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012 whether that or make that 3 I'm Jane Metzler Fox News 2 massive winter storm systems that made a mass for Thanksgiving travelers started in California dumping snow in the southern part of that state northeast of l.a. Thousands of people still without power after a snow storm slammed the area because of road closures they may not get power back until Monday some flight delays reported in San Francisco as another storm makes its way inland American Airlines is reporting most of its delays or an ob state New York Buffalo if a koan Syracusan the f.a.a. Has now slowed down a rival's to airports throughout the Northeast including Boston New York Philadelphia and out in San Francisco all because of the weather at last check delays are substantially increasing right now at New York City airports and also in Washington d.c. And as well as l.a.x. Fox's math in National Weather Service meteorologist marchin ard says some parts of upstate New York and New England could get several feet of snow several weather related fatalities has willing quoting 4 children in 2 states Dear Chairman NAVL or the president is passing White House counsel Pat simple lone responding to a letter from House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerry Nadler the President Trump will not be participating in that committee's 1st impeachment hearing who will be will hear from 4 separate witnesses these will be constitutional scholars 3 scholars who will essentially say that the president in terms of what was done as it relates to Ukraine committed high crimes and misdemeanors and one witness that the Republicans put forward saying that this is not jump over that barrier that's Fox's John Decker the hearings Wednesday America's list of fun. for the holidays from Fox News Channel. It happened after the annual rambling Southern football game at least 10 people wounded when shots rang out in New Orleans French Quarter early Sunday morning investigators are trying to piece together what led to the early morning incident but according to New Orleans police superintendent Sean Ferguson There is no certainty on who was behind it all officers are at all here throughout this entire incident within feet when it incident occurred and fortunately there were so many people I one able to determine who was actually far in the shots at that time Ferguson called it a cowardly and senseless act there was a person being questioned but it wasn't known early on if that person was involved New Orleans mayor Latoya Cantrell says police will get to the bottom of what happened going all Scott Fox News if you didn't find what you wanted on Black Friday there is always Cyber Monday consumers did some record breaking shopping online on both Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday dropping a whopping 11 point. $6000000000.00 e-commerce behemoths and smaller retailers are both seeing an increase in online sales experts say the shopping is not done consumers are expected to spend even more on Cyber Monday possibly setting a new record with an estimated $9400000000.00 in sales up 18.9 percent from last year boxes and Carrick actress Shelley Morrison died Sunday of heart failure at the age of $83.00 her career spanning more than half a century. She played Sister 6 side Sally Field in the Flying Nun starting in 1967 more recently Morrison played Salvador in maid Rosario Salazar on willing Grace she was only booked to appear in one episode on the hit comedy but quickly became a fan favorite remains on the shall. This experience. I step outside and you'll likely notice some type of secondhand smoke in the air this is in part thanks to the forms of smoking secondhand smoke isn't just a cigarette issue anymore with growing variety and forms a smoking over half of Californians are now at risk of exposure to toxic chemicals in secondhand smoke and all of it is harmful it smells like a strawberry even when it's Miles likes Go learn how to protect yourself and your family because there's no such thing as safe secondhand smoke is it secondhand dangerous dot org this year and get it he celebrates 30 years and 30 winters with exceptional offers on all infinity he lacks 5060 and Q x 80 S.U.V.s visit your Bay Area infinity challenge day for the Infinity winter sales of that because luxury city lived in. M m m m m m m m. M m m m m. M m. M. M m. Good evening wherever you may be across the world I'm George. For the 1st night as we wrap up our Thanksgiving weekend ahead later on tonight seeing is believing e.s.p. Here's what's happening at least 10 people were wounded Sunday in an early morning shooting in New Orleans in the French Quarter area the shooting unfolded around 3 21 am when the officers with the New Orleans Police Department heard gunfire when they arrived at the scene at the 700 block of Canal Street they discovered multiple individuals had been struck by gunfire nearly a dozen people were shot to him who are in critical condition according to authorities investigators said someone was detained near the scene but they do not know of that person's possible involvement for police officers who are among the nearly 2 dozen people killed after security forces engaged in an hour long gun battle with suspected cartel members Saturday in a Mexican town near the u.s. Border after the president said that he was moving to designate Mexican drug cartels as terror organizations at least 21 people dead out there investigators. Have grown used to St Nicholas leaving an extra president of their trees at the end of the year and in 2100 the so-called Santa Claus rally could power the major benchmarks to record