Rescue workers in the philippines are struggling to get aid to survivors of thai foot high and more than ten thousand people are now feared dead in one of the worst storms in recorded history. I greet you when you clear watchdog have reached agreement on what they call a roadmap for cooperation on irans controversial Nuclear Program this is us secretary of state john kerry united in fighting among western powers at the recent Nuclear Talks in geneva. The world remembers soldiers killed in world war one. Take a closer look at one of another chapter in frances history those soldiers executed for howard. Watching prospect at first after the philippines were typing high and has caused a catastrophic destruction. Some ten thousand people are now feared dead with another six hundred thousand forced from their homes. Entire villages flattened by the super typhoon the worst in recorded history. Rescue workers are now struggling to get aid to survivors. Turnbull has the details. The believers in desperate need of emergency aid. The views of the stupid toy from jolla and told to the philippines the International Community is gearing up to ship supplies. It devastated much of a home to two million people. The first cargo planes landed at the local airport. Theyve got a foot in water. Top that with god and other basic necessities but this is the death of brevity epidemic of a breakup french word for teacher expects demanding time job and to assist rescues in sets of malta filters. The us dispatched to miller tree across the forces opposing generates is that the area soon to be followed when the corpses and rescue ships us marines rates are on their way from japan to help clean up. In tokyo japanese authorities promised to help its southern neighbor. He is doing. We caught an eighteen when the filipino government to dispatch an International Rescue team. The medical team as early as today they will commit to that. Many countries have pledged to free up millions to help the philippine governments uk and Australia Group with a seven million euro aid package. The European Union with about three million years. Germany was also among the finest eu countries to offer its Financial Support whats done is the head to germany wants to help and germany will help it. There will be unique in need of five hundred thousand euro for two thirds of whom stand rain starts with twenty four tones of market scope orleans and tends to find its own someday. Her Group Registered thousands in prayer for this weeks incident is asked in the philippines are going to the lord to scare the community in asia typhoon honey on it maybe that is but it isnt the first superstar she found the philippines. On average twenty typhoons hit the country and free here its not by chance the islands are scattered along the worlds most active type tool belts. Marion sun explains the time too high and sunday. Most of the singing birds into reviews and c teams into wastelands. Bestie is a just cause of a long history and natural devastation in the philippines. In the last century alone. At least ten times used to steal more than a thousand each time situated in the west indies beat the Island Country is in a time the hot spot. More more tact and we stayed to find the energy to take stock soup is stillness. Making landfall friday insisting we use about three hundred and twenty kilometers around le and as much as four hundred millimeters of rain in place many believe that i feel high. In the games and didnt leave stone in recorded history. Company lean people had been forced from their clients. The new brakes no longer have these two returned to high and is the fullest tying td he is here in lyon and instead had a great guy to make landfall since two thousand and ten just last month. Tom feeney sunday to the philippines triggering torrential monsoon rains and landslides killing twenty. It was all misty year ago that i feel both red spots in the southern philippines leaving at least one thousand nine hundred people dead. And to make matters worse the philippines although since its handling of playa. Abbas Pacific Ocean region. When many of the year earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur. The waves up to five meters high time the high and has been a painful reminder of the two thousand and four tsunami which sprung from the largest ever recorded earthquake off the coast of indonesia killing of a two hundred and eighty thousand in fourteen countries. I think i am now since i moved on to vietnam where it made landfall early this monday and how much we can to foreign lands and downgraded to a Tropical Storm but its still bad and the country with a heavy rains and clean. No major damage or casualties have been reported so far. Looks around and the Un Nuclear Watchdog had reached agreement on what they called road map for cooperation on irans controversial Nuclear Programme is as us secretary of state john kerry has been denying any infighting among western powers at the recent Nuclear Talks in geneva understanding more about whats going on there im joined now by arming georgia are a National Affairs editor and dunking just been speaking in abu dhabi where it is usually trying to smooth over any any seeming division among the western powers to act as talks particularly with france. To be an impression yesterday was the wrong signal to deal with it was obvious this morning from the Foreign Ministers comments that he was keen to counter that over five years saying french braided. Earlier this morning that a deal was close and now hes getting backing from joan carry in at the darby had the us are free of state