They're going to do the other thing. They are but they are Mr. Chair. And welcome to remember history the quest for truth I'm your host your let's let's find out the real history of the American Revolution and Independence Day from our guest historian and founder of patriotic Cademy Rick Rick welcome to the program Ray when you're broke Thanks for having me on man it's great to be rich before we get started tell our audience a little bit about yourself and why you love history and specially why you love American history Well believe it or not then I used to hate history when I was in high school and college had no interest in it didn't really care about what happened yesterday. They only worried about what happens tomorrow but the more I got into law school and started reading the opinions of judges I realized that their perception of yesterday determined that if they're here for a day in their current course of greatly going into the future saying cutting happen more read the Bible I remember God saying over and over again remember the former days and how many times they recounted the history of what God had done for the people and you know just made me start thinking I need to know more about where or where we came from of I really want to understand what it means to be an American if I'm going to say I'm proud to be an American but no way the American flag I mean I know what that really stands for and what it means and for choice somebody gave me an old cassette tape you and I might know what those are some of your listeners but anyway no cassette tape of David Borden and for the 1st time I actually heard instead of just dates and names and places I actually heard the stories come to life again that you know he was just great and bringing to life through the eyes of the people that actually lived the history it made me enjoy it more and really appreciate where we came from and after that and I just became really a student of freedom I'd been around some guys that. Sacrificed greatly her freedom in World War 2 And it's been around a made me want to know more about why they were willing to give their lives so that you know generations later we could be free and that really started me on a journey so I know for a minute they legislature in Texas for a little while and that's why I started patron Academy was to help raise a new generation that not only get what we're going to be talking about in terms of our history and our friend our freedom but they're committed to preserving it and they want to help pass it to the generation that's coming after them so I just later Attorney don't hold that against me but I love teaching on a constitutionally new class of across the nation and get people together and it's literally a walk through the constitution and get people understand where our freedoms are on the constitution what they really mean how to defend them appropriately and properly and we also do a television show called Chasing American legends where we you know investigate some of history's mysteries again try to bring it to life and make it real you know parents said look you want to get your kids hooked on history how much face it are going to do we have a comedian and grab sign in there with us we keep it funny the kids won't even realize they're going to think they're just being entertained but they're going to be learning great lessons about America and where we came from you know that's really really good stuff for the stuff you do it Brad Stein is just absolutely phenomenal it's a lot of fun and like you I I get by I get bored with history class you know I love history movies you know once lots of action movies and stuff like that so I found myself really enjoying you know things of the World War 2 era but like you I didn't realize American history until I stumbled across David Barton and then he completely opened up my eyes and he presented the stuff in such an entertaining way that I became really really and should i thought you know other people need to know this stuff and so so Rick that's one of the reasons in the end is you know by my son No I want to treat academies and. Yes life changing for him and it was it's phenomenal and I really recommend it if you want to learn more about recruiting go to athletes recruiting dot com Is that correct. That's correct yeah you go there for the for the case American legend the Constitution classes you get a link to patron Academy but if they're interested in and pay for it can I just go straight to that website patron Academy dot com 4 I mean you watch one of the 3 minute videos on there and you'll be hooked the over 25 folks are going to be saying I want to go at about 125. So we actually do have a program for them today but always always will be on the website I might have to go what's the youngest age somebody can go to Patriot Academy $1616.00 Ok so I'm looking at it my little guy's got a couple years yet Ok so let's let's get started kind of with the foundation how did we get to the point Ok so way back when we were a colony of England so as we know the 13 colonies that's what the called the colonies were a colony of Great Britain and so let's count let's kind of go back and let's see what what's still to get in the column this Dollops out why was there this going on and maybe you want to start with what the reverend Jonas Clark. You know it in fact it was John Adams that was asked who was most important in the revolution who are the people that really made the revolution happen and he said well you know obviously everybody thinks of Washington and some of these key players that are known to most people but he said you really have to go back before that and he actually went back a generation almost any point out for 5 pastors in the country and people like jobs 4 and make you and even back to which filled in and others like that that he said had sown the seeds of Liberty and it was because of what they were planting in the hearts of men all across the colonies they began to understand a biblical world view of government and really understand what Liberty was all about and that freedom was not something that you derive from a king it didn't come from a fellow man it came from God and the purpose of government was to protect those rights and so the government actually got its power from us of course we see that reflected in the language of the Declaration of Independence which Adams was probably more responsible for than anyone I know Jefferson wrote it but Adams is the one that politically was maneuvering behind the scenes to make it happen and actually actually get the votes and so as you mentioned John this car is one of my favorite pastors the revolutionary period because he actually was instrumental at Lexington so so if we if we want to really tell the story of the Declaration of Independence we've got to go back more than a year before that to answer a lightning 1775 and that's the shot heard around the world that's the the story that we read about with Paul Revere and that sort of thing but again always going back even before that cork and then preaching from that pulpit for nearly 20 years sermons of Liberty I mean he had literally been stoking the hearts of men to understand what freedom was all about and we actually did one of our our chase American legend shows at Lexington we actually went and got the kids marched with the Minutemen and we watched the red x. Minutes and we were there to investigate