We have 1st of all in verse 3 the fact that he reviewed all that the Lord had said and the people responded in their desire to obey in verse 3 they said all that the Lord has said will we do down in verse 7 all that the Lord has said some translations read everything that he has said we're going to do and we're going to go to be obedient what a wonderful response they gave to the words of the Lord and it's a wonderful thing the 3rd thing I notice in verse 4 is that he really emphasized the priority of worship also in verses 5 to 6 as well as 8 he reminded them of their need of cleansing before drawing near to God in worship and here's how he did it they offered offerings to the Lord and then he takes his blood out of these bowls and starts throwing it on the people can you imagine what they thought what Moses is doing is dramatically reminding us all of the need of cleansing before drawing near to God As a matter of fact this is in the New Testament term please the Hebrews Chapter 9 Hebrews Chapter 19 let's understand something no one draws near to God without being cleansed. The Bible says we have boldness to enter the holiness of God the Holy of Holies the very presence of God by a new English new and living way by the Blood of Jesus Hebrews 1019 in following says but take a look at Hebrews 9 beginning of verse 19 it comments on what happened here in our story in Exodus 24 it says when Moses had spoken every precept to all of people according to the law he took the blood of calves and of goats with water and scarlet wool Here's some additional items mentioned and hyssop. And sprinkled both the book and all the people through the blood all over them saying this is the blood of the Testament which God has the joined and do you moreover he sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle and all the vessels the mystery he did that when that was all set up also now look at this statement and almost all things are by the law purged that's our word plans with blood for without shedding of blood is no remission there's no forgiveness apart from the shedding of blood thirsty $19.00 says if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us add to cleanse us from all unrighteousness just a couple verses previous The verse John once said and he said if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ clans of us from all sin there's only one way that you and I can enter the holy presence of God we have to be cleansed and we are claims divided sin by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ now the Bible that you have is divided into 2 halves Amen we have what we call the Old Testament the New Testament that's the word for covenant the Old Covenant and the new covenant several years ago when I was trying to start a church in Columbus Ohio had a funny experience with this guy he led to the Lord and he realized listening to me he's going to need a Bible because I was going to the books the Bible so he had told his wife you want to get a Bible but anyway he came to me and said to me that he and his wife were arguing over whether I preached out of the Old Testament or the New Testament. And before I could even get a chance to challenge I preached out of both he said but I don't want you to worry about it he said I solved the problem I said Well how did you solve this problem he said what I would down to a bookstore is I know you're going to find it's hard to believe but I found both Testaments in the same book. He thought he really got a good deal there. He was just as sincere as he could be by the way he's a pastor today. So we can all laugh about that. Now the Old Testament the Old Covenant is law the new covenant is. So easy to say grace but some of you've heard it before you know what the answer is the old covenant is law the new covenant is not Grace certainly Grace is behind it all its blood the new covenant is blood and that's the whole argument now the new covenant folks is in the Old Covenant how interesting and almost all things are by the law a purge with blood everything that the law had as as a sacrificial system of worship was all intended to point to the need of cleansing in order to worship the Lord in order to draw near to God and it was dramatically presented when they had very little information they did know they had to put the blood of an animal on the top post in the side post of their door over to Egypt so the death angel would pass over their home but they were getting object lessons they were getting fantastic illustrations that if you're going to worship the Lord the Lord God of Israel you need to be cleansed and the new coven it. Is a fantastic cleansing because according to the Bible in Jeremiah as well as easy kill the new cleansing will wash you clean for ever a God will put his spirit within you and you will be washed of your sins and you will be forgiven of all your iniquities and he will remember your sins against you no more that's the new covenant. And the Lord Jesus is the one who made that possible because the covenant or the will was written in his name so it takes the death of the testate or in order to put it into force so when he died all the benefits of the will are now offered to those who will believe and therefore we become joint heirs with Christ because all of the inheritance belongs to him amen. Ok so how we going to be cleansed how we going to