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And Roger Goodell says We believe our players should stand for the national anthem and it will introduce a plan to move past the controversy at next week's League meeting in Manhattan the n.f.l. Manual already says players should stand the question is whether owners will change that word to must Goodell says his plan will include a platform to highlight players work on social issues over 15 wildfires causing destruction and over a dozen deaths in California this fire Santa Rosa British Prime Minister may in a phone call with President Trump reiterates the U.K.'s commitment to the multi-nation Iran nuclear deal says a British government spokesman they're still finding bodies tied to the Hurricane Maria disaster in Puerto Rico now at least 43 says the Puerto Rican governor's office coming to fire Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein's defense fashion designer Donna Karan suggesting his female sex harassment accusers are to blame for their seductive dress this is a.b.c. News this is house yard as Halloween approaches and summer's Harshita has turned his lawn into a virtual cemetery but how knows fall is the best time to feed his lawn and repair those scary scene brown shoes so he reaches for stocks to build a winter guard following it feeds and replenishes nutrients roots grow deeper and stronger so next spring Al's grass grows greener guaranteed this is a Scots yard pick up a bag of Scots Winter Guard today maybe it's a pair of shoes maybe it's a certain bike maybe it's a certain mattress whether your running biking or even sleeping the equipment you use matters beauty rest provides equipment for high performance to help you perform better than ever for a limited time. To rest mattresses during a beauty rest high performance find a retailer at beauty rest retailers dot com Get your beauty rest at Mile High mattress of record or America's mattress in Fort Collins. $1310.00 pm Kerry's 1st alert weather power button verse 7 the northern dollar for gas clear tonight low Bob $32.00 sunny and warm are tomorrow with a high of $78.00 sunshine and $75.00 with some gusty southwest winds on Thursday Friday partly cloudy with your 1st dollar forecast on Denver 7 chief meteorologist Mike Nelson $1310.00 k. F. K. This weather update is brought to you by c r p 4 by 4 located at the corner of 9th Street and 21st Avenue in Greeley call them at 970-351-8603. And Kara marks are with the latest on the 24 hour news watch a 62 year old woman from Evans has been missing since September and police are asking for your help to find her Lydia goody heiress was last seen around 6 30 in the evening 37th Street and u.s. 85 on September 29th she was wearing a bright blue hoodie at the time officers don't suspect foul play in her disappearance and it's not the 1st time she's gone missing but family members say this is the 1st time that she's been gone this long without getting in touch with anyone anyone with information should call police a former c.s.u. Football coach and current Miami Dolphins coach has now resigned after a video of him surfaced that video shows Chris Forrester snorting 3 lines of a white powder in a desk he released a statement apologizing to the dolphins and says his focus will now be on getting treatment Forrester was c.s. Use offensive line coach for 4 years in the mid eighty's I'm Karen Marks are for 1310 k. F. K. And 1310 k. F. K. a Dot com Snow loves to pile up on your driveway sidewalks and walkways But what it hates is the watershed supply of snow plows and ice melt with residential and commercial snow plows and salt spreaders and stock snows happiness doesn't stand a chance new in October the watershed will have their special in store brand get a grip of ice melt so this year there's no excuse not to have the cleanest driveway in the neighborhood learn more at the watershed Inc dot com or just see them on the corner by 25 in Harmony Road in Fort Collins and now in Cheyenne. The next generation of mobile banking technology is here with the F.M.'s mobile thanking app you are just one download away from everything you need to bank with your mobile device you have access to person to person payments accounts or account transfers debit card remote deposit quick balance and transaction history inquiry and many other features even bank securely from where ever you are for more info call 976-7345 or one or visit them on the web at the bank dot com F.M.'s Bank thank you need simple member at this Saturday and Sunday it's the Weld County hunting and sportsman gun show at Island regional park and really come see the latest products from cold Smith and Wesson agent Byrd Plus we have your operating needs covered with 2017 A.T.V.'s from Arctic Cat in bad boy new and used items for womens protection floss classes so your collection are upgraded trade Saturday 9 to 5 and Sunday 10 before that island Regional Park. Or harsh outdoors dot com. This week perhaps a 3 day week is on tap for high school football Thursday night at 630 north to get away and as they play host to Thompson Valley Friday night in our game of the week the playoff hungry Highland host have an away match up against lions at 7 then on Saturday Johnson for press rewind at 10 am then Dayspring Christian bells it out against Akron to stay in the playoff chase at 1 o'clock now as always listen live on 1310 k. Of k. Or online at 1310 k. F. K. Dot com. Northern Colorado traffic. 