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Parts service. Were talking mutt that green chipped in honey called the evergreen about 3830 friday. The drop anchor at it hit the trend to was the worry. The shutdown the 2 for 15 minutes during the noon hour to check the tracks turned out it was fine. That was dropped 1,200 ft. South of the trends bay to the. theyre able to restore power and the ship continued on. Coast guard investigation is still ongoing. Bart also reminds us that the suit is not a fragile object is meant to withstand water intrusion and seismic activity. Inside the trends bay to to this of the few concrete test steal. Want continuing our coverage will show you another angle on this one close call. The two was built this shows that to it runs from differences go on the western end to the third billing run along the bottom of San Francisco bay just south of the island reconnect on the eastern end here at the port of oakland nautical charts of the bay shows where the tube is it also shows conscionable area north and south of the transplant to a 300 yds across insurance ships been maneuvering are now allowed to drag their anchors a must have permission or if theres a safety issue. What we think happened friday morning is that the cargo ship evergreen was entering San Francisco by attempting to dock at the port of oakland over here in birth 35 and just on the Southern Side of the trend a two right here somewhere the ship lost power and to keep from shifting the crew had to drop anchor. The coast guard came out and they realize that the anchor was probably dropped very close to the to the contacted bart board then when did a Safety Inspection to make sure theres no damage to the tube they were able to gain the power and is now docked at the port of oakland. the state drought emergency raising more concern for the in 54 years the state of california will not give water to 29 agents in serving 25 million people. this is not an evolving crisis this is the current crisis. the conditions may change if we get more rain but theyre telling local agencies make up for lost right now. not so much about this drought wont put fredas announcement in laymans terms. The impact here will be on farmers specifically those farmers in the san one key invalid. But he was 7,000 a. Of land that uses the water. Theres also an impact on the bay area specifically set clara valley and also all meta county Water District. Its taken precautions just like all other Water Districts in this area appeared were talking buchans, precautions voluntarily asking people to reduce their water usage. hot gas for bonn tears they asked for volunteers to reduce their water. A representative from the Water Districts that i talked with the net line into the as the specifics on that question we are at least one to two months away from having the conversation about mandatory water restriction. other west other representatives from Water District agreed that they will take up once on the road. My dad did get much more needed snow in the last hours north star. Go procambium really enjoying the fresh snow. Got lost on the ski resorts. And we did see snow all the way down to the lake and let a couple days right now the snow is finally tapering off is continuing out there right now and then tumbled two hours you concede this note was a little more all widespread ecological now its dying down. Its clear here locally right now. The see a pick up 28 in. Of snow in the last 48 hours. A good chance of getting snow again in the forecast will tell you more about that coming up. theyre filling up in the business that sells ski equipment theres no business like snow business that is what they say. early this be good store manager was telling me that the business has been really low this year because a lack of winter storms. As winners from the we had coming to this business has picked back up we have some video you to see people coming in picking up not been an also hitting the rental cars. Let him get new skis and snowboards to hit the slopes this again. abroad and what people definitely basically its net at the sales continue until wallace nos. The sale continues while it snows the snowstorm coming for the season we went up the amount. Were expecting good. a public topcoat he and his buddy are heading up there this weekend. the flood break in the bay area clinics to more lives you heard about it today. Now from 8 to 10 flew related deaths the victim are 43 and 54 yearold man. The knicks 34 across the bay area have died of the flu since october. 52 last week now up to 147 for victims. here are kron4dotcom with lou related info. Flew related info. the first lady that visited the suffered skull San Francisco. In mind nancy pelosi was also there. Mitchell first lady this was relaxed stop and she returned to the white house. what all means for the troubled american a skydiver its not unconscious on his way down. And how to eat police on the peninsula are using his chest to help solve crimes freed safeway presents real big deals of the week. Or how to find big savings on the things you need. Just make a Straight Line to safeway. Youll find huge club card deals perfect for the big game. Pizzas a football favorite. Digiorno pizza is 3. 99. Get your snack on. Wheat thins and other nabisco crackers are just 1. 50 a box. And dreyers ice cream is only 2. 