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Ferry limited edition 60th anniversary k p f k t. Shirt that's $60.00 for the shirt he as I said he's the guy you're just to design the 2008 Obama Hope one of the most famous contemporary American street artists out there and graphic designers just absolutely brilliant work. Is Important k.p. Of care is important to all of us k p f k is important to democracy itself. If you care about the future of this country if you care about the future of the Los Angeles community call now to help support k p s k 818-985-5735 thanks and tag you're it. This is the. Program. Back to Martin here with just a cleanup an error on my part from the previous hour I kept referring to Chris and cinema and as the senator from Arizona that you should keep an eye on with regard to impeachment and one person on Twitter pointed out that like Joe Manchin she is a kind of a conservative Democrat and maybe we should keep an eye on her but actually the person I was talking about who's up for reelection who could be a problem for Mitch McConnell is Muslim x.l.e. So thank you to everybody who tweeted at me. And the people who called and told Joyce. You know you don't always don't always get it right but anyway going to get the articles of impeachment being laid down and on the line with us is our old friend Brian Pruitt he is a Republican candidate for the u.s. Senate in Kansas Pruitt for number 4 Kansas dot com p.r. You I t. T. Number 4 Kansas dot com is his website you can tweet him at bro and prove he also writes for Red State and Brian welcome back to the program thanks for having me Michel. I don't know if things are happening things or things are going well and particularly given that we now have a couple of articles of impeachment that whole kerfuffle is over and they're tightly focused not even on Donald Trump getting rich or even getting reelected but on the damage to national security that's the main frame that these 2 articles are being done through and I'm just curious what your take is on this and how you think . You know the the Republicans are going to be responding to that in fact let me let me just add my and my one of the points that I've been making for some time now is that if there's not a vigorous pushback against this the behavior the downturn has been engaging in and I wouldn't limit it just to Ukraine but you know and I'm sure you're familiar with the long list of you know crimes and I crimes and misdemeanors if there's not a vigorous pushback basically what we're doing is ratifying their behavior for future presidents who may be smarter and slicker and and more strategic and more willing to become. Demagogues or even dictators than Donald Trump and that that concerns me tremendously I love to hear your thoughts on the spread. Well here's what I can tell you 1st and foremost this is not a huge issue. And. When I'm on the campaign trail hearing. About immigration the talking about. We're talking about. The terrorists right now we're hearing into this thing farmers a lot more than the impeachment I think wasn't and it's going to be completely overtaken by this process and obviously it's going to be you know 247. It seems like the Republicans in the Senate a play into at least a trial but make it relatively fast you know the date of the term in politics I don't think we'll be talking much about this regard. Doing that at the primaries interesting and you fully expect the Senate to fail to convict him. Yes I think that's a pro-gun conclusion I think the interesting thing but I would pay attention to Republicans maybe making a specific point and how are the Democrats a potential reached note I'm on page 5. I get to correct. That you're in serious and tweeted. This thing about disqualification to enjoy accessible trust. And I think as with publicans the decision on that one is a quote from you guys. Right but that decision is made by those years and I think you're going to see a lot of Republicans when they do analysis and that's when they going to talk about how. You know we've made it clear that we think the these issues should be said about my personal opinion I don't agree with what the president but anybody who didn't know this is the way he did business when it was in New York and expected him to behave differently I think was screwing themselves and American people make the choice that they did not get another chance and come in come next November well 3000000 of the American people more than voted for guy you know Trumka 33000000 votes Hillary Clinton 36000000. But I you know I get you know we've got the Electoral College. Entrance might My favorite line when people mention that it's no such thing as the popular vote people keep saying the popular vote the popular vote there is no such thing. There is such a thing it just doesn't matter politically unfortunately you know and therefore we had I think about 44 presidents who won at the White House after losing the popular vote. So in the Senate we're talking with Brian priorities a Republican candidate for u.s. Senate in Kansas and I knew Brian from back in Washington d.c. When you were a political consultant Republican consultant and you and you write and you used to write. Red state I assume you still do. And so you make one other quick point. Mistake made. Between. You know everybody. Look at Thanksgiving. Getting ready for Christmas and New Year's and so I think a lot of. Average Americans. May may be the case now Mitch McConnell has said Donald Trump has said that he you know everybody's expecting that the House impeachment vote will happen this week or next week I mean they just standing here has to get out there and with the votes and once they know they'll do it. And broom then it goes off to the Senate Donald Trump has said he wants the vote in the Senate or the trial in the Senate and then the ultimate vote to be to be held before Christmas he wants Mitch McConnell Fastrack