Transcripts For KNTV Early Today 20160211

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we are following breaking news right now out of oregon. the fbi has negotiated a surrender of the final occupiers of an oregon wildlife refuge. in a live stream of a phone conversation with negotiators, the occupiers said they would surrender this morning but only if they're escorted by nevada lawmaker michelle fiori and the reverend franklin graham, the son of famed evangelist billy graham. the 40-day situation came to a head late wednesday after one occupier drove an atv outside the barricades. the fbi then swarmed the refuge, blocking all entrances and exits, and leading to hours of tense negotiations. ammon bundy and other meant of the group were arrested around two weeks ago. ammon's father cliven gained national prominence after his own standoff with the government last year. he was arrested by the fbi and taken into federal custody. no word what charges cliven faces. they are expected to be announced later this morning. a luxury cruise ship returned to its new jersey port last night after passengers endured a terrifying ocean storm. rough seas and powerful winds in the atlantic battered the royal caribbean's "anthem of the seas" forcing passengers to take refuge in their cabins for more than ten hours. the ship was carrying more than 4,000 passengers and 1,600 crew members when it departed saturday on a seven-day cruise to the ba haul mass. passengers streamed out of thatship and one woman called the ordeal a cruise from hell. >> i want to cry. i just want to cry. all the energy just trying to hold it in, now that we're off the boat, i just want to let it out. >> royal caribbean will provide guests with full refund for the cruise. to politics where the republican presidential field is shrinking. after poor performances in new hampshire carly fiorina and chris christie announced they're suspending their campaigns. on the other hand, donald trump fresh off his victory is taking his momentum to south carolina where he declares "you're next." and that a win in south carolina will propel him to run the table the rest of the primary season. he also pushed his general electability saying he could win states that were not republican strongholds like new york and michigan. nbc's peter alexander spoke with john kasich fresh off his strong second place finish in new hampshire. >> how do you navigate the anticipated negative attacks? >> i'm not going to let somebody pound me. >> reporter: watching the results come in tuesday night, kasich was more reflective. >> we plugged away and plugged away. the little engine that can. >> reporter: but in south carolina this midwestern moderate faces a steep uphill climb. in a state with far more christian conservatives, a target audience for ted cruz. >> the men and women of south carolina i believe want a consistent conservative. somebody who's the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. >> reporter: jeb bush's days may be numbered. without a strong south carolina showing. calling on his brother, the former president. >> jeb bush is a leader who will keep our country safe. >> reporter: but so much for southern charm. a marco rubio advisor indicating this state is going to be a blood bath. >> south carolina will be definitive and determinative. and i need your vote. come out and help us. i need your support. >> reporter: still south carolinians may avoid the establishment altogether. >> they're looking for somebody that's going to say the things that they want to hear. the people in south carolina are angry right now and they want a candidate that reflects that. >> thanks to peter alexander for that report. for the democrats, senator bernie sanders is in a new york state of mind. fresh off his huge primary victory over hillary clinton in new hampshire, sanders headed to new york city wednesday meeting with civil rights leader and msnbc host reverend al sharpton. the two men discussed the flint water crisis and civil rights for african-americans over breakfast at harlem's famous sylvia's restaurant. the sanders campaign is increasing its effort to broaden the senator's appeal with minority voters. in recent week the campaign has touted endorsement from key black leaders. a number of lawmakers are accusing sanders of being absent on issues important to african-american. congressman hakeem jeffrey said "there's no credibility to the things that are being said at the twilight of his political career." according to an nbc/"wall street journal" poll sanders trays clnlgt by a wide margin among the state's decisive african-american voters. sanders addressed the issue with sharpton. >> you had a great victory last night. >> i did. >> and you are now moving into nevada and south carolina. how do you intend, because clearly new hampshire and iowa are mostly white states, if not nearly white, how do you intend to deal with a diverse populace in south carolina and nevada? >> in a couple of ways. it comes down to what we believe and what we are fighting for economically and what we're fighting for in terms of social justice and criminal justice. once the word gets out who i am, what we stand for, we're going to do just fine. >> sharpton says he plans on meeting with hillary clinton next thursday before announcing his endorsement. meanwhile the sanders camp has reported raising more than $6 million in the first 24 hours after the polls closed in new hampshire. the campaign also collected over $3 million in the wake of his near-tie in iowa. democratic rifle hillary clinton is turning her focus to nevada and south carolina. the campaign is already dispatching former president bill clinton to rally support in south carolina this weekend. but in the wake of losing new hampshire, clinton could be facing critical problems with key voters. top supporters tell nbc news they're alarmed by voters' reasons for abandoning clinton. she lost to sanders on honesty and trustworthiness by a whopping 86 points. and the potential for a female president even lost in women by 11 points. sanders overtook clinton in young women voters by 59 points. the campaign is counting on her firewall of minority support in the more diverse states ahead. that strategy will get a boost from a key african-american group today. the congressional black caucus will formally endorse clinton, calling her a better candidate for african-americans. congresswoman marcia fudge of ohio