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Cooling trade winds, and the crystalblue caribbean sea. Nonstop flights are available from most major airports. More information for your vacation planning is available at aruba. Com. And now, bbc world news america. This is bbc world news america. Reporting from washington, i in laura trevelyan. A showdown on capitol hill. President obama huddles with democrats in a bid to save his health care law. The Incoming Trump Administration Says repealing it is job number one. And a controversial case, an israeli soldier is convicted of manslaughter for killing a wounded palestinian attacker. Dippy the dinosaur is on the move. Now, it is time to go on tour. Laura welcome to our viewers on Public Television in america and around the globe. Today, the battle lines were clearly drawn capitol hill. To president obama, the stakes could not be higher. His Landmark Health care plan is in the sights of the Incoming Trump administration. Which party will carry the day . Shaping out to be the first big political fight of 2017. They swarmed across capitol hill today with rival entourages and a dueling mission. One to protect the Signature Health care law, the other to drive a stake through it. President obama and Vice President elect mike pence met with their respective lawmakers. According to those present, mr. Obama encouraged democrats to fight republicans hard, nicknamed their attempts trumpcare, and not rescue them by helping to craft a replacement law. Pence confirmed dismantling obamacare is Mission Number one for the incoming administration. Gov. Pence my message to members of congress is that we are going to be in the promised keeping business. The first corner of business is to keep our promise to repeal obama care and replace it with the kind of Health Care Reform that will lower the cost of Health Insurance without growing the size of government. Laura the democrats shot back, saying republicans dont have a plan to replace obamacare and america will be worse off than before. We are here to warn the American People that they plan medicaid,icare, repeal the aca will make america sick again. Laura donald trump weighed in in his trademark way, by tweeting that the existing law might collapse on his own, warning republicans that massive increases in obamacare will take place this year and dems are to blame for the mess. It will fall of its own weight, be careful. Hanging in the balance is the jewel in the crown of obamas pride and obamas presidency. Obamacare, or the Affordable Care act, expanded health care to more than 20 Million People. Republicans always solve the law as government overreach, and the Trump Campaign seized upon rising costs as a rallying cry. The question is how to replace it without causing chaos and depriving needy americans, many of them trump voters, of their Health Insurance. For more on this brewing battle aspoke a brief time ago to congressman from massachusetts. When you met president obama, how did he suggest you defend obamacare . He talked about the message people,o the american that obamacare is working for a lot of americans. It is not a perfect law, but 20 Million People who didnt have Health Insurance before, have Health Insurance now. We cannot put them out onto the street, which is what republicans want to do. Laura do want to capitalize on the fact that many trump got health care under obamacare and dont want to lose it . A lot of americans have had their lives saved by the health care provided by obamacare. If the republicans want to take that away with no plan to replace it it will cause a lot of financial ruin, put people on the streets, having to go to the emergency room, which is more expensive and the rest of us will have to foot the bill. It will lead to a lot of people not taking care of their illnesses. A lot of people will be sick and dying because they dont have health care. Laura do you accept that the American People voted for an american president who wanted to repeal obama care . But trump said we are going to put something out there that is better. What is it . The republicans and trump dont have a plan. We have to see the plan. Right now it sounds like the republicans will put people on the street. It will be erroneous for our economy. The president talked about how the Affordable Care act down Health Care Costs and helped medicare and our economy. What the republicans want to do will make the deficit worse, which is something they say they care about. Laura republicans say they will not pull the rug out from anyone that has health care. That,y say they will do but where is the plan . What they are talking about today is repealing obamacare with no plan to put in a replacement for months. We have to see what the plan is. Laura did the president urging to fight dirty to protect his Signature Health care law . No. He said to talk about the facts. Make sure people understand what the Affordable Care act has done. Does not discriminate against people with preexisting conditions. In massachusetts, 40,000 people would Lose Health Care from preexisting conditions without the Affordable Care act. We need to make sure people understand what obamacare is doing for them. Laura you are a former marine. Looking to foreign affairs, the president elect is skeptical of findings that russia interfere to help him. Do you think he will investigate . Be ais has got to bipartisan priority. There are good republicans and toocrats who will stand up trump on this issue and for our country. Stand up for american values, National Security against the threat of russia. This is something that bipartisan leaders are saying we need to do. We need to make sure that happens. Theres not a lot of support for the president elects views on russia . Not a lot of support. It is frightening that some republicans do support it, that are supportive of a guy that will dismiss the intelligence professionals, many of whom who risk their lives every day to keep our nation safe. As a marine veteran, i cannot imagine if trump disparaged marines that are risking their life every day. That is what he is doing to our intelligence professionals. Laura an israeli soldier who shot dead a wounded palestinian militant has been convicted of manslaughter. Sergeant elor azaria shot abdul theh alsharif after palestinian was involved in stabbing another soldier. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on him to be pardoned. After 2 it is minutes Young Palestinian men with knives attacked Israeli Soldiers in have run. Both have been shot. One is dead, one is alive. Sergeant elor azaria, a 19yearold medic, helped to treat a wounded soldier. Then he did this. A single bullet to the head killed abdul fatah alsharif. Today, the sergeant was in smiling to see friends and his mother. Soon after, he was found guilty of manslaughter. They rejected claims that the palestinian posed a threat and decided he shot him out of revenge. Azaria has loyal backers for most young people do military service. They accuse the army of abandoning one of their own. This soldier is a hero. Before taking his post, he made clear his support of sergeant azaria, and that caused tensions with the top brass in the military headquarters. They said they command according to law and of ethical code, not public opinion. Such a highprofile trial of a soldier for killing a palestinian is very unusual in israel. The outcome was welcomed by the family of abdul fatah alsharif. I feel like any father would feel seeing my son executed on tv, murdered. It is so hard to see that. No one can endure this. Still hurts me every time i remember what happened. If he had died instantly, it would be much easier than to see him executed like that. Reporter sergeant azarias crime took place during a wave of palestinian attacks, when there was a National Debate on how to respond, and his case has proved highly divisive. With his sentence, the maximum he conserve is 20 years in jail, but he is expected to get far less, and tonight the Prime Minister has joined other israeli politicians calling for a pardon. A very controversial case in israel. The commander of the u. S. Led Coalition Said iraqi forces confronting forces in mosul is gaining momentum. The attack initially lacked coordination. They have been concerned by what he called the daunting number of casualties inflicted on the army. They predicted they would win the battle by the new year, but the forces have not recaptured even half of the city. The German Prosecutors Office is concerned with a second tunisian suspect in connection with a attack on a Christmas Market that had dinner and talked with the killer, and hes already on the evening before the eveninganis amir on the before the attack. Deciding if the white supremacist dylann roof will receive the Death Penalty for the murder of nine black churchgoers in charleston in 2015. He was found guilty last month of all 33 hate charges against him. The president is under domestic pressure to step down after losing last months election. He initially accepted the result before changing his mind. African regional leaders have warned they will take necessary action if the results are not respected. Rebel groups in syria are halting preparations for peace talks, objecting to what they say are ceasefire violations by government forces. It has been three weeks since people left eastern aleppo. Many fled to inlets. A british surgeon has recently returned from syria where he helped to treat the wounded. He has been speaking to our correspondent. There are images you may find disturbing. The agony of east with its defeat by president assad. He killed her parents. Some of the most desperate, including fivemonthold mara, ended up in this hospital. Her right arm is her only unbroken limb. A bomb hit her family as they were evacuating from the city. He lead the surgery inside syria. She is in danger of losing her leg or her life. A piece of shrapnel has broken her hip. Fragment one the the xray. I think we have found the in. Gment in the gro it is a bit of fragmentation from a military armament piece of metal. Reporter part of her left leg is missing. The team treated that, too. This is a piece of fragment from the shell from an airstrike. Reporter in london, the doctor talked me through the surgery. My heart bled for this little girl, because she wanted me to help her. She couldnt move her arms because they were fractured. She couldnt move her legs because they were fractured. She had a piece of iro on her other legn. She had exposed bones. I went away and cried after that. It was really pitiful. Mara survived the surgery. The doctor operatedm today and night for a week. Around 750 seriously injured people were evacuated from eastern aleppo. He was reunited with doctors he trained. They stayed in the city while fell. Really good war surgeons. Very experienced. They can cope with a lot of things. We saved hundreds of thousands of lives. I think that was all we could ask for to be honest with you. Reporter most of eastern aleppos doctors are here where they will be much needed. The civilians that fled have horrible injuries. Those patients were suffering from cold as well. It is like getting frostbite on your amputated leg so we had to go higher and higher. Reporter the battle for aleppo might be over, but syrias medical needs are still in normans. The most gravely ill have been sent to turkey needs are still enormous. The most gravely ill have been sent to turkey. Maram is one of them. Laura riff fake injuries the horrific injuries of those who fled aleppo. The middleogy in east and north korea ended up on the same list. The top risks for 2017. Dore have bengal arrested people who have carried out sexual assaults on women during new year celebrations. Several women claimed they were assaulted by mobs. Angus crawford reports for us. Angus noisy, but goodnatured. it began as a celebration. Flocked to the center of bangalore to ring in the new year. As midnight approached, it became darker. A series of women were groped assaulted. And witnesses say police took little action. We should be ashamed that the community and society did not take any action. Angus the incident caused outrage. One politician blamed victims for wearing western close. Western clothing. It has also raised questions in a country where only 1 of women feel able to report such crimes. Under pressure, the police have now made arrests. We did not waste time, we did not wait to look for the complaint an. The investigation has started. The whole team is investigating. We will make all efforts to make sure we catch the culprits. Angus cctv has emerged of another assault on the