who actually fired the 1st shot because there's great debate about whether it was the British or the Americans and it was amazing I don't get way too much about the show but it was amazing. We went and we really studied the sermons of quarks and what people said and then specifically studied the sermon that he preached on the one year anniversary of April 19th where he lays out a detailed case for why the Americans would have never fired 1st and he talks about how he had taught his men what just war is all about and that you have to respond in defense you cannot be in factor and it's just really interesting and we came to the conclusion that it was definitely the British that fired 1st but more importantly the real 1st shot was the Penn Jones Clarke writing out those sermons for 20 years we stood there in his home. And study where his desk is and bunches of blocks we just don't need to think about and this guy would sit there and write out those sermons and then go deliver them on a Sunday morning I wonder if he knew the years later it would actually spark a revolution that would leave the greatest nation in the history of the world it's those kind of guys and those kind of stories of the things that they lived that made it so interesting by the way Clarke is actually the it was his house we always hear about part of yours right well that was Jonas Clark's house that's all it was going because John Hancock and Sam Adams who are staying at his house and that's who the British were after they had a bounty on their heads and they wanted Hancock especially And so they were headed to get them and that's why partner was going to the pastor's house if people say Pastor should be involved or Christian by the politics then they were at the epicenter of the revolution there they were the ones actually creating the atmosphere that caused the revolution a lot of cool stuff about Joan of Arc at any time your listeners get a chance to do a lot of people do their vacation with a purpose right side of a good place to go go to Lexington a bit Jonah Clark's out you're listening to remembering history the quest for truth my guess is Rick Green on the right. Let's cue or America from her amnesia This is Marie Christina executive producer of remembering history the quest for truth signed podcast of all past shows on Facebook. Remembering history the quest for truth on Facebook dot com or Sound Cloud Sound Cloud dot com slash Dan Mueller fasten your seat belts and put on a helmet the push for universal health care will be front and center next year it will cost you money and limit your health care options Monday Dr Jill Becchio health care expert and one of the few individuals in America who read the complete Obamacare legislation joins us the marriage checks Molly and Kim will talk about health care in America today how we can reduce costs and increase health care choices and what is the answer to preexisting conditions that's Monday 6 to 7 am and again 2 to 3 pm here on Tales The 560. Good food good drink and good conversation save your life simple pleasures. Located at the landmark in d.t.c. . And he often I would love for you to drive to work every morning with a smile tune in to be anti Austin show laughter fun and facts yes the truth has no agenda on the and he often show every weekday morning 5 am at 11 am right here on Am 560 k. L.z. How this president managed to withstand the onslaught by traditional media and Hollywood and even a lot of people in business community that he did that by sticking to his guns and being true to what the people wanted from the beginning which was the rule of law enforce a few security in America 1st the Laura Ingram show right here on Calle z. Weekday mornings from 8 to 11 rush to reason with John Rush days from 3 to 70. 560. And welcome back to remembering history the quest for truth I'm your host Damn you are and we are discussing the Revolutionary War and the real history of independence day in our guest is the founder of patriot Academy and historian Rick Green and Rick when we left off you know you talking about the evolvement explosion of one power. Jonas Clark but you know a lot of a lot of people in academia a lot of historians say well you know the founding fathers they were nothing but you know dear sin and slave owners and and they did really didn't believe in God and that America was based on secular ideas it permeates our education system it gets repeated violent in education and I have to give me that the point is that that same story line and then of course that makes sense if you're a liberal progressive and you want to get God out of the system if you want to get moral absolutes out of the system you need to claim that the Founding Fathers themselves were working either atheist or deist and didn't believe in moral absolutes in order to change the culture into that but nothing could be further from the truth means guy we think about even the language of the of the Declaration we hold these truths to be self-evident in other words they're saying these things we're back to say the laws of Nature and Nature's God which is mentioned earlier in the declaration which shows us that there are rights and wrongs that there are trees in fact I believe so much in moral absolutes and for it that they not only pledge their lives fortunes and they gave it so they suffer for everything for these ideas that they believe are true to their moral absolutes this idea that they were not fixing. This Frank was an absolute why when you look at the Founders not that they were all bible thumping evangelicals they were certainly big proponents of Christianity as a faith and most of them or in fact Christians they lived it they talk they wrote it they spoke it just permeated everything and there are a lot of there were a handful that were 'd not even out of 250 roughly founding fathers when I use that number Dan what I mean is the society the signers the Constitution the governors of the major general the key players of the revolution the real founders of America out of those 250000 a lot of those are names people like Frank whether Jefferson and Adams and Washington and those kind of folks in a lot of them are. The documents a key point is that people don't know that they are sentient ration James Walston given to Morrison. Richard Henry included were instrumental in launching those for which you had all those folks together only about 10 of them were not Christian so that's only about 5 percent 95 percent who are absolutely outspoken Christians and even the 10 that I'm taken off the table those were not what we would today call a deist and certainly not atheist one of them because they were atheist even the kind of taken off the table they believed in God They believe in the hand of providence they believe god was involved in our daily lives that they were not believers in Jesus Christ was God said you couldn't call him an orthodox definition a Christian for 200 dollars Franklin I mean least religious of all of them going and playing I guess probably tied to that of all the founding fathers and even playing around with the idea for the Christian religion even though it was a personal profession I didn't Professor Ross efficient save themselves he stood up at the crossroads of convention and actually come to Gaza to the world with the Bible and then a little short speech the guy quotes 14 died in the verses and reminds them of the role that God played in