Transcripts For KOAA News 5 Today At 6AM 20160128

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the deputy was shot several times during a confrontation with two juvenil in an apartment complex parking lot tuesday night. the deputy was able to return fire, hitting one of the suspects. today... authorities continue tir sear for a second suspect. a colorado springs police officer isn administrative leave th morning-- aft being arrested a ausedf ing cessive foe. this is seeant steven sco-- a medal of valor cipient. a man claims the officer used excessive force on december d-- at the scene of a crash ne oro blanco a barnes.police cefete carey-- won't say exactly what allegedly happened. biscaro-- a 23-year veteran of the rce-waarrested yesterdaon suspion of fenacing misdemeassault."my hope is the crimustice system doethe right thinand makes the best dermination they can, whatroubles me more is that a supervisor has been charged with a crime, that's particularly tough, eecially a veteran in 201bisco was name a defendanin an exive forc ui- fid a man who was tased while being detained by another officer. that ce wasettlein 22. the city of la junta now has official notice -- that a paralyzed man is ciming hi injuries were caused by a police ating. donovan duran clai hwas injured whe in cusdyast moh at the arkansavalley medical center. his attorney, mike mcdivitt, lieveshe incident was all recorded on surveiance video afficer body cameras. heold usast week thahe was frustrat by thates "op s law" because it fo pee his cl to sue just to access thoideos. righnow... a w for the citto respond before taking any her action in th. rents living neaa st- el paso county leadersave applied for a grant frhe ate to pay forhe relocation of everyone living in th "rivsi mile home park." flooding in recent years has eaten aw the banks of a sharp bend ifountain creek, putting the mobile homesdaer of fallindown t embanent. the county is seeking around 2-and-a-half million dollars to help people reca somewhere safer. "if they have o bedrooms, a baroom, ana ling room, th'll get two bedrooms, a bathro, and a livioom. if the grant is approved by the state, the county hos to hav evyone relocated by su. weatr and traffic on thes. chief morning teorologist stephen bowers is here now wh first alert 5. our thursday morning temper a in e 20s. wind chills io the teens when the windicks u but wind isn't a big coern for most of ths and 30s this mng and into the lower and middle 40s by 10 am. noon will be sunny with temperar into the r 50s. even monumt hits 50 this afrnn and areas ong the arkansas rer will warm into the lower s between noon and 3 . at 5 pm, temratures will still be ithe 40s and 50s. this evening will car w d-30s at 10 pm. oubig ather usuallcome from the west. a big storm rolling off e pacifiis spreading rain into the pacific northwest toda thatystewill pass tour north. another system way out ie pacifiis heading our way for earlnexteek. sunday night tough tuesday wille snow a very cold as new is m-- they of colo sprin is rollin ounew websitfocuseon ing peoprcome om rechi-profile oongs ouunit kepeak-song-dot-om... news 5's joanna wise joins us live from centnial bouleva wi aloser lookwh this site provides. joanna.. good morning... the main p of this wsite iso help tho who've affected by the planned parenthoodhooting or t halloween shootinghat happened downtown colo sgs t alsaie anyone who has experienced a traumatievent. there are different tools you utilize-- like how to seek professional hp and support, or how you c work on being your own best advote. it also includesnformation about at trauma is, how it affefts us all andow to recor fromt. doctorhaes benig ofsoat-c-- ith crear theite. he says a rsonanse this si to he brie careor themselv. if they're struggling with the shooting still, or any other trauma event that they've had, the site is designed to teach thlls to recover. and if they're wondering, 'shouli serofessional whe e si inot teed replacefessnal counseling, itan ba usef self- help tool. ctor bht has built several au recoverweites for icvents the taken ple ache country-- includg the aurora the ooting. for more informaonn her community resources still available-- anmore informa on the website, pikes-peak strong-dot-c-- just hen ov our web, koaa-dot-com. reporting live in colorado s, jnna wisenews 5 hopefully you're wing up wel reed..t comi up. there's one dirder that's making a good night'slp