These wary neighbors of North Korea David will n.p.r. News traveling with the defense secretary at Clark Air Base in the Philippines Japan's Shinzo lobby is being announced as the winner in Sunday's snap elections according to local media the victory allow zombies Liberal Democratic Party to maintain its majority control N.P.R.'s Myles parks reports the prime minister is vowing to quote firmly deal with threats from nearby North Korea voters went to the polls Sunday and early results said they overwhelmingly supported Prime Minister Shinzo obvious liberal democratic party Ave struggled with terrible approval ratings earlier this year but his gamble to hold a snap election of the lower house of parliament seems to have paid off his big priority is a change to the Japanese constitution that would expand the role of the military and a supermajority in Parliament as it's currently project in some polls would be a huge step. Miles parks n.p.r. News u.s. Senators want to know more about the deployment of American troops to Nea's year Senator Lindsey Graham says he didn't know until recently that 1000 u.s. Troops are stationed in the African country Oklahoma Republican Senator James Lankford told C.B.S.'s Face the Nation that the recent killing of 4 Americans there is unusual typically these ISIS groups won't attack a United States convoy because they're well protected they'll attack other u.n. Peacekeepers all attack local police stations they'll attack local governments or bus stations or they know there are a softer target that come after a heavily militarized target like ours and Langford says it's important to stay engaged against extremist groups around the world the fate of Bowe Bergdahl the Army sergeant who pleaded guilty to endangering his comrades by leaving his post in 2009 in Afghanistan before being captured by the Taliban is now in the hands of a judge a sentencing hearing starts Monday at Fort Bragg North Carolina and is expected to feature testimony about soldiers and a Navy Seal badly hurt while they search for Bergdahl who faces up to life in prison this is n.p.r. News. Researchers are reporting that some wild flowers create a kind of blue halo that bees can see much more clearly than people can as N.P.R.'s Dan Charles reports it may be helping those flowers attract pollinators there aren't many flowers that are naturally blue it's apparently hard for plants to make blue pigment but scientists discovered many plants found a way around that problem they have microscopic ridges with just the right size and shape to specifically reflect blue wavelengths of light people can catch a hint of that shimmering blue and flowers are turned at just the right angle bumblebees though can see it much more clearly and they're attracted to blue things scientists say plants apparently evolve this capability because attracting bumblebees helped with pollination the discovery appears in the journal Nature then Charles n.p.r. News Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he's willing to bring bipartisan health care legislation to the floor if President Trump makes clear he supports that proposal by 2 senators Republican Lamar Alexander of Tennessee and Democrat Patty Murray of Washington what extend for 2 years federal insurance payments that Trump has blocked in an effort to stabilize its insurance markets but Trump has offered mixed signals alternately praising and then condemning the effort confusing Democrats and Republicans alike a tornado packing winds up to 110 miles an hour touchdown in central Oklahoma late Saturday downing power lines and trees the e.f. One tornado tore off part of the roof of the river when casino in Norman during a Beach Boys concert that was being attended by Governor Mary Fallin I'm Jim hock n.p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include visit St Petersburg Clearwater home of 35 miles of white sand beaches along Florida's Gulf Coast and a daily sunset celebration on Clearwater Beach 90 minutes west of Orlando at visit St Pete Clearwater dot com. It's k.p.c. Seize power to the public fall member drive I'm sure in McNairy infrastructure reporter p.c.c. Here with Marlee firework or auto one of our voices. We are Sunday night we are run an ad of time to day we have so much to accomplish and so little time with which to accomplish it but we are asking you at home to be part of what powers Public Radio 866885722 or k p c c dot org We know that public radio is powered by you in public radio empowers you to make informed decisions and engage with your community but to do it you got to be part of the support that powers you can do that 866888572 or keep org Marley why are we so short on time because this is the very last hour that you can get entered into these micro sweeps this is your last chance and so if you haven't heard already it's a chance to win a 3 night stay at the Pantai in Illinois or this place is absolutely beautiful it's right on the beach it's a 3 night stay in a 2 bedroom suite is beautifully decorated there's tons of things to do there it's close to restaurants and galleries and boutiques there's a state Marien sanctuary which I sounds fascinating and it's free breakfasts and you get rides in their in-house Mercedes to take you to local destinations It sounds like an incredible vacation and anything that you donate in the next hour only until 10 pm will get you interested and entered into these micro sweeps so don't miss that chance 866-888-5722 or k p c c dot org That's right Public Radio and powers you to make a difference for Independent Journalism in your community it Powers me Tegel out now ask questions of the people who build stuff that makes our life better and the stuff that breaks. You can power Public Radio by becoming a member or Renu in your support now 86688572. To or k.p.c. Oregon let me tell you very quickly about one of the gifts that we'd love to thank us if you donate $10.00 a month we will thank you with the new power to the public tote bag my leave seen in this I mean it is really cool it's a my favorite thing about this top bag is that it has a zipper on the top so it's not just your average tote bag I don't know if you have the experience of things falling out of your bag in our car when buying interesting things that