said in part, "she's been talking about this for her entire life. i've only heard about it from sanders in the last year." clinton will look to halt sanders' growing momentum tonight when they go one on one in milwaukee in the next democratic debate. reports out of north korea this morning indicate the country's army chief of staff has been executed. a member of parliament tells nbc news they have multiple confirmations from various sources. the execution was for corruption and conspiracy, according to the sources. south korea's intelligence service reports 70 such executions since kim jong-un took power. the senate bill 96-0 the bill man dates sanctions against those involved in the missile development program. it brings renewed efforts to combat cyber attacks against the u.s. republican senators and presidential candidates marco rubio and ted cruz returned from the campaign trail to join in the vote. presidential hopeful bernie sanders missed the vote but released a statement supporting the legislation. the vote was in part a response to sunday's missile launch by north korea as seen in this footage released wednesday. officials in pyongyang said the launch was to put a satellite in orbit, but many countries, including south korea and the u.s., saw this as a test of the north's ballistic missile capabilities. a disturbance at a maryland shopping center ends in tragedy. with two sheriff's deputies gunned down and the suspects killed. the deputies were responding to a disturbance wednesday morning at a panera bread in abingdon. witnesses said after speaking with the suspect, 67-year-old david brian evans, the deputy was shot without warning. evans ran and was found by a second deputy, whom evans fatally shot. the suspect was killed after being fired at by at least two other responding jeffreys. the sheriff became emotional when reporting the deputies had died. >> today's a sad day for the harper county sheriff's office and the citizens of harper county who we are sworn to serve. one of out of deputies was a 30-year veteran of this agency. served with the court services division. the other deputy had served this agency for the last 16 years and was assigned to the community services division. >> the identities of those deputies have not yet been released. here's something you don't see every day. a wild elephant went on destructive rampage through a town in western india. as you can see here, the panicked pachyderm smashed homes and sent residents running for their lives. fortunately no one was injured. authorities say the giant female wandered from a nearby forest and was likely in search of food. after several hours of running amok authorities managed to shoot it with a tranquilizer gun and they used a crane to remove it from town. in michigan, lake-effect snow coated areas with up to 10 inches with 3 to 5 inches still expected. a winter storm warning remains in effect there. in ohio, part of i-90 was shut down after a multi-vehicle pileup. no fatal tiz but 17 were taken to the hospital. rafael miranda is here with more another forecast. >> good morning. the lake-effect snow we saw, the machine is still in place, we're seeing snow this morning, it will continue throughout date and into tomorrow. tracking heavier lake-effect snow bands along lakes erie and ontario, we are expecting up to another foot in some of the highest snow totals there. you can see just south of buffalo, north of cleveland, we're expecting where you can see up to a foot of snow by tomorrow evening. as far as the rest of the northeast it's colder in new york city. 29 today. a taste of what's to come. look at the heat in the southwest. just continued. 87 in phoenix and los angeles. lots of sunshine. tracking rain in the northwest. as we head into tomorrow, still cold in the northeast. frigid in the midwest. but still baking in los angeles. 84 degrees and sunshine. that's a look at y seattle. even down the shore in portland, showers and temperatures are cooling in the 50s. >> what a difference between the east and west coasts. >> it gets so cold. >> a love lly valentine's prese, thank you. fast food giant burger king is going to the dogs, literally. and a terrible accident during demolition, all the details next. you're watching "early today." i. tecfidera is not an injection. it's a pill for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. imagine what you could do with fewer relapses. tecfidera may cause serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, pml, which is a rare brain infection that usually leads to death or severe disability, and 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just ahead, peyton manning goes head to head with magic johnson. kobe faces lebron for the last time. sports is next. if you're looking to save money on your medicare part d prescriptions, walgreens says, carpe med diem. seize the day to get more out of life and medicare part d. just switch to walgreens for savings that'll be the highlight of your day. now preview the cost of your copay before you fill. you can even get one-dollar copays on select plans. announcement: thisbiggest of the decade.the with total accumulation of up to three feet. roads will be shut down indefinitely. and schools are closed. campbell's soups go great with a cold and a nice red. made for real, real life. no, no, no, no, [music] people are both soft and strong... yey! which is why our products are too. angel soft. choose the one new revlon ultimate-all-in-one. our revolutionary mascara delivers 5 lash-transforming benefits. volume, length, definition, lift, and intense color. choose love new revlon ultimate-all-in-one mascara. beautiful sunrise taking place there in washington, d.c. we want to head on over to gigi stone woods for this morning's sports headlines. good morning to you, gigi. >> good morning, sheba. kobe bryant bear hugs lebron james as the retiring laker prepares for his final game in cleveland. the cavs had no problem with the reeling lakers. forward kevin love reinjured his surgically repaired left shoulder. kobe finished with 17 but the cavs win 120-111. warriors headed to the all-star break with an 11-game winning streak, beating the suns, the suns showing signs of frustration as cares marquise morris and archie good win get into a heated argument and shoving match. super bowl-winning peyton manning yucked it up with jimmy fallon but the highlight might be manning going one on one with magic johnson in