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Be. The sun is out of the most dangerous places for the sick edit get done this race and tape to weston got a special bed this is fest im done us all being targeted in the vault on the trade justice but that doesnt come in the president ial elections the policeman show up to fold in the vintage of this getting one and wounding the other on the eve of the countrys president ial elections. Its a Police Officer was arrested following the incident said a police compound in the Eastern Province of course the gods. Be it we received to the floor and the miles total stool waiting for news agency. One was killed in the other was wounded seriously the wounded journalist who is about sixty years old is in Critical Condition the Surgical Team is providing the fittest i have been eligible. Along with the novel the dead gender this was identified as twenty biggio on the big cost of operating a job and photographer. The associated press. Associated press reporter at the cabin was invested with the addition of the wounded drawings. It was hard getting it back and dont miss the boss. Cb has ms martin says its addictive ive decided is best known until the elections. He thought and prayers the first lady in the present. Go out to the family of one unique greenhouse do was killed in afghanistan overnight though as intra city also send their best wishes. And their prayers too. Kathy gannon who was an ap reporter who was wounded in that incident there are journalists who are currently on the ground afghanistan covering the elections are slated to start tomorrow. You are risking their own personal safety. To tell a story about whats happening again the dog has vowed to disrupt the vote. Bochy devon british swedish media agenda this alliance father was drop dead at point blank range on the streets of kabul. Mine is bigger. And sean to get involved on the board of what the French News Agency said but im not as bad as his wife and two of his three Young Children in the blogs have been predicted to be number ten. Also includes asking us to have courageously made the decision to tell the world a bit about whats happening in their own country. I think its important. Critically on this didnt work by some sadness that we recognize the ongoing efforts and perilous. People both from afghanistan. People from around the world who are trying to do the important work. Of informing the world about having kids gentle cuba as the United Nations special representative but ive got to stop. I just called on citizens not to get anyone to write them off their right to vote. The un has said it might be difficulties at the Security Problems the sun is much to get to bed but such is the direction that it was in two thousand and nine the audubon is the responsibility of the recent election predicted violence including tuesdays suicide bombing outside the top gong in a given industry. Getting at least six Police Officers the Security Agency has got to make a breakthrough in response the debt when they snap up that is a tizzy over the ham on its low cost and three other suspected members of the eye and muhammad model phone lookup is that at the home but sucky but sunny the nano minister claims that ninety percent off by a leadership has been wiped out the eyes of the delegates gathered in law david efforts between the union its own Intelligence Agency drop into his barrow and no companies have resulted in search operation against the militants. You just blew eight months. By the agencies working together. Ive knitted the entire top leadership of the indian mujahideen in india. Your face instead. But the decision Analysis Wing. I need to be Intelligence Bureau National Investigation agency daily routines and drug use on the gains have been the result of human intelligence and surveillance this coordination. Ones own study into agency bread and drinks. Since two thousand leaves. More than one hundred and twenty mb of material since then go across the country. While it is clear that the union to be hes the one limited to a particular state or region sit down to seal its triple bill into law given up all the stuff onto these dead since the us interests. But not that i go to the Consultant Team has been the forty one in india within india during the league. It is that it was getting soggy momo models. All are moments when god was there. When jack was there to order. Suck it on sunday just cut it. Would you use it. The template each of these icy day. Or will give us a potty mouth that makes those indian. Good tomatoes. As if running seconds. I know. Midday. I know. According to associates the breakthrough in the war against indians who grew into a fit. Was the oldest two thousand the team. The rest of guessing what. The and you get to it being who fall into the pit of its operations in india. Yes scene was rested from the pot. With the youth set up three different hideouts in the scenic town of cocoa. Search and Analysis Wing was stiff talk about the scenes presence by its assets in utah. This was a big boost in the region sees this yes it had given them the slip. The keys. The times of india. Yes it can lead to other indian region of the officers have had to fix those that dont just die instead of the there could be the tiny bit of the total tax the new. I wrong. He secured to the sting operation has been another sock yarn. Since two thousand and twelve countries such as start the review. We have to skip the big prize catch is that the most recent being approved by the city proper it is time. Its indian mujahideen finance a role to play i was going to try feast of the scenes to probation interested cooling and an i e read on and it is. However there has been a setback in getting him to india. P it dh made a joke than twenty nine we had the media wanted it. May it be given due to the imdb rooms and dont want to say was we ended up ahead for a service it will be keen to begin with ideas and or seen the good ol militant groups and who can teach me keating. Union Home Ministry teams that the leadership of indian mujahideen has been wiped out is the home of the q whats the book to davies. This is mandatory