the revolution and how we would never achieve independence without the hand of Providence and I We saw it over and over and over again and then he breaks them with the idea of how can we possibly do this without praying without God we're not smart enough we don't have the minds we have to make a capability to solve the great problems of our day we need to lumination of God in our arts in our minds so we basically preach to what the cost is going to mention and at some point if you actually insert yourself in the summer something and 7 this is about 5 weeks when you read the journals there was room on the point of breaking I mean people had already left the convention and given up and said there's no way things are going to work and so he saved the day by quoting Scripture and done everybody forgot to bring God God can the question time George Washington said they broke in and went to church and offered it together for example for a servant but he said just move everyone and really change the attitude and I can. To be able to make a deal and. Reach agreement for the cost which we will have a long monologue our biggest bottom white in general when you go again the numbers absolutely most of them were Christian God spoke of course and a handful of freedom a handful they were an atheist and what agnostics they want even vs the way we get on the day that really whether in your major in the whole philosophy of there being a God God is the source of the freedom not government the heart of what it means to be an American when you change the law when you take God out of the equation Absolutely and up a member of society instead of Abraham. Which government is the source of everything rather than God and that is not a road we want to get off no not at all. To remember history the quest for truth my guest is Rick Green and he's the founder preacher to Cademy and a historian brick let's let's go back to let's go back to John Clarke in the kind of that era. So well Ok so what's. In the colonies what's the what's the what's all the term. People start to become frustrated with with the crown. You know it's interesting when you look at the top of the stamp back in all the things that England was doing it pales in comparison to how bad are them today. Things in it on our freedoms in overtax but at the same pay for the things that the founders resulted. In what is happening. In our nation today and. It's very good I think the more we stand it was a violation of their human rights when you did not even even just the English are doing that in the colony charters and almost in the Middle East a violation of human rights we need to get it not today in terms of going to Congress is doing and not necessarily this particular Congress but frankly Congress will last 2530 years to. Free and even worse than that they were patients or it was it was taxation is that it was also just the idea of the King breaking in and doing things that he said he would do that England would not do and that was a big part of the Genesis part and a Tester's would preach about it is that in order to have the right to declare independence the other side has to break the deal 1st and that's what they certainly felt like making it done and then the Boston Massacre really set things off and of course you know most of all realize John Adams is actually the guy that defended the British soldiers on trial because in part of that when pulled out of the room Tom Riddle council you could argue that it was not entirely the British fault it was it was you could you could step back and say well they shouldn't have station in the 1st place but they were certainly antagonized 'd the direction it was it was definitely a show of force at Lexington and Concord to say we're going to prevent you we're going to Concord to take your arms with. Your ammunition to take your gunpowder we're literally going to disarm you and that's the point at which they say you know there's no way we're going to stand in defense a mile out around us to happen so it was brewing all over the country. But Boston was certainly. And and the place that you could see that there was about to explode and that's exactly what out on it and I think so Rick you're an attorney and I won't hold that against you obviously but for a lot but call it let's go back to the Boston Massacre I don't think a lot of people really understand what happened there and the fact you know that Adams was involved. Yeah it was you know it was. Basically. A group of young. Americans that were antagonizing these British soldiers and actually even some snowball that Ohman and really kind of settlement often and then you know one of the one of the British soldiers I think just got antsy honestly if you really look at the different accounts of what happened that day it was a terrible tragedy that happened frankly makes me think of some of the stand off that we have today in America to make me so nervous about you know man we do these big shows of force sometimes you know the land battles with the federal government and that sort of thing on my heart I really hope that these guys can control them so we don't end up in another Boston Massacre type situation and we end up with sometimes a mob mentality and then there was a little bit of that going on and I was actually the argument that John Adams made even in the in the trial itself you know that's what it took just to because now if I remember right John Adams actually defended the British soldiers That's right that's right is exactly right and he was essentially saying you know these guys were only doing their job and they were antagonized by by these Americans but what it did was and it was you know and again and again it wasn't it's hard to look at one specific moment in time and say and that's what started even elected and you can't say that that one shot is what did it it was years before that of these this constant hammering by the by the English Government to say to the Americans you know you're basically our peasants you're going to do what we want you to do even though you have no representation and it just it was it was almost like you know that this antagonizing was going on and on and on and on and on until finally there was the point of being pushed more than we can handle and and and you know you had guys like Sam Adams that that certainly was stoking the fires you know I mean Sam Adams wanted to see a revolution take place John Adams cousin and not not refined like John Adams was much more a rabble rouser type guy and. He was celebrating when these kind of things will happen and then of course you have 'd the Baath Party and on step by step. Opposition is right in a minute but one thing I want to point out as we sometimes think today that you know you've got to have everybody before you can move on work and the revolution was really about 25 percent of the country that actually supported independent she had 25 percent that were very much defending England and wanted to remain a part of it and they did not want to separate they were they were the Tories and they actually some of them fought for the partition certainly did not support where we were going and then 50 percent the model that you know account today even know what I. Want to call it all the quotes and so you know I just point that out because even in today's environment sometimes I have friends say I was too late for America everybody's on welfare now are too many are