25 running to speed this afternoon really really good shape back up 34 directions either side of I 25 and Lapland westbound lanes of 34 and a crowd right around county road at 13 slowing 34 bypass a westbound 23rd Avenue to. 47th Avenue in Greeley this afternoon we've also got some congestion both directions 35th Avenue either side of 34 bypass Denver 7 cheap meteorologist Mike Nelson says well what a difference a day makes right that's me not him but I think you concur expect blows all around the freezing mark 32 degrees this evening sunny and of much warmer tomorrow with highs around 70 degrees right now pleasant afternoon throughout Northern Colorado 5557 Loveland $56.00 Fort Collins and in Longmont it's 60 degrees. Or so are its reserves so much this is Caroline 13 to encourage her. To sit. Family few American style no we're not getting into the Weld County Council and the Weld County Commissioners not today but perhaps a something to look forward to tomorrow for 07 now 13 and k f a k a All right so let's see if I've got this straight and I'd appreciate your calibration if you'd like to weigh in the Saturn noon 353131877 that 35313 we have the curious story of Harvey Weinstein and with each passing day. The allegations of sexual assault and let's call it for what it is out and out rape grow longer by the moment now you've probably heard the stories co-founder of the production distribution companies Miramax the Weinstein Company. Known for such movies as Sex Lies and Videotape The English Patient Pulp Fiction The Crying Game Shakespeare in Love. The list goes on and on and he is nothing more than a rep prehensile sex offender now Matt Damon to his credit Matt Damon said well he would have stepped in and stopped it really Matt how exactly would you have done that meanwhile Weinstein Well he's waffling which. People of his caliber shall we say and of his character or lack thereof might be the more accurate way of putting it are prone to do 1st coming out and saying Well I obviously have a problem you think it's a problem that has been the worst kept secret in Hollywood for decades. Well I've also noticed that President Barack Obama former 1st lady Michelle Obama had been conspicuously noticeably silent as was Hillary Clinton until she finally released a comment saying oh this is reprehensible and despicable and disgusting. I wonder if she's going to give back all of the money that Weinstein raised for her as he did for President Barack Obama Michelle Obama famously noted that Harvey Weinstein was well over one of the most decent human beings she had to every ever met all right now let's parse through this I'm not going to come down on Michelle Obama because I understand that well we are talking about the glitterati we are talking about those who truly are intitled in society and when you're talking about the Hollywood elite Well the hypocrisy surrounding all of this is almost breathtaking again this was one of the worst kept secrets in Hollywood back in 2004. I'm not exactly sure of the date New York Times had all the dirt they needed to do this story. Of the proof that Mr Weinstein. Was pretty much a dirtbag but they didn't run it could it be Hollywood once again protecting its own but I love all of the self righteous hand-wringing that is going on and again I'm not going to victimize the victim but just a question for you. Hasn't the casting couch mentality been part of Hollywood since time immemorial Not that I'm saying that excuses his behavior let's not get his twisted. He raped women he took advantage of women you've got the likes of Angelina Jolie saying that he made inappropriate advances but they closed ranks and let him get away with it for decades Meanwhile at 1st Weinstein before a lawyer. Was contrite and apologetic and well I'm going to have to take a step back and address obviously a problem that I have well he's taken a new tack which underscores the family feud aspect of this saying that he was blackmailed Oh he was framed Oh he was set up by is evil doing Brother Bob Yeah it's his name but Bud Weinstein who wanted complete and utter control of the company for himself. And absolutely the suspect couple story of entitlement. Hollywood style. 413 now 1310 k. F. K. 8 Tracy axed in from m. To have a spank a Tracey how you doing Ok Gary Oh I am doing as well as can be expected any leases are lovely it's not snowing today I know that was quite something and I'm glad I didn't have to come to work yesterday I don't like I had to work we still had to even though it was our holiday Lee We still had a full bank meeting so that's right and we spent some time yesterday talking about whether to celebrate Indigenous People's Day So to be politically correct and not a band and I actually well went out on a limb and wished everyone a Happy Columbus Day and then realised that well that might set off the bias response team alert so then I just wish everyone a happy day and we got on with life well actually they were happy day it's officially now I made it and the government has submitted it is going to be defaced Andrew Jackson that you day from now on writes he's an Indian killer Yeah see there you go well you and. I would get along just great because they determined that yesterday was d. Face Columbus statuary