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The Senate Intelligence Committee holds another open hearing this week as part of its probe into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election the chairman and vice chairman of the Intelligence Committee said the open hearing will examine u.s. Election security on the outlook for the next round of elections the midterms in $2182000.00 will give testimony at the hearing the 1st will include expert witnesses from the Department of Homeland Security and the f.b.i. The 2nd panel will include witnesses from the Illinois State Board of Elections and the National Association of State election directors the Senate Intelligence Committee is one of several bodies investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign in addition special counsel Robert Muller is running his own independent probe Linda Canyon Washington Louisiana Congressman Steve Scalise has been upgraded from critical to serious condition as he recovers from being shot last week during a Republican baseball practice outside Washington Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks was there and saw a Capitol police officer David Bailey respond immediately he was protecting myself as best he could behind the cinder block dugout on the 1st base line but still he had to expose himself to shoot and but for the courage and heroism of David Bailey and Crystal grinder there would have been many more of us injured or killed spoke to the Salem Radio Network suspected Jihad have attacked a hotel resort in Mali's capital taking hostages at a spot popular with foreigners on the weekends the number of casualties unclear in the assault which authorities say is continuing through the afternoon branches prime minister says French voters have given a clear majority to new French president a manual McCrone in his center as government Prime Minister Eduardo Felipe a center right politician who join McCrone movement said through their boats a wide majority of French have chosen hope over anger more on these stories at townhall dot com. 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This is Michael Medved for townhall dot com the context of the brutal assault in Alexandria Virginia that wounded in Steve's police sends an important public message our elected representatives may wield enormous power but they're still ordinary Americans who enjoy getting up early on a bright spring morning to practice for things like a charity baseball game the crazy shooter had been so warped by hateful leftist propaganda that he couldn't recognize the obvious humanity of his victims he asked about party affiliate. Nation and when told they were Republicans he was ready to kill this time the targets were conservatives and the assailant was a self-styled progressive but both sides have indulged the recent toxic tendency to demonize and dehumanised opponents the idea of the disagreements over health care taxes and foreign policy are enough to justify violent assault is repugnant and profoundly un-American President Trump sounded the right note when he asked the nation to respond to such hatred by coming together for the Common Good a Michael Medved the Denver Business Journal and Colorado Business Roundtable presented a unique c.e.o. For view from the top joining the Friday July 11th that history Colorado has the talk with some of Denver's best known C.E.O.'s to explore challenges opportunities in lessons learned featuring Jackie in a c.e.o. Of c h 2 m. John Hayes c.e.o. Of corp in my freezer c.e.o. Of Liberty Global go to www. Dot com slash view from the top to register view from the top of that Colorado history starting at 7 30 am. On Denver's money 6 am. And now America's number one show one pop culture and politics this is the Michael Medved Show and another great day in this greatest nation on God's green earth a great nation where criticism of our public officials is fine it's part of what Americans do it's part of our birthright you're absolutely free to criticize the Democrats who are screaming about scandal and collusion and other charges against President Trump criticize away you also of course every right to criticize President Trump what you do not have a right to do not without consequences is to suggest publicly or even suffering that assassination of public figures is appropriate. That's something that Kathy Griffin learned to her own great detriment remember that was the comedienne who I think did permanent damage to her career by posing for an utterly tasteless inappropriate unfunny and disgusting and irresponsible photograph showing her holding up ahead of Donald Trump now there is a nother group of creative personnel who are suffering because of another it seems to me inappropriate attack on President Trump and you know what they're actually paying a price but they say they're glad to do it really we will get to that story we will also be covering a new report that shows that 2000000000 people 30 percent of all the people in the world suffer from a medical condition which will probably shorten their lives and lead to all kinds of dire consequences including early death and what exactly should we do about it and why is the situation getting so much worse with this often untreated unrecognized affliction we will get to that it's based on a huge article a massive and very well researched in the Journal of the American Medical Association actually I'm sorry it's the New England Journal of Medicine but also prestigious medical journal Ok 1st off the story. About Julius Caesar Now usually you mention Julius Caesar Didn't he die a long time ago only Ides of March actually about 