Kristen stewart dan rather musical guest, big sean and featuring the legendary roots crew. Questlove 616, grand rapids yeah steve and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thats what im talking about. Hey, thank you so much. Welcome, welcome, hi, how are you . Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome. [ cheers and applause ] similar shirts in the audience. Very interesting. Can we get a shot of the double plaid guys, here . [ light laughter ] very similar shirts. Keep going back. Yeah, you see one plaid. One plaid, can you see two plaid . There they are. Almost identical shirts. Steve double plaid. Jimmy almost identical shirts. Guys, welcome to the tonight show. Welcome, seriously, thank you so much for being here. [ cheers and applause ] how fun. Heres what people are talking about. You guys, today is groundhog day. [ cheers ] i saw this morning, Punxsutawney Phil came out and saw his shadow, which means trump is going to start fights with six more countries. Steve geeze. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy and you go, no you dont. No. You just go back in there. Trump is causing all kinds of trouble this week. In fact, i saw that israel just had to apologize to mexico, after their Prime Minister tweeted support for trumps border wall. [ light laughter ] so not only has trump failed to solve the middle east conflict, somehow hes dragged mexico in the middle of it. You go who would have saw that coming . [ applause ] what is of course, people are still reacting to Donald Trumps pick for the supreme court. Not only the person he chose, but theyre saying he actually brought more than one judge to washington for his announcement in order to build suspense. [ light laughter ] we actually have footage of the exact moment he made his decision. Check this out. I have selected an individual whose qualities define [ light laughter ] really, and i mean closely define what were looking for. Judge gorsuch. [ applause ] steve awe. Jimmy so close. Steve that close. Oh man. Jimmy and White House PressSecretary Sean Spicer announced that four reporters would receive skype seats for press briefings rather than being there in person. Spicer said he picked the four reporters at random. Then said, cnn, buzzfeed, new york times, and telemundo. Just random random names. [ applause ] steve random. Jimmy get this. In a recent interview president trumps longtime doctor revealed that trump takes the hair growth drug, propecia. [ light laughter ] that might explain this recent commercial i saw. Take a look at this. Propecia is the number one recommended medication that grows healthy looking hair for men. Ask your doctor if propecia is right for you. Side effects may include dry mouth, headache, iritability, obsessing over the size of certain crowds, excessive bleeding, necktie elongation, a a four hour erection at the mere mention of russia, and shrinking of the hands. [ laughter and applause ] steve now it makes sense. I didnt get it before. Jimmy thats a lot of side effects. Steve a lot of side effects. Jimmy theres a a lot of side effects. Steve theres a lot. Jimmy yeah. Steve theres not just one. [ light laughter ] jimmy hey, guys, i saw that hooters is opening a new chain of restaurant called hoots. [ cheers ] hoots, where theyre ditching their revealing outfits. Theyre going to have male servers and they just went out of business. [ laughter and applause ] anyway that was nice of them. And theyre called applebees. All right. [ light laughter ] finally this is pretty cool. It was announced yesterday that the 2020 summer olympics in tokyo will make all of its medals from recycled cell phones. Well, theyre going to make the olympic torch out of a samsung galaxy. [ applause ] come on we have a great show tonight give it up for the roots, right there [ cheers and applause ] jimmy hey, welcome. Oh, welcome tonight hey, can we get a shot of the two people wearing plaid . The matching plaid is very i saw two people. You guys, do you guys know each other at all . Do you [ light laughter ] can you stand up and just get together . Can i just see what it looks like together . [ cheers and applause ] thats pretty cool. Pretty awesome. Looking pretty good. Who else has plaid on . Anyone else wearing plaid tonight . Can we maybe just get over here. Steve oh, my god. These two guys. Jimmy can we get just come on down here if youre wearing a plaid shirt. I think its [ laughter ] yeah, come over here, yeah. Come on over. Hey, how are you . Thats great. Come on over, yeah. If you have a plaid shirt, come on down. Lets get over lets just gather over here. I think this makes sense. Just to see whats happening. Hey, they get to know each other. Hey, how you doing, man . All right. Steve oh my god. Jimmy nice to see you. Hey, how you doing . Pleasure. How are you, buddy . Nice to see you, man. How