setting gains once again the Santa Claus rally is Wall Street's nickname for the unusually strong stock market gains typically seen during the final 5 trading days of the year in the 1st 2 trading days of the following year let's check in with Michelle Black Michael our registered investment advisor you're surprised that the stock market's still still so strong aren't you I am George we've talked about that before but December is normally a strong month about roughly about 3 quarters of the time it goes up we're already on gains of about 25 percent so far this year need a few more to put it into one of the biggest annual gains ever and so yeah and this is on top of huge gains over the last 2 years the futures are up tonight George about 10 points so he's right now tomorrow looks good at least as we're sitting here now the interesting thing though George is earnings per share are actually down there they're down about a percent this year so we're looking at stocks that keep powering ahead even though earnings haven't gone anywhere so you know that's a huge disconnect from where I from her high set Legg Mason a big research firm came out today they're saying a 50 percent chance of a recession next year be about the lines of where I see things so stocks keep powering more and more into smaller and smaller smaller segments George I don't know I've been wrong about this but that's where we're sitting well it's not over yet but who knows what Santa will bring under that. Sure he stays Thanks Miss will talk to you soon all of a travelers can go home again but it will take far longer than expected with snow ice and rain slowing the busiest u.s. Travel day of the Thanksgiving weekend on Sunday as much as 6 inches of snow expected to blanket the greater Boston area in the Monday with less predicted for New York changing to rain in both cities it was pouring over the weekend in St Louis and powerful winds forecast for Chicago as well it's just a rough travel weekend for everybody almost a quarter of the young people are so dependent on the smartphones that it becomes an addiction suggested by researchers in psychiatry the study from Kings College in London such addictive behavior means that people become panicky or even upset if they are denied constant access to their phones a new breed of Apple that took decades to develop costing 10000000 dollars lasts for up to a year in the refrigerator has gone on sale today in the United States it's called the Cosmic crest it's a crossbreed of the Honeycrisp in enterprise Apple and was 1st cultivated by Washington State University in 1997 it took $10000000.00 to launch this we'll see what happens and Hong Kong Police fired tear gas to disperse thousands of anti-government protesters in Hong Kong indeed a rare at all lol in violence as residents took to the streets chanting revolution of our time and liberate Hong Kong 50 years ago after the 1st moon landing an American triumph that gripped the world China marked the start of 2019 with its own lunar achievement a Chinese probe landed on the far side of the moon in early January broadcasting for the 1st time in human history images of the crater surface that faces away from the Earth it's been billed as a friendly Explorer of the latest step in humanity's mission to better understand and exploit the u. . Anniversary around us but some space exploration experts have begun to wonder about China's real purpose for space let's check in with Mike Baer author of ancient aliens and j.f.k. Mike what do you think about the Chinese situation well it's pretty fascinating because they're developing technology that we actually don't have ourselves and they were able to put a satellite in orbit that could bounce the signals from the far side of the moon back to the earth and that's something we've never been able to do or even try to do in the last 50 years as we landed Apollo so they're getting ahead of us in certain developments they're working on a brand new g.p.s. System it's going to be their own g.p.s. System called they do and it it's going to have more satellites than our own current g.p.s. Really quickly it's already got about 10 more and they're going to add 11 more satellites in the next year or so so the Chinese are going full throttle developing new high technology for space because you know space is the ultimate high ground it's the it's not just the final frontier it's maybe the next battle. And what about the possibility though of some kind of true war with the United States well you know I mean we have documents from Wiki Leaks that talk about there there was a secret u.s. Base on the moon that was actually steroid by the Russians back in 1079 and so there may have already then or is happening in space and other Russians that has the candidates that want try to see if they can sit down American satellites and China's obviously a lot further than that and I think very clearly if we there's going to be a World War 3 it's absolutely going to start in space I think you're right Mike thank you I hope you had a great Thanksgiving talk to you soon anomalies in space speaking of space things on the Moon other planets what are they what do they all mean in a moment Rick Sterling joins us we'll talk about planetary anomalies and global space exploration next on coast to coast am. It's not marijuana it's no prescription 100 percent legal and available to my listeners from c.b. Distillery dot com Here are the facts when it comes to c.b.d. Kind of a dial the reported health benefits can be very very compelling c.b.d. 