draw near to God we have to come to the blood of the Lord Jesus the only one who can cleanse us now back to excess capital and for. He not only reviewed all that God had said to him and the people not only responded in their desire to abate he reemphasized the priority of worship by setting up an altar and all these pillars organizing the people to worship the Lord and He also reminded them of their need of cleansing before drawing nearer to God and finally he read that he read the book of the covenant to them. According to verse 7 he read it you know God says Blessed are those who read and it is important I don't want to walk away from this. Too quickly I've been doing a lot of men's conferences and retreats as some of you know. I think now 37 in the last couple years we got about 22 more this year alone I've seen something among men in our churches and that is that we need to read the Bible. You know I say that I think I'm insulting people's intelligence it ought to be obvious should it not that as Christians who love the Lord we should read His Word but I think it was captured by a fella last weekend who was a fairly new Christian and I was telling a minute again about reading the Bible and he came up to me and he wanted me to know that he did that. I said well what I was saying is it ought to be a happen or like ways that I want you know I finished it. Has kind of like a book you buy at a bookstore you know you finish the book you don't need to read it to get it right I've done that I've been there done that I finished it. I said well there's probably a lot more to be learned and the Bible emphasizes reading it but you see Moses took the time isn't it interesting that Ezra also did the same you remember that story and Ezra read the book of the law and it led people to repent of their sin is it not also interesting that at the revival of King young King Josiah they read in the book of the law people stood for hours listening to the Bible being read. Do you read the Bible don't answer do you read the Bible really do you I tell you folks we can never be told often enough that it's very important to read God's word God wants you to know His Word read it over and over again Jewish fathers and grandfathers were told to constantly do this to their children to teach them to talk of all these things that God said to never forget the words of the Lord I don't know about you but I can easily forget some I've studied many many times we need to re new our minds daily in the Word of God read God's word I like what one fellow said to me after we finished chapters 2122 and 23 those difficult judgments and laws he said you know that's a 1st time I have ever really looked at that it's amazing how you can read the Bible and just read right over something isn't. Read the words of the Lord his truth will set us free and how important that is now coming back to Exodus 24 again in the opening 2 verses there were restrictions on drawing near to God and then there were some results of Moses drawing nearer to God some great blessing that came but in verse 9 to 11 look at the revelation of God when they drew nearer to him. He revealed Himself This is a very interesting passage it has caused a lot of controversy but I don't think it should look at verse 9 they would then wind up Moses and Aaron named Eben Abbey who in 70 of the Elders of Israel and they saw the God of Israel you say wait a minute I thought the Bible says no man has seen God at any time it does say that yes but this says they saw the God of Israel well they lease all something of the God of Israel it then says that what they saw was under his feet was like a paved work of pavement look kind of like a sapphire stone but it was as the body of heaven in his clearness New King James says it was like the very heavens in its clarity new International New American Standard says clear as the sky itself while what an interesting thing this revelation of God There are 2 things that I'd point out to you just these 3 verses 9 to 111 is his appearance did not include all that he is it never has. And the 2nd thing I want you to notice is his acceptance his acceptance of them seeing this was crucial to their survival let me tell you what I mean when you look carefully at verse 11 it says upon the nobles the leaders the rulers. Of the children of Israel he laid not his hand also they saw God and did eat and drink they were able to have you know wonderful fellowship their wonderful worship they were able to in some sense see an appearance of God and not be struck dead but it says he laid his hands on and did not lay his hand on him it is talking about the acceptance of people in his presence new International puts it this way but God did not raise his hand against these leaders of the Israelites New American Standard said yet he did not stretch his hand against the nobles the point of this passage is not laying on of hands to anoint somebody for ministry it's thought about laying on hands to kill him because when normally someone would come into His presence without without official invitation without being plans God would have killed him he said to the Israelites when he drew a circle around the base of Mount Sinai if anyone crosses over that line or any animal he should be put to death. So it's quite a statement to say that these men 70 elders need to have an Abu and Aaron and