you doing man . Im doing okay. How are you . Jimmy hey man, hows it going . All good . Steve [ inaudible ] jimmy hey like your shirt. Thumbs up. Hey, how are you doing . Good, how are you . This wasnt planned. Jimmy oh i see what youre saying. What . Yeah, youre close enough to plaid. Yeah, thats a tight plaid. Yeah. How you doing . Yeah. Thats pretty good. I didnt think you could do that. Its a sweatshirt. Jimmy yeah, its like thats not plaid. Get out of here. Get our of here checker. Thats checkered. That is checkered and you know it. Nice try. Hey, maybe take the jacket off just so we can see all this plaid. Get together. Its going to be is that oh wait, hold on, everybody. Steve oh yeah, hold on. Jimmy whats happening . Steve weve got a plaid scarf. Jimmy oh hold on. Somethings oh, wow. Yeah, thats a yeah, come on, you can come in in the middle, yeah absolutely. Ill give you that. You have boots and scarf. Hi, how, are you . Hey, how are you . Lets get together here. Make an epic selfie. Just come in closer, closer, closer. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is good. [ cheers and applause ] yes one, two, three, plaid thank you, guys. Hey, enjoy the show. Thank you for being here. Appreciate it. Thank you. Plaid night. Thank you, buddy, nice to see you. Nice seeing you, buddy. Take care, pal. Nice to see you, buddy, hey. I snuck you in there, buddy, you know that. [ laughter ] he wasnt really wearing plaid. Jimmy he was just a nice guy. Steve you should have like, plaid to meet you. Jimmy yeah, plaid to meet you, dude. Steve yeah. Jimmy plaid night here, as always. Steve yeah, as always. Jimmy february 2nd. Steve is always plaid. Jimmy you know what night it is in america. Its plaid night. Steve what night is it . Jimmy plaid night steve plaid night [ chanting ] jimmy plaid night [ chanting ] jimmy plaid steve plaid night [ chanting ] plaid. Jimmy wait how does how does flashlight . How does that go . Flashlight flashlight plaid night plaid night [ chanting ] steve plaid night jimmy oh, welcome to the show steve oh jimmy good looking people. Good looking crowd. Plaid night steve not to be confused with tartan tuesday. Jimmy no. This is guys, we have us a a giant week so far. Theres more ahead. Tomorrow night we have Gordon Ramsey and alessia cara will be here. Steve oh [ cheers and applause ] come on. Jimmy plus we have the guys from ask this old house will be on the show. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy why didnt we book them for plaid night . Steve aww. Jimmy hey, you know, one of them has got to be wearing plaid. Steve you know it. Jimmy im a big fan of ask this old house. Those dudes are always like, fixing up stuff. But they always one of them always rocks good plaid. Steve yeah. Jimmy we should maybe. You cant. Theres no way we could have two plaid nights. [ light laughter ] steve oh, you want to bet . Jimmy no, way, man, nuhhuh. No, tonight is the one and only. You guys are here. And its plaid night. And thats it. [ cheers and applause ] steve plaidical. Jimmy guys, we have a great show tonight. Shes one of the best actresses around. I just love her. Steve wow. Jimmy this weekend shes hosting saturday night live for the very first time. Kristen stewart is here steve yeah [ cheers and applause ] jimmy what a great actress. Steve tonight jimmy kristens going to tell us about her new movie personal shopper. Then she and i are going headtohead in a game called facebreakers. Steve ooh. Jimmy yeah. And, were very competitive. Faces will be broken. [ light laughter ] plus hes one of the greatest broadcasters of all time. Dan rather is here, tonight. Steve yeah [ cheers and applause ] jimmy its an honor to have him here. And we have great music from big sean is here tonight steve yeah [ cheers and applause ] jimmy love big sean. This is his album, cover, which i love. Because its just colorful. But also can you zoom in . Thats thats big sean, right . Steve right. Jimmy then you think thats like his neighbor or something . Steve right. Jimmy but i find out the scoop. That is big sean, too. Steve what . Jimmy he talked to me and gave me the whole scoop. He said this is him when he gets older. Thats which is smart. Steve oh. Jimmy might as well call yourself big sean when youre young, when youre little. Steve yeah. Then that way dont have to change your name. Jimmy yeah. Steve yeah. Jimmy he could be big sean forever. Steve right. Jimmy right. The older he gets, hes like, oh yeah, hes big sean. Steve yeah, hes big sean. Jimmy yeah. Its not like hes going to get younger steve right. Jimmy and smaller. Steve no, because suddenly they go, oh whats his name . No, hes little sean. Jimmy yeah. I dont know what size to call sean. Steve no. Jimmy no. Steve hes big sean. [ light laughter ] jimmy always he will always be big sean. Steve even if you get superskinny, theyll