are that out of the way but it this one has a zipper on top you can hide everything and also not spill things that says it's white it has power to the public in blue on the side it's big and spacious you can carry things in it and show people that you are a supporter of k p c c which is always a great conversation starter with other members as well so if you want to see pictures of that bag if you want to become a member as we need you to it's k.p.c. Si dot org Or you can call 866-888-5722 support and n.p.r. And you're taking a stand for intelligent conversations a stronger more informed community and fact based in-depth reporting you do your support by calling 866-888-5722 are going to k.p.c. Dot org And seeing this beautiful tote bag with a zipper on top now I take my tote bag to the gym to the swimming pool here for I don't want people looking at what I'm not wearing when I'm out in the same post I like dead zipper on the top you can get yours 866888572 or k. P.c.c. Dot org And again this is your last chance to get in on the sweepstakes you really want to make sure and call before 10 pm you want to make sure to go to the Web site before 10 pm you can see pictures of the tote bag there you can see pictures of this beautiful resort this Pantai in a lawyer that you will be entered into when so make sure that you give us a call 866-888-5722 or you can go to the Web site before 10 pm tonight k.p.c. Dot org Thanks thank you very much for your support. It's The Splendid Table from a.p.m. American Public Media the show for curious cooks and eaters I'm Frances lamb the new host of this one the table and today we're bringing you a special pledge edition of the show it's a collection of some of our favorite stories from the past and for me I have to say that our planning sessions for this episode were really special because we got to get back to some of the pieces that really remind me of why I have loved this show in limb for so long it's going to be a great hour I hope you enjoy it and you get excited to get into your kitchen and I really hope that you enjoy it so much that you take a moment this hour to support your public radio station. You know those moments in your life or you stop and suddenly realize the way you see the world just changed even just a little bit I got that feeling the 1st time I listen to this interview between Lynne and the Chef Pierre Cham here is literally fed the United Nations and as a cultural ambassador of sorts for his native Senegal his work reaches far beyond the walls of his kitchens so this conversation is a look at the cuisine of Senegal which appear describes so beautifully and so delicious Lee but without giving too much away when they get to talking about why families in Senegal eat out of the same bowl you may find yourself with a new understanding of what it means to share food Have a listen. Pierre It's great to have you back with us it's great to be here Lynn Pierce we've never seen Seneca I'll set the scene for us what are the flavors that ingredients the aromas Well you have to expect lots of seafood is the most western country in Africa the Atlantic Ocean and the surrounding us pretty much the city where I grew up is the peninsula so lots of seafood you have to expect the smells of your share and you have to also expect the Fergie smell of fermentation that's something that's big you know cuisine we tend to ferment corn to for 2 to smoke you have smoking as well and the charge of grilling you have allowed the fruitiness in our cuisine you know the spice disparities of scotch bonnet are coming up quite a lot in our cuisine as well the healthy aspect that most many people don't realize is also very very very much part of of our cuisine freshness fresh vegetable or that's the leafy greens are also part of our cuisine Rice that's the most common grain but you also have the greens like for your meal at Saugor that comes in the countryside when you go down south and they go and a climate also influences the cuisine Senegalese south of the Sahara desert so you have a semi deserted going tree in the north and further you go south you have more like a tropical area and buff different you know the South has more lake or you know coconut comes out in the main you. So when you go home to Seneca What is the 1st thing you want to eat Joe would you. Say that again they get. Anyone who has been to finagle Tried to your region that's the national dish that's the dish you would expect to see pretty much on a daily. Basics for lunch it's a very complex dish that the translation of the name doesn't really do it justice it's a word in water off that translates fish and rice but the region is so much more than that by the way you know it's the rice that's broth made to broth the broth has been reached with the fish the fish is cooked in that broth the tomato and vegetables and remember mention the funky agent as well you know yes the 3rd mentation For meant decor and you have dried fish oil that is in the broth with the vegetables the vegetables could be as diverse as plants you sweet potatoes or. It's a very rich broth and then once all those are cooked they scooped out and put on the side and then the rice is grouped inside the broth and that color is a red because of the rich tomato broth so the rest comes out red and the most important thing in that year we do and for me is the crust at the bottom of the but when you finish cooking the children the Rice Yeah forming a crust like I think some people call the Sakharov what we call a horn. And that brings a nose a texture when you eat the rice and you have that crunchy ness of the crust and the fish again I forgot to mention that fish is stuffed with a mixture that we call Rolf and that mixture is made out of Boston tea and Scotch bonnet and scallions all my garlic and all banded together and you know you slit the flesh of the fish and you stuff that mixture and it has these surprising bites of heat that comes once in a while as you eat it and it just blends wonderfully It sounds like you flavor a plant flavor pot Flanery Cheney does it is there the other end of the spectrum in Senegalese food of a very simple. You know very direct flavors as well. Oh yes yes actually reminds me of one dish from the south it's very simple we call