However much of the city is quieter allowing schools to reopen for the 1st time in days here's the B.B.C.'s Jonathan Head the movement is continuing its campaign of disruption with several roads blocked by barricades this morning and underground train stations closed schools were reopened for the 1st time in a week but some students took the opportunity to mount their own roadblocks news that the u.s. Senate had passed legislation which could strip Hong Kong of its special trade status if democratic freedoms are not up held was welcomed by supporters of the protest movement although it isn't clear yet when or whether President Trump will sign the bill That's the B.B.C.'s Jonathan Head reporting this is n.p.r. News. More antigovernment protests are reported today in Iraq nobody was killed but more than 2 dozen protesters were injured in central Baghdad in the latest clashes with security forces who fired tear gas at demonstrators near a bridge Iraqi official say Tear gas was used to prevent protesters from moving into the Green Zone in the capital more than 300 demonstrators have been killed and thousands injured since those protests began in early October more than 3000 rail workers are on strike in Canada has Dan Carp and shark reports the energy minister of Alberta is asking Ottawa to halt the walkout the Canadian parliament is not due to resume until early December but Alberta is energy ministers on a savage wants that to happen earlier so that the federal government can act back to work legislation she warns that even a couple of weeks delay would mean serious damage to the Alberta and Canadian economies Alberta ships about 170000 barrels of oil a day through c.n. Rail she says her province is already dealing with backlogs because of cancelled or delayed pipelines farmers in Western Canada say they fear the strike will delay grain shipments so far the federal Labor minister is not suggested any legislation to end the strike the workers members of the Teamsters Union have been without a contract since July for n.p.r. News I'm Dan carpenter shock in Toronto Shinzo has now Japan's longest serving prime minister today marks 2887 days in office for your nearly 8 years he served from 2006 to 2007 and again from 2012 to today I'm Dave Mattingly n.p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include Sierra Nevada Brewing Company family owned operated and argued over since 1980 proud supporter of and dependent thought whether that's online or over the air or and a bottle more at Sierra Nevada dot com. Hello and welcome your listening to jazz with Dave Schwab and a pleasure to bring all of this great American music to you and a pleasure to have you with us also a pleasure to bring you Ileana ily Yes a terrific cd dedicated to music for a Man of La Mancha As a matter of fact that's the name of the cd music from the great show by Mitch Lee and produced and arranged by Ileana elite Yes he realize I'm only thinking of him. The book *. People make the world go round true when this song was written back in the early 1970 s. And true today the composers are very talented composing duo Tom Bell and Linda creed and that song originally was a hit for a group called The Stylistics But here we have a very fine version by Johnny O'Neill on piano Ben Rubens the bassist and it Timor Gian drums and that's from Johnny cd called in the moment people make the world go round and before that very fine stuff from Ileana ily s. From her cd music for Man of La Mancha and the tune I'm only thinking of him. And Ileana was joined by a couple people lead she has played with for a long time over the years any Gomez on bass Jack de Janeiro the drummer and Manalo But Dana with additional percussion you are listening to jazz with Dave Schwann moving to music for a big band of the Scott Quinnell Jazz Orchestra they have a cd out dedicated to music by Mulgrew Miller and music associated with Mulgrew Miller we're going to hear the opening cut that was actually composed though by Scott quenelle it's a salute to the late great Mulgrew Miller It's called Mulgrew ology. The Scott Quinnell Jazz Orchestra and Mulgrew ology the tune written by the leader of the band Scott Nell James who is the soprano sax soloist Paul Finkbeiner on trumpet for Mulgrew ology the name of the cd also. Much more jazz ahead you're listening to it all with Dave Swan. Some classic Felonious Monk just ahead but 1st the 1st lady of song. Think. Dave Brubeck at the Concord Jazz Festival in August of 1979 Concord California and this masquerade is over Dave writing in the notes to this recording that he was close to home close to where he grew up where this concert this outdoor concert took place Concord California. Your listening to jazz with Dave. Jones up next usually associated with a. Great big Steinway a concert grand but here Fender Rhodes piano and electric piano along with. Groove. Jackson's legendary 2 bags. This is 89 point one k. Where a little rock listen daily give monthly become a sustaining member online at k. U.a.r. Dot org The Corporation for Public Broadcasting provides major financial support for the local broadcast of this program. Good morning Gordon someone has become the most important witness in the impeachment inquiry today the u.s. Ambassador to the European Union changed his story once do it again on Morning Edition from n.p.r. News. Because investigators will ask about the phone conversation Sunland allegedly had with President Trump about investigations into the Bidens I know well King and I'm Rachel Martin will song lend undercut the Republicans defense. Hong Kong protester says he was tortured by Chinese officials he worked for the u.k. Government which has summoned China's ambassador to South Dakota's botched p.r. Campaign against meth and cashing in on Ok boomer It's Wednesday November 20th former Vice President Joe Biden turned 77 years old. The news is next. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington one core of a Coleman lawmakers will continue the impeachment inquiry today with perhaps their most important public witness this week N.P.R.'s miles Parks' reports others have told lawmakers ambassador Gordon someone was intimately involved with President Trump's efforts to urge Ukraine to open investigations that would help Trump politically some of the ambassador to the European Union even though Ukraine isn't part of the e.u. Son was tasked by the trumpet ministration with helping oversee policy there and there's been a number of questions from lawmakers about his credibility after giving close testimony to the House Intelligence Committee in October he sent a 3 page addendum no correcting things he said and last week a State Department aide testified behind closed doors they overheard a phone conversation between Saddam and Trump on the call according to the aide Trump asked someone about the status investigations into the Bidens and some assured him that Ukraine would do them someone has not responded to that allegation yet Miles Parkes n.p.r. News the Capitol the House has passed a stopgap spending bill that will fund the federal government through December 20th 12 Republicans and 10 Democrats oppose the measure it now goes to the Senate for a vote government agencies run out of money at midnight on Thursday the National Weather Service is warning of critical fire conditions in Northern California today the lead meteorologist for California utility Pacific Gas and Electric is Scott strength he says powerful winds could fan wildfires some of the gusting north winds that were that the National Weather Service is expecting us to 55 miles per hour with daytime relative humidity down to 15 to 25 percent the California utility says because of the wildfire danger mates cutting power to about 150000 customers p.g. Any equipment is blamed for starting or worsening some deadly California wildfires the u.n. Security Council holds its monthly briefing today on the Israeli Palestinian conflict Secretary of State Mike pump aoe has announced a change in u.s. Policy Israeli settlements in the West Bank will no longer be considered illegal Linda facility reports from New York many of.

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