Presidency very simply you know it's fairly the forty's. You know slogan which I guess is apocryphal but whatever is you know that around for several centuries which is fame what I am the state which is to say that if you don't applaud him if you don't care if it's raised if you don't support him and back him in everything he does you are a traitor to the country and that's just that is un-American I mean I do not believe that the opposite of everything that Americans have been well it's the fundamental basis of our country and our Constitution was a rejection of that idea. And you know Trump is trying to you know literally has a sat there and thought through some philosophy that says I really want to be king he's too dumb for that this is just how he sees the world and even if the world's most powerful job is there for you know what he says and if that's the basis of everything it's good that you live with that because that does lead into everything else that we're talking really does and I'm glad that you underscore the fact that he doesn't probably even know what treason actually is but the point is that the fact that you underscore that it is wildly missed the word treason even by Democrats who call whatever they believe the Trump did with Russia they seem to describe that all the time as treason. Treason and we gonna stop using that word because treason by the way punishable by death only crime that's actually defined in the Constitution and I thank you for. Using the proper description of what Trump is being investigated for it is not treason would . Defend Donald Trump for much of anything but you know it's not treason. Because we're not a war with Russia. People need to understand treason only Century when you're at war in any event will love will trump released. A democratic rebuttal memo a rebuttal to the Devon Una's g.o.p. . Memo that was released a few days ago you note at so long on today that the corporate media seems to think it's a done deal right now the House Intel Committee did vote unanimously to do so the president now has I guess 5 days at this point to redact anything that he wishes before deciding if he will approve the memo for release at all now the White House has said they. Approved the g.o.p. Version of the memo in the name of transparency but of course that was a memo including just cherry picked information that supported Donald Trump side of this matter but the Democratic memo will likely do the precise opposite so why would the White House allow it to be released at this point well that's that's that's my question I don't know why people think it's a done deal it's like I keep wanting to say Have you met Donald Trump Q Are you aware of who is in a White House now but you know I suppose that if we lived in a logical political world that the fact that they had been you know going on and on and on the police who previously making arguments it's all about transparency and they just wanted deals you know properly with the 5 oversight despite By the way voting to you know make it even more secret secretive than it already is yes weeks before thank you nonetheless this is a you know it tremendously you know effective argument we just care about oversight and transparency and in a logical world they would sort of be found by that right and the fact that it's White House but then say well you know we did say it you know it's got to go to let the other side out I don't think there's any you know that only they feel any success if you do that they can find you know any number of a. Excuses and reasons not to or to redacted so severely on the basis of some trumped up you know national security risk that that day it doesn't even make any sense so I don't know what's going to happen with that my feeling about the memo is that it won't change anything one way or the other I think it's been pretty well aired both sides are out there I think people understand what the Democrats' position on it is I think people understand what Devon newness is trying to do people get what Donald Trump where Donald Trump's interests lie in this whole thing so I don't think that matters I'm actually a little bit more interested in a new memo that the newness has proposed He claims that he's got 5 more memos on tap you know I mean this reminds me of you know back in the fifty's when when you know Joe McCarthy went to Wheeling West Virginia and pulled out a list pulled out a piece of paper out of his jacket and said I've got a list of 200 communists in the State Department I can't run 2 but I swear to god they're in here and then later you know well it's 70 and then he said it was but 150 you know this was it was how that whole thing unfolded I'm not suggesting this is necessarily you know on the same scale but the attack in their dissent and they're doing this is sort of and specifically you know newness has said in case people don't know that he's got 5 more memos on tap as my it's the f.b.i. The Department of Justice and now the State Department so you know that of course is the for was the 1st McCarthy smear was of the State Department which he declared was riddled with communists and I suspect to those people who are in the in the Department of Justice who have been getting targeted by this nonsense I thank you feel very much like it was you know a McCarthy like blacklist a lot of people losing their jobs for no other reason other than to political ends for the trumpet ministration Devon Noonan. Who is their lackey in Congress you reported salon other than the supposedly not insane not in the Trump bag Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa Lindsey Graham of South Carolina that they're likely to do some of the lifting on at least one of these supposedly upcoming memos how so well I don't know if people are you know they really have to get deep into the weeds to follow these memos stories and the whole push back counter narrative