A series of articles dealing with the critical issue of driver health and wellness it's important to take care of your health all this plus much much more information to keep you on top of the news and information fill the pages of the truck or newspaper So grab your is today and for news on the go head to the trucker dot com to sign up for our free weekly newsletter catch the latest news updates or peruse high pain jobs the trucker newspaper and the trucker dot com All you need to know that's the trucker dot com We Drive the tribe in the discussion 27 o'clock am jail a.b.m. Treaty and j.f.k. President candidates need to try. On the. Sounds of snow removal in Erie Pennsylvania where a blizzard has dumped a record amount of lake effect snow. The city of Erie Pennsylvania shattered the state record with over 50 inches. Nearly 4 that have feet of snow that fell in just under 36 hours or so packed forced trucks to be dug out along with cars and streets blanket with snow c.b.s. Is Demarco Morgan in Erie paired with that snow a deep freeze which has settled in across much of the Northern u.s. They're expecting temperatures near 30 below in Bismarck North Dakota Chicago and Pittsburgh expected to be in the single digits today the National Weather Service says windchills will be dangerously cold in parts of Wisconsin Michigan New York and Maine frostbite possible with as little as a half an hour of exposure I need Bonnie Airways plane headed from l.a. To Tokyo returns mid-flight much to the dismay of passengers and included at least one celebrity k.c.b. As T.V.'s Rachel Kim from the airport l.a.x. Police say they were told to be ready for an a flight $170.00 five's return before it was discovered there was a mix up that was ultimately straightened out although police haven't said exactly what the mix up was model Christi Tikkun tweeted the owner of the right person had a United ticket they were on a n.a. Because she questioned how that person was able to get on the plane to get that police were interviewing all the people seated around the mystery person once they got off the plane has been John Legend along for the ride as well the new tax overhaul law eliminates the individual health care mandate but c.b.s. As Chip Reid says Obamacare appears to be alive and well recent evidence suggests that instead of having one foot in the grave Obamacare is showing signs of life for example in the Obamacare enrollment period that ended December 15th. 8000000 Americans signed up in the 39 states that participate in the federal health care dot gov marketplace far exceeding expectations that's a drop of just 4.4 percent from last year's 9200000 the former president opens his heart to a British royal interviewed by Prince Harry for the b.b.c. Former President Obama reflects on how it felt leaving office he expresses concern for the future and regret at work left undone but at peace overall there was a serenity there more than I would have expected though no longer president Mr Obama says what's important to him doesn't change now he says he relies on persuasion rather than legislation Larry Miller c.b.s. News London s. And p. Futures are up to this is c.b.s. News. C.b.s. News radio with the prestigious Edward on the old school overall excellence overage a report right here on c.b.s. News Radio. I'm Jay foreigner from Quicken Loans choosing the right mortgage lender involves much more than just a rate Quicken Loans has earned 11 j.d. 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It's the final days of just announced get $500.00 bonus tax on 5 models including phrase took over the world Rav 4 and ran $400.00 operas in $1.00 to $18.00 click the better before details a visit by a Toyota Toyota let's go places. With $18000.00 you get more than just unlimited data you also get h.b.o. Included for no extra charge and you get more announcers blankness news anchor making this Justin where they get more the soap opera presenter once he was sure to be wrong. The movie trailer guy you know. Limited Black Swan company. For blockbuster entertaining game show that with all of the day I had a trio for those extra charge watch a d.v.d. . And sports announcers take a cow class there's an incredible new step forward but I'm shocked I get h.b.o. Included for no extra charge in the early teens am limited plan visit any t.n.t. Store today requires an elbow artist When activating h.b.o. After $22.00 gigabytes per line for a few makes period slower speeds but if it's shorter than to build and maybe build an incredibly channel that offer something to change the meaning of the restrictions. How do you find a roofing contractor you can trust you can randomly pick one and hope for the best maybe you can ask a psychic to predict to see trustworthy Here's a better idea choose one who prefers using America's most trusted roofing brand scorning and rest easy because Owens Corning screens their contractors for reliability professionalism and customer service why take any chances Owens Corning trusted contractors proven products for known scorning roofing contractor near you visit Owens Corning dot com slash roof or to the valley. It's really a radio talk about everything from politics to social issues of the day whether you're up late or you're just starting your day. Or Gary. Regularly. Says Red Eye Radio thank you so much I appreciate that if you're looking for me during the day. Every week of the year except this week you can find me at the. Age of 20. I do the afternoon drive from $2.00 to $5.00 Central time out of Dallas Fort Worth and of course heard coast to coast on