Transcripts For KGO Jimmy Kimmel Live 20170524

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i'm jimmy, i'm the host. thank you for watching. thank you for coming. wow. thank you for joining us. that's right. as you know, u2 is with us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] you remember u2, those jerks who tried to give us a free album a couple of years ago? [ laughter ] they're all here. bono, the edge, adam, larry. we need to get adam and larry some effect names because it's really not fair. [ laughter ] u2 is here to promote "the joshua tree" tour which is totally sold out in every city they're playing which means they don't need to. [ cheers and applause ] think of climbed the highest mountain, run through the field, only to be with us tonight. i was -- i went to see u2 on sunday night at the rose bowl. it was an incredible show. it was honestly like a religious experience. 93,000 fans all singing together. bono fed the whole stadium with a single loaf of bread. [ laughter ] amazing. so that will be a lot of fun. meanwhi meanwhile, earlier tonight on abc, yet another season of the show that will not die, "dancing with the stars." came to a close again. and i have to say, in the hundreds of years they've been doing this show, this season's winner, this was the most surprising and controversial winner yet. >> donald and peta! ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: hold on, i think think we have the wrong celebrity, that's the guy from the other reality show. i had a lot riding on tonight's "dancing with the stars" finale and i know how sad that sounds. but i put my money on nfl running back rashad jennings. i bet him at 14-1. i just want to say for the record, the russians had nothing to do with this. i swear. [ laughter ] meanwhile, speaking of the russians. are we sure melania isn't one? because president trump and the first lady touched down in rome today. last night i showed you video in which melania appeared to swat the president's hand away. today -- here's what happened today in italy. so they get off the plane, they're waving, zombie-like, to the crowd. then -- oh, no thank you. he goes for the hand and -- no. but i'll go ahead and -- yeah, i'll go there instead. it is italy. there's something going on there and i demand a special investigator to found out what. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i want to know. oh, this is going to be good. trump has a meeting with the pope tomorrow at the vatican. and you know he's dreading that. it's like getting called to the principal's office. only instead of detention you go to hell as a result. [ laughter ] this morning the president was in jerusalem. since the horrific attack in manchester yesterday, he's talking very tough when it comes to terrorism. yesterday he spoke -- today, rather, he spoke at the israel museum. and he spoke very slowly so our enemies know he means business. >> isis targets jewish neighborhoods, synagogues, and storefronts. and iran's leaders routinely call for israel's destruction. not with donald j. trump. believe me. >> jimmy: wow. when he pulled out that middle initial? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i mean, i don't know about you, but i feel very safe. meanwhile, even though he's thousands of miles away the president released his budget today for the upcoming year and it's exactly what you would guess it would be. it cuts programs for the poor and the elderly to give tax breaks to the rich. it's like robin hood if prince john was the good guy, okay? [ laughter ] so this budget makes huge promises that it can't possibly deliver. it could leave millions of americans without necessary services like health care or even food. it's basically the fyre festival of budgets. [ laughter ] but he did set $1.6 billion aside to build a wall. which i thought you were going to pay for that guillermo. >> guillermo: no way! [ laughter ] i'm not paying for nothing. >> jimmy: maybe it will be like one of trump's buildings, mexico will have nothing to do with it, but in the end they'll throw their name on it in big gold letters. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] they say this budget has very little chance of getting past republican in the house. but it's basically a joke. but to be fair to trump, there's no chance he read it. and his goal is to cut spending. i mean -- look at his life, he's a modest man. if there's one thing about donald trump -- [ laughter ] it's that he likes to live simply. he doesn't waste money on unnecessary things. and his family's the same way. they live what can only be described as a spartan, almost monk-like lifestyle. [ laughter ] that's what they want for the rest of us, to live like normal, everyday billionaires with horrible taste, is that so wrong? i don't think so. [ cheers and applause ] meanwhile, there was yet another -- another revelation today regarding russian involvement in the trump campaign. the former head of the cia told investigators that the russians "brazenly interfered with our election and actively contacted members of the trump administration." and according to a report by "the washington post" the president asked two top intelligence officials to publicly deny evidence of collusion, and also asked them to find byes to get fbi director james comey to drop his investigation. just like an innocent person would