think its like a a nickname. Like hes so small, hes big. Big sean. Jimmy yeah, but hes just but hes so famous that hes big. Steve yeah. Jimmy big sean. Anyways, the point of the album steve thats big sean too, not big sean number two. Big sean too. Jimmy but thats steve big sean as well. Jimmy no theres not too seans. Steve oh, what . Jimmy theres only one big sean. Steve right. Jimmy what hes saying is this an alternate universe. Steve right. Oh, okay oh okay got it. Jimmy hes older. He has a car. [ laughter ] and he but he says what he thinks about this is true, when you live your life and you make mistakes, the only way you learn in life is to make mistakes. And then you go back and go, i wish i could have done it again and made the right choice. And, you know, did this the right way or in a better way. And thats the way he lives his life. Almost as if hes gotten a a Second Chance to do things right. Steve ooh, i like that. Jimmy isnt that deep . Steve yeah. Jimmy thats real. Yeah. Big sean. [ cheers and applause ] steve i love it. Jimmy i think thats what he said. I wasnt really listening to him. [ light laughter ] steve oh. Jimmy guys, the super bowl is this sunday. You have the new england patriots. [ cheers ] steve oh jimmy taking on the Atlanta Falcons. Steve oh [ cheers and applause ] jimmy so youve got the number one offense going up against the number one defense. And of course, you have tom brady versus matt ryan. Theyre both great quarterbacks. Its nearly impossible to predict who is going to win. But youre in luck because when it comes to predicting things, we have a secret weapon. Steve what . Jimmy and its puppies. [ cheers and applause ] thats right, ladies and gentlemen, its time for the puppy predictors super bowl li edition. [ cheers and applause ] puppy predictors e puppy predictors [ cheers and applause ] jimmy welcome to puppy predictors super bowl li edition. Heres how it works. We have nine puppies and two bowls of kibble. One representing the new england patriots, the other representing the Atlanta Falcons. Whichever teams bowl gets the most puppies will be crowned the super bowl champs. Now, lets meet the puppies. [ cheers and applause ] i got it. I got it. Hi. Hey. Youre all going to get camera time. Hold on. Youre all going to get camera time. Come it all down. Hey, get gary, frick, get off her. Okay. Guys, of course, tonight we have with us ron bell. [ light laughter ] we have, kyle mcadams. Mary kennedy. Ted moonie. [ light laughter ] donna braylon. Peter winston. Roger blain. Lisa armstrong. And gary frick jr. There you go. [ cheers and applause ] guys. Before i release you, i need you to listen up. Gary . Can i talk to gary for a a second . Gary come here. Yeah, thank you. Uh, gary. No, let gary talk for a second. Okay, gary, ill just let you know. No, guys, play it by the rules. Okay . No butt sniffing. Be cool. And i want no no no peeing or wandering. You readied for this . You got it . You ready to make the call . Here we go. Guys, lets release the puppies. [ cheers and applause ] i think its a nobrainer. Its whoever is in this bowl right here. Which is the Atlanta Falcons [ cheers and applause ] the falcons, the falcons will be crowned super bowl champs. Congratulations, atlanta. [ cheers and applause ] enjoy the game, everybody. Well be right back with Kristen Stewart, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] shocked by your wireless bill every month . Additional fees. Tacked on taxes. Come on with tmobile one, taxes and fees are now included get 4 lines of unlimited lte data for 40 bucks each. Thats right all unlimited. All in and now, for a limited time save more than you pay in taxes on all smartphones. So switch to tmobile and save hundreds vs. The other guys. Its better than a tax holiday and its only at tmobile. I did. Nt. Hat . Hey, come look what lisa made. Wow. You grilled that chicken . Yup i did. Nt. Smartmade frozen meals. Real ingredients, grilled and roasted. Its like you made it. And you did. Nt. But when we brought our daughter home, that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. Every great why needs a great how. Something bigger. Here. And something. Smaller. Juicy. Lettucey. Oniony. Cheesy. Iconic big mac®. Now in three sizes, for a limited time only. Ba da ba ba ba [ cheers and applause ] jimmy we are joined right now by a really talented actress whos critically acclaimed new movie personal shopper opens in select theaters march 10th. Shes also hosting saturday night live this weekend with musical guest alessia cara. Please welcome back to the show, our pal Kristen Stewart [ cheers and applause ] jimmy welcome back. Thank you. Jimmy kristen you look gorgeous. Welcome back to the show. Youre wearing your winter outfit. Your winter gear. Its safe. Jimmy youre getting cold outside. Groundhog day. Says, nope, summers here