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Realty sells your house it will be guaranteed sold at 100 percent of your asking price in 29 days or Dan will pay the difference miner terms apply but please know that everything is in the open with Dan beard great realtor put his money where his mouth is please call if you're serious about selling your house call them at 806672003 that's 806672003 or visit sold by day in beer dot com beer just like the drink sold by Dan beer dot com Dammit McKay That's one of the stories we're following the am 76 the police are warning you and me to be bearer of crooks who have telephone Powell area residents in region wakes and write us when the amount of money by falsely claiming they have outstanding arrest warrants or other obligations the local government several sightings of a roughly 12 foot shark near Oceanside Municipal Pier this afternoon prompted a temporary closure of a 2 mile stretch of beach in the area there are men on boats began spotting the sea predator 102500 yards off the coast around noon they hope to reopen tomorrow this and he shares in fired upon will host a pancake breakfast tomorrow morning to benefit needy family is that Santee Fire Station Number 5 on Carlton Oaks Road this report is sponsored by Mothers Against Drunk Driving mostly clear lows in the fifty's highs in the seventy's I am 760 talk and breaking news. It's where the radio very much and every girlie talk about everything from politics to social issues and news of the day whether you're a lawyer or you're just starting your day he welcomes all those who says what I radioed. Hello and welcome he's here the America I never party as we drove into the bonus show. What's right and you know how are you I'm just still laughing it's my favorite story from yesterday down which are actually from 2 days ago the joy they are from the view. That Republicans won the Senate because of gerrymandering it's like Wow Next question Joy What are the 3 branches of government. Did they move the borders of the states maybe they. Have been. In a long time or. Yeah you know I did I didn't see this graph and I have to check it out this just popped into my head right now. I checked a graph. I saw this graph that was it was tweeted out and somebody else read tweeted it but I was just a graph but it was talking about the the race crews and or work here in Texas. And that native Texan was. Voted by a majority for O'Rorke. It was. It was New Yorkers like myself. Who ensured that Cruz won not New Yorkers but people that came from out of state that voted actually voted more for Cruz than they did for Roark and native Texans voted for or Roark. Doing what demographic did they fall under age wise it was just total now because that would make the difference yeah it was just it was it was total so I just thought it was interesting so I mean I guess a again I get to say as you know it's the the Davy Crockett that you know saves Texas again from Yeah well unless they were talking about millennial that were born in Texas you know that you're right those are native that's well that just means you folks aren't doing your job I wasn't born here I was born in Nebraska. Yeah I've always used you as a native Texan I don't know why I know my parents are native Texans Ok. All my children are but you know I lived here since oh the new voters that was when you voted for better know I voted for Ted Cruz and. I'm not a native Texan I don't you get the. Man Yeah. So I guess I just I'm just I'm having fun I'd like I said I didn't I just saw the graph I don't know whether I don't even know who came from it was made sense and if I would like to see a graph because now I'm curious I'd like to see if there are more native Texans than the younger demographics right now in the state not that it would but it does make a difference at all politically but I'd be curious about that just the aging of the population or or whatever or the migration of the population and any given state to . I so we're do we start yesterday we talked about the Jim Acosta video and we addressed it at that time got a few e-mails on it doesn't mean anything but the fact that you know that the claim from some video monitoring group that the the tape that Sarah Huckabee Sanders showed was altered right that some frames were slow Donna moved up to make the chop. Chop Yes. To make the 2 to accentuate the the chop to make the chop seem more vicious as we address that in yesterday's show in case you didn't hear it it doesn't matter we were we were looking at the raw video our judgment that we were watching the video that everybody was going back and forth on today right that's not what we watch the c.n.n. Feed the actual c.n.n. Feed is what we watch right and and so again it doesn't change the opinion at all the only thing the only thing that I would say is if the White House did use a video that ends up that was being distorted it is again what we have told the White House over and over again that you have absolute victories and many times you blow it. If that's the case then we know what you're if you're using something as evidence if you're using something as proof to to show the truth and make sure you're using something that came from a legitimate source I mean you would think being the White House especially this administration you would look to get that right before you did anything right but it didn't matter to how we analyzed it because we looked directly at the c.n.n. Feed look you can't put your hands on in turn unless you're Bill Clinton Well you know the what it is now and it was somebody else the somebody else was at The View or whatever stated that she was the aggressor right yeah and that was that