this Mitch McConnell said no way we're going to wait until after the 1st of the year and there is some speculation that. Mitch McConnell is doing that because he wants to mess with the 5 senators I believe it's 5 Democratic senators who are running for president right now. For high profile ones if you take out Michael Bennet and. So you've got that theory Another theory is that and Claire McCaskill floated this this morning that Mitch McConnell will let some of the vulnerable Republicans actually vote for. For impeachment you know Joni Ernst Thom Tillis Cory Gardner. Sally and Susan Collins and and who knows what what Mitt Romney is going to do on the other hand on the Democratic side at the very least you've got Joe Manchin who you know nobody knows which way he's going to go how are you hey you know as as as a Republican and as somebody who's got his ear pretty close to the ground right now because you're running for Senate in Kansas and by the way who are you running against. Oh gosh there's a lot of people in the race and everybody you know the big unknown in the race whether Secretary is going to get it you know it's. Complicated but you know it's really we'll know an answer to that. Kansas primary. Primary not from next August filing deadline you didn't you know got a lot of done later what has got a lot of time so I have to my question you know handicapping this this vote and how how it's going to play out from the perspective of a Republican what do you think. I don't think Republican is going to teach that is my initial. Because I don't see. This in teaching and I don't think this is what motivates them I don't think they're going to. Have commercials running them about to. You know acquit. The sitting president of United States I don't see it that for any of those that you named being that huge of an issue because you know the Republican Party I mean I grew up with my my father was a republican liberal it's a little he died and and he was very concerned about the integrity of the political process and he was nice and how Republican he was concerned about the national security he was a big advocate of the idea that politics stops at the water's edge. I don't understand what has happened to the Republican Party if if if you can say and believe that the majority of Republicans don't really frankly care that this guy has been breaking the law I mean you know from paying off point stars not to say anything that was a clear violation of election law to I mean. Refusing to participate and in congressional oversight which is mandated by the Constitution in this case in the context of impeachment I. My mind is boggled. Party. And some people refer to it as Trump's parody and. That's not necessarily true under the. Republican groups. But also you know trying to skew the party speech or that's one of my reasons I'm right but are people concerned that you can get a Democratic demagogue that you know if if. If you know it. Was say president Bernie Sanders you know Bernie Sanders gets elected and says Ok I'm going to do these things and dammit Republicans are go along with me I want to do it by executive order and I'm going to push them through on it and I'm you know I'm going to get the Venezuelans to help me out. And I think you need to times and I think everyone. On the trumpet when and once in a lifetime once in a generation but maybe once in a history of a country figure and I don't think that I don't think there's a lot of concern. You know you never shied us into a war and and there was no pushback to that that concerns me tremendously. I just you know I it seems to me like our whole political system is slowly disintegrating and has been ever since the 1970 s. When the Supreme Court legalized you know bribery of politicians. I would call it that but. They legalized big money to politicians and so they said I was really a case where the things that's most important that we do and this is one of my campaign. Pledges is we have to return Congress to its appropriate in making decisions you know just like you mentioned executive orders I don't support executive orders and even because Congress needs to be debating it that is causing particularly in the political process it's the fact that Congress into 9 I'm elected judges executive order decisions are being made without your input of the people's representatives and that's what we have to return to the Congress to decide the issues of the day. I'm totally with you and by the way and so using Bernie Sanders as an example that's that was terrible Bernie would never do that I should use Huey Long. Because it was one of them that are hard. Right. So most people probably don't remember he long I mean I don't know who he is Ryan Pruitt he's a Republican candidate for the u.s. Senate running in the Republican primary in Kansas Pruitt here you i.t.t. Number 4 Kansas is the Web site you can tweet in the go and prove it. And prove it Brian thanks for dropping by it's good talking with you thanks for having having me happy holidays thanks every holidays to you too Brian great talking with. This. Program It's 18 minutes past the hour we'll be back with your thoughts and more of mine right after this. And welcome back Cadden independence Oregon thank you for your patience Kat My apologies what's up cat. Can we hear me yeah yeah you're on the air oh Ok. First of all congratulations on getting the matching money and getting everybody in the state in the country that since we're on the free speech issue that is. About I want to tell you about my experience talking on my servers you know I recently moved or. I came from Utah. And it's so nice to be in Oregon I must say but I have a relationship with my senators from Utah and I had that that up over a long period of Mike Leigh and Mitt Romney. So it would be and and of course it was very frustrating but I call them still even though I'm now in Oregon and when I call them. I've learned to be friends