Great Plains power has been providing reliable electrical power systems in the Rocky Mountain area since 1992 our systems rely on the sun to help make you self-reliant for your power any solar energy can be scaled to fit any situation from complete power independence to backup power for the short term our expertise focuses on stand alone power but we have extensive experience with each Elegy interactive systems as well custom tailored capabilities as modest as emergency lighting all the way to commercial scale power Great Plains power is a full service company we service everything we sell we provide and design turnkey packages custom designed system and parts for do it yourself with more than 20 years of specialized exterior. It's at your disposal let us know what your power concerns or goals are free just by phone or the Internet call 303-239-9963 s 303-239-9963 or go to Great Plains solar. There are. You are listening to the lines 10001 inch in the street 1368 Johnstown in. Well hello again to Colorado here on King agency this is the 2nd hour of the 2 free America broadcast usually hosted by Randy Yarbrough I'm James Lloyd sitting in for Randi and I'm delighted to be with you would been on the air an hour or so if you missed the broadcast while you have to catch the replay of the 1st hour now at the break we were talking a little bit about how the prophetic parallels continue to repeat and the immediately previous Sesar of the immediate predecessor timeline isn't the only way to look at it I mentioned how Moses was in the physical wilderness of Sam guiding the physical children of Israel under the old covenant and showing them the basic idea basically this is where he brings the law down you remember the 10 Commandments and he's recruited directly by the Lord same thing happens to the Apostle Paul now we have to get context here the Apostle Paul writes some of the most rudimentary instructions to the Corinthians the Corinthians were a wild and crazy bunch and he says you know you guys there were parts are reaching me there's a guy sleeping with his mother there you can't do that now the Israelites already knew what how they should behave there were 600 commandments they were used to it from the Old Testament they've been dealing with God for a long time even though they're not real successful in their rock with the Lord at least they had the lead off that was a foundational understanding but the Gentiles they didn't have that. And so the Apostle Paul is faced with recapitulating the basics the same things that Moses teaches the physical toll on of Israel he has to teach the spiritual children of Israel. And blood Gentiles and he has to teach them fundamentals now you can't eat things that are sacrificed to idols Well here's why now you can't do this and you should do that and so forth so we miss the idea that he is actually recapitulating the same things that Moses taught the children of Israel in the wilderness while the children of Israel obviously fell away from the ways of the Lord so the children of Israel in the New Covenant this is where we move into Roman Catholicism the Protestant Reformation about all kinds of history that happens well but what's happened in the last 2000 years to think that the Bible does not have forecast of what's going to occur in the Christian era is absolutely ridiculous. And so the theology that says well the church is invisible in the Old Testament Yeah it's invisible because it doesn't exist there's really only one stave body before the Lord not to you don't have Israel and the church no we are Israel whether we were Jews are we were Greeks or we were Corinthians we are born again in the Spirit God tells nikka Demas from day one Look you gotta get born again you are born again or oh I don't know that sounds like some I'm not so sure and so the doctrine of the church as a separate entity from Israel is fasc that means we've had a huge mistake for the last 2000 years no I'm not preaching replacement theology what emerged in the Roman Catholic model was well the church with the placed Israel how can the church replace Israel if there is no such thing as the church you see we have an unfortunate transliteration and nobody ever wants to point out the various verses or sect killer verse in the New Testament book of Acts the same book where we find the Apostle Paul called to recapitulate the ministry of Moses and it's on the part of Stephen he's talking about Moses and he says Moses was in the church in the wilderness. We do not seem to understand the word church simply means assembly it's never capitalized at least not in the actual word of God Now if you're reading you know the new transgender Bible Well it might be capitalized there but the Word of God never capitalizes the word church it always capitalizes Israel so it doesn't matter what your ethnic background is when the Gentiles were grafted in to the body of reed deemed the lever's in Jesus Christ yes sure to the people of the Hebrew language it says he made of 21 new man one new man not 2 so the idea that the church was replaced or that Israel was replaced by the church is faulty the idea that Israel rotates with the church in other words the the God deals with the Gentiles and till there's no they're all done and then he raptures them and then he goes back to the original function only works with them that's wrote it. So there is a monster mistake and it's just the emperor has no clothes no if I preach this I get in trouble but everybody everybody hates this nobody wants to hear it the Catholics hate it the rapturous hate it the lot of the messed around of Jews hate it too because they think well you must be anti is where I'm