man. No, but like im emanating such heat this week because were getting ready for all the snl stuff. I think like jimmy thats what it is. You can probably feel within five feet of me. Jimmy you do feel warm. Ah jimmy but you always said that when we talked about saturday night live, youre like, i dont know if i would ever do it. I dont know, man. And then i was like, well you should. Youd be great. Yeah, for six years ive just been being like a total wuss about it. And then i finally was like, at some point you just have to bite the bullet, you know . And just fail. You know . [ laughter ] jimmy no way. It will make me stronger, man. Jimmy youll be great. No i already heard from upstairs, they said that youre fantastic and turning out to be a fun week. Its been really, really fun. Jimmy and you have alessia cara, whos the best. Shes rad. No, im really lucky. Jimmy shes fun. Shes coming on the show tomorrow. Were going to do a game of wheel of musical impressions. She does musical impressions. She was on the show. She did a tour of nbc once. You should ask about this. This is a cool story. And she actually came down to that monologue mark and said one day im gonna be here. Nice. Jimmy and then she came on the show. Baller. Jimmy it was amazing. And then she was here. Now shes, yeah, 100 baller. Yeah, exactly. [ laughter ] 100 baller. Jimmy now shes back. Oh my god, 100 welcome back to 100 baller. [ laughter ] i thought that movie was 65 baller. But this one that youre in, is 100 baller. Congrats on personal shopper. And i have so many questions about this. First of all, beautifully shot. Oh, cool. You saw it. Thats awesome. Jimmy of course. What are you talking about . Sometimes it doesnt have a jimmy oh, i watched everything. Are you kidding me . Im a big fan. I love christmas tunes. Yeah, so [ laughter ] sounds like everything you do is very different. And very cool. Even, god, im forgetting the name of it now where you were like the publicist, on the train. I love the train, i love the spots in the woody allen thats the same director. Jimmy it is. Yeah. Jimmy gosh, see. Thats something about its just so well done. You go like, man, i want to visit that place. Even though its haunted. And then whatever yeah. Jimmy or in a good way, but. I like thats your interpretation. Its like ghosts exist. Thats what i take away from personal shopper. [ laughter ] jimmy thats what i take away from a movie. No, i always because my brain just wanders. I watch a new movie and im like cause the plot, in general, to say its like youre a personal shopper. Thats hence the title of a celebrity. But also i love the places you went to. Thats not a set. The vintage place where you got the handbag . Yeah, everything is totally real. Even the house. Jimmy i want to go the house. I want to go there. Its like the leaves even driving up. In the volvo youre driving up in. I go, this is all id love to like hang with Kristen Stewart for just a day and just hang. Wed probably just take a volvo out. Yeah, just go around to, like, moldy house. [ laughter ] jimmy empty mansion somewhere. Asbestos. Jimmy see if we can talk to ghosts. Did you talk to snorting asbestos lines. [ laughter ] jimmy thats what we do. You know me, man. 100 baller. Thats what i do. [ laughter ] what are you doing . Was it asbestos . The house is just genuinely really old and kind of deserted. And so it was like, i dont think there were many regulations. Keeping the crew safe or anything. I was like rolling around and jimmy in france outside of paris, i guess that was, but thats just legal. You can do that . They kind of let you do anything. Like, i rode a scooter in the movie and i had a two hours of training beforehand. I feel like in the states theyd probably have me for a a month and like certifications and like insurance jimmy stunt drivers. And all this stuff. And no, they were just like, you good . Im like, no. They were like, great, action. I was like, genuinely terrified. Jimmy you were great on the scooter. Would you ever consider riding a scooter around . Yeah, i love it. I dug it man. Its fun. So embarrassing. My, like, bubble helmet. Im like, oh, do, do, do. Jimmy no, no. Thats not you look so cool. Ill tell you a bad experience is, im friends with mario batali, whos a great chef. And he drives a vespa and hes super cool on it. And he gave me a ride and he goes, ill just give you a a ride. And i go, okay. What do we do . And he goes, just get on the back. And i go, okay. What do i hold on to . He goes, put youre arm around me. Wrap yourself around me. Jimmy so i wrapped myself around. And it was just, of course, the paparazzi just took photos. [ laughter ] hugging mario so close. [ cheers and applause ] derping all the way. Derping. Jimmy 100 derping. Jimmy hey, can i set up the film, what the films about, personal shopper, not really . Yeah, i mean its