that's been created by the by the right wing but to try and sort of condense it I would say that in this particular one particular aspect of it and there are a number of tentacles of this right wing pushback but this is one particular aspect of it is that the Judiciary Committee in the Senate led by Chuck Grassley and which also has Lindsey Graham they found in some documents that they had received. Over the course from the f.b.i. Over the course of the last couple of months in particular they were homing in on this stuff with the steel Ducey it is Christopher Steele the CIA Nick in a month or so ago they had referred Christopher Steele back to the f.b.i. Under suspicion saying they suspected him of lying to the f.b.i. I guess the as a you know we might have noticed but thanks for you know thanks for checking but anyway they are part of this appears to now be in this is news that's floating out from all these weird car corners of the fever swamp so it's hard to know who's you know where this is coming from but the idea is that apparently in the State Department a longtime aide of former Secretary of State John Kerry who is his aide in the in the Senate and the Obama administration's envoy to Libya had received a documentary towards the end of the campaign that was written by a man named Cody Scherer those of you who followed the you know the why. Water Lewinsky era scandals his name which might sound familiar to you it kind of cropped up in a weird way at the end of the ninety's I won't go into it but it was a very very peripheral story to all of that made his name in right wing conspiratorial circles is familiar. And he apparently had put together a dusty a of his own of the bunch and he was it a journalist a former journalist and you know he had put together some information of his own about Trump in Russia and he passed it on to this friend of his the State Department the John Kerry. Aide and he that John Kerry aides name is John wineries and can he passed it on to to Christopher Steele who we happen to know and he passed and are now on time now that none of that has any bearing by the way before we go any further with the down this rabbit hole has no bearing on anything it doesn't matter where the information came from it doesn't matter who handed it to the f.b.i. None of that is relevant because the f.b.i. Will check to see if. That's why they're told nonstop started to dog Exactly yes by you know this is crazy talk you know my God you know it touch the hands of a Democrat therefore it must be it must be discounted and that's going to come as a surprise to most judges juries and prosecutors who use information and informants all the time who have agendas so regardless of whether or not anything comes of this and it probably won't because the miller investigation is not reliant on the steel the CIA just by whatever all these Republicans are trying to say but nonetheless this is this had the name of Cody's here attached to it it had a Democrat you know by the name of Chun Weiner who was a Kerry associate and this is the part that really got him going you can just imagine Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham and Devin newness and the rest of these guys just getting very. I did because apparently steel put a note on top of the piece of paper that he handed to be f.b.i. Which if you were. You know not be a bit of information that had the names Blumenthal on it. Then you know what that means and I've heard people who are listening here know what that means I mean you say that it was just enough to say all right you know if we got him and I don't have any I don't think women call had anything to do with this I think he's just someone who knew Cody spirit one time but regardless that's what got them going and he's an old friend of the friend of the Clintons all of this makes it all a Clinton. Seriously And in fact Gavin you just went on. Sean Hannity that actually let me play the clip because I was going to ask you about that next but I want to sort of just underscore the point you made that you know this was Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham. An investor criminal investigation I guess from the from the d.o.j. This is not Devon newness who was fresh you know sort of dismissed as. You know a partisan Trumper who was actually on the trunk transition team is Grassley and Graham making this so when we say when you know when you compare it to. McCarthyism to some extent yeah this is not just one crazy guy this is from the top line know Republicans who are joining this scheme but here's where I think in the end you're going here and I want to play this audio because here's where I think the Democrats actually do have a bit of a problem with the way they have been waging their trump Russia battle and you may disagree with me here but you started this comment from Congressman Devin Nunez in response to Sean Hannity on his Fox News show on not on Monday night let me let me play the com and we'll talk about it there why you got it here when you can't really make this up. Hope the listeners understood what you what you just said. You have we have a clear link to Russia you have a campaign through hired a law firm who hired who hired a foreign agent who got information from the Russians on one of the other campaigns it seems like the Counter Intelligence investigation should have been opened up against the Hillary campaign when they got ahold of the dossier but that didn't happen either so yes making the argument that it is Hillary who has the Russia problem here now you dismiss that as sort of the I think you call it the I Know I Know You Are But What Am I strategy but I actually think that this is a problem for Democrats and this is something that our friend Marcy Wheeler over at Mt will that you've been sort of trying to point out for months if it's a problem that. Donald Trump Jr for example had a meeting to