it. And yes it has only really treating regions is lots of on your end that have been cooked slowly with Lang do's and drilled either fish or chicken the green the chicken and or the fish I've been married in that same way forever lamb and garlic and tame and then marinade for sometime overnight Ideally if it's meat and then you grill it on new wood burning stove so you have the char and the smell of dude that just imparts in the meat or the fish and he's served it over rice the onions remember have been cooked so slowly it had their life so it's like fruity flavor from the lime and the this weakness of Dio You know and the char from the wood burning grill comfort food simple another dish do it's made out of peanut sauce you know cooks slowly and most of the time it's lamb that's my favorite the Lamb be scooped slowly in that peanut sauce they have like this reach and the peanut sauce comes on the side is vegetables and also you can serve it over greens like millet for your rice and so delicious but one thing you've mentioned a couple of times now funny. Tell me about funny i Phone is and should Green Actually the green that's been cultivated for thousands of years in Africa and is suspected to be due or disguised of a degree and in Africa is it surprising that more people don't know about it yet but back in the days before colonial times for your was widespread as a matter of fact he's been found for you by archaeologists in burial ground in Egypt tell you how important that rain was in Mali. Countries that border Senegal they have a meet all of the Bambara people in the middle of you for your is the seed of the universe and you know the whole universe evolved from for your just these little stories to tell you how important for you know has been in our culture. When that looks like sand it's gluten free it's rich in protein it's for me the most important part is delicious it's very versatile make so many different recipes out of for you I use it to substitute any grains actually or I make a salad out of it with the local lots of citrus and herbs like passkey and I use nuts in it and I use sometimes fruits like mangled and cucumber and tomatoes I make these flour I make some bread so easy if you can you can have some great gluten free pastries with it as well. Another important aspect of for you is drought resistant it grows in the harshest conditions you know in the against any golly so might as a dick so you see when you could be growing in a most Sandy Sandy ground it might ules in 2 months one of the fastest maturing I know I know is from the recipes like 15 or 20 minutes Also Yes exactly and there's actually a virus thing for your neighbor and Barassi is the cook. To tell you how it's so easy to. One couple for your one cup of water and you have your recipe that's all you need something a word that you use a lot in the book Terry. And there's also the subtitle of the book is from the source to the bowl not the plate so what's this 1st of all let's start with the ball what is the significance of the bowl in Settle Well the the board is. The. Vessel in which we eat 1st of all we eat around the board incentive got all the most of Africa for that matter the ball symbolizes unity we eat together eating is something that's not done in a separate way in Senegal you always stop everything when he says meal day and everyone gets together and the board is that magnet unified the family that brings Prendes and family together. Again you mention Tauranga Durango is the word that symbolizes Senegal the best I think in the Tauranga is a wall of water that would translate. Hospitality but around is much more than just hospitality it's the most important value set of values and I got there and I would be do most important one is the way you treat the guest is do we you treat the all the you know the one who is not do you that person becomes the one you have to offer Durango you have to treat him with so much respect we have to you have to offer him what you have you have to invite him to sit around your board there's always room for the or the around your board and why because we believe that the or the is bringing blessings so when you share your bowl your bowl we always be be plenty for this is the Senegalese the deep rooted Senegalese believe we believe that there's always more you will never lack by sharing actually rush when you share you guarantee yourself that tomorrow there's going to be more food in your board and so on and so forth so this is a country that values the wealth of a person not by how much he has but by how much he shares by how much he gives That's just what I would say to summarize what there and I mean just not one word that describes it but what's in the guiding this just this pattern has been crossed did in a start from you have to treat the people that as the most important person in the world. But a difference that would make to the world of you. Here thank you this has been a pleasure it was my pleasure thank you for inviting me. That was when result of Casper the chef. Author of Senegal modern Senegalese recipes from the source to the book every time I hear the interview I moved again but that idea of Tauranga. By the generosity and the sense of trust involved in sharing the same bowl with a stranger makes me think about where in my life I can be more generous and more trusting and. Learning about that concept helps you feel that way too. Anyway as for what to put an apple you can find chef Chan's recipe for mango phone yo salad on our website The Splendid Table dot org In a minute we're going to get to one of my favorite Splendid Table driveway moments with the writer Paul Grupo and his essay on the wholesome mystery of bread but before we do I want to return to that idea of generosity. This is your opportunity to ensure that this show and all the other programming you hear on the station continues to come your way it's your generosity and support the makes that happen and you've heard it before but it's really the truth we count on you member by member to support this station so please contribute whatever you can and help pay the gift of these shows forward here's someone who can tell you how to share a bowl with a stranger what a great message it's great this is power to