was being put out by liberal media yesterday look how aggressive she is to get the Will Yeah she went to get the mike the for it was time to give it up now he suppose it's his job once he's done to hand it to her but this is typical of the left to blame women exactly they blame women who are just doing their job when men are being arrogant and sexist then the left blames the woman right. So if you have a server at a restaurant and that server comes up and it happens to be a female server that comes up to take your empty plate you need to scold that server for being aggressive Yes. Please don't do that I was making a sarcastic point. Coming up on the show what's going on in Florida the Acosta thing we're done with because again we addressed any question that we got after the show yesterday we addressed during the show look if yes if he didn't make the if he did make the apology by the end of the day Jim Acosta Yeah but he's not going to make the Apollo apology you know it's rich I was watching Netflix the new season I guess they're trying to you know killed off after the whole you know thing with what's his name that was on the I was watching House of Cards on Netflix Kevin Spacey was fired from the show. And now they're Robin Wright Penn is the president in the show and they're trying to finish it off and I think they're going to just it's just fallen apart it should have gone away after all that happened I mean it just I don't know how you carry on that storyline but they're trying so I decided out of curiosity to watch it there's a segment today where Robin Wright Penn in this show she's she's a friend of hers who is not. She's politically she's the opposite opposition right and she works with a special interest group and she holds it but she's friends with the president Robin Wright Penn and she holds her hand up with her you know they join her she grabs her hand and holds it up and then Robin Robin Wright Penn but she's not penning more I'm sorry right yeah pulls it down I'm. Not sure who among I suppose the apologized to Sean Penn or Robin Wright Robin Wright Ok I don't know I don't know Jen I didn't marry Sean Penn Jenny So she she pulls her arm down and then they go to this scene. It's the c.n.n. Panel who's on the who's on the panel Jim Acosta what are they debating well did she did she pull her arm down. And I thought oh man this could not be more time that's beautiful yeah. And he of course is saying yeah no it's it was definitely I think there were calling it a retreat where she was pulling her hand down the president played by Robin Wright Well and. Again we look at this is a perfect example of the media denying what obviously is there and that's what that's what you saw from the the left and then changing the narrative that you know she was the aggressive one well you have to understand what the you said a long time ago that if the premise is wrong everything else afterwards may seem right but it's all wrong because the premise is wrong right and the premise that they are equals in that setting that the president and Jim Acosta are equal when it comes to how the make up of the press conference and how a press conference is to be run that is the premise that the left is going with this that Jim Acosta has his constitute there are no constitutional rights here the whole argument is flawed to begin with and that's what they that's what they do there's 2 things here. It is the obvious case of showing media bias and then how the media will lie. How the media will lie by just lying by looking at a video and claiming nothing happened. And then by line by omission by saying nothing happened and then not showing the actual evidence that exists that shows that something did happen the 2nd point and this is to the White House if it is true that the video that they used was doctored as the experts have have said and I looked at the Wall Street Journal and looked at their story because again you're trying to find what is and biased you know in this but if it is true that they used a doctored video this goes back to the other lesson that we've been telling the White House don't take an absolute victory and because of your carelessness or you're such in a hurry to prove that you're right you don't do your homework right and ensure that your defense is a right defense because now as we said yesterday Sarah Huckabee Sanders should do nothing except play that video over and over again if there's any questions as to why a cost to goes now if she has the video and tries to play it they're going to question how do we know that it's authentic and the topic is changed it's why we said and it goes you know goes back to what dad told me in business you better be 100 percent right and I said that's impossible everybody is wrong he says I'm not saying you're going to be wrong what I'm saying is before you ever challenge anybody do your homework to make sure that your right if you're not right and if you haven't covered all your bases then don't challenge them that you can do. And this administration we've given many examples in the past has the absolute victory. And for whatever reason many times blows it because they give an opening for their opposition to change the topic so that would be another example if that's where this goes on the White House has to come out and admit Ok That wasn't the you know and they haven't yet but if they come out admit that then again that's another lesson to be learned here and we said after election night one of the things that has to happen and I love when we get flack on this because it's just like our people thinking we said you've got you've got to be right don't lie about something don't lie about something that's not