day which they did with wild abandon. And there is. They don't even know what their point it's a Lawyer Well you know I'm sorry but they indigenous people know probably not know and they know right there are a bunch of entitled predominantly white rich kids who have nothing better to do with their time than to face and destroy other people's property you know so and then get married daddy's money from the bank Oh yeah to save them to bail them out yeah well you know I'm sure their ancestors are appreciative that Columbus came to the new world and discover it is so that their ancestors could come here and make a life for themselves and the future generations of their family I think that's what we kind of need to remember. And I get to go so far as I can we just call it America day and you know but that's not going to America day it can we can celebrate the indigenous people and we can celebrate Columbus for discovering it and allowing us to and it would have been Columbus in $1492.00. Or 292. The thing of. It would have been somebody else 2 or 3 years later so it's not like it was going to be undiscovered for eternity and understanding the fact that like all other humans Columbus had a flood character. And no one is disputing that but again it's just like all the brouhaha and the out cry some of it very self-indulgent about all the Confederate statuary and we've got to tear down all of these monuments we have to take down east don't freeze I mean you know what's next Mt Rushmore and I understand you know that yeah we've had some very troubled time in our history I think President Jackson Exactly. You can tell Micah stock up on that point I'm just saying Democrats won't admit that their very 1st Democrat known for killing a lot of Indians. Well that's a fact that we conveniently ignore because it doesn't fit the emotional narrative you see but the bottom line is why not have statues that represent all of our past you know you've heard that old saying about that is which that which is not remembered is often repeated We're talking about history so let's put monuments up to all of that so that we can remember our mistakes learn from them and hey here's a novel idea how about we move forward on the idea that it is America how about national monument making and defacing. You know we can we can get all the art teachers together they can teach us how to make little monuments and then at the end of the day angry lever all. Oh my kind of like you know my walk off you know. I'm just angry about. Star Trek Ok All right this is a conversation we're going to have to get into because Star Trak of facts Nenni people I understand that Star Trak Well it's a great. Yes and they're not I think they're messing with it yet so I got to tell you for the last 3 weeks Mike asked me every time I called have you watch Star Trek star check your actions and like no I only had time I had time I bet I recorded on my d.v.r. Today he asked me I said No I think it was this weekend so don't just do race it got a lot on spoiler. And you can go ahead and watch it but . I'm not going to be here to Star Trek but now if that's what it's going to be about me I'm not going to be one of the conversation you guys are going to have here in a few minutes but it could be argued that he is in the spirit of Star Trek 21st century style. Just think about that if this is the 21st century then I'm offering myself. No because then let me do without you I would have the show and The Show Must Go On Micah Ok so let's put all the blame that's behind us hey you know what came out last night why. The trailer for Star Wars the whole. Track forget new Star Trek don't forget old star checked forget new Star Trek Ok Go Star Wars go Star Wars were all about Star Wars Yeah. And go mortgage interest rates well. Don't go down don't go for it they're starting to I know and I had pulled this because it's been a few days since we had a chance to chat so this is a little bit dated a piece out of the venerable Associated Press but I dig dig out the numbers on this one long term mortgage rates ticked up slightly. As the average 30 year fixed rate mortgage rose to 3.5 percent from 3.83 percent a week ago. 15 year home loan also rose slightly $3.00 from $3.00 not the end of the world as we know it. Now though it's not so yet today rates hang in. There hang around that just 4 percent Flatley less then like you said 15 years hang in right mid thirty's then it's starting we're seeing the pricing start to creep up words I know the said so that the Fed's probably pretty darn definitely going to be raising interest rates that the Fed funds rate in. December maybe not November December now so if things continue on so which I think I think we're kind of there think you know we knew that the economy was going to start getting better and right you know despite everything else going on in America and the world and whatever else. The market is the market and people's money is 1st and foremost on their minds. So I think it bears repeating that if you are thinking about getting into a brand new home from starter home to your dream home or reef eyes again still very viable right oh yeah most definitely refinancing is very viable been doing quite a few of them lately people are taking some equity out of their homes to do some you know updating upgrading. Spit and polish if you will getting