about a a girl who is sort of grieving the loss of her brother who is a twin, so shes essentially lost half of herself and is like unbelievably just fragmented. And not a whole person. And she kind of hates her job. And then this trauma ignites like a serious existential breakdown and she kind of loses her mind and believes in ghosts and is trying to contact through her brother contact her brother. And its really french. Jimmy he was a medium. Yes. Jimmy and so you kind of did a thing about your brother, it was like, hey. If anything goes down, im gonna contact you and well talk. Right . Yes. Yes. Jimmy wow. [ light laughter ] hey, you know what . Ill come back and ill Say Something to you. After i die. Oh, okay. Cool. I was like when . Like are we going to commercial break . Jimmy no. Were on commercial break. I mean isnt that the whole thing . Jimmy no, i turned the cameras off. Are you talking . Jimmy i dont talk to the guest. Im very rude and im very cruel to the guests. No, in the afterlife if you die before me, for sure. Jimmy yeah, ill give you theyll contact you in the afterlife and give you a a little hit me up. Jimmy wink and go like, hey, im 100 balling out here. Please. [ laughter ] jimmy i want to show we have an exclusive trailer for Kristen Stewarts new film personal shopper. Its in select theaters march 10th. Write that date down. Check this out. What are you doing cursed . My twin brother died here. Its been 95 days. We made this oath whoever died first would send the other a a sign. In the afterlife. Is that all you can hear . Are you here . I cant tell whether or not im going crazy. Nice to see you. Or is it just me . [ cheers and applause ] jimmy isnt that great . Yeah, its great. Jimmy Kristen Stewart and i are playing facebreakers with some special guests. Stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] im not the type to smushy garbages. You know what . Im going for it. You are completely and utterly. Awesome. Im glad you showed up. In my life i think im about to cry. You better not. Every single time i. Get down you always have. My back my back its really hard to describe. Its like. All these tiny little. Things . Yes. Yes. Things are actually. Friendship. Tax refund, you can get an advance on that refund . [zombie] an advance on my tax refund. [john] doesnt take brains to see the value in that. [zombie] ha [john] arghh. [vo] you can get a refund advance of up to 1250 no interest at block. [john] get your taxes won. So you can take and share pictures any time of day. With a network that helps you save the day. Bunny . For half the cost. 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In fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. Do not use if you are allergic to taltz. Before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. Taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. Inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. Including worsening of symptoms. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Nows your chance at completely clear skin. Just ask your doctor about taltz. Nows your chance at completely clear skin. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy welcome back, everybody. Im here with Kristen Stewart. Shes hosting saturday night live stop it. Stop it. This weekend with musical guest alessia cara. Kristen and i are about to go headtohead, or facetoface in a game of facebreakers. Thats right. Yeah. Now tariq and i are a team. [ cheers and applause ] but kristen is going to need a a partner. And we found a good one. His new album i decided comes out tomorrow. Give it up for big sean [ cheers and applause ] jimmy hey, buddy . Whats up, man. Good to see you, guy. Jimmy good to see you. Tariq you know heres how the game works. Were going to take turns throwing footballs at that wall of glass with my face and kristens face on it. So we got to throw these balls at your face . [ light laughter ] jimmy absolutely. Watch it, man. Im watching [ laughter ] when we do this air horn [ horn blows ] that means the party done no. That means, speed round and well throw as many footballs as we possibly can. First team to break all of the other teams faces wins. So were going for kristens face and you guys are going for my big face. Okay. Jimmy which is not really fair because my face is like double the size of your face. [ light laughter ] all right, here we go. Kristen since youre my guest, youre up first, pal. Oh we get to go on okay cool. One by one. Jimmy oh yeah, good luck. I thought it was like a jimmy you ready . Yeah, yeah. So we go at the same time. There are like two of us at the same time. Were just like jimmy nope. Okay. Jimmy i want to see what okay, gotcha. Ready . Jimmy here. Okay, no. Im one handed. Jimmy you got it. Yeah. [ audience aws ] jimmy check this out. Were going to win. Jimmy as they say in football, read