on welfare too many are taking from the government we can't when we can't change things I say what you don't need I mean today the involving Amy 10 percent of the country got temperature the country fired up and active reading the letters making the calls running for office and involved they can push the whole country one direction or the other and so I don't encourage people to realize that the revolution was not on a percent of Americans going we're going to you know we're going to those mean old British it was that way at all I mean they were our brothers they were we were considered ourselves 'd you know this is our country and that's why when Richard Henry Lee got up on June 7th and 776 and he made that motion and said he's not a colonies are in the right ought to be free and independent states that was that was literally treason I mean he was in the Continental Congress saying we're going to separate that was treason against the mother country and so John Adams seconded the motion but the guy taking the journal he literally scratched out their names because he knew King George is going after those 2 1st that's the 2 that he's going to lop off if this thing passes as it was a big deal and it was it was her. Hotly debated I mean they debated for literally weeks and finally one of the guys in Congress and the kind of Congress their name was Dick in the John Dickerson later even more involved at the time he was not a supporter of the revolution and declaring independence and he and he said the people are not they're not right for revolution that was his words and that's when John Witherspoon who was another pastor this and you know that's kind of being you hear that over toward it but the Reverend Dr John Witherspoon stands up and he says they're not only right but rotting it is we have to do this now on anything they need to pass I mean it was a failed the 1st time that they voted and they took some more wrangling and more debating they had to get. Thomas Mateen had to send home Caesar Rodney to get him there because the Delaware delegation was down to only 2 guys he was seen running with a 3rd delegate and and obviously for independents and McCain was warned of kindness but without Romney there it's of $1.00 to $1.00 tie so Delaware no South Carolina voting No Pennsylvania voted no so he sent a dispatch rider to go get Caesar Rodney Rodney gets word about it and then the dispatch said if you don't get here in time for the next the independent will fail and so Rodney gets on his horse and ride all night long and you talk about sacrifice I mean this guy had cancer in the face exactly scheduled for surgery in England but couldn't now if he signs the declaration to be goes a vote for independence and can't go back to England so he's literally sidedness death warrant by doing this he rides all night I mean painful experience gets there literally walks in Independence Hall just in time and cast the tie breaking vote so he's kind of known as the midnight writer that saved independents and that's why when you see that Delaware quarter a state gets to you know has somebody on their on their particular corner and commemorative quarter and it's it's actually cedar on the on that horse making that made that right so this story after story of guys like that that saved the day you know you know that's a Dutch just a fascinating story and I didn't know about that one I like to think I know a lot of these but I didn't know that story you know the other thing too you were talking about. Today you're talking about actually back when you were 25 for 25 against revolution and 50 percent had no idea what was going on but you know there's also this movement today to where people are saying well we need to rise up we need to get our guns we need to arm ourselves we need to take down this government and you know Rick if I remember right they picked Titian England a long long long long long long long long time before they ever thought of of raising weapons against the Crown years years and then and then and even then even even all that which they or you know mustering and practicing and getting old are even then it was we still will not attack we will not be the ones to attack we must always be ready to self for self defense and and I would definitely say to the folks out there today you know look I get the frustration there are days that I wonder where can I go and start over and I mean it's you know I have my days like that. It's horrible what's happening in our country but here's the beauty of what our founders did because of the revolution because we're willing to grab that musket over the over the fireplace and go March off to war and because they laid down their lives and gave their lives fortunes sacred they fought a revolution with bullets and they created a system where Dan we can have a revolution but we got to do with balance we don't have to take up arms we don't have to be violent we have we have been given a system that everything we need to turn America to the right direction it's at our fingertips I mean all the tools are right there in the tool box the problem is is just simply that we don't use the tool box you know the schools and the founders gave us and the freedoms that God blessed us with eyes began where as a people were basically that wicked and fossil servant that that refused to take the talent and go work it and invest it and and multiply unlike the other 2 doubled what they had or tripled I mean here we are we're not even using the freedom that we have in. So I would say to those people that are frustrated right now I get it I'm with you I'm just as frustrated but we need to take that frustration and turn into follow through and actually use the freedoms that we've been given and talk to our friends and our neighbors talk to our kids and our grandkids encourage them to have a heart of gratitude for what we do have and a sense of responsibility you know put the burden on on our neighbor shoulder in our kids' shoulders and say look you can't just be a citizen in a free society and be a leech on society and just enjoy the blessings of liberty you've got except the burden of responsibility of that liberty to do our part and every one of us has a role we can play well not a band or radio program like this to go out and speak like I do but everyone has a voice and they have people they can influence you know we all have a role to play you know part of I think part of the problem is to is the is the government education system you know the government controls the schools so the government think controls what is taught in the last thing the government's going to teach you is how to change the government and so that's why I put places like Patriot Academy and cream dot com Wall Builders institutions like that can really help educate people in the knowing what their rights and responsibilities are your 100 percent right and that you know obviously the typical education system today rather than teaching citizens how to use their freedom is purposely teaching citizens not to use their freedom and to be docile and just accept you know everything from the government let the government take care of you and it's causing the people not even to realize they have the right to stand up and fight back with these tools that we're tired of talking about these constitutional freedoms that we have so you're exactly right why it's so important for people to not just be said hand