RINGBACK Oh look the caller id says it's a yet grieving Bill O'Reilly on the phone l o u kill Roger Ailes with your brain wait for it as I said in my heartfelt Oprah to wear a broadcast of a new show now seen on the Dumont network I think is Channel 13 on your dial my brutal hatred that's right you despicable culture hippie you hated him for being blunt No I hated him for being a pernicious purveyor of the lies Wow that was once where the heck did that come from more unfair treatment for the liberal elite is death was heartbreaking I know his victims will never get to see him face charges Jimmy to or you mock the dead one more time you can just you know cram a little 4 up to a book Roger Ailes was a visionary if he was a visionary he should have seen its bad head hitting the floor 2 days before it happened you beast Roger was a gentle loyal soul and when stuff it defend has a little when you're doing a daily news show when you're miserable pieces like I am Roger had my facts I make no mistake from this day forward all right along with Roger 17 year old son spankie whatever his name is won't rest until we find our real home raster. The real harasser That's right and according to eyewitness accounts he or she is really obese with blace skin and his or her genitals look like quote Red Rock hamburger meat. Yeah Diderot your son threatened his father's victims at the funeral all he was tell those women that he's going to go after his stance accusers and Hell's coming with them. You know he took that line from the film tombstone don't you oh all one explains why he told everybody to round up the horses just like his dad Raj a lot of questions as I watched he was going to his favorite show was Death Trip that's where he formulated his early theories on foreign policy bill did you know there's a story circulating that you were found dead in your home in Long Island the story is totally false so I looked it up on stilts myself not only do I not old a 45 caliber handgun as described in the article but I would never leave a note and my death wouldn't be quote sad it may be alarming or on timely and to be introduced with the phrase today a war wants not vengeful crank shoots face off. So you doubt the stories accuracy so far as I can tell is completely inaccurate Oh it's just all a dream and when I wake up my pillow will be gone well I got it all right so mad outside the door which any Roger sitting today please respect our privacy during this painful time. To get me through. This. Next time to. Others than simply be I'm telling you I'm standing. Next to your son was. Sentenced. To 6 times. Except. On here for the Jimmy doors show got an exciting show for you today that's Bill O'Reilly you know he. Taken Roger Ailes death really hard he is not having an easy time with it but we've got an exciting show for you today we're going to talk about Dianne Feinstein we're going to be talking about Trump's Sonnie arm steel and Liam Neeson calls in Rumor has it Herman Cain calls in as well that's all coming up you are listening to the Jimmy door show. Everybody I'm here with step Zara one romp Lakota we just fret Let's show Stephanie's new teacher just to teach it it's not that it's out of hand it's a nice t. Shirt that is is a nice isn't it Don it's not a hands. Designer so we did a big we did the big live show last night oh my God Those shows are amazing those shows are amazing I mean the crowd is amazing is what I mean yeah and of course you know it's not so bad. It's a fun one 0 wow and one that was that over the top fun one people were on fire anyway so thanks everybody who made it out last night our next show is June 19th and flappers I mean that that we still have tickets for all the other shows I think until June 5th at the Improv you can get a ticket for just there Ok. I want to talk about this because remember. Earlier this year we all voted in California in January and it was a big deal because we all came out to vote in an end in tri Democratic hopeful news in the right interest Democratic Party thing right so we were voting for Democratic delegates to the party so we all showed up and voted and member it says Sanders backers take over the California Democratic Party and we thought we did. Right because look what happened we all voted supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders turned out on mass at ordinarily sleepy party caucuses earlier this month electing a state a slate of delegates who could be poised to take over the largest Democratic Party organization outside of Washington d.c. That would be the Democratic Party organization in California so we all went out and voted because we're like Ok well if you can't beat them take them over right so we'll take a worse more progressive as in California then there are fricken corporatists I know that so we so what happened was the final votes trickled in Sanders backers claimed to have elected more than $650.00 delegates out of $1120.00 delegates so that's more way more than 50 percent of the delegates so we thought we won those delegates will choose the next Democratic Party chairman along with our party other party officials so we thought we were we had it we thought we took over the progressives in California I thought we did and I thought we're going to get single payer and I thought we're going to have a lot of stuff happen in California so they had the big vote they had it just last weekend in Sacramento they had a progressive running from the state chair for the on for the d is for the chair of the state party and they had a corporate lobbyist so you would think since we won all those we won the majority of delegates in the election and that's not what happened that happened corporate lobbyist becomes chair of the California Democratic Party confirms the need for a new people's party boy does it have been telling people you know I'm off work or I'm all for anything you can do to get to get the power back to the people and the money out of