2000 years ago yeah he did. But the play Julius Caesar will not die not at Public Theater in New York it is performed at the delicate theatre and this is one of those attempts to try to quote make Shakespeare relevant and one of the ways that the Public Theater did that is by basically hiring a trump lookalike either he's not really a body double or anything like that the actor they have playing Julius Caesar does have sort of the comb over blondish hair sort of put back and he's wearing a long red tie and is dressed in from black clothes and shiny shoes and apparently his gestures and delivery are meant to represent trumpets since he's speaking Shakespearean lines the substance of what he's saying somewhat different but they also create a a wife and you can see the pictures it's meant to be high fashion model type and she speaks in what the Associated Press describes as a recognizable Slovenian accent now I don't think anyone can identify a Slovenian accent can we just say it's eastern european because Did anybody out there who can recognize a difference between say a Croatian or Rumanian accent and a Slovenian accent which the 1st lady of the land has in any event why is this a problem it's a problem because in the very middle the place spoiler alert but this did happen 2000 years ago Julius Caesar gets knifed by a bunch of senators and in the new production Adela Court Theatre at the Public Theater in New York. You see Julius Caesar all knife and stabbed by the senators who are planning to get rid of him and as a matter of fact he's lying there in a bloody heap and no it's not a pleasant vision when you aren't talking about the president the United States and I think that people who were behind this production should have considered it differently well so do 2 of the major sponsors of the Dell of Court Theatre which are withdrawn their funding and I think that's appropriate Here's the story as is covered by the Associated Press the Public Theatre is refusing to back down despite backlash over its production of Julius Caesar that portrays a Donald Trump like dictator in a business suit with a long time who gets knife to death on stage Delta Airlines and Bank of America pulled their sponsorship of the public's version of the play but in a statement issued yesterday the theater said it stands behind the production of the reason they're doing this is because the production only runs till Sunday so it's just a few more days that of course is saying oh yeah now there are tons of people are going to go out and. Come see it it's noted that staging has quote provoked heated discussion but such discussion is exactly the goal of our civically engaged theatre this discourse is the basis of a healthy democracy I'm sorry there's nothing about assassination that is characteristic of a healthy democracy and by the way the assassination of Caesar led fairly directly to the end of the Roman Republic. It was not a good thing other defenders included Scott Stringer of the New York City controller who wrote letters to the heads of Delta and Bank of America arguing the dropping their support sends the wrong message. He writes art matters the 1st Amendment matters expression matters this has nothing to do with the 1st Amendment expression or art this has to do with corporations saying you know this is a sickening thing anything that even hints at violence against a president the United States whoever the president is whether its name is Obama or whether his name is Trump it's illegitimate it's not right and I think these corporations are taking the right tack to withdraw their funding based upon this particular play now the New York Times ends up of course defending the Public Theater they defend the Public Theatre by reference to other productions apparently in the middle of the Obama administration there was a performance by the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis of the play Julius Caesar where they had a black actor who dressed like Obama who played Julius Caesar and he was murdered by a bunch of people who are dressed like white conservatives and people didn't freak out about that well maybe that part of that was because it was in Minneapolis and maybe it was because there weren't serious people who were quite as outspoken against Barack Obama you Buzzell Yes but there was this guy Trump who was there with his stupid story and it was a stupid story about Obama being born in Kenya and cetera et cetera Yeah but you know what the idea of actually calling for the assassination of Barack Obama and there was no attempt at least in that version of the story to to try to carry it too far and here really have if if you take a look at the photographs from the production it's unquestionable that what they are trying to suggest is that Julius Caesar is a trump like figure by the way one things it's also peculiar about this production they have Marc Anthony is played by a woman. Which implies one that there's some kind of hanky panky going on between Mark Anthony I don't even know if they call her what Marca Anthony or Mary and no it's Marc Anthony and she is not a transgendered woman she's a woman who's at she got a long ponytail I mean Ok Look I understand that they try to get something new or fresh or refreshing about Shakespeare productions and the New York Times also brings up that Orson Welles the great Orson Welles maker of Citizen Kane did a famous production of Julius Caesar in 1940 where they made Julius Caesar look like Mussolini but Ok Roman right Roman Roman and Julius Caesar was invoked by Mussolini Mussolini saw himself as a new Caesar and he adopted some of the old Roman symbols like the