the public fall member drive Sunday night and it's your chance to share a ball with a stranger or in this case maybe a lot of friends that you already know. Public radio is powered by you in public radio empowers you to make informed decisions and engage with your community it happens with your support I'm sure in McNairy infrastructure reporter at k. P.c.c. Here with Marlee foyer work or audio one of the voices that we have Tell us one really important way you can share a bowl with a stranger and also support k.p.c. See during our power to the public fall member drive that's a really great way to get engaged with the community if you support the p.c.c. Today where you can choose for your gift to go to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank which is really amazing that the Food Bank estimates that one in 7 people in l.a. County is at risk for hunger which is 1400000 people in your community who don't know where their next meal is coming from which is a huge number if you give 50 dollars a month not only does that support the program you hear the station that you love feeding your mind you also provide $200.00 meals to the Los Angeles Food Bank which is huge that is a huge impact so you can do 2 good things at once to good deeds on a Sunday night you can feed your mind you can feed people in your community who are going hungry you can get more information about that and become a member at k.p.c. Seed. Dot org or give us a call at 866888572 that's right your monthly gift of $50.00 provides $200.00 meals for families in need from the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank what a great company meant to The Splendid Table you love food other people might not have food be part of that 866885722 but there's another reason to give tonight Sunday night if you support before 10 pm tonight you can be part of our micro sweepstakes for a 3 night stay at the Pantai even in La Jolla it's in the why it's on the beach they've got all kinds of cool stuff to do but to win it yet gotta be in it and your last chance to do that is tonight member support is our largest and most reliable source of funding k.p.c. Is for you by you and you can be part of it by calling 866-888-5722 or k.p.c. Or I want to read a couple of comments from our listeners who came in and visited us during our open house a couple weeks ago Julian in Ontario said k p c c is the only type of media I trust and depend on for information I love. Thank you so much Julian that's such a big compliment and I know that a lot a lot of listeners feel that way and you know there's there's so much information out there right now and so much misinformation right now and and it's so important to have media and to have a source for your news that you really trust and that you know that you believe in and you're going to get all of the facts from and that is one of the vital services that k.p.c. Provides and and it really is powered by you the public powered by you our listeners and we you power us by helping give us support and we empower you by making sure the you are informed citizens in your community so please join in that fight it's k.p.c. Org or 866-888-5722 that's right Public Radio empowers you to make a difference for Independent Journalism in your community. You could power Public Radio and be in on the micro sweeps and provide meals for hungry families with just one call 866888572 or a quick visit to our website. Org be part of what powers. Be part of it thank you and we have a better option to give than to sign up with your credit card because you know sometimes if you sign up with your credit card and it expires then your membership gets cancelled you don't even notice you can opt to have it come straight out of your bank account and not only does it simplify things it actually saves us around $300000.00 a year in credit card processing fees which is a huge numbers and it's really easy you can do it on the website and just offer that switch so give us a call make sure you get in on the sweepstakes before 10 o'clock tonight. Dot org Thank you thank you. The Hammer Museum presenting MacArthur winner. Book south of Explorers How. Black communities created. During the 1960 s. And seventy's by artists. Professor. Professor cooks at the museum and streaming online on Wednesday October 25th at 7 30 pm details at hammer. You're listening to The Splendid Table from American Public Media the show for curious Cookson eaters. We're bringing you a special episode today I love this because it gives me the opportunity to say thank you to all of you who supported our show and this public radio station this hour are hugely grateful for your financial support because frankly without it we wouldn't be here so again thank you. After 15 years as a food writer I think I can say that the best. Stories Never. Recorded the story for the spin table 20 years ago. Really it was about the hands and the heart and what baking bread for home for the. It's a story that I came across. To get ready to become the host and. For the 1st time. In silence in our car. Pain that I can recall suffering because of my family's poverty was the intense humiliation I felt when I discovered as an adolescent that most people lived another way and there was something shameful so far as we're concerned about the way we lived. My friends to our house which I had thought cozy and warm until I was made to see. Bread was the issue over which we children voiced our new found shame. Home baked. Ground on the farm. And sweetened with honey made by the bees we kept at the bottom of our garden. Bred. Purple ribbon at the chip work out a fair slicing of the 1st batch still steaming its sweet aroma filling the kitchen was one of the sacred rituals of our household but my sisters and I had driven by the collapse of. The consolidated town school. And we had acquired the preference of the age thing manufactured over anything homemade. We suddenly coveted Boston bred contrived from flower so denuded of its essence that its only nutrients came from artificial additives we were no longer content to eat Hc bread Wonder Bread build strong bodies 12 ways we said proud of our familiarity with modern advertising slogans we yammered didn't complain and I am ashamed to confess until mother finally