do. [ laughter ] i tell you, there was no collusion between his campaign and russia, he's done a hell of a job making it seem like there was. because at this point the best thing the president has going for him is how well his orange prison jumpsuit would complement his skin. [ cheers and applause ] the president gets back home on saturday after nine days abroad. those nine days have been a big relief to the white house staff. especially sean spicer. who, well, let's just say he had the first good week on the job in quite some time. >> well, the first family is away. the white house is completely empty. except for one lucky guy. c-span pictures presents -- ♪ just take those old records off the shelf ♪ >> he's the freaker of the house. and he's going for a joyride. in trump's private jet. >> sometimes you've just got to say, what the [ bleep ]. whoo-hoo! >> breaking news. donald trump's private jet has landed in the potomac. >> now he has to bring together a bunch of senators and a bunch of hookers for the biggest white house sex party ever. ♪ white house press secretary sean spicer in "spicy business." ♪ rock and roll >> coming to russia 2018. >> jimmy: i'd watch that. [ cheers and applause ] hey, switching subjects. congratulations are in order for the golden state warriors. they swept the san antonio spurs to advance to the nba finals where they'll face either the cleveland cavaliers or the boston celtics. draymond green had a near triple-double, he had 16 points, 8 rebounds, 8 assists, and 1 all-star-caliber flop. >> they're going to flush me? no. green. well. if they're still getting you for flops -- >> loves the whack in the face. that's clearly a foul, but come on, you've got to be kidding me. >> jimmy: he could be eligible for an emmy for that. [ applause ] for the nba finals, a week from thursday, i think, we will be on before the games in primetime with a very special guest action one of my favorite characters in all of sports, karl malone of the utah jazz. he briefly played for the lakers too. and you may not know about karl malone is that he has a unique take on everything. so i invited him to join me to talk about life and some of the things that make it worth living. tonight i am pleased to present the first edition of what i promise will be an entertaining new series, "all alone with karl malone." >> jimmy: the great karl malone. do you like when it people say "the great" karl malone? >> no. >> jimmy: you don't? >> no. >> jimmy: why not? >> i'm just karl. see, we throw around "great." we throw around "heroes." ? can i just -- to be clear, i never called you a hero. i said great. >> i know. but i just said -- >> jimmy: you called yourself the hero. >> i know. don't cut me off. >> jimmy: right. >> i'm making a point here, sir. >> jimmy: i see. >> can i finish? >> jimmy: you can finish. >> before i was so rudely interrupted. >> jimmy: i'm sorry. interrupted a guy -- hooves a hero to many. in a way. >> no. >> jimmy: no? not a hero? >> no. you say great. >> jimmy: i did say great. >> no. i just played a sport and happened to be pretty good at it. >> jimmy: no, you're better than pretty good at it. you're being humble. >> why are you interrupting me? >> jimmy: i think you're being a little bit too humble. you don't think you were a great player? >> no, no. i was a bad-ass. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> but i didn't say great. >> jimmy: i did, i said great. >> don't use that. >> jimmy: we're here with the bad-ass karl malone. that you like? >> a striking. >> viking. viking blood? >> no. but i think i do. >> jimmy: you think of yourself as a viking? >> yeah. >> jimmy: what are karl malone's three favorite breakfast cereals? go ahead. >> i love -- dig 'em smacks or whatever those things are. >> jimmy: dig 'em smacks? >> i like frosted flakes is my favorite. >> jimmy: number one. >> number one with some bananas. >> jimmy: i like that too. >> and whole milk. >> jimmy: whole milk, nothing skim for karl malone. >> hell, no. skim? >> jimmy: no low fat? >> no. no, sir. >> jimmy: okay. >> all right. frosted flakes with a lot of bananas. >> jimmy: number one, frosted flakes with ba nab nats. number two, dig 'em smacks. >> and what are those, pops? corn pops. >> jimmy: yeah. >> raisin brans -- >> jimmy: that's a good one too. is it in the top three, though? is it better than corn pops? >> no. i would take out the little frog guy. what is that, dig 'em smacks. i'd take that out and put raisin bran in. >> jimmy: okay. >> lots of raisins. i love raisins though. >> jimmy: there we have it, the great karl malone. >> karl malone. >> jimmy: i mean, just karl malone. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, karl. we have a bad-ass show tonight. we'll be right back with u2! 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"the joshua tree." please welcome, adam clayton, bono, larry mullen jr. and the edge, u2. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thanks for being here. is this the biggest crowd you've ever performed in front of? [ laughter ] >> this is the biggest crowd we've performed for all night. >> know you don't typically interview together, especially television interviews. i'm honored and grateful and excited that you're here. and let's get started. who is the least popular guy in the band? [ laughter ] if you had to pick -- if one guy had to be kicked out who would be the guy out? [ laughter ] i was at the concert sunday. it seemed like you are still having a lot of fun. are you? or are you faking that? [ laughter ] >> it's been that way since the beginning. in fact, i've done quite a bit of stuff outside of u2. soundtracks and guested on albums. but without a doubt, the most fun i ever had was working with these three guys. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: larry, it's hard to get a read on you, you're in the back playing drums. do you ever feel left out back there? is that a fun place to be? is it lonely? open up to us. [ laughter ] >> it's -- yeah, it's a bit of a stretch from the back to the front. >> jimmy: yeah. >> you know? but -- there are some disadvantages. >> jimmy: what are the disadvantages? >> well, for 40 years i've had to look at these guys' asses. [ cheers and applause ] >> whose do you like the best? [ laughter ] >> one of the things that fascinates me is how gravity works. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> that is not nice. >> jimmy: i was kind of at your show. in 1987, i was a student at arizona state university. where you shot "rattle and hum." and i was a mobile deejay. i did weddings and christmas parties and that kind thing. i had to work that night. it had been scheduled for a long time. i was heartbroken i couldn't come to the show. i got off work and i drove to sun devil stadium and i sat in the parking lot with my windows down. and listened to like the last 30 minutes of your show alone. >> thank you. >> jimmy: it was one of the -- well, for one of the few things i remember from college, but really, also -- [ laughter ] one of the best things i remember from college. and i feel like i owe you guys 28 bucks or something. >> it's on us. >> $5 ticket. >> jimmy: it was $5? that's right, it was $5. everybody went crazy. >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's crazy that you remember it was $5. >> yeah, no, it hurt. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: i described your show as feeling like a religious experience. and i felt like that every time i've seen you guys. the only other concert i've felt that way is at bruce springsteen. and i think you guys -- there are a lot of similarities. do you guys feel a kinship with bruce? >> the boss, we call him the boss. >> jimmy: yes, with the boss. of course. >> the boss. we don't have a boss in this band, so we like to think of him as our boss. >> jimmy: you think of him -- do you know him well? is he a guy that you've really spent time with? >> so much viscerally from hadv him over the years. i remember we asked bruce for his best advice. he said, "don't do television." [ laughter ] really and truly. >> jimmy: don't ever listen to him. [ laughter ] >> advice we didn't take later on, i asked him why, and he said, "don't give other people the ability to turn you up or down." he said they could be making a cup of coffee and you're in there telling your story, they don't do that on the kimmel show? >> jimmy: no, we don't have a volume control. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you guys did something that same year, 1987, that i love. you opened for yourselves. and this is something that you can't do anymore. >> this is true. >> jimmy: but you guys performed as a country quartet? is that correct? [ laughter ] >> where did you get that photograph? >> jimmy: this is a group you called the daltons. >> yes. >> jimmy: correct me if i have any of this wrong. adam, you look like the daltons sister in the group there. [ laughter ] >> betty dalton. >> jimmy: betty was your name? >> they ran out of cowboy hats and gave me a wig. [ laughter ] then it's the single piece of fabric which i didn't know what to do with, i just wrapped it round. you know. i discovered cross-dressing. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did the audience know it was you guys? >> no. there was about ten people in the front who figured it out. halfway through the second song. but it was amazing to perform to 25,000, 30,000 people who were all completely ignoring you. [ laughter ] >> it was supposed to be los lobos, great band, great mexican-american band. >> jimmy: yeah, sure. >> they had trouble getting to the show. what are we going to do? i think it was edge's idea. >> i sunday it as a joke, what about we open for ourselves? let's do it! >> i was alton dalton, i remember that. what was you? >> beggared weeds. >> duke dalton. >> jimmy: solid name. duke and >> we made up a song on the spot about bb king's guitar lucille. fy can remember -- ♪ oh lucille come sit you right down ♪ ♪ stay tonight until the morning's early light ♪ ♪ i hope our love will last forever ♪ ♪ will our love lucille last the night ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: u2 is here, we'll be right back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [music & conversation] ♪ music volume rises you guys wanna go? ♪ ♪ [whistles] get all tees, shorts, tanks, and swim at 50% off. hi, fashion. old navy ♪ ♪ ♪ we all drive, some just for the fun of it. are you still trying to perthat's like trying to perform with an old racket. ahhhhhhhh! you can say that again ahhhhhhhh! upgrade your game to intel's fastest processor. but the way we watch it is not. so, let's do something else. like what? like, watch tv wherever. what's that supposed to mean? it means, anywhere. in