Moses actually came to the point of seeing a manifestation of God and we're not struck dead that has to be the grace of our Lord he accepts them without bringing judgment on them now what did they see what it says they saw God The Hebrew word is cousin cousin in Hebrew means to gays it's used in translating to say you had a vision actually it literally means to mentally perceive it used about 51 times does this mean they saw God literally they saw everything it was a sea of awe got no not at all you could use another word that would indicate that but this is not that word the word means that some sort of vision they saw what they saw all that struck them was the pavement under him and how clear it was. Whatever this look like I don't know but God gave them a manifestation of his greatness and glory that absolutely astounded them now folks just like a moment ago when I said when he built that altar and he was up on a mound for 40 days and 40 nights and they turned the whole place into an orgy and it I'll fickle the crowd is it also is interesting to me that the 2 older sons of Aaron who were there made add an Abba hue are not all they should be either turn of that because Chapter 10. Leviticus Chapter 10. It's very interesting to me that God who knows all the hearts of men was so gracious she knew what these boys were like he knew what they were going to do he knew it all but he allowed them to have this vision you know some people can have a wonderful understanding of the Lord and even joy close to him and yet their hearts be far from the Lord it's almost a paradox and we read a. Very interesting thing in Leviticus Chapter 10 if you have your Bible open Take a look at it verse one and neighed dab and add the hue the sons of Aaron took either of them his sense or put fire there in put incense there on and offered strange fire before the Lord which he commanded them not and there went out fire from the Lord and devoured them and they died before the Lord that people read ads that were meant as kind of severe. You see God had strong standards for the priests. He told them how to do it he told them procedures and all of it I think the question that people often as a why did the Lord kill these boys right on the spot let me give you some possibilities I'm not trying to be dogmatic here just some possibilities one it's very possible that the hot coals in their sensors did not come from the altar of the burnt offering Let me show you what I mean turn over the Numbers Chapter 16. As some people don't like to go into these kind of details but I don't know if you're like me but I got a mind to ask questions it why did God kill those 2 and a of God doesn't reveal it I leave it with him that but sometimes Gawd does reveal it in numbers 16 verse 46 very interesting what it says it says And Moses said in the air and take a sensor and look at this and put fire there in from off the what the altar of folks do remember in Isaiah Chapter 6 when Isaiah Sol vision of the Lord he said what was before of a man of unclean lives sidewall the midst of a people of unclean lips and then flew one of the Serafin main jewels and with top ones took a coal from off the altar of sacrifice and said Lo this a touch side lives he has taken away and I send purged. You see the altar represents the altar of sacrifice where the animals slain the substitution for our sin and we need to be cleansed and when they were supposed to do the altar of incense when prayers would go up by the priest the smoke of those burning coals with the frankincense especial annoying things stuff they had the smell was not only to take away the stench of all the blood from the animals have been killed but it was also to be a sweet smell fragrance in that tabernacle area that would represent the prayers of the priests to God in behalf of the people and they were to take symbolic fashion as it were representing tremendous truth take the hot coals from off the altar sacrifice to always remember that the prayers that are acceptable to God always come through the sacrifice of the need of cleansing the fabulous picture. And David returns tomorrow with more of this fabulous picture you're back for that it also has more force coming up after the break so stick around but 1st he's got details about a great resource that we have a field right now. You know I know something about. Pastor friends who are Bible teachers and one problem they have is they don't often teach about the 12 that's a minor prophets in the Old Testament. And we don't want you to be uninformed when it comes to God's word so we have a book on the 12 that's the name of it the 12 studies and a minor prophets and there's a continuity in those studies dealing with the day of the Lord that phrase which is used 25 times and there's a lot of great teaching in the minor prophets and by the way don't forget our special catalog on the Hanukkah and Christmas items and boy there's a ton of them there and all on special sales this month only so be sure to get your copy and be sure also to order some items that will be a blessing to you and to your family God bless you again the resources in the Hanukkah and Christmas catalogue contain so much encouragement so much insight and all at 30 to 60 percent off for instance David mentioned a moment ago a book titled The 12 well that is normally $20.00 but in the Hanukkah and Christmas