with to the to the terms of course Mitt Romney's always been a. Recording from the very beginning when everybody anybody there but I'm friends with Len turns and I say truth in a way that's respectful but I am very direct and I don't pull any punches I've paid them this man's obviously guilty. Right to our elections and then I actually spoke my mike reasons Hern and Parliament said you know this guy. Is cheating with reading now and he's going to cheat in the future and there is no doubt that this election coming up in 2020 it's going to be. For $31.00 contested by both parties it's going to be it's going to. And I had him agreeing with me that yes this and that we must protect all actions so you know I just I want to carry a great poem and be angry and you know but I find I get better with a report with them and that they actually listen to me if I'm correct and but 1st you catch more flies with honey than vinegar you do do. By the time I'm motivated call them I'm usually pretty angry I've learned this you know get in the control and be productive in my phone calls good good so I heard everyone to do that and it's still important right now because I still have rubbish at that I need to nag him some more it was rubbish that's my representative from Utah coal in the house and oh he's a hard core Republican but anyway I still call him as a trumpeter and I'm so it's all with big time big time yes well it's Utah so. Any parents are going to hell I don't know where independence is are you in the eastern half of Oregon. I'm a Western I'm just South of Salem hall Ok Ok so you're are presented by what Peter De Fazio. No later oh well you might want to call him from time to time because he's voting with the Republicans a awful lot acknowledge I do called and large is running a campaign against him in the primary I don't know if you know about that but I'm not in that website and I'm going to be working for him. Because it's you know he said these Democrats who just think they can take us all for granted is just it's mind boggling Ken I got to run but thank you for the call And 'd you know keep up the good work there's nothing more important than calling your representatives Well there's lots of things I suppose more important but it's important but it's 20 minutes past the hour we'll be back with more your calls just. Brought back to our Been here with you and Bill and Cliff to New Jersey listening on Sirius x.m. a Bill what's on your mind today well I just wanted to mention the difference between your 22 guests is that. I believe it's my observation the last one just to confuse emotions and facts. That if he if you would ever say to Nancy Pelosi you hate the president right now Brian probe is a good and decent guy I got to know Brian pretty well when we lived in Washington d.c. I consider him a friend and even though our politics are you know very very different. And Julio is a friend of mine too I you know I've gotten to know Julio Well I've met his family you know we get together for meals when I'm in New York and when we're not talking politics it's great when we are talking politics pretty weird but it was Bill back to you for that. For that I just want to mention that I think that speaks Royal for the removal of President is going to get a lot of I will tell you. And their daughters who are running for election are going to be in their best performance because they're going to be millions of people so they need to go on the campaign trail during that's when they make. Just the actions and the throw all of the say Oh you mean like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders and Amy called Yes Good point good point and closures on the Judiciary Committee in the Senate I don't know if they're going to go through now they did they don't I don't think they have to go through a committee process I think this goes right to the floor this guy you know this goes right to the floor and John Roberts comes in and presides and you know Mitch McConnell will be the hand behind. The great wizard of oz who will be orchestrating it but John Roberts is going to be front and center. I mean interesting My real. Real question was if you work for the Irish which you sold the subpoena your workers there and you had access to Donald Trump's financial records would you take those who've looked him over to. Learn that he had to Mississippi to wires it would depend on how badly I needed to pay my mortgage I mean to have been to Iris whistleblowers now and both of them have been sufficiently intimidated by the Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee be the House Oversight Committee Ways and Means. Committee Ways and Means is the one that has access to his tax returns and went to the committee they talked to the staffers and the Republican staffers basically threatened them and they both just freaked out one away so you know that's that's the that's the big concern but. If it wasn't for personal growth . Would you do it I would do it if it didn't mean risking my family you know I mean look at what happened to Christine glossy for it I mean. These people you know are credible kind of venom and you know he had to move on the base because of the death threats this is a real tough time in America Bill you get the Brownshirts out there you are listening to the Tom Hartman program called 20280825 I would like to see the i.r.s. Release as the lawyer fires released from tax returns. We'll be back. Right here with a 34 minutes past the hour by the way an op ed I wrote over the last weekend just went up in the last hour Alter Net l a progressive and at our future dot org Alter Net dot org And l a progressive I think might be dot com But whatever it's easy to find the title over at Alter Net is I was booted from. Facebook for no discernible reason is a time to rein in the massive power it wields and the title on l a progressive in our future is a time to regulate or nationalize Facebook. We'll