East the fascist symbol was barred from Rome so that's not quite the same they also show this Julius Caesar in a gold bath tub right which is not in the play but is an other reflection of some of the aesthetic that is associated with Trump ism. The entire thing is wrong headed Julius Caesar ends its run this Sunday so people can relax and then the comedy a midsummer night's dream begins in the Park on July 11th. But there are some reasons to be concerned component is going to do with Midsummer Night's Dream How would you adopt that play to make it a slam at Trump which I guess is considered to be requisite by many people in the arts right now we will get to that also a study that says obesity afflicts a 3rd of the human beings alive today not just overweight obesity We'll get to that and more on the mad bad show Michael Medved Show Michael a good dog. Every week you hear me talking about relief factor and I do encourage you to give it a try to alleviate your pain Here's on the best pain free moments from this week's relief Factor live commercials Lucy writes I love it I'm 32 and began experiencing strong pain in my knees from exercising and I sought medical attention however the pain continued so a coworker mentioned relief factor when she heard me constantly complaining about my knee pain so finally I ordered after reading the reviews I've been taking and I really love it this came in from Terry Terry writes I am so amazed I was suffering with great need paying so much that when I sat very long and tried to stand it would hurt so bad but after faithfully taking relief factor I began to get around better and better until now I can walk with little pain it's true relief factor has helped lots of my listeners and you could be the next one visit relief factor dot com to learn more about this great product and their 3 week quick start for just 1905 really factor dot com. 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There's been a lot of indignation and some organized boycotts for this a production of Julius Caesar Shakespeare's Julius Caesar at the Public Theater in New York City it's productions in Central Park it's something of a summertime tradition and you know I'm I'm proud to report that this production that features a Julius Caesar who was knifed by a bunch of senators and lies bleeding on the stage and is killed. Is portrayed as a Donald Trump lookalike and supposed to be a stand in for Trump and they have Calpurnius Caesar's wife is a Molony a soundalike not so much look alike but she's dressed up like millennia in any event the entire thing is distasteful and it's stupid in the production is closing down why well it was scheduled to close down Sunday is going to be the last day for the production but the National Endowment of the arts has stepped forward with a statement and I think I'm glad that they did this the statement says the National Endowment for the arts makes grants to nonprofit organizations for specific projects in the past the New York Shakespeare Festival has received project based n.e.a. Grants to support performance of Shakespeare in the park by the Public Theater However no n.e.a. Funds have been awarded to support this summer Shakespeare in the park production of Julius Caesar and there are no n.e.a. Funds supporting the New York State Council of the arts grant to Public Theater its performances in other words. You can't you can slam the National Endowment for the Arts for plenty I mean mostly I would slam slam as an unnecessary federal expense I don't think we need a federal department of the arts arts should be supported by private industry like Delta Airlines and like Bank of America which both withdrew their support from this particular production it's going to be replaced by a production of a Midsummer Night's Dream and I would just be a little bit careful about that Shakespearean comedy because in today's world part of what happens in the comedy and again a spoiler alert for a play that's been around for almost 500 years but Ok. He Here is the the point you need to have in mind is that for a Midsummer Night's Dream one of the key elements in the action is a a character bottom ends up with the head of a donkey. Yes correct and you can imagine and then the queen of the fairies is given a love potion and she falls in love with a donkey had they personal with that of a donkey and you can imagine that the people of Public Theatre may attempt to invoke Trump somehow in that regard where instead of a donkey had well you can fill in the gaps Let's hope they don't do that because Midsummer Night's Dream is a great play to enjoy without 818-095-5776 Dave in Kirkland Washington you're on the Michael Medved Show but yeah Michael I wanted to make one more point about the front Julius Caesar and the history teacher who happened to focus on each of Rome and one thing they might not Assad as Susan was one of the greatest geniuses what he was good at every single thing that a lawyer general soldier and writer I mean he's one of the very few people from 2000 years ago whose work is still regularly read write write and it's hard to think of few you know there are very few figures in history that have had as much impact on on world history as as Caesar did so perhaps they are. In that very evening little compliment to someone they might not want to write and by the way in the the play and people who know the Play know this just as in the real Plutarch's Lives which I think is the major source for the play. The people who assassinate. Caesar are shown to make tragic mistakes and they all end up with a very tragic outcomes they lose they don't win from the assassinations actually