Transcripts For KNXV ABC15 News At 10PM 20160906

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at first, this little girl did not have a pulse when she was pulled from the water but i am told paramedics were able to get her pulse going again and now she is in the hospital tonight on ventilators to help her breathe. neighbors tell me there was a blowup slide in the front yard all weekend for the kids but tonight, it's the backyard pool causing pain for this family. satellite maps show us there is an above ground backyard. we don't know yet how this little girl got in there and fill in. what we do know from the arizona driving prevention coalition is nearly every drowning and near drowning call involving kids so far this year shares a similar story. >> every sad story we come to is the parents say i didn't know how fast they could go out the doggie door, i didn't know how fast they could get to the pool.>>reporter: maricopa county is on pace to set a according to children's safety zone, last year and all of last year, there were 79 calls for help. 14 deaths. that is just kids under the age of 5. already this year, there have been 76 calls for help in that group. 13 have been deaths. the summer isn't quite over yet, guys. >> it has been a dismal pool season. first southwest, then delta and now british airways. a.b. things really do come in threes. teams working to fix a problem with the check-in system for british airways delaying flights all over the world. the airline is having to check in people without their computers. a live look from sky harbor. one departing flight to london tonight. it has been delayed at least one hour 15 minutes. a live look from i-17 where roads. car fire is closing parts of the freeway and causing long backups. jon erickson is live near rock springs. this seems to be a reoccurring issue and a key safety alert.>>reporter: right now, traffic is moving very slowly. this is i-17 southbound. it looks to be going 35 miles per hour right here. this backup goes for miles all the way from sunset point in the north down to the new river area in the south, about 17 miles according to southbound traffic was stopped earlier for a car fire. it's the third car fire this weekend along i-17. roadside flames along i-17 on saturday but it was this friday fire that kept their vacation from starting on time. your vacation was delayed because of a car fire? >> yes and when we hit traffic again the next day. >> reporter: part of i-17 was closed after a car fire near after it reopened. >> stop and go, stop and go. you switch to the next lane and you are coming up to the cars you were right next to. it was just a mess the whole way. >>reporter: it to two hours to drive a 45 miles from verity to rock springs. >> my baby was crying so i needed to give him a break. >>reporter: after this lineup, these drivers might just need a vacation. has traffic continues to crawl back toward the valley on this labor day night, some advice on preventing your car from being the next car fire. he says regular car maintenance can be the trick. you don't want sludge to build up because one spark in the engine and all that sludge can catch fire. >> some good advice there. thank you very much. i-17 not the only trouble spot. so many people drove out to salt river today that mcso actually closed bush highway at state route 87. -- there just wasn't enough room for more drivers. search for a glendale man missing more than 24 hours after a day on the water at lake pleasant. crews are looking for the 24- year-old dam scouring the water using sonar. he was with a group of seven people on a both sunday and at one point they got out to swim and when they reached sure, they realized he was missing. mcso's says the man knows how to swim but was not wearing a life jacket. >> for a good time and when something tragic happened, on a holiday, and you never want to hear something like that. >> crews are done looking for the night and will likely start up again in the morning. phoenix firefighters closely watching a smoldering scrapyard tonight after a big fire earlier today. you may have seen this loom of smoke while you're out. it's from the liberty scrapyard on 27th and broadway. here. we also heard small explosions. >> we hear that a lot. the gases get compressed into a confined area. if you think about all the pockets, all of a sudden, a log explodes in a campfire, that rapid steam is expanding. >> luckily, nobody hurt here. the cause is under investigation. they still have what is most important, their lives. three roommates feeling lucky they weren't hurt after a car went right through their home. all of this, the end result of a fight between two cars that turned into a shooting. the person who was shot tried to speed away but crashed into the home. >> he came right here and like that. they fly in. they didn't know where they were. all the way over there in the middle of the living room. it was crazy. >> the homeowner was listening gunshots and then the crash. when he looked up, the car was at his feet but stopped short of hitting him. the car in the car was not so lucky, he did not survive. laura thomas is in the acb15 forecast center. not long -- often we hear about hurricanes affecting the valley but that could be the case? >> we are tracking some of this hurricane