See all of the transcripts that are going to be released probably within the next 5 days I don't know if they're all going to be released on the same day but they're going to be very telling to the American people Democratic Congresswoman Jackie Spear on C.B.S.'s Face the Nation a Fox News poll shows nearly half of voters want President Trump impeached and removed 6 in 10 believe the president did ask foreign leaders to investigate political opponents and 2 thirds say that action is inappropriate in the Real Clear Politics average of polls of potential Iowa voters Mayor Pete booted judge and Senator Elizabeth Warren to lead the Democratic primary race their state caucuses begin in February Americans listening to Fox News. That's the latest from notice of its formal withdrawal from the Paris climate accords once initiated the process will take one year a major shake up at the top of a popular fast food chain Fox says Paul Stevens McDonald's chief executive officer leaving the fast food giant after violating a company policy the company saying now former President and c.e.o. Steve Easterbrook demonstrated poor judgment by gauging in a consensual relationship with an employee McDonald's forbids managers from having romantic relationships with employees Easterbrook admitting to that relationship and saying it was a mistake he tales of a separation package being released on Monday big Donald's board of directors naming McDonald's USA president Chris comes in ski as its new president and c.e.o. Paul Stevens Fox News so much for applauding initiative a Midwest college student told to stop delivering Dell nuts boxes Jane Metzler explains what he one year old Jason kids. A Minnesota college student says he got a phone call from the Nebraska office of Krispy Kreme donuts telling him to stop making weekend donut runs across state lines Gonzales would pack as car with boxes of donuts from the store in Clive Iowa delivering them to people around the Twin Cities St Paul Pioneer Press even did a feature story about him less than a week after that story appeared in the paper he got that phone call claiming his sales created a liability for the North Carolina based company Krispy Kreme closed its stores in Minnesota 11 years ago maybe they think that give the kid a franchise Jango it's for Fox News Bob eyes while the popular spicy chicken sandwich making its return along lines a drive through throughout the country Popeye's choosing to debut the popular sandwich while competitor chick fil a is closed on Sunday. Just date for following mil Robin's Kong for. J. . It's. Fascinating Here's what's happening. On Saturday with experiencing a series of small tremors the Kansas quake hit about 9 o'clock at night Central Time. Northwest of Wichita. About 175 people reported feeling the tremors some as far away as Osborne and Concordia Kansas everybody seems to be Ok a new book claims to shed some light on President Trump's relationship with North Korea and what former President Obama said that Mr Trump could expect when he entered office author Doug we'd interviewed Mr Trump on the issue and was able to read some of the personal letters exchanged between the president and his North Korean counterpart Kim Jong on Kim he said is fascinated by Donald Trump he sees him as a unique figure on the stage of world history and he wants to make history with him the book set for release on November 26th comes at a time when the u.s. Has improved diplomatic relations with North Korea but continues working for concessions on the rogue nations nuke development program just a few days ago North Korea launched a couple more ballistic missile missiles in a test Charles r. Smith one of America's leading experts on cyber technology and the person we go to on North Korean stories with us Charlie what do you think one of the ballistic tests and then Kim's fascination with Donald Trump. Classic North Korean you know hot cold at the same time bad guy good guy sort of act. They'll make nice noises and then fire a missile and then make nice noises and then do a test and. Nothing new on that front although they did manage to penetrate the Indian nuclear reactor recently with their hacker crews boy yeah that was very interesting and of course the nuclear power plant was also heavily involved in the Indian nuclear weapons program so there may have been more to it than just trying to plant some viruses and I guess today we have announced that we have called off war game tests again with South Korea toward the north and I guess that's a pretty good idea isn't it to call it off. For the most part what that does is it encourages the North Koreans to kind of step forward it doesn't give them something to complain about so. All in all we've pretty much had the same play over and over again and I believe I've said all along no war and lots of negotiations and occasional test launches but that's about it well you've been spot on so far Charlie thank you so much Alexei you know that device right that smart device could be a witness in a suspicious Florida death calling the witness Alexa police in Florida are investigating whether they have stumbled on a silent witness to a possible murder and they're trying to get the truth from Alexa Sylvia Cresswell a 32 year old was killed by a spear to the chest at home in Holland Dale Beach Florida north of Miami in July which her husband Adam has portrayed as a mysterious accident but police believe the Amazon echoes smart speaker devices in the home known as unlike saw because of that common wake were the used to activate it may have heard and recorded something relevant during the fatal altercation when the couple argued after a night out we shall see fascinating and as many of you know by now that I may have been the last reporter to talk with Jimmy Hoffa before he disappeared in 1975 he disappeared in July a 75 I was with him in May of 75 