a car? yep. oof. but not like that. like this. oooh, family boat trip! yeah. and check this, record as many shows as you want. what? what? i just got chills. i know! tv, like, made for us. finally! finally. yeah. finally. ♪ wait, that's way cheaper than cable. >> jimmy: we're back. uis 2 here tonight. "the joshua tree tour" is under way. so as you know, there was another senseless terrorist attack in manchester. and i would imagine that's something you guys have been thinking about. >> they hate music, they hate women, they even hate little girls. they hate everything that we love. and you know, the worst of humanity was on view in manchester last night. so was the best. as people took perfect strangers into their houses and queued up for blood banks. and manchester has a undefeatable spirit, i can assure you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you all grew up in ireland, of course, where they had their share of troubles. is that something that affected your songwriting, that shaped the way you approached music? because certainly your music was not the typical music of the '80s. >> it was so commonplace for a number of years that it just became this constant background to life. and occasionally something particularly awful would happen and it would really affect you. but that was almost the worst of it. you got to the place where it was just ongoing every week, every month. but jake -- >> jake burns, remember the singer of the indirectly stiff little fingers. he said the cure to the troubles in northern ireland was a thousand punk bands formed. >> yeah. >> and this kind of music, all that sort of division disappeared. we learnt that. we were quick to that. it made us suspicious of partisanship. it made us suspicious of sectarian ideas and people in churches that, you know -- there's one church, just smashed into a thousand pieces is the kind of way we started to see things. >> larry, you started this band when you were how old? >> 14. >> jimmy: 14 years old. amazing. adam, you were the band's first manager, right? >> yeah. i didn't have much use for school at the time. [ laughter ] my attendance wasn't very good. i had this extra time. i thought i could get the lads into television early on. >> jimmy: were you a good manager? i suppose maybe i should ask all of you that question. was adam a good manager? >> i thought he was a great manager. i mean, he had business cards printed up. [ laughter ] "manager." i live near adam so the two of us would go on little excursions into the city center looking for gigs. and hoping that we might bump into tin lizzy or rory gallagher on the street and might get some advice. >> jimmy: i know, bono, i heard your story of how you traveled round the country and you spoke to many senators, many conservatives, many republicans in your fight against aids to help you. you worked with not only president clinton but president bush very closely. is trump someone you would like to meet with and work with? >> yeah, the one campaign we work with everybody, work on our board, conservatives, liberals. our thinking is that you just need one thing to agree with somebody on to start a conversation. and the fight against extreme poverty we thought was worth a conversation with anybody. however. [ laughter ] everything's different now. it really is. the game has changed. and i have so much respect for a lot of the people who voted president trump into office. i really understand. understand the anger. i have some of that anger myself, coming from where we came from. i understand people being did it illusioned with the political process and they think the body politic is sick and whatever. but i don't think president, if you'll allow me to say this, i don't think he's the cure for this problem. i think he might even make it worse. and i don't think there's any evidence in his life that he has the people who are hardest hit in mind. and i'm not really -- that really saddens me. i know he likes to see their faces in the crowd, but i don't think he wants to know who they are when they go home. and that saddens me. again, it's with great respect for republicans that i know and love and their party i admire. it's just -- this is a different thing. it's just -- >> jimmy: i get the sense that you guys love america more than 99% of the americans that i know. [ cheers and applause ] we're going to talk about that. u2 is here, we'll be right back! for my belly pain and constipation. i've had it up to here! it's been month after month of fiber. weeks taking probiotics! days and nights of laxatives, only to have my symptoms return. 