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And welcome back to coast to coast George Norry with you let's talk about some strange space anomalies with Rick Stirling back with us 1st became fascinated with space travel back in 1964 when the United States launched the Mariner for the very 1st successful Mars probe and in addition the film Robinson Crusoe on Mars got him sparked into his interest in space exploration He's a member of the Mars Society with Robert Zubrin the Planetary Society and the Space dot com space reporters network rec walkin back I hope you had a great Thanksgiving I didn't read to be back to excrete great to have you to say that there's something exciting about space whether we launch men and women up there or not it's just an exciting proposition isn't oh it's unbelievably exciting and I think it's the main thing that to have to be developed you just mentioned about these some of these shootings we need something to the focus the people of the country especially the young people want something very positive. And I think space is the thing that Fatt what satisfies the natural curiosity of everybody but it's it's such a positive thing that the international cooperation that we can develop in space the technology which of the you know people are fascinated with and just the act of going out and exploring is something that's so unbelievable I mentioned last time that about my ancestor being so branches break and he certainly understood the importance of exploration but exploration is the key to I think to calming things down on the planet and just creating a much better Planetary Civilization that can reach outward into the solar system and hopefully someday beyond it'll be exciting Tuesday by the way I'm interviewing Colonel Chris Hadfield one of our many astronauts looking forward to him he has written a new book called The astronauts Guide to Life on Earth and it's just so fantastic we were dear friends of the late the Edgar Mitchell astronaut Apollo 14 what a great guy he was a wreck I think he was magnificent. You know he conducted e.s.p. Experiments on board the Apollo 14 mystery and he had some interesting results. Dr Robert shako I mentioned before a new ad Mitchell And Ed Mitchell had commented one time about the erosion patterns on the strength and he made a statement to the effect that if it was proven that the the spring has these type of water Rhodesian patterns it would be sort of a revolution in our understanding of the evolution of man and its history and I think that's almost an understatement but yes he was a he was a great man I agree with Dr Sharp he was a great man highly intelligent very knowledgeable and just you know an excellent excellent astronaut owner of remember the times when he was. Walking on the moon with Al Shepherd on Apollo 14 that light went out you know that became the 1st golfer on the touch right and it's like a 2 mile drive or. Something like that yeah he wasn't being held back by gravity at that point cannot exactly exactly these anomalies that you've been looking at that throughout our solar system maybe beyond what fascinates you so much about the Shrek. That's a good question I think it's the fact that they could be evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence you know I mentioned the last time I was on about the company anomalies on the lunar farside crater in the at conveys in. The beginning the crater parcel was the that's right that was pictured by a fall Apollo 15 took that one didn't have problems with Cain and the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has taken a high resolution photographs of that if you go to the doctor car lot of paper image analysis of unusual structures on the far side of the moon crater followers are some of the. We have extremely high resolution around about point 5 meters residue pixels point 5 meters per pixel So you're talking about you know half a meter resolution so we have a you know we there's a great deal of information about those 2 particular objects that just don't make any sense they look like they've been sections of and have been excavated and as Dr Stephens paper there's nothing like it ever been seen anywhere else on the moon that says to me something highly unusual is there because if there's never been anything proto graph like this before it looks like it isn't just a natural geological structure and also there's a like a passageway in between one of the main object or the passageway that goes underground It almost looks like some sort of you know older house near the whatever mining operation that was going to take out probably millions of years ago and one of the things that we could do NASA is you know working on this project Artemus that the president has so magnificently created and it includes a lot of unmanned missions and Rovers and there are types of unmanned vehicles Well there's one called on the moon diver and there's another one being developed I think by space that. Little little spider like and that they can go into inside the lab a tubes or holes in the in the moon. And then vest again underground though it seems to make students possible I would strongly recommend that NASA send an unmanned rover along with its underground exploration capability into that area I would just love I would love to be the 1st 2 astronauts that land there this thing and find out what it is it will why I would I would give my weight in gold to. Go down inside this cavern if there artifacts are something down there I would just love to be the 1st one to to explore it and find out what they are and I think we've talked before about what's going to happen to the NASA budget if one of these objects or group of objects is proven to be artifacts it's going to it's going to you