moisture from newton working its way into news -- into newton but it is not expected to be a named storm as it means north but what is happening right now is it's gaining strength as it moves to the northwest and forecast to become a category two storm overnight. officials say 92 miles per hour cost, watch what happens. a category two storm overnight through tomorrow morning and then it becomes a category one storm as we get into tomorrow afternoon and continues to weaken as it news toward arizona. it's still going to take this track off to the northeast as it approaches arizona. that is where the best rain chances will be, where we could southeastern arizona. we are going to have more on the rain chances for the valley in a couple minutes. mudslides, flash flooding and a dozen people swept away. do you remember this video? it has been almost a year since this tragedy. most of the victim's children, one boy's body, still hasn't been found. a memorial service will be held to honor all the victims next wednesday in colorado city. on the run with police on the lookout. of handcuffs in las vegas and he could possibly be in our state. they say he is dangerous and that is an understatement. look at this new surveillance video. this shows alonso perez shooting at someone back in july. police say one identifying mark is a 3 inch air jordan tattoo. a nine-year-old girl with a memory tattooed in her brain and shouldn't have to be there. her and her dad startled led to gunfire. no one was hurt but detectives are talking to neighbors hoping to find out who the men were that got away. think your vote doesn't count? nearly a week since many of you voted in the primaries and one race is still to call -- close to call. it's the republican race for congress in district 5. andy biggs taking over kristine jones. the final margin, you see it right there is nine votes. that's close enough to trigger an automatic process could take a while. the judge has to order the recount. the actual counting begins and then the results are presented to the court at which point an official announcement is made. it is all paid for through taxpayer money. it could be days if not weeks before the process is complete. they will not be a recount in one primary race. helen purcell, the republican challenger was beaten by only 185 votes. aaron flannery says he doesn't have the resources or the push for a recount but hopes purcell learned a lesson. >> if you win by a narrow margin, you might want to correct some things. i think she has taken that message to heart and she has had two very clean elections since what happened in march. >> in march, she slashed polling places along -- and long lines prevented some from voting. sports and backwards school dances are the kinds of things >> but jacob priestly can't do many of those things not because he doesn't want to but because he can't physically. he has a rare life-threatening illness called mitochondrial disease which makes it hard to get out of bed but he is not asking for pity, he is asking for birthday cards. >> the 13-year-old says it's the best medicine and he has received thousands from the pd. and the chief says he will have a special surprise tomorrow. if you think the damage looks crazy, wait until you hear what the driver did. your face could be in the next police photo lineup even if you have never committed a crime. i have never been to the memorial. a barbecue with a side of bricks. pretty crazy video into the newsroom. families getting quite the surprise in milwaukee as a car plows into the wall. the driver gets out to check on everyone but then takes off. >> been in business almost 18 years. you don't expect something like that to happen. >> but with it being labor day, they set up chairs down to -- outside so people could eat. everyone will be okay. thankfully two words we haven't had to say much, wildfire watch. that is not the case along the warm and dry conditions not helping crews battle the fire. dozens were asked to evacuate. firefighters have been able to save all the homes so far. it's not fire but water causing all kinds of problems. this is what is left of hermine as it exits way up the east coast. thousands without power in new england as the past has been laid -- blamed for three deaths it couldn't be worse time for resort owners trying to cash in for the holiday weekend but the beaches are all empty up and down the east coast and it's ruining all kinds of travel plans. >> we are going to take it day by day and see how things go. >> the last time we had to cancel for a storm like this was hurricane sandy. >> beach closers have already been extended because of deadly rip tides. for the vast majority, there is no reason you should appear in a police photo lineup knowing it in states like ohio where the attorney general's office says they have had inquiries about the fbi accessing their drivers license photo database. anytime the fbi is looking for a suspect, they enter the description and if you match the description, your photo could pop up. understandably, it is getting mixed reactions. >> that's big brother. >> that is a slight invasion of privacy but that's just me. >> i think it would and keep a lot of people safer in our community. i don't see anything wrong with it. >> it could help solve more cases but