Transcripts For KGAN CBS2 News Live At 5 20160908

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there could be some issues tomorrow evening. at least it will be mild. temperatures around 73. keep that in mind as you kick off the weekend. >> a man with a special skill here in the corridor to speak at the u of i. he has kept more than 200 people from taking their lives at the golden gate bridge. melanie moore sat down with him to fd share and more about our goal resources. >> reporter: kevin briggs is here speaking during national suicide prevention awareness month. for people who do this life- saving work every day here at the crisis center of johnson county. >> once a week, alan berger comes to the crisis center to be on the other and of the crisis line. sometimes calls are about food or financial needs. other times it's people who need help.>> that's the first they are heard and making sure another situation matters. beyond that, it's a matter of connecting to people in their life and they saw a connection with. >> reporter: three years ago he decided he wanted to help and learn to become a better listener. >> that's what i teach. if we are going to listen, we're going to listen. i'm going to take in every california highway patrol near the golden gate bridge for about 17 years, identifying hundreds of people who needed that someone.he says it's the identifying hundreds of people is the number one site america for suicide. >> don't suffer alone. tell someone. tell a friend. get help. don't suffer alone. there's a lot of help out there. >> reporter: he would encourage others to volunteer. it takes 60 hours of training there's hope in tomorrow. >> it's possible for anyone to be unless the embiid that spot. once you're there, how do you get out? >> the event starts tonight. they say everyone is welcome. if you're concerned about someone you know, talk to them for tell som person if you need to reach out for help we have resources on our website. still developing a playboy playmate is facing serious backlash over a picture she posted a machine could end up in jail. the 29-year-old admits taking a picture of a nude, elderly woman in a los angeles gym locker room. she posted a photo on snapchat that caption says if i can't un- see this, then you can't either. the city attorney is considering whether to charge matters with breaking privacy laws. she has apologized saying she is new to snapchat and only intended for the picture to be seen by a friend. many think that is just an excuse.>> there is no question that by her own caption, she intended to shame this woman. and that's the case. >> hr she could face up to months in jail for violating california privacy laws. one other note, the gym has banned her from ever coming back. you today, plans to spray a controversial chemical in the fight against the death are on hold in florida. we're joined with the outcry that kept the spray planes grounded. second and angry crowd shouted down the miami-dade mayor as he tried to tell them the neurotoxin is harmless to officials had planned to spray insecticide over the county today in hopes of killing mosquitoes that carry zika. women could result in children with behavior problems. however, here in the u-s, the centers for disease control says naled is safe. it also says the link between zika and babies born with microcephaly is becoming increasingly clear. but it seems neighbors in these areas don't trust the c -d-c. not only do they not believe naled is safe, many are skeptica link to birth defects. that's what the experts are telling me.(woman) you're lying to all the people!quiet folks, please! this is information. raise your hand if you're skeptical about the link between the zika virus and microcephaly? (almost everyone raises hands)there's still a lot of people denying that zika and devastating birth defects are linked. after last night's hearing, the mayor delayed spraying naled until tomorrow so residents have more notice. it spreads farther hasn't been figured out. a zika funding bill in washington is sitting untouched right now as lawmakers battle over the affordable care act and planned parenthood. more than five-thousand men and women have been fighting cancers that doctors are now linking to the 9-11 attacks. doctors at the world trade center health program say the number of patients is increasing and cases of extremely rare cancers are also emerging.experts are now working to figure out how to we'll have that story tomorrow on news live at five. a california teen is getting support as she fights a battle of her own. ashley adamietz was recently diagnosed with leukemia. one of the football players wanted to show her she's as much a part of their team as they are - and the other players joined in. as the they did their usual walk on to the field, they each stopped to lay a and speechless. last night cbs 2 news told you about a casting controversy in the corridor. a ?hearing actor will portray a ?deaf character in theatre cedar rapids october show deaf character october show. this casting cause pushback on social media and from the deaf community. cbs anchor joins