politics I'm all for anything that does that so if you're going to if you're going to run no matter which party you're in and you're not going to take corporate money that's great that's what we're looking for and then we'll work on the other stuff after that but we got a start and an authentic conversation. About issues not one that is you're gaslighting people and we can't get a straight answer out of you we can't figure out why and it's because you're being paid to because of big money. So here's this is what happened so corporate lobbyist Eric Bohman just became chair of the California Democratic Party this is from the draft Bernie Web site Eric Bowman just became the chair of the California Democratic Party his achievements include taking $100000.00 from start pharmaceutical companies. To block the initiative for a lower drug prices in California and initiative backed by Bernie Sanders remember that remember we did but we did the stories on it about how the veterans got paid off to do commercials against this Bernie was for it and it failed because they spent all kind of money the pharmaceutical industry to confuse people and they did it. This guy was the he took 100 grand from the pharmaceutical company to help do that help block us getting lower prices and now he's the chairman of the Democratic Party of kill or he really is the man of the people right with all these achievements he's really doing his best to support the people in crisis like this guy is the problem he's the problem is not the solution to the problem he's the problem and now you got a pharmaceutical lobbyist he's going to go talk to the people of California he's going to rally people to the Democratic Party the exact opposite is going to happen with the corporate lobbyist as the chair of the exact opposite is going to happen you're going to bleed more people the Democratic Party is bleeding people right now and the Guess what they don't seem to give enough to do anything about it they keep doing this they'd change a baby Tom Perez a change in baby that guy that guy is mocked openly anywhere he goes where there is progressives half the party mocks that guy openly like he should be. But then somebody else will tell them to shut up Ok We're going to insist that you know no doubt your it's Ok you can tip it. The Democratic Party doesn't need any help from the Republicans to lead our country to kleptocracy last year it was the Democrats who supported billionaire coal baron and former Republican Jim Justice for governor in West Virginia in January it was the Democrats who threw out their own rules to make billionaire developer and former Republican Stephen Biddle the state party chair in Florida now it is the Democrats who are courting billionaires to run for governor in 3 more states for months Bernie Sanders has pointed to California as the bright spot in a bleak effort to reform the Democratic Party now that state party has just elected a proud corporate lobbyist as its leader and let me tell you something how that happened because wow how did that happen Jimi you just showed us how you do we voted and we had a 650 out of 1100 something so we had a way more image of no turns out they have superdelegates. Turns out that was just one 3rd of the delegates so now there's 2 thirds more so we took over a little bit more than 50 percent of one 3rd of the vote so now there's 2 more and there's all the elected politicians who are Democrats and then they get to appoint more people another 3rd that's like their super delegate anything so there are structures inside the Democratic Party to stop a popular takeover of the party so hey if there's a grassroots well and more people want something we're going to squelch them just like they did with Bernie Sanders so they don't care about the will of the people the Democratic Party doesn't care about the will of its own members. They only care about the will of the people in power so that's why they have it set up like this so you can take over the party that's why they have super delegates in the 1st place at the national level so nobody can do it Bernie Sanders did so here's more from that article Democrats have super majorities in both houses of the California state legislature and they have Governor Jerry Brown but instead of passing the single payer bill that has been part of the state party platform for 4 years they have vowed to block single payer and the legislature you know. I don't know what the f. The Democratic Party is so I know what they're doing the Democratic Party is controlled opposition for progressives that's what it is they control they like Oh no come go on and. So draft Bernie tweeted this out Democrats literally told progressives to shut up and get that out today this time we're going to take your advice so here you want to see so this guy tweeted this out Dave siders he's covering it. And there it is he have post this video here it is from his Twitter feed. Shut up it's not all right. So that's the outgoing chairman of the Democratic Party and the people who are chanting are the nurses and the progressives more than half the party those nurses who have committed their lives to helping sick people and want everybody to have health care what a bunch of rude selfish selfish and what and you know what and by the way what they're doing is they're they're creating a ruckus for single payer. So that's what he said to them yes such self-serving stuff so here listen again. To shut off from outside of Iraq. Where you guys just shut the fuck up for God's sake we need to unite unite with us but shut up so that's gotta get out and then let's unite this is the geniuses that run the Democratic Party these are the geniuses who have been wiped out there for wiped out the Democrats these are the geniuses now they're not wiped out in California. Proving that a drunk monkey could run the Democratic Party in California that's how progressive and blue the state is because that guy did. That I