and Joyce Keller the psychic sends me this e-mail is some of us hi George Jimmy Hoffa touched in again with me gave me a message just for you he said please tell George that I was buried alive around 6 am and dumped in a Staten Island New York landfill on route 3 Keep in mind he disappeared in Detroit Michigan then he added Please thank George for trying to bring light to a confusing and terrible tragedy that's from Joyce Keller the psychic Apple investors a speculated for years about the possibility that Apple could sell hardware like the i Phone on a subscription basis. Sitzman a hot topic of conversation along analysts because investors tend to value the predictability of recurring revenue so let's check in with Warren Weinstein our expert on these matters what does this mean Lawrence selling things like this on a subscription basis if it's all about trying to have a steady income flow you know if you move from a transactional model to a subscription model whether you're talking about content video audio streaming hardware Phones i Pads whatever. Invest in it investors like a steady income and especially a rising income but take it only when people are holding on to their hardware longer now it's not completely clear clear yet if Apple is going to go you know how far Apple will go in this route next and they've sort of gone into it already because they have financing plans that are spread out and people tend to bundle things but this is kind of standard across the industry now when you have. Companies that have found that their hardware sales have leveled off and have changed in a way that that is unlike the old growth patterns that were you know through the roof originally so if they get people to pay something every month that comes out of the credit card or the bank account automatically they don't think about it they automatically get videos they automatically get a free phone every year they keep paying maybe they pay more as the prices keep going up the investors are happy presumably the users consumers are happy and I think that's the model for the industry now while what's going on too is you know with Netflix and subscription bases you know you're being charged $510.00 a month that's not a lot of money for a lot of people but this is not going to be that cheap is it no and it's gets good to you brought that up because there's going to be a lot of competition for those for those dollars Now even in streaming That's right because with you know there's h.b.o. Plus. Com a coming out from from Warner there's concern that that could cut into Netflix I mean ultimately people have to make a decision where they're going to spend this kind of money on entertainment related functions whether it's hardware or software or streaming or whatever and there are going to be losers and this for sure we don't know who those are going to be all right Lauren thanks I'm sure we'll be talking to you more this week about breaking technology stories ever wonder what would happen if an astronaut died in space does NASA have a plan Well apparently they don't according to an author Colonel Chris Hadfield who recalls that NASA has a training exercise called death the sim but in his book An Astronaut's Guide to Life on earth he talks about do they have protocols in case a national not dies in space it's a fascinating story we'll try to get him on as a future guest in a moment biblical prophecy prophecy Benjamin broke back with us on Coast to Coast will get into all his work next on coast to coast am. 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And welcome back to coast to coast George Norry with you some of the things you're going to hear tonight about biblical prophecy could frighten you could disturb you but we want to tell you about it Benjamin Button back with us a professional financial advisor author public speaker licensed as a chartered financial analyst and a certified public accountant a c.p.a. Acts as a financial advisor to some of the largest privately held real estate companies in the country is academic background includes studies in international finance economics at u.c.l.a. Graduate studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in Israel and the history and psychologies of the Middle East conflict. And you've been welcomed back it's been a while well thank you George it's great to be here tell me how a professional financial advisor got involved in biblical prophecy and that's a pretty interesting segue but honestly in studying the history of the financial markets which when I was at u.c.l.a. I did my thesis work on the post Renaissance economic order and I look back at the history of the economy all the way back to the Renaissance and my very 1st professor was well aware of the control of the economies of Europe in the hands of I guess you would say the elite or the the shadow government which is what we refer to them as today and so the existence of an unseen hand that was guiding the markets manipulating the markets and basically consolidating wealth and power in the hands of the few was really obvious if you knew what to look for and the only explanation for the activities of such a group that really made any logical sense was the unseen hand of Satan if you will as described in Bible prophecy so you know I guess I stumbled into the reality that these dark forces have been manipulating world history as far back as the records would take us into that you know 14 or 15 centuries Benjamin What does the Bible say about a financial collapse another ruled war does it get into that Oh absolutely it's very precise in terms of the events that are going to take place in the near future here in our country and and of course you know we're the largest economy and and the current political and military leader of the West So as goes America so goes the world and so the war that's coming and then the related