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As an Egyptian president Abdul Fattah el-Sisi went on national television and vowed he would respond to the attack with brute force but for the past 4 years Egypt since security forces have been fighting a losing battle in the Sinai against is the mystic stream ists especially the local ice is French fries what Friday protestors giving it a another meaning on a day when millions of Americans descended on shopping malls an economic boycott called for by African-American clergy and activists just outside of St Louis police of a suburb of Richmond Heights moved big quickly on a Black Friday protest at the same that was gallery of the mall shut down shortly after they began marching and chanting shut it down officers made several arrests including a State Representative Bruce Franks Michael Calhoun c.b.s. News retailers struggling to meet expectations on Black Friday once the numbers are crunched Shopper Trak predicts Black Friday will remain the busiest shopping day of the year for so-called brick and mortar stores and shops Saturday is expected to be number 5 the 10 busiest days between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day are estimated to account for. 40 to 45 percent of total shopping visits made during the entire holiday season Gary no on c.b.s. News on his way out of Federal Consumer Agency chief names his successor President Trump does as well so just who is running the controversial watchdog agency the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau the Obama appointed head of the agency resigned and citing the law got created it named his chief of staff acting director agency critic president from follow that up by naming his own acting director his Budget Office chief who was an even bigger consumer agency critic Tom Foolery c.b.s. News American troops around the world getting a little taste of home in the coming days thousands of homemade cookies along with plenty of other stuff go into other people other military groups from groups like I will cookie crumbs director Abby Crawford usually we include a pair of socks we include candy and some beef jerky and drink makes things like that that they may not be able to get their hands on especially if they're on a forward operating base for a limited time only. Star Wars themed pop up bars now open in New York City Washington d.c. And Los Angeles the name of all 3 locations the dark side bar features intergalactic burlesque where performers are from different planets and alien speed dating to this is c.b.s. News some people won't go to the dentist to get dental implants because they think it's going to cost a lot of money and even though they are embarrassed by their missing teeth cracked teeth and those horrible wobbly dentures they think implants are expensive Well at $999.00 implant dot com dental implants are not expensive they were as low as 1999 each and that price 1990 $9.00 is a phenomenal bargain especially when a lot of other places will charge you $3456000.00 an implant. We do not do that our implants are beautiful natural looking top quality they last a long time and you're going to love the price as low as 1999 including the implant of Bachman and Crown plus 3 consultations free x. 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Morning at 4 cross old timey adventures ends at ease about body by Mothers Against Drunk Driving every 52 minutes someone is killed by a drunk driver join Mothers Against Drunk Driving at a walk like mad 5 k. Near you sign up at walk like mad dot org 62 degrees that limited field in the San Diego State men's basketball team ran past Georgia 75 to 68 at the wood legacy tournament in Fullerton America I am 765 b. Talk and breaking news. It's where I Radio very much and every girlie talk about everything from politics to social issues and news of the day whether you're a lawyer or you're just starting your day. Says right I radioed Hello and welcome He's Gary McNamara and there are currently as we move into a Wednesday very. What the heck's going to allow early and latest on the tax bill coming up as we saw yesterday the the Senate bill now would repeal the mandate . And so I mean there's so many questions that you can ask that with the Senate bill and who knows what we're going to see now didn't hear a lot there's not a lot of talk about this even though things are moving forward right I went through a ton of different you know news publications that normally would you know would be covering this and for some reason a lot not a lot of news on it so I went to The Hill dot com which has done you know whether it was health care or this you know on the on the you know the account for example when you get this close to it now nothing on account but they did have the story that the House Republicans tax reform bill is set to reach the floor with no amendments the House is expected to debate the legislation today Wednesday but wait until Thursday to vote on the final passage. House g.o.p. Leaders are expressing confidence I had of this week's expected vote only 9 Republicans have said they will are inclined to vote against the bill according to the hills with list. That's far less than the maximum $22.00 deflect defections g.o.p. Leaders can afford and still pass a tax overhaul on their own no Democrats are expected to vote for well that means that the majority of the Freedom caucus the majority the face yes. If always true and accurate right so they so that's the one list we haven't been able to find a list and the Hill has you know says according to what they have the hills witnessed . That this thing will pass on Thursday. In the house and you notice you haven't heard anything I mean there hasn't been any public debating on it whatsoever and we have asked that question is not a sign that they have the votes it's a sign that they don't have the votes it's a sign that they have the vote so it's like everybody shut up it apparently looks like it's a sign that they have the votes and everybody shut up now the interesting thing is that and I want to find