to mouth education but instead become proactive and say Where can I go who can I seek out well classes can I go take there are so many tools online right now so many great teachers and professors and others. That I've done great classes on I mean Michael Farris has a great Constitution class Hillsville has a good one I think David Barton I have the best one of course but I mean there's tons of places out there where you can go learn stuff about the Constitution like you're talking about patron Academy programs or you can go and hands on really see what it's like I won't need to and I used to I mean I remember high school going to plant a state baseball tournament in Austin a great Dallas we went down to Austin a play in the climate and our coach took us over the capital and I couldn't help but think and I think most people think like this another world and I even tried to buy the capital but that's a different breed and those people are from the right track over the wrong such as I could never insolence that world and we tend to think that our government is just too far from us or it's too big we can't we can't and Pac and then and so on I mean I wish I was in less than 10 years from that moment when I thought this is too big I can't reach it less than 10 years later I was on the house all as a House member voting and representing one 150000 people and employments in a state of 'd 20000000 people trust me the system works but we have to work the system we've got to recognize that the tools work there right there in our fingertips to get out of this mindset but somebody else is going to tell me how to you know what to do and I'm going to have to become proactive take some cost classes pay treated tattling Well you can be hands on on as a student you get to serve as a legislator for over 25 years old you get to come in and basically serve as a lobbyist and learn how to testify in committee learn how to sit down with your legislator and aunts and you know convince them to do the right bank so there are plenty of tools out there encourage people just be proactive you know you know Rick let's go let's take this back then to the to the air of our founding of the country I mean you talk about the daunting task you talk about you feeling powerless I mean here you are a farmer a guy with a pitchfork and maybe you know black powder gun of some sort and you're going to do want you're going to take on the strongest army in the world you're going to take on Mother England because you have this ideal you have this idea that you want to be free. You know I could actually. You could almost hear you know the arrogance of the British laughing right now I mean these guys really I mean we're going to crush them so quickly they will they will regret these decisions and you're right a daunting is exactly the word I mean it was it was the greatest military on the planet there was we had very little to show for it for our side and in you know to think that we we thought we could win is amazing now that Patrick Henry even talk about an optional honeymoon Most meet on March 23rd 775 at John's Church there was all about it all look where they were there's 3000000 of us in this country God has given us exactly the right way to be able to fight this kind of battle on you know he goes on and on about how we why strategically it was possible for us to for us to win but that was a very optimistic view and most people did not share that even a lot of the ones that ended up going along and joining the revolution thought this is an impossible task but maybe we'll get some concessions out of out of Great Britain but it it will it was an impossible task and in the founder of Washington Adam so many of them talked about as I mentioned Franklin earlier in his speech on the customs commission I mean they talked about the hand of Providence that God just seen to the wind would come at the right time the rain would come at the right time and over and over and over again I think washing counted over 40 times he felt like a superintending Providence when we're Frankland used literally stepped in for the Americans good so Rick when we got a couple minutes tell us one of your favorite stories of the time I think I think watching crossing the Delaware got to be the best one and I mean he absolutely made a decision to do something that everybody thought was impossible and crazy and when he did this was in the middle of a blizzard and he's taken you know all of these guys and any of his military has basically dwindled down to almost nothing he's been losing every battle every night pretty much given up at this point it's Christmas 7. 77 and he and he decides to cross and it's icy Delaware River in a snowstorm to go take on what we would almost call the Navy Seals of the day I mean these Hessians soldiers or the hired guns these were battle hardened I mean this was the idea that you could even if he did say 3 cross the river and get there in one piece and they had to March I forget I think it's like 8 miles in the snow many of these guys not even having shoes I mean he said you could see the blood in the snow where they marched you know just anything and so and same decision but this was a guy and for us we really discovered kind of the mindset in Washington and when we did our show because one traced his steps 1st at the battle Monongahela least 23 years old and he's writing back and forth in a hail of gunfire from the French and Indians for 3 hours and all the officer not to get shot down 80 other officers get shot down to get the bullet holes in his jacket on his head I mean it had. To or show about it. And he leaves that battle at 23 years old going Ok God's obviously something fun and. There's also an interesting part of the story we're years later witnessed all of that actually got to talk to Washington is that correct yeah and all of those guys there were several sharpshooter and again that had leveled on him more than a dozen times. You know we don't mess and we could not hit this guy and so the Indian chief 30 years later said you know we finally decided that the Great Spirit was protecting you know we just stop you and you know for Hill I mean that's a pretty clear message you leave a battle or something like that happen and we actually had on those and then we get a reenactment of the battle we took Brad's time with us the comedian up there and we researched all this one looked at the French account the Indian accounts the American to ask although all the while the stories were. Lined up exactly as and as we heard it and and so then we ran back and for Washington to ride back and forth 3 hours with $600.00 Indians fire and $600.00 Pennsylvania fire netting and not get hit we said Ok we're going to have Brad stuff 6 right back and forth off and find area for 3 minutes 90 hours minutes there's only 6 of us and we're going to have must get paintball guns. That were very it. Fired. And just probably we had a blast but we let you know we took for that was the only way washing a good 7 because when you go to battle you go Braddock's wrote up a bit of a new it's a narrow a film about a 15 feet you know 15 foot wide road and so that's part of why he's all these British soldiers were basically trapped they were sitting ducks for the French and it was it was a phenomenal event and I Phone 'd app so we went to watch but it's a phenomenal impact on Washington and a couple weeks later Samuel Davies pastor of that