saying that ross had indeed signed off on a proposal and it was the iranians used to say except it needs to go back to tear on for more consultations that solicitor line was put out by a top american official briefing reporters in jew in israel in jerusalem say that whatever the cracks then may have been between fronts in the us the weekend. Its clear that science is trying to paper but it is a rundown the way theyre talking about this to the media. The tt. One would imagine in a bid to reassure allies that say israel and the gulf states and the old on all fronts is expected in israel and a few days calling for a high level visit. I meant also today we heard out of august to rent that from a technical standpoint at least the un and iran come to some sort of an agreement what they call roadmap for cooperation but does that mean exactly how does that relate to the diplomacy in geneva. Will this road map contains a set of matches that its suppose to be implemented within three months. Among them. Only eighty eight visits to kenya clearance relations. Thats to say at the canteen uranium mine and the era had the will to react to iraq is very important this is a stumbling block in geneva. It is a facility that seems to be similar to one that helped israel and pakistan to build venue to be able to live many expats say that iraq is quite a few years away from from crossing that thresholds. Im having said all this one has to be very careful about the implemented its you its because in the post. Yuki a moment ahead of you as you can watch till he announced back in may that there was going to be an imminent deal and that never materialized a man still bad blood between tehran and the only dna that dates back to november twenty eleven this is one the us uk watched all published a report that claims that iran had been working on a design for new thoughts new korea waugh at the things that im not going to resign and stuff it into a cat. Syrias main Opposition Group says it will indeed take part in the planned peace talks in geneva the western backed Syrian National Coalition Says it will sit down with the government but only if certain conditions are met jasper more than our isnt it terrible malady in cincy is based. He told us more on these conditions put forth by the opposition. Its humanitarian acts as the garment. Food and medicine. It serves the communities tracks in the middle. And when to say release all detainees showalter. As a rule states i must say. Communique. In a state six. Its only as a transitional gardening. So exited. It uses. Only. He does. Is this is that no brawl ensued. And the defeated and twenty three rebels in the democratic republic of congo are set to sign a peace deal today. If that happens it would be a key step in efforts to end decades of war pm twenty three rebels have been largely shut down by the Congolese Army backed by the three thousand strong force from the un in twenty three announced last week the insurgency was over. It is expected to put that in writing in uganda and today today millions throughout the world are gathering to remember soldiers killed in the line of duty Remembrance Day our irises they have taken place in many countries every year since the end of the First World War in nineteen eighteen they see this latest pictures out of paris france joined those countries commemorating the fall and fighters. Now some soldiers though and friends have been left out of the memorials are Simon Hawkins explains. Exhausted and still soaked in the trenches and on the battlefield did the sodas can find such conditions after months of cold some of them refuse to fly. They were shocked. The candidates going to be the was executed in in front of the offenders soldiers. They were led away by armed police to account for today means that all is well coated. The person incharge to breathe out to description is honoring the soldiers. In france more than six hundred men were shocked domenici disobedience none of these may see on the rank and file so it is a county in the countrys commemorations. French president obama has asked for a meme oil to the stand to be created next game for the centenary of the world not to be safe he needs to move. You look at me because what we want to see digs on a ration of everyone else for cowardice. Something as simple as a monument new museum isnt enough because other wise men will be exonerated in the countrys collective consciousness that was so sweet of you. In the meantime a stock buyback and shapes remain histories that the attendance notice ive something completely different for you now you know in terms of a say on this one comes to business you really cant do better than getting the queen of american daytime tv on your side. Well an endorsement by talk show host Oprah Winfrey candy sales of gold as one French Company is now finding around this time and three he entered to win free and fails her christmas list and a ca shes asking santa for something french. The special templates made to use in the kitchen. Its tough as it stands the tree on it you can watch thousands of pda recipes. Until reading this to me in thanking the incentive from its list of the pots all say come from friends appliance too great for us to see the problems and french know how to pose in the spot price. This template creates a is tonights it seemed kind of epas office of until now eighty five percent of the trafficked or website came from weeping from us now the majority is coming from america and americans recipe for success. It is now being sold in american stops team. They ran. Another lawyer present. The mine its not the