know it's going to become astronomical at that point and NASA will no longer have any more problems getting funding and I guarantee you that would they tell us Rick what they would find if it was unusual. I had I think I think with this particular president I think Mr compas President Trump I should say is is more open than any other president I've ever seen and I think that he and not only that he just looks at things differently from he's not a politician he's a businessman and he's really. He almost looks he just looks at things differently and with a sort of. Innovative and interesting way of looking at things so I think he would probably take a good look at the possibility of something coming out I think that we don't know what you know what the government might there might still be some concerns I have the government how the public will react I don't think the government's public's going to react negatively at all there was a recent study done by Arizona State University which showed that the public will react positively to microbial and intelligent life and this was done on an international basis so all the empirical data all the studies that have been done in the last. 20 years or more all of them indicate that the public including even fundamentalist Christians won't overreact or panic or anything about this so I I think that that you know if there was a possibility of that and I still think that's on likely you know 50 years ago it's certainly not probable or even likely today I think the public will react very calmly and very possibly to it I think they'll be an immediate interest in the public a passive nation and a media desire to get up there and explore these these anomalies as soon as possible well I think what's probably possible too is you know you know if the government came out and said we're being visited by eighty's from other solar systems most people would say we know it we knew it I don't think I think you're right I don't think they panic they may have 2040 years ago but I don't think today I even question the 20 or 34 years ago I have never believed that the public would panic or remember or the world's they ran crazy on that one well they weren't crazy but there's a lot of evidence now and there was an article on Slate magazine several years ago which showed that basically that was completely overblown that many of people a lot of the stations didn't even cover it they did a survey right afterwards and showed that it was essential a no panic by anybody that was made you know what it was millions of people the panic if anybody panicked It was a few 1000 and the most and even they warn you know been out of buildings or anything like that so I really believe you know that the most recent data on the the Orson Welles broadcast strongly indicates that that was overblown that the and there was virtually no panic at all and I think that's another indication that the public you know is a lot calmer you know American people have gone through a lot in there and their time in the 200 some years you know sure gone through wars and. Assassinations unfortunately on them tragedies and so many depressions I don't think. And there's no indication and if there are aliens out there visiting is I don't know if there are but if they are there's no indication they're trying to attack us or anything like that so I just think it's highly unlikely that the public is going to overreact to to you know visitation and certainly not overreact to things like microbes on Mars or artifacts and maybe millions or even begins a years old works to really know what's most here Rick what was it about this crater on the moon's far side that really got you interested in it but I just read a section of this of the of the actual abstract by Dr Collado He says the authors present an analysis of Apollo 15 and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter images of 2 unusual features in the crater are celibacy on the far side of the moon at 1st glance these 3 these structures appear to be walls or towers on the lunar surface by combining multiple images we show that the larger feature oriented in a north east south west direction is not simply a wall but 2 walls on either side of a narrow valley or passageway using single women shape from shading and 3 to terrain visual aids visualization we show in a computer generated perspective you are looking north east that the Southwest and appears to be an entrenched to a passageway a reverse angle of view looking south west shows the passageway ending in a rise of terrain at the other end possibly leading underground the terrain surrounding the 2 structures is not flat but appears excavated by some on the mechanism natural artificial I mean to me that that Esk excavation is that it's cries out for a group of astronauts to land there and then explore that area because you know when you look at the photographs of this thing it I mean these things are really odd looking and like he says in the back there and nothing like it's ever been seen or photographed on the moon before I don't know what they are but I'd sure as heck like to find out I know that much what it would take much to get back there to investigate that side. I don't think so this you would it because it's on the far side the micro is talking about the Chinese machine that has a real life at a light where I can put arrays we can put our own replaced at a satellite and I might mention that the Chinese have offered to us that they'll let us use their real a satellite if we want to land on the back we don't have to put Well one of our own they have they're offering international cooperation to us they want to