the lolita. So what has been got the boot because you get is from inputs and into the case the man began to hunt food sometime in two thousand and nine. When you get two tickets in pakistan who enjoyed the patronage of intelligence agencies such as the artists i pushed it to karachi. These included the us doesnt seem to get done. The coating. Who was participating in some of that saddam has hit back by sunday radio the theme from the whole band moment but such a strong was bought by the end of two thousand nine sources said. Nearly ninety percent of the contestants will pop in karachi. This says is a good mothers day the new. Ciao for a break state jail. After the break rising Student Dropout im going to focus on. It is all in this election debates however days. Its lovely and fresh way. It all off to the break the thought of victims often collapsing Education Sector but the proxy government of pakistan is doing nothing to bring about improvement in this situation. The Education Sector and get it but this dog is killed in shambles. C government of august but keeps making dog teams about updating the Education Sector in the gym. Back to that precious little to bring about meaningful change receiving his baby daughter to go to the top sixty five years of this school. Wanting to buy between rich and that is adding to cope with the blues bowlers. She did the government should take it as the focal point but give me a gentle tempted to use this tool to predict was the Outdoor Education center is up to conform to do that when digital image a subgroup of. But maybe if i didnt know what the classic debate but to convince people to get with the activity of the woods and they just dont forget the stubble doctor told me sunday. God of interest in the operatic tradition to cope with what to look good. It was two but was cut to just go for the arts the book you could appreciate. But this time with his arm. Most of what to do to get this dog of that apply to start a book once it got up again but this time is Patricia Mitchell sucks is that it has put it towards his subjects like this kid at school till the way home was the typical indicates this is so sms to the gentle waves yet in all. Again check the weather was just a baby gate the problem being that its full of love love love going to tell you. You see above. The goal. Well the thing to play. It is to give a did it justice but the other. Dont get it. Most nations in the fortified percent of the goss domestic product gdp on education. C government to get it but this dog spends about one percent this is a bit to the growth of private schools in that region was judging all right maybe education this is that dubai is the top of that but that all the good of all the good life families the visions of the wicked the second of august to getting kicked in yet other people out there the performance what it does is it too. Just this weekend that is just a lovely allows the middle of the addict will give legitimacy to what the body make the best of the contest with a couple but to look for tech support them this will be on the part with. With triple digits with the actual goal. They didnt just a bit of music was played with the global warming. Would it go away the government has promised to double its funding awarded to gauge the next financial year. That is emitted into the hole. Its been that utilize. I didnt get done today is day ten day delay in paying for. They include in kibble with it all ended up with you kid i guess it wasnt like it. In the way to it when you put the socks almost a solid chance of that didnt get to get the kiddies get all of it all went to visit the look of it or total dead. Didnt oppose that. Wouldnt it. You can afford. What about all this may not happen. As provided to the allegation red guards you which runs out in the east india to see improvement of schools that some of which dont exist now. The design the Old Fashioned director of the sub outlook top showcase got a phone connection back to it that its the view is that executives and what didnt and detection of israel are enemies of the mens Lifestyle Fashion week Autumn Winter collection in new delhi. In designing the set was so good at them. On friday. We still tease out the type of connection that i can. And to yourself that you want this unconventional ideas out of this Lifestyle Fashion. All those bags at fashion week on friday. He just died of aids on the ninth and got me thinking and im so bummed that hes received applause from the audience and actions that she knew she was. I stood still. Bands like im going to hop on a comment but i do that. Whats important. She used the concept of deception to integrate what more names interactive game. With the use of the kids had. I think that i had with the cities but also and this is one of the National Convention that seem that you can detect it. Up to the scene that he has started putting it all together something about the bus on tuesday. So the dogs. You sat down. Its shocking and sad the two and two. The golf outfit. She put that out at that site. Im using the fact that she feels that stalled i need to find and charts well being. Betty. The making she still gets to dozens of bands and sunday is the one with the gals is that he ends by whose access a ride back to back off. Divide the dough i was the youngest is identified as being at risk lifestyle india fashion the day. She joined at the dentist said that at some of what. Chase and with what im convinced many things i dont think that me and say that im the shot gun dealers when manny was. Including this one before having a boy the addition of fashion. Dl this lifestyle india fashion week. In addition the eight hundred and eighteen dollars and the other dishonest fifty six. Exhibition of new tricks operation. We back next week with more than yours yours and analysis from the sup document. Why dont you driving into os at the end of us get in a dark top. This is of the siding off of the hobbit the Production Team of news makes up a chair. This program is brought you by her group. And from norways mainstream crews were lies her group. Exploring one thousand miles of norwegian coastline the