opponents say it's an invasion of privacy and they question the accuracy of facial recognition software. here, the fbi does not have complete access to driver's license photos but negotiations are underway according to the accountability office bill cosby will be back in court tomorrow and could learn the date of his trial. driving and molesting a woman he meant toward in 2004 at temple university. the charges come after a deposition when a lawsuit was unsealed last year. we are just hours away now from two big exclusive interviews. world news tonight, sitting down with both hillary clinton and tim kaine as well as donald trump and mike pence. it your first the tomorrow on good morning america. trump and clinton in ohio today. clinton showing off her campaign airplane an reporters to ask questions. the first time she has done that in months. she tried to clear the air about recent coughing spells chalking it up to allergies. >> was it pollen? >> i had the same problem last labor day. >> trump also answering questions on his plane saying he is not ruling anything out when it comes to possibly allowing a pathway to legal status saying a decision will >> we are going to make that decision into the future okay? good question. i am glad you asked that. that decision will be made. >> trump also answering after his tough speech on immigration here in phoenix last week. if you're thinking about flying to disney world, children will have to start scanning fingers to get in. disney says this will help block the use of stolen and shared tickets. previously, tickets for children ages 3 to 9 were easy to transfer. instead. he is about to turn 90 and they glendale world war ii veteran is getting the gift of a lifetime. >> an all -- all-expenses-paid honor flight to washington dc. were there with him as he packs his bags for the big trip. >> reporter: humbled. >> they are going to take care of everything. >>reporter: and surprised as he >> i wanted really to go on the trip and to be with the other guys. >>reporter: he already feels blessed when he compares himself to other world war ii veterans. >> i happen to be lucky. i am 90 years old and still going strong. >>reporter: he joined the army the day after he graduated high school and he was shipped to japan right after pearl harbor. he thinks deserving this trip to see the world war ii memorial in dc but he can' wait to reunite with the men who fought with him during that war. >> it is going to be a really fun day to be with other guys and exchange stories, etc. >>reporter: the group he will be with might be complete strangers but the war that brings them together brings back the same memories. >> when you have served with guys, it's just like you have a >> it took so long to build this memorial it warms your heart every time you see a veteran go and make that trip. >> not too many world war ii veterans are around anymore. our weather? how is our weather? >> i will say very nice but somebody -- pretty big changes coming up that we have been tracking the last couple days. let's talk about these currents. we topped out at 103 degrees and low 90s across the valley. hitting 70s tomorrow morning. we will not see rain chances you may wake up to a few more high clouds with a surge of moisture down to the south. rain chances very slight tomorrow. just about a 10% chance as we get into tomorrow evening. overall, most of us will be dry through tuesday. satellite radar composite. it was dry all day across arizona. we had showers and storms out east. what we are tracking now on the water vapor image is the surge of tropical moisture. cabo tonight but the moisture is working its way in and we will continue to see that dew points increase and the threat of thunderstorms coming up over the next couple of days. we look at this graphic once again and track hurricane newton again. this is the latest at 92 miles per hour gusting to 115 miles per hour. taking it to the northwest at around 14 miles per hour and expected to become a hurricane category 2 overnight before reducing to a category 1 tomorrow. that will continue to decrease as it moves north, becoming a depression. those remnants look like right now on the that they are going to be moving through extreme southeastern arizona. that is where some of the more widespread rain will be so that would be southeast of the valley. not to say that we will not see thunderstorms here but we will have moisture increasing and we will be looking for a slight chance of showers and storms returning wednesday and thursday. it's the southeastern pocket of the state we are watching right now. thunderstorms around the state as we have that tropical moisture moving in. localized flooding could be an issue. no advisories at this time. we will keep you up-to-date on that. we will see breezes and cooler highs on the way. isolated rain chances tomorrow in phoenix and flagstaff. 10%. 20% here in the valley on wednesday. a 30% chance thursday. we could have pockets of heavy rain and lingering chances through the weekend with higher chances across forecasted lows, dry in the 70s tonight. tomorrow, upper 90s, slightly below average. the average high 103 degrees. 99 degrees in tempe and ahwatukee. a quick look outside. in the 40s and flagstaff. 30s tomorrow morning at the grand canyon. 