did what a genius that guy is. Completely shot have more than half the party in California Sat is so funny oh so clever why don't you go glue some more races why don't you go manipulate the vote so you guys keep power because that's what you did that's what happened and that's what they tell that's what they're telling us by the way the same day that happened I saw this this guy Carlton Banks he tweeted this out Jennifer Palmieri director of communications for Hillary's campaign was just asked for one name to run in 2020 she said Tim Kaine wow wow what was Joe do you think was Joe Lieberman not available. Really Joe Lieberman might be f.b.i. Director so you can't I get it. Again couldn't you get someone less inspiring and further to the right there isn't one. You know that's the time where you want to hear that guy say get out of here that is what you want to hear that I say say it to Tim Kaine or Jennifer Palmieri for saying something that stupid by the way here is so this guy responds to Jennifer Palmieri you see his name is ladies jacket club he is subtle at subtle Butler Goddammit it's not good. This guy is good so he does a little scene he does he wrote out a little sketch and I'll read it to you he says normal person that's a normal person it's normal person hey I'm centrism can't be relied on to win elections anymore how do we move forward Jennifer Palmieri response no. Oh it I'll be the normal person and step you be the Jennifer Palmieri ready so hey centrism has been showed to not win elections anymore how do we move forward no. Higher that is good I just want to I just so I called Ladies jacket club lady that jacket club. And I just want to remind the Democratic Party you're not fooling anybody with this bull you're not fooling anybody right because there's a room full of super regular people. I've been a Democrat all my life I think the Democrats not only are they out of touch. They have no interest in correcting the situation they're not doing any post mortem was that writing off well we don't know in the White House because of Putin or because we cue each one of. Them regardless of who was behind it. Confirmed Hillary Clinton and the Democratic establishment or March and the behind and the come on the scale. You know for Hillary Clinton Well you know so what are they basically saying you know if we hadn't been caught lying we'd be running the country right now. You have full and anybody. This is not fooling anybody. Now full of anybody. Having to see a member what Dianne Feinstein was asked will this happen to Dianne Feinstein and she was confronted about single payer and now watch her pretend to misunderstand the issue when everyone knows she's lying. There is going to be the under posable was Senator Sanders kind. Hearted going to support single payer before all the proposals in reverse and even coming up with here. Recently are just hoping for insurance in this he was not use. Silesia nurses are not getting any groups but the health care industry is getting all the groups so much. For a single payer. I get ready for something if. It is calling me to please take over by the government of all health care I. Did. By the way great work that's Lauren Steiner who got that did that video a put a link to her channel underneath she does great work so there she is pretending to not understand the thing she did that's called gaslighting So she's making you think that the issue is this all going please government takeover of our health care what everyone knows what Medicare is Medicare isn't a government doctor. Medicare is that they pay the doctor you go to a private hospital with a private doctor you get private medicine you get a private therapist a good price it's not there's no government as $1.00 another woman said they just do the accounting. Who would rather have do the accounting the government or for profit middleman that the just wants to make as much money as possible I mean think about it think about it. So there she is pretending to not and you know that saying it's hard to get someone to understand an issue it was Upton Sinclair I think said it's hard to get a man to understand an issue when his paycheck depends on him not understanding it why do I say that because I don't know right after she had left her after she said that stupid but. Dion fide takes money from health care lobby rejects single payer insurance that's from May 2nd so after she did that that was enough and Sinclair quote by the way who was it it is not so it is often seen. As if it so that Andrew Pres wrote this and for the International Business Times and he said after we saw that video he says a week later Feinstein was even further from there she says I'm not there yet a week later she was even further from there benefiting from a fund raising event at the Washington d.c. Office of ave solutions a lobbying firm that represents major health insurers pharmaceutical companies and the primary trade association for doctors all of which don't want her to understand single payer they're paying her to pretend to not understand it and she is pretending right to a person's face about health care for money and power that's a creep. That's not a good person who has a different view that's not we have a different idea of how government should works that's a creep and a liar and a gaslight or of her own constituents over health care that's what Dianne Feinstein is it's not I mean it is is it a shock that a politician is a completely immoral an ethical piece of garbage is it it's not to me I mean that's the whole thing about America we get to make fun of our politicians because we know politicians most of the time are complete cretins they're the weakest the most mediocre of people get involved in politics normally that's why you have her say she's a mediocre person she doesn't give us that you see right through her she thinks she like all dumb people they think that you can't see through them lying they're so dumb they think