important Here's a video from c.n.n. Use a video from Bo I'm time I just in general not in this because I don't believe anybody is Lynette right I believe they just were in a hurry to do it but don't be in a hurry to win the debate if it takes you a couple more hours because you do your homework fine just don't blurt out something because you're adds a rally and it seems good just to blurt out rhetoric that's wrong when you don't have to do that well again you know the very quick and simple decision to go to the the actual source of the employer of Jim Acosta is why I said. Should be a no brainer. Use the video from c.n.n. They have one they're distributing the one they say. Doesn't show him putting his hands on the turn it's it's very clear but this is the world we live in you can look at it and say and people can still say yeah but that's that's not what it is you're you can see the video evidence. Still nothing and again your job is not to convince those that don't want to see the truth your job is to find again in the middle those people that haven't made their decision and provide the evidence for that but then we can in turn show that people are not only willfully ignorant just burying their heads in the sand all together you can demonstrate that and make the point like we did if you don't see this is it if you say it didn't happen it's because you haven't actually seen the video or you're lying right also coming up trade and the democrats liberals blame white women for the Democrats lost as Tucker Carlson the threats against his home and family you know when when I read the story about what his wife went through when I saw the Matthew Yglesias the liberal writer who apparently deleted all of his tweets were said I've no compassion for her at all whatsoever and it was like people were like it's just disgusting us you know and he should delete it no no no no I don't believe it let people know how you think I guess my the interesting thing that I find is that those that are doing this believe how do they believe this is going to be effective. How is how is threatening people on their property going to going to give you the when. Do they believe that the right is going to collapse because of threats really. Us crude another new record we'll get to that the Girl Scouts suing the Boy Scouts the appeal court is wrong on Dhaka we know that the governor Rick Scott is suing over what's going on in Broward County Broward and what as it was for the county Palm Beach. Palm Beach I think there you have that you can well we'll get to that what's going on in in in Florida and a whole bunch more Plus your calls and comments if you'd like to get in lines are open now we've got a great show ahead so much to review of what's gone on over the last couple of weeks and especially this week with the election I'm sure you've got your opinions 86690 right I replied back with more red eye radio with a recorder you had Gary Macnamara. 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And a living person cannot donate any other or any organ or anything else that the insanity that that happened it was panic and 99 percent of it was tongue in cheek but. I wonder if there's a couple of people out there hey can we donate a red. You think we don't. It's not the rib you'd be concerned and that was that was that was the funny one. That I saw Yeah and and the panic and we heard that Michael Moore you know wanted to deny everything but she actually refused I don't want to shoot your body but if you're not yes that would just make it worse. Yeah. You know some of the stories you want to bring up to the green ballot trouncing editor of The Wall Street Journal about how many things on the ballot that were green that went down even in states that you think would vote for where they went and that's one of the things that's been talking about is you know the Democrats picked up you know picked up seats in the house. But when you look at it overall did the liberal in the ology win. Right and that's a very pointedly liberal etiology actually when Yeah or did Democrats that were promoting themselves as moderates when what is the actual ideology and so we'll get to that coming up here in in just a little bit plus I want to get to that appeals court a ruling against Trump on the cans and the doctor protections again it's bogus right they can do whatever he wants it doesn't matter that he does what they're saying is you're not giving us the reasons that with the reasons that we will except for canceling docking you know right after it doesn't have to Obama put it in as an executive order Brown can take it out as an executive order if you don't believe Obama had the power you must believe Trump has the rights and for cover electronics Here's your forecast tomorrow Sunday is officially Veterans Day the 11th day the 11th month the 11th hour we will observe Veterans Day on Monday and the nation will be clearing out weather wise for Sunday but for the remainder of today we have a weather system that's been sweeping through the Midwest moving toward the east and we'll continue to see showers today for a good portion of the South and the Mid Atlantic and northeast as that system moves offshore snow flurries for portions of the Midwest have moved to the north and east providing 1st round of snow for Kansas Illinois Indiana and portions of the upper Midwest and Great Lakes a little early in the season for snow but a reminder winter is approaching winter weather preparedness upon us near the freezing mark for Chicago today of 34 Dallas only 51 but the rains have ended there is a look at your national forecast from Red Eye radio I'm meteorologist John trout thanks so much John 86090 right I. 