Transcripts For KDVR FOX 31 Denver News 930P 20160219

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the first time that they've been accused of wrongdoing. i am foxy when denver biscuit of reporter heidi him is here with a long list of complaints. this stack of online reviews could , kesey heritage cremation of all kinds of heinous acts, including withholding ashes for money. we learned heritage has been kicked out of several states for being unlicensed. that won't happen here because of a loophole in colorado ball. generous devastated by the death of her mother, laura gardner. >> it's like she's dying every day and we are going through it every day. it is may have happened to her night. where the ashes. but if they doubled her they blame heritage cremation, funeral service she found online online. grieving people. pick two days later and received this financial bill of 1500. >> and more than double. >> that is when and contacted the owner. and says he claimed that price increase was due to laura's weight. >> he said she was a big woman and they had these it should be great to burn or. >> than they refused to release laura's ashes until he got paid in full. >> they're basically holding the ashes for ran some. >> we couldn't believe it so we started calling him and when we finally reached him he admitted that. >> asked them to pay their bill. when they pay their bill, they've look at the remains. >> we did some digging into the background of discovery is not a licensed funeral director. in fact his business, heritage cremation, has been banned from florida, tennessee, and oregon because it is not a brick-and-mortar funeral home at rather an online service that subcontracts to other mortuaries mortuaries for a fee. according to laura's death certificate, she was cremated at the mortuary in texas. >> we called them repeatedly trying to locate laura's ashes. our calls were not returned. they did contact laura's family, claiming that they mailed her remains to the only actress they have on file for heritage cremation. >> which just happens to be inside this office building in colorado springs. >> we're looking for heritage cremation. >> we later learned this office only receives mail for heritage cremation, which is then sent to an undisclosed location out of state. >> i think the whole situation is just absolutely outrageous. >> arch worry science student said that there's a reason why heritage cremation is using a colorado mailing address. in the country that does not require funeral homes and directors to be licensed. >> because of that, it's completely legal for you to start at the funeral home today and register and you are legitimate and the state of colorado. that is why it is so important for you to do your homework before you allow a colorado funeral home to care for your loved ones. >> which we just want these people to stop hurting people, stop taking advantage and stealing someone's loved ones. it is disgusting and horrible. >> the problems offers refused to allow this story to and this way. it took weeks but we finally moore's ashes to kim's sister. and they allowed us to be there for their cheerful family reunion. >> it's an overwhelming piece just to know that she's not out there lost. i feel like now we can rest. >> because of our story the colorado department of regulatory agencies has launched an investigation into heritage cremation and their other company legacy funeral services for just a few minutes ago, we heard from state senator nasty nasty -- nancy todd, who now wants to help solve this problem. >> as long as there is no regulation, it is like we are open for business. come to colorado and you can do whatever you want. i do believe in a legitimate amount of regulation, not overregulation. we have seen several different we need to tighten it up. >> senator todd assayed by the she is going to put about out there to get some support and see if we could close that loophole. it is illegal to hold someone's remains for money. >> he could not do that in all 50 states. that is what they actually end up getting this company some punishment that they're not here anyway predict is an online business. if you are googling them, they look legitimate. >> police the family got what they wanted. heidi, thank you. testimony one of the most highly publicized local trials in history switch to emotional counts to the forensic evidence that prosecutors found what they found the date that the now length attached michelle.guns and cut her baby from her womb. foxy when denver justin joseph has the new developments from the courtroom. >> day to testimony injures the whims of the bloody crime scene. >> detective mark deaton showing things to the jury. mattress claim from this bedroom where michelle wilkins lay dying dying. >> the jury also saw bloody shirts and towels and glass shards from our model lamp. the prosecution said that she shot her the lamp on her head, knocking her out for the text of them showed the two nights -- the two knives that we're used to cut the baby out of the womb. >> doctor brian mills nelson was on duty that day and called the improvise see section precise. >> that is a pretty decent cesarean section and it would be consistent with the first your intern performing the first pretty also recounted pursing the suspect in a emergency room at her boyfriend. all this is a doctrine to piece together what was happening. >> when i arrived, she and another member sitting in a wall and the man was holding the baby weeping. >> even as the jury stiffer her reaction, she's showed no emotion even through the most gruesome testimony. >> the trial is going on much quicker than anticipated prosecution could rest as early as tomorrow or monday and then the defense will have their opportunity to present their case. justin joseph, foxy when denver. >> even if you've already filed your taxes come he might have to wait longer than usual to get your refund. the reason, identity theft. the state is expected to get brush