that lie fools you or worse she doesn't give a shit either way it's horrible she probably heard the one person that was clapping and like well see some people are with a way that was just my staffer I brought along never mind. So get this back to the article it says the industries have a store historically opposed efforts to create a universal government run health care system and idea supported by 58 percent of the u.s. Adults Feinstein supporters at the event were expected to kick in a 1000 to a $5000.00 for her reelection bid. Since Feinstein began her 4th full term in 2013 lobbyists and political action committees have given at least $592000.00 to her campaign more than one 3rd of all the money she's raised in total donations while recent donors to Feinstein include former Democratic Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle he was the Senate majority leader leader he was a Democrat. And right it's Barack Obama came into office he lost his seat because he's such a leader and what did he do he went to work for a health insurance lobbying firm they gave him $2000000.00 and he came back and lobbied the government against single payer public option he came back that's how $2000000.00 check in his pocket from the health insurance industry and he didn't even have to say anything to anybody all you do is walk around get out of the limousine and walk around with a $2000000.00 checks taken out of his pocket Hey you guys want to be part of the upper 110th the one percent say no to single parent public option like I did like a good Democrat good corporate Democrat we're winning right we have a gun now to the knife fight we're bringing a gun and we're winning and if the government cracks when when they bring a gun to the gun fight that means you lose because the Democrats want to keep you away from single payer and cheaper prescription drugs. So that's who Tom Daschle is that's why that's important that's who Tom Daschle has That's recent donors defined side include him Tom Daschle he lobbies for Blue Cross Blue Shield also Brian Griffin who represents the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America and Fred graffitti Is that how you say his name who lobbies for the Federation of American hospitals she also received donations from political action committees run by pharma and pharmaceutical companies Merck and Company and advie of how it's literally called pharma it's literally all of our months literally called pharma and they have 3 letter scoundrel I'm all for Jack in the crazy there's one letter not yet right to c.h. That we don't want to see there to be too big pharma there's a Democratic leader in California there she is could she could so. I was I would say she's out of touch but she's not out of touch she knows what the people want everybody knows she knows that 58 percent of the country's in favor of single payer and that's why she looks so stupid when she should pretend to not know what it is because most of the country knows what it is and you tell me the sitting senator from California is confused by what single payer means now she's lying that's a liar to your own people. Just like all the other most of the other politicians they're liars they're mediocre people with no frickin integrity or spine they want power and money and that's what Dianne Feinstein is and that's of the Democratic Party just by the way in California elected the Democratic Party in California elected a pharmaceutical lobbyist health insurance lobbyist as the as the Democratic Party's chairperson it California I wonder I wonder how they're going to cover that and Imus n.b.c. We should watch oh yesterday would have been the day to watch right to see how they covered it so we could go back on their website they post their shows don't they must Yeah so let's go back and see how they covered the California Democratic Party which we thought was taken over by progressives because what it was and they have rigged the system with superdelegates inside California is their own Democratic Party to thwart the will of the people and they did it again. And this is your Democratic Senate I mean what's the point of the Democratic Party we need a 3rd party there is no doubt and if everybody last year during the election would have stood on principle and voted their conscience everybody who I know who agreed with the Green New Deal and hated corporatist warmongers if they would it then voted for a green new deal we would still have Trump as president who would have a totally different Democratic Party because that would have been 15 percent of the people or 20 percent of the people voting for a Green Party. That wipes the Democrats out now they're still trying to do that thing instead of coming to get progressive votes they're still doing that thing where they're trying to get rid of the progress of like we don't know they know they can't win with us yet they still want to just shut up and get in lying it's not happening. Hey Hope you're enjoying today's show remember if you missed any part of today's show you can always get a podcast of the Jimmy Gores show for free and i Tunes stitcher or Jimmy door comedy dot com All right we're up against a break we've got a lot coming up in the 2nd half is the Jimmy doors show originating from 90.7 f.m. K p f k and her nationwide on the Pacifica network. I'm going to die for you guys and not to die for you got for you guys got more you got to that doctor and doctor that you can. Work. On that can be done for you and I think that. You just want you to. a gallon not getting very. Welcome back to the 2nd half it's a days Jimmy doors you know we got a lot coming up in the 2nd half RINGBACK. You know I know I know. Hello you know I know I know and you somebody had told me Well now I know. What you want to listen to me you know I know I know and could have been that answer to every thing hurricane is that you oh that's me chuckle headed right. Oh yes keep saying Now I know I man