Patrick Henry grew up under and actually said that's where he learned to be a great orator Samal Davies priest of sermon and says Who knows but that this young colonel Washington God may be preserving to do something great for our country. So Washington survived that back into the French media borders and then so then the fast forward back to the crossing of the Delaware service this guy is not what are we doing this for I should have done the Haitian actions they were they were German correct. Yes Yes Yes And so the end and you know there was the idea that he could defeat them even if he got there safely was one thing but to cross like he did and that weather and 2 people we don't think about how they fought back I mean at this point the Army has shut down I mean they're basically shut down for the winter nobody's expecting to fight again until spring calm so truly was a surprise attack and and pour we did we did another show where we actually went to the spot where he crossed the Delaware and and if you if you go to these places you actually see you know what they went through and then you kind of backtrack like we even went back a couple years before to that 1st Continental Congress that met a carpenter's hall we went to Carpenter's hall there in Philadelphia and Washington was there and he was in that meeting and those guys prayed for 3 hours and some of the other guys that were in that room said that Washington never got up he never left him Patrick or both and you think about his mindset for he knew him as a leader you look at his stat his bronze statue in Valley Forge where again in prayer he got there on his knees praying he's praying and so strongly that that one of the guys the guys that walked up on him was a Tory and saw him pray and he went home and told his wife when a guy prays that hard God is going to answers prayers were switching from him Tories to Wigan joining the revolution I mean this is the kind of guy we're talking about so when he made that decision to cross the Delaware I don't think it was just you know on a whim or hell mary pass I think he truly believed God was going to protect the innocent and they were going to win and that's exactly what happened somehow miraculously they crossed didn't lose a single man in the dead of night in that blizzard crossing the river and then they end up defeating the Hessians very quickly and so motivate the rest of the country to get I think in his army and bundled out about 2500 at that point and within just a few weeks the fact that the 15000 or so just changed everything because of his bold decision amazing Ok born in the Revolutionary War and Independence Day coming up on remembering his. Through the quest for truth I'm damn near. Demure here host of remembering history the quest for truth for archives of remembering history the quest for truth go to facebook dot com remembering history the quest for truth or go to Sound Cloud dot com slash Dan Mueller be sure to listen every Saturday for right here on Calle z 560 Jon rush on the next rush to reason jets that will join us from The Daily Signal and give us a recap of the weekend events Richard Roth will join us talk about sports and Rachel Alexander stream dot org We'll have all your traffic weather updates and of course take all of your calls that's the next rush to reason Denver's afternoon rush weekdays from 3 to 7 pm right here on k l z 560. 2 Walsh here hate to say what you believe. What you believe. In Don't ever apologize for saying or writing what you believe these intolerant will seize on the left I don't care about them don't ever apologize for speaking your mind don't. Talk on the job. Joe Walsh tonight at 7 on Cale's a 560 am and 100.7 f.m. . If you like sitting around the porch your dinner table sharing stories with friends that you like to do during our American stories to be we bring to you stories about American funny stories about 1st jobs this day and American dreamers and marriages and even the stories of music and acting legend I invite you to sit around the porch with us as we share our American stories tonight at 10 or American stories. 560 rushed to reason with John right weekdays from 3 to 7. 560. And welcome back to remembering history the quest for truth I am your host Damn you're my guest . Is founder of patriot Academy and historian Rick Green we were talking about Independence Day in the Revolutionary War and in the real meaning behind these dates and the histories and and things like that you know Rick when when we hear the words you know they do you know they gave their lives their fortunes their sacred honor they really did these weren't just words they meant it this happened. Some of these guys started the war with frankly pretty good lives I mean they had most of their freedoms they had good businesses they made decent money some of more frankly pretty wealthy and by the end of the war had given everything that they had I mean with literally died in debtors prison one of them and not having any any money left the car Braxton lost all of his ships I mean it was there was there was the kind of sacrifice that they we can't even fathom and we only think sacrifice that I had to I had to stand in line for an hour but you know that's a big sacrifice today compared to what these guys were doing I mean John Hart you never even got to you know be reunited with his family after the British invaded his property and you know tried to evade him for nearly a year never saw his kids again I mean there were some some very difficult times and it wasn't just the guys I mean the wives of the signers also experienced great loss and Lisbon Louis where her husband was Michael who was one of the sides and back then when they went when they went they went to their home and he wasn't at the home the British demanded that she you know leave the home so that they could torch it and she refused she stood on the porch and said I'm not leaving they fired a cannonball at her lands on the porch right next to her and she still refuses to leave I mean she I mean I'm a Texan who kind of sounds like a Texas woman. But she was tough man and so they end up arresting her they put her in prison she's so abused in prison and mistreated she ends up dying as a result of her time there I mean just I mean story after story of the sacrifices that they made and for us when when we hear that when we think about what we have to do we often think about our military guys no question we have men and women that lay down literally lay down their lives they give everything for us to be able to continue to be free but really I want to challenge your listeners that say well you know I'm not in the military or I don't have a radio show or I don't what can I possibly do and I want to I want to think about . Lives fortunes and sacred honor and what that means to us today so for those guys it was literally we're going to battle we're going to give our lives we're going to die I mean it was a Nathan Hale tied bad attitude of I only regret that I have but one life to get for my country I mean the 21 year old willing to die lay down his life he's hung all me regret is that he couldn't be more than more than once but to oblige for them that was literally giving everything they have for us it's more living the freedom they were willing to die or so they they died for our freedom and you think about our every generation American some more that some of them lay down our lives for a