get dirt from Russian agents on Hillary Clinton and that Trump Tower meeting why isn't it a problem that the Democrats and Hillary Clinton paid money to get dirt from a Russian agents on trumped vs. No matter what you think of the actual information that they got isn't it a problem in and of itself that if the Democrats are going to you know use that Trump Jr meeting as you know aha look there's the collusion that he met to get dirt from Russians didn't Hellary Clinton the d.n.c. Ultimately really do the same thing. Well I think on on you know on some level if you're talking about just research both sides did it there is a difference however between the 21 is is that the the degrees of separation between the actual Clinton campaign and the law firm fusion g.p.s. And then and then Christopher Steele who was a Russia was a former m I 6 pages and as an ally of the United States was talking to Russians now if you assume that the Russian agents in in in Russia were manipulating Christopher Steele to create this. False information about Donald Trump then it tracks because then you're saying that Ok the Clinton campaign was being manipulated by the Russian government and being infiltrated and they were trying to help Hillary Clinton win the election and now I don't think that's what happened I think you know if you're looking at the bit the broad principle that well upper research is a dirty business and they should have done it the problem is for Donald Trump Jr and the entire Trump campaign there were Russians crawling all over it wasn't just that there was all this said Well and then that's very fluid ing the hacking of the Democratic National Committee John Podesta and the triple see all of which was benefiting Republicans and by the way in particular the d. Triple c. . Hacking is an area that has not been adequately explored because that really was helpful to a number of Republicans and that is something that you know may explain Devon Nunez and Paul Ryan's eagerness to cover this whole thing up maybe it's not just trump it they may be actually helping themselves but I mean I think that's what it is I mean you know yes you can look at the principle and say Yes our POWs are who cares you know the. Immediate threat that worried Christopher seals over in Russia you know they're both doing that but I'm right because I'm not even Yeah Apple research you know this is a case where yes both sides do do it and you can like it or not like you think it's a dirty business or not my point as that of Democrats are going to be focusing you know all of you mention Russia hacking this and that and this and that if Russia did do that right now to my knowledge there's no tie to the Trump campaign or even to Republicans that they were actually involved in it instead when people talk about collusion and when I ask people about this I say oh well what it was that meeting at Trump Tower with those Russians So if you're going to put in a lot of Democrats are putting a lot of. A lot of focus on that meeting which is fine but as Mark has. At Mt will has pointed out time and time again this is going to be a potential problem for for the Democrats or for even for Robert Muller if that's what the entire case hangs on because they do have this other side where Democrats something at least very similar I think more similar than they are and they're willing to say well maybe I think I think maybe there's you know if you can make the case that the people who were involved and I mean I'm not trying to defend it that you know and it doesn't mean they didn't they didn't it doesn't I'm not trying to suggest that you know the Trump and Trump didn't do all of the things that Democrats are accusing them of I'm just saying if you're going to use that one point I think there is a problem with tension with that argument thing yeah I think there's an excellent chance that there's going to be a special prosecutor and that they're going to prosecute Hillary Clinton and I think that's probably going to happen I thought that from the very beginning so I think that this going to be played out all the way and I think she's the one who will go to jail one more question here before I get to a break the question of whether you know you want to see what Devon Unos and the rest of them are doing for the nonsense that it is but there is a question if this effort to undermine the investigation even if it means undermining the d.o.j. The f.b.i. Itself is actually working and I ask because an axial poll conducted over the weekend found that 38 percent of Republicans just 38 percent of Republicans approve of the Bureau of the f.b.i. That's compared to 47 percent who approve now of the f.b.i. That that a majority of Republicans now do approve of the f.b.i. That seems unthinkable frankly for a party that pretends to love law in. Horseman in particular the longtime very Republican f.b.i. Itself doesn't that suggest that what you and I are scoffing at may actually be working on their money on the Republican side I certainly think it's working I really have no doubt I mean what it's working on is a particular group of people and it's a large faction of the Republican Party maybe even most I mean that 47 percent that you're talking about I think there's another you know percentage that aren't sure right and am I what we might have thought in the past would be sure that the f.b.i. Up and up I think that it's working quite well I mean I and this is a result of the general polarization in our politics which Donald Trump is you know sort of a symptom of not actually a creator of it I mean this is something that that predates him and also for you know sort of enabled him money net is what what made it what made Donald Trump possible was the fact that this these this group of people within the Republican Party this majority were able to do it and then you know good old party loyalty and tribalism kicked in for the