financial collapse will not only affect our country. It affects all of the nations now if there's a collapse when can it be and what will it look like well it's very good question I mean today the economy is basically a it's a it's a poke among system it's a fictitious system you know in today's world all of the governments are running massive deficit spending they're printing money with a program which they call quantitative easing and we're not the only offender and we're the cleanest dirty shirt in the laundry if you will because in Europe today the entire German bond market has negative interest rates. In the United States is one of the only countries that is a major debtor that is still offering some positive interest albeit we're we're pretty close to 0 as well so we've had a Ponzi scheme recovery financed with with perpetual borrowing and our national debt has risen from roughly 8 trillion dollars at the time of the 08 financial crisis to $23.00 trillion today we will never pay the principle back Europe will never pay the principle back no one can pay the principle and into Days rolled the governments of the world can't even afford to pay interest anymore so it's really a Ponzi scheme or a shell game if you will and the only question is when does the music stop. Well that's right and when it stops it's going to stop in a big way it's almost like that game we played as kids what was that Jerry game where we had like a call chairs Exactly yeah only this time when the music stops everybody is going to realize there are no chairs in the room the voice of the elite left the building and they took the few chairs with them and the general public will absorb the entire loss and what does the Bible in terms of biblical prophecy point to in terms of clues for us that this is on the horizon Well the scriptures are actually quite profound when you look closely at the Biblical writings you know but you've got to understand the context of these scriptures much of Bible prophecy is is written in symbolic form in the sense that the main players on the stage the un United States of America Russia. Communist China they're not named per se you know the United States is referred to as part of Mystery Babylon Russia is referred to as a land of Raasch China is referred to as the kings of the east so you have to understand how the modern players are identified and in terms of the scriptural writings and then you can begin to look at what the Scriptures declare with respect to the United States where the nations the leader of the nations if you will and we are in the position of Babylon which was the superpower at the time of the prophetic writings when Babylon was the kingdom that had conquered much of the known world Babylon also conquered Israel took the Jewish people into slavery and Babylon ruled the earth for 70 years and Jeremiah prophesied that Babylon would come and conquer Israel and would conquer all of the known nations in that region and would rule for said. In 2 years and then would be suddenly judged by God and in Germany a $25.00 verse 12 Jeremiah States after 70 years God declared he would judge both the king of Babylon and that nation which is ancient Babylon and in fact it this is happened exactly where the media Persian army came in in the middle of the night under the cover of darkness they quietly they had blocked up the river that ran under the walls of Babylon and with the river stopped the media Persian army could slip quietly under the wall in the middle of the night they killed the royal family much of the military leadership and when the people woke up in the morning it was over. And yet the media Persian system they didn't take the Babylonian citizens into slavery Cyrus who was the king of media Persia at the time the 1st thing he did was guarantee the property rights and the personal safety of the Babylonian citizens and everybody was told we've got a new king but it don't be too upset about it just go back to work go to your job open your business the only thing that's going to change is you're going to mail your tax return to one media purge Avenue and the people went by. You know we're fine with that well in that same verse in German 25 years 12 we're told that in addition to God judging ancient Babylon after 70 years he would also judge the land of the Kal DNS which would become a perpetual desolation following its judgment and then the balance of that chapter George deals with events that did not occur in the fall of ancient Babylon and the events that are described actually pertain to the judgment at the end of the age and so you know most Bible students who look into Bible prophecy they are familiar with the reference Mystery Babylon you know more and more people are also comfortable with the understanding that America is the current Babylon if you will in the end time and most people are also aware of the reference to the land of the Kal DNS but the average Bible student assumes that the land of the Kal DNS is merely another reference to the name of the nation of Babylon Well nothing could be further from the truth because the cow the ins were actually a separate country that's right and they the leadership of the cow the instate were actually all sorcerers the name Kal dn and Hebrew means professional sorcerer so when the count d.n. Elite sort of immigrated or infiltrated into the country of. Babylon they ultimately assumed power in a silent coup and they replaced the Babylonian kings with a kal d.m. King and so a deep state had done a silent coup at which point Mystery Babylon went from being just another country to a world superpower and it's an exact picture of what happened in our country where for much of our history from our birth and 776 through the 19th century we were an isolationist country we were just another member of the national community but when the deep state when the cow DNS who