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Of military preaching way continues today with readmission to military families to all 800 San Diego area locations this report sponsored by Mothers Against Drunk Driving during cold overnight right now to 65 degrees at Lindbergh Field in San Diego State hopes you will be tomorrow kicked off at 7 30 pm the Aztecs are 7 into the run and rebels are 2 in 7 American boys and 760 k. F. And b. Talk and breaking news John driving is 100 percent preventable 100 percent of the time help us create a future of No More Victims at Mad dot org That's an a.d.t. . C.b.s. News update the death toll from the camp fire. Here in Northern California is up to 9 people Butte County coroner Cory hony and some of those killed 4 divisions were found in their vehicles and they were in the Paradise area we found another individual near those vehicles that person was outside the vehicle fire officials say is destroyed nearly 6500 homes and 260 businesses K.C.'s radios Megan Goldsby is there the guy here is like nothing I've ever seen and what I'm hearing from people coming down it seems like this is going to take quite some time paradise I believe depending on what's left in that town that could be scarred forever in Southern California at least one death has been reported from a massive wildfire there covering 35000 acres more than 200000 have had to evacuate from Los Angeles County and the president has tweeted this hour calling forest management so poor he says remedy now or no more federal help c.b.s. News update. Him 716 k. 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And become unable to work this creates a downward spiral that leads to extreme financial hardship and possible unemployment go to truckers Fund dot org today and learn more about how you can contribute if you or someone inside the trucking industry may be in need learn how s.c.f. Can help we encourage you to educate yourself and peers on the St Christopher's truckers fund today donate if you can you never know when you may need some help too that's truckers Fund dot org let's band together for a better tomorrow. Well you know Paula Jones for nothing written by radio. When he is our attorney and I'm Gary MacNamara age 6690 right I so Rick Scott filing the lawsuit accusing a Democrat Florida election officials of trying to steal the election and if you go through the point by point that he made in his letter he's making specific allegations that he claims are against the law I haven't seen the Democrats say that they're not against the law right I don't have the book in front of me of Florida law right what it looks like he's listed all the things that they are doing that are against election law right. The the 1st real so it's not that just that the race is close but the claim is that there were reports coming in that that were padding votes in 2 major counties one being Broward and one being Palm Beach and padding means that that they initially reported this many votes and then there were more votes reported later and then the next day well then you get into something very very different. The According to Fox News Scott's 1st emergency complaint accuses Broward County supervisor of elections Brenda Snipes of being unwilling to disclose records revealing how many electors voted how many ballads ballots have been cast or canvassed and how many ballots remain to be canvassed So of course and also charges that the uncertainty racisms substantial concerns about the validity of the elections process now that's important. Because Brenda Snipes has a history here intact according to Fox News she was found guilty by a judge back in 2016 of destroying ballots. It was in fact this was the judgment came against her earlier this year but it was from a 202016 congressional contest. And Brent's knights had illegally destroyed ballots in a 2016th congressional contest leaving the secretary of state's office to assign election monitors to supervise her why would she even be allowed if a judge found her guilty of illegally destroying ballots then why would she ever be allowed again because it'll continue because a lot doesn't state that she. Can't that's ridiculous destroying balance right the law that the Florida law must dictate because a you can pick your Democrat representatives and your Republican representatives if you can do something illegal and still stay in place yes otherwise she wouldn't be there. You can violate the law and still stay in place that's ridiculous I agree with you get it was shown that and because the the whole and again just assuming that this report is accurate and true. Sheep wrote the law. Well you know I guess in Illinois they call that Election Day So this is but that that's the concern in the complaint by Rick Scott. You know and I think it's it's something that. Is certainly worth watching as that race now has gotten 2.2 percent that's important because that means there's going to be a recount not just a recount but a hand recount and there's another requirement of Marco Rubio brought this up for example on the absentee ballots they all of the not not who they voted for but the actual number of ballots have to be counted the number of votes have to be counted so right you know 30 minutes after you know the total number of people that have voted you may not know how they voted yet right but you know the total number of people that are have voted and you need to have that done within 30 minutes after the polls closed that's Alexion law that's one of the 1st complaints by Rick Scott and he sat those numbers those tallies change and so the next point that you would get to would be Head Boy that sounds a little bit like a 2000 doesn't