general election and I think you know I think it's working fine I think they know exactly what they're doing and by the way you know I just want to make one point clear as we sort of look back in history and everything oh back in the old days when the Republicans were all you know they they were so much that's such great statesman and they stepped up and they didn't let this happen that's not true is not true back in the in Watergate I did a whole bunch of you know whole series of posts on this you know most Republicans also back Nixon to the hilt you know his his abrading didn't start to really decline in till you know the tapes came out in til it really got ugly and you know and the impeachment was imminent I mean it. It was something they stuck with him for a very long time now granted he started off much higher because he you know we won in a landslide in 72 so he had a you know he had a stronger base to begin with but nonetheless I mean this is I think how these things play out it takes a while for people you know look at to us we look at Trump and go oh my God you know this guy is a menace to the planet I mean how can anybody yet you know everything about him is offensive how can how can anyone back him but I think that kind of partisan loyalty . Is always part of the stories and I think it's always something that you have to look at it goes on both sides I'm not just condemning the Republicans for that feel free Heather to Martin can you I'm running ridiculous late can you can you stick around for one more quick segment I want to ask you about the shutdown and all and get right to go and stand by Heather Digby pardon will be back with her on the other side of this break Brad Friedman Brad. Welcome back to the broadcast Brad Friedman from Brad Blog dot com We may be on the eve of another federal government shutdown speaking with our friend Heather Digby Parton Ballou and along Heather shortly before air today Donald Trump said that he would love to see a shutdown if Democrats don't agree to back his immigration changes here's what he said just moments ago have a shutdown will do a shutdown and it's worth it for a country I'd love to shutdown if we don't get this stuff taken care of and by the way the world laughing at us because they can't belief they don't have if no other country in the world has what we have. Well I don't know that the world is laughing at us because of that but. What he said there Don loves that sounds like a negotiating tactic to me but compared to the House Democratic Whip oir reported comment today that there's apparently a proposed one year fix to Dhaka and that he said it would be irresponsible it'd be bad for the country but that it's not off the table so I think Donald Trump is a lousy negotiator despite his undeserved reputation for being a great deal maker but is it fair to say the Democrats whether it's anywhere in the house for Chuck Schumer in the Senate. Maybe even worse. They may be and you know I don't pretend to be an expert on the gauche ition I'm a terrible sales person I've observed that whatever you want you know a lot of the so you know I would not be good at this job but just as an as an observer this is a mess and it's been a mess and you know just giving the Democrats just a little bit of slack on the fact that this immigration problem and the doc kids especially has been out there for a long time and they have tried Obama tried a tried this is a very very difficult situation and you know I think the problem for the Democrats was is that they thought when Donald Trump was elected because of his promises oh the kids I love the kids and yes he was a hardcore immigration hawk who cared about the dog kids that they would be able to see that he if he if he worked with them said they could He had the credibility to bring along the freedom caucus in all these right wing anti immigration hawks in the Congress and get the Dhaka kids some security and get them safe I think they thought that was possible because Trump that was the game the Trump talk and that maybe this would be when you know moment even from the minority that if they could leverage him to do this that they would it turns out. That he's a complete mess he has no clue how the government works he doesn't know how to negotiate you know he did go bankrupt 4 times so let's talk about how you know what a great negotiator he is I mean the guy's not he's a he's a con man and he has managed to evade accountability through his entire career but that doesn't mean you know that his his. Deal making talent has been exaggerated let's just put that on his deal making talent appears to be the willingness to negotiate in bad things she will lie you will offer deals that he then has no intention of keeping or somebody tells him no don't keep it and you move the goalposts so I mean if you want to negotiate with Donald Trump you're dealing with someone who is dealing in bad faith I don't know how you negotiate with an Ok negotiator but when you're dealing with someone who's a bad faith I don't even know how you deal with that I don't care what do you what I don't know how people I should I should do some research on the you know how do you deal with people who have to go to bed because I know if we don't know how this can how we can function now you could assume that maybe the Republicans who perhaps I mean they all deal in bad faith too but they're not complete idiots about how the government works and there may be some ways that they could have done it now my feeling was I think I maybe mentioned this to you last time a son was that you know Lindsey Graham thought he had this had this nailed and that's why he was you know basically kissing the ring for months was he thought he could he had the Trump's proxy and he could go into negotiations and negotiate on terms behalf of course that was all blown up on the you know the asshole comments and that whole