nearly impossible for ousands ofmericans. us... scntts abroad e fighting the zika virus -- targetting the peststhacay the disease. that's next when new five today ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, in today's your healthy mily -- we're taking a closer look at sleep nea... ich is a conditn wherthe rway becomes blocked ile your asleep. it it's left untreated. it can great affect your quality of life... and it can en be deay! i spe wi loc patientwho are finding relief teresa 31:40 my husband first was lling me that i was snoring i always tell him i don't snor jason 44:13 my wife has mentned.. the snoring has wa been probm. many folks diagnosed with obstructe sleep apnea -- it was these patient's spouse who re the firsto notice --mething -- wasn't right. tere he was telling me that he' hated because i'm g him up jason and then two years ago it got to the point where i had to slp in a separate room.. and it wasn't good.. dr. jared waite wi aspen ridge sleep solutions says some patients will feel symoms -- like fatue or headaches.. t others will be symptom fe. 23:47 kind of like having gh ood es ohigh cholterol,.. yocan ha those thingand not really know th you'vgot them .. that's w we recommend eep testing find ouif you have sleep apnea. waite says when people who have obstctive sleep apnea go to slee... e tiin tt rex --- blocking theirwa. 27:17 it really is scary. wh you're laying next to somebody and they stop breathing one ofhe ways to treat s apnea -- keeps that rw open. tesa 360 i'llake up only once, insteaof five times a night... i usedo wake uso much.. and now i fe more rested than i have -- ever.. patientsear it every night.. making a huge difference during the day too. teresa 37:00 u'reo hausted can'think, you can't fution.. 's just horrle, lifeas horrible jason 47:18 get tested.. have a sleep study done and find t because 's definietly rth something getting essed.. impreninuality of life for .. made a huge diffee for there other types treatment available for people with sleep ne. another option is the "c-pap breathing machine"... which blows air d also ope t airway usingositive ientists in brazil are targetinthe zika vir by reducing the local mosquito population that rries th disease. experts are deoying a getically fied strain of male mosquitoeto me with modifiedemale mosquitoes of the same species. scientis say the oring beeen the two will die off... which will greatly ruce the mosquito population, and the spread ozika vir. wve been poin the vis s en linked to brain da in bies. aninformn just iur newsroom... e u-n's alth ay holding a meeting monday to determine ifa is an ternatiol health emergency... weather traffion t 5s. chief morning meteorologist stephen bowers is here now with first alert our thursday morning temperatures are ithe 20s. wind chills dip into the teenwh the wind picks u but wind us ts morning. today will be beautifully sunny. temperatures will warm through the 20s and 30this morning d into t lower and ddle 40s by 10 am. noon wl be sunny with temperatures warming into the lower 50s. even monument ts 5this afternoon and areas along the arkaas river will warm into the lowe60s between noon and 3 pm at 5 pm, temperatures ll sll ben e 40s and 50s. this eveningill be clear with mid-30s at0 pm. our big weather uay cos from the wt. a big storm rolling the pacific sding rain into the pacific northwestoday. thatystem ll pass to our nort another system way oute pacific is headingur w for earlnext wee sunday night through tuesday will be snow and very cold as winter comes screaming back into colorado. in thimorning's coer watch... ou've eaten at wendy lately. you're going to want to chk ur bank account! the fast food chain is investating reports of "unu activity" on payment cards used at some of it restaurants. the company is encourang customers to watch for ,,,,,,, in this morning's umer watch... if you've ean at wendy's te... you're g to want to k your banaccount! e fast foochain is investigating reports of "unusual activity" on payment cards used at so of its restaurants. the company is encouragi customers to watch for unauthorized charges on any rds ey may have used at locations naonwide. "uber" is cracking down on speeng! thride sharing companyill starusing smarnes to check how fastir drivers are actually going! it's alln an attempt to verify at feedback from riders is accurate. the ogram will use a g-p and accelerometers to recordata whh