have that conversation tomorrow I want to but I want to bring that up I think it's a an issue that's worth discussing but in the meantime we've been talking about politics here let's let's continue with this with this conversation Calvin and Birmingham Alabama Callen what's on your mind. One probably you know. What he said Democrats were I couldn't be more the Democrat right now because every . Speech meant jobs only You're right that's not. The Constitution you're absolutely right it's a huge risk it's an extremely serious in the. Let me call it was I think you think. Brought up the fact 201728 saying that Republicans were in challenge and then every opportunity in the world. You know investigate go on a body in your body were nobody wanted to do it and they didn't do it at all. I don't I just wish Democrats would call them own They're like a 1000000 votes compared to the 60000000 vote Hillary guy they keep saying it was the will of the people and have the will of the people when they take the. Yeah thanks for correcting my numbers I said 33 earlier yes they're right. I watch Fox News both Ok read the letter. I watch it every night of the. Low income so what's coming though. Talking about the. Inspector General's report. And saying how bad it is for Democrats and I'm going to own the camera and at the bottom of the t.v. It will say you know they inspect it deliberately repeal it down the wrong bill and while she was on t.v. Saying this is big trouble for the Democrats right I'll tell you why out there they have absolutely no reason like what Republican rush to show it oh yeah they know they listen and don't really that's the only reason I could see that they would do that or there is some internal conflict or gone on a Fox News and then you know I don't know I don't buy that that's fastened Callan thank you very much thanks for the call and thanks for point that all out Sam in Denver a Sam What's up. Hi Tom I found. The reason for impeachment 2 reasons for impeachment and one more that they didn't talk about. And when I get a problem teach me construction could actually have. So conviction could happen if they did like an anonymous or secret ballot so-called and c.n.n. Had a video of it describe what that is and they said well you have to toss all assumptions up that's never going to happen out the window because remember Trump was never supposed to win. So what am I missing here Sam My point is it's like your friend other Republican who was on here. Brian a little while back and said oh they're never Republicans are never going to convict but if you're one anonymous power and why not yeah well that's that's a good question and probably why now would be the. Secrets don't really get kept you know in Washington d.c. That the staffers all know that you know whatever although you know I don't know this if they can pull off an honest ballot this will be a test of something that has been tested in a long long time I maybe maybe never I'm not sure that there's ever been an anonymous vote for or for impeachment the Senate and and I would require a change in the sense rules but they're going to change the rules anyway to establish the rules for this impeachment hearing just like the house had to do that so we'll see we'll see Sam Good point thank you Charles in Miami Charles what's up . It's got a little too little time in a row you had when you did and he was. One and only person in a. Good critic so many jobs a little bit of but then we put him. In you know why are we doing to him. Look you have people. Merely close. To come to America to work or whatever I mean people will be a lark will pick a disability from their kids reported killed if you smell a plane will be broke the law the principle of well this broke the law and we can't we can't rest until we can impeach him you know so there's a little bit more and. More of the Republicans because we've got to remember something only what he's doing because it would probably kill him in the bedroom then no. Bill to you then and they're willing to go. But I'll tell you what and that's the sad. It is because to preserve our democracy to live our sober right we have. To be more and now we need to give him a serious a little know we're watching all you senators the. Republican of 2020 you know. You know you're relaxed we're going to kick you out and even the Democrats even a number of the want to turn coat I don't care. You know promote something evil saying you know we're trying to determine the best you come in you do your job and little time for you to go you go if you want to come back another time you know who could be reelected than oh you know what. I'm with you and Charles your point is that your points are well taken and let me just repeat one more time 202-224-3121 is the number of the congressional switchboard and you can you can ask for your member of the House or Representatives you can ask for your either of your 2 satyrs and tell them your opinion on these issues because this is this is critical critical time thank you Charles for the call Joyce in Chatham Virginia Joyce What's up. Thank you very much for your program I well appreciate the information you provide and I have a record well. You know a lot about gerrymandering on the state level 'd for good and I've never heard anybody really explaining how that works to me it sounds like they're saying it's a foregone conclusion matter how many votes. You know if they get it the Republicans have got these aligned to their advantage and hopes that maybe if not to day one of your programs you could explain that it only exactly what that means yeah I think I can explain and fairly quickly the Constitution requires that every congressional district in a state. And you know some states are so small that they only have one member of Congress like Vermont Ok so there's no German entering going on in Vermont but if you go to Massachusetts or you go to North Carolina or you go to California