were the professional sorcerers of our era when they acquire political control in our country basically during and after the World War 2 period in time once they had essentially assumed control of our political process it was at that point that the United States began to be lifted up as a world superpower and and so the parallels are are there stylish and when you start looking at the detail Benjamin What does the Bible say about Russia or the former Soviet Union both of which were really not in existence when the Bible was written that that's true it was the land of Raj and. The name Russia itself wasn't referenced in Bible prophecy nor was the United States of America but if you look at the Scriptures in Germany $50.51 the United States is referred to as the hindermost nation and the word for hindermost in the Hebrew is the Word doc and it means the last. And the final superpower that word also translates one other place in scripture in Genesis where it translates as in the West so Bible prophecy was telling us at the end of the age the final superpower would rise in the West and in other references in Bible prophecy were told that it would be pictured as an eagle and that it would actually build a nest in the stars which of course is our international space station that was built centrally with American technology so the United States is very clearly the world's final superpower Russia is the enemy of America and it will be the leader of the the alliance of nations includes what China includes with China and North Korea and Iran Syria. Iraq Venezuela just going to turn on a softer We got rid of Saddam Well you know their loyalties run about as deep as their skin but if you don't for me lately but in any event and alliance of nations will come against our country after we have ruled over the nations for 70 years similar to ancient Babylon what's fascinating George is I went back and really studied the history of the county and dynasties and the county as were masters of all forms of incantation sorcery and witchcraft similar to the secret societies that practice the same mystery religion of essentially occultism Stay with us Benjamin we're going to take a quick break but we're going to come back for more we'll take calls with you next hour here's our 1st emerging artists shades of j. From Mission v.a. Home California the song is called Easy morning Monday all their websites are linked up and coast to coast am dot com So go take a look they're fascinating people they're great. Artists and they just know what they're doing all the time. And we're going to you know that was it that was our short little clip there so we'll just get ready for our break here at coast to coast and let you take over in just a moment when again just go to your website coast to coast am dot com All the artists are out there. Shades of Jay They were from Mission Viejo California so Tuesday night is a luncheon and for news will bring you complete coverage with the latest technology up to the minute results the race for San Francisco district attorney the fleet and affordable housing with local analysis from political experts and the plan for news team stay with long for news starting your day and delivering results all morning long run for news your local election headquarters. At 2 international man on line. Proposed to her and she said yes to both. Yes Mary but I think with. The forced their their issue. Either. These she kept for both of this story. Dr Phil to date for. 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The beautiful cat who's calico and kind of tiger striped Ok And how old is Layla Layla is 8 years old and she came in one her owner could no longer care for her but she's having a little trouble getting adopted because she's getting overlooked by all the young cute kittens that we have gotten her yeah so her adoption free he is actually free ordain your price throughout the rest of the month for our to catch a killer sale spoke kept ular high like that yeah I like that so it is 8 for a cat does that kind of olders at normal or what how does a cat Dharma gift they can be you know sometimes 15 to 20 years old so I think she's about middle age but she's really really sweet and friendly so she sits on my lap sometimes while I work once she finds her spot she's not going to move from top down and she's ready to cuddle but you know don't ask her to move once she's comfortable Well there you go spooktacular sale going on how do you if somebody wants to adopt a label and I love the name Leila too but if somebody wants to adopt Layla What do they need to do a kid look her up on a chest p.p.r. Dot org slash adopt or they could come on down to 4600 Eagle Ridge place in plateau between noon and 4 30 pm any day of the week to take a look at her and visit with her when they go we can't make it much easier than that I guess exactly and you know she is free right now but any donations are appreciated as they help us run our shelter operations and keep all the cats warm and safe during this time of year there you go that's the critical thing this time your humane society the Pike's Peak region Kate appreciate you talking with us. Thank you for your time. As the next emerging artist Casey Philips from some California. Casing with the fire the song goes call that. Coast to Coast with George Noory we're going to take calls with Benjamin Button who connects Star Wars we talked about biblical prophecy His latest book The Day of the Lord is at hand I believe in that 7th edition we'll talk with him about that as well and of course the Art Bell vault is available Tom's got more details for you it sure is in the vault just keeps on rolling along it's the Art Bell vault it's a collection of classic Art Bell programs got all the good ones got Eddings interviews father Malakai Martin the late Colonel Philip Corso Dr Evelyn Paganini on black magic in which is it's all great old. And it's all with out interruption so this is classic audio you really don't want to miss this it's a good time to be an insider and if you're not an insider just get over to the coast to coast am dot com website all the details are right there and I'll tell you more about how to become an insider next hour we'll be back with more with Benjamin but who can a moment on coast to coast am. 