take them up on our offer your g. I maybe I want to I wonder what they think they're going to get from us no there's a reason to kind of periodic probably but the you know I'm. I think the best way to calm things down on this planet is to cooperate with everybody including the Chinese the Russians the Indians and by also wants to go along with us on the masses is preparing to build this space station in orbit around the moon called the lunar gateway we've already the Canadians have signed up the Japanese have signed up the Australians have signed up and just a few days ago the European Space Agency by the way at their mission ministerial meeting they are committed over $500000000.00 to the next 3 years to to the lunar gateway on a a large cargo lander that they want to use to land supplies on eventual lunar base on the surface and that's just the 1st 3 years they're going to probably commit billions in the long run to the lunar exploration so they're you know they're very very interested European countries are very very interested in and manned lunar exploration there's no doubt about that well let's talk about some a lunar water when we come back in a moment right cares are 1st emerging artists and lick a terror from Campbell California the song that's called into the heart don't forget to watch our t.v. 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Good. Night does. This Every. Time. You know. Why. They will think. Premier networks present coast to coast am with George Noory will take your calls next hour with Rick Sterling as we talk about anomalies all over the universe we're going to be talking about more the moon and Mars what that will take your calls next hour on coast. Coast the Art Bell vault is up and ready it's a great Christmas gift to become a coast insider to get the vault one of the 2 new program Star me I'll tell you the vault just keeps getting better and better the Art Bell vault it's a collection of classic art all programs but Hopkins on abductions Roger Lear an alien implants and we add 2 new shows every week one of the shows we just added is our talking on Thanksgiving to Marcus Allen about the moon landing hoax so depending on what you believe a really good show to listen to and also we added a show art is talking to Donna good Higbee about a bizarre phenomenon known as the spontaneous human involuntary invisibility so it's some good shows it's classic audio you just don't want to miss this stuff it's a good time to be an insider if you're not just get over the coast to coast am dot com website all the info is right there that's coast to coast am dot com It's right there at the top of the navigation bar you just click it and you become a coast Insider When you fill out the information we'll be back with more with Rick Sterling as we talk about anomalies in the universe coast to coast. 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And welcome back to coast to coast George Norry back with you along with Rick Sterling as we talk about planetary anomalies and anomalies out there in space back to the moon Rick we're pretty well convinced now that there's water on the moon aren't we Oh definitely there's enormous amount of information for a variety of spacecraft that verifies there's water at the poles there also seems to be a very thin layer of water all over the surface now there's some discussion that might be created through the chemical reaction with the solar wind other. Than to say that they are not sure about that but regardless there's a there's tons of water at the poles or no question about that is it sludgy also Well that's what we have to find out we don't know the exact nature of the water how deep it is. How much exactly is there in the exact locations we know that there are in certain general areas of the poles that's why we need to send rovers there as the NASA administrator recently they had masses working on this one rover which will be the 1st rover that not a commercial company but NASA will actually send its called Viper and it will have the spectrometers and and other devices on board to to measure the. To find the water and measure the amount that's there and how deep it is and things like that we have to get all the information about water George water is the key commodity to exploring the entire solar system in 1068 Sir Arthur c. Clarke wrote a book The Promise of space and in chapter 19 he starts off and he talks about one of the you know the most important commodities or chemicals or things will find on the moon he says above all else the most important is water water for drinking water for bathing water for cooking water for you can split the water in and get oxygen from it you can use it for you can split it into hydrogen oxygen and use it rocket fuel and oxidizer. You know one of the problems with with our rockets is that we have to keep reusing them all the time we have to keep what we need to do is put a refueling base either in orbit around the mountain or on the surface or both so that we don't have to you know if you don't have to keep flying the same mission without refueling if we can refuel a rocket on the surface or in orbit it would reduce cost tremendously the line must realize is that that's why all his vehicles are you know or pushing towards more and more levels of reusability and by the way if you get kids that are Starship the of cooperation I think there's a very good chance Well they're right that Rico is going to be able to land a 100 tons of cargo on the moon you know it's going to revolutionize great travel regularly level if we get astronauts to go to Mars on a couple year mission the thing I never thought about and