the yeah I would love to. Talk with you in the afternoon Always a pleasure to be on for the guys when they're away 86690 redeye that's 866-907-3339 I've been remiss I should have told you this if you're looking for a list of stations podcast or you want to listen why so the full 5 hour show you can do so on the red eye radio app or the listen why button at Red Eye radio show that's red radio show Dogg. Our last couple days have been taking a look at what some of the most important events were in 2017 from installing the 45th president of former reality t.v. Star to. Something that has gone past saber rattling with North Korea as that they are flexing their nuke muscles or trying to terrorism both here and abroad many things have come up in this past year it's been I can tell you as a talk show host and I've been doing this quite a while I can't remember a year where it seemed like every day I would turn on the television to start my problem and there was something new. It's just been one of those years and then 2018 promises to be the same as you and I welcome it in together the right now looking back to the year in review you have a comment on some of the your shoes that we've had to deal with as a country as a people will take your calls 86690 redeye that's 866-907-3339 let's go to Paul in Globe Arizona Paul thank you for waiting How you doing Paul I'm doing great especially when you're hosting a show I really enjoy your dialogue monologue that you're naming Karen calling he really nailed it you know the feminist a wrecking ball that they put in motion now it's going to do a lot of harm not only of this country but to the women in this country because every single man out there in the country now is very reticent to have anything to do with any male at all no matter how pretty he is because 10 or 20 or 30 years from now they should become somebody this girl could say I knew him back and 27 pm and I believe that he patted my butt on and he got like that allegation you know in most countries if you make false allegations you can counter to that because of this attorney putting laws in place a girl can make a false allegation. That one university nothing really of consequence can be done to her now when you're given a life and a lie like that it's going to be abused I think it was the lacrosse players remember what happened years and talking about Duke I think I am talking about right and this is happened many times men this careers and when you recommand career you wreck it family you wrecked the industry. And you multiply this by thousands and tens of thousands you rank a country. This isn't part of. Some kind by people who have not the best interests of the United States of America and my I don't know what is you know I think you're right I mean the due process has all but a vamp aerated in this country especially you know with people totally obsessed with the hash tag me to movement I'm not saying it's not important I'm not diminishing the seriousness of sexual harassment I'm just simply saying Due Process should still apply exactly and thrown out the window and allegation in the record a person's career and he has no recourse if you made that allegation against another man you would be converse. But if you're a male you can't because of it. And say as it stands right now I know Gloria all read was representing some people and I at the risk of being redundant I've had my run ins with Gloria all read we debated each other on national television a couple times on the Danielle van Dam case and some other things and as far as I'm concerned Gloria all read is simply bliss of the hound and that's what she's chosen to do as her vocation so I'm not sudden and judgment about I just don't find her very credible. Well I agree and the trouble is the wrecking a great country and the consequences good Lord specially the e-mails coming up job opportunities marriage opportunities are going to be greatly diminished I believe called unintended consequence you know the old saying oh what a tangled web we could be. Never so true as applied to what's going on today in this country and say we have a great thing to worry about North Korea wide open borders you name it and we're not tending to the big thing we're going around worrying about whether what we say that some young girl that might come back and haunt that really can we get well you know again North Korea the Russians and I'm not talking about possible collusion with the Trump campaign we've already proved that didn't happen the only thing that the Russian investigation has proven is that the Hillary Clinton era the Clinton Foundation and Russia were in bed together. Not that's an unintended consequence that's not what they were looking for but we've got North Korea we've got Russia we've got a wide open southern border we've got many things to deal with in this country but what is uniquely American and it's probably because we've been given so much for so little if anything required of us we go out of our way to try and find these problems to try and separate ourselves I just don't understand. Called Follow the money all of the money trail somebody is making money out of this somebody is making political capital out of this and that is a lot to go on like you say the Democrats have nothing to offer this is their this is the card they're playing believe help but that is their party has become well you're right I mean the Democrats are where the Republicans once were the Republicans you know couldn't throw together a bake sale for a long long time and even when they fell into a when they