not as a Israel I'm in Israel right how can I be an I and so you get opposition from everywhere but the truth and the Lord has showed us that those who give us the open door and say well let's hear what you have to say let's see what the Lord will do that's been our story from day one here. Now earlier I mentioned a new well it's a formula it's not new at all it's been there all along but it's not been articulated the twin timelines have been articulated but nobody seems to point it out in the scripture there's another thing that's articulated we call it the 678 cycle. We were blessed to have the people at the station read the book people like Kate to see supermom want to hear more about this and so we sent them the book and that's one of the reasons I'm on the air the 678 cycle is simply a formula. And of course the Scripture doesn't call it that but let's look at a formula that takes place. 7 Now we are but they were made man on the 6th day on the 7th day he rested prepared to do that so we would operate come Sabbath carry on throughout history we all have to all not only do you have to rest on the 7th but you have to make sure you get the right Sabbath because the largest like it was less. For. Ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen Mr Tom Phillips founder of the green or how many times have you gone into a health food store and are confused as to the many different brands and prices on the same herbal supplements you want to buy the cheapest but you're afraid the quality is less so you buy the most expensive truth is the cheapest may be better greener herbal supplements are all manufactured in our reach Colorado plant 4565 people in St using the hash quality herbs that we sourced from all over the world are 150 different herbal supplements are the most potent and say 1st in America are guaranteed as your money back no time limit just return the bottle into your full no questions asked so when you come to our new location look for a new name Eugene shelf or call us at 888765 or 888-765-4372. And fullness we have all received and Grace for grace for the law was given through but grace and truth scheme 3 Issue one how much we act the Christ no one has seen God at any time the only begotten son who is in the bosom of the father he has declared him the Gospel of John chapter one verse 16. Elizabeth longer plan Elizabeth to remind our listeners that the drug problem is well documented we know our kids will be approached at early ages we want to applaud the youngsters in our community you've had the street to say no to drugs they provide examples to their peers and families to be the best they can be as from Elizabeth a locker plant located at 366 grandchildren Elizabeth serving our area since 1903 and specializing in naturalized aged beef and pork and complete custom processing call 303682240 this room 368-2240. And we're back. James Ward we're talking about 20 timelines been talking about that last couple of times I've been on the air here on cage and see we've already given our phone number we'll give it again at the end of the hour where you can get further information on this very interesting prophetic phenomena now at the break I mentioned something called the 678 cycle one of the things we need to recognize and I mentioned it also the 6 day shout that work on the 7th day you rest well that's Old Covenant of course now saboteur Aryans most notably 7th Day Adventist are friends of various other Protestant denominations still keep the 7th day and nothing wrong with doing that but we need to recognize that these are all part of the twin timeline the idea is as we already know mankind has been on the the world surface for about 6000 years. The idea of working 6 days and on the 7th day you rest the very idea of Shabat is to rest. And so God is telling us that there is something miraculous about the arrest that occurs in Jesus Christ and we find that very term in the New Testament that come on to me and I will give you rest it sir I like the idea of Moses lead the Israelites to get over Jordan what's drawers and so on the other side it's where the promise land is doesn't Jesus tell us in my father's house full bore that's a land of milk and honey and there's many mansions and so it's the same story so we unfortunately frequently have people who seek to brand one component of an Old Testament timeline. Cycle pattern take a pick and say well if you don't handle snakes you remember the Apostle Paul he was on his way to the island of Malta and the snake bit his hand and it didn't he didn't die so you have to be able to hear have a snake so you go to a church and there's some moron handing out snakes you've got to be kidding me other people say well of you don't get baptized why you can't see the kingdom of God there's no scripture that says that scepticism is a good thing but the thief on the cross never got baptized in the Bible says this day you'll be with me in paradise others tell you why you better speak in tongues because well those guys spoken tongues and we keep missing the fact that these are manifestations of patterns in scripture which are designed to show us something else the book of Hebrews says the God tells Moses Now when you build the tabernacle you build it exactly the way I tell you why because it is an image of something higher than. I want to communicate how does God communicate the things of the father's house the many mansions of the Lord it's exactly the same thing when the Israelites go over Jordan to the promised land why it's a wonderful place it's a land of milk and honey and so heaven yes that's where we want to go into the kingdom of God Now in the Book of Revelation we find out