em and weep. No, no yes. [ applause ] no thats can i count jimmy which one is kristen and which one is now, i know the rules. Now, i know the rules. Lets see. Not me, not me. Not me. My bad. Yeah. Lets see. Jimmy tariq hey hey. Whats your problem man . Were suppose to be winning, man. Jimmy whats wrong with you . You took the whole glass out. All right, come on, buddy. Make a couple hot throws. Yeah, ready. [ cheers and applause ] [ audience ohs ] hows your finger, by the way . Jimmy its all right. All your faces are busted in already. Jimmy yeah, those two and that one down there. Or the yellow one. [ cheers and applause ] are we trading places, seriously . Yeah, i know. Absolutely. [ cheers and applause ] [ applause ] whatever. [ light laughter ] [ applause ] jimmy i think its that music thats really i need more like tough guy music. Jimmy yeah wheres my opponent at . [ cheers ] oh, my gosh oh my goodness. [ applause ] [ horn blows ] [ horn blows ] jimmy air horn, air horn, air horn. That means everybody throws until someones face is destroyed. Ready go. Hey, i got this. Did i just throw it at my own face . Jimmy stop, stop, stop, stop. I already lost. I lost. Jimmy thank you. Jimmy theres the winner right there. Can the camera zoom in on that . [ cheers and applause ] theres the champs. Kristen stewart, big sean. [ cheers and applause ] tariq trotter. Were talking to dan rather after the break. Stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] this is my body of proof. Proof of less joint pain. And clearer skin. 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[ girl screaming ] [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy our next guest has covered some of the worlds most Historic Events in his over 60 years as a journalist, and hes still at it. His axs tv show the big interview returns for its fifth season tuesday, february 14th, at 8 00 p. M. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome a broadcasting legend, dan rather [ cheers and applause ] jimmy dan rather. Im so happy to have you on the show. Oh, jimmy, im so pleased to be here. Thank you for having me on. Jimmy you know, im reading, you know, my newsfeed. And im scrolling through everything. And you see people going on twitter rants, and then memes and, i just ate chipotle, yum. [ light laughter ] and then all of a sudden you see an eloquent 500word essay by dan rather. And i want to say thank you for being a voice of reason on social media. [ cheers and applause ] thank you very much. Jimmy im very curious, why facebook . Well you know, slowly getting on to facebook, being old school. But, i work with a a young staff at my Production Company and news operation called, news and guts. And they came to me. They said, dan, youve got to be on social media. Youve got to go to facebook. If you want to be relevant, if you want the be part of the conversation, if you want to do journalism that matters, then you have to get on it. So i said, well, ill try it. I was told, by the way, write no more than two paragraphs. But i said listen, im going to write my heart. And it turns out that there is an audience for the hopefully wellthoughtout essay. But its been a real experience for me. Jimmy yeah. Trumps relationship with the press, have you seen anything like this in 60 years of no, ive never seen anything like it. Neither has anybody else. Lhlh weve never had anything even approaching this. The closest weve had was during the presidency of richard nixon. But even then, the president himself did not so often, so openly and so personally assault and attack not just the press as an institution but individual press members as well. Weve never had anything even approaching this at any time that i can remember. You go through history. It just hasnt happened. Jimmy what is your advice to the media, to the journalists out there . Well, first of all, stay steady, stay respectful, but also be relentless and remain aggressive. Thats the proper role of the press. Our role is part of the system of checks and balances, is to ask questions, keep on asking tough questions, do deep digging, investigative reporting. Thats what were supposed to do. And i think the public, including the people who voted for trump by and large, understand thats a vital role. It doesnt help when the president is so negative about the press, but thats the way it is. For example, his principal advisor mr. Steve bannon recently said almost directly the press needs to shut up. Well, our answer to that has to be, with respect, sir, no. Were not going to shut up. Now answer the damn question. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy right. Lets take Donald Trumps immigration ban. Honest, decent, intending people of all persuasions can agree that we need some form of immigration reform. But, it needs to be carefully thought out, not suddenly done overnight that cast chaos, confusion, and heartbreak. That something thats measured, something thats not only well thought out, but effective quite well. I think a large part of the country can get behind that. But this is this makes us look bad to the world, and it also gives great fuel to all of our enemies, great propaganda fuel. They love to see this sort of thing happening. Jimmy what do you say to people who dont agree with the president or who are, you know, are protesting . Again i use the word steady, and dont get afraid. Dont be scared. Its the natural inclination. Also, organize and get to the polls. The eventual leverage is at the polls. You cant win at the polls unless you have a sustained effort to get to be organized, to get yourself to the polls and get other people to the polls. Now, i also think that its very important to reach out to other people. And youre saying what can i do as one person . You can reach out other people. Particularly reach out to people of different political persuasions, i think it would help if they were of a a different race. Talk to them, reason with them, try to reach common ground. Thats the way that we come together. [ cheers and applause ] i also thought, jimmy, looking for some short way to synthesize this and the expression, huh comes to mind. Huh, in my own mind, we need healing, unity and hope. Huh. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy yeah, i like that. Its not like ill give you an idea. I thought about having a a tshirt printed up with huh. [ light laughter ] jimmy yeah, yeah, huh. Not like huh . Its like huh. [ laughter ] i like that. I like that idea. I think huh could take off. One of the things i know youre talking about and i dont think the issues really been brought up enough is Climate Change. And you had this idea that i thought was pretty brilliant to have like maybe a monument built, do you remember this, in miami maybe . You said, at sea level . I had a post that started out to be kind of tongue in cheek. Jimmy yeah. Saying that Climate Change deniers, we should build a a monument to them and engrave the names of each and every one on the monument because historys going to judge. And historys going to judge very badly. People who take the view, oh, theres nothing to Climate Change or as the president said during the campaign, say it was a hoax that the chinese perpetrated. I mean, thats ridiculous. So my idea was, well put a a monument. Put it in miami, where the waters going to rise as Climate Change gets worse, and engrave on it the names of each one of these Climate Change deniers. I dont expect it will come about, though. Jimmy yeah, no. I just like the idea. That was very creative. I watched your show. Congrats on that, the big interview. [ cheers and applause ] february 14th. Thank you. Jimmy the fifth season, february 14th. Valentines day. Its you and kid rock. Who are two people i dont think i would see together having a conversation. [ light laughter ] well, you know, i really enjoyed meeting kid rock and talking to him. The dude runs deep. [ laughter ] jimmy that you should put on a tshirt. Thats pretty good. The dude runs deep, yeah. And then after that, thats our Opening Program on february 14th. Jimmy yeah. And after that, well have the likes of sheryl crow, and ice cube among others as the season runs on. And i appreciate you mentioning it. Thank you very much. Jimmy i thought it was so it was great. Yeah. [ applause ] and again, im so happy that youre here and we love seeing you do the interviews on axs tv. But i do miss you as a a broadcaster. So i was wondering if you wouldnt mind reading one of your facebook essays for us tonight. You can read it to that camera. Well, thank you. Jimmy if youd do us that honor. Ill do my best, jimmy. Thank you very much. Jimmy please. As a recurring headline, as we document president trumps first days in office, there was this. President trump declares war on blank. Mexico, immigrants, women, scientists, the gop itself, journalists. A dizzying attack on a a crosssection of people and his executive actions of his first days emphasize division and disruption. Americans have a right to be scared. I, too, have grave concerns. But i ask you to consider this. On january 20th, so Many Americans came out to washington, d. C. , to witness the inauguration of our 45th president. And the next day a sea of people participated in the womens march on washington. Instead of comparing the numbers between the two days or any other days, for that matter, if you combine the numbers, it would give you an idea of how Many Americans are actually participating in our democratic system. Whether in support of trump, or in protest. And to have an elective active, is not nothing. In the days and months ahead, we americans will have our struggles. Some more than others. But in the fatigue, or in fear we need to collectively remember one thing. There are certain truths that are not alternative. They are selfevident. [ cheers and applause ] reporting from new york, dan rather. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy our thanks to the great dan rather thank you so much. Jimmy the big interview returns tuesday, february 14th, at 8 p. M. On axs tv. Big sean performs after the break. Stick around, everybody [ cheers and applause ] Something Big is here. Something bigger. And something. Smaller. Juicy. Lettucey. Oniony. Cheesy. Iconic big mac®. 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Tonight is plaid night [ cheers and applause ] plaid night plaid night plaid night here at the tonight show always. Hes a grammynominated rapper. He kicks off a u. S. Tour next month in support of a new album i decided, which is out now. Performing halfway off the balcony, please welcome big sean [ cheers and applause ] im hanging half way off the balcony overthinking cause my job is way more than a salary everything around me gold like i just practiced alchemy i realized when it comes to girls that chemistry means why more than anatomy she mad at me she been mad at me im the living proof that you dont need a masters just to be a masterpiece people passing faster than im passing tree my daddy tell me stay strong son and be the man you have to be hold this down dont crash at sea paper on my phone line its on my phone like fax for me thats facts to me but i dont want it if cant change drastically dramatically cause actually i realize times the most valuable actually so imma call my favorite girl and she gone bring that ass for me and as for me imma text the room number right now so you aint gotta hit the front desk and go ask for me dont ask for me dont ask for me dont ask for me lot of been going on things going wrong so dont ask for me im hanging half way off the balcony overthinking cause my job is way more than a salary everything around me gold like i just practiced alchemy i realized when it comes to girls that chemistry means way more than anatomy she mad at me she been mad at me she been mad i been on the go on the road on the roll more than a roller coaster they cant throw me off track or slow if i did i got a long list of i quote on quote dont say i told you so heaven on earth every night is paradise i pray i didnt die or over dose never that i kept it a hundred never changed not even for five twenties still smokin at five twenty like its 4 20 on the quest for more money more hungry just got my fortune read she said its more coming yeah i got the force but never forced nothing do it for the love im forest gumpin in my city im warren buffet i mean business the shirt is tucked in the guns tungsten im who not to with who the bad bad gone mess with my stocks rising im going public if i write it its goin publish ya messing with the best no discussion no discussion yeah that 303rd detroit straight up im hanging half way off the balcony over thinking cause my job is way more than a salary everything around me gold like i just practiced alchemy i realized when it comes to girls that chemistry means why more than anatomy she mad at me she been mad at me she been mad she been mad at me been mad yeah she been mad at me [ cheers and applause ] jimmy big sean [ cheers and applause ] i decided is out now. Well be right back, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] increase speed, full throttle over intercom ann, are you coming in . Negative stay on target. What are you guys doing . Artoo, thrusters theyre closing in ill guard the base. For every family that lives star wars, this is the place where star wars lives. Where a galaxy far, far away. Is closer than ever before. Move along. Come join us. During season of the force. Now at the Disneyland Resort. And right now you can save on premium rooms at a Disneyland Resort hotel. Anything with a screen is a tv. Stream 130 live channels, plus 40,000 on demand tv shows and movies, all on the go. You can even download from your x1 dvr and watch it offline. Only xfinity gives you more to stream to any screen. Download the xfinity tv app today. Jimmy my thanks to Kristen Stewart, dan rather, big sean once again [ cheers and applause ] and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for late night with seth meyers. Thanks for watching. Have a great night. I hope to see you tomorrow. Byebye, everybody. Thank you. Cooking with chef alex guarnaschelli. Featuring the 8g band with kenny aronoff. [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers. Seth good evening, im seth meyers. This is late night. How is everybody doing tonight . [ cheers and applause ] fantastic. Fantastic to hear. In that case, lets get to the news. Today is groundhog day, and Punxsutawney Phil came out of his burrow, and was immediately captured and detained for