didn't know how to act when they won as a matter of fact the 1st the year started off and then we realized well wait a minute that's not it at all they they don't want the status quo upset with the non-politician politician setting behind the desk in the White House and those were people from the Republican Party and the Democrats were so shocked dismayed and angry about the fact that Hillary didn't win I mean nobody gave this guy a shot in the campaign and that's why I'm saying and I'm not saying the sky is falling I'm not one of those guys but we've got 10 months till the midterms and if the Republicans conservatives in general conservative independents like myself and everybody else doesn't get off their backside and start moving toward the midterms the Democrats are going to come with a vengeance because they have a lot to prove that they are no longer obsolete which right now they are. Well they are taking all the gloves when they go to the sexual harassment game because they are willing to literally take down the entire country including the dating procreating brought this on our nation to try to put themselves in power now but that he could do that at a party is so narrow minded self-centered they are willing to wreck their own country with wide open borders this girl is amazing and procreating profits of the United States destroy opportunities for young women to get an old job and be promoted so they can get into power good get any more pathetic than that no it doesn't it's like a petulant 5 year old if we can't play my game I'm going to pick up all the toys and go home I don't care if nobody else can do anything if you're not going to do it with me you're not going to do it I mean that's that's where the Democrats are right now and you know I don't dismiss categorically out of hand Democrats Patty Schroeder probably one of the biggest liberals around came up with a good idea National Child Protection Act of 1903 good idea you know I listen to what people have to say I truly do I don't agree with them much but I do listen to what they have to say you have to know what the other side is doing if you can chart a course for yourself. Well having met on the other side with my wayward youth I know their battle plan very well I'm well schooled in it believe me and I know how clever and how good they are at packaging their argument no matter how small they can make. Better seem like it's ice cream and that's what they're doing right now they're packaging a lot of nonsense in a pretty red packet to put a yellow bow on it and they're trying to sell it to the American people but we ain't buying it Rick we buy it now and we're going to have and again you know keep that fire in your belly I mean that quite literally you know the midterms political you know a political time line or a whisper away truly a whisper a wide 10 months is nothing in political time frames if the bread publicans and independents and conservatives don't get it together this could be this could be a huge huge loss but I think that one man that talked about a revolt I think that he has put the fire in the belly he symbolizes what is happening across America the people that voted for Trump are now reenergize that rolled up their sleeves and back their ears and ready to go right back into the barrel and make sure what you're talking to bide turns out real real well and one because you're not alone oh no not by a long shot Paul I appreciate the call in the kind words very much I'll look forward to the next call Thank you very much for doing a great job all right thank you all right let's step aside very quickly the year and review 201-718-6690 redeye that's 866-907-3339 Rick Roberts and for Gary McNamara and Eric Harley always a pleasure to be behind this microphone with you and as we bring in a new year. We take a look back so we don't make the same mistakes arm Rick Roberts read our radio u.s.g.s. Trade counsel Jason half Meister point out something that may not surprise many people trade is so important to u.s. Agriculture we export it in fiscal year 2017140000000000 dollars of u.s. Products overseas that's a big chunk of the $350000000000.00 in farm income he points out that American farmers and ranchers produce more than can be used domestically if we were an export ing those products overseas we would have surplus commodities hanging over the u.s. Market driving down prices forcing our producers to produce less stress on the farm economy stress on Main Street so he says u.s.d.a. Works to help ag producers a u.s.d.a. Our job is to help crack open foreign markets help our exporters find customers overseas and promote u.s. Ag products he says u.s.d.a. Also monitors foreign markets to identify opportunities for and forestall threats to u.s. Exports this is Stephanie how for the u.s. Department of Agriculture in Washington d.c. The u.s.d.a. Report is a service of 7 x. Roadmaster x.l. Premium highway diesel fuel to enjoy each with what i Radio toll free at $806.00. Do you want to drive away in the one millionth Peterbilt truck become a Peterbilt super fan today go to Peter Bell dot com for details and rules now that's Peterbilt dot com When you're running a fleet it's the little things that make or break your bottom line that's why you need cynics Roadmaster Xcel premium diesel fuel it contains an advanced injection stabilizer the piece those intricate little injectors clean the inside and now remember it just takes one little spec to plug an injector and put a high tech engine out of commission Simak a big change for the better switch your fleet to send x. Roadmaster x.l. . Cynic's is a brand of c.h.s. . Loves travel stops the. 