that in Heaven is a place called New Jerusalem in fact the apostle Paul says Jerusalem which is below this is places and trouble is involved is with their children because it's physical Jerusalem we want to go to New Jerusalem in the heaven lies and it's a place that we can't quite how do we fathom that it's in the realm of the the spiritual realm it's in the realm of eternity now the 678 cycle is skewed obviously from scripture when we look at the kingdoms in the Old Testament I've been talking about the quartet Babylon purger Greece and Rome but there were 2 kingdoms that preceded those and they're all over the Bible the Kingdom of Egypt and then the Assyrian Dominion if you read Hosea you'll find out he's talking all day long about Syria why because he lived in the day when Syria was menacing the Israel lights. Same thing in general and Genesis Well Egypt was really the big land it was the you can't ignore Egypt and then the Assyrian Dominion is all over Scripture but Daniel never mentions Egypt into Syria why because Daniel starts out in the time of Babylon thout King he's talking to never goodness or the king about alone so there's no reason for him to go back and repeat history but everybody already knows and you find this centricity based upon the time in which the writers lived so we always miss the 2 kingdoms which preceded the quartet but if you stop and think for just a minute it's Egypt into Syria which actually menace Israel in the north the northern Samaritan but the other kingdom Judah is separated after the day of Solomon so he in Daniel Babylon has just conquered Judah and then the Persians take over and they inherit Judah and after the Persians come the Greeks Alexander the Great shows up in Judah and the Romans Yeah that's right the Romans were there too and so we fail to understand the mathematics are skewed if you always need to add 2 kingdoms Egypt and most of the prophecy people recognize this anyway it is nothing revolutionary here Egypt Syria Babylon Persia Greece and Rome that's 6 kingdoms now in the 1st hour I told you about that pivotal verse in Daniel Chapter 2 in the days of these case what kings the only 4 kings mentioned in the chapter and there prominently as our King why you're the head of gold and after you another kingdom and. That's the Quartet so they babble on Persia Greece Rome I see the statue representing the head of gold the arms of silver the brass fellow the iron legs is not Kingdom one through 4 it is kingdom 3 through 6 and here is our problem so the days of these King I see Babylon Persia grew strong Kingdom 345 and 6 that's when the Kingdom of God Kingdom number 7 shows up that's a kingdom of rest that's a kingdom where there's an eternal Sabbath that's a kingdom where the son of David sits on the throne and peace and right justice and joy and all tears and death are wiped away. So even the mathematics are messed up and nobody tells us this we see people trying to say Well Ok the Roman Empire comes back again and the end of days and then they miss all of Christian history how did we get from ancient Rome to here well a few things have happened since the Roman Empire now the Roman empire goes back before Jesus was born his kingdom number 6 Julius Caesar's 43 b.c. So there's a Roman empire Lacombe for Jesus and it's Kingdom number 6 in the days of these kings the God of heaven to a kingdom Kingdom number 7 that will be the kingdom of God and then the 2 collide 678 The Kingdom of Rome before Jesus Well they worship Saturn basically they worship the devil Saturn is just a another mask of say. And you know they had all kinds of deities and all kinds of countries if you're over here say oh if you're over here is the day gone and it's all the same guy and frequently is just referred to as the bailiff Saturn was one of the veil of Saturn is actually connected to the story of the Nephilim the fallen angels and that's another whole study it goes off in this direction but the Romans worship Saturn and they had a festival called the Saturnalia which was. You heard of the 12 Days of Christmas Well supposedly those who are Christians that's not a Christian tradition we inherited all the stuff from the Roman the heathen religion which is associated with Christmas trees oh yeah they had Christmas lights even the Hanukkah bush it relates to the same origin karma goes back to Christmas Tree the Festival of Lights the Tammuz tree the women weeping for tempos Distin the other name and then the kingdom of God Jesus Christ collides with the kingdom number 6 so 6 collides with 7 and 8 is the sense is this is a synthesis that is what we see in Revelation even he is the 8th and is of the 7 he the 8 this comprised of the 7 No I just actually restated in physical language something called the dialectic thesis versus anti-thesis equal synthesis we've all heard about this it's a formula you put forth your thesis someone else puts forth an anti thesis which is a different thesis against the 1st one and the 2 collide and create a synthesis they call it The Hague Galleon dialectic in the 19th century goes back to the Garden of Eden. The Lord has Eve there and she says well we can't eat this tree over here I'm the devil so you can eat the tree you won't die but the Lord said I will die so here's the truth thesis defeat the fruit you die the serpent says no no you won't die thesis against anti-thesis and the synthesis is the sinful state of the world that we see right now and the 8th is the 7th of 8 is always the new beginning. Circumcised the new Mayo child on the 8th day there are 8 people in the ark there are 12 the 8th day is actually the 1st day of a brand new week isn't it there's only 7 days in