madness so you know that part of it we now know that there's nobody who can really speak for Trump and there's nobody who within the Republican Party who really even. You know it's where he's going to be yet and then so we're back to where we were right before Trump ever came into it and we've got the house freedom caucus and all these these you know you know folks fellas in the Republican Party who have actually gotten worse over the years you know even you know for where they were when we tried to rematch back back in what was it 2007 . Or the Gang of 8 that fell apart now they're even worse than they were then the Democrats have virtually no power they don't have a president so this is all a very very big mess and me I don't know what state where we're talking about I don't know what they are taught you know me you hear the states kind of you know coming out from different sources. But you know I suspect that that Democrats at this point are probably just trying to get what they can and if that means a year. Extension or. You know I don't think that's going to do yeah but you know if they could get it they would be better. In their hands because you know they're not dealing with someone who's dealing in good safe now you've got. John Kelly. So we're saying some immigrants who are quote too lazy to get off their ass and sign up for DACA which you know looks like they might have been very smart not to sign up for DACA at this point. And this will have to be our last question here now but some folks had for a while you know measure of comfort in in John Kelly as chief of staff. Impulses in check but when it comes to immigration at least seems to be running the hardline on this along with White House adviser Stephen Miller as much as anybody else. The sense that you get I don't think there's anybody in the White House. Willing to negotiate on good faith on this issue at this point if there is not he is a hard core immigrant and immigration hardliner says he has been and I know. Just before he was even named his idiot yes I wrote a piece about it I'm going you know this guy is like the worst possible choice he years is to is the head of state. You know following narcoterrorism and he's you know basically I mean he wants that wall as badly as Trump does and I don't trust him to do anything to try and get through I think you know I'll be honest I think they want to support the doc I think they really want to do that I mean we're seeing stories of people being deported all over the place you know who are not criminals who did nothing to deserve it you know as American children and work at jobs and pay their taxes and they're being deported by ice and you're trying to say that go for it and they are being dumped down in the middle Mexico or wherever they're going and they're just sort of sitting there going I'm a stranger in a Strange Land I don't know they're American and NATO and I think that is what these people want to see they want to see that happen so I have no faith that this is actually going to work out I'm sorry to say because it's like the most horrible outcome I can imagine. And that means we have to rely on Senator Mitch McConnell right thing and allow a vote on all of this somehow in the Senate what could possibly go wrong and. How there are always great talking to do it again in the near future. Her work as a lawn dot com and that her blog which is Blog dot blogspot dot com and on the Twitter at 5. Thanks. Thanks Fred thanks for having me. No actually not really at all what we're really disturbed tossed in there and that's probably going to try the Republicans are probably going to try. To push this into prosecution of Hillary Clinton I mean that's authoritarian book one o one where you go after your political opponents on trumped up charges I mean that's very disturbing all of this is very disturbing to me it is all very disturbing and I worry that. The Democrats are sort of you know what's in Trump watching this Russia investigation putting all whole bunch of a eggs in that basket when at the same time this is a Republican Party that is just going completely self absolutely lawless as you have been saying all along here that they have really descended into this lawlessness this madness where they apparently are willing to do just about anything to hold on to power speaking and holding on to power Lalas nests and. Well Republicans who will just do anything to to hang on to that power this new development out of Pennsylvania we're going to get to that in a moment as well as the latest green news report with joy and that is all after this break I'm Brad Friedman don't touch that dial. Welcome back to your broadcast Fred Friedman from Grand blog. Doesn't go away and I had wanted to ask you ran out of time there I wanted to ask Heather. About whether she thought Donald Trump was actually going to sit down with Robert Muller I mean time he now his attorneys are now advising him against it most of his attorneys want to turn his saying. He should do the interview I think there's no way and held on Trump is going to sit down and do an interview with Robert Muller unless he is subpoenaed. And even then he might not want to and he might challenge it they would be smart to wriggle out of it any way taking away that they can even in their case if it means defying the rule of law which is what Republicans are now doing more and more these days so I want to talk about that and what's going on right now in Pennsylvania which is just my. Mindblowing We'll talk about that after our latest green report and I'm not I don't have any kind of expertise or even much. Of a climate change issue Trump withdraw his nomination of climate science denier to top environmental post it is dry in Southern California and we've got a drought going down and it's not going to get any better anytime soon drought returned with a vengeance to California and the Southern