gave up baking bread and we began to eat like modern folk effectors substitute the real poverty that we then experienced but did not recognize characterizes the impoverishment that befell every aspect of rural culture with the industrialization of farming not only our palates suffered not only our bodies deprived of wholesome bread but our very souls our souls depended in ways we had not anticipated upon the sanctity of that labors that brought bread to our table we lost the ceremony and artfulness in which every member of the family had some vital role that once attended the eating of the grain the planting until Ling the harvesting and winnowing the grinding and mixing the miracle of its rising the mystery of the transforming fire the sacrament of the 1st love. Making bread was a critical element in the purpose of our lives and one of the ways by which we were literally joined to the land it was at the center of our culture a civilizing force. The whole some mystery of bread. A sacrament of it I don't know. Was never in the ingredients but in the labor and in the labor. Who transfigured the. That was the late. Meeting the wholesome mystery of bread and exacted from his book grassroots the universe of home. Like I said that piece was originally recorded for our show 2 decades ago and over the years we've heard from people over and over again that it makes them want to bank so if you're looking for a new bread recipe try Stanley Ginsburg's Normandy cider you'll find it along with many others at our website Splendid Table. Coming up another of our favorites from back in that Lynne talks to cookbook author Sally Schneider about the simplicity of fall cooking and I'm pretty sure that conversation is going to drive you straight into the kitchen to create your own autumn feast but before we go there we're asking you to share the love right now whether it's a little bit or a lot of these take a moment now to pay it forward to the station you feel great knowing that you're helping to make shows that will remember years from now thank you. And here's someone who can help you do that it's k.p.c. Power to the public fall member drive point talking about bread and The Splendid Table of Francis Lamb I mean bread is just flour water salt sugar but without the yeast yeah don't have bread and without donations and support from the public yet don't have public radio I'm sure in McNairy infrastructure reporter Rick a p.c.c. Here with Marley for your work for audio one of our voices and we're asking you to be part of the yeast that makes. Radiant and you could do at 886-688-8572 extension 2 or k p. Public radio is powered by you and public radio empowers use and make sure that you can make informed decisions and engage with your community and you are listeners listening right now on this Sunday night to The Splendid Table your support is our largest our most reliable source of funding we are for you we are by you we are here for you and we need you so we need you to be here for us and we need you to step up and show your support this Sunday night on k p c c 866-888-5722 or you can go to the website k p c c dot org And with a $15.00 per month contribution to keep p.c.c. We will thank you with the new k.p.c. C. Class water bottle it's got the k.p.c. Headphones logo on one side of the bottle it's light blue it's orange it's black It comes with a snap fit lid to keep your beverage secure and an orange silicone sleeve to make it easy to grip it won't like rattling your cup holder in your car and hold 18 and says 15 dollars a month contribution that's your thank you gift call 866-888-5722 or. Dot org And we're coming to the very end of this micro sweeps it ends at 10 pm So when you do not have a lot of time left and trust me you want to get in on this. Sweepstakes any amount that you donate right now by calling or by going to the website will enter you into this last chance to win this 3 night stay at the Pantai in and it's so beautiful it's right on the beach it's a 3 night stay in a 2 bedroom suite and there's beautiful unique Bali inspired to core there's a state mean sanctuary Seal Rock you're really close to San Diego you get complimentary hot breakfast there's free laundry service which is amazing you there's also courtesy rides provided by their in-house Mercedes to local destinations so it's really a very classy luxury is the cation it's only a couple hours away and you could win this all you have to do is become a member support the thing that you already care about that is already really important to you this wonderful service that he is and brings you and you could win this incredible vacation so go check it out at k p c c dot org or give us a call at 866885722 that they get some good food there and you know food creates bonds among people is so does love for that Splendid Table at now is the time to show your support for Splendid Table by donating to k. P.c.c. 86688572. Words and you know keep it wasn't a good example of the things that. This show like The Splendid Table for people who really love food and culture as well as bringing you in-depth intelligent reporting on in your community the kind of features that Sharon does to make sure that you understand that you are an informed citizen and you know what's happening in your community it's such a vital important service that we bring you and we really need you to step up and empower us with your support 866-888-5722 or k p c c dot org One of the people who visited a set are open house recently they were telling us why they listen and oh she in of Los Angeles wrote I tune in to Kate because of the. Coverage of l.a. Issues we cover 6 counties in Southern California we can't do that alone Power us to empower you by sharing what you've got. 866-888-5722 go to keep. Org Stand up for good fact based independent journalism we need your help to get in on this week's day and get in on this we've stakes 86688572 or k.p.c. Dot org It's The Splendid Table from a.p.m. American Public Media the show for curious Cookson eaters I'm Francis lamb here with a special pledge edition of the show today I want to say thank you to everyone who's already ponied up to support this station this hour because public radio simply cannot happen without you. As one of those who really