the week 6 days to work the rest the 8 day well that's the 1st day of the next week and so this is how we end up with the kingdoms in the Christian era now as I said in the 1st are if you missed the 1st hour the quartet Babylon Persia Greece and Rome is actually the prophetic parallel of the lion share Leopard and diverse 4th beast both those are kingdoms 345 and $6.00 in the Christian era the British Empire doesn't show up to 1000 a.d. What's going on the 1st 1000 years what is the parallel of Egypt and Syria. You know after we've studied this long enough we found that the synthesis of the Saturn or shipping Roman Empire and the blending with the Christian era kingdom of God and Jesus Christ is something called the Holy Roman Empire it's not wholly and is not even purely Rome it's a synthesis of the 2 a hybrid it is the 8 kingdom so pre-Christian Rome collides with Jesus Christ and the synthesis is the Holy Roman Empire it's got a little Christ in it but it's got a whole lot of Rome in it too that's the parallel of ancient Egypt many of you have noted there's odd things about the Holy Roman Empire associated with Egypt they even took the key Gyptian artwork and well they had statues in Rome of. The ancient Egypt Sion deities they had Horus who was supposedly the divine Son ISIS the Mother Goddess and they simply renamed them Mary and Jesus it's history folks it actually happened so the Holy Roman is actually the 8th Empire or the 1st empire of the Christian era no surprise there really we didn't do too well in the early days and things didn't get a whole lot better now the 2nd kingdom which was Syria in the ancient timeline is actually paralleled by the Christian era Spain the Assyrian Empire Earlier I mentioned how there are links that are so precise that it tells you who it is the Assyrians were destroyed on land when they tried to destroy Jerusalem the Spanish were destroyed on the sea when a thing called the Armada bred into a big wind. And they were saying lying to put an end to Britain Well you can't do that because Britain is a lion kingdom that was scheduled to emerge a Christian era kingdom but not exactly a perfect kingdom I think British or of course but the church drawn hold of the Protestant And so this doesn't paint all the Catholics are bad on the Protestants are going to know the Protestants are messed up too everybody messed up it's just a the lending of kingdoms and economic systems and politics put Christianity we need more Jesus less. So that we are so sorry that this story now for us to see. The balanced. Way of. You listening to the law in June. 13th 68 yes. Yes. If you're taking one to fiber more nutritional supplements please. 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The love it do not believe every spirit but test the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets have gone into the world by this you will know the Spirit of God Every spirit that confesses that Yeshua Jesus has come in the flash is of God and every spirit that does not confess that you should what Jesus has come in a flash is not God and this is the spirit of anti-Christ which you have already heard was coming and is now already in the world. We will be truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed this does the American news network. And we're back with the free America James one might do a little bit of history. Little bit of study about the 20 times line as I said in the 1st hour we're up to chapter $24.00 in the written essays these are all to be edited events where they all become a book we essentially do a book every week a chapter of a book and we give it away and then we printed a book it's a terrible business plan. Most people write the book and then they say Ok now spend so much money we write the book and give it to you as it's coming out and so for the last 24 weeks I've sent out the chapters to all the people who are interested in the subject now at the break I just mentioned how. This fan ish Armada under Philip The 2nd came against England and Elizabeth this was a nother prophetic parallel in the history books Elizabeth was referred to as the English Deborah Amos death Deborah Rose the leader of the Israelites who stood up to a superior Photo by the name of Cicero in the book of Judges. Then she had a captain and of course Alyssa both had the seafaring guy who managed the Navy for her and you have another example of the twin timeline it happens over and over and over again and so part of the the thing that we're want to do is we need to get on the side of for the Lord is moving events you don't want to fight against God Don't resist the move the Lord makes After all it's God who allows the devil to wreak havoc on a sphere that doesn't mean we want to support the devil it means that we want to recognize the Lord's plan get in sync with the will of all our what does Jesus tell us to do the reason crisis able to do miracles does because he positions himself to do the will of the father he says if you want to want to be with me I'm going to do the will of the father no anti-Christ and false prophet who are not 2 individuals they are spiritual strongholds entities whatever you want to call them but they are part of the divided House of the devil I guarantee you neither of them does the will of the Father. Nobody seems to understand this whole concept they all have this image rule all the anti-Christ why he's going to be 30 years old this is right up there with the revived Roman Empire and it's just a bunch of bull vines get taller Gene the anti-Christ is not some 30 year old guy that was a clear and he says this and he says that in his eyes are on fire and so forth there are 2 strongholds