guide for now what are we doing to live it how do we live Oppenheim them and lay down our lives on a daily basis so it will make the errors of investing in freedom and serving maybe on some elect a capacity or just volunteering for other campaigns or whatever it might be all that and want to look for something they can do every week that's just a one hour investment maybe making phone calls or or like we said earlier study in the Constitution or watching some good programming that's actually teaching the family about history in those kind of things so lives is real and it's something we can do today fortunes investing in freedom I mean literally sponsoring a kid to go to Patriot Cademy you know in donating to a candidate that we know shares our our values and is going to stand for freedom and that is not a a politician but a patriot and the difference between the 2 is a politician is thinking about the next election a patriot is thinking about the next generation it's a totally different mindset about Patriot is willing to cast that vote or do what's necessary in office even if it means not getting reelected but they're doing the right thing and they're not and may not be popular at the time but they're doing what's best for the country so it giving the candidates like that giving to legal organizations that are fighting to defend religious liberty and defend our 1st Amendment rights are so many good ones out there man Alliance Defending Freedom Liberty Council Liberty Institute 1st Liberty Institute you go on and on there's a lot of good group soap. I encourage people 12 to 3 percent of your income you know take a small percentage and start looking for causes that you can give your life your fortune and then your sacred honor and that's you know frankly than what we're doing right now we're speaking truth regardless of cost it's being willing to stand up and say this is right that's wrong what you're doing will hurt or destroy the country this is the direction we need to go let's do the right thing regardless of what it cost that's what sacred honor all about it saying look I'm going to I'm going to do this right I'm going to stand for truth even if it cost me and some of the business people that are listening right now it may cost you a customer because you stood for truth and they said well I'm not going to buy from you well I'm still going to stand up for truth if you're in office it may cost you an election it may cost you money whatever the cost is being willing to stand for truth and if we take our ourselves back to that day when they stood up and was in July 4th just in case I want to mess of everybody's history here August 2nd is the day they actually signed the Declaration of Independence July 4th John Hancock and Secretary Thompson side with the rest of them gathered on August 2nd and I cannot even fathom the pressure that would have been on those men not to sign knowing that they were literally signing their death warrant in fact as they were as they were signing and Secretary Thompson was the one of the front of the room calling them forward one by one and they would sign it total silence I mean you can literally hear the pen scratching along the surface but when when the little guy gets called for his name is Eldridge Gerry and he was the smallest of all the founders when he gets called forward there's a big guy in the room named Benjamin Harrison he's the largest of the founders he decides he's going to break the silence and what he says is the little guy is about to sign Benjamin Harrison he said I shall have a great advantage over you Mr Gerry when we're hung for what we're now doing by the sizing great weight of my body I'm going to be dead within a minute or 2 but a lot less years you're going to dance in the air for an hour or more because you're finally dead so he's cracking a joke about the fact that they're all going to do. I as a result of what they're doing and Benjamin Rush actually recounts is in a letter to John Adams and he said we really did we thought you know we laughed for a minute and then everybody got deathly quiet because we realized what he was saying and we really did believe we were signing our death warrant but they did it they got up the came forward they sign it says and you know in fact the fact that it calls on Divine Providence you know it says and supported this declaration with a firm reliance on Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our lives our fortunes and our sacred honor those guys did it it's time for our generation to be willing to stand up and do it just like we talked about earlier Dan It's a revolution not with bullets but with ballots there have turned 20 of tools in the toolbox we just got to start using you know I can't help but think you know as they're signing this thing into right I mean they're going to get home I mean 1st of all there's no way they can win this war there's absolutely no way unless God did it no whole bunch of miracles happen which you know fortunately did but when you think about that they're going to be hung destroyed and forgotten do you think do you think the king would ever remember these people again do you think do you think if we were part of Great Britain that these people would ever be remembered again no. No no let me 30 you're not you're not your name Roy and yeah exactly I mean it was that was that whole sacred honor it was like you know if we lose our family's name during our fortunes are gone you know it would literally putting everything on the line to sign this document today we're only asked to give a little bit I mean we have a little bit of our lives a little bit of our fortune a little bit of our sacred honor and if we do that though the beauty of this system is designed so well it was just a little bit of effort we can move the country in the right direction we see it all the time and there are so many good victories happening you don't hear about them on major media but it's happening we do our Wall Builders Live program every Friday is nothing but good news Friday we just talk about good things that are happening are there bad things have absolutely are terrible you know things being done in our country no doubt but they're good. Things happening when good people stand up for what is right and what is true and so I just encourage our listeners Wilkes for an area pray that God will show you what can I do with my I just get a little bit of time this week little money little by my sacred honor to do my part to bring our country back to that place or the of the sacrifices been made in the past Ok So Rick again you've got this new d.v.d. Series out what's the name of it what's it about how can people get ahold of it chasing American legends and we actually go to you know we move it to them in a minute Lexington we go to independents always tell the story the signing There we go to Mel case church and actually Alveda King is nice walks us through and tells us incredible stories about why he was successful in civil rights movement peaceful protests we contrast that to some of the stuff that is happening today we did an episode where we're in the vault that David Barnes library and we bring to life all those incredible documents we go to the Alamo we go to we do a deal on Paul Revere's ride back to his great competition between Mike Mike one of my boys fans Paul Revere my daughter takes up civil Ludington a female Midnight Rider 16 years old they have a