you kind of you just kind of brought it up is what happens with all the water once they run out of water on the spaceship to get to a planet and get back. Their dead in 3 days well you know. They're going to have to have like closed loop life to support systems that can regenerate all the water and oxygen and take care of all the waste and everything like that. That's the only thing I can tell you is that we're going to have to develop those system much much better we can use the space station International Space Station to involve them we can also use oh by the way a lunar surface base or lunar orbiting base to test a lot of the equipment and procedures for a manned Mars mission that's one of the main advantages of actually conducting manned lunar exploration at this point it can be a testing ground for all of the systems environmental and rocket you know every procedures that you're going to need on a manned Mars mission now Mr Musk would probably say we'll just go you know basically to Mars as quickly as possible and I think Dr Zubrin would agree with that but I I'm inclined to agree with the theory that we can accelerate everything but at the same time we should be able to build a base around the moon and build a base on the service if you go back in time to 969 when Dr Verna Ron Brown gave his report to the White House Space past a group that report called for bases in orbit around them own bases on the surface of the mone and then eventually manned Mars missions one other thing that we can do very importantly with with a lunar gateway or lunar orbiting base if we bring samples back remarks or any other place and astronauts back they may need to be quarantined because they might you know we don't know exactly the nature of any life forms of microbial life forms that may be there especially if we do for as Dr Gill of Venus show and there is a lot of evidence and his global research Bramall which conducted $176.00 on the Viking lander lot of evidence that there is a microbial life on Mars Ok So assuming that's correct and I think it's highly probable that it is we're going to need to quarantine those astronauts and samples we can use the lunar gateway as a quarantine facility or we can you use a lunar surface base which is what Dr Barry to Gary a wants to do as another type of corn king could so and so the idea that you can't go to Mars because you'd be overly concerned about a possible pathogenic nature of the bacteria there that's not correct we can we can still send astronaut. Quite safely to Mars we can also conduct. One of the best proposals that I think for a manned Mars missions was put out by Lockheed Martin with their Mars base camp this is all a sort of Mars version of the lunar gateway and it has a large 7 ton. Quipping on board is the problem 7 times in a laboratory module what they want to do is to not land astronauts immediately on the 1st mission just put the spacecraft in orbit send on manned Landers and sample return devices down to the surface it bring up backs the samples back to the Mars version of the gateway and then you can do a series of cast to make sure there's no possibility of you know harmful bacteria anything it seems to me that would be a wise precaution let's consider seriously about putting a base 1st in orbit around Mars and then once we're short of the nature of the material there we can then send astronauts there I think that's just you know something that we should take a hard look at and I think the Lockheed Martin Mars Base Camp is an excellent idea that NASA should take a serious look at I just as some quick calculations that we would need on a 4 year mission to the marsh to up to back at least 10000 plus gallons maybe even 20000 gallons of water on that ship right that so that's another reason why you want to regenerate as much of the water as possible you know everything can be used everything from moisture in the air can be taken out and used for water so what's called a closed loop life support system does that and we're going to have to make it a lot more closed and a lot of you know you get out there you know a 3040000000 miles from Earth it's not going to be that easy to turn around there are some abort modes that you can use especially if you use nuclear propulsion and that's another thing that I think should NASA has to take a look at and they are taking a look at it in last year's budget there was $100000000.00 for nuclear thermal compulsion a nuclear rocket system and this year's budget both House and Congress so they have differences on some of the lunar stuff. Both of them agree we should Are they put money about $100000000.00 again for a nuclear summit caution the advantages of nuclear rockets and this if you have nuclear rocket you can get there much quicker that reduces the radiation effect on the astronauts it reduces any psychological and their psychological effect of being in a closed environment for a long time it reduces the effect of microgravity on the astronaut system you don't spin the spacecraft to build up an artificial gravity you know there's just nuclear propulsion it as that and that administrator is mentioned in the last few months excuse me is a game changer and of course that's what Verne of on Brian wanted to do if you want to have nuclear propulsion and we can do that now we can do it effectively and I think that's something that I don't think we should be just spent and 100000000 on nuclear production I think we should spend several 1000000000 every year because that's. As you know the system that can get us to the entire solar system. Most people don't realize when President Kennedy made the commitment for the Apollo lunar