88. Real big deals this week and every week. Only at safeway. Ingredients for life. Check it out. Learnings fun now. Yeah, back in our day, we didnt have uverse high Speed Internet to play and learn online. All we had was that franklin fuzzypants. Ah, the educational toy bear. Remember when the battery went out . [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abcs. All i learned was a new definition of fear. I need some pudding. Yeah, theres one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wifienabled devices with uverse high Speed Internet. Rethink possible. Eight stolen items are being returned to the rifle rightful owners. Shows the Police Department on the peninsula is making this happen. Many think, the core not sold bikes with the social me at. Its using the pen board sharing picture kron4dotcom kron4 dotcom we can review you in stolen items is the first time centel has used the social me aside most of these zero items were covered in a raid a shows purses Computers Cameras white friends watches will bring an even off fire arm. to see more pictures of the stolen property that the san mateo Police Department posted on the social me kron4dotcom the news hit her like a train. Amendment knox but not her latest setback on Good Morning America what she now faces a prison sentence more than 28 years after an italian court. now this thing is shoes back american no after being acquitted now shes facing the possibility of extradition. a really hope that people and assembly of overzealous prosecutors any of a bias investigation and corridors of a termination these things happen. i sent her boyfriend were accused of stabbing her roommate. If the conviction is upheld will the u. S. Extradite amended max back to italy. Justin Bieber is a private plane was searched after the state the place of marijuana. They it had drug sniffing dogs searched the plane did not find anything illegal Justin Bieber was interviewed for several hours. This is just the latest incident with the 19 yearold pop star hes facing charges in florida and the it is under investigation for charges in southern california. its chilly out there to get even colder out there tonight with cold air coming coming from the selling storm. And then choose to leave like this tomorrow. 29 and at but 32 out livermore 34 and sunnyvale 36 and half moon bay. will see at temperatures lower tomorrow in the afternoon and the low 60s. satellite and radar picture shows should snow showers and the sierra coming to an end. Theres a storm right here this could be moving toward the coast line tomorrow and taking a dive toward san diego. If it looks like a brush up with a little bit of rain sunday here on will look at the future casket still over the coastal waters that pushes up to the coastline by six pit down over the san mateo coastline by 11. Then in the afternoon the hon over to the peninsula. Its possible that the storm could track for the to east be no be more over the bay area and will see light rain and more sections of the bay area. as far this year as in a state judge marrons and we have a chance of additional snow into monday thanks to that storm. sonny miles and the afternoon for the sunday chens of showers damages and a be cooler in the afternoon will start pouring cooling in the next week to the shows the Chinese New Year brennan the year of a horse. keeping your spirits like a done spear it energy in covenant. All positive. Mayor ed the content by laying a wreath of white horse. traditional dances were dragons and while others got red envelopes getting out small amounts of money. this year give all the best wishes good money to good health and peace. todays festivities are just one of many this year before the citys big Chinese New Year sprayed. It is absolutely spectacular event that happens february 15th. still ahead homeowners are on edge after byrd believes in one posh neighborhood one of the victims but not what happened. Also a new kind of smart phone will keep you ahead of the curve. Gabe slate tech report coming up next. coming up with gary r. Also blessed superable chattered letter. Worlds first faisal curve displaced are followup to go onto the market. Tech report with gabe slate shows us the unique device. curb flexible displayed precooled i really like that curve. All g g flex enjoyed smart phone. Unfortunately cant walk into the store and find will be in stores after february 7th. Right now to get your hands on the smart phone is go to spring up, or even small it can call sprint to get one. All major handset makers are working on flex will screens are g the elegy flex will be the first one on the market. This super light this but it felt lighter than a lot by phone. If its better to face the a three danceable increased to mike. Its a little bit more durable. You avoid a crack screen. For those who watch more videos it taken care of even gamers. Get that a persons experience rather closer to each and all of the screen for a much better easier life like experience. more this evolves in the more we can change our understanding of the devices. another first this phone has self healing skin. Its calyx of peeling paint ec. It can be used on the back of the smart phone to avoid unwanted scratches and scuffed and keep your phone looking new for a lot longer. coming up what one south bay teenagers getting a big sendoff which is going and why one keep your eye out for her. Oilers going intoned in one quiet bay area you hear from one of the victims of the burglar will employ more the video of this dramatic fall. And next story illness see here San Francisco firefighter breaking her silence and a role of the ag on a plane crash. this note to a much tapered off chance of rain and snow in the forecast will tell you more whether coming up. Save up to 500 on beautyrest and posturepedic. Get a sealy queen set for just 399. Even get 3 years interestfree financing on tempurpedic. Keep more president s in your wallet. Sleep trains president s day sale is on now. The fallout from the plane crashed at sfo last year is