or something like that these larger states they have multiple members of Congress and because there is a larger population because the Constitution says that I think originally was for every 130000 or something you know people and they kept it back in the twenty's or thirty's that you know there won't be any more members of Congress so the districts are now on average I think a congressional district represents a little over 750000 people so so so you've got a state with you know let's say it is 750000 people and you've got a state with 5000000 people you're going to have 66 congressional districts more or less and they have to be drawn in such a way that each one has roughly the exact same number of people but that's the only guidance that the Constitution provides So what they do in the States is they'll say Ok We're going to take the the Democratic area and we're going to you know let's say that most of the state is democratic but some small parts of the state are Republican they will they will draw or they'll draw the lines in such ways that will dilute the Democratic vote and will 'd it will emphasize the Republican vote and by drawing those and then and that's why some of the most like salamanders which is where gerrymander came from Jerry did this in Massachusetts. Back on the back in the early 800 and he started the process as you know as a member of I think of the state legislature at the time maybe he was the governor I don't work. Well and he was one of the framers he was one of the founders and framers and and so you know the bottom line is that he can have a situation like you have in I believe it was Pennsylvania with so gerrymandered it could be North Carolina you know North Carolina Yeah well you know you get a majority of people voted for democratic Democratic members of the House of Representatives but a majority of the representatives who go to Washington d.c. Representing the state are Republicans and that is that is the case in multiple states and gerrymandering now has gotten down to being such a precise science that they are literally drawing around individual houses east to be around neighborhoods now and then I went around blocks and now they're actually drawing lines around individual houses so that's what it is Joyce and it's punished in the way that California responded to address thanks for the call the way the California responded to it as they said we're not going to let politicians draw these lines anymore we're going to have the lines be drawn instead by a nonpartisan independent politically you know independent politics commission made up of people who are basically like statisticians and you know geographers or something. But being that everybody will get equal representation in the state and . You know the districts will no longer be safely anything unless that that's just inherent in the district so it's always will be right there. I think or will hold the route in so I didn't do this in his introduction to a minimal form which was not. Yours Lutheran. Or you did read an introduction an interesting one there which he said to address to the people that includes He says look this book is obviously so. To tell it to him and I know many of the people of England should too so for me to submit it because in England no birth. Voting unpopular ideas can be suppressed without the use of force and it doesn't say much about the mechanisms as about 2 sentences one is that the press is owned by willfully men who have every interest in not having certain Express and 2nd I think more important if you basically have a good education you know you have internalized the understanding that there are certain things it wouldn't do to say and I think we're going to wouldn't even to think and I think he's very much on poor get there there are certain things that the intellectual culture simply in Coke sent to you as an understanding that there are certain things it wouldn't do to say and that should never even come into your mind you see that all of the time and n.p.r. And p.b.s. All the time never mind Romer's the networks Why do you think the left has abandoned the public airwaves struggle and the struggle to retain some sanity to cable channels or $600.00 cable channels and pull a junk there's no cable channel devoted to foreign and military policy or to labor or to consumer health issues and on and on and then the the networks the over the air is supposed to be modestly regulated in the public interest convenience in the Ceci by the Federal Communications Commission is beyond caricature it just seems that progressive groups have given up that fight they gave up when its fairness doctrine was overturned the right to reply was overturned that help to keep you off the public airwaves Why do you think they've given up this fight here in the public areas belong to the people they're the landlords and they're giving it away for free without a resistance 24 hours a day to the br. Cast radio and t.v. Industry. Well there are some as I'm sure you know there's a long and interesting history of this when radio came alone in the 1920s there was a struggle about whether that public domain public airwaves should be used for the public interest or should be handed over to private corporations for profit and I thought time the church groups liberal groups rush of activists and others did struggle hard to try to have it at least partially significantly handed over to the public who actually only it was well they lost on like almost every other major countries in the us term the airwaves over almost entirely to private to marshal interest that repeated itself until 8940 s. When television was coming along and again the same struggle and same defeat was handed over to private corporations as a kind of fringe operation that's public nothing like public world because nothing like the sea. Every over on Furthermore as you say then the Fairness Doctrine was overturned under Reagan