that can be identified in Scripture by their attributes the same way the twin timelines identify the various players by their attributes so we've already catalogued dozens of temporal recapitulation another big word phrase to describe the event the timeline the sequence of events and when we do the show tomorrow night we're going to bring it all the way home to our timeline and what is going on in America because there is big stuff going on. So many of you already know that the story of Jay who versus Joseph Bell is still folding in our time with the present occupant of the White House who is fighting the hidden power structure the witchcraft of Hillary Clinton she is the one pulling the strings behind the scenes we've announced it for years and when it all comes out and it's really about to break loose now there's a whole lot of events that we've already predicted which have already occurred we called the election of dollar Trump before virtually anybody there's a few people who thought the voice of the Lord on this but we were following him face to pon the timeline in the scripture and realized that the Lord is raising up Jay who to oppose just about and many people were concerned about Puracal Obama we had 8 years of this goofball and he just about destroyed because the real enemy is behind the scene of Brock Obama oddly enough the guy's name was brak which was the name of the the the general under Deborah there in the book of Judges in Chapter 5 but I'm getting ahead of myself. So the fact of the 678 cycle when we move from one to the 678 cycle is essentially the turnaround so pre-Christian Raum number 6 collides with the price the kingdom of God and Jesus Christ a spiritual kingdom number 7 and the synthesis of the 2 was the Holy Roman Empire it is followed by the 2nd kingdom of the New Testament the parallel of Assyria which was the Spanish dominion of Philip the 2nd this is gets into British history Henry the 8th for goodness sake some of you don't even know I don't know I didn't do very well in history well you don't really want to reject and a lot of people you know when I get letters and they say well that's a pretty good opinion James for you're practicing the dialectic and that's of course the the script that the dragon used in the Garden of Eden so nice to see so many Christians who completely sound like the serpent in the garden Well I don't know all in my opinion I just gave you the word of the Lord folks so I'm putting you on notice this is serious business this is not this is not something well I don't know I'll have to stick the Lord on this and I sought the Lord and he told me you were wrong the Rapture is right around the corner Ok somebody told you the Rapture is right around the corner wasn't the Lord who are you listening to and people simple I don't like your attitude how could you like my attitude because if you speak like a dragon I'm going to pose you I'm giving you the word of the Lord and I'm shouting from the housetops and the Christian Church does not want to hear it who does that remind you of. How about the ultimate twin timeline Israel a New Testament they didn't want to listen to the Lord the Lord prophets the Lord told them this the Lord told them that and they said well and all through the scripture you find Israel in trouble with the Christians are doing the same thing why because we are spiritual Israel lives and by masking our identity as the quote church now do not mistake what I'm saying for the idea of the Lost Tribes became you know the Europeans that's a bunch of malarkey of course there's jewish blood spread all around the world the Jews worst were scattered and they interbred with all kinds of people that doesn't make anyone actually my NASA or the frame. Unspoken tradition do you know for example but Mormons are taught that they are all descendants of the frame Oh yeah and that's flesh and blood you can't rest in flesh and blood flesh and blood can stand before flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God Your salvation isn't because you do you really entered your mother's womb and got born again your salvation is because you identify in the realm of the Spirit as a sinner. Who is seen by the robber just like the c d. C r Santa anymore we identify with his righteousness and his death on that cross and is resurrection so when you are born again you are free it's like the Bible says it is in the Heavenly the family now. There's a bright light that. We know our government is out of control it's no longer our sort of us it's become our master listen to me liberty for I'm with the Freedom Rider will answer the question what can we do our freedom and liberty is a state it's time to act those who have given everything for this country would expect no less tune into the new Liberty form radio show Fridays at 9 am. The Patriot traitor group is a different kind of gold and silver company cleaning up the industry for 21 years are you tired of the high pressured sales tactics the constant phone calls are you done with the bait and switch you just want to be treated fairly with honesty and respect that's exactly what you get when you call 809510592 you have my word on it I'm Joe Jake when c.e.o. 