us with how this all happen. >> representatives say that note did the best they could with those who did try out. the real problem according to members of the local deaf community that i met with is its in a deaf person wasn't cast to play the character, it's why no deaf actors auditioned. jennifer keaton is deaf and she works as a community service specialist. she feels the theater didn't try hard enough to reach the resources. she says the theater didn't make casting call announcements in a way the deaf community needs them to. >> they made the announcement or casting call was made in written english. that is not the native language of deaf people. asl would be the native language. >> coming up, i will share with you more on how some of the other deaf community members hopes to turn the situation into a positive immunity >> will need to get the ambroz again. showers and thunderstorms will move back in tomorrow. will be back in the forecast in time is up. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. he wears it like a crown. "make america great again". his ties in china. and his suits in mexico. in fact, the real donald trump outsourced his products and jobs to 12 different countries. so don't believe the hat. you can't make america great again, if you don't make things gallagher: this type of disaster hits, it's like, "man, what do we do? where do we start?" after the flood, when we came in here, there was nothing left. people like monica vernon really fought to get the assistance that led to the recovery. it took vision. it took courage. there is a true community spirit. i don't think she asked anybody after the flood whether they were democrat or republican. she took the bull by the horns, saw a problem that needed to be solved, and she solved it. vernon: i'm monica vernon, and i approve this message. tomorrow on cbs 2 this morning. one of the biggest symbols of missing soon after. after.learn all about the mystery about where it went -- and where it is now.tomorrow after an asteroid like never before. it's launching a spacecraft to the black rock called bennu. the robotic nasa is going after an asteroid like never before. it's watching a spacecraft to the black rock called -- the robotic asteroid hunter is named osiris rex. osiris rex will backing up gravel from the asteroid surface and deliberate back to research the findings. >> this real-life adventure boldly going where no man has gone before. reminds us of the very beginnings of one of the most popular sci-fi series in history. it's officially the 50th anniversary of star trek on saturday, the us post office will dedicate the new star trek forever stamps in iowa. the dedication will take place in riverside. you may remember is the future kirk. then say it's about time star trek it's a scam. -- stamps. >> it's wonderful they can commemorate it. i wish they had done it sooner. >> it's a free events, takes place at riverside post office and costumes are encouraged. you can head to our website for more information. >> who doesn't know of the series. >> is seen at a time or two. >> i remember as a kid when it first came on. i never would've thought 50 a presidential candidate is trying to reach voters through a popular social media platform. here's democrat hillary humans of new york. the page's creator is known for taking pictures of subjects and posting a quote from their conversation. in her quote - clinton says her image may seem cold and cutoff but there's a reason she controls her emotions. you can see the full quote by heading to our facebook page - kgan cbs 2. clinton's rival is bringing his messages back to the hawkeye state. republican presidential nominee donald trump will return for an event he'll be at the seven flags event center at noon. for information on how to get tickets, head to our website, cbs 2 iowa dot com. our mission at cbs 2 news is to connect the presidential candidates to our viewers to better inform and empower you. we have reached out to the candidates to participate in extended interviews not only with our station but our sister stations across the coun. country.we want to hear from you. tell us what you want to know from the candidates. please share your thoughts still ahead live at five... people respond to tragedy in very different ways, how some created beauty after witnessing the twin towers fall. fall.this is a live look over downtown iowa city on this thursday afternoon. there's more news ahead when live at 5 continues on cbs 2. 2. towers came under attack on 9/11, among the thousands of witnesses were artists who worked witnesses were artists who work from studios near ground zero. many of them used their paintbrushes to record the tragedy and its aftermath. (pkg)todd: i came up here shortly after the first attack this is where artist todd stone watched the twin towers collapsea& on the roof of his studio - just blocks from ground zero.:11-:18 (sot- todd stone/artist)10:57:57 my wife who was with me on the roof said your job is to witness, you're an artist, your struggle with that at all? todd: no, i accepted that. he photographed, sketched and painted the day's events. the water color paintings eventually became a series he calls "witness." dust from the towers blanketed his studio. he rubbed the debris into his art.