landing in that same speech on May 25th 1961 he also called for an extended ration of what was then called the rover nuclear thermal propulsion system and he said and will get us to the ends of the solar system that's exactly what will happen nuclear thermal propulsion is the key technology to protect the astronauts reduce the effect of the mission of that of the mission and time and the effect on the physical and psychological health of the astronauts to reduce any negative effects and he said by President Kenny's that it will open up the entire solar system and maybe eventually also lead to even more advanced types of propulsion systems like ours by nuclear fusion rocket so that's something else that you know that this advanced technology is is I think is Riri very important and vision to the bases around the moon what about anti-gravity propulsion what you think of that . If you got it let me. Got it in my closet I know that there's been some discussions that the military has antigravity propulsion it's not inconceivable I mean if you know there are black projects that the government conducts so that in my mind it's not inconceivable out at Area 51 or some other location and that the military works on advanced aircraft that they could have developed some sort of gravitational were the 1st gravitational field or something . I don't know if it's based on back injured back engineered U.F.O.'s I'm not sure about that but I do know that if it's not inconceivable that we that that could happen I think that you know when you look at Einstein's United field theory which looks at all the different forces and tries to connect them together you could take that idea and basically work on a system that would reverse gravity there's a theory in modern physics of hyperspace you know I could imagine well physics or hyperspace the theory is that all these different forms of energy electromagnetic energy all the different forms of gravitational energy. Magnetic energy or whatever they're all basically just forms of hyperdimensional energy I think that's a that's something that fascinates me and I think there's probably a lot of truth to that So yes it's possible to develop and a gravity propulsion system that would certainly be an unbelievable revolution of. What is the lunar gateway Rick the lunar Gateway is a small space station that NASA wants to put into orbit around Mars it will have habitation modules it will have international cooperation it will have a power and propulsion module to give it give the system power and to allow it to maneuver in different orbits. That it will basically support any astronauts on the surface in the sense that they can it can communicate with them especially after on the far side if they don't act as a communication space between Earth and astronauts in orbit as turn off in other orbiting vehicles and astronauts on the surface. With this lunar gateway you conduct you can conduct a lot of science experiments in science research everything from medical experiments to study the sun and study of the different objects in space. You can send sample us on manned sample return spacecraft down and blast them back up and bring them back up to the gateway and have astronauts and scientists study it I mean it's it's it's really and of course it will serve as a model as I mentioned about that Lockheed Martin Mars space camp it could serve very easily as a model for a Mars version of this I had it so it's added to me it's bastardising the idea of this a gateway like I say that was 1st discussed back in 1989 with Bernard von Braun and his good puzzle that he made to the White House place to ask are people wanted to put a sort of lunar gateway into orbit around the moon I think it's people are some people like doctors aren't doesn't particularly like it I that's why I have a disagreement with doctors are wrong about that one point I do think it's important and I do think it's important for another reason with this letter Gateway we could make very detailed observations of. Lunar anomalies everything from lunar transient to date today to detailed study of any structures that might be there one thing I want to mention I mentioned before that we have of this parcel a c. Structures we have high resolution Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter photographs the Indian spacecraft that was just put into orbit a few weeks ago a show on ground on the property proper pronunciation to Chandran to mission it to camera is actually more high resolution and that it can get down to about 0.32 meters resolutely Wow So I think one of the I want to like to see 1st even though we're in Athens a rover or with the capability go inside this cavern that's in between the stew sections Let's get some high resolution stereo color photographs of this thing which is basically some of the things that Dr a lot of Carl is calling or newspaper we have a spacecraft it's I believe it's in orbit in on a polar but I don't know the exact parameters but it seems to me they should be able to pass over this area point why you know I think NASA should ask them to take some high resolution pictures of this and you know the more data that we can get to support the argument of artificiality the better. We're do you think it's possible we went to the moon millions of years ago with past civilizations that might have had high technology. I mean this may sound like an odd thing I think it's actually theoretically possible you know one of the people persons that actually had brought that up years ago and this is a quote that I found in one of my sag search books on identified flying objects. Was Gene Cernan in the astronaut