knows how to improvise. It seems like the perfect time to revisit another. Talk to Sally about it with a master class really. Simple. Welcome. So what are you cooking right now what's inspiring. Well you know we had a few. Week ago and I was in the market and all of a sudden I saw everything there that I wanted and I wanted to turn on the oven and start roasting these foods so I've come up with this menu the 1st thing that came to mind were wild mushrooms they're everywhere depending where you live in the country you'll get Shantaram or porcine which we called Boli it's. The supermarkets or even full of cultivated mushrooms which are wonderfully delicious as well I roast them because mushrooms are very poorest and they absorb a lot of fat so I roast them to. Their flavors and I put them on a rustic garlic toast that's a slice of course bread toasted brushed with olive oil rubbed with garlic the mushrooms piled on and that's my bruschetta to start off this meal with a glass of champagne. Now as you know I never want anything to be cut in stone so the garlic toast can have other toppings like the fresh dried beans that are in the market right now cooked with a little olive oil and Sage is a fabulous bruschetta what you're saying though is that instead of such mushrooms which I do all the time the roasting uses less fat and gives you better flavor exactly I make my oven my tool it is also the hearth that's the hearth we have in modern times which is the oven and it means that I don't have to fuss with them I'm not doing any stove top cooking I can leave it on for a few hours and do this entire menu and the House is going to fill with the most incredible aromas particularly of the garlic that is so perfect now because it's the summer's harvest that is in perfect shape it's firm and fresh and juicy and delicious. Ok you mentioned a menu what's the next course next course after we've had this get to is an herb scented Tuscan pork roast King Yes I know and I learned it in Tuscany from a wonderful chef and Tuscan cooking it's very simple and very potent and wonderful a poor growth to which I'm seasoning it with a Tuscan Herb salt which is garlic sage and Rosemary chopped with kosher salt and then I stuffed some in the center of the roast I kind of bore a hole with a wooden spoon and I rub the outside with the rest of it and I'm going to wrap it in pension The reason I wrap it in pen checked that wonderful unsmoked cured Italians. Style of bacon because it gives back the poor the flavor that we've taken out by trying to get rid of the fat and then it tastes like a real Attalia and pig is interesting so so you're using a saturated fat here absolutely I heartily believe in saturated fats but in moderation and using them well where will get the biggest bang for the buck and pen check which is actually is going to base the pork in the fat is going to fall into the bottom of the pan and the pen check to will get crisp to mazing what a change in flavor it makes on the pour again my being rebellious and not want to have anything cut in stone this Tuscan Herb salt you can vary you could just make it Rosemary you could add savory you could add lemon peel beyond the poor growth you can rub it on chicken on pork chops on quail you could sprinkle it on vegetables which I often do when I'm lazy I make some and let it dry out uncovered because the salt will dry the herbs and then it's just a fabulous seasoning so I can keep this around Absolutely it should be a staple in your kitchen and this approach is a great approach for all kinds of meats and poultry and game of rubbing them with the seasoned salt what's going to go with the test can pork roast Well I'm thinking about these winter squashes and pumpkins that are in the market now which are so delicious and we now have so many varieties My favorite has shown up in the supermarket which is a squash which has a wonderful silky flesh Now again I'm going to roast it because that's going to concentrate the flavor bring out the silkiness and that silkiness is going to allow me to use less fat in seasoning it I'm going to roast the squash and then puree it to make a very fine winter squash puree to go with the the pork roast the juices of the pork roast can go on it in flavor it. In this case I think I'll just season it with salt and pepper You could also add sweet spices like cinnamon or cracked coriander these squashes love sage and garlic so I also use this method of roasting the squash to make other things if I add some chicken broth and sauteed onions it becomes a fabulous silky squash soup then I will drizzle in some olive oil or sage flavored olive oil with some shavings of parmesan cheese. I'll also make this for a bruschetta I'll use my garlic toasts use the puree on the bruschetta and again drizzle a sage flavored oil and top it with fried sagely this is. Good but it's interesting to me you're doing this whole thing in the I mean the entire meal Absolutely these are recipes that only take a few steps each part just takes a few steps and you put it in the oven and you go on to the next thing so you're not belaboring anything what's for dessert. One of my favorites we have apples pears figs and so on in the market now. I personally love apple tart so I'm going to make a rustic Rosemary apple tart now I'm kind of a lazy girl so I will make a flaky butter pastry which is easy I can make in the food processor roll it out into a free form around cut up my apples toss them with sugar maybe some of the knell of being lemon and some chopped Rosemary and pile them into the center of this free form around and then I just fold up the edges and that's it and I bake the tart like that so you have the edges get very crisp it's unfolded in pastry but without having to work it into a tin. Sounds. Back in action it's a great thank you thank you it's been a pleasure. With Sally Schneider who is an award winning food writer and the creator of the lifestyle blog. You can find. A splendid table. Coming up next to her producers turning the tables on her we've got one of the 1st times Lynn ever talked with me on the air about my obsession with gratitude but 1st I want to acknowledge all the little gifts a Public Radio brings us throughout the day whether the gift of music they have to run that extra mile learning something you didn't know during your commute to work laughter on a tough day or a good story to share with friends of dinner Public Radio is always there for me listen because we depend on keep us informed and entertained. We're asking you to get back to supporting the station so that you can continue to listen to the program you look forward to every day here's someone who can tell you how to help this is Kristy Lee a Prairie Home Companion is coming to Pasadena California on October 28th with guests Dan Auerbach Robert Finley Fiona Apple and Hilary Hahn tickets are now on sale at Ticketmaster. 