will then be comred to customer feedback. if theider's feedback wasn't e information can be used make sure the driver's rating isn't affected. federal agents seizehipmts of hoverboar headed for homes around the country. customs and border proction investigators intercepd the itators as they passed throh chicago. pulling muiple shipments before they could reach the market the numberovers around 16-thousand so far, but is excted to grow. agents say the copats went so far as to include fake "u-l" markingsging consumers a fasense of security. ming up... it's the 30th anniversary.. ofnef the worst dierpa travel... today... we're remembering the lives we lost. news fivtoday has details on seral memorial services in the day ahead... "challenger. go athrottle up." atic" today rks years since the space shuttlchallenger disaster... 73 seconds into eir mission-- the shuttle-- exploded. all seven astronauts onboard mcauffe" w was to behe fit teher space. in honor of thosmen and women... and othenasa personnel who have lostheir lives whil furthering the causef ploratioand discovery... january 28 is the 'nasa day remembrance. this mning... the agency will hold an observance and a wreath- layin at arlingt national metery... later in the day otherasa nters will also hold remembnce events. inolado-- there will be remembraest u boulder. alum ellison onizuka oh-nuhoo-kuh died in the allenger explosion. on february 1st, 2003-- another c-u alum, "kalpana chawla", died in the ace uttle columbia disaster. bothill be remembered on the boulr campus on tu. thformer florida sheri's puty seen in ts vide hittinand kiing a suspect during an arrest... is facing jail time. 33-year-old esse terrell" has ben inditced on cessive force terrell faces up to 10 years in ison a fof uto 250 thsand dollaf he coicted. the deputyas fed after this surveiance videoas made public. the fourther offers in the video ha all resigned from the foe. this morning we're learng re about a tragic accent out of indiana... where an elementarschool prinicipal died whe ving kids from runaway school bus. co-wkers of "susan jordan" say ey are not surprised that she pushed several students out of thway before the bus struck ankilleder on tuesday. ghnow investigation i underway to determined what used the bus to suddenlyt fod beforecciden thhool disict says the er showe signsf driving under thinfluence. poli are waiting on test results confirm that. a gas station owner in oklahoma fights back ainst a thief... anits all caught on camera! you can see the burglar pulls out a gun demanding cash.. attaer! after a few moments where th bbernd clerk can be seen running back a for acrs the t counter... the suspecgiveup a takes off withouany sh! police are still lking for the suect. weher d trafc on 5 ief rning teorist stephen wers ihere n with fit alert our ay morning teaturesre in 20s. wi clls p into tns en theind pis upbut wind isn't a big concerfor most of us t morng. day will be autifully sunny. mpatures will rm through the 20s and 30this morning and into the lower and middle 40s by 10 am. temperates waing into the lower 50s. even monument hits 50 this afternoon and areas along tharkansas river will warm into theower 60s between noon and 3 pm. at 5m,emperatures will still be in the 40s and 50s. this eng will be clear with mid-30s at 10 pm. our big weather usually comes from the west. a bistorm rolling off the cific is sprding rain intthe pafic rthwt day. thattem will pass to our north. anher stemay out in the cific iseading our way for early week. sunday as we go to break... 're taking ae ok in er right now... yocan seelchardens a w this morning-- the cy of colorado sings is rolling out a nebsite focud on helping op overcome trau from recent hile tings. it's cled pikes-peak-strong-dot- com news 5's joanna se joins us le from centennial boarwi closer lo joan... go morning. the mainurposethe bsit is to helphose we been affected by planned parenthood soting or the haown shooting that ppened owown coloradoings. but it's also availae for anyone who has experienced a traumatic event. there are different tools you can utilize-- like how to seek pressional help and pport, orow you can work on bei your own best vocate. it also includesnformation about whata is, how it affe to recover from it.harles benight-- a pr-c-c-s-- is the of theite. ays a person can use this teridgcare for if they're struggling thhe shooting still, or anyther trauma event thathey've