best nine acre winfrey has come into the french projects. In theory she plays with antique got to try and sales plants up by five cents. We now if you have the estrada believe in something usually go all the way she pointed out to other people also take a look at this guy who actually really went the extra mile this is an environmental this who believes so strongly in his cause that he has the mayor even a tree. His name is richard to our estimate you can see exchanging a reno with his intended in one of the main parks in buenos aires. Hes a pearly an actor and activist at and even went on to const confirm his own wedding vows and even a piece of their throwing off the bouquet wonder who that is going to make. We knew about and jeannie title in paris to stay with us. Lol welcome to the uga here on flossing kept theyre calling it the beak is true for missing your peanut works brought to light since the end of World War Two. German authorities this week announced the discovery of more than one thousand four hundred paintings drawings prints andith the grass plundered by the nazis. Now among the works valued at an estimated one point four billion dollars twenty century masterpieces i should call. Renoir to lose the excitement easton even picasso. Now a german news weekly had earlier reported that the cash has been ceased when the party and police raided the apartment of an un christian and a man named cornelius correlates in february two thousand twelve cornelius had apparently inherited a point from his father hildebrand. And the elder girl it had worked from nineteen thirty eight to nineteen forty one for the nazis finding buyers for confiscated works that hitler considered quote t generate now the discoverys already raising questions why did the German Authorities weeks along to the why are they now refusing to publish the full list of all the works they found. Am i guess today on the show is that christina collect welcome. You were a historian and a senior lecturer at university of paris to obviously here in paris. And you specialize really enough to start the quilt Rural Heritage and the people concerned with the Cultural Heritage honor in war time on some of my new art historian but you are a specialist in Cultural Heritage to the story definitely applies. I wanna ask you right away you just heard me say that the germans discovered them. These are works in this munich apartment. A year and a half ago. Weve just found out about it this week. Why did the weeks along. This was top secret been missing this case was cooler to men in top secret and has had the attorney off and the battery i wanted. Stu wanted to do that. Did the investigation should not be steps by mains the end of the domestic food and difficulties so they would go with it and wanted to publish it. And this case to be yet to to work on it the unnamed me in and the best conditions theyve been wanting to bother investigating these were taken in one of the one to know the entire list. We do however know some of the last one in the works on was it was by a german artist max at the command. Its called the lion tamer i think we could actually show a picture of it back to our viewers this is a mom i think one of maybe about ten works that they actually showed us knowing this case this particular work was apparently sold to a gallery in cologne germany by Cornelia Cornelius correlated with the approval a deal with the errors of the original owner a jewish art dealer that doesnt always happen out that way doesnt. This is the infamous didnt go so its. The and mine impacts and canopy democrats and they made a financial arrangement with inhabitants of the fist time the critics but thats unusual isnt it in and what im asking you is. He had a deal with the ants but often the heiress money back. They dont want them to sell and there are very open to us in this. And from the same kind and i think in the future of the mufti you. This will be main solution for these kind of problems. There will be a financial or other arrangements. And its its its its its already the case than local arrangements and what were we talking about here. I mentioned a figure over fourteen hundred i think is one thousand four hundred six artworks. And its the art curators are saying its unbelievable the richness of this collection. Do you suspect that theres a lot more true similar to this that we just dont know about yet. Ms is a christian everybody is. And in the autumn because the we dont know when. How much the paintings and other pieces off on time id be hiding and being hidden in the mornings as i can and so on. We done nothing about this because a lot of these easel five. And i relaxed slow and we dont know nobody knows in this case is there a time that passes with looted art of this nature where cornelius garlic is not in charge right now with any crime. Can he claim ive had these are works for decades to the best of my knowledge ive done nothing wrong in my artwork this week and yes he can because in germany the missile on to an intern in the second to cut the cooked in the courts to be known from his own talents and coat the best in the riots the twenty oh nine to two moon food to keep its eye and mouth years time and time at eas because after ten years ok because i yet he is its been like an mc inquisitive description. So this is the case in. In the deck in the chronic pain so we havent actually done anything illegal but you do have a lot of pride that time i guess private dealers the heirs of the steelers even museums. Yet the idea of the museums first of all the museums in the mind. Yet it wont affect the daintree