u.s. Exxon Mobil pulled in an extra $8000000000.00 in profits thanks to the Republicans tax cut plus California's governor hits the Excel rater on a statewide electric vehicle network all that electrifying new and more straight ahead from Brad Blog dot com I'm Brad Freeman and I'm doing Stand by for 6 minutes of Independent Green news politics and. Snarky comments it seems to me that you don't believe climate change. I am and I am certain you know I'm not I'm sorry as I was a jump ahead like timeframes is of course is of course real mail that this is your green news report. Ok disjoined this lady Kathleen Hartnett White was actually nominated by the White House to advise them on Environmental Quality That's right and now her nomination has been withdrawn by the Trump White House she was supposed to lead the White House Council on Environmental Quality former Texas environment official Kathleen Hartnett White got considerable backlash for her previous comments denying climate science and the benefits of pollution regulations and in her Senate confirmation hearing back in November her blatant lack of scientific expertise led even some Senate Republicans to question her ability to lead that science policy office here she is in an exchange with Democratic Senator and climate Hawks Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island do you think that if the ocean warms it expands the law of thermal expansion apply to the water. Again I'm not I do not have any kind of expertise or even much layman's study of the ocean dynamics and the climate changes in other words he's saying that he doesn't even know the basic scientific concept of whether water expands when it warms so I'm inclined to ask how the hell was he nominated at all to an environmental post by the trumpet ministration but I think we know the answer to that maybe the bigger question is how the hell was he ever an environmental official in Texas well Texas Oh yeah that's right and at the time Rick Perry was the governor and as if to underscore the necessity of science based policy in preparing for climate impacts Cape Town South Africa on the precipice of being the 1st major city in the world to run out of water due to the worst drought in more than 100 years city officials this week have cut in half the individual daily water allowance for the city's $4000000.00 residents but they have put off day 0 until May for now thanks to cuts in agricultural allotments farms they meaning the day they run out of water in Cape Town South Africa are completely That's right a man in other news thanks to that deficit exploding tax cut passed by Republicans and signed by Donald Trump Exxon Mobil is going to pull in nearly 7000000000 dollars in extra profits this year according to The Houston Chronicle Exxon's 4th quarter profits for 2017 more than quadrupled over the same period last year boosted by the tax cut bill despite an overall decline in axons actual oil production without the tax cuts Exxon's 4th quarter profits would have fallen below this time last year profits would have fallen but there would still be making huge profits whether they had gotten smaller or not indeed they would and now they're getting huge or again they are graduations Exxon Mobil back to California it's headed into another drought. According to federal officials as precipitation has fallen far below normal during what is supposed to be the state's rainy season with snow pack near historic lows that were set during a state's historic drought back in 2015 the u.s. Drought Monitor also reported the drought has returned with a vengeance to nearly half of the United States 40 percent of the nation is now in moderate to severe drought with the worst conditions hitting the southern and western parts of the country but finally some good news for California governor Jerry Brown has issued an executive order greatly expanding the state's electric vehicle infrastructure capping billions of dollars in revenue raised from polluting industries and the state's cap and trade emissions program California will now invest 2 and a half $1000000000.00 to build 250000 charging stations and $200.00 hydrogen refueling stations by 2025 they'll also increase consumer rebates or pollution free electric vehicles with a goal of reaching 5000000 euro emissions vehicles in the state by 2030 at least 35 percent of the investments are designated for low income communities nice Come on out to California enjoy an electric car but please bring your own water for much more on all of those stories and the ones we couldn't get to today please check out our website at Green News dot Brad Blog dot com Don't forget you can download our reports anytime via stitcher tune in or i Tunes find us follow us and worldwide on the Facebook's and the Twitter's at Green news report I'm Brad Friedman and i'm doesn't going and this has been your screen news report. Gary. Vaynerchuk. Letters this thank you very much as you join and I want to I've been teasing yesterday we talked at great length about what's going on in Pennsylvania where you had the state Supreme Court order of the Republican state legislature to redraw all all of the u.s. House district maps. In time for the 2018 primaries which begin in May there so they have to do it quickly the state Supreme Court ordered the state legislature to do this because they found that Republicans had been very man during all of the districts across the state of Pennsylvania such that there's pretty much $5050.00 states although Democrats have a lead in in registrations in the state but it's pretty much a swing state a $5050.00 state nonetheless the way the Republicans have on lawfully gerrymandered the u.s. House districts has resulted in for the last 3 elections in or in a row 13 Republican congressman versus 5 Democratic congressmen more than 70 percent of the seats by having only a 5050 split correct and as a matter of