it but the last states they must be counted Well if they're not counted. Well does that mean they they don't count then what she enforcement of that law if the last states that you must have the total number of votes the absentee votes for Rubio claims 30 minutes after I don't know about the other votes that exist out there but you've got to have the total number of votes so there's less chance of fraud 30 minutes after boom Ok here are the votes which means you've gone through the machines here the number the total number of votes that we have and it keeps increasing every day the total number of votes right and what they're saying is No you can't do that so would their next thing be those total number of votes that weren't counted by a specific time that are required by law then don't count right. And then you have you have Gillum basically conceding saying Ok it's not over. And the governor's race and now you have this race the Senate race which involves the current governor. Well you know really made the point that you know Bay County where the hurricane had 4 weeks ago they counted all their ballots and it's like you know right 41 hours after write that Broward elections is still counting the number of votes and not allowing other representatives they've got to sit behind glass they can see what's been talking about whatever and what you want here is transparency and that's the claim that the Democrats don't want transparency why don't they want transparency right. Why don't the Democrats want transparency on this Foley would be the question for anybody who says well there's so much partisanship here I don't know to believe well and believe the people who are promoting transparency when this I think is why if you're Rick Scott the only thing you can do is file in court because then what you're hoping is that the court is going to assign and some independent group. To to make sure that there's in the recount full transparency. Let's go to Ron in New York City run higher and run a radio Welcome to the show Hi. Hello tell us what we're on this topic. I have been a poll worker on the elections for years now that. You know you have to be neutral of course. But sometimes folks will come in and they want to offer you their license to show that this is so I you know they that you tell them your supposed to tell them No you don't have to show us that as a matter of fact the problem but I feel it's him and says on both sides especially in the city so upset saying mostly on the Democrat side that yelling and screaming for reform for better machines for better accountability for the better technology to be accurate and so I want to see voter i.d. Registration because people that are honest and supposed to be voting are willing to just openly even though they don't have to and that's supposed to they're offering their i.d. To show you that they are who they are why should there be a question where it though I'd like to know I'll be I'll be I'll be blunt many Democrats want fraud in an election not all but many. On fraud in an election it's not about it's not a voter suppression having id It's about ensuring that elections are done right the reason and it's very easy. A lot of Democrats want people who are not u.s. Citizens to vote in the election end of story we all know it. That's what it's about it's about Democrats want fraud in an election. That's why they talk about voter suppression that's why they are anti voter id because anybody with any common sense would say you know. Her id Yes in the state of Texas we know how easy it is to get it you get it for free. And you get it for free well it's too much of a burden well sorry there needs to be a tiny bit of a burden tiny bit of responsibility if you wish to vote in order to ensure that the system is fraud free that's why. And no and you can't are you can't argue with that now Jim Acosta may attempt to argue with that but you can argue with that any reasonable person believes and understands that voter id is a good thing to know who for the government to know who is voting is actually a response ability of the government to ensure that elections are clean right. End of story everybody knows that but you have a significant portion of Democrats that want fraud in an election they want people who are not authorized to vote to vote in elections because they believe it's the only way that they can win you know and I know it if you're a Democrat out there you know it. Well it's it's real simple Tell me what in any process. Isn't slightly at the very least inconvenient that's because that's been that's been the argument the debate getting a government ideas is too hard the process actually isn't hard you may have to wait at the d.m.v. For a moment or 2. But. What you ultimately talking about well we don't want that kind of transparency we don't want that kind of truth. And honesty because by the way it doesn't ensure that 100 percent of the process is going to be perfect that's not the point it's that we're doing everything we can as a society right to protect the process all that simple on that case why should we have cops because you can't prevent exact 100 percent of the crime and cops can present 100 percent of the crime and that's the argument from the laugh right that's where the critical thinking blows up in their face well if you look at a stop all of it won't but our goal is to attempt to stop all of it right that should be the goal of a society that wants to have confidence in its elections process well and the debate was often centered you know years ago and still does to a certain extent you know if the debate is even being had. Around the minorities and especially the elderly right well it's