had, the site is deed to teach thkills toecover. and if there wondering, 'should i seek professional help?' while the it intended epce profel counsengan be a us lf- help tool. doctorht has blt several traumaecoveritestragics the ta placro try-- inuding the aurora theater shooting. to learn more about the te and other resourcein the community-- ad to our website koaa dotom. porting ve in rado springs, joanna wise, news 5. thks joaa... accupld parenthood shooter "robert dear"... in the statspal in pueblo... to undergo a menl health examination. he was ordrded there -- after his last court appeance... after he told the judge he wanted to fire histtorney and de the exam will determe whether he is mentally capable of making that decision. dear is cing 179 counts,... including first degreeder and atmpted murder in the shootinglast november that le three people dea.. and nine people wounded. it's not known how long it wl take to complete t exa.. since there is a backlog at the state hospital dear's due back in court february 24t new this mning: the state sueme court dered e judge in the ce -- to explain why he sealed probable cause afdavi in ar'sourt file. the "colorado freedom of information coalition"ays thstats top court gave judge gilbt martinez february 16th deadline. last month jge mtinez led sealg the records woul't be the plic's inte. the coalition ansome members of the media asked theupreme urt interne. the founin wan aed of threateninto wk into a will not face any charges... -year-d fern delise will instead participate an ult offender rvices program. the case against her will be dismisd if she mtshe requirements. auorities say dese had caed t coloro springs planne parenthood and was directed to the denv office. they say sheas "irat over learning she wouldave to travel for medical services because of the novembe27th oong that killed threepelendoued nine others. we have new informion to a sty we brought to you yeery.. newsive has lened thname of the5 year old colorad woman who wafound ad in vinaustriauesday night.. auoriehave intified her asauren nn... e's a gradte of c-u ulder. right w r atisnder investigatio authorits y li found ma'sodinpartnt afteshdi't show or work... day... lice in lakewood are tryinto fire out what caused a bizzare cacrash th killed a n frolorado springs. police say 51 year old "franin lakewood yesterdaywhen he s hit by a car. poli say thear crossed multiple lanes of traffic... befo hitting nelson--and then coming trestfter cshing to theide of walmart store. inveigators say the driver is an 81 year old man w has been cited for careless driving relting in death. as of right now... poceay they "don't belve drugs or alcoholerfactors. ather and trfic on t 5 ief morning meteorologist stepn bowers ihere now with firsaler5. our thuray mning teeratures are in th20s. nd clls dip in the teens whenhe wind picks up, but nd isn't a bi concern for most of thi moing. today will be beautifully sunny. temperatures will warm thugh e s d 30s this morning and into the lower and middle 40s by am. noon will be sunny with lower 50s. ev monument hi 5this afternoon d areas along the kansas river will wa into the lower 60s between noon and 3 pm. be in the 40s and 50s. this evening will be car with mid-30s at 10 pm. our g weher usually mes from the west. big storm lling off e pacific is sprdingain into the pafic nohwest today. that system will pass our north. anher system way outn the cific is headingay for rlnext week. sundayight tough tuesdwill bsnow and vy cold as nt comeseaming back into codo. now it's time for this week's ski report with news five meteorologist carlee hoffman. if you are heading to the slopes fothe ekend be prepared to hang on tight.. wind gusts will bep around 30 mph friday a by friday night .. that snosticking around rough sunday.. you ll also see mostly cloudy skies anhis in the 30's and now it'sime for is week' ski report with news five meteorologist carlee hoffman. if you are hding tthe slopes for e wed be prepared to hang on tight.. windusts will be up around 30 h iday and satury but there will ao more snow lovelande senc new sn.. co mountaihas received 1 and thmost snow fall in the past week nt to breckenridge with 1inches... looking ahd loveland and keysill see hiin t 30's with mostlyar skies and gusty winds fray.. snowtarts in friy night and continues throh the rest of the weend and drops temperatures into 2s by sunda simir conditions at botheckenridgend