fact. State wide offices are Democrats and yet the Republicans have gamed the system Ok so supreme court orders the legislature to make these changes immediately to the u.s. House maps they basically refused to do so in the g.o.p. Controlled legislature they appeal this decision to the u.s. Supreme Court which kind of laughed them out of it just for it says forget about it even Samuel Alito who oversees the State of Pennsylvania in cases like that and so they have to do this but before they were even before they even appealed to the u.s. Supreme Court Joe scar Nadi the Republican president of the Senate said he was going to refuse to do it he had refused orders from the state supreme court to turn over documents that have to do with District things so he's just laughing at the court order. Despite the state Supreme Court and now the u.s. Supreme Court both telling the state of Pennsylvania Yes you must read draw your districts well. Even with that decision from the u.s. Supreme Court on Monday Republicans are still trying everything they can to undermine the rule of law undermine the court orders and one representative Republican representative by the name of Chris Dodd. In the state legislature put out a memorandum to all House members concluding that what the state Supreme Court is doing is somehow on lawful is a violation of the Pennsylvania constitution and that the 5 justices who voted in favor of this immediate redistricting that they must now be impeached impeached removed from office. Because they found that the Pennsylvania State Constitution makes it unlawful what the Republicans have done with the u.s. House districts. That was a decision 5 to 2 by the state Supreme Court now Chris Dutch puts out this memo saying the 5 justices who signed this order that blatantly and clearly contradicts the plain language of the Pennsylvania constitution engage in misbehavior in office . Oddly enough the Us Supreme Court doesn't seem to think so even though that's one Republican majority there too and dust writes where for each guilty of an impeachable offense warranting removal from office and disqualification to hold any office or trust or profit under the Commonwealth I would ask you to please join me in co-sponsoring this legislation. So there is a move in Pennsylvania now from an elected representative to try to remove 5 of the 7 Supreme Court justices justices on the state supreme court the ones who ruled against them those are the only ones they want to because they did not like their ruling and they are therefore going to remove them from office so when we talk about how the Republican Party has gone south who no longer gives a damn about the rule of law about lawful court orders it's this sort of thing that we're talking about and it's the sort of thing I would suggest folks take very seriously and take notice very seriously all across the country. Aaron Anthony a candidate for u.s. Congress in Pennsylvania who's running against Keith Ross. In the 12th what used to be the 12th Congressional District in Pennsylvania. He put out a statement saying it is not hyperbole to suggest that what Mr Dodge is proposing is a threat to our democracy Americans everywhere are sitting at their dinner table tonight wondering where we draw the line in the March towards author or Terry as I'm this is the line he says. I would have to agree with Mr Anthony there now some people say well this is just one guy in the in the Republican House. You know trying to get other people on board as a matter of fact Josh professor of law at Cornell Law School said tweeted today or last night your regular reminder that the fact that one state legislator proposed something that you find outrageous means nothing whatsoever absent some indication that the proposal has some chance of going somewhere good point good point to keep that in mind right now this is just one guy but as Marc Joseph turn legal reporter at plate and friend of the show he tweeted in response to chafe he had a few thoughts on Twitter in this thread that I think all of this is worth noting he writes 3 point one North Carolina's h.b. 2 that was their huge omnibus election reform bill described as the worst voter suppression bill since the Jim Crow era. Which was eventually completely killed by the courts after it was found to have quote targeted African-Americans with surgical precision he says h.b. 2 went from an outrageous proposal to law in just 12 hours. 9 months later in North Carolina a series of absurd Republican bills went from rough drafts to the government governor's desk in just days he says it's naive to take a wait and see approach with today's g.o.p. . Mark is absolutely right that's a 1st point 2nd point the standard quote some chance of going somewhere unquote is highly subjective says Mark but it surely applies in Pennsylvania where g.o.p. Legislative leaders have already defied court orders in a desperate attempt to maintain their illegal gerrymander in the state. The president of their state Senate is refusing state supreme court orders to turn over documents to the state Supreme Court. Mark says it is eminently reasonable tools to speculate that Pennsylvania Republicans might rally around the impeachment of justices who may soon hold them in contempt of court for their flagrant defiance of the law that's right they may be held in contempt of court for what they're doing so sure why not impeach them get rid of them. And then the contempt of court I guess goes way. Mark notes the easiest place to kill a bill is in a subcommittee if legislators notice that a proposal has become dangerously controversial they might pull it well before it hits the floor games while mental and becomes a cause celeb. Asking reporters to ignore a controversial bill until it gains serious traction says Mark is akin to saying just ignore this dangerous measure until it has too much momentum to be stopped. Today's