catalogue it's just $14.00 plus shipping and if you're in California you have taxes Well now those prices won't last and the holidays will be over before you know it so make sure you check out the Hanukkah and Christmas catalog it David Hawking dot org or call us for more info when you dial 1875 bible to forward to 53 in Canada dial 188875 Bible you know it's not too late to send your holiday greeting our way to getting that from you would truly bless our hearts into while you're at it send us your per request as well we love to pray for you it's very important to us send me e-mail to info at David hocking dot org Well once again here's David. Thanks friends for listening to our messages from Exodus 24 the glory of the Lord Wow what a passage it is and we talked about Moses the results of drawing nearer to God In verses 3 The 8 he reviewed all that the Lord said the people responded with their desire to obey and he reemphasized the priority of worship and reminded them of their need of cleansing before drawing near to God in worship we all need that and then he read the book of the covenant to them according to verse 7 Boy do we need to read God's word may God open our hearts and show us the truth that will set us free the Bible says whether you eat or drink or whatever you do do all to the glory of God and we're here. In another week. In December and last week my wife and I were at the preacher of the conference in Dallas Texas where I spoke also and what a blessing it is to hear the Word of God especially about the coming of the Lord the rapture of the church and what a blessing it is so stay with us we're got more stuff on the glory of the Lord from Chapter 24 and I hope that you'll be with us and why don't you send along a little gift to help us this to say God bless you. Yes your gift this month is going to do 2 things 1st it will help us finish 2018 with all debts paid something is very important to us and 2nd your gift right now will help us prepare for ministry in the year to come so as David said sending a gift this month with the really special and very helpful to us you can do that when you visit David Hockney dot org And call us 818-755-3425 extension 3 in Canada dial 180875 bible and remember you can always join us and our support for this ministry that means so much to share how your brain force will send an email to info at David Hawking dawdle and more from our message the glory of the Lord is coming up next time right here on Hope for Today. Hi Friends this is David how can move help for the day Radio right here on Calle t t a 10 o'clock every morning Monday through Friday we have a little model the Bible the whole Bible and nothing but the Bible and all for today for trying to help you with the truth. And to get the word of God into your heart function George is God bless you hope for today with Pastor David Hucky weekday mornings at 10 new on the Monday 67 of. The nation's most powerful Christian Voice World War or old what at 670 Caleb t.t. Dot com and all over Colorado in digital age d n a I'm 670 k l t t covers it it entered. A humble dishwasher breaks down when coworkers buy him a much needed car this is truth itself the last thing anyone wants to experience at the end of a long workday is walking out to the parking lot to find your car stolen Unfortunately that's exactly what happened to Kiya Kiya is a longtime employee at the Lafayette Louisiana Restaurant Ruffino is on the river and recently his car was stolen from the parking lot during his shift the restaurant's owners and staff decided to come together to help out the restaurants manager Chris muffle OTOH shared a video of the staff surprising he on his Facebook page he said The surprise was the most touching thing he's experienced in his 30 years in the business and expressed pride in his staff are coming together for one of their own in the video key is seen walking alongside his manager toward a crowd of friends and coworkers his manager says to him so the whole staff got together and we got you a little surprise a small surprise look at me your family all right you've worked your bud off we love you we want you to be here as long as you can be here so we got you a little something then the crowd pards to reveal a new car key is immediately overcome with emotion when he sees his surprise the crowd cheers as he wipes away tears and hugs his coworkers thanking them for their unbelievable act of kindness Well here's another story you need to hear Jordan was a father of 6 and a normal healthy person but then one day he went to the doctor and was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer thankfully he had met his share Medicare is is a family a group of peace. Ball that the stick with you through the hardest times of your life I just don't know how I could have done it without Michelle find out why people are switching at age 4 for 49 Bible that's 84449 Bible you can see these stories and more on our website truth itself dot com truth itself news that impacts your faith family and country. For God and country this is the Crawford Broadcasting Company. Welcome to call to freedom with Barber Carmen this is Jimi Blakey and I'm delighted that you are joining us for this half hour you can reach call to freedom at Box 370367 Denver Colorado 80237 or by going to the website at w.w.w. Dot freedom Street dot org If you want