intensified. Heres what we know right now several government reports not confirm that in the chaos following the crash and passenger was excellently run over by two San Francisco fire trucks. But the fact it actually kill the young woman is up for debate. San mateo corner in San Francisco Fire Department now differ what actually caused the death. Now claim has been filed by one firefighter that says that in the weeks following the crash fire officials implicated her and the death of the passenger causing her to indoor Emotional Distress not the has led her to file complaints against the city. Tonight she speaks to pam an exclusive interview. i let has just been crazy not just life but it impacted my coworkers lives as well. You know for all of us we just want the truth to be out. I want the truth. A obese is a 25 yearold a 25 year veteran of the Fire Department. Sources and the Fire Department wrongly gave her name and engine number to various news media identifying her as the driver of the truck that killed the plants driver. The cause for the supper end zaidi insomnia and other stress related symptoms. we do our jobs every day or not trying to be heroes were just trying to get the respect we deserve. I feel that is what i want for all us a feel the chill from upper management a really do. she cannot talk about what happened that day is what happened in the aftermath that led to her complaint. She was subjected to meetings and threaten her with action if she did not take responsibility for the death. The complaint says that the first meeting was july the 22nd with chief and others in the clearance staff as it alone First Responder without any legal representation. she firefighters have their own rights of those protections have this firefighter has and others have were not protected when she conducted their investigation on her. this letter is specifically asking without interest in my client without a presence. Midsole nonetheless. clint says a locally and nationally that she was accused of the death. Caused Emotional Distress her reputation was damaged in all led to the need for counseling. People edify hurt as the driver who killed this innocent victim. its in very difficult a good School Children that talk to the one know what happened what did i kill her. theres a body at the right from a recently released government reports from the have set since confirmed that the truck had run over the first grade everything that the other responders bid did not follow protocol. The chair to intimidate her to take the fall for an entire department. The complaint in the case of the department tried to cover up mistakes made in the chaos of the crash. And that she was arliss did go. She hopes that will instigate needed changes. otherwise miss the six will happen again if changes are not made. this will not know me and work with me they know they understand why im doing this. This is a Bigger Picture is not a love my job i love my coworkers it works so hard. We deserve the truth. The city has 45 days to respond to a complaint before civil suit can be filed. An attorney will force everything to beat in the open. In response to word of this report the Fire Department released the following statement. The Fire Department was made aware of the claim on monday and is under review chief hayes is extremely proud of all members of the department responded to the crash. She hopes to stay on the job as a number of investigations continue. If youd like to read a claim for yourself with posted it on our website burglars have been making people look around for suspicious activity to people. a rash of lumber lives according to the Police Department. when to bedrooms and the took every drawer and just out the dump the contents on the floor. When her son came back to his home on fleetwood drive after noon thursday he noticed the pain of glass on his door was broken. Any heard someone argent ranging around inside. He broke with lindas back and climbed out that way it he broke one of the windows in the back and climbed out that way pleased to have a description of the people involved. Rash of burglaries this month we difficile see an increase may be one or two months or none in the last month weve had between nine and possibly 12. Police are patrolling the neighborhoods and unmarked cars. Most cases of a still unsolved. We may get a Security System but its not going to be basic a still had what one bay area teenager getting a special sendoff from classmates which is going and what she is doing. Also a dramatic mid air rescue when severs said a friend in trouble. Coming up in they can run the lead right next edition of people behaving badly. to the desert to dive overnight call to get coming up. Your be chilling out there tonight cold air in place clear skies cumberlands and temperatures could be in the 30s. And a steep freezing conditions in their more subfreezing and neck in fairfield. tomorrow afternoon 06 is the most part 60 in pleasanton 60 it in pleasanton. clear skies over the bay area still winding down or the sierra as a look offshore in notice another storm system coming toward the coast under now. Scott said the attack and died of as it approaches the coast. Nor the new rate moving toward the north by coast at 6. In mind as one computer model wondering what will happen this storm could movetowd mean more rain. It shows a lot of rain over the peninsula. A more widespread than in show one will keep you posted with that during weekend. To are definitely dry sunday increasing cloud coverage and chance of showers by the late morning into early afternoon. By next week chilly mornings will stay with us but into the afternoon will see the temperature is around 60 degrees. conciliar