(sot- todd stone/ artist)it allowed me to have a physical connection to the loss that was suffered here by rubbing my hands into the ash and incorporating it into the witnessed the attacks and channeled his pain through his paintbrush..:51-:55 sot/ ejay weiss/ artist)the images that were registered in my mind and my eye... you couldn't get them out. the brilliance of the day, the blue sky and the intense smoke and for the 15th anniversary, weiss, stone and a dozen other new york city artists - all who share a unique perspective - are showing their work at the national september 11 memorial and museum.both artists say painting was the only thing that move forward. but stone has only painted 9/11 related work since the attacks.(sot/ todd stone)kenneth: i heard you say at one point, you never make art to feel good. todd: yeah - you try to do it to avoid feeling bad. and that was it for mestone now paints from his studio on the 67th floor of one of the new world trade center buildings: bearing that was it for me. >> he paints from his studio on the 67th floor of one of the new world trade center buildings. being witness to the destruction of lower manhattan >> the flag raised above the rubble nearly 15 years ago goes on display at the national september nearly 15 years ago goes on display at the national september 11 memorial. the flag and a missing for years but was recently anonymously returned to police. >> here's a live look at four- legged helpers. this is a great day nursery in massachusetts. many of these are bred as service stocks. but they excel and working as be strong enough when they grow look at your weather first forecast when live at 5 comes i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. there's a race going on right now. the world's clean energy super power's either going to be germany, china, or us. and i'm going to make sure it's us. from 500 million solar panels installed by the end of my first term, to precision manufacturing. we'll beat the competition and create new high wage jobs. we can do this, millions of jobs right here in america. couple could be the cover the next "notebook" reprint. meet clemma and sterling and oklahoma couple could be on the cover of the next the notebook. , and sterling elmore have been together for 57 years. to mark the anniversary, the granddaughter arranged a photo shoot. photographers stacy welch crest said she immediately thought of nicholas sparks novel than a book when she saw the couple. she saw the romantic fictional story would be a fun theme for the sheep. dies. 57 years together. >> we have good days to look forward to for the weekend. in the interim, that goes back up a little bit of a speed bump. because of being here by daybreak. will start at 64 minutes late in the afternoon. scattered showers a pastor. my saturday and sunday it's gone and we're back and sunshine. temperatures around 70 to 75. >> perfect for a football game. gallagher: this type of disaster hits, it's like, "man, what do we do? where do we start?" after the flood, when we came in here, there was nothing left. there's no way we're gonna do this ourselves. people like monica vernon really fought to get the assistance that led to the recovery. it took vision. it took courage. there is a true community spirit. i don't think she asked anybody after the flood whether they were democrat or republican. she took the bull by the horns, hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. bob kidder, owner, new england shirt company: this factory has been here since eighteen eighty-three. we have over sixty people here making shirts labled made in america. but donald trump's brand of shirts come from china, his suits from mexico, his coats from india. trump's products have been made in twelve other countries because he says there's no place in america that he can make them. well there is. captioning sponsored by cbs >> pelley: the fire after the forum. >> what would ronald reagan say about a republican nominee who attacks america's generals and heaps praiseon russia's president? >> i just watched her on the tarmac. she tried to make up for horrible performance last night. >> i don't think the guy's qualified to be president of the united states. every time he speaks, that opinion is confirmed. >> pelley: also tonight, if you haven't read your credit card agreement, you don't know what you're missing. >> you almost need a law degree to understand it. >> pelley: environmental protesters try to stop an oil pipeline project.

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Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Germany , Washington , China , Riverside , California , Russia , Johnson County , Iowa , Mexico , Oklahoma , India , Iowa City , Us Post Office , Massachusetts , America , Jennifer Keaton , Monica Vernon , Ronald Reagan , Los Angeles , Kevin Briggs , Stacy Welch , Bob Kidder , Alan Berger , Hillary Clinton ,

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