to leave a message or order a work our daily reading Bible guy or a freedom street express newsletter you can call us toll free at 186-691-7725 extension 6 leave your name and address including your zip code if you want to talk to Barbara right now she is expecting your call you may call that same toll free number 186-691-7725 extension 6 dispenser and now let's join Barbara in the studio. Beautiful music the Herald Angels Sing. A man. Well welcome to called a freedom I could listen to that all the in fact I have it on and my stereo Yes I still have a stereo. Oh adding never as Saturday we had a full house it was so fun oh my goodness we just. Had you know that the fellowship is so sweet that so many who left at 130 said oh I just feel like staying all day and I said well you're invited to do that if you want to but before the meeting right before the choruses I said how many of you can name some songs with Angels in I'm and like this song the theme song for this week is Hark the air Herald Angels Sing there are so many Christmas carols with the name angels in an Angels We Have Heard On High we saying that Saturday to all had such a great time you got as you got to think about circling the 2nd Saturday of every month and coming in the new year we're going to have a wonderful meeting in the new year we're going to forget those things in the past and and go forward move forward into the future may God's peace cover you his hope inspires you his joy uplift you his love surrounds you you are blessed to dispense for in Him You live and move and have your being and finally I got a divorce settlement that seems overly fair divorce agreement written by a young college student. This is this is some parts are a lariat Now this is written by a young college student. Dear American liberals leftists social progressive Socialists Marxists and Obama supporters we have stuck together since the late 1950 s. Is talking that Democrats for the sake of the kids but the whole of this latest election process has made me realize I want to divorce I know we tolerated each other for many years for the sake of future generations but sadly this relationship has clearly run its course our 2 ideological sides of America cannot and will not ever agree on what is right for us all so let's just end it on friendly terms I don't think you can ever end that on friendly terms we can smile and chalk it up to irreconcilable differences and go our own way here is our separation agreement and I know I may be laughing at this but I know divorce as is just so horrible and most of the time both parties are very sick at the end and they're just very few that are amicable so I understand your sorrow and grief if you have been divorced so here is our separation agreement our 2 groups can equitably divide up the country by landmass each taking a similar portion that will be the difficult part but I'm sure our 2 sides can come to a friendly agreement well they can take all of the states that Hillary Clinton had and then take all the states Donald Trump and divide them and after that it should be relatively easy our respective representatives can effortlessly divide other assets since both sides have such distinct and desperate disparate scuse me tastes we don't like redistributive taxes so you can keep them you are welcome to the liberal judges and the a.c.l.u. Since you hate guns and war will take our firearms the cops the n.r.a. And the military. We'll take the nasty smelly oil industry and the coal mines and you can go with wind solar and biodiesel you can keep Oprah Michael Moore and Rosie O'Donnell You are however responsible for finding a bio diesel vehicle big enough to move all 3 of them. I'm not going to laugh we'll keep capitalism greedy corporations pharmaceutical companies Wal-Mart and Wall Street you can have your beloved lifelong welfare dwellers food stamps homeless homeboys hippies druggies and illegal aliens will keep the hot Alaskan hockey moms greedy C.E.O.'s and rednecks will keep Sean Hannity and Bibles and give you n.b.c. And Hollywood you can make nice with Iran and Palestine and will retain the right to invade and hammer places that threaten us you can have the peaceniks and war protestors when our allies are our way of life are under assault we'll help provide them security we'll keep our Judeo Christian values you are welcome to Islam Scientology humanism political correctness and Shirley MacLaine You can also have the un but we will no longer be paying the bills will keep the S.U.V.s pickup trucks and oversized luxury cars you can take every bolt and leaf you can find you can give everyone health care if you can find any practicing doctors you know that's just really. A point here in this letter if health care is for everyone are there going to be the doctors that go around that's going to be a real issue. We'll keep the Battle Hymn of the republic and the national anthem I'm sure you'll be happy to substitute imagine I'd like to teach the world to saying. Or we are the world will practice trickle down economics and you can continue to give trickle up poverty your best shot since it so often offends you will keep our history our name and our flag would you agree to this If so please pass it along to other like minded liberals and conservatives Patriots and if you do not agree just hit delete all right there it is that's a divorce