some new kitchens a new bathroom because you know like I said before there's just not a lot out there that chip in there trigger at the mall or so they said I love my house but I just need to they did so we're just going to do that instead of buying something new they somehow only I think it once again bears repeating that if you are thinking about doing that that now's not the time to procrastinate because again. We're seeing some movement in those very soon that typically means that they're not going to stop there right now so yeah let's let's say they're going to they're going up I've seen a lot of movement in the bond market over the last 2 or 3 days so yeah don't be disappointed if it's not me want to do refinancing your house or buying a new house perhaps even get in the kitchen pre-qualified Let's get to go in because this most rates will be going up and absolutely no one better than to do that with than Tracy Axton at at and as bank boodles of experience lots of commonsense personalized attention and she understands the Northern Colorado market and beyond and will take the time to work with you so that you have the best mortgage or reply to your financial situation doesn't miss a thing there Tracy now thinks so cool so if you know what car I've had Carmel's on my desk for home only Carmel's Ok I'm out yet again. I know very. Well the Carmel party you say. That in their we. Earlier conversation. Cookies Cookie Cookie well. We're doing pretty well oh no we went squirrel pretty much from the get go but that's Ok well you know we were going to. Do that right. Make sure that your mortgage is not all over the place see I get it back on track you know yeah so we're all moments where you get income your life that's right that's right so I have to do is pick up the phone give Tracy a call at 897067340 line enjoy the afternoon looks like it's going to be a beautiful rest of the week after that and a little spates of winter so. Tracy a pleasure as always and we will talk to you tomorrow have a great evening and you as well Tracy Axton have as bank all right we've got a lot of family feuds to cover and it appears as though where. We might let this whole Star Trek thing breathe cautionary tale spoiler alert just ahead port 24 now 1310 k. F. K. . Sports I'm Chuck c. Richard as Cowboys owner Jerry Jones threatens to sideline players who don't stand for the national anthem the league says it will discuss the issue at owners meetings next week Commissioner and the owners. Do want the players to Santa Clause has said that you know from the beginning over the last year and a fill v.p. Of communications Joe Lockhart who says the owners will decide if they can force players to stand the league manual says they should stand Meanwhile President Trump is threatening the league with more than just boy. In a tweet Fred in from Bast quote Why is the n.f.l. Getting massive tax breaks while at the same time disrespecting our anthem flag and country changed x. Law he's right that the n.f.l. League office is a tax exempt organization but that's tiny compared to the team we have an it which is all taxed A.B.C.'s broad gnocchi in the baseball playoffs the Cubs can move on to the n.l. C.s. This afternoon with a win over the Nationals this is a v.c. Sports my son had been injured he was prescribed pain no one ever told us how highly addictive his drugs were or yeah action was shock my son didn't get so deep into the dark scary ones overnight and it's no straight line coming back for parents so. I realized there's a lot of families that are torn apart. Young people can't get better there's hope in hell at drug free a message from partnership for Drug Free Kids Megan what is your role as a Columbine health systems Justin I enjoy working as a graphic artist in the marketing and graphics department as well as a community liaison for our newest project the Westwood patio homes in Windsor and what brought you to Columbine health systems observing my own family members receiving exceptional care was my 1st experience with Columbine I was so impressed with the entire organization and took great comfort knowing my family was in caring and competent hands what is your favorite part about being a staff member Justin I take great pride being connected with so many kind hearted dedicated and compassionate employees all working together to care for the people in our community for me Justin There's no better more passionate reason why I work for Columbine how do we learn more about Columbine health systems just and we have 3 campuses located in Fort Collins Loveland and Windsor you are left side of Columbine health dot com to learn all about our family is obvious at Columbine you care and it matters at Columbine in your family when it comes to trying to navigate the op. And complicated maze of the legal system Well many of us don't even know what we don't know that's why if you're faced with legal troubles you want a champion in your corner a proactive aggressive experienced defender of your legal rights the sound case the law firm in Greeley specializes in criminal defense family law workers compensation and a consumer protection attorney Stephanie stout and Robert Casey have over 2 decades of combined experience as public defenders and litigators they're committed to keeping you out of legal hot water when ever possible with personalized