with cases of fraud. fox 30 when denver kevin torres joins us now to find a how could impact your return. people. this they wouldn't tell us how many of the just that there were a lot. a lot of people filing taxes on that their name without -- in that play people getting refunds for months. >> melissa's identity was stolen taxes. >> i just the first time by everything and they said it's already been filed. and so i went into freak out mode. spec she pretend because not only did the peak's try something or refund bells also tried taking also for a mortgage and car. they spent a lot of time trying to figure how can we get around things. >> tax refund please are sneaky so the department of revenue. >> the criminals have got a lot smarter and a lot more aggressive about taking the information that they steal. >> because of this the state says if it's a. >> some of his time to file your taxes without your permission, and said person is joined with refund deposited directly into their bank account, they will mail it to your address. >> they might be surprised that i asked for this by direct deposit not getting it by paper check. >> unfortunately you will be notified ahead of time about the change of it could take up to 60 days to get your check. also well filing this here you'll notice some tax programs will ask for your colorado license number. this is an added security requested. >> that's another method that we are using to verify that that pilot is the true filer and that it is the fraudulent return. so long story short if you are elected to get direct deposit, that was hard to get a check. it so that the like and be as long as two months. for helpful tips, we will help you sort through all of this. kevin torres, foxy when denver. >> speaking of internet dangers, here is a reality check printing up everything you need to do to outsmart the kids online. some explicit sites to the it's called a rigged economy, and this is how it works. most new wealth flows to the top 1%. it's a system held in place by corrupt politics where wall street banks my campaign is powered by millions of small contributions. people like you the truth is you can't change a corrupt system i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message. life as spokesbox is great. people love me for saving them over half a grand when they switch to progressive. so i'm dabbling in new ventures. it was board-game night with the dalai lama. great guy. terrible player. go paperless don't stress, girl i got the discounts that you need it's a balancing act, but i got to give the people what they want -- more box. any words for the critics? what can i say? critties gonna neg. [ applause ] the what?! and for parents to you the tools you need to keep your kids safe pick fox 31 denver dan daru shows us protect your family. mention giving your child a magical want allowing them to experience the best and forced worst to the -- chances are you already did. it is called the internet. and with kids being kids, it is just a matter of time before they go someplace without a. without some kind of superficial superficial, really putting them and a future. >> like what -- my kennel larry. he is than looking for a resource to keep his -- and he found it here, careful. .com. >> periods can share information with each other and also educate kids may be facing or the kids ap into that could be potentially dangerous. crew to buy. living in fishers, indiana. puts which is great to join, learning about video games slang. giving parents information. that groups of hundreds -- all concluding to contest. you put what your kids to cross the street without looking both ways. so why would let them on the information highway with you by their side peer dan daru, fox 31 denver. >> at startup last august has 5,000 members and there's no fee to join a. and i just have look online today. >> we got a taste of what it's that's the new pope one of the american idol contestants. used to pick colorado's own -- it she's them in hollywood and she figured out how to skype with the spirits of that is good good. she is learning more than we are are. lovers is when going t who grew up in a brooklyn tenement. he went to public schools, where the work of his life began -- fighting injustice and inequality, speaking truth to power. he moved to vermont, won election and praise as one of america's best mayors. in congress, he stood up for working families and for principle, opposing the iraq war, supporting veterans. now he's taking on wall street and a corrupt political system funded by millions of contributions, tackling climate change to create clean-energy jobs, fighting for living wages, equal pay, and tuition-free public colleges. people are sick and tired of establishment politics, and they want real change! [ cheers and applause ] bernie sanders -- husband, father, grandfather, an honest leader building a movement with you to give us a future to believe in. and i approve this message. (donkey sound) (elephant sound) there's a big difference between making noise, (tapping sound) and making sense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. give us a plan. mitchell is in hollywood far from her home on the western slopes. now that she has -- instead away. it is new tonight. >> i haven't met with the stylist yet, so that will be interesting. it should be fun, interesting, weird, all of those. this is what the judges thought of her last performance. it was bizarre. she is a hard time describing her style, country with folk and blues simply draft pick to don't forget the. he is an interesting back. he's also doing homework during to give up their score hollywood. not many other contestants have the added measure. if they give or her makeover the going to use that for toys story story. check it out once i can, very warm temperatures across the west. tonight we have a sweeping cold front, which is been driving a lot of wind and it is right here coming across the mountains as it continues to push east