great contest to decide who was the better Midnight Rider and I'll give you a hint it was the girl. Just phenomenal stories of great heroes throughout history of fun way to learn about your folks really enjoy it I mean little kid little kids up there grandma grandpa the whole family will enjoy It's called chasing chasing American legend American legend available at regretting dot com Ok yeah that can be found at Ric clean dot com And also there's a link there for patriot Academy if you have an older student that by Pearson something like that I'll tell you what it was it was life changing for my son and I once again thank you for doing that Rick I really want to thank you for coming on the program ensuring this historical stories with us and teaching us about the Revolutionary War and independence they thank you so much my friend and joy to dad thank you very much by the way military veterans out there we have a new page for academy just for use the take it out of Basic get on the dot com site. Great thanks again like to thank creator and executive producer Marie Kristine engineer producer Dave and thank you for listening to remember history the quest for truth on your host and you. Can See if you send opinions expressed on Calle z $560.00 or those of the speaker commentators hosts their guests and callers their not necessarily to view something it's a proper broadcasting or kills the management. Advertisers calles a $560.00 is a call for broadcasting got a cover station. Let's cure America from her amnesia This is Marie Christina executive producer of remembering history the quest for truth signed podcasts of all past shows on Facebook search for remembering history the quest for truth on Facebook dot com or Sound Cloud Sound Cloud dot com slash Daniel. Hi this is Scott wilder for Save the Children you know we think about stewardship we think about being good stewards The one thing that most people tell us about is the widow's mite you know the story about the widow and you know everybody else was putting their clanging coins all the way down this big horn that's been metal horn that made all kinds of noise so everybody would know how much they were giving and she only had 2 little tiny things you could barely rub together made almost no noise as it slipped down I don't think of that only when I think of us to worship I think of the boy with the sack lunch it was a boy his mom gave him a sack lunch he went off for the day and when he was walking he saw 5000 men on the side of a hill and so probably 20000 people. And it came lunch time and this little boy I always pictured him pulling the sack lunch out from under his left arm and looking down inside of it and I think he thought 2 things I think number one he thought this could not make a difference but I also think he thought Plus this is mine This is my line my mom made this for me this belongs to me I think we think both those things and I think they're wrong when it comes to what we have to offer the lesson of that story of course is that even the disciples didn't know that the baskets full of leftovers would be generated by what this little boy had done the lesson of that story is what we offer what we have we offer what we offer he receives what he receives he blesses what he blesses he uses and we will be amazed at the baskets full of leftovers so when we think about this that what I have could not make a difference we are limiting we're defining what the Lord can do when he blesses what we offer and that's of course wrong the other thing is this is mine This belongs to me that also is wrong because the very definition of stewardship is that none of it belongs to us we are mere stewards we are mere caretakers of whatever we have whether it's our breath every single day our life our health our stuff none of it belongs to us so when I think about being a good steward I want to remind all of us. We have the opportunity to do it today with a 60 dollar one time gift you can provide enough emergency nutrition to save the life of a child don't look at what you have and say it could not make a difference you will be amazed at the baskets full of leftovers that will be generated if we will simply hold what we have with an open hand not a closed fist I've said many times I know God can do this without me but I don't want him to I don't want to miss the blessing so don't you miss the blessing today joyous and save the lives of children with Save the Children go online today to save children k l z dot org that save children k l z dot org. We have Crawford broadcasting in calles the radio are saddened and disappointed to announce that Laura Ingram has decided to discontinue her radio program nationwide as of the summer 31st it was clear to us 10 years ago that she was a very bright rising star whom we knew millions of conservatives would embrace if not love she was exactly that to this day and much more so much more that once her national television show on Fox News was launched we were certain that eventually she would relinquish radio and concentrate on television Soli juggling both for almost 2 years was quite a feat by itself for which we are most grateful being exclusive Denver beneficiaries of her incessant courage and wisdom manifested during every one of her shows we wish her nothing but blessings as she fights for our mutual values on undoubtedly bigger platform concurrently her perfect replacement in our summation will be the great conservative warrior Mike Gallagher who will begin his live broadcast on Calle z. On Monday January 1st from 8 am to 11 am Monday through Friday in that over 7000000 people week listen to Mike Gallagher you will be very pleased with all that he believes and fights for from a to calle z. Thank you for supporting the war in commercial for so long in turn helping us accomplish what we have for over a decade that being to tirelessly fight for our rights and values including less government intervention more freedoms deregulation free speech the right to bear arms and so many other constantly fought battles for without you there would be no Laura Ingram No Mike Gallagher no calles a general manager Don Crawford Jr Welcome to save our soldiers and I'm going feature from the Crawford family and Crawford broadcasting to inform veterans about opportunities and assistance programs in their area they readily project helps Colorado veterans Chan's a shim back into civilian life through physical fitness created by veterans for veterans their Radley project offers scholarships covering a yearlong gym membership monthly one on one counseling with their. Registered dietitian and a faith based community seeking their reveling project believes that. 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Huth and the Ezra project this is Scott Watley join me weekdays from noon to one for haystack help radio will help with consumer problems give you quality business referrals let you know about the latest scams and will also give great help for seniors weekdays noon to one for how you stack up radio check out our website haystack help Radio dot com Keep conservative ideas alive on k l z 560 8 am patronize one of our advertising partners and tell them you listen to calle z. . This is the source. For full Grange coverage listen to a 560 in the Denver Metro. $100.00 points streaming at $560.00 the source. Broadcasting in high definition as Cale's e h d.

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