the story here because. When I saw this yesterday I just went wow. Investor's Business Daily You can find more well over the years and we've read a ton of their editorials before you cannot find. A publication that has been more fiscally conservative just to show you how far left the conservative movement has gone in this kind or what they are willing now to accept number one as you said what we haven't heard anything from them for their looks like Apparently the freedom caucus the majority is is behind it the majority the freedom caucus which are the conservatives which are considered the fiscal conservatives and this is a tax bill that increases the deficit the tax bill alone at least because these are projections so it would be the minimum because we always know they lowball it in order to get it passed would increase it $150000000000.00 a year. If you had put this tax plan bill that would increase the deficit 2 or 3 years ago 2 years ago Republicans would have passed it 5 years ago Republicans want to passed it 10 years ago Republicans would have passed it. Investor's Business Daily editorial there you are right here know the Republican tax cuts won't explode the deficit and they may simply make the comparison after 8 years of silence during President Obama's 8 years in office which saw deficits averaged $910000000000.00 a year and national debt explode by $9.00 trillion Democrats are suddenly fretting about deficits if their only if only their concern was genuine and not a cynical attempt to derail much needed tax reform. The Republican plan is a deficit busting tax cut to benefit the wealthiest Republicans some Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer House majority or House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi warns it would take us so deeply into debt. It will necessitate a trillion dollars being cut from Medicaid. Leave aside the fact that Democrats didn't race of people protest during the Obama years when deficits topped one trillion 4 years in a row nor do they complain about their near doubling of the nation's debt the fact is a critics of the g.o.p. Tax plan are just plain wrong to pin the blame for future Jeff sits on tax cuts according to the Congressional Budget Office that the House tax bill would boost deficits over the next 10 years by a total of $1.00 trillion the added interest on the debt would kick that up to $1.00 trillion that looks like a lot of money except that equals just 17 percent increase in total deficits projected over the next decade when investors look you can look at the Democrats and you can say they're absolute hypocrites but what Investor's Business Daily is saying that a Republican tax bill this one bill alone only adds an extra 17 percent to the deficit over the next 10 years it shows you how far Republicans have moved left. Yeah it might have started back time to look in 2005 year Republicans you conservatives need to pipe down we've cut all we can. Cut everything there is to cut and it was that the beginning of the end and it was funny because when saw it posted it was concerned it was conservatives and Republicans were posting this yesterday that I saw they were saying see that this really does and wow. Do you understand what you're younger stand that you're saying that it's Ok to increase the deficit in this country by almost 20 percent and you view that as a good thing and you're a Republican yes we understand the hypocrisy of the Democrats we have said this all along the Democrats don't care anything about debt they never have that's all you're a Democrat out there you know that's the truth you know they don't care about Dad ever you know that we have been consistent on it if you've been listening to the show whether it is dead from the Democrats which Democrats have traditionally and we saw during the Obama administration we saw the trillion dollars off the bat you know in in in stimulus wasted stimulus money that was just thrown down the toilet of your hard earned taxpayer dollars Democrats didn't care about that at all still don't care about it at all after they did it the American public was in no mood for another one where they well this is this really is part of the the the bigger scenario over all over the last you know 18 months to 2 years and that is and we learned in 2016 who was crying about the debt or the deficit who was crying about spending no one no one there was no call for any of the candidates you know to be fiscal conservatives. In fact when Trump was on the campaign trail you know hey look interest rates are low this is the time to borrow and nobody really got upset and now nobody looked at that and said whoa whoa whoa. May support you on other issues but no that's where you well that's where I draw the line we didn't even get close to that having that conversation no one said a word really you know what I mean we did because again and and I will say this it did it to has happened over the last year or so and it will continue that we will be marginalized all guys to death really doesn't matter really doesn't matter doesn't matter doesn't matter doesn't matter doesn't well there you are doing is they're doing the Obama dismissal of of of debt and and deficits because remember well the debt is not a problem when he was president of the that's not a problem it's like they're trying to pull some kind of jet I mind trick they wave your hand and say they believe everyone will believe it well that's why now you have people on the right basically doing the same thing and say it's not a problem when and and I understand the point that they're making that compared to the debt but that's the whole point as we've always said the Democrats want to spend like crazy the Republicans want to spend just as crazily but they still want to increase the deficit figure out as much as Democrats and that's what we're left with and therefore when we talk about the fact well we need to compromise with a compromise then would be somewhere in between which should be unacceptable to conservatives which will we will permanently be in a situation where