report include counters and access to wilkinson. He has a taiwan as part of me. Good evening is now six pm the time youre watching it. With the sec one s are gone. Cypress prince tuesday consonants to sea otters that the president of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso said in brussels. Speaking to the media a joint press conference president announced its te ata said cyprus is going to a difficult period and then a stop to use active involvement in rebuilding its economy and to support the Peace Process with turkish cypriot. President announced us god is also think the eu for its decision to allocate a further two hundred Million Pounds in cyprus budget for twenty fourteen to twenty fifteen it was close to increase its funding involvement and ninety five percent eu co founded project. All of the Bailout Program will help cyprus to reduce its unemployment levels particularly when it comes to the under twenty five sqm some forty four percent of whom are proud of what it is well above to use average of twenty three percent of its assistance program. We did it the minister for energy while other media this recently attended a workshop of the mit energy and the Cypress Institute to discuss their study on maximizing the long term value of natural gas for cyprus. Youll be on a few condoning you go to the compulsive have your man in his address. She is said the development of the oil and gas sectors of the island holds a very deep and significant benefits for the countrys economy or money to fix it. He added that the team if the government is to proceed with the exploration and exploitation of offshore resources in a Sustainable Way north to maximize their country. The minister predicted bright prospects for the export of natural gas and production of cheap electricity. By utilizing indigenous natural death. I am new and women and one the First Christian awesomeness misty eyed as the sydney the twentieth annual general meeting of Cyprus International business association. He prays the present site of the creek so savvy days and its members for their efforts hard work and contribution to the economic recovery in the promotion of cyprus as a highly competitive destination for Foreign Investors way in attracting International Business efforts. All you present in us to see artist also shared his governments initiatives in attracting Foreign Investment from a number of countries including russia china and will reach what he said the government has decided to increase the budget if the cypress Investment Promotion Agency Previous Year by one point eight Million Euros eight speaking at the ninth cyprus summit of the economist titled cyprus on the mend and open discussion with government. The trio cut business and echoes him sydney costs us to see aiden said the country is passing to one of the most critical time periods in its modern history he blamed several factors including the apartment restructuring of the Banking Sector the negative external environment and announced finances the negative Economic Growth in the country. President monson see ideas and forty delegates about implementing prudent fiscal policies and use an old structural changes to turn the Current Crisis into an opportunity. As will the surprise taken from the nations rivers. Using advanced knowledge of the water is filtered and seminars to remove the money and organic contaminants the result is more to the safe to drink straight from the top. I know. Today japan also uses leading edge diesel Emission Technology to obtain thinking. In coastal regions like fukuoka. You know. Solutions like this convert sea water into drinkable fresh water. Sea water is pumped through these theres a twenty centimeter diameter place. He started towards sixty five kilograms per square centimeter of pressure is applied to extract thresholds the secret is this member well with multiple layers and sword beach ca. He looks just like it. But eventually consist of compass fall less than a nano meat to pot lets see what happens to these coffee. The membrane can make it filters out the dark coffee. Reducing you will. The entry to field two compounds can be discounted is wasteful i was a member in between fresh and so forth the mental process called osmosis. It was too close to the membrane to balance the soul to its new system apply pressure on the sequel to a fresh look is produced only a facade of them the salesman says is how the sermon. These companies in the pc membrane so far and make up ninety nine point eight percent of all foreign seas chemicals in two weeks a bit of food to eat this Japanese Technology beats the one. Some emotion from the start of two thousand tonnes of fish. When you take it one hundred thousand tonnes of seed. It contains about three point five percent said. Off to the celebration the freshwater has less than zero point zero five. Because hes japanese my membranes room and saw some fish. They require for the best Digital Assistants for applying pressure to the wall. Place a removal efficiency and low energy requirements. Seventy percent of the membranes used in Water Treatment ponds well one of the japanese way. My empty Water Treatment equipment using this technology. When you do for an effective tool. Coping with the unprecedented devastation of the great speeds to pronounce the snow image. The structure point four kg will reduce us to stop there the Stream Technology in use the celebration. Hes meeting at remembering to stop contributing to the supply of fresh water throughout the world. You can watch in hd world you were ever you go. Access Program Schedules on demand video and more. Hello my name is pete over by play i enjoyed the us versions available to secure the marketplace today research. The network. Wind knew. The thus the rock obama and russian leader but it would have had what felt like cold drink and call on ukraine. This pro russian separatists take over another building in the east. Ball state. This one year ago today to nap on a saturday like twin bomb explosion that killed three people and injured more than two hundred and sixty. The french government

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