and we can even oms part of the stablish ment of the cable networks of course a gift to private corporations was a requirement that the cable companies and stole a fairly reasonable television installation in communities and their like Cambridge Mass of almost any community has a small public cable broadcasting option which reaches a large proportion of the community even those haven't been exploited by progress. And they should have been that's at least something you know that doesn't impinge on the overwhelming gift of private power that's been given in the transfer of commercial rights to the entire spectrum but it's at least something these are opportunities that have not been properly exploited and as you say it should go way beyond that there should be a real effort to ensure that popular organizations mass puppet organizations and so on have really unimpeded and large scale access to the media that the airwaves that the public in fact don't. And the public does in fact own the airwaves which are about 98 percent. Hate radio and. Silo radio and but we have we have not given up because the progressive voice is heard not to a majority but still there and waiting for somebody to just tune in and join us when they hear a different story and one that seems to match which actually going on k p f k has $110000.00 watts. Pacifica has 5 radio stations we have $130.00 affiliates you out the country smaller and college and some public radio stations $130.00 of them that car able to play Pacifica programs for no charge so there is a difference and you don't want to just give up and leave the whole medium which is the most successful still the most successful the most. Listen to not watched medium that there is radio is still alive and with the majority of the populations with the exception of the over $65.00 the oldest group watches more television than they listen to the radio but everybody else even the the younger and the X.'s in the z's in the Middle East millenia they still have mostly radio with all their other things so we still keep going on and we are going on even though of this morning made we had one pledge come in just shortly after 12 o'clock and it's been a very slow night so maybe. It's. In a slow night than that about we're still going to be here plugging because we've been here for 60 years and we've had. Successful times and bad and difficult times and I've watched it go on and up and down and up and down over the decades and so after down comes up and with your help will go up and I always am looking now to the gold mine that we have a goldmine of listeners who are not contributors at all to k.p. Have a listener sponsored radio not corporate sponsored radio listeners sponsored radio and the majority the vast majority of our listeners are regular listeners or not contributors at all would like to switch some of you to become contributors and have the pride in the good feeling that comes when you turn on your radio station and not just the radio station where it won a 90557358189055735 Tom Hartman is a volunteer like almost all of the programmers at the station and. Ralph Nader is on every week on k p f k and rebroadcast it night and Noam Chomsky is on whenever he gives a talk we grab it and play it and he's otherwise unheard and Ralph Nader is almost unheard and we look for the good voices the intelligence and the good information and that's what we broadcast. We are 818-985-5735 offer a $25.00 or $50.00 contribution you can be a member a contributor a participator in a. Radio 818-985-5735 extension 985 k p f k give a col we'll take these a Master Card American Express Discover we can bill you if you want some of the gifts that we've been offering you can find the collection at the k p f k dot org And. Make donation with gifts and you can take a look at all the stuff that you might have been hearing about and don't want to spend our time talking because there's still so much to harm and to go so you can look at k p a k dot org If you want an extra goodie to give you extra incentive. It won a mine 855735985 k. P.s.k. Get a call. Your listening to Tom Hartman visit Thom Hartmann dot com for audio and video are now back with more calls in just a moment 45 minutes past the hour here on the Tom Hartman program your media support group for we the people. And welcome back temperamental law Oregon Hey tell me what's up yeah you know when we've talked a number of times some but you know what I see you know and I was a Pentagon explain this before I've been the same neighborhood for 3030 years as of June 1st I've seen all the kids grow up I knew all the business owners I was in retail sales for 35 years I was in the auto industry for 20 years I know how society works and I what I do is I still talk to everybody in the area because I you know I patronize all the stores there's a complacency that's going out of hand right now as much as people think of this simpy Chipman the Moeller probe have an effect on people they're concerned with their every day finances and their kids going to school in their credit card debt and so forth is a scary situation you know the ideal situation if they threw that made out of office look who would preclude replacement we've got another year of a nightmare coming up with regardless of what happens with this impeachment inquiry you know since they're going to do anything about it he's overcoming all the legal aspects of what could be a good person in his. Political stay in the office and he's in there beaten and they've beaten the system basically you know is what it amounts to and unfortunately we're talking to you any Republican candidates hit that right on the nose and the Republicans understand that the Democrats don't and that's one of the key features of what's happening in this country you know I think the Democrats have that they just they just felt that they can't let this stand I mean it's just that simple it may not be where you are as