we will increase the debt significantly because remember this tax bill alone alone is $150000000000.00 a year added to the deficit at the minimum just this bill alone. Remember is the president going to still try to do the infrastructure legislation really has died you haven't heard of anything on that whatsoever is that just gone into history will we ever hear that coming from Republicans or is everything just going to be about the spending go which we they have to get to us next month right and we'll be and will an infrastructure plan b. In the spending bill it's just that I'm talking about it now exists remember that's just this bill will increase it $150000000000.00 a year over the next. 10 years by the way that's including the growth as people say well this is what the Republicans say even including the money that will be there for growth that will that will help supplement it you're we're cutting taxes so much that it will as we have said our problem with that is a tax plan that increases the debt and increases the responsibility of the individual taxpayer and as a tax plan which makes it that fewer Americans as we continue to spend more money on the individual level will be more responsible for the taxes in this country and so and that's where we are but when you have Investor's Business Daily and it was there right there in their editorial talking about no it's not going to explode What's Not yes not going to well the deficit like a trillion dollar infrastructure program well from the Democrats but when the Republicans and when conservatives like Investor's Business Daily is talking about $50000000000.00 a year no problem for this one bill right. Oh only add 17 percent to the deficit at the minimum. Wow what a change and it's funny because I still I get the emails all the time Dr doesn't matter doesn't matter I never got that from Republicans before ever it's like Ok we need to marginalize the people that are talking about that the debt is going to be a problem in this country that we cannot continue to go down the road and the fact that Republicans now have been braced debt and deficits and we know where the Democrats are that's not good yeah it is again it's further indication or maybe just it is confirmation really of what we've talked about and that is there's no there's no call for fiscal sanity there's no call for reining in spending there's no call at all and if you get the majority of the Freedom caucus on this bill which you know that's the only indication we have on the head count is that all but 9 Republicans are going to vote for the well that means some a Georgia majority Congress is going to be on it so if they're on it then what hope do you have basically you got 9 districts out there and there and I'd love to see the count and see the final count I can't wait to see that to see who the real holdouts are and otherwise. And everybody else has an absolutely Ok with it because that's what this is that that means because. They've never the Republicans aren't trying to hide that you know the g.o.p. Has never been trying to hide the 150000000000 they've pretty much been promoting it actually. Almost like the tone of the article here from from I d d well. Then if it's if it's something you're darn near proud of. That seriously just change the rules in the Senate changed go vote to change because nobody cares about the debt and the deficit then go change the rules in the Senate and just get get it done but we you know we get our political advice of political will who would tell them look you're you're you're going to increase the debt anyway if you want to be reelected in 2018 just don't care about the debt and give everybody a huge tax break across the board you get reelected because nobody cares about the example but we understand how now we're a very slim minority of the population out there who care about the debt Right right and that's fine you know we been in the minority many times before that's Ok we don't mind being in the minority now we're in the minority of a party we've been supportive of yeah and you can see a very small minority yes because this would be unacceptable just a few years ago this would have been viewed as the establishment when we've seen today this young the establishment acting as Democrats just 2 years ago when we said that that last year at the r. And c. That essentially the g.o.p. The party itself was ushering out the conservatives showing them the door we weren't lying look at the make up on the vote look at and and look at basically what you have I mean even if you didn't even if the Freedom caucus were on board now again it probably wouldn't pass of all the freedom caucus was against it but just look up the overall makeup of Capitol Hill right now and you can see the slim majority now when you look at the vote on this bill and if it turns out to be this that these numbers are accurate and you've got all but 9 Republicans. That's it that's confirmation that the that the Republican Party has ushered the Conservatives out you're no longer the point 866907333986690 right I didn't judge with what i Radio toll free at age 6 expect me to read Audie. 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It's right on radio he's our county I'm Gary McNamara another reason you know we're doing no not not just the Ivy story but as you pointed out the Federalists dot com story another paragraph conservative side one of their headlines here is yeah let's be honest current machine deserve the current machines deserve to die or deserve to be smashed they make terrible cough and it's written by Bri Peyton Yes it was a staff writer of the federalist but I was laughing it was for I mean it's yeah well because it was at 1st I thought that was just the what she wrote on Twitter in the link to the story that she posted on Twitter or they actually the Federals posted on Twitter and again it's let's be honest Kurt machines deserve to be smashed they make terrible coffee at the end of it she writes her last line and this is the current regime deserves to die because they're charging us