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Text path to 79645 start on the path to earning your m.b.a. Or business analytics master's degree on line from the w.p. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University today learn more about the graduate programs from the top ranked w.p. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University offered 100 percent online text path to 79645 that's p a t h T's 79645. Venture into coast to coast page 590 case yesterday dot com keyword coast to coast am. Bam Welcome back to coast to coast Ga nor with the Along with Benjamin but who could just Benjamin are we in the 7th edition now of the day of the Lord is at hand the book was originally published in 1908 and it's been updated over the last 21 years to basically take into account of all the events that have occurred because a whole lot is unfolded since I was 1st shown the event that would occur at some point affecting both the nation and the world and you know it's fascinating George the. The Scriptures are very clear that the United States will also have a 70 year period in which it ruled or reign had its reign over the nation the question is Where do you benchmark the beginning of that 70 years and you know if I look at the events following World War 2 were all of the global institutions were put into position everything from the general agreement of trade and tariffs to the Marshall Plan to the u.n. To the World Health Organization and to all of this structure which was really created in the 474849 window with the final signing of the NATO treating in April of 1949 sensually lifting America up as the de facto ruler of the free or the Western world at that point America clearly became the predominant power and if you will took the position of Mystery Babylon or the White Horse of the Book of Revelation and what's fascinating is under the tradition of the cow the in dynasties the 1st year that a new came his crown is counted as the year of ascension and the year of their reign only begins when they begin a full year so if $149.00 was the year that America ascended as a global power the $950.00 would be the 1st year of its reign and that would place the year 2020 is the 70th year of our rule over the nations and you know true to form we are headed into a vortex of world crises you know the world is at the brink of political chaos financial chaos and the world is also moving closer and closer to what will become a global war and I was shown the attack on the United States in $911.00 about 6 weeks prior to the event in which I had a dream and I witnessed our country attacked by. 2 commercial aircraft from United and 2 from American Airlines and then I witnessed the aftermath of the nuclear war and I mean actually mention this on a program with Art Bell back in 2003 and Jeff Niklas who was a close friend of mine was the 1st person that I told this dream to actually in the middle of the night and and he came on and confirm that I indeed had seen those incredible details regarding 9116 weeks before the event Well we are now getting preparers that close to the 2nd half of my dream which was a global world war that ends in a nucular conflagration and you know aside from Bible prophecy pointing to the reality that this war is coming when you look at the real world evidence when you examine the facts on the ground Russia's actions over the last few years from their propaganda blitz to their development of new 5th generation weapons to recent military preparations in mobilization a clear picture emerges Russia is actually preparing for war and when you contrast that with that terrible lack of readiness of u.s. Forces and our entire military posture changed from confronting a global power to fighting an insurgency over the last 20 years we reorganize our military to occupy 3rd world cities instead of confronting another equal class world power and we're not really even equipped to handle an actual war against a full like Russia or China and what's really alarming is the recent report by the national defense strategy Commission actually made a statement warning that the u.s. Military could suffer unacceptably high casualty rates or might struggle to win or perhaps even lose a war against China or Russia and that we were particularly at risk of being overwhelmed should our military be forced to fight on 2 or more fronts simultaneously. Well in the end let me ask you this so Benjamin Why would Russia or China want a war when nobody really wins with nukes Well that's part of the propaganda that they created in order to keep the west Asli nuclear war is definitely winnable and the advances in nuclear weapons technology have been you know the technology has moved quite a bit forward since the 1940 s. And today's nuclear weapons can be used surgically without completely destroying the environment and the Russians in the Chinese actually believe they can win so we you know I've been in the navy 9 years I know that our submarines are trained in the sub Mariners are trained to launch if the subs do not hear from the continental United States in certain amounts of time because then they know there's been some kind of nuke attack or something horrible has gone wrong it's a it's a dangerous possibility of communications ever go down God help us but our subs will launch Benjamin if if something happens to the United States but how many tridents do we really have at sea at any one time no more nobody knows really