Caesar's adoptive son Octavian Augustus who becomes. The really the 1st Roman emperor of Dave appreciate your point and yes President Trump might actually feel flattered by comparison with the one of the greatest figures of the ancient world appreciate your call one of the other stories that is getting a great deal of attention today and it should because it's a huge medical study and it appeared in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine that shows that 2200000000 that's 2200000000 adults and children suffer from serious health problems related to being obese and in some occasions overweight in All About 30 percent of the world's population is now affected by weight problems with a full 10 percent of the global population listed as obese in the United States our problems are much more acute than that much worse than that the United States it turns out we covered a while ago the the idea that the United States lead the world in obesity this new study shows well no where we we have a couple of countries that are worse than we are in obesity. Saudi Arabia and Egypt in fact the United States is the only Western country that separate in the top 5 among the most obese countries in the world but 26.5 percent according to this study was 38 percent according to another study of American adults are obese and obese as measured by your body mass index of more than 30 the the point of this study is much more than any of the previous studies it truly does indicate some very very serious health problems and reduced life expectancy they suggest that in 2015 there were 4000000 deaths that were attributed to excess body weight and 60 percent of those deaths were people who were obese 40 percent were just people who are overweight the findings according to the paper in New England Journal of Medicine represent a growing and disturbing global public health crisis. Anything that we should be motivated to do about that 180955776 will also report on a new film about of a lot of America puton from a highly leftwing. And cockamamie perspective coming up. Without star in news I'm Gordon Griffin in Paris French President Emanuel McCrone is closely following developments of the attack on a hotel resort in Mali's capital where a suspected jihadist to accost is in a spot popular with foreigners an official in the grounds office says the president has been informed about the attack and he and his teams are following be involving events German government officials celebrating the clear victory of President Emanuel McCrone party in France's parliamentary elections Chancellor Angela Merkel's chief of staff wrote Sunday on Twitter that France now has a strong president with a strong majority in parliament Portugal's president says the country's pain knows no end as it mourns at least 61 people killed in the deadliest wildfire in memory president Marcella rebel Oh they Susa as a televised address the nation is time it's a time of pain but also a time to carry on the fight against the flames this is after a news. Hi this is Angel and coming up on the next experience. We're going to talk about how to not go insane over those goals you're obsessing over. Positive business on weekday afternoons right here on the experience because radio show to me is the experience for. 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Their swap showed me my furnace an air conditioner are the right size for my house and my air conditioner was working just fine they adjusted our created. Stronger airflow to distribute all that cool air in the basement and this even help to save electricity the house is more comfortable in the winter as well they reduced the big temperature difference between the floors and now the up stairs is comfortable during the day and early evening call them at 303-761-0729 extension 1 the web at fair Desk dot com 303-761-0729 or bear dash slapper dot com for more comfortable and energy efficient home call Pastor camp today to install a new Linux heating and air conditioning system and take advantage of their financing options pastor camp is well known for their customer satisfaction guarantee a and has served Denver area homeowners for 58 years. Discover pastor camp and experience comfort 30377712343037771234 pastor camp dot com no return to the bench to Michael made bed calling Denver's money talk 6090 am. 34 minutes after the hour on The Michael Medved Show the least obese countries in the world since I'm sure you wanted to know. Bangladesh. Where they still have problems getting enough food Cambodia Vietnam Burundi and the least obese country in the world showing the others appear e.r.d. Of their political system North Korea. Obesity and North Korea is less than one percent isn't that wonderful. Do you remember the the British candidate who was claiming that the only 2 countries in the world that had a handle on the obesity crisis were North Korea and Cuba I'm fairly certain that he lost along with some other people who deserved to lose in the British elections that we just held 180955776 is our phone number. One of the other politically charged episodes recently well actually before we go to Oliver Stone defending Vladimir Putin would you know he would do it is the same director who worships Fidel Castro made a previous film talking about how that communist dictator was so worthy of our attention admiration We'll get to that the moment but 1st there's a huge explosion on the Internet on Twitter about the new senator from California Campbell Harris who. Was particularly obnoxious it seems to me in her questioning of Jeff Sessions today you referred to a longstanding d.o.j. Policy can you tell us what