attention strategic advice and a vigorous defense don't become a victim of the legal system puts doubt and k.c. On your side give them a call 970-353-4334 extension 2 schedule a confidential consultation or learn more on line at Colorado Law dot com the south in case the law firm in Greeley please tell him Gail such as. Snow is coming one way or another the fluffy white stuff is on its way so what are you going to do about it smart person would stop by the water shed and take advantage of deals on errands residential and commercial snowblowers Aarons is the king of snow and it's been that way since 1933 residential models are starting out at $449.00 a small price to pay for big jobs this winter learn more at the watershed Inc dot com or just see them on the corner of I 25 in Harmony Road in Fort Collins and now in Cheyenne. I have the time of your life at the you need going to civic center in Greeley October 17th and 18th at 7 pm with the classic story dirty dancing the film you were number is brought to life on stage don't miss the young president might experience exploding with heart pounding music passionate romance and sensational dancing dirty dancing life at the Union County civic center in Greeley October 17th and 18th at 7 pm For tickets and more information gold mines of Uno 356-5000 or go online at u.c. Stars dot com outgoing and opinionated This is Carolyn 13 to encourage Kay. I guarantee you we will get back to family feel good on American style because well there's no shortage of examples for 30 now 1310 k. And k. I see you've got Senator Bob Corker her President Donald Trump hurling verbal javelins it each other Oh and I particularly like this one Trump says he's willing to quote compare I Q Tax tests with Rex Tillerson Oh but wait the media has just really develop a sense of humor because I had just joke and yeah more to come in just a few. 430-1310 k. F. K. . I'm sure a covert all with the latest on the 24 hour news watch from 1310 k. F. K. Yang a Lakewood man who eluded law enforcement through the early hours of Nov 30th before they were able to get him stopped by the use of spike strips appears to have his case headed towards a plea bargain without a Dillon Unruh could face more than 100 years in prison he remains in jail on more than $60000.00 bail Unruh was arrested after the stolen vehicle he was in came to a stop near downtown Loveland and then a brief foot chase the victim of a fatal house fire in Fort Collins over the weekend is the daughter of a long time athletics administrator at Colorado State University 32 year old Rachel Max was killed in the fire at 4512 idle Dale drive Sunday c s U's athletic department has put a Go Fund Me campaign into gear for supporting the family as her father Doug is a senior associate a.d. At the school and the house is his and his wife's the funeral plans for Rachel Maxx have yet to be finalized n.f.l. Commissioner Roger Goodell once everyone standing for the national anthem Goodell says the controversy over the anthem is a barrier to having honest conversations and making real progress on the underlying issues Goodell says League owners will have full and open discussions about players protests at upcoming meetings. From Northern Colorado is only live and local radio news room I'm all for 1310 k. F. K. And 1310 k. F. K. a Dot com 132 and 3 of Terry's 1st alert whether power button verse good or their got a forecast clear tonight low Bob 32 sunny and warm are tomorrow with a high of 78 sunshine and 75 with some gusty southwest winds on Thursday Friday partly cloudy with your 1st alert forecast on Denver 7 chief meteorologist Mike Nelson 1310 k. F. K. This weather update is brought to you by c r p 4 by 4 located at the corner of 9th Street and 21st Avenue in Greeley call them at 970-351-8603. Want to transform a room for less than 20 bucks the Home Depot has the secret formula we call it paint from our top brands like they're in good starting in just 797 a gallon there's no easier way to take your walls from Ok to oh wow and at these prices there's no reason to leave any wall behind to get your project rolling with top paid brands starting at only 7097 a gallon at the Home Depot or saving or doing it to us only. Look into any great business whether it's a manufacturer or a hotel a store school or hospital looking to each and every one of them and you'll find the same thing great people at Kronos we believe that great businesses are powered by great people and with Kronos work for solutions will help you find them keep them and engage them learn more at Kronos dot com Kronos workforce innovation that works discover on locals down to earth approach to business banking with the advance products services and technology you need with f.m.s. 