tougher to get it's tougher to get is it impossible to get well let's put it this way my 92 year old father my 90 year old mother. Found their way to the voting booth there is no mail in ballot. There is no early voting they only have one day to do it. And they made sure that they got for the polls that day no matter why and because it was a priority of theirs and has always been a priority of theirs to go and vote right and no matter what they were going to get their vote because it was a priority and they invested time into ensuring I when I called the other day and they said are you going to vote today and I went No And they said why are you going to vote I said we have early voting here I voted 2 weeks ago oh Ok it was so funny I can't believe that you wouldn't call your a talk show host now we have early voting here. Well look I'm in a process where they were very elderly they were trying to find make sure they're going to the right polling place when I call the other day so can leave you alone so you can take care of that look look at because the argument again centered around the elderly the elderly are getting benefits from the government managed by the government. Whether it's Medicaid or Medicare Social Security. You ever dealt with that when you talk about complicated let's put it this way they. Again there was another thing they had to go to the whole you know the the Medicare stuff this week they had to go to a whole you know. Afternoon of 3 or 4 hours of going through all the different options that they had at the senior citizen center right they had to do that voting was actually easy compared to that. Yeah I mean if you have elderly parents. You understand and some of us who are becoming elderly are you are you understand that a day at the doctor's office can be a full day I mean it's it's not it's not easy but Drug dealing with on the legal side just tried dealing with those benefits that are managed by the government and see how difficult that is it's a bogus argument it is it is it always has been 86690 right I get in touch with what I radio's toll free at a certain 6 month. Every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 1 am central It's the Freightliner run smart hour on read i radio tune in to help you run more efficiently rock you by Freightliner trucks that can get home before we get back on the road let's stop at this can't scale anyway definitely please use the way my truck you know I'm no good with If you're a trucking industry professional then you need to be in the know and there's no one more in the know than the readers of fleet owner magazine written for executives and managers owner provides information on operations he also maintenance regulations. And information technology but that's not all played on here with its monthly print publication and for a donor dot com website has all the latest news and information to keep your hit his operating efficiently But industry experts to award winning writers and columnists play the owner is the number one source of tracking information in North America informational webinars executive reports blogs videos international tracking news and more are all easily accessible from Fleet Owner dot com And if you're looking to buy or sell a truck this is the fleet owner Penton Options page powered by asset nation join played on or on Twitter and Facebook to hear what others are saying and remember to visit cleaner dot com every day for the latest industry news sign up to receive the play owner free daily newsletter and your copy of fleet owner in print Red Eye radio and our sponsors are devoted to trucking safety that's why we're proud to bring you the red eye radio 1000000 Mile Club for 27 years we've been saluting drivers who have surpassed the 1000000 mile mark with preventable accident free driving by reaching this milestone you can be a part of an elite club of drivers who share remarkable safety records and demonstrate Sapir your driving skills if you or someone you know is a truck driver with a 1000000 miles or more of driving without a preventable accident register online at Red Eye radio show dot com that's right i Radio Show dot com The Red Eye radio 1000000 Mile Club would not be possible without the support of our great sponsors including Petro stopping centers house lubricator the desk the family of companies Motel 6 the St Christopher fund cats scale and cover electronics we applaud the individual truckers and fleets who drive with care and keep our highways say help make the holidays happy for our injured military men and women the 2018 Warrior Foundation radiophone Friday December 7th an opportunity for Sandy against to give back in honor of those who bravely said. 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And try radio a he is Eric Harley and I'm Gary McNamara We'll get to more your calls and comments coming up following the bottom oeuvre the top of the hour time swimming. And I thought Also coming up the Girl Scouts are suing the Boy Scouts Ok over their name for what they are I'm leaving out yeah. Their name we will get to that plus we'll tell you about the appeals court rules against the president on the canceling of the docket protections if you'll score it is wrong of course or wrong it's a very simple legal concept and if you want to see bias in the courts and if you want to see the court's not following the law. Another perfect example of it and it's non-debatable right if if Obama puts an executive order from can rescind it or whatever reason he wishes if you believe Obama had the power to implement it then do you believe the next president has the power to undo. This Sears wrote I radioed on Westwood One check out all the latest in news events tracking information jobs and podcasts at Red Eye radio show dot com That's read i Radio Show dot com I'm here with a you know truck tires engineer to talk about the you know while I was 24 steer old position tire I guess D.L.'s 24 has the coupling groups and micro side I don't know what any of that means but it fights irregular where right yes it could have just said that your oil is 24 as what smart truckers want without the high price visit you know roiled truck tires dot com today. You have a new phone is that have that new connector type it's called u.s.b. Type. See and it's becoming the new standard in u.s.b. Charging when shopping for new excess reserves that new phone tough tested has you covered with a full line of type c. Chargers cables and accessories available that loves road Ranger t.a. 