72 degrees bullhead city and lake have a soup. back in the upper 90s to near tuesday and breezes tuesday and thursday -- wednesday and thursday with quite a bit of cloud cover and 20% chance of rain. 30% post and a lingering chance friday and saturday. i looked at the receipt and went that seems a little high. >> not as advertised. why some drivers are facing sticker shock at the gas station even though some prices are near record lows. a trip to the hospital and em the average age of a homeless person is 9 years old. my dream is to help kids living on the streets with education. charles what's up man? -whoa! how can we help? -ah man! wait, is that a basketball player? yes! -wow! my heart's about to jump out my chest man. charles you ought to be proud man. i'm just extremely grateful they were here giving them some encouragement- that's something that these kids are going to remember for a lifetime. did you see his big old feet? look. acb15 sports brought to you by sanderson forward. >> it's a labor day finish at the deutsche bank championship with former asu golfer pop -- paul caseyho lead heading into today's ' final-round but he falters finishing with four bogeys and two birdies and that opens the day for mcelroy. mcelroy comes in with seven birdies on the day. he finished at six under par, two strokes better than casey. his first win on tour since may 2015. >> it's amazing to think how i started this tournament and what was going on in my mind and then all of a sudden, four it's pretty cool. >> how many more have to get seriously injured before we start mandating safety equipment and instituting new rules to keep athletes safe from concussions. the latest match hit in the head by a line drive off the third baseman kyle singer. he suffered a fractured skull and a hematoma. doctors had to operate early this morning to stop the bleeding. shumaker is seemingly okay. his line drive hit shumaker at an estimated 105 miles per hour. there is an existing safety hat that may have prevented some of his injuries. this isn't rocket science. let's put an and back to head, and start mandating safety equipment when it is available. look who is back. it's him but he is not johnny football is now johnny student. johnny manziel re-enrolling in classes at texas a&m listed as a recreation parks and tourism's sciences major. it's unclear if adult behavior 101 is on his list of courses. the countdown is on until the cards start the regular season at home. >> tomorrow night cheer them on. several players including david johnson and patrick peterson will be at cowboys saloon peoria for a special charity event. the main even tailgating believe -- begins even earlier. if hockey is more your thing, the coyotes getting ready to get into action. tomorrow morning, the ice gets laid. if nothing else, it will be a cool place to be. 55 degrees in the arena and 12 degrees on the floor. gas prices might seem low but not everyone wants better chicken. him. her. even that guy. and that's what you get at subway with the new chicken caesar melt. rotisserie-style chicken that's raised without antibiotics. topped with a savory caesar sauce, melted provolone and parmesan cheese for a taste that's deliciously unique. it's exactly what you, him, her, ...and those guys all asked for. the new chicken caesar melt from subway. because it's better to give than to receive. because there's no place like home. midfirst bank will always be true to your money - with innovative services that let you focus on what's most important. when you can take your hands out of a tight spot. when you can relax with your foot off the brake and stay put. and when you enjoy 400 horsepower that's both smooth and controlled. that's the more human side of engineering. hurry in for limited time offers during the final days of the lincoln summer invitation sales event. lease a lincoln mkc for $289 a month or get 0% apr for 60 months just driving by, it might seem like gas stations are offering pretty good prices if your car takes regular gas. >> but what if your card means premium? this wasn't an issue until recent phillips. >> so i check the price differential between the low grade and premium and i was stunned that it was $.50 higher. >> you won't catch it when you pull in because many stations don't advertise those higher prices on their big sign. >> shell has some of the biggest differences. in some places, the difference is up to $.75. what can you do? sea of your car requires premium or just suggest a. downgrade to midgrade if it's only a suggestion. with our state fair about a month away, how would you like deep-fried tarantulas. apparently, a town in cambodia has been so overrun, they started cooking and eating the creatures. they are similar to chicken or cod. be advised, only the legs are edible. >> everything taste like chicken. >> everything is good fried, from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- zooey deschanel. ben stein. and music from glass animals. and now, don't move -- here's jimmy kimmel! [ ? >> jimmy: welcome. very kind. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thanks for watching. thanks to all of you for coming. i appreciate it. i hope i don't disappoint anybody. i'm a little bit off my game tonight. we're potty training my

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