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With your Mayo Clinic radio health minute I'm Jeff Olson one of the major issues we're seeing right now are chill in the head listen to be 3 players or i Pods very loudly audiologist Dr Kelly Conrad says the small devices produce big sound and you shouldn't assume that your child's volume is set at a safe level the best thing that parents can do is actually limit the volume you have to dig into the settings to find it but many phones allow you to set a maximum volume for music you can even prevent your child from changing the limit so one of the rules has called the 6060 rule the 1st 60 is for 60 percent of the maximum volume they have then listen to the i Pod at 60 or that range and also only for 60 Minutes and Dr Conrad suggests your child listen with headphones not the smaller ear buds go directly into the air now both can be damaging but the headphones are better than the ear buds for more information talk with your health care provider or visit Mayo Clinic dot org. Across America it's red eye radio Roberts in for Larry McNamara and Eric Carle I Always a pleasure to be on the guys were never away you can catch me during the day I do afternoon drive at News Talk a 20 w. B. a B. Out of Dallas Fort Worth and of course heard coast to coast. I'm with you. Day Monday through Friday 2 to 5 Central time except this week this week I'm spending with you right here on Red Eye radio 10669073339186690 red eye when we get to your calls let's go to Ken in Jackson Georgia Kim thank you for being so patient. Yeah thank you. I want to talk about a related social issue which is you know. Kind of a dairy little secret national crisis of. Special education students being you know victims of. Discrimination but but I also want to slip in this comment that not every accusation of rape slut but for what black housing job educational discrimination or sexual harassment is false and that's a mistake to just. Dismiss everything out of hand as false and so I made President deadly fire if I can ask that's surprising to me I mean that should be a given but not every accusation is false Have you gotten that impression by listening to the show tonight. Some of the speakers seem to have that position that every accusation is false when it's not I'm not I've not heard that deny but go ahead. So. This is. Related in that you know there are national This isn't just Georgia issue this is a national issue there. I don't know how many. Special education students was you know autism severely or severely emotionally disturbed or they're mentally ill or they're having mental retardation or there ought to READY stick or they have obsessive compulsive disorder or whatever. In mental hospitals for months or even years and. Some have said about pause here or some other. You know sickness or whatever and they're in hospitals regular or not all hospitals well. There is no my personal experience is that there is no compensate Torrie free appropriate public aids case in here in Florida. But just nationally the easiest thing to do to a special education student is to falsify their grades and you know you didn't see me on here because I know more than a little bit about this there's over 6000000 special needs kids. And about 35 percent of kids in them today they range in age from $3.00 to $21.00 that's how they grade them among kids rated $22.00 special ed Ok that's $35.00 average or better hurry and 35 percent had specific learning disabilities and I know because I'm a family member there works in that field but what what is your point because I'm losing I'm losing you I want to do that. Ok The point is that when an child is discriminated against during their period of eligibility and when when they have a disability and they're beaten up when they're not just grabbed they're not just a bottomless grabbing when they're given a black guy bloody nose repeatedly stabbed with pencil lead swollen when they're used to home when they're beaten on at home when they're Ok I get here and I will not hold on I get it what is the point. Well then when they're in the special education system the grades are supplied to they get into therapy it's like music therapy or art therapy and these are not academic classes and even they are given 1st supplied grades spaced on 9 academic things like peace or they're given and why you know 1st completely force a grade such as a 4 hour purebred that they never trek in any case they could have 40 or 50 grades they're completely false and be pushed out of the system when they're 17 years old Ok I think are good what you're saying. Calm and just moment now your national forecast Chicago and Detroit not expected to get out of the teens for daytime highs this week that's also the story for much of the Northern Plains and New England states for the rest of the week heavy snowfall along areas of the Great Lakes south eastern portions of Lake Superior along Lake Michigan look for Grand Rapids in Benton Harbor to pick up copious amounts of snow then along Lake Erie from Erie p.a. Over to Cleveland Ohio on I 90 heavy amounts of snow keep that in mind if you're traveling in the region throughout south central Illinois south central Indiana portions of Ohio and West Virginia look for a light snow fall throughout the day that cold pool of air is descending from Canada in through the New England states south of the cold front in the warmer air we have rainfall expected today along some of the Gulf Coast states along I 10 in the state of Louisiana over to eastern Texas your national weather forecast from Red Eye radio I'm meteorologist John trout thank you very much we appreciate that back with your calls and nothing but your calls next I'm Rick Roberts this is Grier . This is. With 18 t. You get more than just unlimited data you also get h.b.o. Included for no extra charge and you get more announcer's blank this news making this just in where they get more the soap opera presenter Churchill strong. Movie trailer guy. Limited. One company. Blockbuster. 