all an arm and a leg for coffee that does not taste good the point being and I said to you during the break I said we're more outraged. Then when you have the data and the deficit. It's like you know we're going to we're going to throw on another $150000000000.00 a year and. You realize you paid for the current machine right Ok. Fine point actually was about the quality of the coffee she was making a point that drip coffee you write better and especially when you have a large group of people and you know all these other points but there was just I just I just had to laugh at it and I'm sure it's done tongue in cheek you know and it's just after the whole Andy thing I was just funny here's your forecast things have cleared out in the West for the most part active weather west of the Mississippi not a big factor today as plenty of high pressure is in place over mountain areas so we'll see very little snowfall accumulation the real weather picture is east of the Mississippi we have rain showers extending from southern Wisconsin into Illinois down into the Tennessee Valley that's the heaviest part of the rain and then extending into Pennsylvania but not making it quite as far as the East Coast today only the windshield wipers on portions of ice 65 around Indianapolis I 70 out of Columbus and the Pennsylvania turnpike with the potential for some thunderstorms today mainly in and around the Ohio valley rain could be changing over to snow on a couple sides of the system in the northeast up around upstate New York Buffalo has a good chance of seeing some light snow fall don't be surprised if you see road crews out treating the roadways later tonight into Sunday morning there is a look at your national weather forecast from Red Eye radio I'm meteorologist John trout thanks so much John 869-073-3390 extension 690. it it's not your. Thank you thank you thank you 730 on the c.w. San Diego maximum in Portland or that for the story we're following I mean from 6 feet. Arrested 27 people in San Diego County for drunken driving between 6 pm Wednesday and 6 am Friday the c.h.p. Thanksgiving maximum period of enforcement and Sunday at 11 59 pm There are more than 400 species of trees and ball park topping the San Diego readers top 10 list of the 8 Canary Island Pine trees and the Australian Tea Tree both have marched in the House and the servant satirize a Seaport Village by a dragon boat at 1 pm then cruise of the boardwalk in a red convertible as part of a parade featuring live music and stilt walkers is backed by the foundation for a better life Winston Churchill's words hurt his country in the face of defeat today the inspires to our own victories commitment pass it on the foundation for a better life a guy's dot com Kiran 61 degrees at Lindbergh Field and many tooling won the 200 $1000.00 Hollywood Turf Club a double yesterday beating Chicago style and flamboyant Killer Joe was an also ran today's 1st post at $1230.00 American lawyer in some 60 k. 5 b. Talk and breaking news c.b.s. News updates. Death toll still rising Egypt now says attackers killed at least 305 people at a mosque in the northern Sinai yesterday authorities say more than 2 dozen gunman detonated explosives at the mosque shooting down people fleeing those explosions the victims Sufi Muslims attending Friday prayers b.b.c. Correspondent James land and witnesses said that the 40 gunmen lined up outside this mosque said as people poured out they were just gunned down this is this is a severe escalation in this conflict terror experts Sanjay go help by way of Skype going to be a lot of pressure on the Egyptian government led by President Al ceasing to take action to take direct action against this group to root it out to dismantle its infrastructure in the Sinai Peninsula because this is going to have a devastating impact on Egypt no claim of responsibility but the extremist Islamic state group has repeatedly declared Sufi's are heretics c.b.s. News update I'm Jim Taylor. You know 716 k. F.n.b. 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Some good times you're just trying to pose say things to people off who read this. Radio and he's our county I'm Gary McNamara 806-907-3339 extension 8669 you're right I will agree with you over the last couple of days so the whole thing on the coffee machine secure coffee machines has just been a Larry a server thing about you know the bacteria and all the sudden everybody comes on social media and criticizing it as I told you I said you know all depends on what kind of coffee you have people talk about how expensive it is she had it in the column and it's like well I don't drink much coffee and I used to waste coffee like crazy and if you keep it clean and you follow the instructions it is know as know my opinion is no more bacteria or anything than you would have been a normal coffee machine if you if you I mean your cell phone has more germs I mean what exactly the point being is that you're going to be able to find bacteria if you're not cleaning you know it's going to be all over the boys especially in your kitchen so that I get the whole protest thing. You know but my question is is that what we're protest I mean. Are we how are we not protesting the debt I don't we're not protesting the deficit how are we not protesting this tax bill that they promote as again they're not hiding it. The g.o.p. Throws it out there. I was waiting for a parade. Well. President Trump was scheduled to rally House Republicans on Thursday so what we had after after the health care bill right support the legislation so there is going to be a raw rah rah rah rah that's going to be going on for it so I don't know what they're going to have any coffee with that are you know in there in the realm they serve it won't be turned. On and well I mean it's you know again and the coffee I have and it is fine and I guess Shawn is now giving away the machines on his you know on one of his shows the owl really he's giving Ok is giving it all right well you heard what he said now he's given because he has been the seans been the focal point of the whole