egg russian roulet roulette, take a look. >> i had rings growing up. i had dreams i'd have a chance to play magic one on one someday. >> this is it! dream come true. good to see you, buddy. oh! >> he can afford to look silly on television. sheba, back to you. >> great for the hair, a little egg. just ahead, harry potter fans are going crazy over a new book. want a sneak peek of the new "house of cards"? it's coming up next. uh huh, okay yeah..sorry about that. what do you think? hi ted, glad you could join us, we think you're going to like these numbers. ♪ bring me a higher love ♪ i could rise above vis sunday!...y ♪ bring me a higher love so get to kohl's super saturday... and save on early birds 'till 1pm... like 70% off fine jewelry. save on dress shirts for him... or sleepwear and loungewear for her. plus - take an extra 15% off! get kohl's cash too! saturday at kohl's. is because covering heals faster. to seal out water, dirt and germs, cover with a water block clear bandage from band-aid brand. my psoriatic arthritis i'm caused joint pain.o golfer. just like my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and i was worried about joint damage. my doctor said joint pain from ra can be a sign of existing joint damage that could only get worse. he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. joint pain and damage... can go side by side. ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. enbrel, the number one rheumatologist-prescribed biologic. choose the one new revlon ultimate-all-in-one. our revolutionary mascara delivers 5 lash-transforming benefits. volume, length, definition, lift, and intense color. choose love new revlon ultimate-all-in-one mascara. time now for some entertainment news. a new harry potter book will be released this summer. nine years after the last one was published. be warned, potter fans, the eighth installment is not a novel but instead the script for the upcoming play. j.k. rowling participated in writing this new chapter. eagles band members and jackson browne are scheduled to pay tribute to the late glenn frey at the grammys monday night. he died january 18th at age 67. the first full flarl for the netflix drama "house of card" is making waves online. the highly anticipated new season can be streamed on netflix beginning march 4th. mark your calendars. jimmy fallon did his best bernie sanders impression last night. "the tonight show" -- >> i want to start by saying i've already begun to reach out to republicans to make this a positive campaign. in fact, i even asked marco rubio to help me with my speech tonight, but he just handed me a piece of paper with the words "good evening" written on it 800 times. he's losing it. >> i swear fallon can do anybody. i'm sheba russell and this is "early today." i take pictures of sunrises. it's my job and it's also my passion. but with my back pain i couldn't sleep... so i couldn't get up in time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. and now... i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. no, no, no, no, [music] people are both soft and strong... yey! which is why our products are too. angel soft. leading the news on are 42 rescued after abandoning burning boat in south pacific. this is video of a coast guard c-130 taking off from hawaii to rescue the boat's crew. 1,800 miles to the south. rescuers found most of the members on life rafts. the captain and eight others managed to reboard the boat and put out the fire. in "usa today," after 28 years secret service posts warning, no guns in white house. the signs are required by the anti-drug abuse act of 1988. neither the secret service nor justice department could explain why it took 28 years to install them. the u.s. army has settled a lawsuit by a former military police trainee, mila starkey said she was fired after filing a sexual harassment complaint against her supervisor for allegedly sending sexually explicit text messages and photos to her. according to a recent study the rate of new dementia cases has been declining. the most notable was a type caused by vascular diseases such as stroke. one theory for the improvement is that people are living healthier lifestyles. the same decline however was not observed in alzheimer's patients. those related with that dementia. near oklahoma city firefighters battled a huge grass fire tuesday afternoon. look at that. heavy smoke could be seen for miles as the fire scorched dozens of acres of land. you can see people running. fortunately no homes were damaged and no one was injured. all right, what a story here. in england the name of the game is called shroegtied and it may be the world's angriest football game ever. the annual game as giant brawl. hundreds play and the field is, get this, three miles long. the distance from one end of town to the other. a game could take days but when a goal is scored the winner drinks as much ale as they can consume. feisty lads. now a look ahead. the director of the centers for disease control and prevention will testify before a senate committee of the threat of the zika virus. health officials will also discuss president obama's request for $1.8 billion in emergency funding to combat sbreek ka. the mosquito-borne virus has been spreading rapidly through south america. happy birthday to rachel from "friends." actress jennifer aniston turns 47. sing are songwriter sheryl crow is 54. one-time hollywood ladies' man burt reynolds turns 88. he's still a ladies' man. thanks for watching "early today." make it a great thursday. bye-bye. a discovery on the outskirts of gilroy--- sparking a criminal investigatn. man remainun a discovery on the outskirts of gilroy sparking a criminal investigation. human remains found near a local college. now, we could find out much more about how they got there in just a matter of hours. plus, searching for safety after that deadly balcony collapse in berkeley. the startling number of buildings that all had something in common following further review. while presidential candidates do get out on the east coast, the current commander in chief doing some bank rolling in the bay area. "today in the bay" starts right now. and a very good morning to you. thanks so much for joining us. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> i'm sam brock. put our best foot forward for the president. mission accomplished. meteorologist kari hall with

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