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Or you know k p c c doesn't answer to any networks or to any wealthy investors we answer to you our listeners we provide you with a service because we serve the public with the highest standard of intelligent informative truthful journalism which is so important especially right now but on top of that incredible incredible journalism that we bring you we also bring you shows like The Splendid Table to nourish your soul into it and to remind you that there are still good things happening as well you want to support all of that and you need all of that in your life 866885722 or keep dog Don't miss out on this sweepstakes we're just coming to the end of it right now you want to make sure to get in there 866-888-5722 k p c c dot org Thank you so much thank you it's The Splendid Table from a.p.m. American Public Media the show for curious cooks and eaters I'm Francis lamb here with a special installment of the show today we're celebrating a handful of our favorite segments from over the years stories that inspire us to look at our world food 1st and we're also celebrating you are huge thanks to everyone who's contributed to this station this hour because it's true public radio really would not exist without your support. Years before I became the host of The Splendid Table when would occasionally bite me on the show to talk food which is obviously a shared passion of ours and I would marvel at how her warmth and enthusiasm would light up the soup. And so this was one of our 1st conversation we talked about a dish I happen to be passionate about gratitude and the method we talked about makes of weapons great gratitude as a matter of fact. Frances welcome thank you well you know I'm just thinking you sort of stepped back from the Ratatouille So what was what what what made you rethink it if you rethought it at all I mean did you just start fooling around with it well you know I think that's you're being overly kind to me and saying that I'm stepping back and being creative really what it was was I thought Ratatouille is a traditional dish and it's really like an end of the summer we have our garden or up to our torsos in this stuff right used to Merrill's a lot happier and this is what I'm going to put in a pot let's forget about it. You know and I've always thought it was that sort of romantic rustic kind of dish and when I was in corner school I walked into a conversation where it were 2 people actually having a heated conversation about the proper way to make ratatouille it's a sort of conversation you only get to have in Cologne or school. Where you know these things really matter the world doesn't know how important they say. Yeah exactly so the debate was there was a cook who was a friend of mine who you know I really agree with who thought exactly what we're saying it's a rustic dish it's not meant to be fussy you put in a pot is still together the ingredients are beautiful the dish will be beautiful and the other had you know really high and sort of aspirations he wanted to be a world class chef that was sort of his intention he drove a Corvette and. The 1st sign. And he insisted that no every vegetable must be cooked individually and you had to do x. Y. And z. And you had to be moved on like Ok well you know sure in your rarefied world where you have 48 Cokes for a dining room of 12 people you go ahead and do. It but a few weeks or however long later I was in a class and the chef was demonstrating a Spanish technique to make sofrito and basically what he was saying was you start the dish by cooking 1st your onions and then your tomatoes and your garlic also and you cook it down to a jam and like Ok well cool I fire the pan I start doing that and like you know a half hour later I'm still cooking in an hour later I'm still cooking and the rest of this going to come in the place yeah only 8 hours long yeah we're halfway through and I'm still cooking this thing he's like No that's what you have to do and from there I started to see changes in the tomatoes and peppers and onions in the pan and you know literally. Hours later I put my spoon it had become something entirely different Wow And from there side to rethink Well holy cow the magic here is incredible and you know I love tomatoes I love all the summer fruit of tomatoes especially I think tomatoes are really one of the most astonishing foods in nature and because a really great tomato you know I think of food often when I think of the experience of food I think of it sometimes in terms of music you know I'm not a musician but that's just what I do the same thing yeah you know I think it's because it's about movement and it's about. Melody and I think a tomato is one of the few foods I can think of that on its own a grates medo has all the elements of a great piece of music it has highs in the form of you know that bright tangly acid and has a nice middle in the form of sweetness and sugar and a really great tomato has this long lasting mommy that I always think of as being the basis for trails I think of you know I think you and I were born into the same star so yeah but now wait let's go back to this Ratatouille that you've got now tomato jam and this starts you down another track. Well I think to get back to the musical idea when you start taking this really beautiful thing that exists in nature and has this really beautiful linear clear melody and you cook it and you cook it and you cook and in the heat breaks open the cells and the heat native operates the water and the heat starts to change the sugars in it and the heat does all these different things to at the end it's