes to digital or Prince ascriptions though it will be possible the digital subscriptions will become tax deductible in the future prince and robbers won't see any changes to their billing or their delivery schedule but their payment won't be tax deductible because of business arrangements involving advertise and circulation printing and delivery so if you actually buy the newspaper you don't get a tax deduction for but if you make a contribution to the foundation and get the newspaper in exchange for the contribution I know I don't think so no no the donations just a donation if you since you don't make it there right now Ok because that would fit the i.r.s. Law there's no quid pro quo Well that's because that actually is the if you give to a nonprofit organization they give you something of equal value let's say you make a $500.00 donation and they give you something that's worth $500.00 or more then very often you can't. You can't that's not tax deductible Here's a question when they when they run when p.b.s. Runs the the Carpenters. And then they sell the. Box that the for only $949.00 right here really the value of the box at Yeah it let's say for example you and I mean this is purely hypothetical and it and I know these are the carpenters when talking so I know yeah that's actually on there but it's like you get the full set of something of the carpenters did exclusive d.v.d. Set. For a donation of $200.00 right you're not getting that carpenter set for $3999.00 donation right so you don't reach the value do you get the full deduction on that or just is or cost of that that they figure and when they tell you what you're deduction can be yeah I don't know exactly what the math is on the rule but I know that in many cases if you're getting something in exchange it's not tax deductible at all anything of significant value. Said the. Head of the vice president a business innovation Frazier Nelson we were told by our lawyers that approval could take until the 1st quarter of 2020 or longer since this is the 1st nation application Needless to say we're extremely grateful for the i.r.s. For allowing this transition to move forward all money donated to the Tribune will support the newsroom. And 2011 the Tribune had a staff of 148 there were series of layoffs 60 wow now are a line of support of readers and the seeking new nonprofit partnerships they hope to expand the Tribune's offerings in the months and years to come. Yeah well it comes down to demand that's what it's always about so I guess you can't also you can't give a donation and then get advertised that separate. Right you can give support but you're not going to get I don't think you're going to get the same deduction like p.b.s. Does you know this is made possible by a grant from someone so I don't know that that grant is totally tax deductible fraud for that company I'm not sure right so well they're not really run ads it's a mention they're not actually selling the product what you sell it but it's a considerable mention given the reach of giving the audience but but it has a value it has a value but it's not the same value as you know Joe's car lot has 50 percent off right nobody gets 50 percent off. No not unless they double the price 1st well I love it when they say and you can get up to $14000.00 cash back and my thought if that's the cash I'm getting back I don't even want to know what the price of the vehicle is yeah right. But. As I guess if you get advertising you may be able to get mentions I mean maybe mentioned these are of use or are benefactor or you're right right and we think companies. Provided grants but again. Is that a real business model Well it's a nonprofit model I think but I think it's you know is it is that about just surviving having that legacy you know living on yeah it's the only thing you know that I guess the last hope. It is unique in its approach but I just don't know that I see it working long term you know p.b.s. Is one thing but they still struggle. I look at the local newspapers and there's probably a limitation it be very tough for a small town newspaper to do something like this because number one if you come out into a favorable story on a on a mayor and the mayor's a trump supporter you're going to have a significant portion of people pull their or their you know their ads away Right right you know what is the you know you see the the journalism foundations the journalism foundations are they truly about journalism are they have bought activism well and that's and that's it I mean can you really take the bias out of it can you take the bias out of it no I don't believe you can so you're always going to have a challenge which is a challenge they began with trying to get people to pay money for your product regardless of how you get the money and what you call yourselves or or what you categorize Well your your company and they're not going to the non profit model because they were making a small profit they're going to the nonprofit model because they could make any progress if they were losing they were they they were nonprofit before they went nonprofit they were losing money they were they were losing money and they were losing money was 60 employees right how do you gain that back and who are going to be these benefactors and what will these benefactors expect out of your newspaper right you'll have to get real creative as as they all do but if you do then there's some kind of business model that will work toward a profit which means because you're attracting readers you're getting people to buy your product we'll see if it happens 86690 right I. 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Try radio. 69 your right eye is our Freightliner run smart helping you run more effectively is. Number one goal I just love the drug headline today on The Drudge Report divided states 2020. Strong in battlegrounds Lou Dobbs better than George Washington Scaramucci he's a cult leader. Ok why are you. Getting air time because he used to support the president for 10 minutes for his home as it was and he's a disgruntled employee. That's what do you. Know you can make money if you like the president and now you hate it. Did he ever like the present I don't get why did you accept the job in the 1st place but you might but these are not the great problems up the movie. This series right I radioed on was a good one. Your listening to Red Eye radio live from the pilot flying j. Studios with the enhanced pilot flying j. App have more control over your fueling and rewards than ever before long drives can be anything but super But you know what is your favorite breakfast for just 599 . 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As in fleets who drive with care and keep our highways safe the red eye radio 1000000 Mile Club devoted to trucking safety register online at Red Eye radio show dot com There's a lot to like in the November December issue of Road King Magazine the Holiday Gift Guide provide some excellent ideas and 4 pages of travel store specials feature something for you and every family member you'll also find other great reading about furry travel buddies avoiding air compressor problems a drivers football game the Delo traveling Technology Lab and a Christmas parody poem written especially for you hey if you're an ultra one loyalty program member watch your email inbox for a Road King readership survey please take a few minutes to complete the survey and share your confidential responses with the Road King editorial staff your feedback will make your preferences known and guide the editorial content Thanks for reading Road King stories intended to keep you informed and entertain echoing the sentiments of travel said it's of America's c.e.o. And the Rev Holtz best wishes to you and your family for a safe joyous holiday season and a happy healthy prosperous New Year. Jade a.d.c. Los Angeles Orange County. Until I 62 Los Angeles. Lakers released Election Day finally a Francis House Democrats have released the 1st transcripts from their closed door hearings in the impeachment inquiry in the Kenyon reports the transcripts spell out the testimony of former u.s. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yvonne of each and Michael McKinley a former top aide to Secretary of State Mike Pompei Oh Adam Schiff the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee says the transcript from a bass Are you fond of it is very telling you will see in Ambassador of on a vicious testimony what a dedicated public servant she is the transcript of Michael McKinley shows he resigned from his post at the State Department just days before his testimony largely to protest the unwillingness of department brass to go to bat for senior diplomats in the face of pressure from the White House Linda Kenyon Washington federal appeals court in New York says president trumps tax returns can be turned over to state criminal investigators the ruling by the 2nd u.s. Circuit Court of Appeals sets the stage for the case they head to the Supreme Court its latest development in the ongoing fight over Mr Trump's financial records. Otos in 4 states will cast ballots today more from Dawn Michaels voters go to the polls today in elections that Democrats and Republicans will use as a snapshot of the national mood amid impeachment proceedings in Washington and a crowded Democratic presidential primary President Trump took to the campaign trail in Mississippi and Kentucky in the hopes of staving off democratic upsets in gubernatorial races from our the people of Kentucky will add to the Ponce and you will vote to reelect your terrific Republican governor Virginia Democrats are hoping to take control of the state legislature while legislative seats are also on the ballot in New Jersey Bill Michaels Washington or b m b it's a great to provide Hawaii with records of many of its own when hosts of the state tries to track down vacation rental operators haven't been to a paying their taxes a 1000000 Francis. Technology truthful to you Buddy Guy told you truth you will certainly send any text about your supervisor to your supervisor what's gentle Spong did she lose that bet.

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