things politically but as a certain point you go. To stand up and say I am here to defend the Constitution the United States as the all or with that I took I'm defending my nation against a corrupt and criminal president and. Frankly I think after the holidays settle down and when the trial happens in the Senate I think there is going to be a lot of attention paid to it and I think that it's also entirely possible that by that time some of these things will have worked their way through the courts and we may know a lot more about the crimes of Donald Trump is committed and his taxes may be available and the impeachment trial in the Senate might provide a venue where the Supreme Court can actually order some of the stuff to happen but you've got to get to millennialist and understand what's cool I think the millenniums they're all over this I think the millenniums are all over this because they know there was a climate denier and that's one of the bigger issues for millenniums the group that I'm concerned about are the gen x. And Gen z. Or the Jan x. Years basically the middle generation the people who are between their early thirty's and mid fifty's who are just working their butts off and and like you said they're concerned about paying the bills make of the rent get the food and for them the Democrats actually offer a you know a really good and this is where the Democratic primaries are going to help a really good alternative to what's going on Trump says the economy is better than it's ever been there's more jobs and there's ever been that's true but what kind of jobs are they you know people can get people going to live on the 15 bucks an hour and a Keogh but to people who don't still don't understand this you know like I said I was in retail sales or deal with banks credit unions insurance companies. Obama turned his reach through this country around the Republican ideology was 22 and they wanted to let the auto industry go bankrupt and you think what happened and then of course that. Depression caused by the Cheney Bush administration not to do it it was Cheney and I wish I could write a book about that that actually I think you could take back to 998992000 that was the deal. Of the banks that was blown out of steel is what caused that among other things but you know the bottom line is if you would look at the wrong historical arc of the United States the one single variable that most consistently predicts whether a party whether the White House changes party is the economy when the economy is doing well the White House tends to stay in the same party when the economy is doing poorly the economy the White House tends to change so it would leave the power of Fox News that we have to over there you go Tim thanks for the call. Welcome back 3 boy do we have is so much to talk about Kathy in can I sure Wisconsin and Kathy what's up. I Kathy. I'm from. Long would post Wisconsin. My months and years regarding the Ukraine military. My point $2000000.00 still. Given to them that's correct presidents Alinsky has not yet been invited to the White House for for a state dinner although the foreign minister of Russia was invited the way to. Correct but no one is talking about the fact that the 35200000 euros who really. Yeah you're right you're right we've mentioned him a few times on this program and I need to do a little research and dig a little deeper into exactly what they you know what that is for and why it hasn't been released I'm guessing though that that's still the Trump administration screwing was Alinsky Kathy thanks for the call my can to call Washington a micro. It's so anyway those that I would go talk about the 63000000. Compared to 66. 'd 'd and it's a bit less so I mean I just mentioned one thing you did say that you instead Oh Ok every state has at least 3 times there's been no Every state has won at least want to no no no no to part with 3 members of Congress yes 2 senators and one member of the house got it and said it in the Congressman I read that it is a problem with Congressman right although it's been popular vernacular when you refer to somebody as a congressman or congresswoman you're referring to a member of the House or Representatives the House and Senate in Congress represents Congress you know technically and classically but the common language is to refer to members of the House of Representatives as congresspeople and senators as centers but that's your point Michael I was. Going to ask about Ok so. He also I mean let's just read 3 lies so we're going to commemorate that remember that he still lives that you know that you know that one by the with people which he didn't he wanted by the end electoral pledge which were the only country in the world has that correct and then also needs talks with those transcripts of the phone call that seems in an annotated it was true yesterday in the hearings he said it was a complete transcript and bloody bloody bloody you're absolutely right now Jim Jordan and notice are just lying through their teeth and it's just a constant thing I hate the cute babies they get Ok but I don't want to tell you what a bite Thanks for the call Khan in Elizabeth New Jersey a Con What's up. Thank you. So so what I want to know I've been trying to understand. Republicans and a little is an absolute statement from. What I see really is nice people care about the country you don't care. If people. Only care about money and consumption and one place of pinball and me yeah I agree I just tweeted out an article about that just a few minutes ago I completely agree with your. Accident with Condit it's unbelievable to me how. People continue to put these people in those positions especially senators and don't underestimate the power of money and this is really when the Supreme Court legalized corporate bribery and 976 in the Buckley decision and they said that individual billionaires cannot only run for office and use their own money without any