almost like every mixed it and things get thrown into a little bit of a jumble it's not as clear as it once was right becomes incredibly complex and so with that in mind I thought you know this is what I want my version of Ratatouille to be about I want to be about the experience of this. Of this weird jumble of magical very next music and from there it was really just a matter of will happen to put these other vegetables in here and so say simply because I love roasting vegetables I took the zucchini and I took the eggplant and chopped them up you know and diced them in the cubes right simply toss one olive oil and salt and pepper and just roasted them in the oven until they had nice little brown. And just waited for that gem to finish to come and basically binds all together natural olive oil and herbs you know just to give it even more intrigue that is a really different take on the Ratatouille turns out it's fussy if you say so he says something I was reading the article one of the things I love that Beth this is you say that tomato jam the flavor is so deep your voice drops an octave. But when you download a 6 It's exactly it's going to the end of something it's. A Francis thank you thank you so much. That was me Francis lamb with Lynn discussing our mutual love of gratitude you can find my recipe for weapons grade Ratatouille on the website and there's a video of me cooking my way through the dish to check it out it's all in one place Splendid Table. That's a show for the thanks so much for joining us on this little look at the past and I miss talking to you today but there are other people waiting to talk to so please take a moment to call support the station or donate online but it's yours after all thanks to everyone who contributed this hour and as always thank you for tuning in will be back next week I'm Francis lead and this is a.p.m. American Public Media analyst says I'm Patrick and I to meet you Katie. Because their story. For you to. B.c.c. Supporters include South Coast Repertory presenting gem of the ocean from August Wilson the Pulitzer Prize winning author of fences comes a mystical story of Brigham justice and redemption set in $1000.00 know for Pittsburgh this powerful spiritual drama is the 1st play in Wilson's American so. Which chronicles the African-American experience during the 20th century. For tickets and more information you can visit. 3. Community service of college. Institute one of the top 10 community colleges in the United States. Edu. From n.p.r. . In the middle of this chaos when he's trying to keep the water one of his neighbors came in and saw that he was in trouble. Today on the show stories from Puerto Rico struggling to recover from Hurricane Maria. Nearly 1500 miles away a mother hears from prison right before the storm hits. Into some of the prisons. And electricity. Power an interview with c.b.s. News correspondent David. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Jim hock the head of the World Health Organization has rescinded his appointment of Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe as goodwill ambassador for non-communicable diseases in Africa Lisa shrine in Geneva reports McGuffey's appointment was revoked following an international outcry and politicians and human rights groups denounced Mugabe's appointment as goodwill ambassador given his the visible human rights record they note from the gobby who's been in power for 37 years has driven this country's economy into the ground and damaged its health system in a statement cancelling the appointment w.h.o. Director general taters I don't know. Said it was his aim to build a worldwide movement for global health that must work for everyone and include everyone however after conferring with the Zimbabwean president he said they both agreed canceling his appointment was in the best interest of the World Health Organization for n.p.r. News I'm Lisa shine in Geneva northern Italy is poised to achieve greater autonomy the regions around Venice on the line are finishing voting and tendon referendums for a chance at more control over taxes as Christopher say reports it's a challenge to the national government in Rome turnout was especially high in the Venite so region around Venice were more than 50 percent of the electorate helped reach a quorum in order to render the vote valid the vast majority of votes there and in neighboring lumber t. Are predicted to fall in the yes camp that would give the prosperous northern regions a mandate to negotiate with Rome to keep more of its tax revenue both calculate that together they pay roughly $70000000000.00 euros more in taxes than they get in return the vote is seen as a direct challenge to the central government while regional sentiment resonates in Italy and elsewhere in Europe as polls were closing many campaigners invented to unlimber t. We're probably waving the flag of Catalonia for n.p.r. News I'm Christopher lives Iraq says it will begin negotiations with the British oil giant b.p. . For a deal to further develop the oil fields of Kirk ook a week after Iraqi troops retake control of the city from the Kurdish government from Baghdad the B.B.C.'s on and reports only days after taking the oil had reached the of care coup back Baghdad is pushing for business deals the Iraqi oil minister just bought and id is leading the charge to bring b.p. Back to the disputed territory he told the b.b.c. Talks are focused on a fair contract led by d.p. Inhance is development of the fields with the hope of increasing the production from 470750000 barrels at the B.B.C.'s Hanun reporting Russia's defense ministry says the Syrian city of Raka formerly the self declared capital of the Islamic state group has been devastated as much as Dresden in World War 2 and claims that Western announcements of aid for Iraq a seek to quote hide evidence of the barbaric bombing this is n.p.r. News. Japan's ruling coalition scored an impressive win a national election Sunday it means Prime Minister Shinzo nearly 5 year leadership could be extended through 2021 the victory likely means a continuation of the policies Abi has pursued since he took office a hard line a North Korea and close ties with Washington craft brewers.

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