g.o.p. Thrives on that kind of naivete he says and we should not play along I agree all good points to keep in mind from Mark Joseph especially these days in this political atmosphere of madness when nothing receives the appropriate attention and sunlight from media that it seems to deserve at least until it's too late to do anything about it so please pay attention we will keep our eyes on that story in Pennsylvania make noise Thank you yes please I got to get out thanks to our producer does he joined to my guest today Heather Digby Parton and to you for spending a portion of your day or night with us if you missed any portion of today's show or any other you can download it for free at Brad Blog dot com While you're there please consider stopping by Brad Blog dot com slash donate if you are the only thing on your public airwaves to do whatever it is we do every day drop me an email I'm Brad cast at dot com on the Facebook on the twit. I'm simply the Brad blog that's it until we meet again I'm Brad Friedman Good luck world. Creek. Jr and point 5 f.m. This is National Native news I mean Antonio Gonzales South Dakota lawmakers are rejecting a proposal to place a memorandum on new crude oil pipeline construction Democratic State Representative John Bordeaux represents portions of the Rosebud Reservation He says the bill comes in the wake of looming Keystone x.l. Pipeline construction we have people who've to get it all for us. Have been in the plants here actually just dig up pipeline and expects that shit I'll get for commerce and that's the end of the story we really have a to have a discussion about the land of the health of the land supporters of the bill say the state needs a plan in place when a pipeline still occurs and impacts drinking water sources last year at the Keystone pipeline spilled more than 200000 gallons of crude oil and Northeastern South Dakota says he and other representatives will continue to bring similar legislation he's also sponsoring a bill which requires tribal approval before any extraction of minerals or resources and the Black Hills members of the 8090 Wounded Knee massacre descendant society appeared before a koala Kota county commissioners calling for protection of the site where the code a man. Women and children were killed by u.s. Soldiers as some canned reports the county is entirely within the Pine Ridge Reservation and South Dakota where the Wounded Knee massacre took place descendants of the Wounded Knee massacre victims and survivors say they turned to their local county commissioners after failing to receive assistance from the old tribe to protect the area from proposed development and code a man has proposed to develop the area as a tourist site Oriel Blackshaw as president of the team name the Wounded Knee massacre descendant society and we believe the land should be elected and this should be no development commercial sectional at it at all known as the National Park Service designated 8 $170.00 acres around the massacre site as a national historic landmark in 1965 by Shaw asked the commissioners to acknowledge the area's historic significance and protect it from development while Hutchison is an overall market a county commissioner she says no one has approached the commission in the past as the descendants society did and that I think we're all real grateful for that because it has been a worry for a long time that some outside developer would come in and do whatever their I am in favor of what they're proposing the $891.00 didn't even ask your descendants society is proposing that the county appoint a planning and zoning board to create regulations that would protect the entire area from development the county will also create a Historic Preservation Commission to protect the historically significant massacre site both proposals will be enacted at the next meeting of the overall a code a county commissioners for National Native news and James Kent representatives of the United south and eastern tribes and the University of North Carolina asked felt signed an agreement mandate under the agreement the native organization and university will jointly develop programming and. Research projects in areas such as economic development environments hope sustainability health and wellness and language revitalisation the agreement is for 3 years and seeks for the university to expand its existing intuitionist studies minor to include specifics from southeastern tribes the signing ceremony took place in the Washington d.c. Area where leaders from 27 tribes are gathered this week to discuss Indian Country issues and much slate of priorities I mean Antonio Gonzalez. Made a voice. Funding is for by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting support from the public radio satellite service. From America whose members poverty while earning money for college and came. With rewarding communities around the country and enfold Ameri Corps. Support for law and justice related programming provided by Hobbs. And Walker and a national law firm dedicated to promoting and defending tribal rights for more than 30 years more information available at Hobbs dot com. Native voice one the Native American radio network this is Kerry and us means you can pay our end Bella Vista 88.5 f.m. . Nationally the taxes that corporations pay and the amount of money coming into Washington is going to go down. Rockets. You're going to be hearing endlessly how their money for student loans for fixing the highway war colleges for your medical care for your your of your Medicare and your Medicare you're going to hear it. And not enough money. But there's a reason there's not enough money. On the corporations. That. Alternatives reveal I'm David. Richard Wolfe on cutting corporate tax. Corporation. With their friends in Washington they are raking that's certainly the case with tax.

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