well . There was a top secret Russian and a rainy in a military planning document that was. Discovered in the last year and it was the title of it was Pearl Harbor $2.00 and in this planning document which was a from a rush and fence journal it outlined a plan to sink the entire u.s. Navy in an afternoon using hypersonic missiles the Russians have anti-submarine torpedoes that are 20 megaton nuclear weapons they all they have to do is get close and they've got Wake tracking technologies using satellites they know approximately where ours are boomers are at any one time and you know if you consider the fact that we stopped the manufacture of nuclear weapons in the early 1990 s. Because of environmental concerns the u.s. Nucular arsenal is on average 25 years old or older right and the Russians have talked me 12000 a.b.m. Missiles using x. Ray detonation warheads in outer space they can stop most of what we would get out of the you know out of the sea or out of the ground. Actually the Russian calculations indicate they would lose less people in a nuclear war with the United States than they lost in a single day of fighting Stalin grad. Why would they want to war why would anybody want war anymore you know that's a good question that when Jeff Nyquist and Colonel Stanislav Luna of went to the CIA to debrief the Russian desk the head CIA manager of the Russian desk asked that very question and Luna have sat back and said Are you serious he was a career officer in the Kremlin why he's the one who said there are suitcase nukes in this country that Margaret Yeah who'd have sat back and said I can assure you that as a career officer in the Russian military for 30 years we trained for one thing and one thing only an eventual nucular war with the United States the only thing that the Russians system has as its ultimate objective is to destroy the United States and then be in a position to negotiate a bipolar world with the European powers does the Book of Revelation talk about that absolutely it does it says that the anti-Christ and the 10 kings who will rule with the beast for one hour will hate the woman mistreat Babylon America that they will at 1st they will rob her and strip her naked That was the 2008 financial crisis and the bailout that was really a bank robbery and then it says they will eat her flesh which is where we're at today and then it says they will burn our cities with fire and the 10 kings who rule with the Anti-Christ they're going to actually use Russian and Chinese troops and technologies to get the job done what people don't understand is that communism and satanism are essentially the same organism the top people in the communist prolife euro are actually either part of the Illuminati or they are allies of the Illuminati so it's all one red dragon it's all one red beast and the reds are just one of the affiliated organizations is Putin behind this Putin is certainly the the guy that was chosen as the figurehead but he's probably not the highest power broker in. Russia and you know today's Russia if we look at the reality it's the former Soviet Union in everything but the name and if they really had a Perestroika and they really embrace democracy why was no one ever arrested and prosecuted for any of the the crimes against humanity that occurred under the Soviet regimes because the oligarchs that now control Russia's economy are figureheads for the Communist Party which is still very much in power you know the Russian several Russian military officials warned us early on that the Soviet Union was planning a massive campaign of deception that would include a fake collapse designed to fool the west into thinking the Cold War had ended and that we had won and you know they were does intended to convince us that they had given up their rotten little empire and all we needed to know was that it was over and so America convinced itself that we won the Cold War the educated opinion in the West accepted the collapse of the Soviet Union as authentic and the West embrace Russia's new quote Democracy as if it was real and nothing could correct this misunderstanding. What was you know no criticism or warning from abroad would ever stem the victors sickness the came over our country after all this happens calamity doesn't the book arrival Asian basically talk about a more glorious ending that it's really you know that once we go through the horror of all this it gets better well it's definitely to get better when Jesus comes back but the world war that is going to take place which is the next major event of Bible prophecy is actually going to set the stage for the rise of the anti-christ Kingdom in the one world government which is pictured in Daniel Chapter 7 where Daniel saw the 4 beast or the 4 kingdoms that would come to power before the return of Jesus Christ and he was shown a lion with eagle's wings the lion is England the eagle's wings represents America which came out of England next he was shown a bear that's Russia he was shown a leopard with 4 heads Nazi Germany and then he was shown the 4th bees that represented a union of all of these empires the one world government under the United Nations but in this vision Daniel witnessed and he said to the eagle's wings were plucked or torn off of the lion that's World War 3 in which America is destroyed and then the line was lifted up above the earth and it was caused to stand on its feet as a man and the heart of a man was given unto the beast that's the rise of the anti-christ Kingdom which will come to power following World War 3 which Bible prophecy would indicate we should see World War 3 in the next one to 2 years and we we really are that close I was talking with some of my friends that are either directly related to or formally were part of the intelligence community and I had a brief career in military intelligence as well and. The. The inside scoop if