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Remembers get passed around like balls of ice cream it's bacon and eggs and crackling along with the laughter and shelter insurance we don't just insure your home we insure all the memories that live inside that ask your agent for details shelter insurance where your shield where your shelter shelter insurance agent holdover border about shelters competitive auto insurance rates America's retirement store in Loveland 970-776-7500 or online at America's retirement Store dot com. Northern Colorado traffic got some trouble 392 pound right to add to 57 also have some backups southbound to 57 just south of 392 I 25 is still rolling right along in great shape this afternoon Eisenhower and Loveland backed up westbound lanes from Rocky Mount navigated to a ballad to avoid the Lake Ave you've also got some issues eastbound 34 just have some westbound issues pop up there too but tween county road 13 and County Road 17 Denver 7 cheap meteorologist Mike Nelson says back closer. On the freezing mark tonight about 32 degrees sunny warmer tomorrow with pines around 70 right now temperatures relatively unchanged 54 Greeley 56 Loveland 55 in Fort Collins and in Windsor it's 60 degrees. It is something she's never going to choose to this is Caroline 13 to encourage. Him to one week the most for $36.00 now 13th and k. F. K. Aren't So we talked about that despicable excuse for a human being that is Harvey Weinstein am I being too critical given that the man was a sexual predator for decades but it did he. Did he admit this kind you know but he's endured and he's despicable but if he's not if he hasn't admitted anything then innocent until proven guilty yes absolutely true but you know he's waffling because he's a lawyer to and the interesting thing though I wouldn't lawyer up too but you'd better lawyer up I mean you know if everyone's accusing me of something and well in this case then it's probably. I mean if so many people are accusing you of something and so many those people already have money then you you can assume they're not doing it for them well here's what's interesting too because you know I mean once again does it surprise you that a legal a very serious legal issue in Hollywood is the Hollywoodized version of how legal issues are handled to which is having a Scooby Doo moment saying. What the heck you talking about my understanding is and again I'm not sure of the the family tree here but apparently Harvey Weinstein's attorney is very closely related I want to say a sister but check me on that because I'm not absolutely sure of Gloria all read and you know Gloria all read has never missed out on the opportunity to defend women in a sexual assault cases she's a very prolific of women's rights attorneys So it's fascinating to me that a very close relative. Believes That was my understanding and Gloria already is defending Harvey Weinstein and once again you can't make this stuff up while she isn't yet denigrating the victims that will probably come later because we all know unfortunately in a he said she said situation but fortunately. For the good humans Unfortunately for that which is not even a carbon based being that would be Harvey Weinstein there was a sting that was run police were involved and they've got him on tape doing what he does well I would say best but he did put out some pretty good movies I've got to give him that but basically being a very smooth fast talking disrespectful sexual predator and and the stories that are coming out are just absolutely mind boggling but meanwhile back to the point his attorney is already saying Well good luck pressing any charges because the statute of limitations for sexual assault have already expired only in Hollywood. Absolutely despicable but Matt Damon said you want to stop it yeah. Sure you what kind of like Leonardo Dicaprio is going to stop climate change as he jets around the world in his 6 you know there's there's an interesting thing that lies you would said a few years and he said that there was kind of a culture of sexual assault on children he actually came out and said this I don't remember who the interview was with but he did say that and he said he was not one of those kids who was salted because his mom wouldn't allow him to go to those parties but he did mention that well unfortunately this is once again one of the worst kept secrets about how Hollywood actually operates and. I don't remember her name the gal who well I don't want to she seems to be in movies where she's very you know dressed very promiscuous least cancer is in in a transformer so everybody knows who she is I can never remember her name because she doesn't seem to have a thought in her head she could be a genius in real life but she mentioned that she's playing you know yeah. She did she did mention in real in real life that she did get told to do things when she was trying out for parts and she never did them pay for play her but it was. It's kind of dirty how Hollywood is and I'm sure not everyone in Hollywood is like this but you get some very powerful people but the only one I mean the Hollywood elite when you look at how Hollywood has functioned back from the golden era where there's smoke there's fire most times and there are then it's part of Hollywood lore about how the production companies and you know the m.g.m. Zoo the world would stand together and have absolute legions of p.r. People handlers so to speak to cover up all of the bad behavior that was going on just like some actors do right yeah exactly but Matt Damon Yeah well I'm I'm sure he would if during Good Will Hunting. That was a or all yeah well if you're in Good Will Hunting he saw it happen to want to or I think there was only one female that was done but if you saw it happen to many What's her name I can't remember her name I'm not great with names happening I'm sure he would like to think he would but the question is young actor and in many cases you're