certainly not die trying . Have you seen the latest CVO report on its health care act I haven't heard from others that it is bad it is bad it still costs over 23000000 people off healthcare and its direct its premiums are now 9 my 999 plan had it all figured out my 999 tax plan and would have taken care of all that not now and then please explain if the windows my 999 tax plan would have replaced the current tax system with 999 god dammit what does that mean a 9 percent tax on all planes not tanning salons and that would have paid for health care for everybody of course all the healthy or remember they i.r.s. Is a giant robot and we have to slave that we all die so it's like a flat rate consumption tax is that what you're saying I reject that name well call it what it is 9 or 9 Make no mistake Jimmy door I think Donald Trump's tax plan is a tax plan a matter of fact I love it but it's not now and no no no I think it will be $99.00 not even then $99.00 you know I know why because it's on obtainable and shadows on a cave wall Republican hole pass trumps tax plan you know why why because there squishy Americans have to pressure the squishy Republicans to pass the president's tax plan which airs at 9999 plan his plan is bold but Republicans are squishy bold versions which the only way this economy can do better for I think. A lot if I may add this. Is a positive tone from the top and I believe that it is going on there going to new jobs are being added bad things are going down. Good thing the goal or not but economists say there's no way drum can ever reach a 4 percent g.d.p. Growth like he claims well that's simply rolling I believe it will eventually reach NY and how Let me explain something to you 9 adventure interest and what I have to say about the attack in Manchester No not at all actually Well let me tell you something you know what that attack makes critics of trumps to have a bad look stop it and act you know look stronger than squishy why they close too for we can do better vetting and we can know where we stand but we already do that but we can do better we could reach 4 percent vetting things only and one day 999 bottom line is people are stupid spreadsheets and after stop that we can know better and we have to stop it 999 got me I'm melting squishy 999 squishy 999 am I getting fat. Hey did you hear trump one did this. You know everybody's making a big deal out of he said you know he's going to stand up to them and all that course whatever Trump says there's a tweet of them saying the exact opposite Ok no matter what it is he says The sky is blue there's a tweet saying the sky is green it said don't worry about it so whatever Trump says he is that the opposite Ok just over there Ok. Look at that us Saudi Arabia d.c. Ills weapons deal where nearly $110000000000.00 immediately and then $350.00 more $1000000000.00 over 10 years wow. Now we already know that we sell cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia which most of the world considers a war crime because 90 percent of the people cluster bombs kill or civilians now you would think that would be and that would be the kind of weapon that ISIS would use you know we make it here we manufacture it here in a good Christian factory that makes Christian cluster bombs and we send them to Saudi Arabia the people who behead people in the street and then they take the cluster bombs that killed mostly civilians and they drop them on the poorest people in the world in Yemen in fishing villages and it kills men women and children people already starving in that country because of all this because of what Saudi Arabia is doing and we're and we already admit there by the way they're the ones supporting ISIS. That's ice that's Saudi Arabia or something so the idea that we are have a war on terror is a joke we do not have a war on terror we are using the war on terror to use our military to overthrow governments and open up their natural resources to corporations that's what we're doing that's what we've But you know I know that's what we've always done and no one ever says hey what is our special love with Saudi Arabia did not and didn't most of the 911 hijackers come provided Saudi Arabia Denah Saba Bin Ladin come from what the f. Why are we such aren't they overly repressive theocracy Don't they know our women are not even allowed to drive are we supposed to be against that stuff no we're not and it all comes down to the petrodollar to which they'll never talk that it's amazing how you never hear the pets I hear what Rumple Conan steps Emira when you never hear the petrodollar even ever mention right on the news do you miss out on when the petro dollar is the Saudi Arabia when we got off the gold standard they agreed to monetize oil in us dollars and for them doing that what we decide what we offered back was the use of our military and we've been doing it ever sence. They offered to pay for us to overthrow Assad to invade Syria and overthrow Assad Saudi Arabia offered to pay the United States to do that. And we were willing to do it I mean the administration was how do I know this respect to Arab countries offering to bear cost and to assess the answer is he profoundly yes they have that offer is on the table with respect to puts on the ground profoundly No there will be no boots on the ground the president has said that again and again and there is nothing in this authorization that should contemplate it. And we reiterate no boots on the ground. In terms of what do you do it doesn't work I think I'll let General Dempsey speak to the question of targeting is which he can't go into in detail but we have absolute confidence that what our military undertakes to do if it is ordered to do so. Will. Degrade. The capacity of us to use these weapons and serve as a very strong deterrence and if it doesn't then there are subsequent possibilities as to how you could reinforce Thank you Mr Secretary and secretary and that the details on the offer and