copper mountains with highs in the uppe30's friday and nny skies but clouds building in by the evening a snow by fridayight .. that snow sticking around rougsund.. you will alsmostly cloudy skies and highs in the 3s and 20's fisout the weend .remember yocan always check e latest ski conditions on our wa dot com back to you here a lathen architects plan to use to build the new summit house on pikes peak! the city of colorado springs unveiledt sterda.. the visitor center is just one emt of the complex whi altitude research laboratoa communicationsity operated by c-s-u. there will alsbe an emernc shr hut on theumfor strandedik th is workin a nuer of partners on this project. coming up... for the fit time... the publican presidentia hopefuls wiltakehe stage withouthe man who leads the race... we have everything yeeto know about tonight's debate.... lcome back.. this morning... ard protesterstill occupy oron wdle refuge. but om behinbars... thleaderf their group-- n nd- is urging emo back down and go home! bundy and seven other occupiers remain in custody after being arrested durg a traffic stop. yesterday they made their firs aparance in court. they're all charged with one count each of conspiracy to pede or ju an officer. tomrrow... a detention hearing will be held to determinef th'lbe leed. the f-b-i arre tee me people-- as they left e the wife of an illinoipoli officewho di ia sted suicidremas inusto da... d s indicby granjury. "melodieliniewicz" is chard wi misusinfunds and nelaundeng investators say they found inconsistencies in financial documents surrounding a ut grp managed by melie and her husblieutenant joseph gliniewicz. authorities claim heged s suicide to look like a homicide beuse he thought his embezzelment would be exposed. th say the thousands dollars withdrawn fr the yth grous accounmahaven us for psol exns. in ts mornins ection watch... the reblican psidential caidat facoff one more ti befthe iowaaucus! tonight... the seven candidates whore leading e polls will participatin t primeime debate on fox news. that incdes ted cr... marcrubi.. ben rson and b bush. althgh frontrunner donal ump was ind... he says he won't be there, use his iues with the offer is still on the table this morning frosenatoted cruz for one-on-one debate with donald trump. he now offered aate, time and venu trump has since tweeted that if the twdid debate, they should do it in canada, referring to where cruwas born nethisorni-- n-b-c news/wall street journal polls showrump has a commag lead ia, new hampshirend utcaroli--he fir 3 states to taart the nomiti process one of world's t acrobatic paragliders just fulfled s lifelong dream of flying under the northern lights skies! chk out thisicture perfect mont. the paraglid pred his equipment, then soared beath the aurora borealis the arctic cire in norway. he had to overcome snow storms, fren wires and low visibili in tempatures far to pull off this beautiful stunt! d the ti now is ... and before we geto wea and traffic on fives... we wanto take ae look o in colodo springs... we are loo at pikes peak... a beat shot of america's mountain fou as you art your mo.. r and traffic onhe chief morning meteolis stephen bowers is here now with first t 5. our thursday morning temperatur are in the 20s. wind chil dip into the teens when the wind picks up, but wind ist a big concern for mostf us this morning. temperatures will warm through the s and 30s this morning and into the lower and middle 40s by 10 am. noon will be sunnyh temperures waing into the lower 50s. en monument hits 50 this afteoon d g the arkansas riwill wm to theer 60s tweeon and 3 p pm, tempes will sll in e 40s and 50s. this eveni will be car with mid-s at 10 . our big weather usually cos fr the west. a big storm rolling f the pacific is spreading nto the pacific northwest today. at stem will pass to our north. the pacific is hdi our way for early ne sunday nht thrghsday ll be snow and verld as winter com screamingto thu-s e with the highest overall well being is... haii! this is accordg to the most recent "gallup and healthways" ste rankings reporthat was ju relead. bases its rankings according to physical, community, purpos anfinanciawell-being. rado placed fourth on the st!... hind aska and ntana. in lt plac.. fothe seh ye in a row... westirginia!ve amecans we will be right back thhe fi tngyou ne to know fore y go. d... les ecin witmatt uer... with a look at what'coming up isorng- t tay 's almos7:00 are tive gs to know before you go. accused anned parenthood shooter "roberdear"... is in the ste hospital in pueblo... where he will undergo mental health examination. dear is facing 179 count.. including rst degree murder and attempted murder in e shootis laovembethat ft three people dead,.. and ni people wounded. it's not known how long it will take to colete the exam... since the is a bac at the state hospital. de'sue back in cou overrauma from recent high-profile shootings. 