decree from a young college student and I mostly agree with the whole thing so thank you for praying for protection for President Trump praying for wisdom and understanding and power and might I'm passing that along to you who are listening you need wisdom and understanding and power in mind and so we just trade that doubt fear and unbelief for God's wisdom understanding power and might in Jesus' name thank you Jesus thank you Lord and and from Isaiah 60 want to leaven the Lord God will cause righteousness and prays to spring up before all the nations through the self-fulfilling power of the word that's Isaiah 6111 from the amplified my confession for today and this is by Rick Renner I confess that I walk in the GAAP a love of God say that with me I confess that I walk in the gob a love of God I am sincere truthful and a dedicated friend praise God I am a sincere truthful and dedicated friend when I say that I love I genuinely love I don't talk behind people's backs I don't gossip say that I don't gossip I don't betray the friends God has brought into my life I don't betray the friends God has brought into my life they're too precious for to me if I do say something that is out of order I quickly go to my friend and confess it and ask forgiveness yes you go to them personally not over the phone you go to them knock on the door and you talk to them face to face this truthfulness causes my friends to trust me. And I know that I am truly a friend indeed I declare this by faith in Jesus name thank you so much Rick Renner and our memory verse for this week is cautions to 9 and 10 this is so god and in him all the deity dwells in bodily form dot dot dot dot and in you in Him You have been made complete Let's say that again and in him all the deity dwells in bodily form and in Him You have been made complete you have that peace of God that passes all understanding praise the lord that's Colossians 29 and 10 will say that all this week and from the many hidden man of the heart by e.w. Canyon and I've last week I was talking about the importance of Holy Spirit in your life and the responsibility that you have to develop the gifts the Holy Spirit has given you say Holy Spirit gives you a gift then it's your responsibility to develop it you may develop any gift that you wish to the most important gift that God has given to you is in your spirit and I'm saying this because as you read through the gifts of Holy Spirit in 1st Corinthians 12 and then again he goes into it pretty much about tongues in 1st Corinthians 14 tongues for the church and tongues for you. It is you that are is responsible you are responsible for the gift of deserving of spirits and that is because you can become aware when something is wrong then you say Father God is that from you or is that from the devil and Holy Spirit will tell you if you want a gift of wisdom and understanding that is under the gifts then you develop that yourself yes you develop that wisdom by reading the Word of God that gives you that wisdom that you need their arse and if you need to develop the tongues I have 3 or 4 languages that I pray I have separate languages for care. When I pray for her and for Dana so you can develop those tongues and stablished 3 or 4 in your life then you can also develop that wonderful gift of interpret in tongues so that when you go to church and you hear a message you can say oh I got that I've got that message and so these are things that you can develop in your own life and the great majority of men do not think they really don't it seems that they do everything by habit or by rote or just taking one step after another at never asking the Lord for for Guidance never never asking God they're just going to all these finance companies and all these lawyers and all this stuff never asking God man lives in the realm of the senses the senses have limitations for instance like I said last week trying to pray in your native language for longer than half an hour and you'll realize that your language is limited to very limited but Paul said to pray without ceasing So what did he mean Paul was speaking of your prayer language you can pray in tongues for hours a day yes you can your spirit has practically no limitations you can develop spirit life until you dominate circumstances your spirit can come into a vital union with Deity become a partner of the divine nature just like our. Memory verse for this week in him all the deity of dwells in bodily form he's in you he's in you and in Him You have been a complete Wow that's a complete package friend and you're never too old to learn all this even at my age I'm learning new things all the time learning to new things help help me to be an overcomer and more than a conqueror the spirit with God's nature in it can fellowship on terms of absolute equality with God Himself Are you beginning to see your limitless possibilities and friends when you. Leave this earth the possibilities will just continue to grow there are going to be so supernatural Jesus brings us into contact with spiritual things not mental things spiritual things spiritual things are as real as physical things your spirit can come to the point where the things in His word will become as real to you and Jesus will become as real to you as any loved one in your physical life you can see the necessary of your taking time to meditate to get quiet