you will at this point in time is that we are very very close to the war that's scary it is well it's very scary but you know here's the good news if you there's good news you know and if you're wanted look carefully at the truth that the events that will preceded the actual outbreak of war between the United States and its enemies will be preceded by what is known as the overture period and once the overture begins if you know what to look for you'll have a pretty good handle heads up clue that we're within a few weeks of the missiles flying and you know at that point time you probably want to get out of the major cities that are going to be targeted for destruction. About this coming global economic collapse I assume that comes 1st strike I would think so I mean that certainly seems to be the strategy that they're pursuing and you know if you look at the world today the United States is running these massive trade deficits we continue to export somewhere between $700000000000.00 and a Let's just round up to a trillion a year in American debt in exchange for all of the goods and products that we import and consume from all over the world and we're the net winner in that exchange because the nations of the world are accumulating more and more American paper or American debt that pays next to 0 interest and we get the b.m.w. Z and the oil and and all of the products produced by all of our trading partners at some point in time the system is going to stop because the reason it hasn't stopped yet nobody has an alternative the world has essentially train itself into a corner and nobody wants to be the 1st country to admit that the system is simply broke and it can't be fixed so I suspect that the nations are waiting for an excuse for the collapse for example the next major terrorist attack in the United States would be a good trigger mechanism for the house of cards to begin to fall apart but you know all of the nations realize we're in the final innings of this baseball game and there's no way to win because we can never pay this debt back George there's no way we're going to pay hundreds of billions trillions of dollars of debt with economies that they can't even function to pay interest on the debt so you know it's if you look at it logically we're already in the final stage of the debt trap and you know that at the end of the day they could cancel the debt we could sit back and say look we simply can't pay all this back just cancel all of the government debt all over the world but that would mean everybody's retirement plan just went to 0 everything goes to 0 Yeah everything goes as. The people that own the hard assets get all the wealth the people who had invested in in the you know if paper assets now get nothing and it's that kind of a wealth transfer usually results in a war anyway because the people who end up with nothing are typically quite upset about the results when with Benjamin the road his latest book is called The Day of the Lord is at hand the 7th edition but you also wrote a book with your friend Jr Nyquist right we did we published a book entitled The new tactics of global war reflections on the changing balance of power in the final days of peace and pretty much outlines the reality that our enemies are preparing for war against us the preparations have been long they're well advanced and you know the scary thing George is even with our technological advantage over these countries. Their ability to steal all of our military secrets and and put assets into production faster than us is astonishing one of our latest breakthrough technologies in the military field is known as the rail gun which is an electromagnetic gun that accelerates a solid projectile $25.00 pound lead projectile at essentially like Mach 5 Mach 6 in 10 milliseconds the projectile is coming out with the force of a freight train and it destroys anything in its path a 100 miles out it will destroy anything and yet we're 2 to 3 years away from deployment of this new weapon system on our naval platforms the Chinese have already deployed essentially our technology they stole the secrets out of our labs and with their manufacturing capability there are already manufacturing our rail gun which tells you know how far behind this race we really are I want to talk when we come back at the top of the hour about the your thoughts on climate change which are pretty far from profound Benjamin aren't they yeah they are and they're also very real coming from the highest echelons of the scientific community give us your Web site if you would it's Benjamin Baruch n j a m i n b a r u c h dot net or just type my name in Benjamin Brut or you can find me on You Tube There's a ton of material everything that you've talked about so far are the things that will be or could be there are things that are absolutely certain to can they be stopped no they cannot but the outcome or the impact on your life can be dramatically changed because there's going to be people that are protected and people that survive and people that are actually part of what will be the aftermath you know the United States is going to be attacked World War 3 is coming but we're not going to lose the American people why not because the country's going to turn back to the truth. Anyone may lose a significant portion of our population but not everybody is going to be destroyed in the war and the war is going to end and the survivors are going to turn back to the true God of heaven while we still have our own autonomy our own country I think we very much stay with that we'll be back with more this is our next emerging artists John Fluker from Lansing Michigan with the song in the beginning. Find out more about tonight's guest to coast to coast am dot com. course there is another issue Ali has never met her fiance she kept ish date for both.

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