's called pikes-peakong-dot- com... ere are erent toolyou cautilize-like howo ek ofession help and su or howou can work oneing own besadvote. itlso includesormation about what traum, how it affeftll and how to ver from i today is the 'nasa day of remembrance'.... when we honor the lives of the men and women o ed while furing the cause of exploratn and discovery. todanasa will hold an observance and a wreath-laying atinon nional cemetery... in colorado -- will be remembrances at c-u bor for alumni who died in shu accidents. "eison onizuka" ed in th challenger explosion. and "kal-pana chawla" wakilled in the space shutt columbia disaster both will be remembered on the boulder campus on saturday in ts morning's election watch... the republan presidential candidates facf one more fore theowa caucuses! tonight... the seven candidatesho are leading the polls will participate inhe prime time deten x . th iludes ted cruz... marco rubio... ben carson... and jeb . frontrunner donald trump says he n't beherecaus his ises witmoderator "megyn kelly" right now. lo police arloing r is man accus of ooting into a bar... after a gang fight. appened atancho's bar earlsunday mning poli say after the fight.. the bung... narrow missing t peopl side. body wasured and the suspect fled. call police if you he any information. weather and trfic on the 5s. chief mornmeteorogist stephen wers is here now wit fit aler5. our thurorning teerures are in the wind chills dip into the teens when the wind picks u but wind isn'a big concern for most of us this morng. through the 20s and 30s is morning aninto the lower and middle 40s by 10 am. noon will be sunny with temperatur warming into the r 50s. monument 50 this afrnoon and areas along the kansas river will warm into the lower s betweenoon and 3 pm. at 5 pm, temperatures will still be in the 40and 50s. this evening will be clear with mid-30at 1pm. our big weheusually comes from the west. a big storm rolling off the pacific is sprding rain into e pacific northwest today. that system will ps to our noh. another syst way out in the pacific is headingur way for early next week. suay night through tuesday wi be snow a very colds f fi this in theonly in orida" stories! an elderly woman in miami has que the scare... when she wak up to find is furry little guy sleepg on her the animal is lled a "kinkajou"! banana is his name. anhe snuck into the 99-year-old man's hoe afr running aw from his owner ght. the womawoke up to finthe creature on top of her she called her relativ... who came and captured the creature taking it to a vet. but day.. bananas backith his owner! stay connected with k-o-a-a dot m all day. >>goodning good morning don't foe,on't forget. >> i told yon't k hat question >> donald trump kes his feud with fox news directly to bill o'reilly and rejects the fox anchor's request for forgiveness. you are taking this much more seriously than i am. >> whilerump's >> interesting side show eaarth this is not a show. this is serious. >> with the iowa caucuses just ur days ay we ve brandew po nrs in e ra on both sides. standoff in oregon as thleader ofhe antigovernmenoccupation tells his followers to go home. urer action agt the zikaus > ancheap ch player inton cial sendi h into the ice. the playerlaims it w acntal. the league may see things differtly. from n >>om news, thi "today" withlauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a rockefeller pza. > welcomto

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Miami , Florida , United States , Norway , Arkansas , Canada , El Paso County , Colorado , Aspen Ridge , Brazil , Indiana , Oregon , Oklahoma , Pikes Peak , Iowa , Colorado Springs , Boulder , Loveland , Chicago , Illinois , America , Savannah Guthrie , Marco Rubio , Ben Carson , Pana Chawla , Donovan Duran , Kalpana Chawla , Jared Waite , Ted Cruz , Stephen Bowers , Megyn Kelly , Oro Blanco A Barnes , Carlee Hoffman ,

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