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Or go to the website by blindness data or where I found so much helpful information or again call 1800 blindness today. How do you find a roofing contractor you can trust you can randomly pick one and hope for the best maybe you can ask a psychic to predict too stressed where there's a better idea choose one who prefers using America's most trusted roofing brand own scorning and rest easy because Owens Corning screens their contractors for reliability professionalism and customer service why take any chances Owens Corning trusted contractors proven products for known scorning roofing contractor near you visit Owens Corning dot com slash roof. Jason Stapleton show the media is very quick to come out and make really inaccurate judgments about what they see with little to no information because it is in their best interest to try and keep you tuned in that mean speculation most of the time they have all kinds of people coming out of the woodwork every time there's a new announcement every time that they have air time they've got to fill what they do is they fill it with experts all these panelists that come on and most of the time they're just making stuff up that j.c. Stapleton show at Apple pod casts and Google Play on a track and read i Radio know why you keep driving your family depends on you and you can depend on the tracks to keep you on the road keep more money in your pocket and most importantly help get you home safe my friends at the tracks deliver proven productivity and compliance solutions designed to keep driving you forward visit on the tracks dot com slash keep driving for affordable e-mail these solutions that keep you more than compliant they keep you competitive and go to Red Eye radio's website for your l.d. Mandate essential guide tired of Hussein training center murders. 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Yes as you fight holiday traffic and long lines at the mall Please take a moment to fight for good fight to put food on tables roofs overheads and hope in heart when you join our fight for good fundraiser at good Doc Rivers kettle reason God or it's a great way to support the Salvation Army which exists specifically to fight for those in need in fact every year they help almost 25000000 people find shelter food and Christmas assistance how do you dollars support this fight well here are a few examples $150.00 provides meals to $65.00 children in need and $200.00 cover 2 nights of shelter for family of 4 where you give a little or a lot please make your very meaningful Christmas gift today at Charles Osgood red kettle Reason dot org or call 833 s a l d o d so we can reach our goal of $500000.00 to help those in your community. Pull mines or open 186-690-7333 extension 0 I Basic 690 ready now for Gary McNamara And very quickly Rick Roberts. All right thank you so much always a pleasure to be with you when the guys are away. Taking a look back at 2017 some of the biggest issues that we dealt with together in the news and as a society of course we're going to be welcoming and New Year but I think it's important to look back at some of the things that changed the landscape both politically and socially over the last year and part of that part of Bout was the new movement. They get rid of everything that's the Confederacy taking down monuments and statues you remember $417.00 the Year in Review Confederate conflict of violent twist in the national movement to remove monuments to the Confederate cause in the Civil War. White supremacy gathered in Charlottesville Virginia the night of August 11th rallying against plans to move a statue of Confederate General Robert e. Lee a torchlight parade and anti-Semitic chants evoking Nazi Germany. Fights broke out between them encounter protesters that night and again the next day there were injuries and much worse. A female caught a protester killed when a man drove his car into a crowd of people running people and controversy over President Trump seeming to treat both sides as moral equals you also had people that were very fine people on both sides of the statues continued in dozens of cities north and south east and west some under cover of darkness others carried live on t.v. With a festive atmosphere I'm Michael to scanner and of course here in Dallas Texas there had been a statue of Robert e. Lee setting atop horse traveler with another confederate soldier trailing behind a bronze statue that was removed it had been there I think ins since the thirty's or so if memory serves. I'm sorry I don't get it. You're trying to airbrush away that part of history which leaves you feeling uncomfortable. Slavery happened in this country along time ago. And we've abolished slavery. Which I think everyone would agree was a long time in coming. There is still slavery on this planet but not new United States I don't understand why. The movement even began mostly people of color saying they were offended they felt belittled they didn't like the statues It was a reminder of an uncomfortable time I get that but you