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If you depend on a truck to make a living then American trucker magazine is for you each month the magazine is back to the information you need to keep your truck running and making you money for new products to the latest in regulations American trucker has what you need to know and if you're running your own business American truckers Business Editor Tim Brady is there for you this renowned author and business expert has more than 25 years of experience in the trucking industry and knows what you need to maintain a profitable operation 18 months Brady's business in trucking offer solutions to typical problems faced by any trucking organization American trucker magazine is not just for people looking to keep their trucks on the road but it's also for those looking to buy or sell vehicles the American truck or marketplace connection with thousands of buyers and sellers across the country who may have that perfect truck you're looking for so don't miss another issue of American trucker magazine to receive your free copy go to trucker dot com and sign up. Did you know that studies have shown that almost 2 and a half 1000000 truck drivers in the us have one or more serious health problems such as obesity diabetes heart disease even sleep disorders and our truck drivers lack the same access to health that other Americans enjoy the unfortunate result of these circumstances is that drivers are often unable to get treatment and the early stages of disease minor illnesses become severe leading to hospitalization and disability the driver then may lose their c.d.o. And become unable to work this creates a downward spiral that leads to extreme fire. Natural hardship and possible unemployment go to truckers Fund dot org today and learn more about how you can contribute if you or someone inside the trucking industry may be in need learn how s.p.f. Can help we encourage you to educate yourself and peers on the St Christopher's truckers fund today donate if you can you never know when you may need some help too that's truckers Fund dot org let's band together for a better tomorrow. America's finest city 75 years this is e m 760 k. F.m. The San Diego's talk and breaking. News. New c.b.s. News on the hour presented by Liberty Mutual Insurance on that Piper fires in California continue to rage into the weekend claiming at least 10 deaths so far the hill and Woolsey fires in the southern part of the state of destroyed more than 150 homes and forced more than 250000 people to evacuate key c.b.s. T.V.'s Jeff knew whens as firefighters in areas like Bell Canyon have to deal with water shortages this is not an urban neighborhood which means you don't have a number of fire hydrants on every corner or water has to be trucked in so these guys can't just blast this with water they have to be very judicious about what they are doing meteorologist Alex who won with the National Weather Service says the weather will hopefully help firefighting efforts we're actually seeing a very good opportunity with very favorable weather much lighter winds still very very dry conditions out there but as we move into Saturday night we have a red flag warning in effect in northern California a fire in the town of Paradise continues to rage out of control leveling the entire city President Trump tweets last hour quote There is no reason for these massive deadly and costly forest fires in California except that forest management is so poor on top of nearby fires 1000 Oaks California is reeling from the mass shooting at a country bar. The 12 victims range in age from $18.00 to $54.00 most were in their twenty's including a survivor of the Las Vegas Country Music Festival shooting our Carter Evans is covering the investigation is expected to last the next few days right now they're working on a 3 d. Re creation of a crime scene Facebook and Instagram have taken down Long's accounts and are now working with police Matthew Whitaker president drums choice for acting attorney general maybe feeling a little alone Mr Trump is moving to distance himself from what occurred telling reporters he does not know the man who is now overseeing the Russian investigation Whittaker has made public comments critical of it and critics have called on him to recuse himself Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi will be on Face the Nation Sunday that he should be kings himself for any review of the investigation because of statements he has made already in the public domain a driver's been sentenced to 55 years in prison for causing a church bus crash in South Texas the March 2017 collision killed 13 people 21 year old Jack Young was sentenced after a 3 day hearing dawn Tuesday John lost her mom in the crash hard so hard for everyone involved this is a no win situation for in Rome.

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