policy it is you're talking about well I think most Cabinet people as the previous you had before you earlier those individuals are declined to comment because we're all about conversations with the president I'm just I was right about Wallace even Ali you refer also goes beyond just the attorney general is that policy in writing somewhere I think so so did you not consulted before you came before this committee knowing we would ask you questions about why we talked about the policy is the basis that it would be sound to you. The policy is based on the principle that the president I'm not asking about the principle I'm asking when what I might able to answer these questions and you would rely on that policy did you not ask your staff to show you the policy that would be the basis for your fusing to answer annoyed at which they shouldn't be allowed to answer the question that's John McCain stepping up for Jeff Sessions to get a right to answer the question now of course the Left is all claiming that camel Harris was silent she was stifled remember they said that Elizabeth Warren was stifled that she was stifled because she is a young black woman she's actually black and Asian both She's one of only 2 women of color in the u.s. Senate and Matthew Miller of m.s.n. B.c. Sent out a. Tweet that said what is it about Camelot Harris that makes her the only senator Republicans interrupted every hearing and I tweeted back at him maybe it could be the fact that her quote questioning unquote is rude obnoxious hectoring and irrelevant and it is an are you permitted to say that even though she is a younger than Senator McCain or attorney general sessions and she's a woman of color you're permitted to say that because it's true let's go to Adam in Houston Texas you're on the Michael Medved Show Hey Michael are you well I just wanted to comment about the hearing and I disagree with you that Senator Harris was obnoxious or that I think she was doing your job and did well I mean I think. Attorney General Sessions was acting McCain lite Senator McCain acted last week I mean he was right I mean McCain was he got a better night's sleep last night the Diamondbacks didn't have a game this Times had enough to stay up late but I know McCain's questioning was fine this time it was terrible last week what what do you think that Senator Harris was trying to get at yes are you there more yeah I'm here to perform or it's with. I don't think that they do flexion of Senator Kerry as being obnoxious or anything he was just don't walling in not giving any answers. But I don't understand what her question was I don't in other words if I if I ask you a question as I just did what was she trying to get and that's a pretty obvious question but there was nothing that obvious about her line of questioning and where she continually interrupted the attorney general of the United States who was trying it seems to me to provide some sort of answer appreciate your call a quick word from early factor Catherine from Pennsylvania writes in my shoulder aches and pains were running ruining my life I repeatedly heard a number of radio hosts praising really factor including this one and because I respect these people I decided to try it. Now the folks Colonel Sanders here to announce I can see his new spicy crispy zinger chicken sandwich is now available on a $5.00 fill up for a limited time because it was his friend $7.00 on a meal at a burger place when you could spend $5.00 on a hand breaded zinger chicken sandwich wages a cookie and a drink at k.f.c. I mean we specialize in chicken you need another reason I don't think so Trout is anger at a $5.00 bill up again today and see it finger like in good limited time offer participating k.f.c. Tax extra every week you hear me talking about relief factor and I do encourage you to give it a try to alleviate your pain Here's on the best pain free moments from this week's relief Factor live commercials Lucy writes I love it I'm 32 and began experiencing strong pain in my knees from exercising and I sought medical attention however the pain continued so a coworker mentioned relief factor when she heard me constantly complaining about my knee pain so finally I ordered after reading the reviews I've been taking in I really love it this came in from Terry Terry writes I am so amazed I was suffering with great need paying so much that when I sat very long and tried to stand it would hurt so bad but after faithfully taking relief factor I began to get around better and better until now I can walk with little pain it's true relief factor has helped lots of my listeners and you could be the next one visit relief factor dot com to learn more about this great product and their 3 week quick start for just 1905 really factor dot com I wish that we would have started the dynamite right away it would have been so much easier order a 90 day supply of dynamite for your dog this week we'll send you a bottle of noble fully free no monthly flea spray kills fleas safely with no poison because it's a poly peptide protein molecule made from thanks to Bill oil try no mostly free this week dot com just feed your dog right you're dying to fight going to fight for life while yanno. 