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Great Plains power is a full service company we service everything we show we provide engine design turnkey packages custom designed system and parts for do it yourself with more than 20 years of specialized experience at your disposal let us know what your power concerns or goals are reach us by phone or the internet culture real 32399963 that's real 32399963 or go to Great Plains to solar dot com. We're back with the broadcast to free America here on Cape in the Johnstown Colorado I'm James Lloyd of the Christian media ministry we're discussing the twin timeline I want to tell you about a few more twin timelines or temporal recapitulation that have already occurred in history so we don't sit there as there while we know what's going to happen because of the past we've seen this pattern dozens of times now now I just moved to sent to the British era with the defeat of the Spanish Armada and it was miraculous that was also recapitulation of the miraculous deliverance of Israel not because the British or Israel but because they were Christians who were trying to get back to God they realized something was wrong and of course they were Protestants who were reading their Bibles and God blessed Henry the 8th threw off the Pope as his behind the throne master not because he wanted to get close to God but because he wanted and the way when he wanted a son. The you never notice the No Henry the 9th the what a coincidence Henry v. 8 the end of the cycle the 8th is of the 7 and this stuff goes on over and over and over again and unfortunately I had to relearn all a lot of history as an adult because like I said an hour ago well somebody chose to discontinue history history is fact based on such and such a date George Washington crossed the Delaware as the fact now another fact is well or maybe it wasn't George Washington and the dialectic kicks in so as I just challenged pretty much half the people who are doubting saying well I know it's an interesting theory that's part of the dialectic how you diminish the truth in order to sustain the relationship you have a relationship with your doctrine this is a bad place to be you don't want your doctrine you don't want to relationship with it you want the truth I am the Way the Truth and the life Jesus says so when the truth actually threatens your doctrine. What do you do if you try to diminish the truth so you can sustain the doctrine Well yeah but you just spoke bad about the Rapture you just spoke bad about 7th Day Adventists you just spoke bad about they're all wrong everybody's wrong to her lower all lies and work in this all that's scripture the entire world lies in you that we're part of that there we not understand we don't really understand the scope of that the depth of that so we have thought processes that are built around the dialectic What is that the 678 cycle so the 8 goes into perdition the synthesis of the 6 and the 7 is the 8 and he goes into perdition What did Jesus tell us to be where the love another 1st sees the leaven of Herod so heard is the political dialectic the leaven of the 1st use of course is a religious dialectic What a coincidence there's 2 factions in Revelation one is usually called Anti-Christ and the others are religious character called the false prophet and we don't seem to well yeah but I don't rule. And so what happens is when we hear the truth it it's always going to disrupt our relationship why because we all have relationships with things that are trial. And this not just the church I mean half the country is what Democrats for goodness sake a few Democrats they're probably chafing at that I don't care if you're offended many show be offended but I feel that as for me in my house we're trying to hear the truth from the Lord and I don't want to hear the truth everybody and his brother all every time I talk to somebody and all I just want the truth you do not you're a lot higher I'm a liar but it's not enough the truth is not in us flesh and blood there is no truth in there the truth is found in the spirit we're trying to flush blood spirit body mind soul Take your pick try and let us make man in Our image God is a trinity there people are now teaching that while the truth is really not a critical doctrine it's actually a cultic Ok so I'm not going to see you in hell but you're going to be there because the Trinity is very very real and this found in the old testament not just the new and it didn't originate in Egypt he either. Believe or will but we are way far away from where we're supposed to be and if you don't think the entire world was in work at Miss What Bible are you reading and instead we have a well people the glass is half full you're you're kind of depressing I'm not depressed at all I'm enthusiastic and I'm on fire because the Lord has showed us some amazing things prophetically about where we are now. And there's no one nice way to tell the truth without boring everybody's sacred cow I'm not against Catholics I'm not against Protestants I'm not against 7th Day Adventist and I'm sure not against rafter as I don't hate Jews and I don't hate Gentiles The fact is Jesus showed us how we're supposed to behave and what we're supposed to do the time will come when he that kills you think he's doing God's service to you ever stop to think that people can try to spear choice kill you with their tongue there's a whole lot of scripture about that too you know James says the verses on the subject but I'm getting away from my subject the 678 cycle when you count it into the Christian era it's holy Roman imperial Spain British Commonwealth Soviet Union Nazi Germany and America is the 4th beast it's amazing how we can't see the forest for the trees people keep talking about the air across the revived Roman Empire and we get to thank Hal Lindsey and his nonsense for this for We've means well all kinds of the revival is in Christianity with young people doing things around false doctrine the only part that's true is the gospel of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ died for our sins he's born and we're born again and his resurrection he is resurrected and he is seated at the right hand of the father your Bible says God has made us to sit in heavenly places he doesn't say down the road we're going to sit in the heavily places no no no no this is not Preterism. Although some people are well up that critter What are you doing here menacing. We're like. Cough Ah. Ok right back I was. Ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen Mr Tom Phillips Condor of the green Earth Well it had to happen when Colorado legalizing marijuana most people thought the green herb was a marijuana dispensary also it was legalized on January the 1st 2014 the same day we open our new location at 4565 tipping street one and a half blocks south of our 70 there are 83000 cars a day passing in front of our new location on every shriek and most of them thought we were a marijuana dispensary So we changed the name of our retail store to a new generation but we kept the name of our green herbs supplements so when you come to our new location look for a new name New Jersey sell our caller said 888765 or 888-765-4372 be sure to listen to the healthy nature show with Wendell Phillips every Tuesday at 1 pm. The people of the United States want to form a. Status justice sure don't mistake friends. For the common defense the most the general Welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our security. Establishment this constitution. States. Restaurant gentlemen just that over 730000 children were reported missing last year over 58000 of these were abducted by non-family members keep an eye out for youngsters at play and if you see anything suspicious contact the authorities immediately this message from Piccolo's restaurant in Denver is not only the best to town in a Mexican cuisine it's the people who can give them a call at 3 o 375751663 o 37575166 Take a look at. The 6. Flights I realize what I have to say is very fast and do not like my attitude but has a great. And we do our best to try to minimize the wife from blood and agony. But you can only do so much when people are beating on you and lying about you and refusing to acknowledge what the larder. The fact is that we have put out actually millions of emails I've done hundreds of hours of television on the broadcast I've been broadcasting 247 on shortwave radio am an f.m. Satellite radio now for about 25 years and we're working our cans off and the ministry structures in America the past for Christian media simply do not want to embrace what we have say they don't want to hear it and the Bible says Israel is blind in part. I've just told you the Christians are spiritual Israel lives then matter if you're Jews are you're a gentile the Gentiles were grafted in you're born again in the realm of the Spirit so when the Bible is talking about Israel. In the Old Testament and the New Testament obviously context but the Christians are recapitulating the same sin of Old Covenant Israel. Many of you have already realized that the church is look a whole lot like the Pharisees. The. The the All Your them that crowd Jesus Christ man he cuts to the bone doesn't it and the reality is that God is calling every one of us doesn't matter what your flesh and blood is doesn't matter what your history is if you come to the dance and you don't know how to dance well the Jews have a real advantage like the Bible said because what because well they had the oracles of God Your New Testament tells you that and we don't understand how we can move forward in the kingdom and we're all backing the wrong course the answer is not to let's get more legalism let's let's keep more of that Old Testament we need more Moses we need more no we need more Jesus and we don't need more of the trappings of religion the fact is God is proceeding with us there without a and there is a pattern here that is not only exciting when you realize it because it shows the divine authorship of your Holy Bible it's a lie to point the directive is there wait a minute I've seen this pattern before. Now part of the trick is of course the ability to discern when the pattern ceases and another wants to perceive that a lot of times are intersecting timelines. Mentioned several of them already 'd in this broadcast I'm going to mention some more tomorrow night at 3 o'clock Pacific I think it's 4 o'clock Colorado time that these 2 hours are on but I'm on again tomorrow right now I want to give you my telephone number. We have 24 seventh's internet radio and it available even over the telephone so call out and give us your name and telephone number we will mail you the Internet and the phone number to call you can actually call up and hear what I'm saying 24 hours. 5 call 18. 5 want to. Thank. Constitutional moments are brought to you throughout the day through the generosity of see and see through those like machines older Colorado. Article for the right of the people to be secure in their persons houses papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated and no Warrants shall be probable cause supported by or affirmation and particularly describing the places to be searched and the persons or things to be. Done Collins l.l.c. Sluice are purchasing 1st responders for the professionalism commitment to bring the they're willing to put their lives on the line for us with the little things so let's all take the time to thank our 1st responders who have been doing for us how something can go about the sacrifice of. This messages from travel and all else meet with some locations and did. So that the community feel of the 13 years this is the bottom line a chapel Collins. I. Am . This is the lion cage in c. 1360 am Johnstown Denver.

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