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"the joshua tree." this is the heaviest thing i've ever lifted. i cannot even describe. there's some kind of matter in here that's heavier than -- i don't know, what's going on in this box? >> the ark of the covenant. it's got serious content. >> jimmy: the dolphins are all in here, yeah. this is a serious box set. >> it took a couple of years to put together. >> jimmy: yeah, it's going to take a couple of years to carry it out. the amazon guy is going to want to kill you when he has to deliver this to people's houses. you guys have -- i mean, you've done so many things. it's crazy. i know you're interested in art, you're interested in all these different things. when are you going to put out another album? [ cheers and applause ] you're starting now to inconvenience us. [ laughter ] i know you have an album ready, right? >> speak to the edge. >> well -- >> jimmy: yeah, edge, tell us. >> i have to say, it will be out definitely within the next 27 years. [ laughter ] can't be more specific than that there's a lot of work to be done. >> jimmy: we do an annual special to benefit red. we're working on it. bono was nice enough to play five or six songs. on imnot exaggerating, i was like wow, this is great, you've got to put this out immediately. that was like 18 months ago. >> yeah. >> no, i mean, edge would still be mixing the album years after it's out. the whole reason for throwing a birthday party for our very own yucca plant was to get him out of the studio. in so many ways. because now -- you agree, the edge, having been separated from your bits, from your digital life, that actually -- and seeing real people. >> jimmy: humans. >> in their bodies. it's better, isn't it? it's better. >> i hope you're right. i hope it is better. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we're going to take another break. we'll be right back. u2 is here. the 30th anniversary of "the joshua tree" comes out june 2nd. we'll be right back. >> dicky: "the jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. ♪ depression is a tangle of multiple symptoms. ♪ that's why there's trintellix, a prescription medication for depression. trintellix may help you take a step forward in improving your depression. tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens and young adults. do not take with maois. tell your healthcare professional about your medications, including migraine, psychiatric and depression medications, to avoid a potentially life-threatening condition. increased risk of bleeding or bruising may occur, especially if taken with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin or blood thinners. manic episodes or vision problems may occur in some people. may cause low sodium levels. the most common side effects were nausea, constipation and vomiting. trintellix had no significant impact on weight in clinical trials. ask your healthcare professional about trintellix. play house of cards from netflix on the tv. wait, why did it start halfway through? did you watch it without me? -you did! -no, it was just ah... ok google, start over. -no idea what's gonna happen. -shhh! ♪ ♪ ♪ we all drive, some cats just know how to roll. lackluster lips?l color don't think so. new chapstick total hydration moisture + tint. our 100% natural moisturizing formulas now enhance your natural lip color. chapstick. put your lips first. the average family's it's splintered 11 paws, triggered an award winning sigh, and inspired 1 incredible makeover. just clean, conceal, cover. since then its hosted 1 dance party, staged 4 sold-out shows, and sparked deckover do-overs for days. it's your made to last deck. one great leap for bare feet. behr deckover, available in 3 finishes. right now, get incredible savings on behr's top-rated paints and stains. only at the home depot. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. discover card. hooh, you're real?? you know i'm real! at discover, we're always here to talk. good, 'cause i don't have time for machines. some companies just don't appreciate the power of conversation! you know, i like you! i like you too! at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card and talk to a real person. ...better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. but... ...they're not all the same. turns out, they're really... ...different. who knew? i had no idea. so, she said look for... that's shaped like a dental tool with a round... ...brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to... ...gently remove more plaque and... ...oral-b crossaction is clinically proven to... ...remove more plaque than sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels so clean. i'll only use an oral-b! the #1 brand used by dentists worldwide. oral-b. brush like a pro. >> jimmy: hi, there, we're back. u2 is it about us. this is the album that we're talking about. 30 years ago, this album came out and made u2 the biggest band in the world. i was looking at the cover and i wondered, is this a great album cover because the album is great? or is it just a great cover on its own? >> i remember different things about the cover. anton corbyn, great dutch photographer, took that. we'd be laughing and he would never take our photograph when we were laughing. and i'd say, why can't we just look light? he says, because i'm shooting the music, not you, dummy. [ laughter ] then we would sort of do that face when we'd be walking down the line, do the face. i remember our manager at the time saying, bono, be careful not to appear as the band too stupid to enjoy being at number one. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's very good advice. [ cheers and applause ] you had the very same photographer shoot video for the concert tour. and i think we have -- let's go to that right now. that's just a beautiful photograph on its own. tell me about that. where is this happening? >> see, this is -- we love america. i think this is -- as you say, this is why we're allowed to talk about america, we come here, we're like pilgrims in one sense. america is the promised land and i feel like an annoying fan sometimes following america into the bathroom. >> jimmy: yes. >> the liner notes saying, you didn't play the declaration of independence enough. i'm that guy, we're that group. we love this country. we love the landscape. it's not a simple landscape. it's a psychological landscape, it's a spiritual landscape. and this is -- these joshua trees, he couldn't say the word joshua, by the way. he'd say "yosh -- sha tree." we kept making him say it, it made us laugh. [ laughter ] >> it's a beautiful landscape, isn't it. i feel we're kind of in the way. that's beautiful. >> jimmy: blocking it? >> would you mind? >> jimmy: i guess, i don't know what i should do. >> i think you are. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you for letting us into your lives over these years. thank you for letting us into your homes tonight. we want to play a gospel song. a gospel song with a restless spirit. ♪ i have climbed highest mountains i have run through the fields ♪ ♪ only to be with you only to be with you ♪ ♪ i have run i have crawled i have scaled these city walls these city walls only to be with you ♪ ♪ but i still haven't found what i'm looking for but i still haven't found what i'm looking for ♪ ♪ i have kissed honey lips felt the healing in her fingertips ♪ ♪ it burned like fire i was burning inside her ♪ ♪ i have spoke with the tongue of angels i have held the hand of a devil ♪ ♪ it was warm in the night i was cold as a stone ♪ ♪ but i still haven't found what i'm looking for but i still haven't found what i'm looking for ♪ take to us church now! ♪ he will lift you higher and higher he will pick you up when you fall ♪ ♪ he will bring you shelter from the storm ♪ ♪ i believe in the kingdom come then all the colors will bleed into one ♪ ♪ bleed into one but yes i'm still running ♪ ♪ you broke the bonds broke the bonds and you loosed the chains loose the chains ♪ ♪ carried the cross carried the cross of my shame of my shame ♪ ♪ of my shame oh you know i believed it ♪ but i still haven't found what i'm looking for ♪ ♪ but i still haven't found what i'm looking for ♪ ♪ i have climbed i have climbed highest mountain highest mountain ♪ ♪ i have run i have run through the fields through the field ♪ ♪ only to be with you only to be with you only to be with you just to be with you ♪ ♪ but i still haven't found what i'm looking for ♪ ♪ but i still haven't found what i'm looking for ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. >> jimmy: apologies to matt damon respect we ran out of time with him. "nightline" is coming up next. first with the first television appearance of "the little things that give you away" from the forthcoming album, we don't know when it's forthcoming, and gentlemen, u2! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ the night gave you song a light had been turned on you walked out in the world like you belong there ♪ ♪ as easy as a breeze each heart was yours to please is it only me who sees ♪ ♪ there's something wrong there ♪ ♪ oh i'm not a ghost there i can see you you need to see me ♪ ♪ it's the little things that give you away the words you cannot say your big mouth ♪ ♪ in the way ♪ it's the little things that tease and betray as the hunted i become the prey ♪ ♪ it's the little things the little things that give you away ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i saw you on the stairs you didn't notice i was there that's 'cause you were talking at me ♪ ♪ not to me ♪ you were high above the storm a hurricane being born what was freedom ♪ ♪ it might cost you your liberty ♪ ♪ it's the little things that give you away the words you cannot say your big mouth ♪ ♪ in the way ♪ it's the little things that tease and betray as the hunted i become the prey ♪ ♪ it's the little things the little things that give you away ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes i can't believe my existence see myself on a distance i can't get back inside ♪ ♪ sometimes the air is so anxious all my thoughts are so reckless ♪ ♪ and all of my innocence has died ♪ ♪ sometimes i wake at four in the morning where all the doubt is swarming ♪ ♪ and it covers me in fear ♪ sometimes sometimes sometimes sometimes ♪ ♪ full of anger and grieving so far away from believing that any song will reappear sometimes ♪ ♪ the end is not dawning it's not coming the end is here ♪ ♪ sometimes sometimes sometimes sometimes ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ sometimes ♪ when i'm in the shadows and you're the only one matters ♪ ♪ but i can see you through the tears sometimes ♪ ♪ sometimes the end is not coming it's not coming the end is here sometimes ♪ [ cheers and applause ] this is a special edition of "nightline." "concert terror attack." tonight -- >> oh my god. >> stories of heroism from that horrific night. >> i thought my girls were dead. and then -- i thought, i can't let this little girl die. >> after the deadly suicide bombing in an ariana grande concert in northern england. 22 lives lost. one of them only 8 years old. isis claiming responsibility. the terror threat raised to its highest level. plus the face of evil? "the sun" newspaper publishing the suspected suicide bomber's photo. his older brother taken into custody. police blasting their way into his home. now on the hunt for possible accomplices. as britain's prime minister warns another a

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