Thanks for coming back for another hour of folk alley I'm Alaina see this week it's an encore broadcast of a show we 1st aired around this time last year you'll still be able to listen to it on demands though any time you like at. And on our mobile lab and of course you can in should share your thoughts about what you hear anytime you like on our various social media Facebook Twitter all the rest well coming up you'll hear something kind of heartbreaking from Christine Albert something from John Paul White on the way as well next a member of the Be Good Tonya stands alone here's Frazey Ford with September fields . To. Come. On. Age memories the passing of time it's heartbreaking sort of and it seems kind of predictive too especially when you consider that it turned out to be one of the last songs Johnny Cash recorded he was joined by his daughter Rosie and cash that's called September when it comes in the middle of the set a tune that came from the late summer evenings spent playing in the garden that's how Ferris and Jason Romero describe that banjo tune anyway it's called Old September and to start the set Frazey Ford was September fields September was a good month for John McHugh and last year on September 30th 2016 the founding member of the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band released a new album on made in Brooklyn he gets to collaborate with some of his good friends including as you hear next David Bromberg. Your listening to focus thanks for your company this week for a few short very glorious years John Paul White was one half of a remarkable duo the civil war in 2013 he and his musical partner Joy Williams went their separate ways and John Paul White took some time off. When he realized he wanted to write songs again he says he was pretty surprised he ended up writing enough songs for a solo album which he released last year it's called Beulah. But Sacrifice self deprivation it's a song called The martyr and it's a song you'll find on John Paul White's 2016 solo recording Beulah the title of that album comes from a white family nickname he says a term of endearment really white one half of the now defunct duel The Civil Wars was surprised when he realized he wanted to start writing songs again after the break up in 2013 he went home to Florence Alabama to spend some time with his family spent the next couple years kind of working through what he'd been through the result of that introspection the album Beulah you also heard a song called Black Leaf Well this week on folk alley an encore broadcast of a show we 1st aired around this time last summer you can listen to the show again anytime on demand at folkie dot com Next some greats the Earls of Leicester. This is folk alley it's hard to believe I know hard to accept perhaps but summer is coming to an end and if that breaks your heart too well I've got a few tunes coming up with your name on them you'll hear from Blackie and the rodeo kings and also from the late Bill Morrissey too so stick around neck some real virtuous city from a band sometimes referred to as the Irish Punch Brothers it's we banjo 3 on folk alley with trying to love. Coming along in the. Wrong. War zone more. Like. The range of their food we've known from my own. Family dad my. Dad I'm sure. Trying to. Try and. You. Know. Say. One. Haunting armonica from the late Bill Morrissey going back to 1909 there with Bill Morrissey and summer nights from Allison Brown an instrumental titled The sound of summer running and to start the said Hamilton Ontario based band Blackie and the rodeo kings with Summertime is over there's music for every season and folk alley dot com Just visit the website for a 247 web stream of great music it's also all sorts of exclusive in studio performances on that site not to mention more information about all the music you've heard this week check it out and thanks for listening this week to I'm Elaine a see and this is folk alley. Castrating is supported by the destination Grill at the Holiday Inn inviting you to taste their happy hour menu including pork sliders and sub Rosso chili fries and their selection of cocktails beers and wine every day from 4 to 6 pm the destination grill on Facebook and 2121 East Main Street in Cortez. 6 this is k.s. J.t. Cortez k.z. Iti toy in k. I c o Rico member supported solar powered dry land community radio.