when you're a young actor and you've written a movie which you did you know Ben Affleck won an award for that. When you're trying to break into the business and you have a very powerful person kind of stepping over you which what are you winds to do definitely was for decades and I think that's just unfortunately you talk about doing the right thing but you have to wonder how many people knew this was going on for how long but they were too intimidated to worried about the future trajectory or should I say lack there of Penn state of their career if they said anything. I mean Joe Paterno at least Joe Paterno turned him in Florida and then. Didn't do anything out exactly I don't I heard a couple linebackers take care take care that you want to make the team situation break is it. But if the. Mike is a pacifist if you haven't noticed Yeah I'm not here I went to the. Right yeah you know structured settlements and basically negotiations kind of like the next with a crowbar. Next to Family Feud examples peaking of high level diplomatic declarations gas Suez Dept up odd furring his most expert services in an order to fix the escalating war of words not to mention the number of missile launches carried out. By North Korea and the issues to well. 30 some years of negotiations haven't been able to resolve Well we'll tell you who's going to fix all that in just a few for 46 now 1310. Sports so I'm just see Virginias Cowboys owner Jerry Jones threatens to sideline players who don't stand for the national anthem the league says it will discuss the issue at owners meetings next week Commissioner and the owners. Do want the players the fans and it has said that you know from the beginning over the last year and until v.p. Of communications Joe Lockhart who says the owners will decide if they can force players to stand the league manual says they should stand Meanwhile President Trump is threatening the league with more than just boycotts in a tweet President from Bast quote Why is the n.f.l. Getting massive tax breaks while at the same time disrespecting our anthem flag and country changed x. Law he's right that the n.f.l. League office is a tax exempt organization but that's tiny compared to team with an it which is all taxed A.B.C.'s brought gnocchi in the baseball playoffs the Cubs can move on to the n.l. C.s. This afternoon with a win over the Nationals this is a b.c. Sports my son had been injured he was prescribed no one ever told us how highly addictive drugs were or yeah action was shock my son didn't get into the dark scary ones over night straight line coming back for parents so. I realized there's a lot of families that are torn apart. Young people can get better there's hope in hell that drug free. Partnership for Drug Free Kids Snow loves to pile up on your driveway sidewalks and walkways But what it hates is the watershed supply of snow plows and ice melt with residential and commercial snow plows and salt spreaders and stocked snows happiness doesn't stand a chance new in October the watershed will have their special in store brand get. Grip ice melt so this year there's no excuse not to have the cleanest driveway in the neighborhood learn more at the water shooting dot com or just see them on the corner of 25 in Harmony Road in Fort Collins and now in Cheyenne. Believe you me when I say if you've been in an accident life is tough enough I know of what I speak thank Heaven I took my own advice as I've been telling you for years and when I was in an accident I called Mike and Deb Morris auto collision specialists actually called him over the weekend the accident happened late Friday evening Deb picked up the phone and spent hours with me giving me all of the information telling me what I didn't even know I didn't know so that when I was talking with the insurance companies well. I was able to work through that complicated claims process so that Mike and Morris and the competent capable staff at auto collision specialists were then able to do what they do best and that is everything in their power to restore your car truck or as she in my case to better than 100 percent of its pre accident condition I kid you not if you've been in an accident call Mike and dead Morris auto collision specialists 970-356-8645 or you can drop by 2626th Avenue in Greeley and please town Gail Sanchez. There's one place around that will get you ready for c.s.u. Home games this year and that's fibro in the park it's my get geared up for the game with one of their famous uniquely crafted German beers then take the match to that shiny new stadium and cheer on the Colorado State Rams for morons fibroids beer or any upcoming events check out their Facebook page or website at www dot com . Brewing open Monday through Saturday 11 to 10 and Sunday 11 to 7 in 4 columns next to provide. 