with the Lord you must take time to sit with his word and let the Spirit unveil his word to your spirit if you will do this you will know him in reality in real time. I believe I found the answer to the problem of how the recreated human spirit can be developed and the 13th chapter of 1st Corinthians has the answer to it the last the last verse or the clause of the 12th chapter of 1st Corinthians is also striking in this connection Paul says here in the last verse of 1st Corinthians 12 but I show you a more excellent way why did he say that because 1st Corinthians 13 is a more excellent way and then he proceeds to tell us the new kind of love this is the love that Jesus brought to the world I think some of you have had the wrong idea of 1st Corinthians 13 because it is quoted at so many weddings friend this is not for the wedding ceremony primarily this is the new lifestyle of the born again believer this is the love that Jesus brought into the world he compares it with linguistic ability if I speak with the tongues of men and angels Now Paul is saying here if I speak with the greatest of tongues of my native language and I speak with tongues with prayer language but have not love I am becoming a sounding brass or a claiming symbol now. Once in a while a symbol is very powerful when the orchestra comes to a climactic moment in a piece but to hear it for a very long time would drive you crazy it will. Cover your ears you do try to get away from it how greatly We have appreciated linguistic abilities and yet with one stroke Paul has shown us how empty it all is without love next he tells us on and I'm so glad e.w. Brought this up if I have the gift of prophecy and know all mysteries and all knowledge and if I have all faith that doesn't mean we we go we grow without all that know if I don't have love there nothing so Paul isn't encouraging you to get rid of prophecy and rid of the asking for mysteries the knowledge and faith in No no not at all but he's saying you've got to be connected with love in order to reach these other gifts that he's given to you here he's showing us how empty sense knowledge of Chief months and gifts are without a ga pay without a GAAP a love and we all have put some stock in the things that we've learned on this earth but if you're like me it comes to nothing on the spiritual scale on the spiritual scale this this life comes to nothing I'm so grateful I would not I speak to my friends once while I would not go through my twenty's my thirty's or even my forty's ever again. There's too many mistakes in your twenty's and thirty's and forty's too many failures of the next verse in 1st Corinthians 13 takes this takes you still further into the picture and if I bestow all my goods to feed the poor and you know a lot of us are getting meal mail right now feed the poor feed this feed that give this give here give that oh and then there's the Humane Society those horrible commercials and you just feel guilty. If you don't give Well he says if I give all my goods to feed the poor and if I give my body to be burned but have not love it profits mean nothing this picture of natural man in his highest development in comparison comparison with a gobby that comes from Holy Spirit to your spirit is just a big chasm of difference how humble and lowly is this choicest of all gifts it suffers long and is kind it wears the garments of apparent weakness it doesn't envy it net is never proud it never behaves itself unseemly in quarrelling nagging or the divorce court Ok. I admired Aaron so much because he as he went through a divorce but when the Lord told him to give to his ex-wife all the assets and he takes all the liabilities he obeyed the Lord to the exact last penny and I'm still grateful for knowing that and God brought him out on top so don't you ever go to the divorce court with this big huge argument the loving be loving love seeks not its own the biggest struggle of natural man is to get something and he's not so careful how he gets it or from whom he gets it I want to repeat that last sentence because it shows the arrogance and extreme greed of a natural man the biggest struggle of natural man is to get it any way he can and I know you know people like that he'll they'll walk all over people they'll they'll do things that are just totally dishonest and in discord with everybody around them but they are gonna get it so sad you see this in living color in our government to people that will lie and cheat and steal to think that they you know to show everybody they're so right well I'll tell you what I would rather walk with Jesus then have a $1000000.00 in this world I truly would friend that's from an honest heart here and I'll tell you when Jesus gets hold of you he won't let you go. Jesus God a hold on my life I hope he's gotten a hold of your life I hope you're giving him everything that you have spirit soul and body I remember when we did that it gave her studio a live in a little town Alexandria Indiana I mean when we went there in the 70s it had one stop light. And such a great studio and wonderful musicians Wow great time wonderful time see Gone is wanting to do wonderful things through you and he delights in doing great and marvelous things in Jeremiah 33 and Aaron used to call that well it still is God's phone number Jeremiah 333 call to me and I will answer you and show you great