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To get. 44 minutes after the hour on The Michael Medved Show where you can go to the website and you can click on my column today in USA Today which makes the case that people who are agitating for impeachment of President Trump are ignoring history deluding themselves and damaging the country President Trump will not be driven from office be a cause of the mechanism constitutional mechanism of impeachment it will not work it will only damage the country you want to see that case I make that case today in the featured column and USA Today it's a post up at our website of Michael Medved dot com When you're up there you can also check out a great interview with my wife Dr Diane Medved on c.b.s. Christian Broadcasting Network that's available at our website at Michael Medved dot com or at her website Diane Medved dot com where you can also order your own download and of ballad half the price of the book itself it's a download of the full audio version of her new book don't divorce I check it out at Diane Medved dot com and this great interview about the arguments in her book. Meanwhile. On a different note in popular culture in a different kind of t.v. Interview Steven called Bear featured Oliver Stone Oliver Stone still best known for his Oscar winning film Platoon he's received acclaim undeserved acclaim it seems to me for his movie j.f.k. About the Kennedy assassination quote conspiracy he also made born on the 4th of July and some really terrible films recently Alexander the Great was a particularly loathsome example his new film is about Vladimir Putin and it's based on 20 hours that he spent with Vladimir Putin and it follows up a similar film he made hailing the late Fidel Castro. Ok that didn't work out so well for Castro will this help Putin. He was on Oliver Stone last night with Steven called Bear and sounded like this about why the dictator of Russia is really just misunderstood I think he's a devoted to his country and I'm amazed at his calmness is as I said his courtesying never really surprising that of anybody and he's been through a lot and he's been insulted and abused I didn't say of any kind of of it abused in the press in the media I didn't see it. But I didn't sense any kind of anger about that anything about him negative views with the would. Be would be or did you have your dog in a cage someplace with the Ok look cold there is response was dry and effective appropriate do you believe that Oliver Stone is going around I mean what is what about his connections where does his money coming from he then. Goes on with this unique perspective on Vladimir Putin what is wrong with detente with Russia just why would you be against it and I don't understand this mentality of maybe it's because you can't you hate Trump like I perhaps can a state's a strong word I don't think there's a strong you don't trust trust so therefore you know Russia is convenient as an excuse for high rollers and why our president will never say anything negative about Vladimir Putin given the Putin is. Press of leader of this country who suppresses the free press and arrests his enemies and thank you. For the breadth and respect and I'm surprised that you do respect that you know I've always been for free speech yes but he doesn't like he would be a hero of that he said. Listen I don't question he's a social conservative in that way he believes that. I don't know why you're laughing but it's he believes that if you like a mild description of. His the mild stuff yet social conservatives are not in favor of arresting people for criticizing the regime is that pretty obvious Let's go to Richard Charlotte North Carolina Richard you're on the mad that show Michael Medved I did spend a long time how you doing doing well. Hey Michael you're talking about the obesity crisis in our country and you made it compare symbiote that North Korea has sounded that so innocent term it's so interior a lot of the communist countries have they don't have the obesity crisis or the problem you know why we have a price crisis in this country because our government allows people who want to go into Wal-Mart and load up their grocery cart about 242 liters of Pepsi and Coke and not there's there's there's no doubt about it and America is a wealthy country and yes we do believe in allowing people to have free choices and there is a little bit of a problem in North Korea have called starvation and not enough to eat which is a worse problem than obesity is and then we'll be right back. Oh it's time for. That man's back but in a different form than you've ever seen him before this time he takes the shape of a popular children's toy in the Lego Batman movie new on d.v.d. I saved the city again it was off the chain anyway I should probably have some grub That's Will Arnett voicing the Caped Crusader Balzac Alef anacharis is the Joker Rosario Dawson is the police commissioner who becomes back girl and Oscar winner Ray Fines is the loyal paternal butler Alfred were you looking at the old family pictures again no I wasn't if you want to talk about how you'll feel so no go go go . Joshua Hooper according that well they're recording all of it actually and splashing it on the scene in glorious eye popping animation that explodes in action at such a frenetic pace that even the most jaded film goers will feel the need to hang on to their seats and to laugh out loud the movie is full of sly insider references to the d.c. Comic books universe plus 2 other elements of science fiction and contemporary culture with what he nods to everything from Lord Of The Rings to the Trump campaign and even Hillary Clinton. The underlying message of the importance of family and connection comes across with surprising emotional force but the overwhelming emotion inspired by this film will be delight and amusement it's rated p.g. For some extended scenes of animated Lego battles royal but it's entirely suitable for audiences of all ages 3 and a half stars for the explosively enjoyable the Lego Batman movie 220-955-1776 Michael Medved. Karl is a dog trainer Ok so. 