same night. Look. At the top of the screen, a woman walking home. Two men on a moped stop. One attacks. She fights back and manages to escape. Police are investigating. One night in bangalore has highlighted an unpleasant truth faced by many women across india. Angus crawford, bbc news. Laura this year marks the most volatile Political Risk environment in the postwar period. That was the eurasia groups assessment as it published the of risks in 2017. Number one is an independent america. I discussed the rankings with cliff kupchan. To puttrump wants America First and make americas allies pay. Why does that put america number one, american independence, number one on your list of risks affecting us this year. Cliff it will likely lead america to not provide the guardrails for the international system. Is tapping into independence from multilateral institutions, alliances, things that constrain americans. The systemlead to decaying. That could lead to nato decaying. Putin and china running room. It creates a more dangerous world. Have china overreacting as the second most important risk. They are interlinked . Interlinked, but different. Congress, afrom the key political gathering, will happen. The chinese president will be sensitive to any challenges to his power and could overreact to donald trump and any sign of economic turmoil. When china sneezes, the markets get strep throat. That is the risk. Alreadyonald trump has tweaked the North Koreans, the North Koreans have tweaked him back. The chinese are supposed to have influence on north korea. What risks do you see from the north Korean Nuclear program . Cliff the risk is North Koreans are finally making Real Progress on the Nuclear Weapons program. Putting a warhead on a missile and developing a missile to reach the u. S. West coast. That is a redline. As the u. S. Pressures china to crack down on north korea, they could refuse. If the u. S. Considers military options, they will see tremors throughout the region. Laura very alarming. And you have a threat of technology in the middle east. What is the connection . Connection is for all the troubles in the middle east, people have missed the intersection of technology and middle eastern contracts. Oil makes money, money makes stability. Revolution iting is making oil prices low. It is good here, but in the middle east and lets bad guys talk to each other. Automation, robots, puts countries with young people unemployment is worse. Technology will make the middle east more unstable. Laura where specifically in the middle east to you see that the worst . Saudi arabia, there wont be jobs, creating fertile grounds for isis recruits and unhappiness. Laura thank you. Now to a happier topic. A dinosaur on the move. If you have ever been to Londons Natural History Museum you have seen dippy the diplodocus. She has been there since 2005. Now she is going on a yearlong tour. Taking her place. Blue whale is taking her place. Reporter for those queuing today, there is a good buy. The first sight of dippy has been a lasting memory for so many children. The Natural History museum estimates 19 Million People have stood here and looked up at dippy. It is not known if the diplodocus is a he or she, but today is the last chance to see dippy at the museum. Day,cause it is her last people would want to see it that havent seen it before. People want to come over. That is why there are lots of crowds. Reporter what do you think of dippy . Do you think it was a long time ago it was Walking Around . Maybe i can see other dinosaurs, maybe. Dippy first came to the vizio more than 100 years ago, made up of 292 bones arriving in 36 cases. In the Second World War the skeleton was taken to the basement for protection. Would have weighed 13 tons alive. It has been cleaned and cared for in the main Entrance Hall since 1979 when it took up its current position. Moving the dinosaur will be detailed, dell delicate work. Take dippy down. Taking away the glass barrier, working from the tail to the body to the neck. Over the next month we will take down, cleaning them, inspecting them, packing them up. Reporter when cleaned up and reassembled, dippy goes on tour on theears beginning Jurassic Coast before moving to birmingham, glasgow, cardiff, and other locations. This is what replaces dippy, the skeleton of the blue whale hung from the ceiling to give it the diving, a living species that needs protection. For those feeling sad at the departure, there are tentative plans to recast the diplodocus in bronze and place it on the grounds. For now, it is goodbye. Taking dippy apart will be months of work. Labeling each bone, cleaning it, and putting it back together. The as yet unnamed lieu whale should be in position unnamed blue whale should be in position by the summer. Dippy on the move brings todays broadcast to a close. You can find more on the news on our website. To reach me and the rest of the team go to twitter. I am lauratrevelyan. From all of us here, thank you for watching. Please, tune in tomorrow. Make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation. Newmans own foundation, giving all profits from newmans own to charity and pursuing the common good. Kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs. And aruba tourism authority. Planning a vacation escape that is relaxing, inviting, and exciting is a lot easier than you think. You can find it here in aruba. Families, couples, and friends can all find their escape on the island with warm sunny days, cooling trade winds, and the crystal blue caribbean sea. Nonstop flights are available from most major airports. More information for your vacation planning is available at aruba. Com. Bbc world news was presented by kcet los angeles. Whoohoo [beatboxing] are you ready for adventure . Thats a good thing dont you know its yours for the looking . Do you like to ask why and give new things a try . All right, repeat after me. All the way up to the stars all the way up to the stars we are explorers, yes, we are we are explorers, yes, we are great are you ready for the journey . Oh, yeah do you like learning . Oh, yeah is it right around the corner . Oh, yeah are you an explorer . Oh, yeah here we go all the way up to the stars all the way up to the stars we are explorers, yes, we are

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