mighty things you do not know wow if you're just hanging out you're just you know straddle on the fancy there's no idea I don't know if I want to do this you're never going to see God working in your life never because you've got to make a commitment friend I'm going to go with God I am going to go with him see he wants to do great and mighty things through you and through me however many never quite grasped God's glory and great as I just talked to a dear lady today she doesn't have any idea about God's greatness and His glory and how he once had to to trust in Him truly trust in him and in that when they are in that kind of mindset they miss spiritual growth and tremendous adventures with God They do do you know that God is able and wants to do great things using you as his instrument. God tells you to attempt great things for Him by faith and only through faith can you accomplish what he calls you to do and not in your own strength not by her own power but by God's power and might remember what we read in Zachariah Zachariah 46 I hope all of you are reading through the Bible with me some of you are missing at you're just skipping around in your finding some of your favorite verses and I'll tell you God surprises you he surprises you in some unbelievable books like Hagi I when was the last time you read hag and God says the silver and the gold is mine the latter glory of this house is going to be greater than the former glory did you know that was in the Bible some of you got to you've got to go back and we're going to start in January we're going to start in Genesis we're in Revelation right now. You gotta get good with God you got to get serious with God and in is Zacharias for 6 is not by might nor by power not by man's power you know he's got all these armies then all the power in the world not in these big earth movers no no but by my Spirit say of the Lord of Hosts What are you a great mountain before is a ruble and he was a wonderful priest you will are he was the governor here you will become a plane and he will bring forth the top stone with shouts of grace grace I want to I want you to know God's grace today and cut and be covered with God's grace today you need His Grace you truly do because some of you really messed up your lives and you're looking to man instead of God and it's so important that you look to God you don't go to man and counsel with man 1st you go to God you get in your little corner of your bedroom or even in the bathroom Yeah beside the bath tub and you say Father God I need your answer today I truly do the great missionary William Carey initiate. In the modern world missionary movement by faith he didn't have anything he moved he did it by faith his motto attempt great things for God expect great things from God so you attempt to do your part God's going to come through with his power and my he truly is he always has you need to trust God and that is that will make a difference in your world trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not under your own understanding turn off your thinking cap once in a while thought I remembered for his great I was talking to Madge and I got to sit in the corner with a thinking cap on my head. Oh my goodness that was an embarrassment you know when 21 kids are staring you is sitting in the corner in a chair with a thinking cap on it every any of you ever have a point of hat you had to sit in the corner with. Oh my goodness I didn't mean to get into that at all but you do need to trust God and I have learned all I have learned to trust God with all my heart I hope you do that also all the way to you again tomorrow I'll enjoy the good Christmas music and take joy. I've think you for listening to a call to freedom with Barbara Carmen you may get in touch with Barbara and call to Freedom Box 370367 Denver Colorado 80237 or you may leave your message at 186-691-7725 extension 6 call to freedom is a listener supported radio ministry Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up the freedom ministry our partners support culture freedom with prayer. In monthly financial support you will be blessed supernaturally we invite you to visit freedom's Web site w w w dot freedom Street dot org where you can hear Barbara's daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials you may share your prey's reports and heart cries by mailing them to call to Freedom Box 370367 Denver Colorado 80237 or you may email Barbour karma and freedom Street dot org until next time remember Jesus loves you Barbara loves you and take joy. for called freedom on Colorado's Christian station 670 am. Sure. It's 678 Cale t.t. Dot com and all over Colorado in digital h.d. On am 670 calle t t covers or didn't. Carry some Downey Detroit on a lot of bad news to that he didn't. Want to try. Father I can count you need a long day and he will be McCain facing an angel who won't care and close to changing teco. In the name of own. We listening from all of us at Crawford broadcasting. This is am 670 calle t.t. And Calle t.g. H.d. Comer City Denver and now f.m. At 95 point one and streaming worldwide at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. Parenting is all about time listen to Adrian Rogers when you start training a child. As soon as that child is born you say oh no oh yes as soon as that child is.

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