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Ok d.m.d. Denver's money target 1690 am I Peter Boyles 2009 I see an ad in Denver magazine for a place called Senna Gen x. And I get a call and I meet Dr Julie McCallum The rest is history at the time really school through a hard time in my life and again I meet Dr McCowen she does so many changes for us we did bloodwork complete Senate Gen x. And we came up with all this customized planning for me that included still doesn't include workouts and eating plans and hormone nutritional supplements and there's no magic pills there's no magic milkshakes you put in the work you have a great doc and you change your life it does work again ski all the time Roger bike ride your motorcycle stand again be an old guy but you can still be a tough old guy be thin be mean be back in the game Senate genic scholar 7203873681723873681 speak to Jackie as her executive you know arrange for a free 20 minute phone call 20 minutes get a free phone call caller get off the ground 720-387-3681 connect and collaborate we want to bring you more great content we've been working on something special for our connect and collaborate listeners Hi I'm Tammy safer and I'm Alex captain during the week of June 19th we're bringing you a theory or we could call it if you will our 1st game at the business the music a full week where we focus on music starting with Take note Colorado it's a statewide music initiative to provide music education and musical instruments to every student in the state so cool Libby and Shoots is joining us from Take note Colorado next we'll talk with Anthony Lim bottles from photos catering about how music can make an event make it or break any on a kit then a group of businessmen who formed our Rockapella group tell us about how they've created this outlet for their love you listen in 1st them 3 of how many will also talk with Graham winder of passing music which offers alternative methods for learning music to an in tune in really for the business the music scene 1000 to the 23rd and connecting collaborate 4 pm on Denver's money talks 6. 90. Percent money during the week stimulating talk of the week Denver's money 6090 am. Portions of The Michael Medved Show are sponsored by Hillsdale College learn more at Medved for Hillsdale dot com And this is your last week to register for the free introduction the Constitution course it's taught by Larry Arne who's the president of Hillsdale College and he will make principles of freedom come alive for you here's a quick sample we're trying to explain the United States where we are social and we are moral and therefore we are political and therefore you should sign up because it's a free opportunity to have to do it this week ago to Medved for Hillsdale dot com click on that directly or go to Michael Medved dot com and you can find the Hillsdale College banner for the free course on the Constitution let's go to Jack in Seattle Jack you're on an adventure I make a quick question about that New York play about Julius Caesar as you remember Colin in the Shakespearean story after Caesar is killed that Mark Anthony makes a very famous speech that his famous I come to I come out of prison is about to bury him and which he actually ends up defending Caesar Oh absolutely that done in this play in New York yes yes yes it is and again Mark Anthony is played by a female they apparently use the original the regular original Shakespeare text making to account for the fact that Mark Anthony is female or that the the main Julius Caesar character looks like a certain former billionaire hotel here appreciate your call but you're right I mean Caesar basically is treated sympathetically in that play which is the irony of the fact that they have him cast. Trump And and showing the the wounded murdered body on stage it not the real body it's old stage blood etc of John Aberdeen Washington you're on the Michael Medved Show. I don't know if you're if you're trying to be silly or just obfuscate the situation or the questioning by the senator with the joke sessions that that jerk you yourself have used the same the same question in the past which makes me believe that you're intelligent and just trying to demean a lady when calling upon a policy to defend your actions and not answering questions she was asking simply show me the policy and he should have been able to point in the Department of Justice to a policy that says this is my actions and that is why I'm not answering your came when I heard I did not hear her entire questioning but what I heard in the section that we played he was in the process of explaining that there is a general policy not unique to the Department of Justice but a general policy across cabinet departments about talking about conversations with the president it's executive privilege now he may have been mis stating it but I think that her questioning was hectoring and ineffective and look at it it's also sometimes I will cut short callers as the time is cut you short here and a but we're not now talking about a congressional hearing where there's time in advance and where the attorney general of the United States may not have been a stellar witness he may not have been impressive but was any clear that he was trying to give decent answers and defend his own reputation which he has an perfect right to do in this greatest nation on God's green earth. K.t. Mt Denver's money talks 1698. Hi folks. Oh my gosh how can it be that we started done right home improvements way back in 1985 already how could it be that 3 of our grandkids are now working in the business Jeep.

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