situation right on right through you know the last what started a leftist media looking you know at him and trying to get you know the his you know taking what he said out of context but he basically gave more 24 hours and you got to explain the stuff and one of the things was you know you said you didn't know or yeah and. He wrote in her your book you've got to explain that 24 hours or I'm out and so you know when when you look at us and this is really good the whole coffee thing is leaning back into the room or situation here and saw the Wall Street Journal that said Hope you better hope he loses. I mean they didn't put it that way but in essence that was her message and they didn't they didn't write it that way yeah he's going to say and you better the party should hope that he lives and you know I'm sure a lot of you shot what are you talking about it will it will it will really greatly reduce the ability to to pass legislation next year they said but if he wins you're not going to be able to kick him out and if you can't kick him out he then becomes the poster boy of what Republicans want going into 2018 and it's more important the number of seats see that the interim states that you can possibly pick up we mentioned before. That out of the 10 senators from states that voted for Trump. That are up for reelection only 7 have favored biliteral readings over 50 so you have a huge vulnerability where you could pick up 5 or 6 possibly even more senatorial seats and they said if Roy Moore wins now. Unless he could prove his innocence which I'm not saying that's fair but unless he could prove his innocence it would be something that would be used this is this is the kind of person that that that the Republicans elect in in office now I don't know whether that would come to fruition or not I can't tell you whether the public would look at that odds are a lot of people look at it and it would be more thing that's not a my state thing so I'm just telling you what people in the media are writing I don't necessarily buy into it because we don't necessarily try to read what's going to happen in the future. But I just I find it interesting you know that particular point of view but. And when I heard that you know Sean did that yesterday I said why are we mentioned yesterday was a very very bad day for war more because the people that came out you know said look we're Republicans and 2 of the worst 2 of the assaults we voted for Trump right and now the. Trump comes out because a couple of stories out yesterday as Fox News move Republicans ready for the president to intervene in the more controversy your move president. That this is from Fox News Now that's the feeling among Republicans as a party scrambles to deal with the political fallout involving Alabama Senate nominee Roy Moore who is denying allegations that he pursued sexual relationships with female teenagers while an attorney in his early thirty's Scott Jennings a Kentucky Republican who worked as an advisor to former President George w. Bush and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said President should intervene in Alabama immediately. The president returns to the White House. In fact return to the White House apparently last night is what it says here when the I didn't I when I woke up I didn't see the story that he actually had gotten back but he may have and I just haven't seen the story and so there's where you are right now then you've got you know that the expectation is that President Trump now needs to say something. In this case what he has said before is if he is guilty he should get out. And so you're at that point right now when you have 2 of these women that are trump supporters and the your book thing coming out they said that with the year the year book thing now as White claimed it was forged and I don't know what Sean knows or you know who what the handwriting experts have said on it Shawn came out and said look you got explain this in 24 hours or I'm out that did a heck of a lot of damage because Yeah Shawn was one of the people's you know stating that you know that let's let all the facts come in was highly criticized for the whole coffeemaker. Thing which you know made became part of popular culture and the fact that now he has come out and said look it hasn't been explained to me. You know a day after this information came out it still hasn't been explained to me what you need to explain or I'm out of that's you know that's extremely damaging Now we saw the polling out there that showed he's still up by 6 points and we're not a we're 50 percent but he's still up by 6 points and in one of the latest polls of just yeah there's a 6 points thread so in this being a fox 10 poll out of out of that state out of Alabama so. The the number that's still out there in that same poll is this was likely voters and a poll taken on November 13th so that would have been Monday. And the question is what is a poll of like after the yearbook thing do people believe. That the yearbook shows that he did know or and that's what it comes down to because I I don't know anybody I mean you would they're not the more people are not going to get you know I guess they could do based on the pictures of everything they might be able to do handwriting analysis and then hire someone I mean if you're going to fight for your name if you're innocent here's what I think people are expecting of you you're going to have to be very very proactive in fighting in any situation I'm just talking generally speaking so that's what people who are on the fence right now. That being in these these likely voters who are undecided there's 8 percent of them in this poll in this Fox temple so if that's you know fairly accurate of where they are right now the question is as the saying goes on closer to the election you know just do those 8 percent because of them. The 8 percent that are undecided these are likely voters that are undecided in this poll. 44 percent of those undecided voters are saying that this could you know sway their opinion so we'll see you know we're see we'll see