can't eradicate history by simply taking down a monument earth statue. The Civil War occurred people died in historic numbers on both sides Yes Thomas Jefferson once owned slaves therefore are we to sandblast Mount Rushmore because of Washington and and it just makes no sense to me with all the you know it's like I was speaking to that last caller earlier caller before last you know with all the very real problems and I'm not saying slavery wasn't a real problem but we haven't had it in quite a while and the Civil War was in our currents it was something that happened in our nation's history. And just because you live south of the Mason Dixon line this may not make you a red net. Jackbooted Nazi it's. You know there are a lot of things in our history that aren't necessarily comfortable but we're graduating kids from high school now that know nothing about the Constitution the Bill of Rights the Declaration of Independence or what occurred in the Civil War They have no idea because we don't teach it it's uncomfortable it doesn't set well with us. I I for one was not in favor of removing any of the Confederate monuments or memorials or statues you know right wrong or indifferent that occurred in this nation's history yet all over the country. You know we're removing things and hiding them away it reminds me of the former Soviet Union anything that didn't bode well for their agenda or their narrative or that made them feel uncomfortable they simply cut away in the dead of night and hid it somewhere my question to you is yes slavery was a horrific thing it was also the basis of labor and the economy at the time doesn't micro right but that's why it was do you believe that anything that makes you feel uncomfortable in this country whether it's the Civil War and the South or anything else for that matter should it be taken away not taught in public schools and somehow some way we just were able to manage our way through life without anything upsetting that's not real life that's not the way things go you know I've I've talked to many people and people of color as far as I goes saying like I didn't offend me as a matter of fact it was an opportunity for dialogue in many cases but see that's what I don't understand what the real problems this country has we go out of our way to make more problems for our self the Confederate flag the Confederate monuments the Confederate statues are you better off are you do you have a better quality of life now that those things have been removed from the town square I don't think so. As a matter of fact I think we've probably harmed ourself. You know what's the old the old adage those that don't remember history are doomed to repeat it I mean never a truer statement was said than during the this confederate conflict Thank God it's died down and we can focus now on more you know pertinent issues. It's just makes no sense at all. Robert e. Lee No matter what you think whether you were on the north side or the south side it happened a long time ago it was part of this nation's history and I don't think it should be wiped out or hidden away I get should be taught and not whitewashed but taught this is what occurred in this nation's history. Makes me feel uncomfortable Well you probably should to some degree but this is what we went through as a nation you know more men killed in the Civil War than in just about any other war I mean you probably need to know these things you need to be taught these things and if somebody says well that makes me feel uncomfortable Well you know what life makes me feel uncomfortable from time to time you see what I'm saying I mean if it were up to you individually would you simply wipe from the slight everything that did not paint this country in the best light I I'm sorry I can't abide that you know we had very dark periods of history in this country and people should be taught about it people should know about it. Just doesn't it doesn't make sense looking back at the year 2017 Let's go to Denver Colorado and talk with Dana Dana thank you for waiting how you do and Dana. I'm good what's going on. Well I wanted to speak on the retaliation issue. I just went through something and it was not pleasant and I found out I know that I can I stop you for a 2nd the retaliation issue with white sexual harassment Well yes. I am employer can retaliate against you if you have. If you have not lost any if you haven't suffered any damages they can treat you however they want to after you have reported something. They can't they cannot it's a legal I found out that's what I found out it is a personal journey you know how ever I went to court system Ok you need to find me if I didn't yeah and if I didn't lose if I was not the most it if I did not lose any benefits or if I wasn't fired they can treat you have really they want to say what are you talking about specifically when you say jury I'm sorry when you say treat you what do you what do you literally what do you mean by the descriptive term treating Well your employer can. Do things to you that will make you feel as if you want to go away Ok what do you mean by things as a way to which you know for what I'm for so I understand what you're saying. Ok let me give you. The only I'm trying to kick you out because it's really upsetting to me Ok Well let me tell you 1st of all it is against the law. I don't know what kind of business it is but it is against the law. If in fact you are being retaliated against which can be can you know it's very broad definition a Legally speaking it's any adverse action that a company takes against an employee