roberts profound people behaving badly to see bicycles going what they wont do were they wont let. First off us look at the bicycle is a polite as in the background there is a cruise to stop. The cyclist sit about for the entire length of stoplight. Now move any sound a cop from the scenario watch what the others listed at the same. there in the stoplight in the sidewalk and crosswalk. Sightless right here waiting for the light to change screen lets look at this from another angle. Notice theres no lights here none at all. Aias some people or they think the latest today is ask a bike rider date. i just wait until the new cars coming. Is blessed with back there though. Party know when to go out if youll have a traffic signal. Good question. I dont know. Hearty know when to go. I you know when you get a green light. That light right there is that i dont know i dont Pay Attention to whats. Yield you get a ticket for running all red light out here. Say this has got here wait. See you just hang out here and wait several miles of bike riders. The reason theyre sitting here in the first is because of this will traffic. but war had from crown for tonight dramatic rescue vessels caught on camera a skydiver gets knocked unconscious several feet above ground. snow fe area has wasnt its a great sendoff as she embarks on the journey of a lifetime. Gary r. Response to comments questions criticisms and see how some broncos winding down to super bowl sunday. Now the sports report with gary r. good evening every seahawks broncos the top and of its time to play football. The tradition for super bowl week. 22nd clip theres pain manning stretching. Everybodys nice and relaxed. And the denver is a favorite. Final press conference as you look on the lombardi trophy. The give their final final thoughts. to dream about the position is scary you know with all the years of coaching in battling watching other guys do it here we are for the first time. Its a tremendous honor. you take individuals and they try to paint a picture to where they want to go. Its the pinnacle of it Different Levels of football theres only one happy camper at the end. This one twisting the trophy. the giants already it in baseball if you will spring training in the middle of february the had their regular meeting day. But coming at giants ad campaign hundreds of fans use of extras. We sat down on thursday as the wrapup our current run of football season specials. people are happy people are sad lets start with dick up how much water of cost have joe montana to attend the last game. Joe did an interview earlier in the week where he kept saying the reason he did go to less game basically i had family and family things to do. We repeat this telophase. I dont know the exact reason keating go with is like relationships he and joe it won the championship together they both went to notre dame. The barlow ask joe he went in there my guess the barlows nephew. The figure is a personal relationship thing and joe preferred not to go. did we get suckered into thinking warriors were better than they were. Of the we get suckered into a people of the warriors beloved south terry sets carry. We allow maybe they really are as good as they look in the pro season a year ago. Seth currie is not a guy he might get or down not to get too technical. Mind live by the outside shots you will get the outside shots. Miller must 42 in the inside pitch the long winded day. its a lesson steal at this were ever heard your story about which about five times. your lucky comes not here tonight and told it six times. Its a funny story illiterates was not a war between those two. this guy ive never seen him say the wrong thing hes a great great player now is back a can argue with gillian people of the ball this as the best. how long did take you to get over the fortyniners losing to seattle. Heavily by the time at the drop the kids off to school. Max story with how skydiver was saved by its friends. All the country. Big heart felt sendoff for the high schooler. san joses Mitty High School entire student body about 1700 together this olympics size and up for a plea not edmonds the software is. Edmonds has been practicing in san jose since she was 20 months old. Chivas stunning performance that the u. S. Competition she cant wait to step on the ice in sochi. it feels great i love having everybody on my side is such a huge boost having people cheering for me at home. And then do exactly have been training and just put out a good program and show everyone what i can do. Its going to work out perfectly i hope. terry walsh and brandy share owned back memories and advice. ticklish it this of our key skydiving dont turn to neardeath. This is amazing video. Its no fun to watch really but it is compelling. James lee wearing a cap on his helmet ec visual here in england tumbling from a plane gets hit by one of the other side letters loses consciousness more than 12,000 ft. Above the now falling about zero hundred 20 mi. An hour, all the bodies is lint. They deployed a parachute and keep in mind he still unconscious. Right as he has a parachute he about the land he regains consciousness and to see hes ok. All my gosh he says he doesnt remember anything from right after he jumped out a plane until it he landed. Hes no novice see there has me jump to a thousand times his a thousand and 50 jobs. He looks forward to resuming his hobby and jumping once again. Hows james linn though her friend watch out for me dont go running into my head helmet or not. Forget for a while. Moon saying thats it. Thats it for us at 8 will see coming up at 11. Help aah [breathing heavily] [car alarm beeps]

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