the proposal on the table what that what are the figures that we're talking about. Well we don't know what action we're engaged in right now but they've been quite significant I mean very significant. Fact. Some of them have said that if the United States is prepared to go do the whole thing the way we've done it previously in other places they'll carry that cost That's how dedicated they are this obviously that's not in the car. I don't know if you heard what he just said I'm going to play that last part one more time is this prepared to go do the whole thing the way we've done it previously in other places that if the United States is willing to go do the whole thing like we've done in other places. What what what will they do if the United States uses their military to go in and overthrow Assad like we've done in other places we do the whole thing ourselves what were they willing to do carry that cost that they were willing to carry that cost there it is. What so we're loaning out so now we're mercenaries from Saudi Arabia that's where we are and we've been for a long time. And no one says anything like if you were there's nothing in this article about that there's nothing in the city of d.c. Article about how horribly oppressive beheading there the worst case funds terrorists how they they runs our own military to go set the Mideast on fire which they do how we sell cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia which most of the world considers a war crime because it is none of it they never did this so the reason why we have a show is because the mainstream media is so that people come here to get the news they don't show you that they're not going to show you that m.s.n. B.c. They're not going to tell you that's why we're really there because Saudi Arabia wants to overthrow Syria and Qatar he says our Arab friends but he means Saudi Arabian Carter. And they're willing to pay for the whole thing. In fact. Some of them have said that if the United States is prepared to go do the whole thing the way we've done it previously in other places they'll carry that cost that's. I love how he laughs before he says it did. They said you know this you know this rearrangement we have petrodollar for military they said they do hope I think you know about Cisco control over another government jobs are going to pay for what the big deal really went on this part and we were really really so we go we kill a couple $100000.00 more people or whatever but every we don't to pay for it. And then you have people that are sitting behind him you know that there's a what's a hand yes so go back to the sea these hands that's Medea Benjamin and hold the end in the cold pit or this is her over here yeah hold in white and that's yet and that's the Code Pink and they put the blood on their hands while he's trying to get people to Ok more bombings this is a guy who made his bones protesting in a legal war standing up against an illegal fricken military action a stupid one an ethical one and immoral one. Bill based on a lie by the way they lie so we could have the Vietnam War you know that the government lied the CIA lied the government lied the media lied the media forwarded that again that never happened again though to me but I never have it non we never did it we never did it again they lied to get us to go into Kuwait that was they had to lie to get us to do that they said Recchi soldiers were going in and taking babies out of incubators and throwing them on the ground they had a woman testify in front of Congress the total lie that turned out that one was on the pay they didn't lie about Iraq I mean that's all goddamn it whatever they were at war then there was a complete lie they lied about that the of the day what they did was the government gave lies to the New York Times The New York Times put him on the front page but above the fold lies. Direct lies that led us into war same thing with The Washington Post Washington Post editorial board was writing editorials about how you're crazy if you don't think we should go into Iraq that Saddam is same as working with Al Qaida that's the Washington Post that's New York Times that's why we have a goddamn that's why we have a show because how rotten those places are and then it's on you this here's some c n b c article here's what they say about this this weapons pact so from this article here here's what they Here's inside the article this is gross it goes this package of defense equipment and services support the long term security of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region in the face of Iranian threats why is around our enemy they never tell you that wiser and our enemy you know why because Iran had a democratically elected government and he won it was mostly Degen he wanted to spread democracy around the Middle East you think the United States would be on board for that but we have a thing in America called the CIA and what the ca does is murder people and torture people and overthrow dictators before breakfast. Oh I'm sorry overthrow democratically elected governments before breakfast if there were dictators I think maybe we'd be Ok And you know what they do is they overthrow democratically elected governments and install dictators which is what they did in Iran Ron they got rid of most today they installed the Shah and that's how we got the Ayatollah Khamenei and Iran being anti-American even though half the country they're very pro-American the people so that's how they never tell you that stuff why Iran why is around our enemy you know why because we turned them into our we overthrew their for government and and installed a repro presser that's what we do so. That's why we have a job so let's get back to this goal of our you want to say well I was just going to add Jimmy defense equipment should refer to pads on a stick that a hockey goalie holds Not Bombs just on that in their defense equipment equipment eventually you admit that Saudi