that heard the apology said something like It's possible we could find evidence of an ancient civilization on the moon or something then he almost sort of tied it into something and you know on our on our planet and was living directly with reference in that I don't know if you accept the theory that Ed Mitchell x. That or was looking at and what Dr Shah was looking at that there was an earlier civilization but if it's if it George if they had the capability to build the Egyptian pyramids That's right you know you're talking about something it's way beyond our technical capability so though if they had that take capability and it was an earlier civilization there's no logical reason to assume that they didn't develop space travel and beyond the International Space Station we need more international cooperation and spaced only Oh definitely I've been you know I and they. I've been calling for greater levels of international cooperation since the early 1960 s. . It's very important not only to reduce costs but to but I think there's even a greater reason and that's to bring in the expertise and scientific knowledge of many of these other countries you know the United States doesn't have a monopoly on scientific expertise and understanding and and excellence so they're India China Russia Europeans Brazilians anybody want to come along that's fine with me I think we should put a woman on the moon too I think that's a good idea absolutely absolutely right now the commercial lunar payload services What is that program from NASA that is a program that NASA is developing with a will which essentials rent lunar spacecraft from a variety of private companies I think the 1st one to do to go around 2021 or 2022 there's astrobiology. And there's a couple other ones that are that if they're you know getting hiring private companies to build Rovers sample return you know whatever some of them in a original ones will be smaller rovers but later they'll become even larger it's a way of reducing cost because they'll develop them basically and we'll just rent them from them that the best way to say it it's amazing though when you think back that we landed on the moon in 196950 years ago look a look how far ahead we were from other people on the planet I mean unbelievable. Yeah we were on but we were definitely way ahead and and there's also the fact that we've wasted 50 years and not doing it to no matter what if we could have stayed 50 years ahead of everybody still Yeah not only that we could have been exploring the most important thing is that I view it is not the relative level of our technology compared to other countries on earth that's important but the most important thing we've let up on is the active exploration yes we need to get out there and explore and colonise Williams the entire solar system you know and look at the mineral wealth in some of these asteroids some of these asteroids have it's estimated over a trillion dollars and that's probably a conservative estimate and rare earth and got in and water to some of the asteroids you know it. The mineral wealth and the and well if it's in the solar system where make anything we have on this planet right now look minor it's province Norma's wealth out there it's probably why I. Want to go on hybrid was something I grew from you know Mr Beazley. Has put out his Lander he's going to work with Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin to develop this lander that he wants and of course Elon Musk has got this huge rocket system the starship that he's developing and Boeing has put out their version of it which is just doesn't have sort of the intermediate transfer stage that takes the rover of the lander down to a. Lunar orbit and it's just the accent module and a decent module but all of those companies should you know are I think are doing an excellent job and NASA will basically in the next few months or so they'll pick probably 2 or 3 of them to sort of policemen or a contractor they may eventually have to get it down to 2 but I say a lot of this stuff is going to become academic give along much get to system with 100 tons of the scapegoat landing you know everything is is we better start running his miracles quest at that if that's a good point with what's come back in a moment Rick will take phone calls I also want to get your views on privatization I know you're for it how much are you for it we'll find out when we come back in a moment Rick Sterling our special guest will take calls for the next hour here's our next emerging artist Matt Bendel from Phoenix Arizona with the song called Sunshine. 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Saying the report will speak for itself I'm Jake Metzler Fox News today is the day that House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff unveils the impeachment report on President Trump and members of the committee get their 1st look at it behind closed doors Tuesday evening members vote on whether to send it to the House Judiciary Committee which holds its 1st impeachment hearings on Wednesday White House counsel paps have alone declining to participate in the hearings calling the inquiry baseless and highly. Noting the president won't even be in the country on Wednesday Monday morning the president leaves for London and will have meetings with other leaders in the NATO alliance anti-government protesters wanted Iraq's prime minister ousted and they got what they wanted but it great human costs over the weekend Iraqi prime minister Abdul Mahdi submitted his resignation to parliament as bloody protests continue to rock the country now.

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