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Don't fight the thought come in sit down and look at your brain in the mirror and say well plates or sport clips located in Fort Collins Greeley and Longmont or online at sport clips dot com Going into opinionated This is Carolyn 13 to encourage her. To do about 30 to k.f. Ok I know I promised you that I would give you the background on our North Korea savior but we're going to have to hold that just for one New York minute but I will tell you this if you care to. Some names around in in your head a very high profile individual one who ironically enough it could be argued was responsible for putting us into this mess to begin with. That's a good hint Meanwhile back to you Harvey Weinstein and the fact that these sexual predator the rapists they allege that rape is to be fair. Apparently is going to have his comeuppance. Back to the party line in Hollywood Meryl Streep the grand Dom of Hollywood issued a statement here's what she said not everybody knew I didn't know but she called Weinstein's an ledged to behavior but disgraceful. And to Polly but it's when she doubled down that unfortunately Well there's an adage that less is more and it applies in this scenario Meryl Streep continued if everybody knew subpoenas out of the New York Post I don't believe that all of the investigative reporters and entertainment and in the hard news media would have neglected for decades to write about it. Oh Marilyn Merrill narrow. Things in Hollywood have very little to do with the real world because right smarting Callahan in the New York Post. That last claim isn't just unfair it's incorrect it's reprehensible because in the wake of Thursday's exposé matzah poll high profile Journal journalists reported their own attempts over decades to break this story it wasn't like nobody knew about it Rebecca Traister wrote that in 2000 while covering a pre-election party Weinstein was throwing Weinstein I should say because you have to remember she was quite the fundraiser for the Democratic Party throwing Google's and boodles of money Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama is way he was also a bundler which led to even more money being pumped into those campaigns. But apparently Rebecca Traister is covering this pre-election party Weinstein was throwing well e-com to her and not too flattering term in response to a question he didn't like then he threw another reporter down a flight of stairs dragged him outside it's starting to sound like good fellas. Dragged him outside in a headlock. Such was Weinstein's power traced a road in 2000 that no other reporters even covered the instant an incident and no photos ever appeared then you know I had smartphones sorry about that well did people have smartphones back into thousands I got a great story about how smart phones are making us even dumb or yeah earlier earlier correct or you. Meanwhile then there's a veteran Hollywood Reporter Kim Masters she wrote that she had a confrontation with Weinstein priest smartphone although I don't think it was pretty ranch dressing but priest smartphone now 20 years ago we had smartphones right. But she confronted him over allegations of sexual abuse sexual coercion. The realization of the casting couch and everything that entails she confronted him 20 years ago. Sharon Waxman as I previously talked about New York Times wrote that she tried to break this story in 2004 but the pressure from Weinstein and calls from Ben defenders Russell Crowe. Boy you don't want to put a phone in his hand remember that. This is all in Australia it's all right he didn't throw it on a. Tray from South Park there you go there you go calls from defenders Russell Crowe and Matt Damon the Times actually was complicit in his activities because The Times actually softened and buried the story. Man. Damon for his part has 4 daughters. What is he thinking seriously what is he thinking everybody calls of the gold standard in Eden they call it the goold standard gold parts in downtown Eden is your answer for any part you need parts for cars trucks tractors or heavy equipment add gold parts if we don't have your part we'll find it will even make parts for you like hydraulic hoses right on the spot gold parts has been a staple in northern Colorado for over 50 years and is your source for quality and ample parts call Alan Gould in his great staff today at 4543355 that's cool parts in downtown Eden proud sponsor of props radio. Thank you everyone for joining me here today the reason we're here is to gather information on what it is that keeps you going to Evan's fast break and if you're going to go through this is I mean Ok One of the time please the Great fuel prices that convenient location Ok those are all really good reasons but I think that we need to don't. Have an fast break the reasons for using any of their 3 locations are plentiful join us for 5th anyone hollowing softball bass on Saturday October 28th at Twin winter softball complex presented by pink of Colorado this is a fun tournaments for both rec and competitive teams costumes are not required but are strongly encouraged prizes are awarded for the best costumes $350.00 per team with a 3 game guarantee called even cheaper for more information at 970-330-4284 our go to our website Evans chamber dot org. The nerd store is now buying and selling used video games the nerd store PI's games for consuls and handhelds for x. Box Playstation Nintendo and Sega at incredibly competitive prices. So your games for cash for trade demand for nurse or credit that you can use towards comics or games or other video games thereby prices are great which means their video game selection is growing rapidly the nerd store also sells consuls and accessories Minerva's store 73 in downtown Greeley. This. Information makes the medicine go down 13 times Greeley Lindsay.

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