nobody knows if they have any sense to to get them back how long does it take normally to have ark rested today from the time you discover it. Heres the last painting we found to make the claim and to get it back many years to continue it later in the scan i think because he missed one person repeat the process of the old town who dont know and and and and over over one hundred and no actual odds. And i think its too can take years can take years to adjust to settle the claims that yet because its a very complicated said the procedure. I was slowing as everythings so. I we dont nobody notices night so what was surprising some of these works. I was mentioning Picasso Renoir should combat command. I need to do so expect a unbelievable. They never knew they existed in some cases there. The first time. Now ms is this is amazing because even in the nineteen thirties and forties at the event and in inventories and the photos mrs and then at the net. I dont understand. I know some people are really going to art in the art world people are going to be looking at this collection for quite awhile to try to understand it. And yet death is to admit though that nothing is done this one are the odds historian and protects them some of that person still working on this collection and this is not enough hits and i must be a lot of on the whole team can get the union hall in team two two two in tune to go onto to tune in to the term inundated the provenance of these recommended works came from we are talking right now just about works stolen or confiscated by the nazis as you know well its not just a question of the nazis. On the new economy of before the show that theres actually two words in german two separate words for art stolen by the nazis and arts stone by the soviets. Yep thats right this than in the time. Oaklands for the nazis still nice and polite include school. And the odd works and moonstone old. And i dont like the estimates by then the soviets use is easy. He was an exhibit back in nineteen ninety five and type in St Petersburg russia. Of the impressionist post impressionist works. Thatd been stolen by the red army capt and the russians i remember sat at the time its ours. Weve had it for decades but keeping it guessing the negotiations between germany and the rash on. And dont dont go on because its an escape that day than. The in russia is not the open to any kind of in the us at night. The match i i dont i dont i dont think i dont know exactly but i am. Because secrets these are words are not just in the hermit i do in other museums and russia as well. I feel a lot of museums in holy russia not even in. The in the fire is the pro provinces and now works if i love them at least one attack in tanzania little time we left mom a lot of these the artworks from the cornelius garlic collection apparently came from france. Yep thats right that says france is missing some of it i went in to cnn and getting outside. This not that i dont know why i cant tell you it at the moment if its possible on maths because that different opinions and at this moment that but yes fronds was one of the country is on to the country when the then its you which number two of us. What an odd mix puma pilates on confiscated. So im at yes this is including some collins colorado is not the fountain and leak that was daddy maxis and this one might tease them and the indigenous take to feast on all of them and put a photo in his book down from two thousand guam and this this and this painting is in the ankle its critics. So maybe going back someday very briefly at christina complex question. Do you think that some of the eight galleries museums in france even know who might have artworks that were stolen or confiscated. They just dont know about it. In their collections then. So it is a good question and i dont know advocating that the term the french museums i have made to him as a single collection of all these books off onto each with knox. Um i recovered to beat them in an oak and nom is that on this item now i can tell. But presumably theyre not doing it knowingly. They have fireworks its cuz they dont know about it on and we still obviously havent talked about trying again in the International System in place yet to try to register are to cooperate thats for another eight eight thousand a year and this dude is a historian senior lecturer here in Paris University of paris too. Specials include troll her teaching times of war thank you very much for talking me today. Were talking about the bts discovery of stolen art growth since World War Two perhaps. In the munich apartment reportedly about the son of a man who was one of hitlers art dealers been watching the interview here on fostering cap. Money to live anywhere in the world three languages. Grahams ultimo. Its a real time soon also see even more. It was fun continue. Exclusive tweets from our reporters in the face. As it happens the mice youll cry. So well pay for content you want with my stuff are still new to sell. With the new york sun kept experience never end. Eye. Ong. It is you need it. Does. I was the us. Recently awarded top. The is close to the shock turns twenty today on the membership nineteen ninety three and the sultan as a minor established Educational Program which you can extend the students an opportunity to study abroad at the expense of the government over the years nine thousand five hundred students have been granted a scholarship things into policy of note are the party has presented the results of the research on the program sufficiency to mark the aer

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