Arabia is going to go defend themselves in Yemen Saudi Arabia is defending themselves in Yemen the. Gulf region in the face of the reigning threats while also bolstering the kingdom's ability to contribute to counterterrorism operations they are terrorism just like so crazy so crazy every Up is down in is out black is white Morris peace war is peace oh my god. Oh this is unbelievable how they are uncritically report this at the c.n. B.c. To counterterrorism operates across the region reducing the burden on the us military to conduct those operations. The arms paid by the way that's just a quote from the White House. And they are uncritically just repeat it and then they did that the next the next paragraph doesn't say of course what I just said they don't say anything they just repeat is printed It is like what Stephen Colbert said at the Correspondents Dinner in 2006 copy paste print go home that's that's what they're doing that's what they're doing here's another part of that it says the arms package represents an enhancement of Saudi Arabia's military capabilities as tensions flare in the region with the United States viewing the Saudis as a lynch pin in efforts to check the global ambitions of Iran the country the hub of Islam's most revered sites but it is also a target of radical Islamic extremism. This is a news report and then and then then then other people will say you there's fake news somewhere else. There's great news somewhere else that's why the young turks exist that's why this show exists because the mainstream news media are goddamn stenographers that's why. And who's the biggest generator of fake news the government always has been always will be. So here's what I love I love this to do this this this deal that Trump did with them exposes the apocryphally of the of the Democrats the Obama administration everybody Sean Spicer tweeted out of Saudi or in Saudi Arabia president has just completed the largest single arms deal in u.s. History negotiating a package Italy more than 101700000000. And then Samantha Power who was broke Obama's u.n. Ambassador Samantha Power tweeted out for a country whose cheap we tweeted his tweet and then says for a country whose attacks on civilians in Yemen that's what we're talking about she's talking about it too for a country whose attacks on civilians in Yemen and inability to learn from mistakes have been devastating to human life so she's pooh poohing that deal and she's pulling Sean Spicer for tweeting that out to say look we're doing business with these people are all pressers are horrible that's what. Some of the power saying that hate Samantha what the f. Are you talking about this is you Obama administration arms sales offer to Saudi Arabia top $150.00 that's the what that's from September 7th 2068 but this guy love the Ali. He tweeted to Suzanne power under her stupid tweet he says You voted for the Saudi war on Yemen you are personally responsible she voted for it without your vote for un s c resolution. 2216 there would be no Saudi war on Yemen you are part of this war and then his and then Sarah Leah Ilia Whitson says Come on now this is a bit rich coming from the representative of an administration that linked $100000000000.00 in arms deals to the Saudis despite attacks on Yemen civilians so that just crazy this is they are just crazy and they think they think you're stupid this is broccoli ministration doing that trying to think you're stupid so again they're doing the exact same thing as trumpeted their did the exact same thing the Obama administration did the exact same thing and yet and here they are talk about and and so and someone else has to worry about the fake news this is the new un ambassador blatantly being a phony and false and completely inconsistent and hypocritical to The Nth Degree. And they make and they make fun of trump what the f. And they make fun of trump people leave that these people and this is what this they're doing Wow Wow So there you go. Now you're more informed because you watch this show and I have by you know me I'm a dumb guy. I'm just a guy with a good bullshit sector and I can tell when someone's kept trying to gaslight me and The Washington Post The New York Times and the government bring it to Barack Obama Administration or the Trump they're also gaslighting in lying constantly no change they're both in bed with Saudi Arabia no change Brock Obama. Expanded the bombing to stricken 78 countries 7 he came in were bombing 2 countries when he left or bombed 7. And probably more probably more. There you go so that's that's how we covered it here at the Jimmy doors show that's how we covered the Saudi Arab arms deal here at the Jimmy door show I bet it's a difference I bet it's a lot different than how they cover it m s n b c c.n.n. New York Times in the watched him post and I am a jagoff nightclub comedian. Habited So I'm here would step out of the miserable liberal and rumple cone how you do and I'm miserable how that nice t. Shirt look at that t. Shirt Joe showed off with Yeah I know you've got the dog in this brownie Now there's a growing sense there's a little boy or a body. So what do you think the most remarkable thing of the last election is what do you think it was was that Donald ton of hands won that the Democrats decided to nominate someone under f.b.i. Investigation who half the country already hated. Including half of her own party the most unpopular presidential candidate Democrats ever put up you think that was the most remarkable thing about it it's pretty remarkable that they would nominate someone they knew was under Democrat under f.b.i. Investigation it's kind of remarkable Also here's but here's what Chomsky thinks is the most of Marsa Chomsky was interviewed by the b.b.c. . And. Here's what he said what here's what he thinks is the most remarkable thing the most remarkable thing about the last election was actually Bernie Sanders not room Bernie Sanders group with a century of American