of the wind will stay up and once it moves feast of colorado, the wind will come down and it's going to be into early tomorrow morning. the first 200 strong winds and the sultan mountain in the cell south plains the northeast corner of the state and we are feeling it in denver. the wins the whipping around. for looking down inside and you can see the flakes being blown around but the strong wind which than -- us to mainly in the 40s and 51 and parker. it's only court just pick pierce and the 20s and 30s in the mountains but his is going to happen across the state picture temperatures in the 60s here where you are in the 80s to dentist treated as springfield. the mountains are quickly coming to an end to borrow this we start unless we. if you high clouds around. temperatures not being as for mistakes record-setting 70's to the south and east of the cup 40 40s and 50s in the mountains and points west. morning and give it a couple of hours and here in the city it will let up around 10:00. that's my flint term plenty of sunshine on our way to mild 62. that is not the 73 we had today but is it's pretty good. specially with the wind blowing new hands on the steering will we will talk about snow back in the world a president has to imagine. that's the job. and she's the one who's proven she can get it done. ...securing a massive reduction in nuclear weapons... ...standing up against the abuse of women... ...protecting social security... ...expanding benefits for the national guard... ...and winning health care for 8 million children... the presidency is the toughest job in the world and she's the one who'll make a real difference for you. it's not the sexiest of trade spirit no superstars coming to denver. the nuggets did poetry run a at some of that sends three-point specialist randy foye took the oklahoma city thunder interesting for the career 37 percent free-throw shooter, and the nuggets will proceed to future round draft picks. as well as forward steve novak. that a big 2-2 win to 64 points on the season. of the playoffs started today, the apps would be in as the seven seat to the big talker was all about hall of famer joe's back. the mvp of hockey operations answering questions not only about the clintons but also about putting himself on the ice pretty you're looking at old footage of the 13 time all-star and they get them back of the day and he will get another shot at it. as for whether or not joe is ready, -- for five times the equipment feels comfortable mountain it may be getting one more in before the week. getting any better. comparable. the hockey, they forget their first crack at it this saturday. the big rivalry the first period at the break. that ties it out 1 apiece. for the go-ahead goal coming up here on the power play. this is the big scrub. trevor moore with the goal. their final score is 4 your back in denver, no professional sports over at the pepsi center and instead make it 896 high school athletes taking part in the state wrestling tournament. 66 of the athletes will be crowned champions following the big three day event been for two of them it is a family affair. kami carmann introduces us to the barker twins who are hopeful to make history. >> 16 -year-old twins, kaylee barker and brandon barker, never far apart. we are always together. >> of the time that they were for, they were wrestling together. >> it is kind of always been there. >> family leaves legacy on the court. >> nobody knows that better than their decorative also happens to be there coach and was a two-time champion himself back in the day. >> i thought when they were young that this is my think his affect be your think of a secret to kind of plow your own path in life. >> after beginning his tiny cuts and they took a break. >> had to be your off. when i was a. >> when i was five. >> i miss it so much. >> now suffers at mountain view high school in loveland, brightness make in his second trip to state this him around his right there with him. >> i think it should make this year pictures with your butt off off. >> the school does not keep tabs on how many put the made it to the tournament pick kaylee is for state. while it's been done before, there they're still some backlash. >> i was your smart comments. >> we always wondered if these this is a guy sport. she uses it as motivation. >> she can beat you any day. >> the family for minor corner, kaylee can just compete. >> it is called knowing its history. the stiffest competition is with her siblings. >> they nitpick. >> most of the time she's had a stubborn. >> family always wins. >> kami carmann, fox 30 when denver. >> a quick update, kaylee did lose tonight and she goes to the consolation. breeden did when i moved on. >> fox 31 denver news at ten starts right now. roaring winds while of trouble to the metro area come even shutting down i 25 for a short time. will shape the dangers that is causing around town picked an historic visit to help once ousted country. can't proceed to run the present obama's trip to cuba. a family pet blamed for burning mistake that could've prevented this fire. and protecting children on the w up at the new website for parents that catch up on what kids are learning on the internet these days. >> fox 31 denver. >> high wind scripting offsides and causing thousands of power outages across the metro area this afternoon. and this evening. thanks for staying with us. i'm deborah takahara. >> the wind knocking par out to 10,000 customers and even impacting us at our station in downtown denver. it also cause problems on i 25 for the tech center. >> fox 31 denver do and go bart is live near ikea with the side was damage causing danger to the drivers on my way below. >> the fire to parker received call from one of the stores employees who noticed that there's something just not right about this sign signed a different look like the panels were shaking in the 45 mao for a wind gusts. when the rescue team got up

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