where it where it ends up and the as the evidence mounts I guess you know Hannity or anybody else is basically just asking to see him fight you've got to come out and you know Hannity said to what a credible explanation or something and. You would if these allegations are very serious someone who's track is attacking you and you're innocent then people expect you to fight. And you know you're when I've started talking about this before Roy Moore Right and said What would the reaction be. For the O'Reilly thing yeah right I think when we when we talked right there what we do know it was the O'Reilly thing and people call up and said it's a hit job he said look you can't make that case he settled you don't settle a case for over $30000000.00 you don't settle a case for tens of millions of dollars unless something is there that's embarrassing and you don't settle it in order to protect your kids because it will leak eventual you as it did so his kids were not protected by it and you had a huge you know. Flow of of money to do so and who knows how much he spent on lawyers on top right now I don't know how people when they get to that level of life you know you and I were talking I believe was off the air we were talking about the arrogance of some people in Hollywood that that some of these you know men that are it are so arrogant that the you know they just you know they just believe that you know the women are there to to serve them in in any way and be at their beck and call and there's arrogance that can exist in this ego that exists combined with their perversions or whatever that drives them to do it so I can put my self in their brain and it's just it's too tough but I know that if I was accused of it. Not only what I deny it but there be a massive lawsuit immediately because I'm not afraid to go and I would I would be afraid to go to court. For any reason to disclose anything. Because I didn't do anything right. I mean that's the whole idea is is that we in making our decision in the court of public opinion we it's based on how in this case the accuser is acting versus the politician. They will want to see if more is to be believed and supported it has to go beyond the claims that this is just a liberal media. Because as the evidence mounts against him he's going to have to fight harder and harder. And and that's where that's where that you know comes from if. It really common it's on Election Day well you know and it also comes to this point that you know for and I probably can speak for you here you don't and I know this sounds cliche but your reputation is all you have. I would never settle because as far as I'm concerned by settling in in the world of public opinion I'm guilty Yeah that's how I would view it if somebody saw the last thing I would do was settle I don't care if I did I've got to go down and spend every single dollar in order to sue those people or do whatever I have to do because I knew be a false allegation and I would go to the ends of the earth you know to do whatever I could to clear my reputation the last thing I would do would ever settle because I know at that point when you settle your viewed as guilty. In in public opinion and it's just the reality may not be fair that's the reality. And so that's how people look at it what do you do when you were accused of doing something that's how you behave in the wake of such accusations that's pretty much how people are going to look at this and they're about Hollywood people that have I remember I think Carol Burnett fought back one time I forgot what it was yeah germy Peven has been vocal lately I don't you know about his Because there have been some accusations against him 3 and so the question is you know I mean and that's what people do I mean in the court of public opinion there it's about you know. His association with anyone in Hollywood if that if they want to give him the treatment they gave Kevin Spacey you know if they want to disassociate themselves from him and future projects and everything based on the allegations well that's his career and if you're innocent then you do everything you can to fight it that's that's how people judge they want to see what your behavior is in the wake of those accusations 866-907-3339 if you'd like to get in we do have a lineup and we'd love to hear from you 8690 right I coming up with Gary Mike tomorrow and every courtly it's what i Radio. If you have driven over 1000000 preventable accident free miles then register to join the 1000000 Mile Club online at Red Eye radio show dot com Red Eye radio and our sponsors support your safety on the highway that can. 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Turn radio 866907333986690 right I he's are calling I'm Gary McNamara Welcome and good morning we'll get your calls and comments coming up following the top of the hour news and get to the latest on the the tax reform bill and what the Senate did the Senate now ending the repeal of the Obamacare mandate isn't it interesting they could not get that they could get it in the health care talks and there's a possibility that they'll get it here now and but nobody's really talking about what the fallout of that is. You know we're talking about a money saved up front right because no subs no subsidies will be spent right most of that is like that but we're not talking about the fact that sick people will still be getting health insurance so the ratio of sick people to healthy people goes way up which means subsidies increase on the back end what are those expected subsidies that have to come into the entire equation are they just yes you know they probably not a number that's not the reality of that debt what they actually know about the numbers. This see is red I radio on Westwood One join the conversation using they were telling t. Hotline 866-907-3339 Carly Gary McNamara and Sharon telling t.v. I'll get you a farther down the road attention military vets a British press is one of the elite members of the transportation industry now offering a g.i. 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