because he or she filed a complaint about harassment or discrimination adverse adverse action can include actions like firing the employer given negativa valuations demoting them reassigning them reducing their pay what are you saying specifically when you said they're doing things. In employer can call ows other employees to distance themselves from you they can isolate you they can change your job duties in such a way that you're given an assignment that is to be. Your job description. They can make your life really really measurable Ok Well I 1st do those kinds of things 30 you 1st of all your have out you have a horrible sexual harassment attorney protection against retaliation doesn't just apply to you if you filed a complaint it also applies to anyone who participates in that whole investigation that came out of the complaint that means that employees who are interviewed regarding complaint cannot be retaliated against. You have all kind. Of you gone to the city yes and. And nothing they did not find any retaliation because I did not suffer any damages Ok while you keep saying there was no adverse action there was no adverse action that was applied to me because of the of the complaint So you're saying you just didn't want the war you were treated after you filed a complaint. Well I'm not saying that I just didn't like it I mean it is very very difficult to remain and and him to remain employed with that organization if they're treating you big like that because you screaming out why go out. By changing your job description of your job duties. Taking. Away a lot of your. Responsibilities Ok so they change the due date change your job. Ok what else. You still get paid isolate once and that's the thing you feel you still have a job you are still there working as an employee but saying different or not forced their way any. Earlier let me let me say this at the risk of being redundant you have protections under the e.e.o.c. Employers are scared to death to have an ego so you investigation occur in their workplace I've seen it a 100 times you if if in fact you're not getting paid the same pay if you're being they put you outside in an climate whether or whatever happens to be you can go to a sexual harassment attorney in if you're suffering and if you've suffered some damage Yeah you can be protected by the same token if they just know they don't talk to you over the lunchroom you know you can't really change that. I hope it works out for you I truly do Rick Roberts on Red Eye radio this engine report is brought to you by Detroit that d.d. 15 is designed to provide its peak power and torque between 101500 r.p.m. This fuel economy sweet spot means there isn't much more power available at 1800 rpm then at 1400 the only thing being accomplished is burning more fuel without any real benefit while cruising try to keep the engine between 10501450 rpm for maximum efficiency also upshift around 1650 r.p.m. Is or sooner to stay in the sweet spot speed is the enemy of fuel economy on average every one mile per hour increase in road speed above 55 cars 0 point one mpg which adds up by the mile cruising in the high 50 to low 60 mph range can help you get the most out of every gallon of fuel ultimately traffic on service roads and stop lights will impact travel time far more than a few. 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Saluting drivers who have surpassed the 1000000 mile mark with preventable accident free driving by reaching this milestone you can be a part of an elite club of drivers who share remarkable safety records and demonstrate superior driving skills if you or someone you know is a truck driver with a 1000000 miles or more of driving under your belt without a preventable accident join the club by registering at any petro stopping center nationwide or online at Red Eye radio show dot com The 1000000 Mile Club would not be possible without the support of the fine folks at Chevron Delo family of products Petro stopping centers Motel 6 Catskill company and the sink Christopher trucker's development and Relief Fund we applaud the individual truckers and fleets who drive with care and keep our highways say this Christmas as you fight holiday traffic and long lines please take a moment to fight for good fight to put food on tables roofs overheads and hope in heart when you join our fight for a good fundraiser at Charles Osgood duck Ridge kettle reason or it's a great way to support the Salvation Army which helps almost 25000000 people every year so please join me in helping to reach our goal of 500000 dollars to help those in your community call 183 s a 0. 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Always a pleasure I'm Rick Roberts in for the guys on Red Eye radio and we will continue with our year in review a look back on 2017 and take your calls let's do it again I'm Rick Robert this is Red Eye radio. This. Was a good one. If you have driven over 1000000 preventable accident free miles then register to join the 1000000 Mile Club online at Red Eye radio show dot com redeye radio and our sponsors support your safety on the highway video Cobra 29 l x Max Smart c.b. Is the most advanced c.b. Radio on the road today with one touch hands free calling and texting speech messages you stay legal and safe while taking care of business 29 elex Max is also the 1st smartphone in hand c.b. Radio the integrates the cobra high radar app giving you the real time speed trap a live police locations as well as speed red light camera location alerts that over 29 l.x. 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