limits and without any restrictions see my room are . Also and time sire for that matter. Just sneezed but also that if you if a if a very wealthy person and 2 years later in the 1st National Bank decision of a very wealthy Corp owns an individual member of Congress to the point where they're constantly voting purely the interest of that person that's not bribery that's 1st amendment protected free speech so con that's just the way it is you know I'm sorry we go you know we need to overturn the Supreme Court decisions but yeah Bernard in Savannah Georgia a Bernard what's on your mind that Ok. At the end of the correction would be me but not Carolina Yeah yeah and that right Ok. I'll do the gladly because. Oh the Democrats in general may not get one yes or no no the court 1st said that the Republican gerrymander was illegal and had to be redone the Republicans are still in charge so the Republicans re did it so it wasn't quite as bad but it still gives the Republicans an advantage as you can still and North Carolina have a majority of voters vote for a Democrat and have a majority of the congressional delegation Republicans that went back to the court because there's an election coming up and the court said you know it's not good but you know we're going to allow it so the Republicans got I have to react don't think the Democrats got a victory at all Bernard thanks a lot for the call Mike Oswego New York Mike we just have a minute left what's a quick one fact we have 30 seconds. Hi John Thank you I just I just made a quick I do yeah I think that Democrats should just bend the. Process until the people that are stonewalling agree to do the subpoenas. That's going to put it out or has the election. I mean that's that's going to put it into next year and that means the Donald Trump gets to continue to to beg foreign countries to interfere our ally sions. That status our. Eddie House you know I guess. You know I think I get where you're coming from assuming you're not a Republican troll but anyhow it's not a solution and thanks so much for being with us today will be back tomorrow same time same place check out my articles that day on Alter Net Yellin for us live in our Revolution dot org And in the end don't forget democracy is not a spectator sport it requires all of us not close you to get out there get active tag your it and share progressive media with your friends. You've been listening to Tom Hartman audio and video archives visit Tom Hartman dot com. This is. K.p. Have a Los Angeles and we've been listening to a rebroadcast of the Thom Hartmann program and if you want his free newsletter it gives you a whole gigantic list of links to everything that has been talked about by Tom and guests and collars and if you were interested in links to the people 2 documents 2 books 2 shows 2 records 2 speeches 2 pictures if there's links to everything that was featured in the in the program just go to Thom Hartmann dot com and you can sign up for the newsletter it's free and it is noncommercial and we got our phone call Thank you to Nathaniel from Seattle and he's getting the Beethoven his spiritual development program which we're going to be featuring on Beethoven's birthday Monday night into Tuesday morning next week so thank you very much Nathaniel and you stir things up a little bit it's time for us to go so we well Stephanie Miller is coming up next and I'm not sure what the hearings are going to be but we are continuing our our short our 2 week end of the Year fun drive in spite of the hearings interfering with us and it's a Democratic plot I think but it will make it through with your help so we'll be back at midnight tonight for another night of dynamite radio for night people good night. This. Is a caveat. And hi this is Oscar Hernandez leader of 3 time Grammy Award winning Spanish Harlem orchestra and of my quintet leave a day and I'm here to support king of k. The best in music and the best in community information and information that's vital to us as a community and as a people it's important that we all support what's happening here on k.p. Of k. I also want to take the time to his happy holidays to everyone and the greatest gift you can give is a pledge to keep you on the airwaves please make the call 818-905-5735 that's 818955735 or you can pledge online at k p f k dot org want to wish everyone peace and love this holiday season all the best. Bits The Stephanie Miller Show is my. Love of. Oh yeah reasons grease keep your arms and legs inside the impeachment at all times it has begun to. Studio I just I don't know what to say about yesterday with prose and Republican lawyer with his little I don't know grocery bag instead of. A little Yeah that's right he's a good girl and I don't know I just thought he brought snacks instead of you know sort of actual legal arguments because. Eric Swalwell and others kicked his ass How about our how about our team right they swallowed was amazing yesterday and there was no difference between the crazy Infowars protestors and the actual people on their committee right. Isn't that Peter Christine for war guys is there any difference 7 units. 8 That are out of all the long hot Well I. Kind of show you guys right any Yeah. But there was no difference right now when Collins and Gates screaming like what were they was. There just a core easy conspiracy theorist traitor party you know were the best thing about it Ellie Mr l. Who just said honestly I don't even know what the hell that was. The morning Ellie Good morning I mean anyone that would be the 1st guest I would invite to my impeachment party it's you my friend and I thought I thought I might be a Debbie downer at that party because I don't know what the hell we're doing Ok you were doing the movie quotes about the quote that I wanted was somebody stand up in the what somebody on the Democrat stand up in the middle what you're hearing.

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