political history. In American elections for back to the late 19th century elections are basically books literally you can you can predict with remarkable accuracy electability simply on the basis of campaign for cinders came along no no support from from the corporate sector no support from the wealthy or the media simply dismissed them as ridiculous he was basically unknown He even used to scare words socialist and he he would win the Democratic nomination if it hadn't been for the shenanigans of the party managers if you take a look at. Popularity. At Whiteman. I thought I just read an article in The Washington Post that said the d.n.c. Lawsuit was prevalent. They said that the d.n.c. Lawsuit was privileged and here is Bernie Sanders I mean here is known Chomsky saying that Bernie Sanders what one the Democratic Party by the way the New York Times considers and maybe the greatest intellectual in the world he says obvious that Bernie would have won if it wasn't for the shenanigans meaning the cheating by the d.n.c. Well not and you wonder and so so but it's so funny I'm sorry Ron I don't mean to cut you off but it's so funny that people don't talk about that when they talk about the d.n.c. Loss you go Well certainly everyone is outraged that that the n.c. Was cheated they don't even mention it in their coverage if they cover it like the Washington Post and even mention that The Washington Post tried to dismiss this like it's a nothing burger. Except here's Noam Chomsky saying that if it wasn't for the d.n.c. Cheating we would have a different goddamn president but The Washington Post who by the way has beat the drum for every goddamn war there was a worthless state of a newspaper. They just wrote an article that said that was a friggin frivolous lawsuit doesn't seem like he thinks the same thing but it even well what do you think why when you mention that in your coverage they never do well I mean it's just Noam Chomsky you know I mean it's not like it's not like he's somebody who has been studying this stuff scrutinizing it for 50 plus years I mean it's just Noam Chomsky me and what does that tell you what does that tell you Ron that Noam Chomsky's never consulted in a well you know I mean like that you see m s n b c And you know many times Noam Chomsky but on Amazon b.c. I'm going to guess maybe 0 I've never seen him on there have you now it's on Democracy Now he's on democracy now because they actually try to do the news they try to actually talk about the news from a from a non corporate way. You know in a in an authentic way right so that's why they have him on because he's the waves knows the most about everything that we see they would have him on but they don't want to know the most about everything they want to know a certain thing and they want to feed it to you so that's weird right that he would say that that if it wasn't for the cheating that well he says shenanigans Let's play that again because that's awesome to. The me to simply dismiss them as ridiculous media does this but if they did. He even used the scare word socialist then he would win the Democratic nomination for the been for the shenanigans of the party managers if you take. So we would have a radically different country right now if the party managers didn't screw over Bernie Sanders because he would be president and the Democrats would rather lose to trump than let a progressive win and that's a fact. Do RINGBACK you leave any sense calling I hope I'm not gauger Jimmy you don't have much time so I want you to listen very closely you are in danger you must leave immediately I'm a danger where why you are surrounded by teacher you must leave and go to another place where there is no danger but we're anywhere but where you are correctly Ok but what do I do when I get to the other place I have no time to explain just run I'll tell you when I get there on the start will Jimmy get to safety where is he going to go you know there's more of that phone call but unfortunately we are out of time today show was written that's right it was written by General Staff Cimarron on myself Rumple account of course Jimmy door and Mike MacRae all voice is performed by the legendary Mike McRae who can be found on the web at Mike McRae dot com That does it for today's episode we've got some upcoming live shows June 10th of course are going to be at Samy's in Rosemont Illinois and July 15th we're going to be at the Great Star Theater and San Francisco California for more information on all upcoming events go to Jimmy door comedy dot com That does it for this week's episode This is Ron plateauing for the Jimmy door show. It's. Just. The sentence it's just. It's. The right. Next to the sounds you want you. Want to get I'm going to die for you guys I'm actually going to get you in done or you can do that for you that that that that that that if you can make that morning sound like that for you I'm not gonna worry about it I. Just want to. Just. To. Reach and that it's just for the streets to just reach out and that it's just for series. 3. Serving San Diego from high atop the monument he can look good and not miss this is k. And a straight on the air at 89 point one f.m. Streaming live online and k. In this trade or down on the smartphone tune in Radio Lab and no moment in San Diego is history to scan so it's located in the clear block a retro State Park loosely translated Descanso means a place of rest it was named Just like because it was a stagecoach way station during the 1800s this small east county city is located at The Celt there trips of the Coeur marker Rancho State Park bordering on the Cleveland National Forest diskettes Elysium between Alpine and Pine Valley at the center of the community is the historic town hall built in the $890.00 s. Kenyon astray is proud to be part of the diskette So community for the sound of social justice t.n.s. J. 89 point one and this got cell phone.

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